Cheap tours for the cordon without visi. Found cheap tours for the cordon. De buy cheaper turi

An article about low-cost countries, you can read it in a row. Also, there will be a tribute to tourism and recommendations, a list of travel-free lands in 2016.

Before the hour of launch, you always want to go to the sea. If you are in the yard of the spec, you want to get into the cold water and lie down on the snowy sand. It’s still a good team behind the cordon, but it’s not a big deal. The knowledge of the new culture, the zvichy and national cuisines, is madly forgotten for all life.

It’s a pity, it’s not possible to get back to the airport on the road. Todi, є kіlka options: either go for a cheap tour to the sea, or go to the village on your own, sparing the services of travel agencies.

Peculiarities due to the postcordon in 2016

Virushayuchi on vlіtku vlіtku, next to memory, but not all the world has optimal weather for those who like. In some lands, the temperature is up to +40 degrees, and it will be overwhelmed with sleepy and heat strokes. At the children of the tropic lands, the season of the boards is being repaired. To that, in them it is more beautiful to go back to the sum of money. The axis of the kilka options for the beach version for the summer season 2016 rock:

  • Beach holiday in Europe (Spain, France, Greece and Italy)
  • Bulgaria
  • Egypt
  • Turechchina
  • Coastal places in China
  • Chornogorya
  • Exotic resorts (Australia, islands, New Zealand, etc.)

Devoted to the fierce, birch and quarter of 2016 rock?

At the end of winter and the ear of spring, all the while still enjoying the season in the rest of Asia. There are a number of peculiarities in such regions as India, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia:

  • Expensive air tickets. The road is part of the rise in the land of Asia - the price of air tickets. Tom, bazano choose charter flights with discounts
  • Cheaper living is that food. Tsi vitrati borrow less than the budget of all trips. Especially, if you have a drink, it’s not a five-star hotel, but you’ll go to fashionable restaurants. For example, it is possible to rent a bungalow with a shower, a cabin and an air conditioner at Asian resorts for 100 dollars per day. At the same time, life will be known practically on the beach
  • Hospitality. The staff of that, which is the land of Asia bіdni, the servants there will be promoted for the prices that are available. Moreover, the inhabitants of the city do not visit the majestic tea-girls, but before the tourists they are put with the leader.

Inexpensive beach packages for travel packages. Prices for updates to 2016 rock

Buy a ticket to a travel agency, a tourist, as a rule, will help you with more services:

  • insurance
  • transfer from the airport to the hotel
  • brochure with pleasures and recommendations
  • the appearance in the country, a tourist arrives in kudi, a russian commander's guide

To this, naturally, the parity of the number of services is automatically supplied to the parity of the aviakvitka, living and eating. The ticket itself is to stay in the class of the hotel, from the courtyard (new board or private) and from the appearance of the excursion in the program. However, є the country, for reasons of travel for a tourist trip, is inexpensive:

  • Turechchina. There are a lot of hotels in the economy class. Nayposhirenіshі place, for the lіtnіe vіdpodnuyu: Antalya, Kemer, Marmaris, Bodrum. Price for a ticket, where to enter an air ticket, accommodation in a hotel and accommodation, to be repaired at 300 $
  • Egypt. It’s hot in Egypt. Ale, if you don’t need to take refuge, then you can go back to the country. Prices for transfers to Egypt will be repaired at $ 500 per ticket
  • Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a land, roasted on the shores of the Black Sea. For those that are easy to get to (to navigate bus tours), you can get a ticket for a day for $ 300
  • Rumunia. At the tsiu country їdut, schob at a cultural and educational, and beachy. Also, bus tour operators in Rumunia can be accepted for $ 300

De vidpochiti? For the cordon without visi

All countries, in which there is a possibility to come, can be divided into three categories:

  • bezvizovy land
  • country, in which you can go to visit at the entrance
  • country, in which it is necessary to arrange a visa in advance through the embassy.

