Types of verbs in German. Hiding weak verbs

Verbs - these are words describing various actions, deeds, process or condition. Primary form (Die Grundform) German verb is infinitive der Infinitivwhich ends on - (E) N: Z.B. Schlafen, Machen, Glauben, Gucken ...
If you remove the end of the infinitive -en., then we get the foundation of the verb (der verbstamm), namely Schlafen \u003d\u003e Schlaf, glauben \u003d\u003e Glaub, Gucken \u003d\u003e Guck, Machen \u003d\u003e Mach.
German verbs are subject to helvingAnd this means that they will change their shape depending on who and when the action performs.

Hiding German verbs can be divided into 4 criteria:

1. Die Person Und der Numerus - face and number (sole or multiple number)

Example: Glauben verb and leasing (believe / believe)
Singular Plural.
Person. Ich Glaube (I Believe) Wir Glauben (we believe)
Person.du glaubst (you believe) ihr glaubt (you believe)
Person.er | Sie | Es Glaubt (he / she / it believes) Sie Glauben (they believe)

2. Das Tempus (Zeit) - Time

Example: verbs Sinen (Sing) and Gehen (go)
Perfekt. Er Hat Gesungen Ich Bin Gegangen

3. Der Modus - Tilt

Indikativ (zealing tall) - Anna Bleibt / Klaus MEINT
Konjunktiv I (subjunctive tilt, is mainly used in the news, politics and books) - Anna Bleibe / Klaus Meine

4. Die HandlungSrichtung - Pledge (direction of action)

Passiv. Matilda Wird Gerufen Ihr Werdet Geschlagen

Also, in German there are various types of verbs: weak, strong, mixed, auxiliary, modal ..

Part 2: Weak and Strong German Verbs

What is the difference between weak and strong German verbs?

Schwache Verben (Weak Verbs)

- With auction weak German verbs do not change At its base vowels!

Infinitiv (Grundform) Präteritum Partizip II
Sagen Sagte Gesagt.
Fragen Fragte Gefragt.
Tanzen Tanzte Getanzt.
Kaufen Kaufte Gekauft.

Low verb in German forms the form of the past time Präteritum By adding the end -Te. To the heart of the verb:
sAGEN \u003d\u003e SAGTE, FRAGEN \u003d\u003e FRAGTE, KAUFEN \u003d\u003e Kaufte, Tanzen \u003d\u003e Tanzte

- weak verbs in Partizip II. require the console before the bottom of the verb GE- And ends on -t:

Strong German verbs With auction change At its base vowels! (Examples with verbs Laufen (Run), Trinken (Drink), Treffen (Meet), Versprechen (promise).

Infinitiv (Grundform) PR ä teritum Partizip II.
Laufen Lief Gelaufen.
Treffen Traf Getroffen.
Versprechen Versprach Versprochen.

- Strong verbs form past time das Pr. ä teritum, Changing a vowel based. Strong verbs Does not receive any end in the 1st and 3rd face single number: ich TRANK, ER LIEF. In other persons / numbers, they receive endings, as with conventional lining: Wir Tranken, Du Trankst, Sie Liefen, Ihr Lieft.

- Shape of a strong verb in Partizip II. ends on -en:
getRunken, Getroffen, Versprochen, Gelaufen

Part 3: Mixed Verbs in German - Mischverben

Mixed verbs appeared as a result compounds of the principles of formation of strong and weak verbs.
Mixed verbs, as well as strong, change the vowel.
But, end Mixed verbs are the same like weak verbs -Te. (PR. ä teritum) / -t. Partizip II).

These verbs include: rennen (Rush, Run), Kennen (know, be familiar with something / knee), Denken (Think), Wissen (Know About L), Nennen (Call), Brennen (burn / burn), Senden (send), WENDEN (turn over / convert) ..
Infinitiv (Grundform) PR ä teritum Partizip II.
Rennen Rannte Gerannt.
Kennen Kannte Gekannt.
Denken Dachte Gedacht.
Wisssen Wussste Gewusst.

Part 4: Verben Mit Regelmäßigen und Unregelmäßigen Formen - verbs with the right and improper form.

In German still exist verbs that have in PR ä teritum and Partizip II both correct and wrong shape. In most such cases there is a difference in value.

Depending on the type of hardware, the verbs in German are divided into the following groups:

1) strong verbs in German (die Starken Verben.);

2) weak verbs in German (die Schwachen Verben.);

3) wrong verbs in German (die Unregelmäßigen Verben.). This group is also called mixed verbs in German.

The belonging to the verb in German to one or another solving depends on the method of education Imperfekt. and Partizip II.who along with Infinitiv. are the main forms and serve to form all other verb form.

Strong verbs in German

The main forms of strong verbs in German have the following signs:

1) Changing the root vowel always in Imperfekt. And often B. Partizip II.

Infinitiv. Imperfekt. Partizip II.
lesen. (to read) las. gelesen.
finden. (find) fand. geFunden.

