Valeriy Dmitrovich Bolot - biography, compromising material, photographs. Kim Buv centurion of the "fat hundred" Valeriy Bolotov, who died in Russia Valeriy Bolotov


Valeriy Dmitrovich Bolotov (pl. 13 fierce 1970, Taganrog, Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, SRSR) is a huge, vital and sovereign child of the unremarkable Luhansk People's Republic. The leader of the insurgents near the Luhansk region. Head of the Union of Veterans of the Airborne Troops of the Luhansk Oblast.

Having gained popularity among the April 2014 rock in the course of protests at the Pivdenny Governing of Ukraine by a call to the open prototype of the Ukrainian dominion, we will sound on April 5, 2014, and also take part in the protested regional administration. Z 21 April 2014 - the people's governor of the Luhansk region. One of the commanders of the Army of the Holy Retreat.

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    The first head of the self-voiced Luhansk People's Republic Valery Bolotov died. Oleksandr Borodai, the ex-premier of the Donetsk People's Republic, told RBC about it, and confirmed that it was close to Bolotov. Cause death
    Boroday told RBC that they saw his loved ones about the death of Bolotov, clarifying, but they did not know the details. Dzherelo RBK, close to Bolotov, confirmed the death of the ex-head of the LPR on Friday, September 27, 2017. For the information of RBC, the cause of death of Bolotov, go back.

    “Bolotov became the first member of the Lugansk People's Republic and became a member of the Union of Volunteers of Donbas. “I’m the head of the branch, I love the love of those who are near and dear,” said the ex-premier of the unaware Donetsk People's Republic to RBK. “I can’t say that I’m close to knowing at the time of the coming of 2014, the protest of Lyudin, who made significant contributions at the first stage of the formation of the LPR”.

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    Kim Buv Bolotov

    Kolishny "people's governor" of the Luhansk region Bolotov was 45 years old. Win a senior sergeant in the reserve of the Airborne Forces. Behind his words, Mav Boyoviy dosvid, like Nabuv shche in the SRSR. On April 22, 2014, the prosecutor's office of the Luhansk region ruined the criminal justice for the fact that the "LPR" was announced to the post of "people's governor Valeriy Bolotov". On April 6, 2014, the so-called "Army of Pivdennogo Descent" was awakened by the SBU near Luhansk. The price has become an ear of destruction and political destabilization in the region.

    Yak declaring the collegiate People's Deputy Volodymyr Landik, Bolotov had earlier praised Oleksandr Ofremov's ex-"regional", which at once was overwhelmed with a varto. About the price of wine, declaring at efiri Espreso.TV.

    They explained to me that Bolotov itself was near the Krasny Luch district, and that there was a machinery and equipment plant near Ofremov, there was a "wicked" behind the digs, the head of the guard and the water. I don't know him very much. I am strong in those who seem to be my knowledge, - meaning wine.

    Information about the death of a swing at Bolotov was circulated several times by extending the remaining three rockets, starting from May 2014 to rock. Ale were a bit kibnimi.

    Bolotov also played his role with the now victorious People's Deputy Nadiya Savchenko.

    Conflict with Mozgovim

    On April 21, 2014, Valeriy Bolotov became the "people's governor" of the Luhansk region. That day, I lost my brain after trying to take the SBU awake, deceiving the vote by storm, starting to fight. Brain also wanted to become a "people's governor", but it didn’t come out. In a dozen hour, he was in Lugansk and moved to Alchevska. At the same time, Bolotov and Brain at the presence of Oleg Tsarov had a truce, and the protest of interest was triumphed. 22 days Bolotov and Mozgovy at Stakhanov went to the meeting, they said they were going to fight against the ZSU with the help of their own forces ... Before the tsim, 8, the birch trees of that zhrok on the new were already robbed by the swing. The whole conflict is over.

    Remaining words in the publication

    Ostanniy Rik Bolotov, having lived at Pidmoskov, and periodically appearing at the children of ZMI, robbing the public of the socialist, actively criticizing Plotnitsky.

    9 breast Bolotov in the Interview to the agency "Rosbalt" stating that "LPR" vatazhka Igor Plotnitsky will soon abandon his posad. Tse became the intercept of the great ZMI.

    Vіn pіde "behind the camp of health", or I can see the reason. Teslyarsky does not take care of the republic. Winning their right, business, special zbagachennyam, yak і reshta, - in the words of wine.

    18 breast was announced to Bolotov's interview for the channel PolitWera.

    Head of LPR

    May 18, 2014 at the first session of the Republican Zbor (Verkhovnaya Radi) of the LPR, the head of the Luhansk People's Republic was reversed.

    We drove to Moscow, taking care of organizing humanitarian aid to the LPR.

    Criminally perelіduvannya

    Slide management of the Security Service of Ukraine stripped Bolotov at the rozshuk. Yogo zinuvuyut at zazihanna on the territory of Ukraine

    For an hour, they often talked about Valeriy Bolotov's turn to the LPR. Moreover, Bolotov actively stood for the union of the “LPR” and “DPR” into one quasi-power for a strong support of Ukraine.

    However, Bolotov, who in 2014 had a couple of pishov at the exhibition with the head of the "LPR", died this year before Moscow. Zgadaimo, kim vin bouv.


    From the biography of the leader of the Luhansk separatists in the house, which is located near the Stakhanov metro station of the Luhansk region, near the local school No. 18. Tbilisi, Yerevan, Nagorno-Karabakh. After finishing his service with the ranked senior sergeant. For service by trimming two other education- economical and engineering and technical. Ocholyuvav community organization"Spіlka of veterans of the Airborne Forces".

