Who does not want to go to school. The child does not want to go to school, what to do

Every morning begins with a little shock: “HOW ?! ALREADY?!". Yes, on the clock 07.10, and this means - everything came, you need to get up and wake up an evil child. Outside the window - if the eye. I sit on the bed and I think that excuses "oh, okay, I don’t really have to go to this press" in the case of the school do not work.
  Dress like two zombies under water. Thanks, breakfast for children relies at school. Using my condition, Masha puts in another tea spoon. At least one I notice. “There is a lot of energy in sugar,” she says in a sony voice.
  Go to school for about 10 minutes. In the snow longer. The portfolio is almost always carried by me. If you google this question, it turns out that, according to various sources, a first grader's satchel can not be heavier than 1.5-2.5 kg with all the junk. To do this, at one time it was proposed to divide the textbooks into two parts, so that they were easier. They divided, printed each part in an enlarged format, on good paper, in a laminated cover. It turned out the same thing, but twice.

The other day, Baum met a disappointed one-year high school graduate who studied psychology — without much enthusiasm, but in record time — and could not find a job. Instead of looking for where her skills are needed, the woman simply looked for work for psychologists. This is a very narrow filter with an appropriate amount of search results. It seems to me that many people think in extremely narrow ways.

Therefore, the best advice would be: think, think outside the usual way and think in a targeted way. And what if the goal is still unclear? “Journey,” says Baum. "Learning languages, discovering strange ways of thinking, other concepts of communication with life." And the infamous bias gaps? “Oh,” says a successful coach, “interesting people want to work with interesting people — and vice versa.”

Diary - remember, he was like a fat notebook? Now it is also a hardcover book. In addition to textbooks, you have to carry all kinds of fancy things like box with a wooden counting material. Remember the Soviet homemade box office of numbers, letters and syllables? In general, before, not only was the water wet, but the cash desk was lighter than the numbers ... And there were no “printed notebooks” - a hybrid of a notebook and a textbook. Once, when I was angry, I weighed a briefcase on a typical Tuesday: 4 and a half pounds ...

Gaps in the curriculum vitae should be wary only of those who would like to become a boring hiring manager. The author Jan Strommel, 25, also continued his nine-month period of service in the community: he later knew that he would never again become an ambulance driver. And I was looking forward to studying at the university. Five tips for the time after the end.

Keep in mind that the school has just shown you a small part of what is possible in the world - “it often brings up selective perception,” says coach Tilo Baum. "And we do not think that we do not know." Traveling is always good: enlarge this passage, review your own life at a safe distance - and after several months of study anyway. But: Travel is not like a vacation. Traveling as an excuse for self-discovery is self-deception, says Baum. "It's always about something meaningful."

I carry a briefcase, Masha is shaking a bag with shoes and a bag with a gymnastics uniform. There are sneakers, in five minutes she starts to creak, which is uncomfortable for her, I take the bag, I carry it.

On Friday, the bag was replaced by skis. Skis immediately suffered me, and shoes. But the gymnast rejoiced through Masha, that “if the weather is incomprehensible, bring both skis and form”. FIG her. If the weather is incomprehensible, I will not take anything. I am also a dormouse, I want a kettle ...

Do not allow yourself to unnecessarily emphasize. Taking a space year is completely legal. Language courses, a voluntary social year, internships at various interesting jobs - all that will help you, even if you are not sitting in the lecture hall. Find a contact with the professions that interest you. Each industry organizes trade fairs - this is the easiest way to get an overview and talk to people in this area. Therefore, you quickly understand what interests you and what does not. And it's easier to get jobs or internships than a regular job application.

Lord, the middle of the day, and I want to sleep so much ... Such a regime is absolutely not mine. In the evening after work, the second shift is checking lessons. At first I approached this liberally: do you want to do your homework? Yes, and not necessary. Then explain yourself. But the recent "sad" and "hormone" showed that this is the wrong method. Looking into the lessons necessary. But useless. When Masha says: “And how to write a yacht - a green square with two mustaches?”, I can only ask again intelligently: “What?”.