2) suffix -en. in Partizip II.

Infinitiv. Imperfekt. Partizip II.
bleiben. (stay) blieb. geblieben.
sehen. (see) sAH gesehen.
singen (sing) sang. gesungen.

In some strong verbs, the root consonants also alternate d - T., H - G.:

leiden. litt. gelitten.
ziehen. zog. gezogen.

From the above examples, it can be seen that the root vowel or coincides in Imperfekt. and Partizip II.or coincides in Infinitiv. and Partizip II., or it is different in all three forms.

Weak verbs in German

In modern German, weak verbs form the largest group of verbs. This group is increasingly expanding, as it includes verbs that relatively recently appeared: filmen. - Carrying the film, funken. - radiate radeln. - ride a bike, entminen. - Remove: filmen - Filmte., fUNKEN - FUNKTEand etc.

The main forms of weak verbs in German have the following signs:

1. The root vowel does not change;

2. Imperfekt. Forms with a suffix - (E) TE ;

3. Partizip II. Forms with a suffix - (E) T .

Suffixes -Ete. and -et. used in the verbs with the basis that ends on d, T, M, N with previous consonants dM, TM, DN, GN, CHN, FFN).

For example:

Infinitiv. Imperfekt. Partizip II.
aTM-EN breathe aTM-ETE geatm-et.
oRDN-EN. order oRDN-ETE geordn-et.
bEGEGN-EN. meet bEGEGN-ETE. begegn-et.
zeichn-en. paint zeichn-Ete. gezeichn-et.
ÖFFN-EN. open ÖFFN-ETE geöffn-et.

Irregular Verbs in German (mixed group)

Incorrect verbs in German are called such verbs that differ from strong and weak verbs in the formation of basic forms and, in some cases, while leying in Präsens. . For the purpose of better memorization, we divide such verbs into three groups:

Group 1..

These verbs form their main forms as weak verbs, but in Imperfekt. and Partizip II. they change the root vowels e. on the but.

Infinitiv. Imperfekt. Partizip II.
kennen. - Know kannte. gekannt.
nennen. - Call nannte genannt.
brennen. - Morning brannte gebrannt.
rennen. - run, rush rannte Gerannt.
wenden. - to return wandte gewandt.
senden. - send sandte gesandt
denken. - Think dachte. gedacht.

Group 2..

It is customary to consider their division into weak and strong types, the main differences between which are summarized in the features of their hiding, namely, in the formation of imperfection forms (Präteritum), Partizip II and an indefinite infinitive form that make up the three main dominants of German verbs. At the same time, the main classification criterion here performs a forming factor here, and verb affixation is presented with the main indicator.

The most numerous in its composition and, at the same time, the productive verb group in modern German demonstrates weak verbs that are hidden by one general rules. So, weak German verbs are primarily distinguished by the lack of any changes regarding their root vowels (Lernen - Lernte - Gelernt; Arbeiten - Arbeitete - Gearbeitet, etc.), the use of coefficient suffix - (E) TE-, characteristic For imperfekt forms (Frag-en - Frag + TE), as well as the addition of suffix - (E) T and the prefix GE- to the verb bases in the formats of Partizip II (FRAG-EN - GE + FRAG + T).

In this regard, the existence of a special group of weak verbs in the German language, which is formed by units demonstrating differences in relation to the root vowels in the infinitive and in the forms of Partizip II and Imperfekt. This group includes a number of verbs (BRENNEN - Brannte - Gebrannt; Senden - Sandte - Gesandt; Danken - Dachte - Gedacht, etc.), which linguists are advised to learn by heart.

In turn, the rules of formation in relation to strong verbs are of particular nature and are almost always accompanied by changes in the vowel at the root. Sometimes, taking into account this feature, strong German verbs are divided into a number of subgroups - ABLAutreihen, who are totaling eight (rows of voracious vary at the root - 1. Spring-en - SPRANG - GE-SPRUNG-EN. 2. - BeFehl-EN - Befahl - Befohl -en. 3. - Mitlauf-en -

lief Mit - Mitgelauf-EN and others). In addition to the alternation of root vowels, the feature of the verbs of a strong type in German can be considered the cancellation of suffix -T / -Te in the form of Imperfekt (Ringen - Rang; GEH-EN - GING), as well as the ability to take a suffix - (eN) in Partizip II forms ( Geben - Gegeben; RANN - GERONN-EN). At the same time, this group of German verbs is very few and better to memorize it.

A total feature of both weak and strong German verb forms with the presence, the so-called, not separated console (Besuchen), as well as the prerogative of weak verbs, which include suffix -Ieren (Studieren) can be considered the absence of the GE-in Partizip II prefix ( Beginn-en - beginn-en (strong verb); besuch-en - besuch-t (weak verb)). In apprehens to units in which the prefix can be separated, the forming prefix GE- is in place between her and the root (ABFRAG-EN - AB + GE + FRAG + T), in Präteritum, this discontinued prefix is \u200b\u200btransferred to the end of the word, cut off the root (Abfrag-en - Frag + TE AB; Mitlauf-en - Lief Mit).

