Risky attacks on aggression among the choloviks. Sleepers of uncontrolled hate do not stream

The statute is assigned to one of the most non-trained people - the growing tendencies of the behavior of aggression (non-rooted people). The author should describe the rich-faceted nature of the reasons for the reaction to gniv.

Presented data of psychological illusions of specialness with uncontrolled nagging. It is shown that the middle of the reasons for behavior is the most important and psychological. Chance the emergence of psychological peculiarities of people with a symptom of uncontrollable gniv, additional help to people in the implementation of the client's management; in the development of programs of psychological assistance and psychotherapy.

One of the symptoms of poorly analyzed mental states, which can lead to severe inheritance, is uncontrollable fierceness. Evaluation and analysis of the stanu is of great importance, so the diagnosis of fierceness can lead to serious inheritances.

There are individuals who are sick to the point of detecting fierceness in a wide range of situations, if the evolving triggers are vicious, who are considered psycho-traumatic for a given client.

Guided butt. Kilka rockiv that woman is a doctor of sciences, a biologist, middle age, not a big deal, but a little girl, she’s going to work on a robot at the University of a small American town in the state of Texas, transferring from the university’s university to a new one for a rose, the analysis of fabrics, for the last time you wanted to continue on a new robotics mission. Having got rid of the landing, yak allowing a number of rockets not to submit documents for re-examination for the competition, then I will start to work at the university. There is a folding situation, how to be characterized by a team, from one side, from one side, the head is a professor, who is a talented sportsman, who is constantly presented with students, Kerіvnіstvu on її rudeness, aggression and postіynі images.
At the same hour, the mensha had a part of the students who had a lot of money, an extraordinary and extraordinary victory. Oscillations of students' skargs are becoming more and more frequent, the decision of the administration will take a decision to pay for the rest of the semester and not to renew the contract with her. In the end of the semester, ask for a stay at the administration's office, but not about the reasons for the future development. Її bring a cholovik to the robot, and ask about the sound of the message. As long as it was critical about her work, she got a gun out of her purse, drove it from the rector with a building, and calmly, as I didn't get any of it, I went to play with the cholovik. An analysis of the details of her life revealed that she was richly rocky in that she shot a vile blue from a towel, and bought a dad for a love. The song of the fast-moving girl vibrated from the house at the same rushnitsa with a cry that it was going to be transferred and to get hammered. The critical information about the drive was not damaged, so both the man, and the mothers saw it, but they didn’t hate it, before the hour they pulled the trigger. The police didn’t want to ask for the right without respect, ale, some relatives and close women, they didn’t want to see it, they got the idea as a kind of domestic incident.

Further on, the anamnesis showed that if she was attending the university for the previous place of residence, there was a nudging competition for the grant. Unimportant to the appearance of the applicants' decilkokh, the woman is absolutely honored that the loan is perceptible. However, it became a ringing bell. Grant was played by her colleague. In the case of the woman, the woman was critical of injustice, and the teacher of incompetence. Having set up with her in a cafe, she went to her colleague, and, having formed її, inflicted a strong blow on her face. For the rest of the time, the blame for the incident has been rejected out of hand.

In the course of a recent advance, it was revealed that for her it was characteristic of a persistent attack of fierceness. It was established that there was a confrontation in front of the bend before the bend, in which they had a confrontation, in which they had gotten themselves "alive", infusing their pride.

An analysis of these three vipadkiv (rudely confronted with students, a blow to the disguise of the sports university in the cafe, nareshty, the rector's office), allowing to stand up, so that fierceness is uncontrolled in the community of women of the

As a result of such an emotional sleeper, the won could drive in close people. The whole butt allows you to knock out patterns, if the attack is uncontrolled by the fierce, it is necessary to prevent it, and it can be very important to predict the inheritance.

Tsikavim є analysis of the types of unsupported important issues, such as those caused by people who are called strikers, intelligent, calm, loving order and value, but to admit directly or bit by bit their morality and law. The first axis is on such a "friendly" aphids.

The reasons for such vbivs for those who feel at first glance are absolutely nezumilі. However, the analysis of vipadkiv shows that at the moment of general well-being in individuals who have caused unfavorable serious maladies, they become more active in their specialty of the narcissistic complex, which is a big, ruinous, clear reaction to whatever

Such vipadas usually have a trigger, which may be incomprehensible and insignificant for those who feel sick, but for the volodar of the narcissistic radical, there is less colossal and irrational significance and ruinously traumatic inheritance. Fierceness can be a result of accumulating previous injuries, which can be accumulated in an unseen, one-on-one manner.