    For the information of the Kolishnyi People's Deputy of Ukraine Volodymyr Landik, Bolotov had earlier praised the regional Oleksandr Ofremov. About the price of wine, see the efiri "Espreso.TV".

    "They explained to me that Bolotov itself is near the Krasny Luch district, de Ofremov has a machine-and-equipment plant, there is a" wicked "behind the digs, the head of the guard is that water. I do not know him very well. meaning vin.

    Behind his words, the placement of the boyoviks before Ofremov was to inform about the spyvpratsy.

    “I’m talking about Lyudin Ofremova’s here, let’s mean there’s pratsyuє, yaksho pratsyu means finances, and from 8 to 15 rockets in vyaznitsi,” Landik said naggingly.

    The qiu information is confirmed by the dzherela. Oleksandr Petrulevich, ex-chief of the SBU Directorate in the Luhansk region, asked Bolotov at Ofremov's office, who was to "stitch" behind illegal mines - digs.

    "What is it in the mines of pratsyu? Th, who can’t blow it away. Smell in the offices of sitting, only in the Luhansk region there are no workmanship. he heard, Descended to the cops-podatkovikov - and everything: none of the illegal mines without hesitating or curving ", - commenting from ZMI the activity of Bolotov Petrulevich.

    For danimi of posilannyam on іnterv'yu of Olexandr Petrulevichem, Zgoda Valeriy Bolotov uvіyshov to warehouse sformovanoї FSB is the Russian GRU diversіynoї groupies before yakoyu "puts zavdannya Zborov rozvіduvalnoї information The rozmіschennya that peredislokatsіyu of Ukrainian vіyskovih Chastain, radіolokatsіynih stantsіy, organіzatsіya teraktіv . vіyskovyh colonies are too thin. "

    Bolotov himself in the Interview of the Russian ЗМІ Аnna-news, which propagandizes the activity of the boyoviks, being aware of the organization of his own bandit form of guilt, after being engaged in the future of 2013, since it has not yet been developed. Todi, for his words, was more stubbornly drinking at the field of the Ukrainian special services. To that, their headquarters have brought them "mobile", and if the rogues follow the SBU. But all the same, a part of the participants in their formation has been secured by the spirits of the Security Service of Ukraine.

    In the birch of 2014, Bolotov, from an individual group of boyoviks, anonymously published video clips, de vin, hiding behind a mask, calling out "Army of the First Immediately" "to retrieve the nationals. April 5, 2014 rock, also pid vlasnim im'yam and not being exposed, Valeriy Bolotov said that the Security Service of Ukraine took over the sabotage group of opponents in Kiev's power and the baggage of the contested region was trying to find a way to get out of the way. On the coming day, the assault of the SBU Directorate in the Luhansk region was launched, for which the phase of the development of separatism in the Luhansk region was active. Under the grip of a radical group of separatists from the Slavic Isolator of Luhansk, a group of saboteurs was thrown into action. From that hour, the so-called "Army of the First Out" started recruiting to their love groups of fighters and distributing them to everyone, who were ready to stand up to the new owner of Kiev.

    For the information of the Ukrainian ZMI for the information on the dzherela from the law-enforcement agencies of Ukraine, the SBU awakened in the process of capture at the Luhansk metro station, and for the purpose of coordinating the boyoviks from the ministry, representatives of the Russian special services were involved in Zokrem, pratsivniki Federal Service safe Russian Federation I’ll be prompted for an hour to storm the SBU, supplemented by the officers of the SBU, and distributed to all active combatants. Behind the words of Petrulevich, one of the representatives of the FSB, having done it in a special way, finished it off, showing his documents, showing him with a mask and initiating it. The sprobatniki of the Russian special services were unhappy with the fact that when they were drowned, no shelter was shed and the support of the siloviks was not built for the organized gangs of the boyoviks. In the development of such ideas, the task was given by the representatives of the Russian Federation to prohibit their travel to the Luhansk region by the drive "to the owner of the Russian community."

    At that hour, the repair is active political activity Bolotov.

    About the family of Bolotov, it’s not very big. For information 3MI winnings. Mav two children 2001 and 2008 rocky folk.

    On choli "LPR"

    On April 11, 2014, the title of the "Establishing the Headquarters of the Army for the First Time" in Bolotov's room was hanging an ultimatum of the Luhansk Oblast Radio. With a hand of the closest 10 years, take the extravaganza (post-chergovu) session, and the deputies of the crop will appreciate this decision: vote the sovereignty of the Luhansk region; to hold a referendum for 10 days from two people: 1. Do you "for" the "LPR" entrance to the warehouse of the Russian Federation? 2. We are "for" the entrance of the "LPR" to the warehouse of Ukraine? Similarly, the headquarters of the terrorist organization "Army of the First Out of the World" boomed the decision about those who will be given the deprivation of possession, how to "wrap up" the bulk of the Luhansk region in a referendum.

    On April 14, 2014, a large number of separatist groups carried out the planning of a meeting for the awakening of the Luhansk ODA. Oleksiy Chmulenko, a member of the coordination for the sake of Luhansk oblast, handing over to the governor of the oblast vimogi of separatists: to recognize the illegitimacy of the new Ukrainian government, to recognize as legitimate the acknowledgment of the “people's ruku” and the sound of the arrested leaders of the fighters. The term vikonannya ultimatum was issued until April 16, 2014 to the rock. For the data of the ZMI, the SBU affiliated with it had lost close to hundreds of armed combatants, which were coordinated by the Russian special services.

