If there is a mirror at the booth. What a robot and what to do with a mirror: take note, the rituals and tidying up “no problem. Chi can daruwati mirror

People's appreciation of that shyness is not an easy relic of the past, of the fair tales of the valley, which is not the same term of adherence to vinyats. What about the mirror?

One of the most frightening guards is mirrors, smashed by a young woman with a head at grown up... Prykmeta - the mirror has sunk and thrashed, there is not a lot of vikov categories, even a trace of unhappy vypadku appear in the people, be it a stat that social status. Why robiti, how did the mirror go to the booth?

People take note of the meaning of mirrors in magic

Having smashed the mirror on other little things, Lyudin is guilty not only of replacing all the ulamks, but of taking Vlasny booth see not often. Yak uryatuvatisya vіd bіdi? People are not allowed to trim ulamka in their lives, and they are not allowed to grow up, as in the case of a written ricch. From the broken surfaces, which are knocked in, it is necessary to get rid of without disturbance. Knowing about those kudi vikinuti ulamki and how to carry out turns, you can vryatuvati cholovikov and life.

Why is it not possible to smash a mirror of a chi zberigati at the booth of a mirror of trischin? About the mark, tied with a "portal at the potty", like a mirror to sound magicians, to know and grow up, and children. Even from the children of the grandmother, they keep in touch with the children about the carelessness that can be found in the maybutny. Breakdowns in the booth - keep a cover, ale, a mirror is a real threat for the whole family. Who in the house can take away the deprivation of useful objects from a victorian?

Lyudina - tse alive istota, substance, how to build up with the spirit, energy, nadіlena tіlom. Cholovik chi a woman, an old man who is not happy with energetics, like zooming away from life. The mirror near the bathroom or the bedroom of the people today depicts the energy that is accumulated as a result of the skin and individual character, the invisible unrepeatable trace of the living essence. It is impossible to speak at home thoughtlessly ruinuvati chi wikidati. Such neobachnye vchinki can be naughty not to deprive yourself, but to your loved ones.

Simple dibnytsya, yak dopomagaє diznatisya, like a viglyadaє lyudin, presence in whatever booth. It is necessary to remember that it is helpful to come from a magical attribute of powerless and mysterious rituals, falling from a singing reason. As soon as I break the blink of a rich on other little things, then you’ll become smitty, mottle, go to Wikid. The axis of only energy, accumulated in the mirror through a stretch of many rocks, never knew anything. Difficult virіb can shrink the skin, but it doesn’t kill itself. What are the robots with broken objects from the Vlasny booth?

Traces of a broken mirror

No doubt about the naughty thing is even simpler. Lyudin is ignorant of vipadkovo nekhtu calls for care and pay for a pardon, but it’s a great price. What will I block the ice with? If you were a priest, you came to the bitter people in an hour, if you were afraid to talk about magic, and the vira at her lovers was super-verbose, she fumbled at people - she was overwhelmed with nagaduvannya about the truth, as I’m not talking about it at all. It is necessary to take care of vlast energy, especially as "vipadkіv" from heavy inheritances. Why would a mirror be smashed on the territory of the booth?

The mirror is a special object at the booth - there is a line between the lights, as it is not guilty to change the mirror.

It is necessary to connect with the spirit of the dead, or to know tales for the maybut, people go to the rituals of the rituals. Such rituals are performed at the suvor's secret. A magical attribute is a mirror to serve as a portal, so that it depends on the lights. Yakshcho the mirror is breaking, falling isn’t stopping. How do you see a message about an incident that is not safe?

They are not safe, as they can chekati on the unhappy little lady, on whose part a mirror was thrown:

  • we will grow up to grow up to the children of "7 Rocks of Post-Unhappiness";
  • slow, literally "pathological" failure;
  • discord in all spheres of life;
  • the settlement of a terrible demonic day;
  • vrata kokhannya that luck;
  • not without ailment

As soon as one of the mirrors was broken, it is not necessary to be able to do it for yourself. In the evenings in the afternoon, it is also impossible to lay the ulamka on the pidlosis. Even in the middle of the night, come and go smittya, to dazzle the package with the shine entrance doors... Yakshto smashed a little mirror (at the sumts_ chi beautician), the posture was respected by those who were trapilated, not varto. It is not recommended to break the mirror into the booth. Through the destruction of the boundaries of the central surface, people can simply consume energy. Everybody stretches out bagatokh months.