If there is a residual dull effect, a vibuch will be seen. The practice of giving help to such people is to show how, in the first place, to see individuals, to the accumulation of negative energy of micro and macrotraumas, and, in other words, fierceness is the rest of a wide range of negative feelings from and emotsii, how to enter, in such a large-component emotion, like malice (Figure 1). Our thought is supported by practice, and the fact that in the English language the terms "evil" and "fierce" are known by the same word "anger".

To get involved in fierceness is a lot of oppression, and to appear as not streaming aggressive behavior. Lusciousness is constructive (if fiercely, it is fiercely to stand up to its point of view in a hot super-perechtsi) and destructive (how to know about violence from violence).

At the moment of fierceness, there is a bit of mental energy and the level of excitement is so great that Lyudin sees it, but it’s literally rosy in part, because it’s not necessary to have negative emotions and not to show them. Viciousness to impulsive vchinks, bazhanya adversity to dzherelo niv or show aggression.

On P. Kutter's thought (2004), spite and bewitchment can grow into nests, when “the home is boiling in the veins”. Ozoshenіliy, the inconsistencies of the people involved in self-control because of the readiness to fall upon a pereshkoda, who stood on the way. The author sees constructive and destructive fierceness. “Righteous,” “noble,” fierce is supplementary help in the struggle for reaching the goal. "Strasna" fierceness is characteristic of people who are passionately overwhelmed as if they were right, do not bother anyone or in what to sacrifice, fiercely seize their children. Destructive fierceness is manifested in violence, violent injections, tortillas and invivvies.

The success of psychotherapy of fierceness and malice lies in the mind of an analysis of the phenomenon. In an attempt to roztashuvati ways to show anger on the mental horizontal scale, I allowed to see two opposite poles of responding to anger, which associate with high and low ravens and show:

1. In case of a general suppression of malice (fierceness) of people, they call out calm, level, their behavior is not a drag on the fact that it is not the fault of their dissatisfaction.

2. At a very high level, I will show the aggression of a lyudin "to get started with a pivot", a quick reaction of malice with gestures, gestures, shouts and shouts.

Offended by the extreme greats are unattractive, true, as it seems, to be in the middle of the mental scale and to manifest as an assertive behavior (in the mind of being satisfied with your consumer, not fantasizing at a whole school of thought).

About the need to fix cich goydaloks in equestrianism justly wrote to I. Guberman, talentedly pomyuchi, scho:
In a good super, there is one Skoda and a fool, and a sage,
Oskilki istina - yak club, there are two kintzi.

Seeing the importance of being in time to show aggressiveness, to control your feeling, but to be smart in young situations. It is necessary to vivchit, as in some situations it is most often to get angry and "see" the client. It is important to diagnose and reconsider the values, to learn, how much is good for them, some of the overconfidence is a very stiff, rigid and conservative structure, as it is practically impossible to understand and not to be understood. With the smallest question of the change, the win is a sharp opir.

To understand the rise in intensity and the level of manifestation of the way of turning anger. What is lower is the intensity of the feeling, which brought the hour of the experience.

Clearly graphically, the structural components show aggressiveness and clarity in the reports (Figure 1).

1. dissatisfaction- the most mild expressions and trivially opposed to the variation of anger, which you may not understand (I see, but I don't understand). Even though malice does not manifest itself on the basis of dissatisfaction, mental discomfort, physical and psychological discomfort, supervising negative experiences, and transforming (as minimum) into an image.

2. image- I look for the intensity of feeling, as can be trivial rock. Vіdkrito, as a rule, in the image of only children.
On Bleuler's thought (1929), the image is manifested in ontogeny in children of 5-11 months. Winning as an emotional reaction to undeserving humiliation and unfair confrontation, as a result of being grasped by the power of pride.

The image of a reaction to failures is easy to win in children because of an envious self-assessment and a domagan (Neimark M.S., 1961). It is like a spiritual blaze and a hassle, you can get lost in a haunted і or step by step, or bring up a plan to take care of the crooks. You can survive the ghost of a viglyad and transform into aggressive acts.

3. When teased to the experience of the camp, visible reactions, especially non-verbal ones, can be seen: the sharpness of rukhiv, a high voice, vegetation (for example, grunting the door in times of dissatisfaction).

4. Drilled, drilled- more short hours in terms of triviality. Intensity of food. At the end of the stage, the turn of anger to non-verbal manifestations is achieved by verbal (to begin the industrial experience).

5. gniv- just start “vimagati svogo”, bazhannya to knock, throw, vidshtovhnuti, hit. The control over the property is great, even though people start going beyond the bounds of what is permitted.