    On April 21, 2014, at the "People's Zbora" of the separatists Bolotov will send a message to the "people's governor" At the same time, Bolotov said about the re-ordering of the ship system and the law enforcement agencies of the People's Radio of the Luhansk region, which was canceled at the closest hour.

    On April 24, Yulia Tymoshenko arrived in Luhansk to conduct negotiations with the fighters, who had started to wake up the SBU. Also, talk to the revolted separatists in the present day head Sergiy Kravchenko.

    On April 29, 2014, the fate of the "people's governor" Bolotov was included before the list of specialties, which sanctions were introduced - a fence at the entrance and freezing of assets near the territories of the European Union. On April 29, the separatist quasi-state coverage "Luhanska Narodna Republika" was announced at Luhansk. On the same day, a group of separatists at once from the radical extremists who came from the territory of Russia, as they went by the viglyad "tourists" (close to 2000-2500 people) seized the awakening of the Luhansk regional government and procuratorate. The spirits of the law enforcement agencies were given a living corridor, and the stench voluntarily deprived the seized by the separatists awake. The deyakіvniki mіlіtsііy dressed up the Georgievskі strіchki (a symbol of separatism and terrorism in Ukraine, which is associated with the bend and torments of Ukrainian boyov fighters) and went to the list of illegal abductions to form separatists.

    On May 3, 2014 Bolotov said that the terrorist organization of "The Army of the First Out" until the last drops of blood will seize their land from the neo-fascist zagarbniks and vbivts " The phase of the Anti-terrorist operation of Ukraine against the organized bandit formations of the separatists has become active, and the Russian special services and officers of the Zbroynye Forces of the Russian Federation will be susceptible to it.

    May 18, 2014 to the rock at the first session of the "Republican Zborivs of the LPR"

    On May 24, 2014, the leaders of the so-called "DNR" and "LNR" signed a document about the unification at the warehouse of unseen quasi-state coverage of "Novorosiya", a project of the Russian special services and leaders of the Russian extremist Russian.

    On the 14th of 2014 to the Bolotov rock, having removed the references from the Russian "curators" who are actively working on the territory of the seized place of Luhansk, declare about the exhibition from the head of the "LPR" Yogo mіsce zanyan Igor Plotnitsky, who at that hour ocholyuv "the Ministry of Defense of the LPR".

    Repressive policy

    During the hours of Bolotov’s service, we have been so called "LPR" in the territory, captured by the fighters and the Russian Vіyskovs, we heard even more zhakhliv speeches. Hundreds of people of pro-Ukrainian glances were taken to prison, the Polish commanders of the separatists were sent to them, both of them were terribly fearful as militants, as terrorists, as they came from Russia. We are full of lamal ribs, kintzivki, we constantly beat them, valtuvali, they vimagali vimagali in the unrecognizable rags, suspiciously at the contacts with the Ukrainian special services and the nationalistic organization "Sector". However, it was brought up to the people of the kidnapped vіku, the vagіtny women, so and to the incomplete. A lot of people were gnawing without a trace, a lot of people had passed out the torture of those unbearable minds at the battle of the boyoviks.

    Representatives of the middle and small business of the Luhansk region, for the sake of cakes, were able to rewrite their business for boyoviks, they picked up cars and swallowed food. Bully vipadki, if the militants stole people (mostly from the fortunate families), vimagayuchi from the relatives of the vikup for ichnє zalnennya. In every mind, they pushed it hard into non-human tastures. A lot of shops and supermarkets have been looted, and they quickly shrank up and took back their activity for the recoupment of the Russian separatist forces of the territory. From car dealerships, expensive cars were taken away, on some of the defended pens of the boyoviks they loved to circle Luhansk, nagaduyuchi analogy from the seized by the boyoviks of the "Islamic state" of the territory of Syria and Iraq. Around the moon they built, vibuhi, people screams from the tortur and znushchan.

    With all the general information and material given to the boyeviks at the official level, Russia was given a certificate. The paradox is still in the fact that the boyoviks, as the bully were honored until the end of the evil against the humanity for the hourly recoupment of the territory of Ukraine, the official Russian WWII were portrayed as heroes, who were not terrified of

    The servant of the Luhansk separatists, Valeriy Bolotov, at once with his spy from the terrorist organization "Army of the First Outbreak" Volodymyr Gromov (who was responsible for counterintelligence of the Luhansk separatists) took over the traders

    Same takі rice is small sov. "Luhanska Narodnaya Respublika" during the hour of Bolotov's service.

    Slide management of the Security Service of Ukraine stripped Bolotov at the rozshuk. Yogo zvinuvuyut at the zazihanna on the territorial integrity and lack of interoperability of Ukraine (Art. 110, part 2 of the Crimean Code of Ukraine).

    Vidnosini with boyovikami

    Zagalom talk about those who are the head of the separatists Bolotov mav control over the usim groups of Polish commanders of the boyoviks is not brought. In fact, before the hour of the last rule near Luhansk and the other places, where the militants were controlling, there was total anarchy and chaos. However, all the processes were directly monitored by representatives of the Russian special services, as well as by Moscow political technologists who were close to the Kremlin. Zokrema, middle of political technologists Valeriya Bolotova named by Pavel Karpov.

