What can you do for the new year? What to do on the New Year? Christmas games and entertainment at home and away

Will you spend New Year's Eve with your children? Then see a list of 20 ideas on what to do. You can choose the appropriate option for your age, as well as for the venue - at home or on the street. Let's start?

  Children are asked to name 14 adjectives: “white”, “sad”, “pea”, “wooden”, “shrill”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter gets the text of the telegram, and inserts the missing adjectives in the list.

Telegram text:
  "…………………………………………………….. Santa Claus!
  Everybody ………………………………………………… the children are eagerly awaiting your ………………………………………… arrival.
New Year   this is the .................................................... holiday of the year.
  We will sing for you …………………………………. songs, dancing …………………………………… dances, telling ………………………………………………………. poems. Finally come ............................................................. New Year!
  I do not want to talk about .................................................... learning We promise that we will receive only ……………………………… estimates.
  So, open your bag as soon as possible ………………………………………… bag and hand it to us …………………………………. presents.
  With respect to you ……………………………………………… .. boys and …………………………………………………… .. girls! "

  Arrange a contest for the most original "wish in the image." On behalf of his character, the child will need to come up with an unusual greeting for each of those present.

  Prepare crackers (or hearts) with the “fortune telling" filling in advance:
   coin (to wealth),
   candy (to the sweet life),
   fruit bone (to a rich crop on a personal plot),
   the key (to the discoveries in the new year)
   shred of fabric (to new outfits),
   ticket (travel),
   vitamins (for better health),
   small pipe (to fame and success),
   bead (for new gifts and decorations), etc.
  The number of lots must match the number of participants, you can also include all adults present in the lottery.

  To do this, the whole company can spend a couple of hours in the open air shortly before the chimes until the preparation for the holiday ends at home.

  Who faster and more accurately build a snow fort from white disposable cups.


Prepare molds from children's sets for a sandbox, tinsel, candy wrappers from sweets, toys, twigs, pieces of fruit (oranges and tangerines can be cut into round slices). Dissolve watercolors in a separate dish, take a place in the house for the creative process and ... run it!

Let the children lay New Year's attributes in each form, pour in colored water, lay a noose and bring the future ice souvenirs to the frost. After everything hardens, remove the figured ice toys and, if desired, repeat the procedure. In the meantime, the second batch of toys is frozen, send the children to hang the first one. Stretch a rope in the yard - let the children tie their jewelry to it. Get a beautiful ice garland.

  Children put their gloves, mittens (you can also hats and scarves) in the basket. Then the participants of the competition move a few steps away from the basket and, at the command of the leader, start the merry New Year's music. The task is to find and put on your winter clothes as quickly as possible.

  Make blanks of masks according to the number of children, so that everyone chooses who he will be for this evening.

  It is possible, in anticipation of the chiming clock, to hold the Festival of Theatrical Mastery, for example, stage a children's fairy tale with the children, but in a new way.

  A small gift (notebook, pen) is wrapped in paper, onto which a sheet with a riddle is glued. Once again, wrapped in paper - and again stick a piece of the riddle. Such layers can be any number, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, silently reads the riddle and speaks out loud. Then it unwraps the next layer, reads the riddle again to itself and tells the answer. If he does not know the answer, he reads the riddle aloud. The first who guesses this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. Wins the one who, having solved the last riddle, will get to the gift.

  For this game, you will need notes for notes with an adhesive strip.
  All players sit at the table, there should be no mirrors. All participants write the word on the sticker (you can limit the topic to a new year or cartoon characters). Then each of his sticker is stuck on the neighbor's forehead, the neighbor, naturally, does not know which character he got. This character at the table is seen by everyone except its owner. The rules are simple, the player asks questions that need to be answered YES or NO. The course lasts until the first NO.
For example, I got the hero Shapoklyak, I ask the participants a question:

"Am I from a cartoon?"
  They say: "YES!".
  I ask the second question: "Soviet cartoon?"
  They: "YES!".
  "I am human?"
  They: "YES!"
  "I am a man?"
  They: "NO!"
  The move proceeds to the next player, and so on in a circle, until everyone guesses his word. The loser is the one who guessed his word last.

  Task: quietly stick a paper snowman (use double-sided tape) on the back of someone from the guests. As soon as this person realizes that the snowman has settled on him, he should stick him secretly to someone else. Kids are crazy about making this joke with adults. Most likely, during the night the snowman will be on the backs of all the guests.