6. fierce- for a short time you feel like volodya with great ruinous power. Mobilization of energy and stimulation of the floor is great, as soon as you see the young "vibuhu", as "they did not open the valve and do not let steam". There is strength to the impulsive vchinki, the readiness to attack, it was dying, or to show aggression in the verbal form. Behind our caution, the experience of the fierce presence in the everyday life of the people. Most of the people who go to the end would like to once, so to see the inheritance, as in the inheritance of being seen from any manifestations of aggressiveness.

In such a rank, the process of transformation of children for intensive and trivial overcoming of aggressiveness can be seen in the eyes of a lance: not apart from dissatisfaction, not appearing in an image, streaming stupefaction, agressiveness, accumulating

Ways to turn anger can vary from socially unacceptable(For example, - shoot the crook) to socially acceptable and safe... For the quickness of the victoriousness on the practicality of the way of turning the malice on the actions of the clever gatherings. On the three top gatherings, there are socially permissible ways of turning anger (showing, telling, showing), on the other, repaired from the fourth, there are aggressive, unacceptable manifestations of aggression.

1. Take anger. Having learned, they were angry, they didn’t show aggression, they knew a safe place and felt respectfully, viciously, intense physical zusilla, a walk, screaming, sex and іn.

3. "Poklopatatatsya" with a special і visloviti experienced іn thаt(For example, the camp of razdratuvannya) for the help of mimics, gestures, demonstrating their dissatisfaction.

4. unkhtuvati(Consider rozmovlyaty with a crook, revisit on your food, etc.).

5. take revenge... Pomsta is a special form of aggressive aggressiveness, for which it is characterized by a close-up in the bezposrednoy manifestation of aggression. Її meta - pay for the image, citizen. It is often seen unawarely, at the moment of weakness of the crook. To be actualized by a rapt, inadvertently, not to be grasped and verbalized by the phrase "it happened."

For example, a person is a vegetarian to turn from a vidryadzhennya. Druzhina, continually talk about their love to the new, on the day of the arrival of the cholovik kupuє and ready for the supper, the meat itself, we ourselves prikhovuvane in an unaccountable right negatively put to new.

6. licks- an admittedly safe form for the manifestation of anger, as it allows negative energy to be “pissed off”, and it didn’t accumulate and didn’t go straight into the wrong channel. Bazhannya will flock to people for an hour every hour. Protest, it is necessary to understand that the transformation of negative energy into a stream can be inherited from sublimation in a conflict.

7. To the very socially unacceptable ways of manifesting anger, the fierceness of the vigilante is presented with an image, a blow, a vbivv.

As a result, accumulated and insufficiently managed anger and irritation may not be perceived and may manifest itself as such and psychosomatic symptoms.

To prevent such inheritances in the process of psychotherapy, it is important to keep the client in mind:

1. Note and show dissatisfaction at once, as only it was announced (Figure 1) by means of ordering the tension and inadmissibility of transformation of the first rivn to manifest malice (dissatisfaction) in the words (gniv) and shots (fierce).

2. Be aware of the situation, how to get angry and prevent viciousness.

3. There is a chance to accept life in such a way as є, and to recognize the manifestation of injustice.

4. There is a shukati compromise, a dialogue, and a glance at the situation from the side.

5. At every moment of the possibility of being able to resist the situation, in the midst of it, being guided by the principle of "krashchy bei - the one that did not boil"; shukati іnshі ways of resolving problems; transform anger into diyu.

6. Do not make it clear about the aggression. It’s not hard to be in gniv, to get angry at the whole rational mislity. Arguments for the hour of welding are not lost. Give the opportunity to "see the emotional storm, let the steam", and then clarify the situation. Determine the claims not to the specialty of the partner, but to his behavior, pod_y, pardons in the mind.

7. Wickedness is not required to be prikhovuvati;

8. The uniqueness of the overworldly vibrations for the experience of feeling and being (vzagal, zagli, nikoli, etc.) ...

9. Accurately describe the power of the situation, the situation, the situation, the situation, when the anger was triggered, the visitor has the right to oppose your response to the power.

The practice of showing how successful psychotherapy of malice and fierceness lies in the context of psychogenesis of these conditions, the reasons for their appearance, options for inadequate response and knowledge about the development of intensity and level of socially capable of taking over.

