If a person hanged himself in the apartment. What happens to the suicide soul. Black Magic and Sorted Graves

Suicide is a desperate step and make it pushing even greater despair. This weakness and reluctance to overcome vital difficulties. The Lord does not give a person more tests than a person can withstand and only when earthly tests are passed, the Lord takes the soul to himself. The suicide soul did not work out his life cycle and after death does not find a place and in the other world. What is happening with the soul of the suicide and the suicide soul? With the natural death of the soul knows where to follow it, and with a violent interruption of life, she is in confusion, without understanding the reasons for which she had to leave the body prematurely, without having passed life path . Often, the soul remains on the site of suicide or wanders between the relative souls that have not broke up with their bodies. If the souls of the deceased passing the rest in paradise or hell can settle in the new body, then the soul suicides remain in isolation. We can say that these souls fall into the basket with marriage or sump. And in such an indefinite state of the soul suicide, there will be exactly so much time as it was assumed to live on Earth. Only after that, perhaps the soul of the suicide will find peace by passing the purgatory and all the circles of hell. And only after all the solarms of the soul suicide can be placed in a new body, but in the same conditions under which suicide was committed, with a view to learn to overcome the problems, hardening in the tests, strengthening and improving. In the natural death of the shower easily rises to the necessary, allotted For her level, as "ripe" for the next stage of disembodied existence. And the souls of suicides are deprived of such an opportunity. Guardian angels meet suicide soul to find out the reasons for the deed, determine the degree of guilt and appoint a time for redemption. According to the surveys of people who have experienced random clinical death, they met with their loved ones who went into the world of others, seen bright light and grace. And the surveyed suicides managed to save, talk about the unpleasant sensations, cold, fear, darkness and loneliness. And those who commit suicide in order to reunite with previously dead relatives and close people were very disappointed when they turned out to be quite in another measurement plane. In the Astral, all souls exist in strictly defined borders. For example, traveling in the other world of the shower of living people is limited to nightly dreams. The souls of the dead with their death are in their astral plane, without intersecting with souls of alive. And the soul suicides in the small world do not have their niche and they knock on all the doors, and to alive, and to the deceased, and they are not allowed anywhere ... Unlike the souls of the dead or killed, the soul suicides remain in isolation and can not reunite With the souls of your deceased relatives. Another proof of the inconsistency of the soul suicide is evidence of mediums and psychics who do not find it among the dead, nor among the living. In fact, such a soul "Outside the law" is not only for the church, but also at the astral level. People who were attempting after the attempts of Suicide, claim that in the last moments before death they really wanted to live. And it was at that moment that they were covered by awareness that there is nothing more valuable to life, whatever difficulties it would be paid for. What can you do for the soul suicide? According to church canons, suicide refers to the scary sins and the soul suicides do not overthrow, relatives are forbidden to make prayers in the church, order a manocardial and put the candles behind the soul of the suicide. Exceptions are suicides that had mental disorders and did not know what they do. In this case, the soul funeral is allowed. Relatives and loved ones who have committed to themselves can not order prayers for suicide, but they can get a blessing from the father on prayers and to appeal to the Lord, with requests to forgive and bother the sinful soul. The gift is a gift from the Most High and take it with gratitude , every day praying to the creator for the fact that his choice fell on you and it is you who have the happiness to live on Earth, having a soul, and body. And only the Almighty decides who how much is destined to live in this world and when the time comes to go to the world of others. Suicides extol themselves above the creator, destroying his most valuable gift - life. And for this sin, the soul is paid by eternal flour.

And the person himself will also be before God's court. This can not be avoided, even if he likes it so much. Other people would like to die before and happier, but they are afraid of death, and they will not agree with God. This full nudity at the end of life is also the basis for the existence of a female monastery. The monk receives for his life when he is alone, as in an hour of death, when he is naked before God in this life. Complete loneliness is actually impossible. God created a man as a companion creator who wants to live in a relationship that he wants to love and be loved.

After the loss of close people, people often complain that the thoughts of suicide climb. Why is this happening? What is the mentally normal person suddenly come from a mentally normal thought about voluntary care?