As a rule, about the need for visi, before the uristic company. Vaughn was also provided with help during the registration. As a rule, the part of the ticket is not included in the part of the ticket. Falsely from the country, for which it is possible to pay up to 50 - 100 $. To spare a visit, you can return to a travel-free country:

  • Bahamas Islands
  • Brazil
  • V'utnam
  • Georgia
  • Dominikana
  • Egypt
  • Izrail
  • Cambodia
  • Кіпр (electronic visa)
  • Malaysia
  • Maldivi
  • Seychelles
  • Serbia
  • Thailand
  • Jamaica

All the pererakhovani vishche of the land are located close to the sea. However, for some reason, it’s quite expensive for them to have enough money, do not be astonished at the visibility of the vitrates for the visa.

Bulgaria and Egypt - the most popular land for the summer

Russian tourists, as a rule, rarely go to exotic lands. For that, in Egypt and Bulgaria, there are some reasons for accessibility, the sea, beaches, where tourists are drawn from Russia, Ukraine and Bilorusia. At some resorts of Russian-speaking tourists, there are a lot of places to be built, but still in Batkivshchyna, and not in a specot resort.

Popular resorts of Egypt:

  • Hurghada
  • Sharm el sheikh
  • Marsa Alam
  • El-Gouna
  • Safaga

Popular resorts in Bulgaria:

  • Golden Pisky
  • Sozopol
  • Nessebar
  • look around
  • sleepy day

With a child for the cordon. Forgiveness on the sea

Virushayuchi with the child behind the cordon, follow the rules of the country, where the tourist goes. Please check the documents that will be required when you go and get insurance. Also, better speed up with out-of-the-box recommendations:

  • it is necessary to take a minimum first-aid kit (active not vugilla, ointment against opikiv, fever)
  • the temperature in the afternoon hour is not guilty of turning 35 degrees
  • more beautifully, the beach of the buv food, for the sake of the turtle
  • slid potsіkavitisya in a travel agency, which is infrastructure for children maє hotel, chi є child animator
  • it is necessary, in addition to the last speeches, to take a pair of pants and a striped shirt. In some regions, there is a sharp temperature drop in the daytime and at night
  • consult with a doctor, as you may know before the trip

It’s happy to be happy, as they give tourists admission mandates.

  • Vivchit zvychay land, in a yaku virus, schob no incidental situations
  • Before you pick up your luggage, you need to tie it to a new line. It’s possible to know better when you are rejected.
  • Book a flight, you can on the website of the airline, before you arrived at the airport
  • Yaksho flight with a transfer, to the Utochnik, yak to fly luggage It is necessary to transfer it independently, or to transport it in transit
  • Get a first aid kit
  • Do not overuse alcohol for some reason. P'yani tourists - view video for moshayniks
  • Please do not put the speech in your luggage, but take it as hand luggage
  • After settling in the hotel, it’s okay, because the servants are happy with no money, but they are for a penny
  • Use a safe in your room, check your passports and pennies. Chance to speak on the beach

After the cordon, you will need to pull it back from the guard. Adzhe trouble-free tourists, it’s a vidminnaya goal for making money for the inhabitants of the city. For those who are trying to find out for some reason, it is necessary to have a long history of information about the country, about the resort and information about the hotel.

Video: Nice free lands

Video: Finding the cheapest land for the sea

More expensive

Before us check in summer - an hour of emptying, warm weather and a good mood. At the end of the hour, the bazhanya wake up to the new vision, to increase the price and radiance of life. And yet it would have been unforgiving to spare. Service Cash4Brands can help you to know yourself from Moscow beyond the cordon.

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Read also:

In order to buy air tickets from Moscow cheaply, I don’t know directly in advance, because the function “Map of low prices” is fast. You can find it in the menu, which is located in the upper right corner.

The sense of the picture is in the fact of giving an announcement by Koristuvachev about prices for air tickets in the Russian land. It’s so easy to know, where the trip will be cheaper for everything, and de viklasta chimalu sum.

To know the cheapest way possible, remember the settings of the picture from the right side. In the graph "Misto Villote" in Moscow, "Triviality overbuvannya" - from 4 to 5 days, "Budget" - up to 7000 rubles.