    The leading Russian political technologist, close to the Kremlin, is Marat Bashirov from 4 days to 20 days 2014, the "premier-ministrom" of the so-called "LPR", coordinating the political process of separatism, as Oleksandr Boroday himself, at tel. "DNR". Unimportant to those who are officially representing the Russian business group of companies "Renova", Bashirov coordinating the process of looting the leading industrial enterprises of the Luhansk region and winning the loot on the territory of Russia. During the reign of Bolotov, he was in fact a decorative role for the Russian ZMI, and all power was in the hands of Bashirov.

    Bolotov's group showed its incompetence in managing the situation, as it actually didn’t happen, and when it came to Luhansk Bashirov, they changed the deprivation of the political configuration in the district. The Polish commanders of the fighters were not controlled by the "LPR" authorities, and only "curators" from the Russian special services and the officers of the Russian army had flown over them. Along with that, the situation of participation in the podiums in the Luhansk region was actively demonstrated, one of two groups of Russian power - "siloviks" and the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Nybіlsh uncontrolled vladі Bolotov bully the bandit form of the Polish commanders Oleksiya Pavlov ("Lisovik"), Oleksandr Bednova ("Batman"), Oleksia Mozgovoy, Mikoli Kozitsin, Pavel Dremov, Oleksandr Gaidei ("Rome"). Gostry just a confrontation between Bolotov and Mozgov. In fact, Oleksiy Mozgovy, repaired from April 2014 to the rock, he himself wanted to clean up the certificate from the sov. "LPR". However, the Russian "curators" of Bolotov and Ofremov's team outplayed Mozgovoy and did not give the Polish commander a chance to visit. Pislya polovy commander Oleksiy Mozgovy began to lead his own circle of political and military affairs.

    Dіyalnіst in Russia

    A day about the activity of that moment when Bolotov was transferred to a lot of information. Tsia situatsіya called to appear a bit about those who drove for an hour to cross the Russian cordon, about Bolotov's arrest by the Russian special services. Ale to tsya information was not confirmed.

    Information about Bolotov appeared on the ear of 2014 rock. So, the number of the head of the "LPR" was marked on the 3rd July 13th in Moscow before the hour of the meeting with the deputy of the State Duma, member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Kazbek Taisaevim, who took over the Headquarters of the Central Committee of the Communist Ukrainian Party of the Russian Federation. Kazbek Kutsukovich Taysaev also ob_ymaє posad of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

    After an hour of development from Taisaevim, food was shown to help the people of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as food preparation before vibors to the "LPR". In fact, Valeriy Bolotov at once from the Russian communists began to steal pennies, as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation saw for additional help to the people, as they were determined by the control of the sov. "LPR". Reshta kost_v went to the financing of the terrorist activity of the "LPR" fighters.

    Bolotov, having so honored the titles of the Foundation for the Education of Huge People of Novorossiya, which is actually engaged in financing terrorism in Ukraine. However, there are a lot of things that come to the rakhunok of the structure, are stolen by the Bolotovs themselves and their supporters.

    Bully and the singing family of conflіkti. So, the person who is not familiar to the wide bunch of people is Artyom Artyomov, Bolotov's assistant, who was engaged in the collection of pots for the "Fund for the Children of New Russia", in addition, having brought with him all the selected pennies. About Bolotov, stating on his sidelines at social media at the birch trees 2015 rock.

    "Artyom Artyomov, who, presenting my interests on his site and picking up a cat to help" Novorossiya ", cries out all over again, dismissing his own specialties of the rakhunka, knowing and not going to the house. on my side in social. fences ", - from the visitor of Bolotov.

    On April 2015, Bolotov came to Moscow for a forum organized by the Russian communists called the Forum of World Heroes, Viyskove and Labor Glory. There, they found themselves among the veterans, who won the medal "70 Rocks of Peremogi" from the hands of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.

    At the zhovtni yogo declared on the site of the Russian communes. Win grew old and patted, but all the same, he guessed, as he fought against the "Bandera".

    Valeriy Bolotov was born on the 13th of 1970 at the place of Taganroz. At April 2014, at the folk gathering of the Baghkans of Luhansk, Valeriya Bolotov will be revisited by a team of representatives of the “people's governor” of the Luhansk region.

    Now it has become a sense that Bolotov was instrumental in playing the role of the LPR “speaker of the people’s sake” Oleksim Karyakin and Valery Oleksandrovich (Sanich), at the end of an hour he was looking for a child. Near the birch 2014 p. Bolotov anonymously published video clips, de vin, prikhovoyuchi exposing under a mask, calling out to the army of the Pivdenniy Retreat to take away from the nationalists. On April 29, one hundred percent of Bolotov was sanctioned - a fence on the way out and freezing of assets near the territories of the European Union.

    Yak bi was not there, Bolotov turned to Luhansk. GPU kvalіfіkuvala dії Bolotova yak terrorism In rozmі with Russian journalists Valeriy Bolotov 17 chervnya about 13.05, having taken a full "female sniper", mayuchi Nadiya Savchenko. Yearly, it was published by Bolotov’s rosm, and it’s ymovirno, with Pavel Karpov, Vlidaslav Surkov’s father-in-law, in which Savchenko recognized one of her victories.