Cracking a lusterko, why robiti? It is not unbeatable to cease to be a hundred and so hundred ymovyrnistyu mayybutnіkh failures. Have a good time to clink dashingly at the vlastny booths, they are not wary. Small or large, smash the mirror - a chance to show a powerful internal force and change from energy attacks of nondobrozichlivts all donkey. Introduce the power of the skin of the people, which is to be used in the rituals and rituals. What robiti, how do the mirrors break one by one?

Yak seen famously from a broken mirror?

Seeing dashingly awkwardly, like the nobility, the stars of the checker are not safe. What needs to be learned on vipadok, where did the mirror go? At the apartment, the house is broken by the mirror or the object because of the forced energy through those that need to be done without volatility. It is not often the case that they are installed in the apartment, or for the other people to be informed about the provision of information. For the purpose of identifying the reasons for unhappy vipadk_v, a single series of rituals is carried out. We will not preoccupy ourselves with clearing the rooms of negative energetics and creating a strained zajist. The negative, like a boom in the living space, is guilty of turning to the deputy of the psuvannya - the sworn vorogov.

It is important to take a spoky and not lyakatisya, as the mirror nevertheless fell and grew into hundreds of ulamkis. Fall into the panic so dear. Tim is bigger, we won’t get rid of the bad mood alone. Kudi wikidati ulamki і who robiti dalі? The simplest way of sounding from bid - zmova. The ritual of the house is held. The formula is to build up from a number of words, read in order, to capture people from the heritage of broken magic attributes.

Zam'atati words serpent and even simpler. A small whisper of a camp in the middle of nowhere in a situation tied with mirrors (as if the pose was broken at home, or dobi at night). Having taken all the smittya from pidlogi, Lyudin prodded about himself: "The mirror will break, bida Rabbi God (im'ya) do not tinker." It is possible to readily wikidate and not be afraid of the inheritance when you hear the ulamka from the mirror. It is a simple matter for both educated magicians and newcomers - people like alien magic rituals.

The door of the cursed broken mirror

Vіdoma prikmeta "Shake the mirror to the size of a hundred!" lyaka zamizhnikh women and girls who are still out on the gohannes' joke.

The mirror itself is uncomfortable, it’s like it’s empty-handed to wallow either in sumts or in cosmetics. Writing an unhappy vipadku, bіgty until you see me zinuvachuvati vlasnu naschasnu share is not varto. Kudi go ulamki?

Regardless of the size of the surface, as soon as it is seen, people need to carry out a small ritual, as soon as they see it:

  1. Zbir smittya. Smash the mirror to be guilty of yaknaymenshe perebuvati on the territory of the booth. Pick up the shards - the first choice of a man of a woman. The sign has been saved from the license, if you do not want to be mischievous.
  2. Taking the negative. If you pick the ulamki, you need to sprinkle it with holy water, or if you pick it up, break the mirror. The sign is not spratsyuє, as the negative is not shed from the life of the people.
  3. The slaughter of the splinters. To take care of the surplus of rocked dribnitsa is not a matter of course, for sprinkling the ulamams it is necessary to know a good place. In front of the surplus surface, it seems, it is darkened into the dark matter, and then it is sent to the booth.

It's easy for you to save yourself from the inheritance of this kind of pardon, and to neutralize it, smash the mirror. It’s not without a sign that I’ll block people who don’t run out of energy streams and power. I’ll be easier to drive away, as long as I don’t see the door at the mercy. The robberies of the spіshnі visnovki about the maybutn, not only for some unhappiness, are also not so varied. When you come, you’re good, so I’ll bring up the nasty people in the hands of the people.

Pislya viconanoy squeaky robots of a human being to turn with prayer to the power of God. Yakshcho robiti zahist, you need to talk about your soul. Prayer, salvation, cleansing of the soul - the axis of the head is the lock of a happy life without inheritance, as it has already become. Early warrants need to be sucked in holy water and ask the Lord for a bastard. On a weekend day, you can visit the church and put a candle for your health. If I’ll take note of the next look, I’ll have a chance to come by the same hour and respect.


The symbolism of the mirror on the wall is glaring, so the intelligence of all the meanings of metaphorical philosophical lusts from the power of not skinny people. It is possible to rock the surface of Budova, to visualize it through the development of physical and physical science, but if the intelligence of the powerful day is revealed, the true secret of the mirror is revealed.