A person who is thinking about suicide usually cannot logically justify its intention. He can complain about life, which is supposedly impregnated with a lie, in the absence of the opportunity to find meaning in it, can say that he wants to get rid of severe spiritual pain. That is, he can say anything, but it is logical to explain its intention, as well as what can be obtained by committing suicide, he will never be able to.

On the other hand, each of the people is experiencing a greater need for privacy and loneliness. She finds himself in her and often restores himself. However, this loneliness is not solid - we appeal to the parties, and we are temporarily deprived of the presence of people or animals. But the spiritual world is constantly present for us. This means that God is still on our side, and we can only recognize and take it at this loneliness. In other words, there are still many ghosts around us, but only one is the Spirit of God.

To recognize and use it, we must make a lot of effort to make our loneliness fruitful and decent. It will be when we continue or restore and strengthen relationships with God with the Spirit - then there will be rooms and quarrels that we will not find otherwise. Only from God we can unlimitedly gain strength, because God is infinite, but for now we have people around us, we are once exhausted, and we will be unhappy and dissatisfied. It is still added that there is loneliness when there is a launch and disappointment, and a person enjoys himself, because he does not see what they love him.

In most cases, talking about the inability to find the meaning of life or change it for the better, remain conversations. Suicide, as a rule, does not attempt any attempt to change life for the better or find her goal. At the intuitive level, he understands that life does not arise in itself, and there must be the one who created it. Understanding that only the creator can dispose of life, such a person, however, does not want to put up with the fact that someone can manage human life, and seeks to return his life back.

So it works when it builds its relationship only under the influence of both ghosts that are not from God. Thanks to this access to each other and to God there is loneliness, which is solid, and which is then preserved forever. Although people among other creatures, they feel terrible lonely and nothing.

Therefore, the full privacy is bad. But the fruitful longevity has a long way to go. A person must learn, know and teach himself, clean myself and restore internal unity. The beginning of this path to God is zeal, at the end of God. If a person does not want to wisely walk on his way and use God's help, he will become a hermit, the opposite of the monk: loneliness, sadness and egoism. As a help, Christ gave his followers to the Church of Christ. The church is not a goal, but an assistant and student.

Normal people after the death of loved ones are usually trying to realize what happened. They sincerely seek the meaning of suffering, the purpose of its further existence. He who does not want to do this thinks like this: "No, I don't want to deal with anything." And throws the sacred gift - own life - back the Creator. That is, as you see, the main mechanism of Suicide is pride, which prevents a person to accept and understand everything.

A person who does not want to use his help, stupid, and he really risks that he never comes to God. Therefore, for a monk, the most correct way to God is life in the monastic community. In one of her sides, she climbs God as a stone in the building of Heavenly Jerusalem. Only the processed stones are sitting in their place in God's house.

Love is the main law of the church. That is why the members of the Cistercian Committee are of particular interest in the desire to love God and the world and judge everything in the light of this. Since the students of Christ gladly inform the monks of the world to blow these delights of love that they do not want to completely suppress. They are forbidden to do this love before the world of evidence.

That is, the suicide is solved by the one who is too proud to recognize the power of the creator?

Yes, most often it comes precisely because of pride, human arrogance.

God's mercy extends on everyone, but not all people are ready to perceive it. And, first of all, it is not ready to accept her pride, who think that their look is the most correct that they are not even servantly suffering that God will not help them that they themselves know everything.

The modern stationery is known as the gospel blessing, in which the pagans succeeded in classical poverty, security and obedience, such a huge life of the brotherhood. In their fraternal community, the bourgeoisie shows the kingdom of the universal miracle in Christ. Such a community is the fruit of our efforts to achieve harmony, but also the fruits of God to help with the attachment of this day.

Only God enters the community, and therefore the good community of his faithful men and women together with Christ celebrates and glorifies in hell. Today in all European countries there is a state of emergency. Exceptions in several laps for the best are only the benefits of a puppy far, often from all over the world. Currently, young people themselves are not included in swimming. Nevertheless, the spirit of loyalty to ideals and ideals that regulate the return to original ideals and versions should be governed by all laws as soon as the situation improves.

Is it possible to justify the suicidal desire by the fact that God stole his thoughts about suicide to appear in our head? It is like this: "Well, since God burns me, then everyone goodbye."