    Already perebuyuyu in Russia, Bolotov rozpoviv about those, whithin 2014 rock Lugansk bombarded the battalion of boyoviks "Zorya", which is so called the head of "LPR" Igor Plotnitsky. Valeriy Bolotov, having lost his posad 14 serpnya 2014 to fate, did their best to cope with heavy inheritance from injury.

    On 27th today from Bolotov's relatives, information about his death at his apartment near the Moscow region was updated. The causes of death of Valeriya Bolotov to be clarified. In April 2014, Bolotov called out to the open prototype of the Ukrainian ruler, taking part in the abolished life of the Office of the Security Service of Ukraine of the Luhansk region.

    The head of the LPR Valeriy Bolotov pishov at the exhibition

    Valeriy Dmitrovich Bolotov, the first root of self-voiced Lugansk republic, was born in the fierce 1970 rock. Misce yogo people bulo misto Taganrog. Diviziyu, in which nis service Bolotov, is sent to Georgia, and then to the War and Nagirny Karab. Two times later, they came up against the background, on which Valeriy Bolotov, that team sounded out with a call to open the Independent People's Rada to Luhansk.

    The price didn’t bother you for a long time to join the LPR’s heads at the first fences of the Republic for the sake of why Bolotov got naked at the rozshuk by the Security Service of Ukraine. Already in the middle of the sickle, Valeriy Bolotov called out his candidacy from the planting of the cap of the Republic at the link with the traces of injury and where at the delivery. A dozen hour later, Valeriy Dmitrovich traveled to Moscow at once from the beginning.

    The share of the leaders of the "DNR" and "LNR": Girkin writes Kazki in Moscow, and Bolotov knows.

    After two rockets, Valeriy Bolotov at his own videovistupy was not up to Igor Plotnitskiy, which is on this occasion. In the rest of his biography, Bolotov's interview is unambiguously attached to those who are suspected of being at the heart of the ideals of the people's movement. For example, as of 2017, Valeriy Bolotov died at his own booth in Pidmoskov. Uchora at Merezha had a news about the death of Valeriy Bolotov, the ex-head of the Lugansk People's Republic.

    If Valeriya was deprived of chotiri rock, he immediately moved from the fathers to the territory of Ukraine and is still alive at the Stakhanov place, not far from Luhansk. 1988 Bolotov virus in the service to the Radianskoy army. For an hour of service, I will take an active part in the fighting in the territories of Tbilisi, Yerevan, Nagorny Karabakh. In the army, he has renounced the rank of the senior sergeant. For the army service Bolotov turned to Lugansk and entered the Institute.

    We will see Bolotov becoming a rock in 2014, if a state coup is taking place in Ukraine. Three days later, the Lugansk People's Republic was opened, and Bolotov was voted with his head. Z LPR Bolotov traveled to Moscow. Also, there was information about those who Valeria Bolotov would be happy with at the 31st day of Tuesday at Moscow and Pidmoskov. Yogo was booted by the "people's governor", and then they were embraced with the first head of the LPR. Protect for a few months of Valeriy Bolotov by submitting an invoice through a personal injury.

    As soon as RIA Novosti went on to say that, close to the capital of the LPR, Bolotov died at his apartment in Moscow. On the websites of the media group MIA "Rossiya syogodnі" you can read comments, including those in front. Dzherelo RBK, close to Bolotov, confirmed the death of the ex-head of the LPR at Friday, 27 September. For the information of RBC, the cause of death of Bolotov, go back.

    Kolishny leader of the LPR boyoviks, Bolotov, has died. Biography

    I have taken part in the stealthy conquest of the SBU Directorate in the Luhansk region, having become one of the commanders of the "Army of the Great Descent". On the 14th of September 2014, the fate of the pishov at the presentation of the injury. Bolotov is a freak of the city of Stakhanov in the Luhansk region. Serving at the Vitebsk Airborne Division, taking part in the conflicts of 1989 and 1990 near Yerevan and Nagorny Karabakh, having taken over the head of the Union of Veterans of the Airborne Troops of the Luhansk Region.

    Valeriy Bolotov, having gained popularity in the quarter of 2014, before the hour of protests at the first gathering of Ukraine, calling out to the protest of Kyiv's vladi. 13 on Bolotov Street, a quick swing, from the side of a sniper yogo vryatuvav bulletproof vest.

    Bolotov overshadowed Ukraine in the fall of 2014, and then declaring that they were stuck as a result of the snake.

    Koristuvach goiters'matching on the most importantly one hundred percent of the participants in the discussion, readers and individuals, like figuring at the materials. One of the commanders of the Army of the Holy Retreat. Boroday told RBC that they saw his loved ones about the death of Bolotov, clarifying, but they did not know the details. Bolotov became the first member of the Lugansk People's Republic and became a member of the Union of Volunteers of Donbas. I’m the head of the union, I’ll love the spirit of both those who are close and dear, ”he told RBC the ex-premier of the unaware Donetsk People's Republic.

    They explained to me that Bolotov himself was near the Krasny Luch district, de Ofremov had a machine-and-equipment plant, there was a “wicked” behind the digs, the head of the guard and the water. Information about the death of a swing at Bolotov was circulated several times by extending the remaining three rockets, starting from May 2014 to rock. Ale were a bit kibnimi.

    Luhansk vіyskova republic

    On April 21, 2014, Valeriy Bolotov became the "people's governor" of the Luhansk region. At the same time, Bolotov and Brain at the presence of Oleg Tsarov had a truce, and the protest of interest was triumphed.