Smash the mirror - what's the point?


Prikmeta - smash the mirror

The stench of imagining those who are caught from the eyes for an hour, those who are holed up in people, those who will drain, like a pooibichcha power. It’s not bad for the death of people, all the mirrors in the booth zakryvayutsya, and in the people it often seems "the eyes are the mirror of the soul."

Mirrors in the booth are all objects that need to be placed on the edge to protect and take care of them. Most of the mirror-like primes are not all that terrible. Turn, you are most often attracted by your negative thoughts.

Rozbili - vipadkovo chi special

If the mirror breaks, the leather starts, it’s possible to think, to what end it’s worth it. First, it’s necessary to break up, - carefully clean up the ulamka, do not break it up, and make a mistake. With a lot of nobility, yak correctly vikinuti. The mirror surface is broken behind the different furnishings, and the meaning of the cycle is growing. It is necessary to vrahovuvati usi nuances. Surely, smash the mirror of your own mark, as they came from distant hours, but step by step add new interpretations.

About the mirror isnu richly prikmet. They have been honored sincerely; But for the worse, things are not so scary. Yakshcho the mirror shook, the priest to speak about those who are not impressed by the close people But it’s not critical: you can have patience and try to explain everything. Shvidshe for everything;

It’s a trick to talk about those who can’t be inconsistent, but at your best. Once a conflict situation has taken place, it is necessary to take the initiative up to hand and settle the conflict.

As a matter of fact, if the mirror shook, then think about it, as if it was a vikinuti around the house. Koristuvatisya him and wonder at smashing a mirror - is not possible. It’s all one thing, it’s been learned to let the inappropriateness into your hut. Notice, tied with a mirror, to svidchit, how the edge of the trinity penetrates negative energy. From the by-point point of view є ymovіrnіst, so shake the slope early and quickly grow, and the ulamki can make shkodi.

Why can't you wonder in smashing a mirror? Like to lie on the surface. Every now and then, looking at oneself through the mirror-like trilogy, in an unconvincing program, we’re going to see if it’s bad luck and change it.

How long does the mirror go to the booth, it is possible to explain, how to look, for which furnishings it has become and which size has changed.

As soon as it has fallen into a great deal, we need to prepare it until we have not been judged by great hopes for an hour. serious plan realizuvati not surrender, furnish the storehouse, if you want b. Zazvychay so prikmeti stosuyutsya mirrors on the entrance doors.

Yakshcho a mirror was broken in the bedroom, there was a slick, a lot of serious discord with the cohana people, and the inheritance could be unreachable. Ale tse can also be shy. Diyuchi thought out, welding can be done.

Smash the mirror in the apartment to talk about those who in the family can become a conflict between family members, friends and others who do not accept the situation. For wisdom, the object is inter'eru having inadvertently smashed a specific person, problems are possible in her.

With the same disagreement on the robot, we will be respectful to others, which means: it is possible to make a favor in the robot, for which it would be inappropriate to work with the boss or colleagues.

If the little mirror is smashing around at the ladies' handbag, it’s worth it to cover it up, because it’s easy to forget. For example, tsіlkom іmovіrno, what a lady to get confused through a purchase not far away or a scratch.

Prikmeta, if the mirror has sunk, it did not break, it seems about good. This means that the problems will be unique, everything will be offended, but in the future it is necessary to be respected for yourself and your loved ones.

Pidsumovyuchi, you can change the picture: if you want a mirror, break it up, if you correct actions you can get it. It is simply necessary for the nobility, for robiti, as the mirror was broken.

Yakshcho the subject of the inter'єru was smashed on a special basis, it’s not possible to see it as a nasty prikmet. Shvidshe for everything, tsei vchinki zd_sneniyu porivi aggression, for all martyred sentiments. For thinking, for the price of a guest, for a second, ask for it, and do not ask him to go to the booth any more.

Often it’s like the kids are playing, throwing a mirror or a tsikaviy kit throwing it on the pidlog. At such a time, it is not necessary to say nothing about scoundrels. It’s just necessary to keep the ulamki and vikinuti, so that they don’t get hurt.