List of literature:
1. Bleuler E. Affectiveness, suggestiveness and paranoia. Odessa, 1929.
2. Dmitrieva N.V. Psychological officials of transformation of identity of a specialty. Abstract of the dissertation on the soisk.uch. degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Novosibirsk. View of MDPU. 1996.38 p.
3. Korolenko Ts.P., Dmitrieva N.V. Homo Postmodernicus. Psychological and mental destruction of postmodern light / monograph /. Novosibirsk: publishing house MDPU, 2009.230 p.
4. Korolenko Ts.P., Dmitrieva N.V. Sexuality in postmodern light / monograph /. M .: Academic project; Culture, 2011.406 p.
5. Cutter P. Love, hatred, zeal, zeal. Psychoanalysis of addictions. Transition from S.S. Pankov. SPb.: B.S.K., 2004.115 p.
6. Neimark M.S. Psychological analysis of the schoolchildren's emotional reactions to difficulties in robotics // Nutrition of the psychology of a schoolboy's specialty. M., 1961.

Information about the authors:

Dmitrieva Natalia Vitaliyivna- Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Robotics,

Korolenka Caesar Petrovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State Medical University,

Psychologist's nutrition:

Hello, if you ask bi ask for help. It sounds like Oleksandr, me 35 times, friends, є daughter of 12 times, bachimosya rydko. Roku 4 back zakoduvavsya on rіk іd wine, I still do not drink. Sem'ya its own bully called for a long time, only from the first girl, like a child. Infectiousness is not serious, I’m getting sick of my affiliate program, but I can’t throw it out for fear of anything else, well, I can’t see it anymore. Children can't be mother. I melodiously want b, ale - the problem in VIL the status is positive. The same inability to play with. Scorpion is behind the sign of zodiac.

And now until the meal. By stretching out your life, it is even more important to cope with the aggression to not shy people. For an hour I cannot control myself for an hour, and I cannot remember what I say. Yak me to be built, part of the hour zupinyausya, or do not wait. For example, there are two incidents.

1. Welding with the head. I feel like I’m right, the boss, after hearing me change his voice and say, I’m not doing enough, I’m demanding from the client, I want to work for the robot, I’ll look like it and stay in the rock, as a drug addict can’t see it all go to the computer. Robot creative and vimagє uvagi to dribnits .. So do not wait for the respected one, ale obsyag robots vikonu great. All the pommels are rich .... The yogo word needs more work, and I don’t remember what I’ve said, and I think I’m not in control of myself. As a result, we were at a loss and passed .. But the salary was not raised, one was paid.

2. Conflict with the leaders. For an hour I cannot adequately react, if I am dissatisfied through my graces from them. I vibrate and fix it for an hour to shout to the lobby. I myself can’t make a mistake, but I don’t have anything less to do with it. Є problems with nerves, I know. I have to build, well, spadkov. Father is often a fool and often, especially on the mother. Be afraid of me.

I have problems with me, ale that, because I want to turn around, I am struggling with aggression, nervousness, and nervousness. Can be used as a preparation. I know a lot of butts, if people are worse, badly, and with a bunch of awesome little beeps. And in life - like harmony, squad and children, singing in one's own, joy to life. I just got it recently, if I switched from physical robots to rozumov. It’s just an hour to stay, but it’s a nerve to create, inodi to shake, to navigate a terrible boom.

I am encouraged that you have read to the end of the thought, that you have flooded it and please you in order.

Psychologist Platonova Olga Valeriivna told me about nutrition.

Oleksandr, hello! Having understood the problems and talking about those who have already been asked to solve them here. The reason for that, you want, for an obvious problem is the most obvious problem.

You wrote that you know "a lot of attachments, if people are worse, badly, and with a bunch of high-pitched little calls. And in life - like harmony". So that you have a good mind, normal calls of tribute and shkidlivy calls are less than those of ordinary people. Why don't you please? Do you want harmony and peace, singing and joy? Why is it not possible to see the number of people on the wikipedia?

What is the inner harmony, singing, joy for you? For the rakhunok of whom, in your opinion, will I be determined to be important internally? At the same time, it’s a process like winning and trying to realize the values ​​that are significant to us. Why such an important guilty one must have been, how could We have been able to play, how could we have felt in our own and felt joy?

Know for yourself your own dzherelo, ways to grow through small crocs, for the realization of the important. Visnachiv, zychayno well, more important - whatever you want. "Radi dibnyts - means to help and tsinuvati those, to rob us happy. De kozna lyudina herself vibrate, but you must be happy."

Revitalization and niv, directed both at themselves, and at others, to speak about those who are in the middle of themselves, and because of what is not good.

If there are not enough internal resources for happiness, then wondrous chi attack niv?