"Well, since God burns me ..." - this is the game of words and the lucavism. Such a person should be said: "Well, wait one minute, do not kill yourself. Give me your hand". And when he pulls his hand, you need to give it hard to the door and do not let go. As soon as he starts squeezing and yelling, to let him be released, answer: "Well, since God, God, my dear, is terrib. Why don't you tolerate here? " Of course, he will answer that he cannot tolerate and not ready to continue the torment. Then you need to ask him: "How not ready? You have just been ready for God's relaxation to kill myself, why can't you make a pain from the door of your hand, you can not get the bag from the door of God? "

He is going to free it from heavy situationsbut use all the necessary options and maximize it. Currently, the bourgeoisie today is more than ever in history manages the most effective way Control of hardness, and not push or process your time.

The community cannot be idealized, because it is not a goal, but just a tool and assistant. Recently, an adventure attachment has appeared, which puts fraternal love in the first place. But fraternal love is only one of the manifestations of the only one true love To God. First of all, the monastic life, then the attitude towards God and God is love, and the corresponding love for all creation follows from it. To such love for God every Christian, for example, a husband can also grow.

And, wonderful, since he is not ready to endure, then what will he do there? After all, as soon as he voluntarily refuses the gift of life and gets abroad of this reality, he will squeeze it in millions of times stronger. And not five minutes, but maybe a whole eternity. And no way back he will not be. In other words, no "God pops up" suicide, but there is a bad, stupid, evil, entered the will of the person himself.

The purpose of this life on Earth is to learn to love, and only the paths and funds are different, as God prepared for each of them initially. The Gospel asks us to be similar children, and the Apostle Paul encourages us to act as a child, but as a person. We must be open to God as children, we must talk about it, but for our neighbors we must be adults that, on the contrary, can resist. Thus, the cluster is designed to maximize the danger of becoming selfless and old-fashioned, and on the other - to give a person the opportunity to develop its abilities and thereby ensure a safer environment for spiritual life and progress.

The church claims that every day every day, it's hourly, the grace of God is poured every second, and the Lord shakes each of us with his fishery. The fishery of God acts in relation to each person. There are such words in the apocalypse: "So I stand at the doors and a knock, who will open me, to that I will enter and we will be evening" (Rev., 3:20). This is that Christ is constantly standing at the door of the heart of every person. So, if Christ is not included in our heart, it means that we ourselves do not want to let him, because the heart is employed completely different.

As preventive and supporting functions mean no more than a person as much as possible and, of course, the full resignation of Christ and, according to his sample, improve love. The monastic reservation allows their shared life, protect the inner swimming and encourage a dialogue with God. The world's retreat is a necessary prerequisite for monastic life and is essentially a Cistercian tradition. Without leaving the imagination, the monk should not leave the leg. To be very busy in the voice of God means to be - at least temporarily - very vulnerable to other influences.

As the saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov said *: "With small earthly passions, concerns and earth care, our majestic eternity is closed from the eyes of the soul." What exact, correct, heartfelt words. They are standing deep in them to think about.

Our souls and hearts are tight and closed firmly closed by passions, timewise, pride, egoism, vague and the desire that everything would certainly have been. And therefore the knock of Christ in our heart we are not very hearing. The life of a Christian is just aimed at learn to hear the knock of his heart and a knock in his heart.

That is why the necessary reservation is to include all the living space of the monk to allow him to be a monk communion, that is, man of God. Therefore, access to this article has only those who are ready to comply with and maintain their goals and requirements. It is necessary to know that the testimony of Holy Benedict advisors begin with hospitality. Thus, in the article, guests can resign in conditions when they adhere to their rules and do not interfere with the monks. So, for example, they are not suitable for women to the legs of men and the opposite, or to the appearance of young children.

Some combustible declare that they are ready to go to hell after the suicide. "If only to be with him / with her." These people hope that in the afterlime world they will reunite with a close man. And someone even makes a "logical" conclusion: to be in the same dimension as a suicide, it is also necessary to end the life of suicide ... We all know that in eternal life we \u200b\u200bwill meet with dead closest. But are it possible to meet at hell?