    Ostanniy Rik Bolotov, having lived at Pidmoskov, and periodically appearing at the children of ZMI, robbing the public of the socialist, actively criticizing Plotnitsky. In the regional and in the Moscow "Union of Veterans of the Airborne Forces", everyone is mitigated, if there is anything about Bolotov. Troitsk District Court of the Luhansk Oblast 10 zhovtnya zvilniv from the warty of Sergiy Korsunskiy, which was standing bilya dzherel the stem of the "LPR" and being a companion of the first vatazhka Valeriy Bolotov.

    Bolotov became one of the active participants in the flooding. Valeriy Bolotov died, in front of him, because of a heart attack at his apartment near Moscow two years ago. Yomu rapt has become rotten, ”said the agency's spy.

    In the spring of 2014, Valeriy Bolotov took the fate of the captured SBU near the Luhansk region. 19 May Valeriya Bolotov's head is reversed by the self-voiced Luhansk People's Republic.

    At Pyatnitsa, 27 June, one of the leaders of the Donbas militia, the head of the self-defeated Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) Valeriy Bolotov, who blabbed the LPR from the grass in the fall of 2014. For the forefront information from the speaker to the Parliament of Novorosiya Oleg Tsarov, guilty of a heart attack at the house of Pidmoskov. Bolotov played a role in the formation of the republic of Donbass;

    Hto taky

    Valeriy Bolotov is a staff member of Vyskovy, who has ocholyated on the cob huge wines in Ukraine A class of veterans of the Airborne Troops of the Luhansk Oblast. Along with it, the end of the vіyskovoi kar'єri otrrimav two products of education - economical and engineering-technical, ocholyuv the meat-processing plant, engaged in other business.

    Bolotov became a vidomy literally near the first days of prototype in Donbas. On April 5, 2014, since the situation in Luhansk and Donetsk regions was completely unimportant, it was publicly stating that the (SBU) group of opponents in the new power in Kiev had been hijacked and called out to the people against the background of the decision. It is especially important that, since the call, the yaka has become one of the key moments"Russian spring" near Luhansk, the paratrooper killed in his name, do not worry.

    Zaklik bov sentiment. Already on the coming day, the townspeople took the office of the Lugansk Office of the SBU under their control, Bolotov took over from the first ranks. Distant paths developed rapidly. The protestors enforced their control over the key points of Luhansk, and Kiev, in a chastkovo way, was forced to use force, and in a small way, they negotiated a transition. April 21 at the People's Gathering of the Residents of the Luhansk Oblast Bolotov will be rewarded with the help of the team of the People's Governor, according to whom the formation of the army and the authorities of the Maybut Luhansk People's Republic has begun. The message of the LPR self-voicing and the people's referendum, on which people were caught up for the independence of Kiev, at the first session of the LPR republican elections, Bolotov was officially turned over the head of the republic. Of course, I will embrace three of them in less than three months: at the serpentine of 2014, at the delivery, explaining that it is impossible to injure the force again, and having overwhelmed the territory of the republic.

    Leader for Milyon

    On the right, in the direction of the referendum, on May 13, 2014, a swift swing at Bolotov. During the razpov_dyami comrades-in-arms, the car of the leader of the protest movement was fired on on the road, his bullet was wounded at the upper part of the tulub. Today, the information appeared, that for the head of Bolotov, the deyakі of the community of Ukraine stood up to the city 1 milion dolarіv. “But there’s nothing to do with it, there’s nothing to be gained from such a way of Kiev. The militiamen are vvazhayut plans for swinging to the referendum, ”- he told the journalists, who was part of Bolotov’s otocheniya.

    Photo: Vitaliy Bilousov / RIA Novini

    The history of the swing of the unsuccessful development in the steep traditions of the Hollywood boyovik. The wounded Bolotov was taken to the medoglyad to Russia, where the drills were sent to the Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office. They also controlled Lugansk and the surrounding area of ​​the region, the whole territory of the republic was not built, but the cordon from Russia was controlled Ukrainian prikordonniki... It’s not easy to vibrate from the injured bulo, a little bit more folded, turn around, more so, Kyiv is mobile and came from brave provocative calls.

    For a few days gone by, early warnings, the Ukrainian priest-mates overwhelmed Bolotov and some of his comrades-in-arms, if the stench turned around. The clerks informed about all law-enforcement organizations, representatives of the ATO (anti-terrorist operation Kiev called the power to stifle the conflict in Donbas), and for nearly two years they checked the security forces. I didn’t need help. For a whole hour on the month, they caught up with the LPR, and before the hour of a baked battle, they brought in their governor. “At the Ukrainian cordon, they gave me a copy of the decree about the arrest and asked to go through. A dozen hour later, our warriors arrived and the silomites didn’t see me ... The shooter rescued me, replaced me with a bulletproof vest. I'm hitting internal organs", - the head of the LPR was dwelling in details. If the helicopters of the Zbroynykh Forces of Ukraine (ZSU) were on the go, Bolotov's command was chilled. Unimportant on a rather small scale, a special operation, madly, seriously, slipped into the further interruption of the pod. The representatives of the self-voted republic took off the charge of energy, the uryadovs got burned, and in Kiev they started large-scale campaigns with the note of rosibratis, why everything went so rotten. For example, the head of Ukraine was stverdzhuvav, but in the whole history there is "a little bit of zrada".

    Pislya cich to injure visible health problems Bolotov not mav. On public visits, the yak is absolutely Lyudina is healthy... However, the head of the LPR, by itself, with a trace of grass swing, explained its presentation.