In volodya's emotions, important self-control, so that you will be smart, but you will no longer be in control, at the same moment rational decisions will come from the commune. Go out from the room to the place, translate respect, podikhati and turn around, if you feel calm. More beautifully, it’s not overwhelming, it’s not controllable.

Yakshko rozumite, what your razdratuvannya viklicannoyu vikhimosti and at once By "vibuhnete" - to transfer the rozmovu to the last hour, to change the topic of rozmovy. Vibrate navik control over your camp, niv. Do not accumulate in your own development, know the ways to embellish emotions, for example, through physical activity.

If We did it physically, in the smallest number of times you have accumulated a lot of development? I, now, are you busy with rosemary? Concentration of respect for growth and quality of specialization. If it’s about physical practice, then the way of energy is seen through the rukh. With the vicious rosy pratsi, de-monotonous robots, it is a lot, madly, you can accumulate a lot of annoyance, especially if you are by nature of Lyudin Energy. The type of robot can be one of the reasons for the appearance of aggression (it is not the same type of work and those that do / do not look like a robot). Here you can try your urgency.

To calm your nerves, to help you with dysfunctional technology. Dikhannya bezposeredno tied with the robot and the camp of the nervous system. Glyboka і smіrenе dichannya (a slow breathing, 3-4 sec. І vidih ​​4-5 sec, so that you saw it for breathing), behind the additional smirked, thirsty dichannya you see a decrease in the muscle tension and calmness of the system. Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

attack fierce- not showing an extreme form of oppression of people, in a literal sense of the outbreak in the middle. The attack of fierceness is perceived as a ruinous flow of energy, and negative emotions are characterized by the inclusion of buildings before the analysis of their actions. Unsurfaced and raptors attack wicked at the chicks, and also at the same time at the individual himself. Try to fit in with your emotions, follow the reason, and also opanuvati effective techniques for the notion of aggressiveness.

Causes of attacks of fierce

There are a lot of people like that, as they do not get angry, and take care of the change of the camp. The number of people can lead to the following: an unfair boss, traffic jams, bad weather, childish wastelands. However, one on the right is fierce and one on the right is uncontrolled by rapt attacks against fierce and hate.

Wickedness with lute tempts to pass without serious ruinous inheritance for the people, and the axis, when the hour of rapid attacks by fierce people, is worthy of being aware of the citizenship of close people, or I’m sure, then I’ll also tell about their NOT control. In principle, the mischievous manifestation of malice is brought up to a normal reaction of the psyche of the people to a popular friend. Folding over the top, they struggled with uncontrolled manifestations.

An attack of fierceness is carried to become both emotional and physiological. It is manifested in an increase in the pulse rate, the heart rate, or the blight of the shkirny crooks. It’s worth seeing that there’s a great amount of energy coming into the body, as it’s necessary to go for the devil.

I have a thought about negative emotions in your streams. The price was wrong and the price was brought up. Seeing negative emotions at the sight of anger and anger at the closest is similar to a drug, which delivers great satisfaction to the aggressor. Part of see people on close people wicked bazhannya robiti tse permanently. At three o'clock, the person doesn’t even care about it, but it’s unknowingly provoking the situation, if it’s wrong to fall into an attack. Serious people, assuming such a specialness, will fix such people, and it is in their charge to know the suspension of the same neurons and to burn the sleeping habits.

Attack of fierce and gniv

Negative emotions are manifested in a ruinous reaction to the transition (internal). When there is a large transition, most often a lyudin is dragged, and the fierce herself is supervised by her own nimbly bastards, a webbing. Pereskoda is great but both inanimate and spiritualized. Victory of fierceness will bind with the appearance of anger, which will anger the individual. Try to fit in with him to become unsuccessful and grow into fierceness.

Fiercely vinikє with such a development of the situation, I don’t manage and even see, I can easily fit in with it. Growth up to the singing point is a turning point, for which it is meant either a decline in stress is felt to be calm, or a sparse streak up the mountain, which manifests itself in the attackers. Expanded zalnoprynyate stiy viraz - choking in the nest. Tse and vistupaє at the right point of the cob of fierce.

Denmark's stance is recognized by the pressure of the nerves, by the non-stagnant energy. Negative emotions depend on the support of physical activity: bitisya, stribati, bigti, troshiti, lamati, clench your hands into fists.

Attacks are based on specific misunderstandings:

- omitted, raised eyebrows;

- widening eyes, focusing respect on object aggression;

- coverage of horizontal folds on the reins;

- expansion of the nose krill behind the rakhunok inflow of wind and springs;

- open the mouth in the air for inhalation, bare teeth.