Stupid love is nonsense, just like love without love is just a push. Good or bad life to determine not easy. In muddy water is visible only large garbageSince dust particles can be seen in overflow water. What is far from a morally offensive environment is a great crime in a sophisticated environment. Therefore, everyone who will be in God will judge depending on what kind of help he received. On the other hand, the reservation is also an excellent gift, and the person is very committed.

Everyone is the original, and therefore God prepared for every unique travel. The revelation of these divine deaths and the crucifixion on this path is the greatest adventure in life, this is a spiritual adventure, because a person rearranges and becomes more complete. Therefore, Clausur should not be abused to become an obstacle for this spiritual adventure or to the limit of failure before work that God calls me. It helps the dignity of justice contained in the concept of imagination.

The church says that suicides fall into hell after death. Hell is the state of the soul, which is removed from God. We, in this world, people are very difficult to understand this condition. Here God is always present, and we can see it, confirming with our works, opportunities, desires. And there is no God at all. Full darkness without light. Is it possible to look for each other in an absolutely impermeable place?

Everything is permitted, but not all that one person will help. It's just a drop that instantly took off from the ocean. The statement that God created a person for his own image is correct. But it is usually misunderstood. God can have any shape, his essence does not lie in the head, two hands and two legs. If we compare God with the ocean and a person with a drop, then their essence is the same - water.

Throughout civilization, people are trying to achieve unity with the Universe. All the great schools of spiritual improvement are ultimately aimed at the same purpose: to achieve enlightenment, in other words to feel their unity with this world, melt in the ocean of energy without losing themselves as an individual being.

Abroad for this life, suicidetes may experience millions of types of suffering, they may be in completely different states. The suffering of one soul may not be completely similar to the suffering of another soul. Will it be possible to find each other in this world of suffering?

In addition, it is no secret that almost all the people who kill themselves are big egoists. And, it means, and in hell, this trait of character will remain. That is, we can be practically confident that the egoists will be occupied in the hell with themselves. Yes, and hellish flour can be so terrible that they will simply not seem to meet.

What happens to a person who has reached enlightenment? It acquires the entire ocean of cosmic energy. They do not see essential differences between themselves and the ocean. His thinking energy coincides with the ocean energy. At that time, the direction of the enlightened is identified with the direction outside - it is a powerful and integral force controlling the world.

You can do everything, you just did not say anyone. You can create great artistic decorations, make shiny discoveries, achieve excellent sports results, be different when doing business and any other professional activity. You just need to turn to your own soul. It has access to all knowledge, resources and achievements. You just did not ask about it. All the great genius created their magnificent works, only by contacting their own souls.

The holy fathers, by the way, also talked about this, that "in paradise all together, and in hell - each separately" ...

Batyushka, what else can you advise a person who gathered in hell to be there together with the closest who committed suicide?

He needs to advise a hundred times to think before making a final decision. If a person goes there, believing that there is a world there, he should know that the light world of suicides does not accept. So, those who are going to go to another world on their own desire, must be said: "Establish you. But before leaving, you have to find out what the situation is in the place where you want to go. " You need to know what is there and how. After all, we find out the situation even when we are going abroad for a couple of weeks. Before making a decision on the trip, we first find out what is there for the climate, what money in the go, who is the main one. We do this so that it does not work out that we arrived in melting in the country where frost and penguins.

All you need to do is recognize the axiom of the fact that your own soul can do everything. You deserve the best, and you can achieve everything you want, with all your heart. If you allow yourself to do this, you will do it. You must start with the fact that you believe in unlimited opportunities for your soul and turn your mind to her.

Creation, hidden under the masses of masks and costumes that you wear, has truly wonderful qualities. Your task is to afford to be yourself. All ordinary and average creates a mind. Creating reason, as well as the reason only is not unique. Let it show all their strengths. It is better to hang your photo on the wall and look at it. It is very useful to use it. Love to itself goes into complacency. Equilscent forces only punish it when it despises the environment.

So with this question, things are the same. Before killing ourselves, find out what the line of life can happen to you. Spend some time to clarify, and after that, most likely, the desire to go to hell will forever disappear.