Well, the parents are just like their tips - but they grew up another time. So make sure your decision really remains yours. You have to live your life, nobody else. Does your child start saying that he does not want to go to school? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like it, because he has no friends or he is bored. Undoubtedly, the question that goes around your head is not interrupted: why does this happen to you? Why do you invent things to not go to school? This often happens, and when something happens, you need to do this so that your child can go to school happy and strive to learn.

Instead of learning to write and read, first graders dissect words. I do not know which of them is interesting, that the word “yacht” is depicted in five squares, some of them are green, some are blue, there are still red and there is a bell somewhere above, and maybe something else, but I'm just afraid to go deeper. Because I want to sleep from morning to evening and do not want to go to school.

Listen to your child and find out what is going on. Regardless of your child’s age, if you don’t want to go to school, it’s because you’re worried about something. Your father or mother’s duty is to find out what is happening to them and improve the situation. It is clear that there is something that makes him feel bad and that it is difficult for him to express himself in order not to want to go to school.

The period of adaptation in small

If your child is small and from 3 to 5 years old, he may cry when he goes to school. This is normal in the early days and show some dismay. Think that you are facing something unknown and feel that you have been torn out of your safe and peaceful world, your home. Now it will be their turn to meet each other on a daily basis.

But there is joy. In our school there is a "flight class" - some kind of simulator, and children are taken there for a prodlenny. In theory, by the end of the school they will be able to drive an airplane. Yesterday, Masha sadly said that, yes, she went there for the first time, and her fighter fell down and exploded. The girl had a busy day. Fighter ditched on prodlenki. Just for the sake of it is worth getting up at 07.10.

Adaptation period in children

In these cases, you must give time to adapt, always with love and understanding, but above all with security. Explain that nothing will happen to you, and when you leave you, the door is waiting for you. This period can last up to two weeks. If your child is slightly older than the previous paragraph and is new to the school due to circumstances, they may also go through a period of adaptation.

You may often be called out of school because you do not feel well and you must pick it up. This is normal if you do not know with certainty, if you are really unwell, or if you are simply justifying to leave the environment that bothers you.

If you ask the child why he does not like school, you can listen to many reasons and complaints. Children are afraid that they will be evaluated by adults. Parents from childhood prepare children for the fact that at school for bad behavior they will put two, and at home it will be a punishment. Therefore, children are afraid to go to school only because they can get a deuce or a remark for bad behavior.

To prevent this from happening, you must work on this concern before you enter a new school. You must teach her her new school, introduce her teachers and classmates a few days before the start of the day. Talk to her with joy about everything she learns at school and friends she will have. Tell her that everything will be fine and that you will always be in her and you will hear everything that happens in everyday life. Listen to your child and ask him directly why he does not want to go to school.

Of course, he will not tell you the first time, but he will show him confidence and understanding that he sees that your only intention is to help him. If it’s not easy for you to show up, ask your brothers and sisters, talk to the teachers at the school to find out what can happen to your child, to find out if he is difficult to do his homework if he has no friends, if he is being persecuted at school, if he is too shy, etc.

For other children, the fear is that at school they will be insulted or beaten by their peers. Because of this, they can not feel completely safe, because there is always the risk that a quarrel or fight will occur.

Many parents send their children to school from the age of six. At this age, the child has no desire to learn. After all, this is childhood, and it is completely natural to play toys. If it is early to give to school, then the baby may be confronted with something that he is still not ready for. Therefore, these children hate school, because instead of toys they have to learn lessons and get up early in the morning.

Even if there is a situation that exceeds you, and no matter what you do to solve it, you should not always hide yourself at home, because then you will not be able to face the situation and overcome it. That is why you should clearly indicate that you will stay home only if you have a fever or need medical attention.

But if one day he tells you that he is very sick, and when he returns home, everything happens to him, do not justify him. Even if he knows that he is lying, he acts as if he is really sick, and therefore will not be able to play games, watch TV or even have less fun at home. If you are “sick,” you should rest and visit a doctor.

Another reason may be attachment to parents. Most children cry at school when moms and dads are away for a long time. When the school period in life begins, it is very important to teach your child to be independent.

There are children who love to learn something new and unusual, but because of the nature of some teachers, this is given to them by hard work. As a result, they drop out of school and enjoy their favorite activities, because they see that it is very hard to earn a good grade and to go to school is “useless”.

