Beautiful words for my beloved daughter from mom. Declaration of love for children - from Elena Pavlova

I wish your birthday, my dear little daughter, that you be yourself. Mom wants you to never lose heart, to give everyone your laughter and smile, even in the most difficult situationso that your funny jokes cheer up to different people. On a beautiful birthday, may all your most beautiful dreams, the most cherished desires come true. May all your problems be resolved in an instant. I love you! ©

I wish you a wonderful day, when you were born, my beloved daughter, you happiness and a peaceful sky above your head. May the most reliable and loyal friends in the world always surround you. I wish that on your birthday you grow up only in body, but remain a young soul. May your most cherished dreams come true on your birthday, giving you hope for the successful completion of your affairs. Happy holiday! Your mother. ©

I wish you, my dear little daughter, that your birthday will bring you a sea of \u200b\u200bcolorful balls, a mountain of chocolates, many, many excellent grades that will please not only you, but also your parents. Mom wishes you to wake up early in the morning with a great mood. May your friends and people close to you always and everywhere be with you. Happy Birthday! ©

At this festive hour, I wish you, my most beautiful daughter, that you do not get upset over trifles, do not lose your presence of spirit and optimistic mood. Let your problems seem to you small grains of sand in the Universe, and good deeds double. I wish you on your birthday that you more often gave me your smile. Let everything be wonderful with you. Your loving mom. ©

I wish you a birthday, my dear daughter, as a reward for your childish patience, so that the Lord God himself would protect you from troubles. I wish you to study well and be sure to become someone very important and influential and bring benefits good people. Mommy wishes, loving that faith and love find you when you grow up a little. Happy holiday dear! ©

On this bright birthday, I wish you, my dear daughter, so that you do not lose heart, that you grow up quickly and choose the right profession, which will bring you a lot of money and satisfaction with your choice. Let everything be wonderful in your life. At this wonderful hour, I wish you everything to work out and triple. Let the fog of love and hope, faith and joy envelop you. Happy holiday! Your mother. ©

I wish you, dear, dear daughter, on your birthday, that millions of scarlet roses are showered from head to toe. On this wonderful holiday, may all your secret desires become a wonderful reality. I wish you to be a strong soul and body, so as not to lose your sense of humor. Your mother wishes you that every new day brings you security and only positive emotions. ©

On my birthday, I wish you a hurry of joy and happiness, peace and the most wonderful friends on earth. May at this wonderful hour you and I, unite my dear daughter, have friendly and trusting relations. Remember, your mother will always be ready to listen to you, support and understand you. I wish you, my dear girl, to appreciate every moment of your life. Be happy! ©

I wish you to be happy and clean, like a radiant sun. I wish you to have fun and sing, and I certainly understood everything. I wish, my dear, beautiful daughter, that you never lose heart and give everyone around you a smile. Let the rainbow mood not leave you for a second. I wish that mom helped you in everything, but did not discourage the desire to make the right choice on her own. Happy Birthday! ©

I wish, my beloved daughter, that you be strong in those moments when you want to cry from resentment or when it seems that there is no way out. My dear, the most beautiful girl in this world, I wish you to be showered with red rose petals from head to toe. On your birthday, let a fairy fairy fly to you and present you with a magic wand so that you can change this world. Happy Birthday! Your mother. ©

Sweet Elfika! I want to see a lot of declarations of love for our sons and daughters !! It always seems to them that we love them a little, we need more and more)))) Let's give them MORE! I already wrote on the site that for almost four years every day, laying my daughter to bed, she whispered to her: You are my joy, you are my happiness! And at four years old, also lying next to her, she fell asleep before her. And she woke up from her gentle touches and strokes, her whispers: You are my joy, you are my happiness! Now she is nine, but she tells me daily, and I told her: I love you! Let's talk more to our children how we love them. They are the most wonderful! I send two poems. If you do not publish them, then at least a note of the Anthem. He is also about our children, these are my personal observations. It is difficult to call this a fairy tale, but from the heart)))) With love and respect, Elena.


