Love doesn't stop. Love is not for untruth, but for silence with truth

Love is tolerant, love is merciful, do not tease, love does not magnify, do not urge, do not behave with nothing, do not joke about your own, do not rush to anger, do not think dashing, do not radiate untruth, but keep the truth.

- 1 Corinthians 13:4-6

Have you ever been radiant, if a person who is unacceptable to you, or whom you have been sued for, have serious unacceptability appeared? Feeling about those that the new one had great difficulties, you thought: “It’s good! Vіn otrimav on merit. So youmu i need it! Vіn deserved punishment for all that, having killed me and rich others. As for you, let me tell you: in such situations, God's love agape don't react like that.

If you love to succumb to another prosperous, rich, tall, gifted, wine radium and radium yogo transcend. Love does not apply praise, like a viklikan in another, and does not try to feel better about it less, and selfishness is given more equal. The practice of the world is different. Vіn negatives, like vikoristovuyutsya in the description of Pavel, allow for positive positive results. Instead of having a sincere love, she is satisfied with her part and is glad for a better life.

Zastosovu understanding spalyuvannya or boiling metaphorically to stinging or simmering emotions, the position or will to serious pragnennya, to biased pragnennya or to scorching zazdrosti. In this manner, Williams translates the whole verse "Love should never boil in jealousy."

As if one person was in charge of our organization of the majestic Shkodi. Those who had robbed themselves of guilt, were covered with screaming evil, that they could be judged in court, and guilty of judgments up to prison sentences. Alemy and my retinue virishit to deprive them of their backs and pray that God Himself would rise up for this people. We knew: if you don’t repent, you will check your punishment. After a sprat of fate, after a few years, they began to criticize one misfortune after another on the head of you. Yogo children fell into a shrill sin, they were completely ruined, and all of them turned up. But if I only saw the people, I went to church, the new one had his own service, God's presence was felt in his life. Ale potim yogo life turned into a life of misfortune.

People, as if filled with the Spirit, have learned to love, not to be afraid of their other earthly blessings, their positions or their spiritual gifts. The reason for not catching up is because it doesn't puff up. Bo, de pochinaєetsya sopіnnya, blaming zazdrіst, that pride is the mother of zazdrostі.

Like Skoda zazdrіst, like dissatisfied with the luck of others. Blagodіnostі prignіchuє zazdrіst: won't zazdrіt; do not get confused for the benefit of others; neither with their gifts, nor in their good capacities, they are partly not their mother. As much as we love our susіda, we will not be so happy with our well-being, or dissatisfied with him, that we will share it and for the sake of it. The correct effect of kindness and good-naturedness: arrogance is the effect of unkindness.

If this person started low inaccuracies, I wanted to hurt me, that the hour of judgment would come, but the Holy Spirit sued me, and I realized that love agape no one will be happy to be a person, to instill like that by doing it so disgustingly. Then I became worried about the new one.

Pavlo wrote in 1st Epistle to Corinthians 13:6 that “do not follow unrighteousness, but rather be content with the truth.” "Not Radie" in Greek ou chairei: ou shift no, no, a chairei- word form chairo - joy. This is a description of a person, who is changing in a given mood through a subdivision. word chairo pass the following meaning: better, buti nahneniy, zahopleny, amuse, radіti, zahoplyuvatisya. not true- tse translation of the form of the Greek word adikos what does it mean unfair, vile.

Well-being is quiet, whom we pray, no way you can embarrass us; and the mind, what a smart work, goodness to all, no matter how sick we are. Another type of jealousy is more low-minded; vіn bazhaє evil for someone else. Jealousy on the most corrupt, most corrupt and ruinous equal. Jealousy, as Solomon revealed in women, as if she pretended to be the mother of a child. If її Vlasny childish son died, she secretly exchanged Yogo for a child of one, who had left her. The right mother revealed what had happened, and if their super-girl was blamed before the king, punishing them to cut them half-half, to give a skin woman.