That is, you want to say that it is necessary to worry the grief, without hysteria, with reasoning and reluctance to God ...

Usually the one who hysterically demonstrates their grief, does not really believe in the existence of eternal life. He also does not understand the meaning of this life.

Not always "strong" feelings indicate that a person grows very much. It happens that people use the tragic situation to attract attention. They begin to act, work for the public (of course, not always, but also such cases are not uncommon). Once in our temple we fled a young man. His grandmother was present at the funeral. You can not imagine what she worked in the temple! The worship service was approached by an end, the dispute time was approaching, the dead man was brought to the temple. Installed the coffin, and there was a stool near her. And here he began such a performance, I can't even describe. She fought in the hysterics, caused, shouted, twitched, and constantly fell from the chair, and in the most literal sense a legs looked like. In the end, I approached her and said: "Maybe you calm down?" After these words, the surroundings looked at me with bewilderment, even with anger. They even did not come to mind that her grandmother plays like a child. Have you ever seen how the kid's capricious? His mother puts him on his chair, and he himself - he falls from his chair to raise him, they took him, they shot himself. Do you understand? And this grandmother behaved in the same way: it is planted on a chair, and she decides on the other side. A seventieth-year-old man behaves like a four-year-old child. Imagine? That is, the spiritual development of this woman remains at the level of the child preschool age. Similarly, some flammable fell into a childhood state.

But, because many are not flawed. Often, people actually believe that their life ended with the death of a close ...

Of course, some people do not represent their lives without the deceased ... Basically, this happens when the meaning of life is in the life of another person. With the departure of this person, the meaning of their own existence is.

Often, the death of loved ones becomes moment when a person first thinks about the meaning of his life. Sometimes these thoughts go to a dead end, he tries to convulsely find the meaning in what is happening, but, without finding anything (or not wanting to find), it comes to horror. And in this nightmare there is no true meaning of life, it seems to him that the earthly life ended up that the pain is unbearable, and it remains only to run away from her. It is in this state that people admire the thoughts of suicide ...

But life did not end, if it is not necessary to end it yourself.

A sensible flammable should not run away from the overtook of his reality. He must make all the strength to understand the matters of life and death. And he will definitely understand them, if, of course, he himself really wants it. After that, pain will necessarily weaken, and then it will pass at all.

Of course, we are all people, and I believe that it is necessary to cry after the care of your beloved person. This is absolutely normal, natural emotional reaction to the loss of dear close. But it is impossible to bring crying on the depletion to the absurdity, it is impossible to turn the sorrow in the incessant hysterium, which can then go into a manic state. And, most importantly, it is impossible to think that the pain of the soul can be cured by the fact that you will kill the body. This is not logical!

Some members of the forum are called the thoughts on the suicide "in charge", "the permanent of the mind" and argue that they do not understand anything when they are in this state. They are completely devoid of wills of will, someone leads their thoughts, etc. That is, they from time to time fall into a completely uncontrollable state. What should be done in such situations? Or is it already pathology and need to seek help to a doctor?

As you know, there are two strength on a person - the power of the Divine, and the power of Besyskaya. And these forces always lead an irreconcilable war for the soul. Therefore, to each person, depending on the state of his soul, is approaching (or not approaching) an evil spirit. And the evil spirit, as we know from the patristic experience, always pulls a person to death. If the evil spirit sees the spiritual instability, a person's vulnerability that often happens at the Human Mountain, he will definitely try to knock him down from the right path.

From thoughts that climb in addition to our will, get rid of it is not easy. After all, a person may seem that the thought came by itself. We usually think like this: "I had the idea of \u200b\u200bme." And where did she come from? Thought can be both ours and someone else's. Aliens thoughts are usually imposed by evil spirits. A person has always a choice - to accept or not accept the thoughts imposed on the outside. If we do not reject them, they will begin to approach us getting closer and closer, and make us make what you need, and not to us. In order to recognize these thoughts, you should distinguish them from yours, a person should know spiritual laws. To understand spiritual laws, you need to want to find out, you need to learn. It is for this that calls the church.

What to do those who understand the alien thoughts about suicide, but cannot resist them? After all, it is often happening so that the mind understands, but a person does not find the strength to reject what he believes ...