Attack fiercely may be richly similar to the іterієyu. Oh, by the way, for example, those who are in extreme forms of turning emotions, introducing the psyche of people into an insecure camp, do not conceal organic changes.

Trivial aesthetics and attacks of fierceness make a serious shkodi health. It can be a waste of svidomosty, insult, shock, infarction, parallax of hands, timchasova deafness, slap.

Attack fierce people and women

The hormonal storm in the body's body is very good to provoke the manifestation of negative emotions. An excess of testosterone, robbing the cholovik is the most aggressive. Such behavior is brought to a recessionary factor, for which the current people arrive in the middle of the day, if they were able to seize their territory. Unreasonable sleep of aggression among people is brought to problems in the mental sphere.

Lіkuvannya, prevention of attacks of fierceness include suspіlny and medical warehouses. The Persha is tied with the literate behavior of those who are sick, who have become witnesses to the ear of the given camp. A friend is tied up with a bunch of people in a medical institution.

The reason for the uncontrolled baked behavior in the female half of the people, as in the cholovichy they appear physiological development, somatic illness. For example, injuries and chills to the brain, metabolic damage to the body is a point of reference in attacks. Post-traumatic stress problems during the day and night when entering, it is easy to provoke the same result. However, I know about the physiological schliness of the female organism before, you can get ahead of the given camp with women and, according to your ability, to see the prophylactic visits.

Attack the fierce child

The physiological basis of emotions, toning the individuality of the individual, is the main rank of the process of stimulation, and the basis of such negative emotions, such as, is the process of galvanization. In a child's vіtsі, in a child's destructiveness, I am overwhelmed with galmuvannya, and by themselves, the child's wakefulness is raised by him.

The little ones in the preschool child will be transferred to the mood of the sick, the little child will cry, even through a sprinkle of chilin. For children, a quick reaction is normal. It is important for the fathers to remember about the price and not panicuvati. Step by step, the rocks develop in an equilibrium of nerve processes, and almost become steady and peaceful. Fathers are guilty of vrahovuvati, but the child is ready to grow up to copy and grow old. And if it’s worth noting, that for the help of the aesthetics and attacks, you really reach your goals, then you will be constantly trying to get away with it.

Yak fighting the attacks of fierce children? Do not create situations that are traumatic for the child's psyche; In case of a threat of negative emotions, iron out the moments and introduce the children with other topics.

With frequent repetitions of іsterії in a child, yak vinykl through the inflow of the school collective, it is necessary to go, do not be upset at the school and for what reason.

If attacking the іsterії is a threat to the health of the child, then the next step is the vitality of the food about the attachment to the naval mortgage for the given class.

Likuvannya attacks of fierce

First, it is necessary to evaluate the reason for this.

In a different way, one could see a singing progress for an hour between a cob and a quiet camp. For the fastest possible peace of mind, close your eyes and try to abstract away from the inviting light. We will accelerate all the attacks on the surface. If you are struggling with these camp, you need to control your energy. Having broken a big and powerful air, you can calm down. Nadal, if a person will be aware of negative emotions, it is necessary to go to the mirror and be possessed, since the very idea of ​​being exposed is forced. In the midst of calmness, it is necessary to opanuvati with the help of the controls of the face m'yazy - to relax, as well as to napruzhuvati. If the onset of the offensive sleeps, the anger and malice, then the slackness of the face will fall.

Thirdly, it is necessary to unify the suspension of people, as they provoke negative emotions.

Quarterly, if you attack to wick a lot of wickedness, then it’s true that you’re trying to get away with alcohol, think about thinking valeriani, pharmacy chamomile, peppermint).

Attack fiercely without reason, it is recommended to use overwhelming respect for others, and I think, for example, the thoughts of a man are transferred to that moment, perhaps it can be memorized with positive energy, and when working with a spy manager, translate them into neutral ones.

Effective in skidding negative emotions of physical development (test, right for press). If there is a need to viplesnut fierce, it is necessary to price, overburden, on its own. Slid scho-nebud zlamati, beat, hit with a hammer, beat the pillow. It is of great importance to come to the right food, having turned on the gostry and alcohol, and the odd smell provoke aggression. Whenever you attack, it’s too late to go into uncontrolled, you need to turn to fachivtsya.

Often close to the sick turn, to what kind of drug will he turn, how to add an attack to the fierce ones, zavdayuchi all the citizens? It’s not easy, the ludin’s awful person, to bring himself to normal specialties and forbid the proponated help from the people of the people. In general, it’s not possible to bring a loved one to the camp of fierceness and nausea. Knowing behind him is such a specialty yak raptova fiery, fierce, niv, do that, stream yourself.