The phrase "Don't be quiet" can be translated as follows:

"... Love is not a joy, if you run, what a kimos was unfairly blamed ..."

My mission is to please the difficult people of the world according to the character of God. Even though this person and having acted so lowly with me and other believers in our church, the right way would be to pray for the yogo priest in the light of these days. Love-agape is by no means a joy for bad luck.

The right mother blessed the child to wake up, to learn like this meant to spend yoga. People are hungry for the will of other people; And such a zadrosti is very important to vanish, to that which is already a human speech. Іnshiy hirshe - vin reflects the fact that others are guilty mothers, those whom the new one does not have; you don’t want to feel like it for yourself, you help me so that others don’t take it away. The evil of the soul cannot descend further.

How many significant sins of jealousy? Anger is fierce, and anger is like a flood, but who can stand before jealousy? It is not surprising to beware that the Bible is filled with illustrations, that they depict a catastrophic injection of jealousy on the specialty of the blue, commencing from the zazdrosti of Cain and Abel, as a result of such guilt, having killed his brother!

Another part of this verse can be translated as follows:

"... Love is a joy, triumph, even a joy of truth ..."

Bachachi, how else can they take away the blessings (maybe the stench will take away those whom you so strongly baptized), what kind of a wide heart can you please them? Silence you, if others flourish in life? Why do you caress and confuse you? Your reaction to the failures and successes of others speaks a lot about you and your spiritual state. Set your own food:

The High Priest stood up at once with his companions, and the stench was joined by zealous ones, and the stench laid their hands on the apostles and imprisoned them to the tomb. But if the Jews succumbed to the NATO, the stinks were jealousy and began to super-read what Pavlo said, and were detractors.

Those who have clearly reminded you, control you. If a person is filled with jealousy, they are controlled by this green monster. And do not get drunk with wine, for dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking one to one in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, sleep and work the melody with your heart of the Lord, foretelling the Lord for everything that is in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ God, navіt Father; and be ordered one by one in fear of Christ.

* Why am I happy, if I smell bad news about a person, like in the past I was treated unfairly? But if I smell problems about yoga, will I get embarrassed?
* If you want to take away those that I have checked for so long, why am I for qiu people, or I’ll zazdru \u200b\u200byou?

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you honestly about food. Find out today's hour and ask Yogo to serve your heart and show you that it is not necessary for you to learn to show more love to people.

Spiritual Christian love does not show such a setting, but the new hour, which means this negative rice, is not guilty of being a part of the Christian “wardrobe”. Love does not want freedom for itself, but control over people. in no way jealous, but for the sake of the success of others, to inspire even their success against others.

All sin is quiet, who thinks that others have too much, and they have little. Now, love is generous. Vіn do not shred their other gifts. How do you react to the luck of others? If the stink will be better than you, if the stink will achieve success, if you don’t kill anyone, if your family will appear happy, and yours will be torn to pieces, how will you react? If you stink to reach what you can’t, if you take away the stink of those that you don’t get, if you play the stink, you will program, then you really will. Can you see the competition without vodka?

myprayer for today

Lordhelp me, be kind, look out for the sake of other people's hardships. I know Mushu: I feel that these people, who have been rotten about me, blamed inacceptability, I am glad. I know what's wrong and what you don't walk like that. Be kind, forgive me for such a shutter. Help me to help people who are unacceptable, and help them to help them, inspire them who have inspired me with evil.

As you live to finish long, you, ymovіrno, you know someone who will kill those that you work better, you can do it better. Inspire people with your talents and your gifts - only a little more rich. You know people who will turn you around in good faith. And as you live to finish your long time, you are obov'yazkovo zatknetesya with people, if you are less talented and less gifted, you are in good fortune, ale stinks, it seems, they will catch everything interrupted and in the end bag you have a great life. How can you tell if a person is acting on you?

How do you react, if other Christians take away the blessings or see, how do you not get us? Do you allow the sparks of hell to burn, and then we reach full half-light? Nothing is more unfortunate, less someone, who is more like a greed or a greed. The stench makes us happy and shatters our good reach with the filthy ones. More than that, they know their punishment.