  Divide into teams. Each team is given a roll of toilet paper, 3 black cardboard circles, tape, scarves, hats, handkerchiefs, and other accessories. The task is to create a unique snowman and help him to reach the podium, “not melted”. Idea, team cohesion, costume presentation, etc. are evaluated.

  This competition is very simple. Both adults and children play. It is only necessary to think of a continuation of the line, of course, so that it would be ridiculous and rhyme. For example, "A fluffy beauty is standing in a corner ..." - "... look at it, now it will fill up." The presenter distributes guests sheets with written lines and 10 minutes of time. Guests (or you can divide into teams) come up with a sequel. After all read the text one by one, so that you can compare. Whoever made it more fun gets the prize.

1. After the New Year's Eve ... (the morning was very heavy)
  2. Grandfather Frost came to us ... (took away all the sandwiches)
  3. We were waiting for gifts ... (we had a fight with the Snow Maiden)
  4. Chimes beat 12 times ...
  5. We dressed up a Christmas tree ...
  6. From the snow all white, white ...

  Children show movements of any actions. Adult guests guess. We reward everyone)))

1. We sculpt a snowman
  2. Dressing for a walk
  3. ice skating
  4. Skiing
  5. Playing snowballs
  6. We decorate the Christmas tree
  7. Slap the Clapper
  8. Santa Claus gives gifts
  9. The bear sleeps in a den.
  10. Spill champagne

  A game that always improves your mood. You need to take the number of pieces of paper (it is better to cut them narrow and long) according to the number of people. Each answers these questions in turn:

  2.With whom?
  3. When?
  5.What did you do?
  6. What happened or how did it end?

The bottom line is that after answering each question a piece of paper written is wrapped down and passed on to the next one, that is, you don’t know what you wrote before you. When all the answers are written, you need to deploy and read what happened in the column.

  The essence of the game is to blindly stick a snowman's nose.

  The game "Prizes on a string" like all children without exception. The prizes are tied up with a rope, the children are taken up blindfolded and given scissors, and they cut off the prize.

  Each team gets a word from the New Year theme. Using the props you have prepared (paper, scissors, glue, glitter, clay, cotton, etc.), they need to create a picture.

20. SNOW
  Take cottonballs, 2-3 participants blow each one to their own little ball and the one who has kept the ball longer in the air wins.

We hope that at least one game from this collection will be useful to you!

How to prepare for the celebration of the New Year so that the holiday becomes unforgettable? How to organize everything? Is it possible to invite new friends to a family celebration? What to do after the countdown of the new 2011? How to occupy guests?

Preparatory part of the celebration
To celebrate the holiday with a bang, you should prepare in advance. It all starts long before the start of the celebration itself.

First of all,   a special atmosphere creates an interior room. From the internal design depends on the mood and well-being of those present. More energetic, exciting shades of red are considered. If you celebrate the New Year in a noisy group of friends, then perhaps the red balls and ribbons are just what you need.

Shades of yellow, orange - the color of high spirits. Red and sunny Christmas toys especially will appeal to children. But if you are going to bed after twelve children, then it is better to choose the colors of the jewelry more calmly. And if the “younger generation” is allowed to completely share the holiday with parents, then bright and colorful colors are only a plus. Cool calm shades of blue and green will help create the illusion of January frosts. In addition, the palette of these colors has a calming effect on a person.

Secondly, it is not necessary to charge all the preparations for the celebration only on yourself. We are not in vain preparing for the long-awaited event in advance. This allows us to feel the atmosphere of the sacrament. Give children and husband the opportunity to be creative when dressing up the Christmas tree. Perhaps you would do it 100 times better and neater, but it would be most pleasant for them to contemplate the creation of their own hands. Broken toys - a trifle compared to the lights of joy in the eyes of loved ones. In addition, it will cause the relatives a sweet anticipation of the reaction of guests to their work.

It is not a secret that joint activity, and especially so pleasant and inspiring, strengthens friendly relations in the family, creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding, care and love. Moreover, this erases the line between adults and children: every mature person sometimes wants to be a child again!

ThirdlyIt is important to plan everything so as not to get lost in the pre-holiday bustle. The best way   The distribution of duties will be agreed upon in advance (for example, in a couple of days). Then everyone will know who can be useful. The husband will not try to jump out of the house for a couple of minutes. Children will not pull the sleeve, pestering with questions.