Інші nalashtuvannya can not chіpati. If you don’t want to bother with documents. Ale todi assortment is significant to pass by. At the time of an onslaught on the button "Show on the map". The result is acceptable.

evaluation of results

Otzhe, we know a bunch of aviakvitkіv found by us from Moscow beyond the cordon viglyadaє by the offensive rank:

    Vilnius, Lithuania - 5655 rubles

    Istanbul, Turechchina - 5898 rubles

    Tbilisi, Georgia - 5962 rubles

    Minsk, Bilorus - 5983 rubles

    Baku, Azerbaijan - 6029 rubles

    Thessaloniki, Gretsiya - 6041 rubles

I would like to brutalize respect, so the prices for aviakvitki change permanently, and the result of your joke can be seen from ours. Still, it is significant that the price is indicated in the form of receipts there and back one ludin. It’s not forgotten that the price will appear even lower, if you are quick to see Cashback from our service.

Now, on the right, just behind you, even the vibe of that chi-nshy directly lie in the likeness and goals. Yaksho vrahuvati, since in the warm days there is a popular beach destination, it is promising to see the direction of Baku, Thessaloniki or Istanbul. Ale mi zupinimya on the most economical option - Lithuanian Vilnius.

Robot with cards and buying tickets

The low price map is interactive and friendly. You can approach and see and see, relocate and doslidzhuvati. Close to the map and we know the label with the price.

Having pressed on her, you will take away the information.

Here is the period of the transfer, the number of transfers and prices. Press the button "Know" and take out even more tribute.

I know to write "Know".

You can eat on the side with a shock. The last available option will be indicated receipts and other airlines. If you have chosen a choice, click on the "Buy" button, and the service will redirect you to a new side, so that you have to remember your personal data and pay for the replacement.

If you want to buy tickets, it’s impossible to get a living room for a date. On the Cash4Brands website there is also the material assigned to it -. Try, experiment, and you will reach the real economy.

What are the robots, if the options are not propped up?

Crazy, not skinny wants to change in the representation of the land. Then try a budget. For example, with an increase in the price of everything for 1000 rubles in the adjusted pictures (up to 8000 rubles), the following are displayed directly, like France, Poland, Rumunia, Latvia. Zbіlshuєmo up to 9000 rubles and we will accept it in Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands and without lich countries. The shocking of cheap air tickets from Moscow with Aviasales tsіkaviy і nasty.

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There has become a pardon for the hour of the dannyh nadsilannya.
Be a weasel, try again!

In the minds of a ninish crisis, a trip to the cordon is seen as an unauthorized distribution for the helpless people. The prices for living in a large number of overseas regions reach the richest income of the average-statistical people, transforming them into an undeveloped world. But all the same there is a country, in which the exchange rate of currencies is in the hands of all tourists.

We put together a list of 7 regions, which are the ones that were found for tourists.


Price for living per month: $ 30
Harchuvannya per month: 40 $
Transfer: 550-600 $

India is involved in finding the cheapest tourist land in the world. Wonderful not only with the hot climate and the ocean, but with a lot of memories. And it’s all just for $ 80 per month.

Through a quick exchange rate for a dollar on a rupee, to spend money on life, tourists will cost $ 30 per month. And through the tropical climate of the Indies, the markets of the tsilia are reminiscent of cheap fruits and vegetables. Moreover, it is possible for a couple of dollars to add a sprinkle of rice and cereals. With such a rank, a tourist will cost about $ 10 per day for a meal.

For a cleaner, it is more beautiful to choose small places. The prices in them are cheaper, lower in Deli, the life is quieter, the number of the population is less, and the monuments and national flavor are more numerous. Chisinau vitrati and excursions will cost a tourist about $ 40. Varto respect, that the most indusi spend less money for a month, because the average salary is only $ 50. Unpretentious, there was such an economical fall and poorness, India was even worse and a colorful country. The transfer here is not only sleepy days on the beaches, but more common in culture and traditions.

The flight to India is cheap; Tickets there and back from any land of the SND will cost about $ 600, and if you book it in advance, you can spare up to a hundred dollars.


Price for living in a month: 60-100 $
Harchuvannya per month: 20 $
Transfer: from 1000 $

Indonesia is seen by tourists in Persha Cherga for the names of the famous beaches of Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which are inimical to paradise landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

First of all, there are no viruses at the gateway to Indonesia, everything is needed for a safe trip. Tour operators can offer tourists expensive hotel rooms for $ 20 for extra money, so it’s not an option for an average man. It’s a lot of things to go back and forth, so as a warm climate will allow this way of living. Deyakі fіdshukuyut soі zruchnі little bungalows or bungalows on the birch ocean for $ 60 per month.