    About Bolotov's voluntary zeal for planting the head of the Luhansk People's Republic became visible on the 14th anniversary of 2014. LPR leader having made to special video surveillance. “The camp is more foldable ... The Kiev junta threw a number of modern technologies on our place. Karate is aimed at reducing infrastructure. It’s not a secret for anyone that it’s in the middle of a humanitarian catastrophe. In the midst of the surroundings of the republic, there is a lot of pratsyuvati on the border of its possibilities, but it doesn’t give me a legacy of injury with such self-assurance, - having explained the win and singing, hoping that the struggle will end on the right with a good luck, “we’ll overcome our struggle on the right. The politician himself naming the name of the offender, proponing Igor Plotnitsky, who until that hour had captured the posad of the Minister of Defense, and cleansed the republic.

    Zvisno, Bolotov is speaking the truth: the situation is absolutely critical. Kiyiv advancing, not particularly rozbiayuchis at zasobah and methods of vedenya vіyni. So, one of the most recent days in the period of Bolotov's capitalization was 2 worms, since the forces of the ZSU launched an air strike in the very center of the place, at the wake of the Luhansk ODA. In addition, 8 civilians were lost, and dozens of them took away their wounds, including important, splinters. Bolotov, stating that the ZSU, when they poured vikoristovuyu cassette bombs, fenced in an international convention, and I started swinging at a new, especially that very close. “We really do know that Poroshenko has punished me and those other kerivniks ... I spent an hour at the wake of nalota. Shvidshe for everything, tse blowing a blow to the leaders, that I will at once be afraid for the life of people, as soon as I do it, ”he explained. In the middle of the key pods, as they fell for an hour of the first time, the ZSU IL-76 was smashed and taken in full. Ale bulo is hard not to deprive the line of fire. Luhansk buv at the beginning of the blockade: the locality has practically no business, electricians, mobile phone calls and products. On Bolotov, bezperechno, squeezed. All in all, the delivery of a bullet is not voluntary.

    About those who are transferring power to the LPR, not everything was going smoothly, you can judge it by a prick of the first head of the republic at the address of the ninish kerivnik. At the breast of the past fate, Bolotov gave great intermission, in which it is unacceptable

    Even in April 2014, to the later management of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Luhansk region, Bolotov has been denounced for an article about encroachment on the territorial integrity and inadequacy of the land. Promptly, a court order was sent to the court for the delivery of the primus to the court for a look at the question about the registration of the zapob_zhnogo call at the viglyad_trimannya pid vartoyu. However, when the incident on the cordon was sent, it became a little zerous, and the chance of delivering it from Kiev was wasted, and, mabut, right away. Formally, on the right, there was a little bit of thought, but Bolotova, by the way, is unhappy;

    Protest the picture changed at his death. Ukrainian ZMI, politicians and activists of all stripes felt the visuvatie versatile version of the theme in their own style. Already, there is a tradition of pride, that Moscow "cleans up" is quiet, hto vikonav its zavdannya. The motive of apostasy of Plotnitsky to Bolotov, by itself, can be looked at by Ukrainian "experts" as vartiy uvagi. Zagalom, in the coming days, the number one topic in the information field of Ukraine is designated.

    Tim in the hour friends Valeriya Bolotov will guess, but the heart of the militia leader was empty at that hour, if he got rid of the republic. And on 27 June 2017, the rock was zupinilosya zovsim.

    Until 47th. Even early, one of the heroes of the Russian Spring is in the News. The memory of such people, who will destroy the energy, will be lost in history.

    I read on the site Russian Vesna -

    "Just the colossal head of the LPR Valeriya Bolotov, who died in the afternoon of the 27th day at his own small booth in Moscow, was visited by Olena's squad.

    For half a year before the bend, the friend spilkuvalos for help sms-time. It became evident that the politician saw himself rotten beforehand.

    "MK" got along with Bolotov's friend Ukrainian political action Oleg Tsarovim.

    From Valeriyam we were friends with seven, - Oleg Anatoliyovich rozpov "MK". - We passed at once both the events and the referendum. As for me, I doped Valeriy to move to Krim and there our families lived at the same time, our children are practically the same age: my synonyms are visible, Valeriya's blue - seven rockies.

    Valeriy, you won't say anything at all, having become even more emotional, having taken everything close to the heart and having experienced, well, mabut, and meant for your health. Youmu has become rotten after the injury. And for the season in the district at 14.30 wines spilkuvavsya from the squad of SMS messages.

    At about 15.00 won, she came to the house and saw him dead. Make friends go to home, so I can help them. ”

    Stay posada on the yogo side of VKontakte:

    Uvaga, having screwed the obituary of Andriy Nikitin's blooze from the site "Companion and Pogrom":

    Valeriy Bolotov died.
    Hto forgetting is the first head of the Lugansk People's Republic. Lyudin from that very beautiful and charming 2014 rock.

    The cause of death is infarction. Sounds believable for people in the way of life. Whoa, all, ale version of the out-of-the-box out-of-the-box in the framework of the step-by-step cleansing out of everything, which can be seen before the Donbass insurrection, in the whole situation of the viglyad, it’s a lot of money.

    In the history of Bolotov, we will see you as "a man who knows a mask." On the ear of the Donbass insurrection, if they had not strangled Kharkiv and did not strangle Odessa, the framing was filled with self-made video clips with masks in masks, which were self-presented by "partisans" chi kimos for a show.