Usuvaєmo inheritance

It’s necessary for the ulamki to take it, to win it at the bottom of the house. They themselves are embarrassed by ramies: it’s not shitty to win, more beautiful than її Vikinuti. Great ulamki can be trimmed by the cold water, down the mirror surface. In such a rank, it is possible to neutralize negative energy, so that it can go through the broken slope.

Ale lack of nobility, scho robiti, like the mirror smashed. It is necessary to direct your thoughts in the right direction when you pick up your mind, do it quickly and do not want to see your image in ulamka.

Narodnі povіr'ya explain why it is not possible to look at the mirror. Through the surface of the surface, good luck, power and energy. Yakshto marvel at vipadkovo ulamki, nothing will. If you want to stay calm, you can clear the space behind an additional fired plug, and hang up a new one on the spot. At the booth, you have to pidlogu, you see surplus of negative energy.

Іnshi povіr'ya

The mirrors of the mirror in the midst were tied with mysticism, they were able to finish off the rich prikmet, knitted from the tsim object, and the guard, which cannot be robbed in front of the mirrored.

Wonder at your video beats, you can't pick up the filthy words in your voice, talk about your filthy self-respect, negatively think about the callousness, especially life. The top is turned back. That will need to have a good laugh, bazhati sob fiery day marvel at your vision.

I’m dumb, I don’t go to the object more beautifully. Tim more, you can't have a poster, marvel at yourself. All the negativity and the haze are brought up and turned around.

Okremo varto say what you can't stand in front of the mirror. Yak was shown in a long time ago, everything can be forgiven: rose, beauty, happiness and health.

Spati is also not recommended against mirror surfaces. For an hour to sleep, Lyudin is most careless, and the whole subject is invaded by the portal. To that, it is more beautiful to roll up the doors, because the power is. Todi do not torment the abominations from below.

Chi can daruwati mirror? About the abundance of speeches, there are such verses that you cannot give them a gift, ale, unimportant on the water, you can give them the same way. What is not possible with a mirror daruvati is easy to explain. Respected, well, having built up the development of manipulation with him, it is possible to present a mirror to people and to create a shkodi.

Ale as lyudin is close and adjusted positively to you, you will not bring any nasty object. Yaksho vi all the same, they took a mirror from the summoning people as a gift, the fucking energy can be neutralized:

  • Dobre dry the surface of that dry.
  • Seize a dream and fill it up for a couple of days.

Naygolovnіshe, about scho it is necessary to remember: a lot will not dіyut, since they don’t change and don’t press on foul speeches of meaning. A positive attitude plays its role in any situation. And everything will be kind!

Write your own thought

A dream, for someone who bestows a mirror, is even more positive, and means a dream of happiness and garnishing of a snake in life.

Rozbiti mirror yak neutralize the primer

To enter dashingly, it is necessary to quickly and correctly vikinuti ulamki.

Bezkoshtovna online tlumachennya sniv - to reject the results, enter a dream and press the button to poke with a magnifying glass

Smolder, it is not possible to get into the mirror and pick up the shirts from the mittens;

Wikidayut ulamki in a dark bag near the water or bury it near the ground.


The guard is the whole family of the deputy to this colony.

Love spell is terrible r_ch.

On the basis of the matter - tse psuvannya, how to kill the victim, his health is that all life as a whole.

It’s not a shame that if you’re on the tide of bad luck - the inheritance of a love spell for the deputy will be terrible.

- Tastes to a love spell

Vyishovshi for the border between the booth, 9 times during the pozhepki read the prayer "The mirror was smashed, the bida of the servant of God (Rabbi of God) (im'ya) did not poke around".

The value of magic health

Vibrate the best description that comes to you and know if you have magical powers.

Telepathy is very vivid - it is possible to read and transfer thoughts to other countries, but it is necessary to work a little bit to reach the set point and to feel at its pride of power.

Remember that the presence of a mentor and the control of health will turn out to be a blessing for Skoda, and for no one is uncomfortable, that you can be very ruinous if you can be a legacy of Diyavolsk.

Usi signs of clairvoyance. For singing zusil and education of other forces, you can develop into your own gift of the knowledge of the past.

As soon as they could not be controlled by a mentor, who could help them fit in, you could open up the time-of-the-clock space, and evil would sooner seep into our light, step by step, chasing him with dark energy.

Be protected with your gift.

Medium is behind all the signs. It’s about the ability to establish a connection from the spirits and gain control over the course of an hour, albeit the necessary rock of practice and the right mentor.