Already in Indonesia, as in India, there is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and mountains, as well as the most delicious seafood. In such a rank, for a tourist's food, in the middle one, vitracha is $ 20. As soon as you go through the road an hour or so you go to restaurants and try the national cuisine, then the monthly sum grows up to 40 $. At the same time with intestinal vitrates, you need a sum for living in Indonesia for one month to become $ 160-180.

One rule of thumb is to remember one rule: do not buy any souvenir products for proponated prices. It is necessary to start bargaining, so that the real part of all the dibs becomes all the dollars.

Unpretentious at low prices, flights to Indonesia are not cheap satisfaction. Vouchers in two sides from all regions of the SND are close to $ 1200 for one people. Or you can joke about special promotions, discounts or book tickets for a long time, and spare a couple of hundred dollars.


Price for living in month: 60-70 $
Harchuvannya per month: 40 $
Transfer $ 1000

Laos is not only a beautiful land with wonderful mountain landscapes, but the center of spiritual enlightenment. In order to know for yourself and the intelligence of the sense of life, tourists from the world will go to Laos themselves, de panun spokiyna and spiritual atmosphere. Plus, before anything else, the country is even cheaper, so as vitrachati pennies here especially nowhere.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with a total cost of 60-70 $, in the presence of the Internet. The assortment of products in Laos is not even great, as the sphere of industry is not very good for them. In such a rank, a tourist vitracha maximum 40 $ per month for the necessary products.

Ale the axis overflowed into the offensive sides from the edge of the SND warehouse for about $ 1000.


Price for living in month: 200 $
Harchuvannya per month: $ 100
Transfer: 800-1200 $

Thailand is one of the most exotic regions of Asia. Vona attracts tourists with its bright farbs, carefree atmosphere, colorful festivals and show programs, and, in a very special way, unique cuisine.

More and more tourists are willing to sit in the warmth of Thailand during the winter hour, since the prices are already low for some reason there. Diyno, the price of the country is inexpensive for an average-statistic man. First, there is no way to start in Thailand, you can make references from blogs and websites in big tourists, which will please newcomers with a message, de є cheap living, inexpensive іzha and іtsіkavі mіtsya for a visit.
There are plenty of vistacha fruits, ribi and game in everything according to dolar. In such a rank, a tourist should spend $ 100 for a good day, otherwise he will focus on expensive Thai delicacies and cultural masterpieces.

Not importantly, look at the great place on the Kshtalt Pattaya, but in small ones, like Phuket, Samui, Chang or Phi-Phi, a heavenly vidpustku to you guarantees, through golden beaches, a dream and exotic life. But the axis of life for life changes dramatically. At great places for a month a tourist will have to pay $ 400, and an axis in small resort places is close to $ 200.

Costa Rica

Price for living per month: $ 100
Harchuvannya per month: 200 $
Transfer: from 1000 $

Costa Rica is a small heavenly power in Central America, as tourists make the most beautiful place on earth. For mandrivniks there are reserves, parks, miraculous beaches, go to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, watersheds and safars in the wild jungle.

If you can rent a small house here, you will need a cost of $ 250 per month, and the axis of a simple apartment with a handy cost will cost $ 100. Hunting in Costa Rica can be inexpensive, it can be found hourly in restaurants. Through the abundance of seafood and fruits, a supper in a restaurant for only $ 4. With such a rank, spend close to $ 100 per month for a month.

And so, both beaches and the ocean are happy without a cost, a heavenly month of warranties for everyone.


Price for living per month: $ 150
Harchuvannya per month: 200 $
Transfer: from 1000 $

During the economic crisis, the national currency of Argentina fell, making the stay of tourists in the whole country quite affordable. Ale through the distant roztashuvannya, flown to a beautiful country to become a decent bag.

Accommodation in hotels, like in the other lands, is very expensive, not a private residence. And the axis of an apartment with a handful directly on the ocean birch will cost $ 150 for a month. On the vidminu of the Asian lands, the harvest in Argentina is more expensive. If you are picking a gotuwati on your own, then be prepared for a vitality of $ 200, and if you want to try miracles of culinary masterpieces of national cuisine from the chef, who’s worth getting into a little bit of development.