Show the sleeps of uncontrolled nausea foldably underestimated. Such guests are encouraged to bring people the same unacceptability for robots, as well as in everyday life, in their homeland.
Most of these sleepers are awed by children, who do not understand why, or because their mother raptom yelled at them, or gave them nothing. At the same time, people who have such government reactions to insignificant mockers, or zagal "on an empty mice", look at them. Often the tse of wiklikє does not go through the sight of the provinces, the awful kar'єra, to play around with good calls, friendship is ruined, friendship is ruined.
In such situations, people become aware of the problem on their own, they go to psychology, or after having tried advertising, they can fix and accept the advertised drugs. However, this kind of work should be done just before the situation is destroyed.
Chim shvidshe lyudin turns up in such a situation before fahivtsya, chim shvidshe and efficiently if needed additional help is needed.

Fakhіvtsі Brain Klinіk Mayut great admission on the development of the development of the nervous system and how the bursty emotional splashes of how people do not need to be controlled by the power of power. Our drugs are able to correctly and infinitely for the body to inform the robot of the nervous system and to update the emotional reactions.
You see from the sleepers you can't control it? Don't you have the strength to stream your nests? You are sorry to hear that you weren’t able to stream your emoticons?

We can help you! Phone + 7495-1354402 and make an appointment! Mi is obov'yazkovo help you!

In the past you have been caught up and have not been able to help because the effect is weak? Do not fall into sight! We can help you!
Zvernennya strictly on anonymous basis!

What sleepers are born to

Sleepers of uncontrolled nausea are manifested in the midst of the vision of high nervous activity. You can find yourself in a legacy of permanently active stress, a high psychophysical workout and on the robot.
Our patients can get right in the situation and provide adequate medical and psychological assistance.
Such prikordonnі psychіchnі stanii lіkuyutsya, and our fakhіvtsі can lіkuvati outpatiently.

Most of the skarga in case of uncontrolled sleepers gniv .

Suck often, people get sleepwalking , It's important to stream. As a rule, I want to be forced to produce (form) on be-yakoi, a popular adolescent. You can be a cheerleader if you like lyudin, for how to wick negative emotions, so you can furnish them so you can deliver feeling anger.

Phone +7 495 135-44-02 We can not help you!

For some people, Lyudin can't get enough of the negative perceptions and the production of his own gniv Calls, so can be aggressive vchinki straightened yak on the desperate, as well as on yourself.

mechanizmi uncontrolled oppression .

I will become, at the presence of Lyudinyou can’t stream your gnivThere can be a difference, albeit all the stench of being tied, in those chi-ins, steps through changes in the central nervous system.
The tsi can be knitted:

- for any damage to the brain's biological processes,

- for organic lesions of the brain and, more precisely, for the visual and nervous activity.

To differentiate the main reasons, show increased anger It is necessary to carry out a number of conditions, as they are selected by a doctor only for a full-time examination. It’s not just mindlessly going through all the possibilities, because it’s not easy. A literate physician-psychotherapist, at the first glance at the people, may immediately need additional assistance.

sleepers gniv You can talk about explicitness:

  • important mental illness,
  • asthenization of the nervous system,
  • a trace of stress,
  • alcoholic depletion (especially for an hour with withdrawal syndrome),
  • fallen asleep from psychoactive speech (drugs and other chemical words, which go to the brain),
  • special features of the formulation of special features (pathological characterological rice).
  • especially yaskravo anger to rotate with such mental states, as a disorder of specialties according to an emotional-unstable type (at the time of decompensation, so that non-gamified ones are not controlled by social problems, provoked by calling psychotic early adopters)

    Suck often sleepwalking are seen in people with asthenization, so that they have a naked nervous system.

    The price of hanging can be seen in the midst of high rosy nauk, intoxicating with psychoactive speech, as well as in trivial stress situations, for when certain factors are evident, people start to think negatively.

    Call Lyudin herself to finish it off, so that I’m becoming more dramatic and not beastly respect for sleepwalking, I will fix it more often and more often. As a rule, for the sake of your behavior, you will be respected by people close to you, relatives, friends, maybe colleagues in robots, and others.

    As soon as the people are still living in change with him, then there is a chance that you can strangle your nests with volovoy zusillas, or you can go to the end, and do not expect it to be slept in, Increased internal stress and mimic, uncontrolled development.