And then came the long-awaited evening. Households covers joyful excitement, the air is permeated with the scent of magic ...

What to do when the miracle happened?
The usual question: "How to occupy the guests and themselves, when the chimes struck midnight?". Well, at least ten minutes will still be glad about what happened; there is a reason to lead "small talk". But after half an hour, those present will begin to look at each other a little bewildered - they say, is that all ??? The end of the celebration? .. It can happen if you decide to invite new friends to your family.

In this case, the scenario of further celebration should be reserved in advance.

You can, above all, exchange gifts. At the same time, children should be handed them especially solemnly, since Children in the New Year's Eve are waiting for a real fairy tale.

By the way, giving presents to children is a wonderful opportunity to rally a company by joint action. For children, you can arrange a theatrical performance, pre-arranged with the guests. But do not tell them about it for a week - it is better to say for the day. First, because the guests can be shy and refuse to participate in the performance. Secondly, in order for them not to be able to use the fallback option, i.e. respond to another invitation. And this is not cruel, but prudent.

Scenario move
And you can arrange everything like this. For example, the father of the family gets up from the table and reports that he urgently needs to call for work, terribly asks for forgiveness and promises to return in 10-15 minutes. To put the vigilance of children to sleep, the father can tell them something pleasant or promise something sweet. The latter should certainly be done.

In the meantime, she goes into the next room and changes clothes as Santa Claus. It is important that this role is played by the father of the family, and if there is another family with their children, then there may be several Santa Clauses. So even more fun.

Next, one of the guests is removed under some pretext to another room, where he changes into a costume, for example, the Rogue. The connection between these two events will not be traced if the motives for leaving are different. Then he rises from the table, for example, the guest's spouse (under the pretext of, for example, correcting the makeup) and goes to dress in the Good Fairy. The plot and characters are your fantasy.

Next - the mother can go, for example, to the kitchen, because some kind of dish is baked there. But it is important to give the children some kind of task so that they do not go after the adults, for example, to find the most interesting TV show. Meanwhile, the mother will join the guests and her husband to change into the Snow Maiden. And along the way, quietly pull the gifts out from under the Christmas tree. This part of the work can be performed by another participant of the performance - at your discretion.

The children remain at the table alone or in the company of several adults who are not involved in the upcoming mini-show, who are engaged in the task assigned by the mother. Suddenly they hear some kind of hum, noise, bustle, or, best of all, solemn, quiet, unobtrusive music. Turn around - and there Santa Claus complains about the lack of gifts. He complains to children that they are stolen. The kids are starting to fuss.

On the "stage" appears Snow Maiden. Beautiful, joyful. Hugs Grandfather, welcomes the kids. Children and Santa Claus in a hurry tell what happened. Maiden is upset. But she remembers in time that on the way to this holiday she met her old friend, the Good Fairy, who will definitely help them. But the Fairy needs to write a letter. Santa Claus has long forgotten the letter, the Snow Maiden froze from the road, so children will have to write. Children write a letter. The Snow Maiden undertakes to send a letter. And Santa Claus and the little ones, meanwhile, are making a backup plan of action, in case the Fairy’s letter cannot be handed over.

The Snow Maiden goes to the guests who are disguised as Fairy and Rogue, and gives them a letter (the children do not see it), after which she returns to the "stage" and discusses the fallback option invented by the children.

During the discussion, the Good Fairy appears, who says that she has received a letter and has already seen the Rogue, who says that he is demanding a ransom, because gifts to give him no desire. Together they come up with what redemption they are willing to give in order to appease the villains. The initiative throughout the performance should belong to children: it will give them the opportunity to feel important and make them more active and interested.

When the ransom plan is ready, you can all call the Rogue. He will have to pugovarivat. In the end, the villain agrees. Children receive long-awaited gifts.

Round dance time. Masks removed. Rogue is to remove the mask as soon as possible so that he does not get from the children. Hilarious circling around the festive spruce ...

If you want everyone to be involved at the same time, I suggest you play the game.

Family game "Gifts"
Its goal is to bring the participants together and form friendly, friendly relations. This creates a game situation in which every child or adult can choose the gift he would like to receive. The remaining participants with the help of movements, facial expressions and gestures depict this subject. In this way, they sort of fulfill each other's wishes, which creates a cheerful mood.