I was waiting for you, dear, with joy.
  I lived and grew with you.
  It seemed to me that we were tied with a thread,
  And that you are a continuation of me.
  I loved you and hoped
  What keeps you this love.
  You grow up now and from this
  You want to realize everything again and again.
  That shell is small for you,
  To a huge world, where there are no borders,
  You hatch like a duck
  On the waves you are about to slip.
  You try the wings, something goes wrong,
  And looking for help from me,
  Under the wing you come, beauty
  It’s as if you were kidding as a kid.
  I will teach you how to sail
  So that not a single hurricane hits.
  I’ll tell you how to avoid the evil one,
  What peace to find for yourself.
  We will learn to give kindness
  Together we will be back to back.
  Forgive me, my clever girl.
  I wish you love !!!

Son fell asleep with prayer on his lips
  For all living things, uttering a word:
  “Thank you, my heavenly Father, for
  Birth into eternity, kindness, of course.
  For guarding my peace
  While I grow, while I smile
  While father and mother, and my entire family
  In me your features only distinguish.
  Part of infinity burning
  And the light will reach everyone, the term blowjob.
  I will stand and I will give everyone
  Your blessing, my dear! ”
  You sleep, son! Your dreams are beautiful.
  Years will pass for their embodiment.
  And together we - because you and I are one -
  We will help to translate everything into Always!

The opening of the Pontic Arena Festival of children and youth circus groups coincided with the Constitution Day of Ukraine. The festival has been held in Sevastopol for 14 years. The city has a special status - it is semi-Russian. All the names of shops, offices, enterprises in Russian. And only part of the advertisement - Ukrainian is also spoken.People also speak predominantly Russian. The opening and opening of the Festival accompanied the national anthems of Ukraine and Russia. At the sounds of the Ukrainian anthem, spectators and participants stand up, some people sing, but almost no words are heard. Russian Anthem, children's confident voices in chorus, from the first words, sing the main song of Russia. The anthem sounds solemnly and loudly on the Sevastopol embankment. Spectators and people passing by, walking nearby in the park stop, look at those who represent the future of Russia, who are proud of their country and the Anthem sings it loudly and confidently. Maybe they, these adult people born during the existence of the USSR, do not fully understand the sincerity of children living in that country from which many are separated and estranged. And young artists look at each other and smile, ropevaya patriotic words in praise of his homeland to the sound of the brass band of the Naval Forces of Ukraine on the day of its Konstitutsii.I again, many years ago, this is the pride of the country and respect vostorg.U Russia is sonorous and joyful future!

My love for you is almost an art
The desire to create and create
Deep and fiery feelings
In your heart quivering to give birth.
I'm happy, but sometimes I don’t understand
I wake up with you or sleep
Charming, kind, dear,
How crazy I love you!

I like! What could be more beautiful?
And I want to tell you about it,
Not knowing whether you will understand me or refuse me
There is no more urine to be silent ...

I love to look into your eyes, I
And always hear your voice
And always feel that you are near
And let me love you.

Evening, silver dew
Clouds in gold lace
In sweet bliss fragrant roses
Flaming in love dreams.
The night is near, diamonds month
He scattered the stars-asters in silence,
Waiting, worried, in love,
In a blazing honey candle.
On the silver velvet of the night
Under the twinkle of mysterious stars
May all dreams come true
And love will ascend to heaven!

Your smile is so sincere, pure
It carries heat and light,
You are the best person
There are almost no such people in the world!

I feel good next to you
You give joy and peace
Let our star burn
And she will bring happiness!

I love you, a bright little star!
You are my love, a cherished dream!
And no woman is better in the world
You are like the sun at dawn!
It's impossible to not love you
Only gently and carefully
You're fragile and elegant
Peerless, real!
I love you, the sun is clear,
My good and beautiful!

How hard it is for a man
Go through a world where everyone is alien faces!
But you are with me - and only because
It's so easy for me and my song is flowing

To you - a vision from my dream ...
You are a dream, a feat, and a reward ...
There is no peace. No people. There are I and You.
And I want to be with you forever.

