Technique of fulfillment of desires by connecting to the universe. First stage.

The existence of this "information field" was asserted by the ancient esoteric doctrines, which were carefully studied by occultists over the past few centuries. But in the second half of the twentieth century, serious scientists began to talk about this field, and with the creation of a theory of the physical vacuum and torsion fields, the existence of the Information Field of the Universe found a scientific basis.

So, in 1982, Professor M. Markov expressed the following opinion: “The information field of the Universe is layered and structurally reminiscent of a“ matryoshka ”, with each layer hierarchically associated with higher layers, up to the Absolute, and, apart from the information bank, is also the regulator of the beginning in the destinies of people and humanity”.

But what they write, based on the works of academicians A.Akimov and G.Shipova, doctor of technical sciences V.Tihhoplav and candidate of technical sciences T.Tikhoplav: “The Unified Information Field of the Universe truly has a space dimension, it contains information that is characteristic not only of the Universe as a whole, but also information of all levels, including the information level of human existence. The Unified Information Field stores the holograms of each person with the world of his feelings and opinions. ”

The possibility of obtaining information from this energy-information field of the Universe was substantiated in the works of academicians K. Tsiolkovsky, V. Vernadsky, V. Kaznacheyev, O. Ohatrin, A. Spirkin, A. Veinik and many other scientists.

So, in particular, V. Demin describes this human ability as follows: “During ecstatic acts a person communicates directly with the noosphere. Occult abilities of clairvoyance, prophecy, prophecy, etc. They are also explained by contacts with the energy-information field of the Universe. This gift is acquired by a select few, having experienced, as a rule, a certain extreme situation ... Eskimo shamans ... talk about a mysterious light that they suddenly feel in the body, inside the head, in the very core of the brain, giving the ability to see in darkness, as in a direct sense, so in the figurative. For, having acquired a supernatural gift, the shaman can even with his eyes closed see in the dark, predict future events and the secrets of other people.

When an Eskimo shaman describes what is happening far from the place of the rite, he as if rises up and sees far in front of him, even through the mountains, becoming as if transparent. In reality, there is nothing inexplicable in clairvoyance. -   of course, if you do not try to comprehend it from the standpoint of linear optics or electrodynamics. It is just that the shaman acquired the ability to directly connect with the noosphere and obtain the necessary information through it. ”

At present, scientific research conducted by a team of scientists from the Siberian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician V.Kaznacheev fully confirmed the interconnection of the intellectual fields of man and Cosmos and recognized the ability of the human mind to receive information from the information field regardless of geography and time.

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences N.Sochevanov divided the ways of obtaining information from this information field into the following types:

1) work with a pendulum;

2) work with bioframes;

3) remote hand diagnostics;

4) photo diagnostics;

5) searches for minerals and other objects using maps, aerial and satellite images;

6) prophetic dreams and lucid dreams;

7)   psychography;

8) clairvoyance;

9) travel in the energy body.

An interesting opinion regarding the ability of people to “connect” to the Unified Information Field and to “read” information from it about the past and future is expressed by the member of the Academy of Forecasting, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences L. Konstantinovskaya. In particular, in her book When the Prophets Come, she notes the following: “It can be assumed that people with a strong gift of clairvoyance can read this information. Especially well should be obtained reading the future at midnight (prophetic dreams), when the night surface of the Earth is most distant from the Sun, and as it were in the future, on the next quantum shell of the Solar system. This is probably why they are wondering about the future at midnight.

  The past is well read in the afternoon (at noon) when this point of the Earth’s surface is closest to the Sun, and is located on the previous quantum shell of the Solar System, that is, -   in the past".

According to the scientist, the ability of people to read information from the past and the future depends on the hour of their birth. So, born from 18 to 6 o'clock in the morning are more inclined to read information about the future. Born in the remaining 12 hours of the day-   more inclined to penetrate the secrets of the past.

The conclusion of a scientist about finding the point of the Earth’s surface farthest from the Sun (midnight) in the future, and the closest one (noon)-   in the past, it may seem doubtful, but only for the hardened orthodox of long obsolete scientific dogmas, in which time is viewed as something unchanging and unidirectional.