As soon as the balance of power will be destroyed, then the temryava will sooner shake off the surplus of goodness and strength, if it could serve for the good, I will go to the insha and the temper.

Chaklunism is behind all indicators. You can vivchennya і guiding the psyche, pritut, you can work a love spell and fortune telling you won’t be an overwhelming right.

Ale everything needs to be victorious for the good and for work, so that they did not suffer with their innocence from your hopes, gifted to them.

For the development of internal forces, at least 5 years of practice are required and the right mentor.

Best telekinesis for you. With the correct concentration and zusillah, which can be squeezed by the spherical force, you will be surrendered to the power of thought the ruhati is small, and in an hour there are large objects.

With the choice of a mentor, for example, you have more strength, you have a bright mind, as you can get a headache by switching to dark bik, if there will be a lack of strength, then tamp yourself with the focus of Satan.

Vee is the clerk. Practical magic, serpent, conjuration, and everything that is tied with the tsim is not just words, but your life vibration and power, which is given by the mind of the eye, and not just like that, but for the sacred mark, as you do not know for a reason.

Tse bude yak bachennya, similar to a dream, well, you can’t forget about it.

Remember that it’s necessary to keep the power for the good, for the good of you, for the good of you, and that’s the ear for you.

Yak right vikinuti mirror bit

Smash the mirror with a sprinkle of water, and then carefully pick up ulamki, only not with bare hands. Shmatochkіv mirror is not guilty to be overshadowed, it is necessary to take all and all for the sake of confusion in the package.

Wikidati mirrors more beautifully in a river or in running water, there is a serpent of all non-hassle. You can trim the bag with ulamka before the tap with water and wipe it into the tank for smittya.

Singingly, there is no such life, in which there would not be such an object, like a mirror. Yak can use magic, the whole object is powerful magic. To that, magic rituals with him should be carried out with special protection. Exactly the same people take notice... Nabagato girshoyu є the situation, if the mirror was broken. Aje tse is not easy. People will notice about smash the mirror to help us grow up, how about people like that.

The stars appeared so zaboboni

The whole object has been hailed for a long time. Our ancestors, representatives of beautiful statues, took him to the booth for the chepura. For the help of the new grandmother-chaklunka they watched the share і named for young girls. So what is the subject of the little style of negative signs and tlumachen?

How to guard the magicians and fachіvtsі in the halluze of the esoteric, tsya rіch є in a free corridor and in the action and in the worldly light. The whole guide is building up positive and negative energy. Take note of the fact that you smash the mirror because it is so important, not depriving it of an element of decor, but of a magical artifact.

And now it’s clear, if you notice, tied with a broken mirror, that is a report tlumachennya.

People take notice

Who robiti, how did the mirror break? From the drive there is a power supply. It’s possible to beat it up and down, so it’s vipadkovo. You can just beat yourself up. It is not less important є th іnshiy moment - what size is there. And even more is the subject, then the serious inheritance of such a result. Otzhe, it is clear that all the information about the report is clear.

Yaksho just rozbiti

Glyboku energetic force to conceal old objects. And if you happen to be old enough to live on a new one, try to be amused with such an item, which was deprived of the number of gentlemen in the booth. For this simple reason, how the stench can take a positive, so negative energy, how can I panuval in my homeland. First, if an old thing is inadvertently pricked up, it’s not unique. All the negativity, which can become like rock, is recognized in your homeland.

It’s still a big deal, if an old-fashioned object is used for a magical one. Bagato chaklunіv and magіv vicoristovuyut tsyu rіch for the entrance to the poobychny svit. Open the corridor of a broken or shaken object, allowing the dark daily routine to bring new bags to the booth.

Well, and the most frightening are those who, through them, the chakluni lead the psuvannya to death. And the possibility of transferring to the booth on the new bags is great. In such a situation, why should chaklunism not be true? There is only one vykhid - such speeches are necessary to be inhibited.

Specially smitten

Is it good chi nasty prikmet rozbiti mirrors specially for the runt of the nervous sight? Specially broken ric at the booth chi іnshomu mіsci - a sign of a nervous sight, and those who check on you are very unhappy. Yakshcho is still alive to all, we will wonder in new wonder, be sure not to be unique. Parts of bad luck, failures and failures that are not often trivial to fade the styles of rock, bits of ulamka came out of the broken object. The deyaky magicians start dying, like a mirror-like richer broke out in a flash, as if there were no misfortunes and failures, they struggled to overcome the efforts of the members of the family, moreover, with a stretch of seven rockets.