Declaration of love with verses to tears

You are brighter than the sun, more beautiful than you are not,
You radiate a miraculous bright light
I love you so much - beyond words
I will try to convey this with deeds!
You are the girl of my dreams, from a fairy tale,
Ready to bathe you in dreams and affection
I love you so much that there are no words.
Let the spell of flowers speak instead of me!

You conquer your beauty and smile,
By the endless positive you surprise me.
You are good in soul and outwardly beautiful
With you every day has become kind and clear.
With all my heart I rushed to you
I’m ready to admit that I fell in love with you.
With you I am ready to spend every day
Appreciate, adore and only love you.

Today is some strange day ...
Silence is so hard about love.
And therefore my confession
Please, please accept!

You are a unique person.
Here are just a heart locked.
I do not ask you a lot.
Just about a letter or a call.

Into your wounded heart
Nobody could get yet.
And I only hope in the hope
What will you remove the castle for me.

You, my joy, are endless
Long-awaited happiness, believe me!
You, like a ray of sunshine, desired
Like an incoming kitten at the door.
The sun doesn’t shine without you
And the moon won't look out the window
It’s only rain without you
It drizzles and it’s dark in the shower.
I repeat only one thing to myself
And in a dream, in reality and in delirium
I love you my dear angel
And I'm waiting for love back!

I love you, my light in the window
I love you, my berth of life.
It's funny to imagine my sun
What we missed
Without meeting each other.
I don’t need wealth without you
Glory, life victories.
I will become a fair wind for you
To keep you safe from troubles.
And without you I’ll go to the bottom.
I love you, I love immensely
You know that I won’t let you down
I will destroy any fortress and barrier
To fulfill your dream.

I dedicate all thoughts to you
You are my heart and soul forever
I enjoy and live with you
You are the most close person  to me.

And it’s like we are different with you,
You are my dawn, and I am more like a sunset
But you are a gift sent by fate
You are a bright paradise, and you are a dark hell.

But you, you are just my need
You are strength, you are my weakness
You are tenderness, you are love, my joy
You are my humility, and you are fury.

A declaration of love touching to tears

I can laugh without you, I can cry without you. I can also wake up in the morning, spend the day and fall asleep without you. I can live without you, I can die without you. But one thing I definitely can’t do without you ever - to be happy. And if someone asks how long I will love you, I will answer that I can’t say, because I don’t know how long I will live. And I will love you all my life.

I want to say that for me you are not just a dear and close person, you are like the air that I breathe, the water that I wash at dawn, the ray of sun that warms my soul, the wonderful aroma and sweet taste of my life. I love you and I want to be with you every second of my time.

My temporary insanity deceived me until I understood the most important thing. My intermittent breathing, incoherent speech, embarrassment - it's all something that is subject only to you, your beauty and incredible kindness. I love you, accept my love as a priceless gift!

My tender charming princess ... My real life began at the moment when I met you, when I saw your eyes the color of cornflowers. I fell in love with you at first sight, and can no longer live without you. I want to see you every day, to hear your voice, like the murmur of a mountain stream, I want to kiss your tender lips, which, like rose petals, are beckoning to me ... I love you, my angel!

My beloved and dearest! I thought for a long time, how would you once again admit love. It seemed to me that all the words had already been spoken, and many times, but still something crossed my mind. Rodnul, for so many years of our relationship with you, I have become convinced that you are the most amazing person. It is unlikely that anyone else could surround me with such care and love, as you did. I want our love to grow stronger every day. Believe me, for my part, I will do everything to make it that way, because I want to preserve our feelings and increase them. I want you to always feel the happiest! Believe me, it’s not so difficult for me to do this, because every time I try to bring something new and interesting to our life. My dear, I want you to be confident in me and in my love for you. You are the best!

All the best that is on this planet, I am ready to throw at your feet. For your sake, I can overcome thousands of kilometers, get a star from the sky, earn millions and complete the feat! You are my muse, my half, my love

My dear, beloved and unique! I am very sorry that I could not maintain your trust, your tenderness and your warmth! Having lost all this, I realized that I had lost everything in life! I apologize to you for everything that I did wrong! I want you to know, my dream is to bring back the days when you were breathing next to me. You are the most caring, gentle, dearest and dearest! I could give a lot, if only to be with you! I love you very much and I confess my love to you!