The task of each is to convey through the movements the character or properties of the image. It must be done beautifully, expressively, so that it would be easy to guess. Solving such a task develops the imagination of the players, prepares them to accept the role, the situation.

Game Description
“Do you like when you are given toys?” The leader calls out to the children. “Now we are going to give each other gifts.” He invites everyone to form a large circle and beckons for the one who will choose his gift first. For example, it will be a baby. He goes to the middle of the circle, and the leader along with the rest of the participants leads a round dance under the following words:
We brought all the gifts
Whoever wants, he will take
Here you have a bright ribbon doll,
Horse, spinning top and plane.

These words, together with the moderator, are uttered by all the participants in the game, gradually memorizing them. It is necessary to enumerate toys slowly, expressively, so that children and adults have time to mentally imagine each object.

With the end of the words, everyone stops. The presenter, referring to the child standing in a circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If the kid chooses a horse, the participants depict how the horse gallops. If a doll is chosen, everyone dances like a doll, if the top is spinning, and if an airplane is chosen, they imitate the flight and landing of the airplane. We give the words and rhythmic movements that are performed in the dance.

Our horse rides,
The tramp of quick legs is heard,
Hop Hop Hop!
Hop-Hop! ..

Participants turn and run one after another in a circle, raising their legs high, like horses. The arms are extended forward, and the body is slightly deflected backward.
Tprrrruuu! "Horse" stops.

Turning to the child inside the circle, an adult invites him to see "what beautiful horses we have" and choose the one he liked best. Choosing a gift for himself, the child takes a place in the dance, and the one he chose goes to the middle of the circle. Adults and children again join hands and repeat the words: "We brought all the presents ..."

Doll, doll, dance
Bright ribbon wave.
(Repeats twice.)
Freely dancing on the spot, facing the center, to any melody, depicting a doll.

The presenter invites the child in the circle to choose which doll he liked best of all, go up to her and take her place in the dance. The game continues.

Here's how a spinning spinning
Prozhuzh-zh-sting - and on the flank.
(Repeats twice.)
Circling on the spot, then squat, slightly leaning on his side, leaning his hand on the floor.

Depicting an airplane, each participant "starts the engine": to the sound of the rr-rr-rr makes circular movements with his hands in front of him. Then he spreads his arms (like wings) with a sweeping gesture and - flies (i.e., runs) in a circle with the sound of w-w-w-w! Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and slowly lands, that is, the participant squats on his haunches.

The rules of the game are:
1. Everyone is allowed to choose as a gift any of these items.
2. The selected participant becomes the center of the circle instead of the one who received the gift.

When participants become familiar with the game, you can diversify gifts, for example, to offer a choice of a bear, bunny, butterfly, frog, car and other objects that are easily depicted through expressive movements.

Both adults and children love to play. Only now adults rarely allow themselves this. “They are too serious,” as the children would say. Well, New Year's Eve is the best time to remove the adulthood and have fun with the whole family!

The current 2016 is coming to an end. and on the threshold is the New 2017 Year of the Red Fiery Rooster with all the expectations of the best. The outgoing year, like the previous 2, was for all residents a year of inflation, so we try to save as much as possible. This of course applies to the possibility of rest on new Year's holidays. And if in the old days we could choose between meeting the New Year in the mountain resorts of Switzerland and the Cote d'Azur of France, now we have to save money in large and small. But that was not expensive, and together it was fun, and that the holiday was remembered? Here we will tell about such options than lessons during the celebration of New Year 2017 in this article.


Many travel companies have already addressed this issue. When referring to them, they immediately provide several interesting, more exotic proposals. 2017 still remains real. Most of the proposals are not based on European countries, but are focused on Asia. Turkey, Thailand, Philippine Islands can give the same new Year's Talebut at more reasonable prices. This holiday is perfect for budget travelers. Acceptable service is offered by Turkey, which is both European and Asian country. I am very pleased that tourist companies are now offering places for recreation, which are used by local residents. Favorite tourist resorts offer an identical range of services, but at inflated prices. Of course, often the service is very different from the usual, but in such an environment you can really feel the flavor of the country, get incomparable sensations.