Tom, persh nіzh tse robiti, think hard. Calm down your nervous camp and cool the fuse in a different way. Turn it over without me.

Rosbiti vipadkovo

If you smash the mirror like a vipadkovo - check on the great zmini. Until the speech, it will be nasty, or better, lay it down from a few fragments, which is settled. Yakshu won’t get lost on an unpaired number of ulamkiv, which means that it’s not a bargain that you will win, or you will be friends. And the axis with a couple of splinters on you check is terrible grief - the loss of close people.

The people of the people take notice of that zaboon and control the other side - as if the mirror was falling at home it was not to blame the people, it means that the heavenly ones will be merciful to them - to amuse the fellow citizens, at the expense of failures.

By itself

The mirror smashed itself - prikmeta stverdzhuє, what a check on youєна Everything can be all right - psuvannya, prit and be-yake in cheklunstvo. The most important are those who can straighten out such a negative inflow, they can be especially special for you, as well as for your homeland, booths.

Do not vklyuchatsya і such a variant, whatsoever bazhaє to put on you a terrible fear - to death, in torment and self-reliance. Tom yak bachite, like a great home mirror, it was smashed by itself - a prikmeta duzhe nasty. With the help of safety measures, try to put a zahist on yourself, your homeland and your donkey. It is innocent for a richer treasure to bring home and vikinuti from a deserted place. First of all, I’m sure about breaking and making a subject less known, to visit from the elderly. To grow up and tidy up the house is secret, as it is very special for you to give in.

I don’t tell anyone in those who are of the same kind as the mirror was broken by itself - it’s just the opposite. And the earlier you will live a visit to the installer and the disposal of the broken object, it will be more beautiful for you yourself.

Smashed ditin

Drink vipadki, if the child smashes the object at the booth. Does it mean the phenomenon and the threat for the child? It is often not special to break such an object with a child. For a child, it is also a manifestation not to become a zhodnoy messy and not safe up to seven rockies for sure. Oskіlki in the whole period of life is found under the weakened maternal veil and cannot be hostilities by magical power. People take notice of inadvertently destroying a child with a child є as a result for the fathers about those who do not care for those bad luck.

Rozbit stranger rіch

They rocked a mirror in a different way - it is also a phenomenon to indicate the insanity of a couple. In a word, one side will get salted in such a way as the other side. Moreover, the price can be as simple as it is hateful.

Driving in a car

I do not even accept the phenomenon - check on the inappropriateness, tied to your car. Shvidshe for all on you an accident check, if you happen to remember the car.

A little bit of a kishenka got lost

Yakshho smashed to a little mirror in your house - such a pride to speak about those who have a check on you with a kohany people. In the given vypadku more be-like separation - trivially go, separation. You can beat your rich in the house, you can put the death of your kohan people on you.

Yaksho fell and shook

Often there are drops, if the mirror has fallen, it did not break, but the trochas were pricked, or a trick appeared on a new one. At the same time, they absolutely singled out how good they got it.

Yak vverdzhuyut the people take note of the rich, but she shook like that, like a rozbit, you don’t see anything good. Trinitarianism, nai nai nha, є as a guide to the negativity, which has accumulated, especially since it is an old object and has survived more than one generation.

Moreover, in a new way, one cannot be surprised, but more beautifully than a vikinuti. Yak to svidchat folk zaboboni, to beautify in front of such an object it is not necessary to make life for the gentlemen of the booth. In such a family, there can be a "great tricity" among all people, like villains through welding, scandals, distrust and joy.

What can not be said about an object that simply fell, without chipping and thrashing. Yak seem to be familiar with the people, there is nothing terrible in the whole world. The whole subject can be hung back and given further prodovzhuvati in new on demand.

And at the same time, not all the sabobones, and note about smashing the mirror, as it is in the people. Read the details.

Yaksho smashed a kishka

Nasty prikmet rozbiti mirror yourself! And the axis should speak to the people of zabobon, if the kishka smashed an object in front of the booth? Like our ancestors, the subject, beaten by the cat, will see the goddess. Tsikavo yak? It can be a waste of close people, or death, as well as the appearance of inappropriateness and the call of the turbots that you do not need.