If necessary, go to a specialist

If, despite everything, the problem worsens, and you start to believe that it may be something more serious, like a school phobia, do not hesitate to contact a professional to help you solve this problem. If you want to read more articles similar to, we recommend that you enter our category.

He is fascinated by the fact that he does not stop in order to discover new experiences and knowledge about everything that surrounds the world on the paternal and maternal lines, as well as our children, and share it with all of you. But these interviews will have something special and different, because you can also become interviewers. After the publication of each interview in a few weeks, you can ask questions to the interlocutor through your comments.

Many find it hard to find true friends. It is no secret that ridicule and bullying are observed in schools, so children sometimes feel lonely and useless to no one. Because of this, the idea of ​​a school is spoiled, where every student should receive knowledge.

And it happens that the guys just do not like what they are fed in the dining room. None of the kids wants to sit hungry all day. The realization that food is not tasty may encourage the child not to go to school at all. In such a situation, vigilant parents will surely give them something to eat useful.

We are the premiere of the interview section with one of the most controversial topics of recent years, not because of its success, but because of its failures and reductions: education. A computer consultant, a high school teacher and author of the book “I don’t want to go to school” offers an alternative way to traditional education: free and family education.

Manel, first of all, thank you for agreeing to become the first interlocutor of moms on the verge of a kiss. For someone who is completely unaware of the issue of free and family education, could you tell us what it is? To tell a little about yourself, so that families who choose this type of education do not use regulated educational institutions. That is, our children do not go to school.

  Reasons for not attending school

How to revive the love of learning?

First of all, you need to be not a strict parent, but a second teacher and at the same time a friend for your baby. If the child does not understand something, you can try to explain the object to him and complete the task with him. Talk and try in a game form to bring knowledge to the baby.

You and your wife are raising your three children at home, at what point did you decide to choose this alternative path in raising your children and what led you to this? The two oldest studied in a regular school, up to the second oldest and up to P5 on average. Little never taught.

We cannot attribute this decision to one circumstance, but rather to a cluster. The school did not work as we would like with our children. They did not study, they did not enjoy, and problems began to appear that were getting worse. On the other hand, we did not take the time to share with them everything that we wanted and considered necessary for their education and development. We begin to look for alternatives. First in free schools.

Such assistance will instill confidence in the child that parents are always with him, who can help and prompt. In no case can not be forced to teach a subject forcibly that the baby does not understand. Such an attitude, on the contrary, will cause the child to fear, and discourage the desire to learn. The task of the parents is to explain the subject or the essence of the task in an easy way to explain to the child.

When the time came, we contacted families who were educated at home. We knew their reality, different existing approaches, and we saw that besides the prejudices and stereotypes that we had, it was just another educational option. So we think, why not? Is there any rule for the regulation of home education? Is it legal in our country?

At present, there are about two thousand families in the Spanish state, who usually study at home. In Catalonia, there are more than five hundred. Although these numbers are simple estimates. There is no record or data about it. Legislation requires training from 6 to 16 years, but does not prohibit their practice, which leaves the decision at the discretion of judges when it comes to prosecutors.

If school performance is bad, you should not swear or frighten a child that, because of such studies, they will be called to school or expelled altogether. It is necessary to show that teachers in school are like second parents who want to teach something useful. It is important that he is not afraid of teachers, and treat them as those who can help.

In order for a child to enjoy learning, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions at home for this. He must have his own private room in which he can quietly and quietly do his homework. The atmosphere in the house to be loving, so that after the school day the child can relax. And of course, you need to help children learn. For some time, you can do all the lessons together to show you how to do your homework correctly. When a person sees the benefits of his efforts and diligence, it will induce to love learning.

The administration allows this practice, agrees or is ignored. No action is taken outside of the simple monitoring of social services to discriminate against absenteeism from homework. Has the Administration put obstacles or obstacles in the process of initiating this alternative path in raising your children?

When we made the decision, we stayed with the school principal and explained this to her. When a child leaves school, their file is sent to a new school. If there is no new center, the address must notify social services, which check whether this is a case of absenteeism, and if it considers it appropriate, an interview with the family.

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