Declaration of love in prose to tears

And thanks to you, I finally recognized the taste of happiness! You are the very magic that at one point builds your whole life, making it special, amazing, bright. You gave me a palette of feelings, thanks to which I loved my life, because you appeared in it. I love you. I love so much that I can’t even imagine the possibility of life without you. You are my infinity, my peace and my admiration.

I love you more than they like rain in the desert. You didn’t just become my air, you filled my food and my atmosphere, you flow in my veins with my blood. I love you to recklessness and to madness, as if maddened by a person who suddenly appeared in a sad life, happiness!

Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You appeared in my life, and everything became different. I realized that I have for whom to live, for whom to create, for whom it’s getting better and better. For your sake, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!

My beloved man, for me every day with you resembles a small fairy tale full of joy and wonderful moments. I want to share my every happy moment only with you, because I know that there is nobody in this world besides you who can make me happy and calm. You are exactly the person for whom you want to change for the better, to whom you want to devote all your time and all your strength. My kindred, never in my life have I felt so spiritualized and inspired, because next to you I was able to find all this. Now I understand that before my life was just meaningless, because I didn’t even have any goals, and you showed me how I need to live and how to love. I am ready to love you for the rest of my life, because thanks to this feeling I feel most happy.

Sweetheart, your voice is like the sound of a stream that gently falls from the mountain peaks. Your lips are sweeter than the sweetest thing in the world. I love you, adore, adore. No, and there will never be one like you! The most tender, caring, I admire you, my Angel!

My dear man, I want to tell you that with your appearance in my life, she found a new meaning and inspiration, my heart found hope and happiness, my soul soars in the clouds and dreams endlessly. This is all thanks to you, because I love you deeply and cherish every moment spent together.

I want the whole world to know about it! Not so long ago I passed you, not even thinking that in the near future I could not even hammer a nail into the wall without thinking about you! You know, I’m crazy about you for your beauty! This recognition may be trite, but it is from the bottom of my heart! I used to think that there was no point in fighting for my love, I was wrong, but now I am ready to go into battle! And all for you my girl! I love you so much.

Sincere declaration of love to tears

I dream of connecting my life with yours, because you are my long-awaited love, which happens only once. Our fates intertwined long before our meeting. The universe has decided everything for us. And I will not stop thanking her for such a decision, because without you, my life simply would not have made sense. You are my peace, my joy, my crazy desire to be better. I live with you, and before you it was an ordinary existence in gray and dull days. You are happiness and my pleasure. I adore you, admire you and drown in you. You are all you can dream of.

I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angel lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart cannot already be without you ... I love you baby!

I want to always hold your tender hands in my palms, I want to protect you from this strange world, because I love you with such strength that I am ready to turn the earth, if only you were happy, beloved. It’s so easy for me to confess to you my feeling, because I don’t exist without it, my love for you helps me breathe.

I remember that wonderful day when we met with you. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful walk, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your eyes, enchanting and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now in my thoughts only you, only you alone. I want our relationship to become ever stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!

In my life there were many different events, but at the same time only one event could turn my life around and bring a lot of bright colors to it. As you know, this event is connected with our meeting, which occurred exactly at the moment when I least expected it. But now I understand that I will be grateful to this moment until the end of my life. By the way, I also want to devote my whole life to you and our family, which will definitely be the happiest. Believe that I am ready to share with you not only happy, but sad moments. Unfortunately, they will also sometimes occur, but this will make our feelings with you even stronger. My dear, I have never been so calm, because only you helped me to cope with all the troubles and start living a calm and happy life. Thank you for everything.

My soul is filled with a desire to discover, finally, hidden feelings. You are a delightful fairy of my dreamy dreams, you are a romantic angel who illuminated my day with his enchanting warmth, you are an amazing girl and I want you to know how deep and true my feelings are! I am in love and endlessly fascinated!