In general, identifying the main differences between weak and strong verbs german language, including the ability to navigate in the system of alternation of root vowels, it is extremely important for the correct definition of basic verb forms and for trouble-free comprehension of the foundation.

Hiding verbs in German Alto itself is simple. However, for this you need to know exactly how one or another verb belongs to which group. Then the hiddenness of German verbs will not be much difficulty.

Weak verbs are one of the categories in German and called they Schwache Verben.. You can recognize such verbs in the presence of certain suffixes in some times.

So, thanks to what signs, weak verbs are distinguished. This is the presence of suffixes -Te in the past time Präteritum and -T. in the past time Partizip II.. At the same time, the vowel in the root of weak verbs does not change when leying at times.

At the same time, all weak verbs in German are divided into several groups.

1. Weak regular verbs
2. Weak irregular verbs
3. Weak verbs with an intense console
4. Weak verbs with a separated console
5. Weak verbs ending on -Ieren.

For clarity, consider the conjugation of weak verbs at times Präteritum and Partizip II. Each of these groups is separate.

Weak regular verbs

arbeiten (work) arbeitete. gearbeitet.
baden (swim) badete. gebadet.
brauchen (need) brauchte gebrucht.
danken (thank) dankte gedankt.
duschen (walk in shower) duschte geduscht
feiern (celebrate) feierte gefeiert.
fragen fragte gefragt.
frühstücken (breakfast) frühstückte gefrühstückt.
glauben (Believe) glaubte. geglaubt.
holen (fruits) holte. geholt.
hören (Listen) hörte. gehört.
kaufen (buy) kaufte. gekauft.
kochen (boiled, cook) kochte. gekocht
kosten (cost) kostete. gekostet.
lächeln (smile) lächelte gelächelt.
lachen lachte gelacht.
leben (live) lebte gelebt.
lernen (learn) lernte gelernt.
lieben (Love) liebte. geliebt.
malen (paint, draw) malte gemalt.
machen (do) machte gemacht.
packen (Packaging) packte gEPACKT.
putzen (clean) putzte. geputzt.
rauchen (smoking) rauchte geraucht
rEGNEN (go (about rain)) regnete. geregnet
reisen (Travel) reiste gereist.
sagen (talk) sagte. gesagt.
schenken (give) schenkte geschenkt.
schmecken (be delicious) schmeckte geschmeckt.
schneien (go (about snow)) schneite. geschneit.
segeln (walk under the sail) sEGELTE gesegelt.
spielen (Play) spielte. gespielt.
suchen (Search) suchte. gesucht
tanzen (dance) tanzte getanzt.
tROKKNEN (DROW) trocknete. getRocknet.
wandern (go hike) wanderte. gewandert.
warten (wait) warttete gewartet.
wohnen (live) wOHNTE gewohnt.
zelten (live in a tent) zeltete. gezeltet.

Weak irregular verbs

Voice form last time Präteritum The verb shape last time Partizip II
bringen (fruits) bRACHTE. gebrachte.
denken (think) dachte. gedacht.
kennen (know) kannte. gekannt.
wissen (Know) wUSSTE gewUSST.

Weak verbs with an intense console

Voice form last time Präteritum The verb shape last time Partizip II
beeinflussen (influence) beeinflusste. beeinflusst.
bemerken (notice) bemerkte bemerkt.
bestellen (order) bestellte bestellt.
besuchen (visit) besuchte besucht
bezahlen (pay) bezahlte. bezahlt.
erklären (explain) erklärte. erklärt.
erzählen (tell) erzählte. erzählt.
Überraschen (surprise) Überraschte Überrascht
vERDIENEN (earn) verdiente. verdient.
verkaufen (Sell) verkaufte verkauft.
versuchen (try) versuchte versucht

Weak verbs with a separated console

Voice form last time Präteritum The verb shape last time Partizip II
aBHOLEN (Take) holte AB abgeholt.
aufhören (stop) hörte Auf. aufgehört.
aufmachen (open) machte Auf. aufgemacht.
durcharbeiten (work) arbeite Durch. durchgearbeitet.
eINKAUFEN (Purchase) kaufte Ein. eingekauft.
kennenlernen (Meet) lernte Kennen. kennegelernt.
mitbrgenen (bring with you) brachte Mit. mitgebracht.
zurückzahlen (give money back) zahlte Zurück. zurückgezahlt.

Weak verbs ending on -ieren

Voice form last time Präteritum The verb shape last time Partizip II
demonstrieren (demonstrate) demonstrierte demonstriert.
dekorieren (decorate) deKorierte. deKoriert.
diskutieren diskutierte diskutiert.
probireen (try) provierte proBeret.
studieren (Learn at University) studierte studiert.