Why after the trip nothing is interesting. What to do if there is no interest in life and everything is dullly bleak

  My life for me is gray and boring. Any turn of events in the course of life seems to me boring. Any occupation is not interesting for me, I do not want to do anything. There are no ambitions in life and I don’t want to start them.
  In general, I have plans for life, but even if I implement them, then what? Even if I do something else, then what? Even if I don’t, then what? What's the difference? The meaning of all this? Just do something and enjoy it? Enjoy life? Why do I need it? I do not understand. I will live and enjoy life, but I can grieve, why all this? I do not want either one or the other.
  I do not see myself in any field, in any relationship or in any undertaking. Any way brings me no delight.
  I can try anything in this life, I know, but I also know that sooner or later I will get tired of it. I will be bored. What to do with it - I do not know. Only one question remains: why was all this? Oh, yes, some experience appeared, yeah. To hell with this experience, I do not care if it will or not.
  It is really not interesting for me to live, I don’t know what to do with it, except to die, but I still have hope for something good. I will not dissemble and say that I want to live, but I do not want to live like this, I want to have a mountain of interests, I want to do something useful and just love something.

I would very much like to hear from you how I could solve all this and how to show an interest in life, since I cannot continue to live like this, but please do not write about God, parents and suicide as a sin, for these three concepts will not solve my problems. Anyway.
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Olesya, age: 202 / 07/09/2015

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Hello! Olesya, you should be a little distracted from yourself and your thoughts, see how others live, provide help.
  those who need it. Walk around the orphanages, see how the kids will just enjoy sweets, attention,
  your smile. Go to hospitals with seriously ill and terminally ill people, bring juices and fruits, support
  kind words, and look into their eyes, they will have a great desire to live, because for patients the main recovery,
the opportunity to meet the dawn every day, you think they don’t feel like monotonous hospital walls ... Olesya, you don’t know
  why do you need to live, but each person has his own destiny, his own goals. Do not want to do something for yourself and your future, so
  do for others.

Irina, age: 07/27/2015

Olesya, perhaps the state of boredom is associated with a consumer attitude towards life - give me more impressions, delight, etc. If you invest in a soul, it will not be uninteresting. Try to give more. Remove self-awareness with your perception and attitude. Think more about others, do something for them, you are still bored, but for others it is help, joy. It is possible that fear, fear and pain are hidden behind your boredom, you need to understand. Perhaps boredom covers your protest and rejection. In any case, what you have written about is your INTEREST. You wonder how to get rid of boredom and how to start living differently, success to you in this!

The silent, age: 48/11/07/2015

Hello, Olesya! Many are asking about the meaning of life. But understand, anyway, the path that you are destined to go on Earth will not be passed by someone else. Cut it will not work. Therefore, let it be through force and laziness, but we must look for it. To think about some possible things for yourself or interests. At first it may be something insignificant. A small goal that you want to achieve. Then another. Achieve everything in stages. Every time asking yourself a question: is it really interesting to me? Did I do the right thing in that situation? If you do not think so, and you realize that you did it in vain, change. Do not be afraid to try something new. The main thing is to show interest in something again. Help others or learn something new for yourself. Think about culture, art, sports, travel. In fact, full of all the interesting and unexplored. Many people at some stage of their life leave those hobbies that they had before and begin to live completely differently. Change habits, places visited, mode of the day. And they begin to do what they didn’t know before, what they didn’t think about. You, too, probably just don't know a lot about things or you know a little. Think it over. But even if you do not want to do anything, learn something, then try to just enjoy the opportunity to sit at home and be alone. Why not? You live, that's the main thing. Why not find a new challenge in some time and accept it? Leave bad thoughts. Good luck!