If a person is sick and feels that he can no longer cope with the disease, he usually goes to a doctor. The same applies not only to body diseases, but also to soul diseases. If the soul hurts, seek help to God! The Lord is waiting for our appeal, he is always ready to offer his help. He who does not go to God in the most difficult moments of his life, is like a patient who dies, but does not want to take care of a doctor standing nearby. ... There's nothing to do anything. It is impossible to force a person to recover forcibly.

There is another category of flavored, as a rule, these are non-believers. They believe that with death "everything will end" and unbearable pain, which pursues them since death close manwill leave with the death of a physical body. That is, they perceive death as getting rid of pain.

Outdoor world, which atheists do not believe, objectively exists. He exists regardless of whether someone believes in it or does not believe. Where did they have such confidence that all suffering will end with the death of the physical body? Death is a human soul yield from the physical shell, the body. But the pain they experience is mental. It is obvious. Flawing usually say: "soul hurts." And it would be necessary to think about what will happen to their soul after death. If the soul comes out of the body and remains alive, it means that she can sick and after death?

How can you strive for parting with this life, not being confident that it is waiting for us after death? Even the most convinced atheist should ask himself: "What if there is something there?". Some say: "I will leave in oblivion." But how do they know that there is non-existence? We have thousands of testimonies that there are just being, and not non-existence. More precisely, there is a majority.

Before you make a decisive step, you must first make sure of the reality of non-existence after death. Such things need to know accurately, because the return road will not be. This is a serious decision that must be taken very responsibly. In order not to do so that the soul of a man came out of the body, and, instead of getting into non-existence, it continues to exist in another space. She may not agree with this, but then nothing can be done.

And if a person pushes to suicide depression, despondency?

You know, depression, like many other mental disorders and border guards are not just a consequence of sin. This is a consequence of the wrong life, the wrong way of thinking, a misunderstanding of life, which lead to a state on the verge of vice. Plok is a terrible thing. What is the difference between sin of vice? By the fact that sin can be performed, but you can not make. The defect is a moral perversion, a spiritual disadvantage that has already become part of human nature.

Mathematical mutation, causing depression, may arise when a person is constantly sad. It would seem: what's this? Sits man and sad. Well, I do not like him, as he goes. Any of us is clear why murder is called mortal sin. It is clear that no one has the right to deprive the life of another person. And why is the despondency due to death sin? And because the main reason for despondency is pride. A person suffers from overpriced self-esteem, increased claims, he does not see himself a real, does not see his own imperfections. Even if theoretically recognizes them behind them, then somewhere deep inside is convinced that he is a smart, beautiful, worthy person, worthy of the "royal way", and his life must pass on a specific scenario.

And suddenly in the life of this person there is something that is not consistent with his scenario. A man with an ordinary, normal self-esteem understands that not everything depends on him, and hesitates with the will of God. A man with overwhelmed self-esteem begins to rebel, and this riot can be expressed in the form of a rejection of this will, resentment, feelings of hopelessness and disappointment. Such a person needs only in the realization of his life plan, and does not want to hear anything about the fishery of God. He is not ready to take the will of the Lord.

Very often, the thoughts of suicide arise from despair. Relatives of suicides cannot bear the thoughts that they can no longer help their loved ones, because the church prohibits praying for them. Does this mean that suicides are forever are doomed to hellish flour and there is no way to help them, there is no hope for a meeting in eternal life?

Let's clarify what it means "prohibits praying." Only commemoration are prohibited during official worship. But relatives can, and even be obliged to remember suicides in private prayer. They may at any time mentally ask the Lord to make it easier to consider those who their own will left life.

Beying relatives should remember that the deceased is waiting for concrete assistance that people we are living in this world can provide him at any time. Mercy, alms and prayers are able to work wonders. If you found the suffering, comforted him or helped in any other way, consider that you helped your deceased close.

How else can you help the soul of suicides?

Immediately after his death, for 40 days, a psalm should read. If for some reason a person could not read the psalter immediately after the death of close, he should start reading it immediately, as the possibility appears. After that, it is necessary to read akathist for a single room, also for 40 days. You can combine the reading of the psaltiri and akathist, for example, in the morning you read the psalter, and in the evening - akathist.