In the name of Jesus. Amen.

My message for the whole day

I work for the people, if I work, which will accompany them to success. I am glad of their successes. Navіt yakscho htos otrimu those, about scho I dreamed, all the same I'm happy for them.

In faith I speak in the name of Jesus.

Dim over these meals

  1. If you think, what else should you take away, what did you want to take away so much, why should you please for the new one? Are you glad if people reach success in life?
  2. Can you honestly know that you are turbulent and confused, bachachis, how else do you think about what you dreamed about?
  3. You are happy, if you are with this person, as if having caused evil to you, you will feel bad, otherwise you will get embarrassed?

Bachachi, how else can they take away the blessings (maybe the stench will take away those whom you so strongly baptized), what kind of a wide heart can you please them? Silence you, if others flourish in life? Why bother you? Your reaction to the failures and successes of others speaks a lot about you and your spiritual state.

On the wall of the chapel in Padua, the old town at the beer gathering in Italy, there is a painting by the Renaissance artist Giotto. The artist, having depicted a zazdrіst with old wows, yakі could feel a skin novelty about another success. Vin also gave Zardrost the language of the snake, in order to destroy the reputation of the bully. Ale yakbi, you could respectfully marvel at the picture, you remember that the language twists back and wraps the eyes of the figure itself. Not only did Giotto's image lie like a blind man, but just like that, the evil of the evil was ruined.

Jealousy was one of the sins that would subdue the church in Corinth. People were divided into factions, because the stench was jealous one to one. Kozhen viruyuchiy jumped to the edge. Tom Pavlo gave them an instruction to follow the “more beautiful way” of love, seeming to them that “you can’t piss off”.

St. Ambrose of Mediolan

Dreaming of such love, a person is not afraid of anything, that love drives away fear(1 John 4:18). And if the fear is overpowered and podolano, love to endure everything. Whoever endures everything with love cannot be afraid of martyrdom.


St. Gregory the Theologian

endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything

As we are overwhelmed by the successes and achievements of other people, and relying on them to be applied with ruinous words or insinuations, we have a problem with jealousy. Ale, God wants to cherubate love that has been thwarted. Yakshcho we shoot arrows of jealousy in others. we hurt ourselves.

Samoviddana, sacrificial love does not boast of not pihat Vaughn does not sing his praise, so as not to rob the parade of praise. Lyubov is not a tramp, but a drunken balakuchi person, so it’s easy to talk about yourself. Significance, obviously, will be most pronounced in colloquialisms, which should not be boasted. For example, "don't give mercy to people who are beaten up."

Let us endure everything, endure everything for the sake of love to God and encouragement, for everything, as for the right, so for the left, so as for the reception, so for the mournfulness, to the one who often knows the word and tse sbroya ryatunka.

Funeral mova in honor of brother Caesarius.

St. Theophan the Recluse

love all (curve), accept all faith, all support, endure all

Love does not parade in front of others, as we admit, that our power is in the air. If a person boasts of excellence, the result is sub, then it is the result of a careless \u200b\u200blove - the value of unity! I am renewing the problem in a spirited way in search of the status and triumphalism in Corinth.

Such a person demonstrates his embellished rhetoric in order to take away the knowledge. Yoga behavior is characterized by itsism, and subordination to the authorities and indulgence to the point of being accommodating. Breggart shows pride in himself and in his achievement. Ale, such a boastful love was spared to God and to the neighbor, and this screaming sin.