Michael, age: 07/27/2015

Reading Chekhov, I was jarred by the fact that quite young, mature, healthy, without material problems, the heroes suffered from boredom. And I nodded my head, well, yes, it’s really boring, because this is the end of the 19th century, neither the phone, nor the Internet, even a desired book to read a big problem, life without special events and impressions, of course, is boring. But now it is another matter, to take at least the Internet with its communication capabilities, forums, libraries, watching any movie, programs, discussions on thematic forums, searching for any music, artists, various radio stations, TV channels, and ALL of this at a convenient time for you place, then when interest and desire arose, and so on. Now in the 21st century, in my opinion, there is simply no loophole for boredom, boredom remained in the distant 19th century, and suddenly, Olesya, you surprised me with your letter. And I realized that not everything is as simple as it seemed to me.
  What can stand behind your boredom? Everything seems meaningless to you, like what difference does it make, rhetorically, the question is why do I need this. The difference is that it will be in your life, not on the TV screen. This is your life, which you look as if detached and haughtily. You make speculative conclusions, and try to LIVE, FEEL. You argue what the taste of an unprecedented fruit, instead of trying it. Do you see the difference between inference and reality? those. You live a little in reality, and more "in the head." In life, you need to make efforts, work, put a piece of the soul, give love, warmth, share emotions. Maybe you are too lazy? And try, life will sparkle with colors.
  And it seems to me that your position is a psychological defense. First, from the pressure of external requirements and norms, the accepted stereotypes of how to live. You sound like you don't want this and that. That's right, your task is to understand what you personally want, what your soul is striving for! And build your life in accordance.
  Secondly, protection from pain, from disappointment. Self-doubt, which is difficult to admit to oneself, can be disguised as boredom and lack of desire.
  You need to understand that this is your life, your interest, not someone's, but your life. Accept your most insignificant small interest in something. And then there will be other interests and tastes of life, allow yourself this. If you are used to criticizing yourself, constantly making excessive demands on yourself, then you should refuse such an attitude.
It is worth the trouble, without counting the efforts, life will definitely show its colors and taste. It is worth more to give, and then life will show the paint. If you aspire to something real, then you will definitely succeed! Keep the right direction! I wanted to help, good luck!

The silent, age: 48/12/07/2015

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The world around us is gray, sad and boring to live.

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Loss of interest in life. Tired of life. I do not want anything.

How to deal with it?

If there is no interest in life

What if there is no interest in life and everything is dullly sad? Why is it boring to live? Where did you disappear to ?

Causes of loss of interest in life:

1. Fatigue.

When a person does not know how and does not want to rest, turns his existence into a continuous race for results, forgets about spiritual things, negative energy accumulates, which is poisoning his life. It is like a chain pulling down and does not allow "to take off."

2. Feeling like an unnecessary person.

This sensation calls into question the value of the individual, its usefulness, the very meaning of existence seems to be a mockery.

3. Obligatory.

If a person goes through life, guided only by the principles: I have to, I have to, I have to, he has to look like a barge boat on the Volga. Above it is constantly hanging "eternal debt", like a huge cobblestone above his head, and makes him unhappy.

4. Purposelessness.

Life is like a tumbleweed: where the wind blows, I go there. Please do not confuse goals with desires. Desires are more mundane. It is normal to have desires - to love, to dress beautifully, to earn well, to have a family, to live in prosperity, etc. Their realization provides the joy of being, as an individual, as an individual. A person needs desires for himself, as ensuring his comfortable and pleasant existence.

4. Imagine that this is the last day in your life or the last minute.

The man who put a gun to his head, hardly thinks that life is not interesting. Awareness of our mortality helps us to value life more and to be aware of every moment.

5. Stop, give yourself a rest.

Relax. To meditate Get out into nature. Meet the dawn. Sit by the fire, contemplating the fire. Watch out for flowing water. Listen to yourself, your soul. Recall the good moments of your life, feel them again. Reread your.

6. Find or remember your purpose.

Think about your dreams, scroll the film into the past, find those moments when life pleased, lit, filled with meaning, find out when the changes occurred, when you deviated from your path, your purpose. Understand how this happened and why. Then go back to this point and change,. After that, live in harmony with your own soul, check with it. There is a cure for depression in our own soul.

7. Set yourself a high challenge.

Create yourself a crisis. Translated, the word "crisis" means "danger" or "chance." So create yourself a new chance to change, grow, climb a step higher. Get started! In the process there will be a drive, interest, taste for life.

8. Learn the "art of small steps."

9. Go out and smile at everyone.

Make new friends. Recall forgotten friends, arrange a meeting with them. Be open to new contacts, suggestions and ideas, see opportunities and say yes to them.

10. How to cope with blocking the senses?

Here are two options.

First: look into yourself and find out what emotions you want to hide, from which you are trying to escape, to avoid that you don’t want to be aware. Accept, experience, relive and release.

Children do it well. If the child is offended, he will cry from the heart, and then with a free soul and a smile on his face will be engaged in a favorite toy. All emotion won back.

It is better for an adult to find a place where no one will disturb him. Calm down. Focusing on breathing and asking myself: what feelings do I really feel about my father, mother, myself, husband, wife, son, friend, my own life? And to enter into these sensations, to immerse themselves in them, despite the fact that they are completely unpleasant. Thus, the energy of negative feelings will be dumped and there will be no need to block them, the “frontier post” will be removed. Joy and interest in life will freely return along this path.