Fun outdoors in the snow

This can include "pokatushki" on skis, sleds and other materials at hand, now the children of the 90s will understand me. You also need to make a snowman, play snowballs, and just have some fun with a group of friends, plus capture everything on the camera. I am sure - you get great pictures that you can put on the avatar without any extra photoshop.


And of course what a holiday, if you do not let the fireworks, fire with firecrackers, only carefully and if you are under 16, do it only under adult supervision!


Perhaps the most difficult task will be to prepare for the very New Year's Eve, but here it is necessary to turn on the imagination in order to surprise and please the loved ones. Who better than you to know about the desires and preferences of family members. Prepare and think over - how, more interesting, the children will receive their gifts for the New Year 2017, so that the process itself looks like a game, or like a fairy tale.


Watch movies, cartoons, fairy tales with a Christmas theme. Invite to young children a real Santa Claus. If you have friends with children of the same age. like yours, have a good evening together. Noisy and joyful atmosphere at the same time provided, will be fun for you and the kids.

A party

Come up with a theme party with your entourage and specially prepared items of clothing. With special dishes of the holiday table, appropriate music and suitable games. Here, your imagination can be limitless, and friends will gladly support such an unusual approach to the New Year.


In general, the question of what to do better on the New Year 2017 answers can be enough, and all of them can be exciting and memorable. One has only to show fiction and turn on the "full" creativity of thinking. Make the holiday non-standard, surprise loved ones and guests with a successful find, and they will remember this wonderful evening with gratitude for many years.

"What to do in the New Year holidays? How to spend new Year holidays? ", - such questions do not give rest to very many during the decade of the New Year holiday.

If at least once you thought about it, then this article is for you. How to spend the New Year holidays with benefit, fun, not expensive, so this will be discussed.

Let's first turn to statistics and see what the Russians are doing during the New Year's holiday.

Quite possibly, a lot of their leisure time will seem familiar to you, and will allow you to make several interesting conclusions, based on which, you will want to change something in your behavior, change in your life in general.

So, the results of a survey among residents of various regions of Russia:

What kind of holiday in the New Year holidays for you the main?

Relaxing on the couch in front of the TV

Sound healthy sleep

This time, I don't have a rest on New Year's Eve

Winter fun: snowballs, skates, skis, etc.

Meetings and gatherings with friends


Internet surfing

A trip to another city or country

Exit to the city: cinema, cafe, bowling, night clubs ...

Books (including electronic)

Festive treat

How much money and what will you spend on New Year's holidays?

I will set the table for a minimum of 2,000 rubles, and then hibernate for all the holidays

I hope the weekend parties at 15,000 rubles will be laid out

We with the child have enough three or four thousand rubles for the theater, cartoons and a celebration

I don’t deny myself to my beloved: 50,000 rubles will not be enough

I don’t celebrate New Year holidays in principle

Rest abroad: 120 000 rubles for the flight, I think that's enough

And my salary was detained. I will do it like a kosolapy bear ...

How did you celebrate the previous New Year holidays?

It is generally accepted to consider the New Year as a family holiday, when you can have a leisurely time to talk heart to heart with family and friends, because at other times it can be difficult to allocate even an hour between work and other duties and concerns of everyday life.

And here at your disposal a large selection of activities, what you can do: this is an active form of outdoor recreation (snowballs, skates, skis, etc.) and cultural activities (cinema, theaters, exhibitions, bowling, etc.) and just joint gatherings in a cafe, restaurant and even just in the kitchen.

Perhaps you are upset that you cannot afford a New Year's tour to European countries or a rest in warm lands, but having fun in the company of loved ones, relatives, friends at the recreation center or outside the city (at a dacha, in a private house) will not be expensive and nice.

Parable "Which coffee tastes better?"

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful, who made a remarkable career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained of numerous difficulties and life problems.Having offered his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray lined with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, and crystal. Some were simple, others expensive.When the graduates disassembled the cups, the professor said:

- Please note that all the beautiful cups are disassembled, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, this is the source of your problems and stresses. Understand that the cup itself does not make the coffee better. Most often, it is just more expensive, but sometimes even hides what we drink. In fact, all you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got what cup.And now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. These are just tools for maintaining and maintaining life. What cup we have does not determine and does not change the quality of our life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself. Most happy people   - These are not those who have the best, but those who extract the best from what they have.