All love, - στεγει, - curve. Holy Chrysostom say: "Love the whole curve, For your long-term patience and lagidnost, so that the bag and heavy would not be trapilos, if you want to imagine it, if you want to be beaten, if you want death, or something else like it. Tse mozhe bachiti with the butt of blessed David. What can be more important, like a bachiti sina, like a fool, what is the power and blood of your father? Ale, blessed David was transferred; Vіn did not want to instill an unimportant word against the slaughter, but, having put everything else on the military commanders, he commanded to save his life; it was so sweet for a new love supporter! To that and even the Apostle: the whole curve. With the words of wine, I use the power of love.” Theodoret writes: “For love, endure and scrutiny.” You can do it like this: στεγη - cover. Sounds like a thought: love is a cover for everyone, everyone goes up to it and in it they know their own defenses and cover-ups from all the negative ones. Shelter gives a thought and about prikrittya: the stars of love cover the sins, weaknesses, shortcomings and weaknesses of others; not only do not speak out, but cover up all those with a kind word.

Breaking is the other side of jealousy. Jealous if someone else has it. Boastfulness is encouraged to embarrass others to appease what we have. Jealousy to put others; boasting about creating us. Lewis called the boasters "we are angry ourselves." The core of pride, as the root sin of all sins. Praise put yourself first. Therefore, everything, including God, is due to but less important for us. It is impossible to encourage oneself without letting others down.

Chi is not shove, wine is not jealousy. Don't give a try. Blowing up your meaning. I do not weep the defense of the idea of ​​my own importance. Thus, lower the soul to dust. Goodspeed may be a baristy paraphrase, what do you write, what is love. They spit the defenses of the ideas of their own sovereignty. Zarozumіlіst - tse testaments of hisism, and love - right humility.

He accepts all faith. “Beloved Shanui negligent” (Theodoret). “Chieve everything, no matter what love; And don’t just say nothing yourself with cunning cunning, but don’t suspect that someone else would say so” (Theophylact).

Everything is supported. Robe good and sound unsuccessful, don’t hesitate, but find new ways to find new ways, even if you don’t bring it to the point, take on more, and so on, sighing hope that God will bless, come, work with love success. Theodoret writes: “If you want to make a loved one shy to the point of thinness, look at the new one for better.” But she herself, without folding her hands to sit, still gets on with her side of all the fallow koshta until it is straightened out, getting on with it, “do not fall at the vіdchay, but spodіvaєє, scho vіn nareshti turn to the best” (Feofilakt).

Lord, teach us the mystery of kohannya, love, as you ask for today; Help us to love one another - we pray for each other. - Anon. Nothing is more expensive, less beloved, - the cream of love. Regardless of that, it’s not enough or how twisted love is, as we might have known in childhood, it’s not bad for anyone of us to learn to love. With God's sovereignty, we can inspire love through some kind of specialty or a group of supporters. Ale, to recognize the true meaning and reality of true love, to that he has slain His life for us.

All endure: All prats, necessary in kindness, eagerly, husbands do change, endure inaccuracies with good will, and everything that does not lead to the path of goodness, endure, toiling one meta - work good for a kokhan, so be like a man; endure the very failure in goodness. “It’s like to get drunk, so that the cohanies don’t fall for її turbot and get lost on your unkind path, complacently endure yoga fall” (Feofilakt). “If it weren’t for the beloved, otherwise, on the contrary, nothing can make the beloved look like love before the new” (Theodoret).

The death of Jesus in the mustache of sacrificial innocence reveals the heights and depths of love. The love of Christ is unbearable, so kind, so pure, right, I you, who know how much love, show love to everything that stinks. — Dennis J.

We know the true sense of love, if we marvel at how richly Christ loves us. Get your own pizza without syrah, strudel without apples, splitting a banana without bananas. Christian life is also the essential element: love. Pavlo added his value, if he wrote his list of Corinthians. Right in the middle, I divided about spiritual gifts of wine, having made a pause, to say what to inspire with us as a gift of service, mov and self-sacrifice, but we don’t have love, we don’t have anything. We missed "more beautiful way". The follower of Jesus is obliged to love his family, his friends, his fellow believers, be quiet, who does not know Christ and build his enemies.