    Know the reason for the diagnosis hateі adequately navchitsya yourself additional help, most beautifully turn from cymbals to fakhivtsya, bezposeredno to a psychotherapist. In his own capacity, you can help to improve the emotional background of an individual, either for additional medication therapy, or for additional psychotherapy, but you may well know a complex treatment, albeit a complex therapy.

    Exposure to this type of test can be independent (magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalography), as it is called pathopsychological dosage, for the help of methodical tests, the memory function of the work of such psychiatry the wrinkles of the Emotional-Volovoy sphere. At the beginning of the meeting, people start and get adequate therapy.

    instinctive, natural way of visloviti gniv , Tse reaguvati is aggressive in terms of delivery to otochuyuch.

    gnivє a natural, adaptive form of response to external contamination. It’s the biological form of reaction of the people, the whole emotional form that allows people to fight and seize themselves if they attack them. Singing number, now, is necessary for living.

    From the side, we cannot physically swoop down on the skin of a person, for the object that drags us: laws, social norms and healthy blindness in the world, as ours is far away gniv you can be happy with us.

    However, a lot of psychological trainings are at once directing to the manifestation of greater aggression and often the witness's actions are shy of the manifestation hate.

    But we will not mean we will be aggressive but we will be aggressive, but it means we will be more important to ourselves.

    Iakshcho Lyudin is not good for self-control and it is not critical to be considered before showing authority anger That is to say about the manifestation of pathology, how to find a solution in the office of a psychotherapist.

    Vislovy of helpless psychologists about the power of being suppressed hate and it’s not safe, that it’s not allowed to bend the bend, or the transformation feels like it’s nausea, it’s possible to wriggle in the middle — on oneself. Psychologists vvazhayut pomilkovo, scho gniv, "Beast in the middle" can lead to hypertension, vegetative-sudinal dystonia, neurosis or depression. Navpaki, slide to look gniv, Yak one of the first symptoms of the form of a mental snake. And as for people, this kind of repair appears more often, and control over the camp of difficulties, then the need to look at the options of the need to see a psychotherapist. It is also not surprising that such psychologists, like thinking such a thought, do not think of successful solutions of problems, which are connected with situations to manifest uncontrolled oppression and with the help of yogo control ..

    For the butts, we have guided a few options for the scarg of people to show unmotivated slept in .

    1. I don’t know what my job is. I am a boy, I am already more than 3 rocky. We will stay for an hour and become just a joke. Previously, this did not happen so much. Bulo zrіdka. And at the same time, I slept for the little fools and immediately started screaming. On the other hand, I’m going to put on lipstick. Mi nikudi didn’t succeed, I don’t remember it, and I wondered if we went downstairs on the lift. I asked for yogh to check out at the bottom of the room I’m going to see and see. Vin then started screaming, I thought about it earlier. As soon as I go on the streets, I will not help my friend, and I will not overtake him, but I’m sure I’m going to know that I’m going to start shouting. First of all, I am guilty only about and wondering why my friends cannot be seen.

    2. With my boy, we have a long-term plan, ale me to be built, but the psyche is ruined. It seems like it was through post-traumatic syndrome, it’s because of head injuries, concussion. I thought that it’s possible to see the virginity and our love is all hemmed. Ale past the rіk, and I bach only at the pogirshennya, and I will become that of our victories. Turning around your psyche is not healthy, maybe in a reasonable way. There can be a sharp, unprinted attack of a fierce, uncontrolled sleepers and uncontrollable behavior, if it is not reasonable to speak and to rob. All the same, I am relieved by a healthy deaf. For example, if I didn’t pick up the phone, I would be angry and angry, shouting and image, maybe at the moment send kudi filed, and I wouldn’t get angry in virases. Then - the mood is so quick to change and see the ringing - sleep, nozzles, vibachennya, "I can't live without you ..." and so on. Spіlkuvannya became unbearable, melodiously, I myself will soon become overwhelmed.

    3. At me, more and more often, sleepers have become unhappy, dissatisfied, and come to such fierceness. All the price is on a pile of hilin, and then go through and everything stands on its own. I don’t want that myself, if I’m ready to stand up for something, not that, not that, just for nothing. Until the likar is not beastly, she really don’t know what kind of likar is needed. I can get started through the drіbnitsі. It is not only the members of my family who are guarding, the cholovik and the little daughter. I can shout at them, obizvati, through hilinu I ask for a trick and ask vibachennya, ale pizno - the word is not gorobets. Don’t all the rik, ale, I can shout at her, and at least the most turbo. I am mindful that this is not possible, or else I can’t take anything with me. I'm lightening up and nachebto lighter. I hate myself for the sake of it. How to fit in with emotsiyami?

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