Price for living in a month: $ 40-150
Harchuvannya per month: 200 $
Transfer: from 500 $

Fіlіppini are very beautiful islands, with their culture and hospitality people. As a matter of fact, it’s not even cheaper than a place, if you want to be more beautiful in a big city. If you want to be able to see what the world is, lie on the beaches and the ocean and enjoy the change of atmosphere, better than vibrate the small tourist town of Cebu. Here є і golf courts, і shopping centers, and prices for living dropped to $ 150 per month. And as soon as you see the galaslivy place of Damakoute, there you can settle down with a handful of all for $ 40 per month.

If you try to find home food with restaurants on the Philippines, then you will get vitratity close to $ 200, at which point you can't see it.

Picked up a penny for a flight and virus for a whole month to the earthly paradise. Take a great deal!

From the closet of charter flights to the resorts of Egypt and Turechchini a lot of tourists are asked to eat kudi poyhati vidpochivati ​​in 2016 rock for the "all inclusive" system? Travel agencies are well known for being able to communicate to Russians directly for a summer trip with a travel-free regime. So why should we give us a tour operator in a whole rotsi?

Accommodation in Tunis on the "all inclusive" system

There is an inexpensive way to get an “all inclusive” system and a visa-free travel, in 2016 it replaced Turechchina and Egypt for Russian tourists. Not a small role is played by the fact that Tunis is the most Europeanized land of the entire Arab world and Africa.
At Tunis the "all inclusive" system is developed practically in all hotels, from 3 to 5 stars.
Service includes:
- snіdanok obіd that supper;
- fruit, frosty and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the day;
- light alcoholic drinks - beer and cocktails (in most hotels);
- rosters, chaise lounges, towels, parasols, etc.
Changes in services are available in new hotels, you need to clarify when choosing a tour.
The transfer to the place of Tunis will cost about 12 thousand rubles, in the form of a package proposal with a transfer.
10 days per person - about 42,000 rubles in a 5 * hotel;
14 days for two - approximately 142,000 rubles for a 5 * hotel.

Widgets in Greece for the "all inclusive" system

Greece is famous for its beautiful beaches, as it rots on the Uzbek coastline all the way to the seas and the "perlin" of the old civilization. Infrastructure in the country is developed and suitable for tourists. On occasion the weather is more beautiful, the grass is on the zhovten, the weather is dry and spectral at all times. The most popular months are lime and serpen, the "oxamitic" season is about to start.
Hotels in Greece have two types:
- small type (with pool and terrace);
- a povnotsinny complex, with a majestic territory.
Hotels can be retouched on the first and other coastal lines.
Prices are growing and in the middle of the month it can grow, but they are cheaper. In the middle of a trip from Moscow and the loss of one person according to the “all inclusive” system, it will cost 30,000 rubles;
- for two - 45,000;
- for three number of kostuvatime 60,000 rubles:
- if you go back in time, it will cost you 115,000 rubles.
There are available tours to smell hotels 2 *.

Vidpochinok in Bulgaria for the "all inclusive" system

Living room Bulgaria, roztashovana on the Balkansky pіvostrovі, washed by the Black Sea. In the whole region the sea is cleaner and spokyne. The climate of the country is dusky and perfect for a relaxing holiday. The temperature in the middle of the summer is growing, in the middle of the Mediterranean climate with warm summer, in the middle of the summer season. Season of summer season from worm to spring. Bulgaria is a safe land for the recovery of Russians.
Category of hotels in the country from 2 to 5 stars. There can be boutiques of little guests of a small house or apartments with a standard set of services or a retail complex, which includes VIP service. The hotels are located near the central part, and beyond the boundaries of the place.
Tyzhnevyi vidpochinok for two villotes from Moscow according to the "all inclusive" system will cost about 65,000 rubles for a 2 * hotel;
- for three in a 2 * hotel the voucher will cost 95,000 rubles;
- one single distribution will cost 35,000 rubles in category 2 *.
With an increase in brightness, the hotel will participate in the tour as quickly as possible.
Pidvodyachi pidsumok can be said, wih vibir land for an all-inclusive. All lay down from your likeness, you can know a tour for whatever relish and hamanetz.