    The step of the video's competence winked out the laws of reasoning: I also easily know in myself at home, as if it were a human being. Balaklava, optionally zeal, filthy taste, evil cart about those who are rich in us and not bargained for by Hunte to fly over Nikudi.

    All the three who were declared were in contrast to the out-of-town distribution of the participants and activists of the quiet birch trees and the weekends, which only gave the summaries. One day I did well, with pointless meetings and running with forefathers and posters, all in the result and disappear without getting up.
    Todi vin has appeared.

    Having straightened his hair, having grown his coat, the tilnik can be seen. "I, Bolotov Valeriy Dmitrovich, will enchant the community of the community of Veterans of the Airborne Troops of the Luhansk Region." The date is clearly visible on the calendar: 5 April. A wide out-of-town vistup is on the way, and Bolotov goes for a smilivy croc. Mozhlivo, full-blown.
    Monotonous, trochy sleepy moving. Navigate to the Interview, de Bolotov will say, “We are getting bigger and bigger since our skin years” - this is the same emotion. Before NATO - maybe. One bit of spokyna and the solid quirk of the people, as it shattered the vibe. On the basis of the appearance of the "gris on the camera" and in the mind of any "media position". Bolotov, I think, is special non-charisma. Chi is not "anti", but "ni" itself. At the view of Strolkov and Mozgovoy, and at Borodai, he celebrates the hostility of the wicked people. Pivdennorussian warriors, like all over the region, the same all over Russia, dozens, maybe not hundreds of thousands.

    All the memory of Bolotov's confrontation with Mozgov is - thank God, that he did not pass the GOSTR phase. The brain cried out to the children, and it started singing, but it’s not easy to see the power. Bolotov became a clerk of this theory, which is necessary to minimize active children, who can bring to the victims, having determined and daughters of sensitive people, like at Krim.

    Oboh is now dumb. Brain maverick. Tse, however, did not start the Luhansk militias with a group of children who are active in Donetsk. Even in the DPR, until the very arrival of Strolkov from the Slovenian, they did not go through two parallel administrations, but in the capitals there were Ukrainian reports of the MVS, as Kiev went through the order, and it was not possible to achieve control of all the roses. they swore an oath. time-honored revolutionary order of Ukraine.

    About Bolotov there were a lot of people talking about it, it’s a lot of bugs, a hitch in the humanities and technology. The stage of truthfulness is not as important as it is today. The history of memory of the first problems and forgetting the siriness, since the last time I won’t see it in the information space. Pishov bogs from your own plant 14 serpnya 2014 rock, one day with Igor Strulkov. It’s a very special summer day, and you can enjoy it with an ear of the Russian spring and the wide country outside the country. Along with a few months in Donbass, it’s become, mabut, important, but not three rockets.

    The heroes of 2014 know the nachebto mystical rank. As far as not Ukrainian DRG is concerned, it’s its own. If it’s not your thing, you’ll go wrong and go to the front door. Yakshcho not being fined - death was ordered by a civilian life. Nem is that glorious zalnonatsionalnogo pіdyom htos tricks and great world of vikreslity from our memory, taken to ninishnіy surrogate at the sight of uninterrupted "minskih processes" and likes at the address "hunti". It sounds like a third rik, but the junta is not there, and there is no fear of Vlad, there was no boom. Tse can be a little more diplomatic, a bit tough, tough, and a little tedious. It’s tedious to pick up from the installation. “For Bolotov” it was not boring, and even getting lost.

    The news from the last, past, fair life - spiritual and not safe - the old and photograph of Bolotov, which has become legendary. All from the same three people in the street, revealing the first head of the LPR, to sit in the well-groomed colorful people with special protection in the office of the Luhansk Oblast Administrative Office. All yak on pіdbіr, one garnіche, God forbid zustrіti in unacceptable circumstances. One of the most beautiful documents of the short and beautiful era of Russian Spring.

    In obituaries from Vyskovykh children it is accepted to write better in the format “we cannot get overwhelmed”, “an immortal feat”, “let it be lost in our hearts”. Bolotov became a human being, as if they did not check heroic deeds and heroism, and he himself didn’t get lost in his heart. Tom's tragic death. The cholovik is alive to his own lives, he traphed dashingly - taking on himself the visibility. Without self-satisfied walking in front of the cameras with the guise of a rock star.
    Hours have changed - pishov from Donbass, having sacrificed the misce, having killed their right.
    And now, we’ve gotten into trouble.
    And God deprives you now of judging.
    Thank you for everything! "

    There are thousands of comments on the site of Russian Spring. I will bring two characteristics:

    It looks like the discrediting of the News and the Russian forces of the people's militia to the headquarters of the Russian oligarchy. Chim girshe viglyadatime Novorosiya, angry, zruynovana, with a bandit's possession, Tim shvidshe about not forgetting in Russia, Tim is far from shy away from such a Russian light of the Ukrainian and Russian people. And we will be cynical and will see the role of Russia in this process. The axis of the meta is to bring the message to Russia and through the process of encouraging the world to the people about the revival of the Russian society. (Zi schodennik Oleksiya Mozgovoy)

    Artem Turkin:
    So, all the same zbulosya. Putin and її oligarchs hurt the Russian people, ale mi is powerless. Come the hour, and the guardians will see for their help.
    Yes, well, the Russian people shouldn't bash the Russian people at Putin. It's a disaster.

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