Consequently, to spend the New Year holidays is interesting, exciting, and with benefit can almost everyone, there would be a desire. But why more than half of holidaymakers fall into a passive hibernation in the winter decade of rest, spend time in front of the TV on the couch, take alcohol in their confidants, get tired of resting, in the end?

Scientists, researchers have come to the conclusion that a person who suffers from a sense of lack of fulfillment, dissatisfaction from life, from his activities, from relationships with the opposite sex, as well as with close and dear people, begins to dive into his thoughts more and more deeply and finds one volume to take up the remote and spend all your time watching movies, cartoons, television shows, entertainment programs. The suppressed state smoothly and imperceptibly turns into depression. This is a proven fact. For example, three hours a day watching movies and other programs increases the possibility of depression by 13 percent, compared with those who watch TV just one hour a day.

Did you know that children who watch TV a lot lose their ability to draw? Do teenagers who spend more than two hours a day watching television show increased aggressiveness or vexation? And hours of watching television is fraught for adults with memory impairment and a decrease in intelligence?

At the same time, watching movies, TV shows (only which ones again? ..) will not hurt at all, and even become a good variety after an active type of rest, if, of course, not to be abused.

Dependence on TV has a lot in common with alcohol. (About why addictions arise and how to get rid of them was written earlier). If long-term damage from alcohol is the destruction of health, loss of self-esteem residues, despair, a sense of hopelessness, then long-term damage from watching TV is reduced to progressive depression, destruction and weakening of consciousness, loss of control over their lives. If you draw an analogy with the "Matrix" - then a person dependent on watching TV shows, films lives conditionally, he replaces his real life with a life on a blue screen, and at some point in his life he made a choice in favor of the "blue tablet", and later continues

If your favorite holiday is New Year's Eve, then perhaps you are already looking for answers to the questions: How to organize a New Year's Eve fun and interesting? How to make so that not only children, but also adults remember this holiday for the whole year?

Let's start with the children, for them the New Year is first of all a fairy tale and of course presents.Fulfill your child's cherished dream and then this holiday will be for him truly joyful. If you find it difficult to choose a gift, buy game sets in accordance with the age of your child. Playsets are always interesting and informative, such a toy will not let your child get bored either on weekdays or on holidays.

To you, dear adults, we offer New Year's games and entertainment, which can be organized not only at home, but also at a party.

Christmas game for the house "Who am I?"

Players must sit in a circle. In addition, each participant writes on paper the name of a popular fairy tale character or hero of a book, film, cartoon, or even a commercial. You should write down the name that is known to all participants in the game.

Further, each player clings a piece of paper onto the back of a player sitting on the right side with a pin or tape. Every player has to find out: who he is by asking another player. If he hears "no," he must move on to another interlocutor. With the answer "yes", the player asks the next question.

  Christmas entertainment "Stolby"

This game is primarily for the male part of the company. Two players stand against each other at arm's length. The legs should stand together. Having joined hands in palms, men try to deprive each other of balance. An important condition for the game is that you can only touch each other with your palms on the palms of your partner. Alternatively, you can play without a break or with a hand.

  New Year's entertainment "Ladushki"

We all know the game for children "ladies". Adults need to complicate this game, standing on one leg. In the event that your New Year's company is quite large, it is better to arrange a tournament and play a New Year's gift - a prize.

  Christmas game for the home "Holy Place"

They put chairs in a circle, the more of them, the more interesting, but depends on the number of players. The players move left in a circle, moving from one place to another. In this case, one of the chairs must always remain empty, and the leading player tries to occupy this empty space. If he succeeds, the participant who is on the right side becomes the leader.

  Christmas entertainment "Do not hurry"

All playing stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands in front of the game participants so that everyone can see him, and shows various physical movements. At this point, players are obliged to repeat the movement after him, but with a delay of 1 movement. For example, the leader raises his hands, and the players remain standing, not moving, the second movement - to touch the nose, and the players raise their hands up, etc. Wins the one who is less than others will be wrong.

Christmas game for the house "Signal"

The game is again designed for attention and reaction. One signal - raised and lowered hands, two signals - hands do not rise. All participants stand in a circle and look at each other, sometimes repeating the mistakes of others playing. The player who made the smallest number of mistakes becomes the winner and is rewarded with a gift.

What to do on the New Year? Christmas games   and entertainment at home and away, especially for the Women's Club. Jet housewives