The second option is to contact a psychotherapist.

11. Laugh more.  Start the morning with a smile. Make a list and watch comedies and fun positive movies every day. It works!

What to do if there is no interest in life ?

As you know, any correctly posed question already carries an answer.

And if a person asks him himself, he is already on the way to his decision.

I think you understand the answer is to do.

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no, I want no strength, two years ago the son of 17 years old died, yes, there are still children of 20 years and 14 years old, but I lie in a coma for 2 years and drink anti-impregnants, sleep, eat little, lose 15 kg and cannot I want not to see anyone, and to hear ... the husband is supporting, but he, too, is already in such a state as a zombie ... ..

Replied to:
  November 27th, 2014 at 21:42

Faith, you suffered a heavy blow - the death of a son. It is as if a piece of your heart has been cut off and the wound is still bleeding. They say that heals, but your grief will always remain with you. And with this you need to learn how to live, especially since you have someone to live for: for yourself, for children, for your husband. Two years is already a decent time, if you cannot cope, contact a psychologist - your existence in such a state can hardly be called life. The help of a specialist is needed.

My brother is disabled in the second group (mentally ill) lives with his parents. If someone knows, living with such people is unbearable. From the house made all that can be taken out and sold. Mother and father are retired. They literally turned into zombies already. I live separately, I have no private life because I have to pull my parents. I practically live for them. I work in a factory surrounded by rude and evil people. I would very much like to end my life’s path because I no longer have the strength when Mom calls from hysterics again when she comes back from work and tells what her brother did again. Life is not happy but on the turn every new day as another test.

Replied to:
  December 3rd, 2014 at 20:43

Olya, your situation is really difficult. Think, is there anything good in your life? My opinion: plus the fact that you live separately from your parents and brother. So you yourself can build your life as you see fit. Yes, it is difficult and hard for you, but for the changes, action is needed. Start with small steps. What will they be? It is completely up to you. Ask yourself questions. What do you want from life? What are you interesting in? What can you do right now to improve your life?
  Change the lives of your loved ones you can not. I think you understand it yourself. Change your life. Let it be interesting and joyful.

Hello, I am 14 years old. I would like to consult and get advice on how to be ... You know, looking

Question to the psychologist:

Psychologist Dvoretskaya Elina Aleksandrovna answers the question.

Hello, Valeria!

You have written extensively enough what is happening to you now.

Of course, I would like to know what happened before you started this condition. You write that it started with you from school, which means that some kind of injury was in childhood? It is very similar to the fact that in your life there was some kind of stressful situation, which then was never resolved. And you internally closed. You forbid yourself to feel, because you do not want to re-experience the pain that you have driven deeply into your memories. And, perhaps, in childhood they demanded a lot from you and praised you a little and encouraged you. You seemed to be prepared for a hard and unhappy life. You are trying to control yourself, trying not to surrender to feelings, both good and bad, put on a mask of indifference and not participating in life. You, literally, forbid yourself to be happy, to enjoy everything around you.

About your young man, you write in the same gloomy tones as about your condition; and nothing about LOVE. Maybe this is the case. Do you forbid yourself to love and be loved?

Indifference to everything that happens is inner emptiness caused by the loss of the meaning of life. Listen to yourself. Most likely you feel your lack of fulfillment, dissatisfaction with yourself and others. It also speaks of low self-esteem.

You need to learn to express sincere love and care for yourself.

Start smiling at yourself in the morning looking in the mirror and make it a rule. Do not go out without smiling and encouraging yourself. Begin to praise yourself, for any achievements, be proud of yourself.

Remember that earlier, even in childhood, caused you the greatest emotional response. Try to find in yourself that spark, which pushes you to the new, interesting.

And the advice you gave, of course, is very correct.

But since you have not found yourself in dancing or in any other circles, there is also hippotherapy, which also helps a lot with such situations. Here and an active lifestyle, and fresh air, and the occupation of the dispute and the love and care that you can raise from the depths of your soul and pass on to a living being.

And be sure to contact a specialist very. You may need additional testing. And with him find a way out of this state.

Valeria, you have a whole life ahead! You still have so much to do in it !!! We entered this world to be happy, loved, and to give our love and care to people close to us, and not to think about how to “kill” them. We are responsible for those who are with us.