This is a very effective help of the deceased, and if you actually love him, take care of the sake of saving his soul. Perhaps someday he will come to you and says: "Thank you, you helped me so much (LA). I understood (a) that you truly love me. "

If you want to help the soul of loved on, change your life. It is this "pulls out the souls of relatives from hell. True love Always wearing the nature of the sacrifice, so you try to prove in reality that you love your native person! Donate the sake of habits, lifestyle. Is it difficult, especially for a person who is going to "go behind him"? After all, the one who thinks about suicide is ready to persuade himself for eternal flour, and here just need to sacrifice many harmful desires and passions within 365 days. Start at this time as teaches the Gospel.

And how does the Gospel teaches?

To understand this, you need to read it for starters. You can read not all four Gospels, but at least one. Although it is better, of course, read everything. And not just read at night looking, and read the way to read the Holy Scripture. It does not open with those who read it lying or in a semisting state.

My advice - while reading the gospel, be sure to write down the phrases that you especially touched, sealed in your heart.

I remember such a case. We had one parishioner, which I once told me in a similar situation: "Well, I can't get up every time to record thoughts and quotes from the Gospel." He turns out, read the gospel lying to fall asleep faster! But before that, he argued that he did everything "as you said." Although I told him that it was necessary to read with reverence. And that Scripture will not open a person who decided to read him on the dream coming, after he drank a couple of bottles of beer in the bar.

Before reading the Gospel, it is better to put an icon in the holy angle, light a candle or lamp. Then, standing, proceeding to reading. Before you, you can also read a special prayer:

Ascension in the hearts of our, people's humanity, your united light and mental our holes in the eyes of the gospel of your passions.

In order to understand the meaning of the written in Scripture, it is necessary to be in a state of a certain tension, it is necessary to concentrate and collect all the will. After reading the gospel, select 5-6 points for which you will live.

After that, you will come to the temple, and say to the Lord: "Lord, I haven't met with you yet (avera), I have no experience, but everyone around says that you still exist, so I, as a reasonable person I want to establish relationships with you. Moreover, I love one person very much, and I really want to help him. And I change my life - I stop swearing, angry, be angry, fade, condemn. I promise not to slander, to eat moderately, etc. - for the sake of his salvation. " You will see what will be the benefit.

The gospel is a mysterious book, full of mystical power, which opens up new horizons. I myself read it for a thousand times, but, despite this, every time I am opening something new. The book sanctifies the one who touches her awe with a reverence reads it. The reading gospel must definitely set up his heart so that the Lord blesses him to understand and the awareness of the reading of the soul and hearts.

The gospel contains not only food for the mind - the mind that we denote the term "Razio". But for the other, the "main" mind that the holy fathers called "Nus". This is not the rational mind, with the help of which we are used to processing information. With the help of "Razio" you can learn all the gospel by reading it from the crust to the crust. People with developed rational thinking often become philosophers and theologians, who at the same time ... do not know God.

With the help of "Nusa", a person clarifies the divine truths, a divine light that illuminates a person from the inside. This mind opens as heart purification. So, the heart is not just an organ that pumps blood. The heart is the body of God. God is knowing the heart. And "Nus" is in the heart of a person. Knowledge obtained using Nusa is genuine knowledge.

The greatest difference between "Razio" and "Nus" is that the knowledge gained with the help of "NUS" changes a person. And the knowledge of "Razio" can be useless intellectual cargo that does not bring any benefit. Intellectual knowledge is imperfect, we can greatly know the content of the Holy Scriptures, but at the same time not to understand what is written there. You can learn everything, but to remain a dog as of your soul.

Many people seek to often visit cemeteries, spend near the graves where the bodies of their loved ones are resting, all holidays. They explain this to what they are "more convenient to communicate with the deceased, there they become closer to them. Do you bring frequent visits to the cemetery any favor to die, or, on the contrary, such visits harm them souls?