Once in a while, a good result is a good health problem. Alright, if the financial capabilities are not great? Spend a great hour at the dacha? Not obov'yazkovo. The budgetary allowance is an absolutely real prospect, to navigate beyond the cordon.

Zakordon is attractive for our spouse for a number of reasons: good service, the ability to be amazed by the lights, great shopping, as well as the miraculous ability to live in a routine environment. To that end, ten years of Russo is tourist self-forgetting to the edge of the land of a distant foreign country. The Russians have already found a love for a new idea in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Persh nіzh fix it if it’s more expensive, it’s necessary for yourself as a main meta. At the understanding of the tips, one should include blissfully lying on the beach, don't miss him without looking at the memorials, and the third - give it an exotic way. Reserved for the purpose is required
vibrate and mice.

Samiy budget vidpochinok outside the cordon, de?
Already a lot of rock_v who have found the price of vvazayutsya tours to Turechchina, Egypt and Bulgaria. Turechchina and Egypt enjoy the love and all-inclusive tour.

Bulgaria is a mild climate and smallest, in proportion, with European prices. Along with the growth of popularity among tourists, growth and partiality are growing in the cich lands. To that, a larger budget option would be a trip to Croatia, Chornohora, Rumunia and to the Baltic Uzbek Poland, but in the garnu specotno you can wonderfully see.

Service, sea and nature here may not be European, but rather on a regular basis. Reminders for looking around, all sorts of monasteries, castles and boys' ruins - in general. Kitchen - vidminna. In the world of samobutnya, ale not viklikє, in the words of Slovenian slags, not transferred reaction. You can travel to these lands by car.

Greece, Italy and Spain can be cheaper for tourists than Europe. Especially, when there are trochas out of season and not in the very popular tourist centers. As soon as possible, the tourists will find that prices in a couple of tens of kilometers from the resort zone are an order of magnitude less. So, if you want to rent an apartment or a room in a hotel in a small place on the Uzbek coast in the same Spain of Italy, for some reason it will be much cheaper. Prior to speech, apartments with décor, bedrooms and kitchens should be less than a room.

In a straight Asian way, I respect the resorts near Vietnam and Goa in India. The prices there are so low, as they are not expensive, for some reason in the cich lands it would be possible to call them the budgetary ones. However, the flight is guaranteed to have a significant amount of money. Tim is bigger, but the charter is still not so abundant and there is no cost for air tickets.

The availability of up to the dollar zones and low prices for tourism grew even more attractive for tourism in the region of Latin America. Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Cuba can boast of good ocean beaches, wonderful, exotic cuisine in the world, and a rich self-made culture. But here it may be necessary to make a correction for the road. Vona cost a lot.

Yak organizing inexpensive pickups outside the cordon?
There are two main options here: either hot vouchers, or vaping route layouts, cheap charter flights and budget accommodation.
Hot vouchers to the right are douche garne, and there is only one suttuy short. Stink at those scorching things that you won't be able to buy in advance. This can be done quickly in two different ways їkh catch.

The first pole among all the proposals of tour operators in the necessary direct behind the additional Internet resources. True, in general, the mother of a loyal robot teacher is needed, which at any moment can be admitted to helpers. Another way to go for great places, de lonely travel agencies. Take a selection of valets, and then try to "get along" for the guided tours of the agencies. As a rule, for 2-3 days, I like the proposition for the Wikid prices to appear.

Self-service travel is completely beyond the European resort and tourist zones. Bazhano znannya movi. Cheap aviakvitki can be found on special sites. Near the border areas, there will be buses to travel to the Eurozone and fly as soon as possible. Lives can be known in advance on the Internet.

Naynizhchі prices for іznіy straits:
Egypt - from 11,000 rubles.
Grecia - from 11,000 rubles.
Turechchina - from 14,200 rubles.
Chornogoria - from 8120 rubles.
Bulgaria - from 10,150 rubles.
Rumunia - from 6000 rubles.
Croatia - from 17973 rubles.
Italy - from 15647 rubles.
Spain - from 16667 rubles.
Argentina - from 264000 rubles.
V'atnam - from 35407 rubles.

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