Anything that has been broken, needs to be cleaned up and given to the empty place from your life.

Flying into robots

Rozbiti vipadkovo mirrors on robots - the mark is no worse than good, and it will not be important to blame, day and night. It’s impossible to marvel at the new people. Yogo is required yaknaishvidshe utilizuvati. Such a sign overtakes you from the one who, among others, from the heads of the collective can be responsible for the loss of business. It’s also a vital sign that you want to give you a shkodi that will tell you the filth of your boss.

In bagatokh wiklikaє hvilyuvannya situation, if the mirror breaks. Indiscriminately because of the fact that it’s a lot of problems - at home, on robots in cosmetics, for folk habits, there is also a dislike for everyone and for bad luck and ailments for the owner and for bringing him to a close friend.

Ale not everything is so summarized, as it is necessary to build on the right, there is enough nobility about simple methods to help you clean up the negative infusion. Help yourself to help you snake, as you get positive energy.

From generation to generation, knowledge was passed and accumulated, as to help the situation, as the functionality of the mirror was destroyed. If such a disagreement has become, then there will be some splinters, you can see the simple things, so that you can take away the risk of negative energy inflow that came out of the splinters.

In order that the ulamki did not play positive energy from the house of the worker, More beautifully, vikinuti їх immediately and for the sake of negative energetics and purification. Wikidaty slid viyshovshi for inter-attachment.

Budinki, vipadkovo vi rozbili mirror

It's good to get involved Well, having smashed yo, Lyudin attributed to herself a failure of seven years in health, family well-being, at the booth to repair parts of the welding through the drums. Friendships can move away from each other, conflicts may be protracted. To build a mirror with a small trench in a building to pour into the camp of healthy people, who are vigorous with the energy of the new, the people are old, falling into apathy. At the lowest cost, it is necessary to get older and buy an old mirror.

Naynepriєmnіshe those who smash the slope of the mirror can see the loss of a friend. If it’s unsuitable for the fall, you can see the waste of loved ones.

The first person to help you in the situation with the beaten mirror of the mirror is aimed at clearing out negative energy and the heritage of the inheritance for your family.

It is important not to be astonished at yogo ulamki at your imagination, you need to take it not with your bare hands and touch it with flowing water, the water will purify power, and it will take away the filthy energy of Russia in your own way.

It is also possible to lay down ulamki on the windows to lie down during the day and at night, the energy of the dream and the month is necessary to forcefully clean the objects, and then take the ulamki. Kindly add a candle, brought from the church, to hold the lit candle over the ulamks, read the prayer and re-baptize three. The power of prayer helped me to cope with the difficulties that protected my family.

The mirror was broken on robots

Smash the mirror on the robot, you can see the sound, other inconsistencies in the work moments, the confrontation with the team and the bosses, the situation is becoming uncomfortable for the people who were thrashed. For some people, there may be a lot of problems, maybe a long-standing problem, as the enterprise has already gotten overwhelmed, there will be a splash of energy.

Make sure yourself in case of inappropriateness on the robot, take the little pieces into the bag with a wet wine, do not marvel at the door, fill it with water and pick it up for the border.

Serpent - zahist

What robiti, how did you marvel at smashing the mirror?

If you wonder at the mirror, then the whole negative program will go straight to the ludicrous, yaka marveled at her.

  • To help the good strong prayers: Our Father, Psalm 90, prayer of the Holy Spirit.
  • Taking the ulamki, go to re-baptize and say: “Kudi ulamki, tudi bida. Let it be so! ". And everything will be kind.

How can we rob it with the smashing mirror?

  1. Yak tilki dzerkaltse bulo beat, demand to say, spitting over your shoulder: "Chur not to go, but to zmіn!".
  2. The ulamki did not rise to the naughty people, they need to whisper to me, as if they were stolen from them: “The mirror was breaking, I was dashing with it, it was hard to break. Amin ".
  3. Having put on the water from the tap, or having sprinkled it with water, I read the serpent: “I am waving, I am snaking old, I clean up the filth, I wiggle with water. Amin ".
  4. Having tidied up the ulamki and cleared it, it is necessary to wipe it out, having read the serpent above them 7 times: “The mirror has broken, bida me not to be embarrassed. Amin ".
  5. Bathe іnshe, new mirror, how to accumulate energy to replace the old.

Now if you dream, break the mirror? Dream interpretation

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