A person who seeks often to go to the cemetery should be aware that there is no obstacles for the information field (and therefore we can communicate with the deceased on the spiritual level regardless of where they are physically). If a person wants to spend his time at the cemetery, he should go there not just so, but in order to think about the temporary life, about eternity, about God, who created both peace. If you come to the cemetery every day and think like this: "God, you created these worlds, and for some reason you settled us in this temporary world, knowing that we are then we leave and go to eternity. ... Despite the fact that now now. We live in this temporary world, we are people - created by eternal ... ", and after going to the cemetery temple and put a candle there for the soul of the deceased, take a lithium in the cemetery (from the laity), then this visit will be benefit.

The biggest happiness for the person who has gone from this world is to see the face of God. When he is removed, then a man, without seeing him, feels exhaustion. And it turns out, a kind, antinomy. On the one hand, approaching God, the suicide feels [against the background of the divine holiness and purity] its moral deformity, his spiritual urgentness is that he himself has formed his wrong life. And then he wants to remove. But, removing, he suffers again, because it is removed again from the source of life. And for him there is only one way of approaching God. This path lies through repentance.

If you think about it in the cemetery, then go there at least every day. But there is absolutely no sense to go there with a bottle of champagne and marked with petard New Year. If you want to facilitate the condition of the deceased, it is better to pray for it. Tell me: "Lord, if he wants to be next to you, I ask you about help. Help him, facilitated, Usmy His. " And with such an intention, with such a prayer you can go to the cemetery on any day, at any holiday. Such reflections and actions are "call of love". It is only necessary to distinguish true, Christian love from everything else. You understand that "love" Romeo and Juliet is not exactly what I mean.

The Lord said: "The commandment is new I give you, yes love each other; As I loved you, [so] and you love each other. According to Tom, you will find out all that you are my students if you have love between sobody. " (Gospel from John).

Everyone needs to be sober, including what happens in the cemetery. Do not belong to him as a special place where the dead can hear. This can lead to sad consequences. Imagine that during such a cemetery, a non-rational "conversation with the dead", a squirrel runs around and breaks the branch with a crash. A person who thinks he is now talking to the dead man, can easily fall next to the grave from fright. And then people will say: "How she loved him ...". So, it is necessary to communicate with the dead only through prayer.

You may ask God for God to give a sign or a sign - if it is pleased to him - about what the things you do on behalf of the deceased, please him. Ask God that he gave to know that you are going to the right way that your prayers are heard and have benefits from them.

Have you ever encountered people who were correctly worried about the death of close?

The easiest loss is experiencing, of course, believers. I will tell one little story. In our temple, as you know, many boys serve in the altar. And we had a altar, a very smart, movable eleven-year-old boy Glebushka. Once he, in his entrance, together with friends during the game, climbed into the mine and sat down in the elevator. The elevator rose, and the boy pressed to death. We buried him. Glebushka had the only son's mother, she brought up his alone, Holly, cherished. Of course, she grieved. But he grieved in Christian. Prayer and hope for a meeting in eternity helped her survive Mount. This woman has always spoken, and still speaks with her son as alive, because he knows that the Lord is all alive.

Pay attention to her attitude to the death of a beloved son. She says: "So, apparently, it was necessary, because it was in the nature of something that could prevent him from being saved." Do you understand? That is, when the look at the whole earthly moves to eternity, and when we begin to understand that this life is just a step towards a higher life, then everything takes on a completely different meaning. And even death takes not such a terrifying nature, because we begin to perceive it as the form of transition to another state.

To learn how to look at death, you have to believe in God, you have to be able to talk with him, you need to be able to hear his knock in your soul and heart.

I brought only one example of a real Christian attitude to death, but, in fact, there are a lot of them.

Suicide is a dead-end effect, which leads to a catastrophe of both the suicident himself and the soul of his deceased. A suicide can no longer help another suicide, and their meeting becomes impossible in eternity. In addition, suicide of any person is not only the death of his own soul, but also the huge suffering of those who empathized, helped, participated in the life of this person. This is necessary to remember that when sticky demonic thoughts about independent leaving of life climb into consciousness.

If, despite all the efforts, these thoughts continue to go to the offensive, find the prayer of the life-giving cross ("God will resurrect ...."), carefully read it, and then begin to pray focus on. You yourself will see how demonic thoughts with disgrace will begin to retreat. And you will become the winner.