St. Chrysostom is all three: “support, believe, endure”, merge into one mov and say: “Without wasting hope, look at the kohana people of all good things, wanting to b vin buv thin, do not stop correcting yogo, pikluvati and dbati about the new one, and not just spodіvaєtsya, but z upevnіstyu, to that much to love; And if I didn’t want goodness to be born, and to instill love, becoming stronger, I won’t be able to endure it.”

A true Christian walks in his love. The purity of doctrine is important. Vira is a miraculous quality, like a deed of hearing service to the Lord. Ale without love is so soft, like French fries without salt. Ask God to help you sigh until the wine passes from your heart to others.

Lord, give me a loving heart, The will to give and share, I ask you to sing on my lips, To show me that it’s all the same for me. Brandt. If the love of Christ grows in us, then love will flow through us. If you say - Garne splkuvannya is important for a happy girl. Ogden Nash sings, similarly, having stuck a formula to help us guess how to effectively speak. Nesh wrote in his own warm style.

First sent to the Corinthians by the holy Apostle Paul, Vitlumachene by St. Theophan.

St. Luka Krymsky

endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything

Love, kokhannya endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything(Art. 7). If we can, how to sin our brother, we close our eyes at this sin, we will try to speak to people about those sins, which Bachimo in our brothers? Navpaki, we gloat, we gloat bisivsky, we hurry to speak out all around us, like our sinful brother. Chi does not cover the sin of his brother, as all the saints robbed, but on the contrary, shout, shout and surmise about someone else's sin, but about their own sins.

Nadiya, unsatisfactory hope for God, hope for the wages of eternal life does not fill the quiet, in the heart of such a living love.

To endure love. To endure all the anxiety, all the slander, all the torments for Christ, as the blessed holy fools endured the slander, the slander, hunger and cold. Lyubov jokes only about what is necessary, what is dear to his neighbor, he does not joke about his own.

Hurry up to follow Christ. Hymn of Love of the Apostle Paul.

Rev. Simeon the New Theologian

Rev. Efrem Sirin


endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything

And feel like you about yourself - chi does not mean to know yourself? And the hell is not worse than the one who, recognizing himself, say: “Is it not true”? Ale shards of love believe At least, among the quiet, whom she called together, then I, Lord, confess to You in such a way that people think that I cannot prove that my word is true; me, prote, believe you, chi vuha v_dkryla for me love.


The greater the love for God, how the saints think, the greater are those who endure the stench for the sake of New.

About patience.

Bliss. Theophylact of Bulgaria

endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything

everything is covered

І image, і beatings, і death. Such power is given to power and long-term patience. Tse against ore dashing.


Cho do not say love to her; for she herself won’t say anything, and don’t think that she would say so.

Everything is supported by everything, endure everything

Love, to say, does not fall into a lover, but you are sure that you should go to the best. Tse saying before you fall into the vіdchay. As soon as it is necessary to spodіvannya and to get drunk, that we will change loves from evil, you won’t be able to endure your husband’s lack of time. Bo there, it seems endure everything. Tse to quiet, yakі easy to fall into the fortune teller.

Tlumachennya on the front of the message to the Corinthians of the holy Apostle Paul.

Lopukhin A.P.

endure everything, believe in everything, support everything, endure everything

everything is covered, I.e. All vibacha, pokryvayuchi with his cloak all the shortfalls of the neighbor. And yet, for all that, obviously, in the name of justice, love in necessary situations, I already take on myself all the unacceptable traces, as they can be blamed for such a setting to the fault of people. - believe, I.e. Trust people forever, relying on those who are better than anyone else can’t calm down forever. Tsya dovira and serve as the basis for the protection of other people's shortcomings and vices. - everything. Buvay, that for faith in the correction of a person, there is no longer a place in the soul of a loved one: the sum of wisdom is ruined by faith. Ale and todі, from the fall of faith, or the repentance of the corrected neighbor, the heart of the beloved does not leave hope for those who are good guilty of vreshti-resht overcome. - endure everything. Lyubov, in tsimu spodіvannі on the correction of people, does not get tired and tolerantly endure all pokroschi.