If we recall the experiments of the famous astrophysicist, Professor N. Kozyrev, later successfully repeated by another brilliant scientist-   V.Kaznacheev, then the two conclusions emanating from these experiments will be very interesting.

Firstly, N. Kozyrev discovered that time in our Solar System spreads radially from the Sun to the planets (including the Earth). Time is also the energy that does not allow stars to “burn out” quickly enough (by cosmic standards). This is exactly what happened if pure thermonuclear reactions would occur in the depths of the stars. The ancient Maya knew about this structure of time, which is confirmed by the brilliant work of J. Arguelles, Ph.D. in deciphering the Sacred Calendar.

Secondly, performing experiments with curved mirrors, N. Kozyrev discovered the effect of time dilation on a convex surface and acceleration-   u concave. (A similar effect was fully confirmed during the Himalayan expedition of Professor E. Muldashev). Since on Earth most of it is occupied by the oceans, which are almost an ideal mirror surface, something similar should occur at the surface of the Earth.

Combining these two conclusions into one, we note that with the passage of time from our star to the planet nearest to it, it will be the convex surface of the planet, and the distant-   concave. It is therefore not surprising that at noon it is much easier for our mind to travel to the past, and at midnight-   slip into the future.



  (15 comments -) iralenejewellry

Jun. 14th, 2014 10:31 pm (UTC)

I confirm with my experience. I do not know how to memorize texts and retell, and I suffered in the first classes of the school, because pride was hurt - I wanted to become an excellent pupil. Then I intuitively “groped” this field ... I began not to retell what I read, but “to invent” —but in fact I drew information from the field, entering into a light trance.
So I graduated with honors from school, institute, I didn't read much ... sometimes I even thought about it - or maybe I just bring in the hypnosis of teachers on the exam? ;-)
Yes, but in the written exams you do not hypnotize, it means - FIELD !!! :-)))

I use it for this day. There is a field of Earth, other planets, the sun, stars; those. these are like rooms of one library - fields of the universe, the more energetics of a planet or a star - the more “dangerous” it is to use its field, the higher must be its own power or energy. When B first tried to “ask the stars”, she scrambled strongly, it took years to recover and at the same time to build up strength. The field of the Earth is damaged, so in the storerooms - for example, you can find out, and what happened before the destruction of Atlantis.


Jun. 16th, 2014 08:10 am (UTC)

on its territory there are 5 nuclear power plants.

Uh ... I suspect that this is why I cannot "interfere" in Ukraine’s issues either.

Tell me, what exactly are you interested in about Atlantis and why? I almost finished exploring the question that I promised and the design of the thought is close to completion, so you can try to “plunge into Atlantis” :-)
And let me know in a personal if you already have at least 35 years old, I categorically will not even publish some under locks, but I can send in a personal, I just don’t want to “harm the sense of beauty forever,” I sometimes find out terrible things, many knowledge - many sorrows, as they say. I'd better then - in the "adapted version"! :-)

Jun. 16th, 2014 01:56 pm (UTC)

Irish, and that the gift of clairvoyance did not tell you that I am over 35 years old?
And in relation to Atlantis, I am interested in her eternal rivalry with Hyperborea. And this reminds me of the current US-Russian state of affairs. I would like to know if this is related to the Atlantic-Hyperborean confrontation?

I will not name this person. Let me just say that during the fighting in Afghanistan, he served in intelligence, engaged in identifying the intentions of the Mujahideen troops. There was in his arsenal an interesting method of obtaining information, which you cannot call anything other than mystical.

Outwardly, it looked banal simple. He sat in front of a large, full-length map of Afghanistan and began to peer at it intently. And after a while he reported: at such and such a site, at such and such a time, the “spirits” would make an invasion attempt, the size of the detachment was about such.

Forecasts in most cases came true, and the "spirits" ran into a well-arranged ambush ... I would like to talk about such a strange way of obtaining information today.

The states of consciousness in which a person suddenly begins to pick up information that is inaccessible to our senses are known for a long time. But only recently they have become the subject of close attention of scientists. Increasingly, they are attracted by those rare moments when the environment suddenly becomes uninteresting, unimportant for a person. This happens when he is completely absorbed by one thing: the solution of a vital problem, a creative task, the contemplation of the beautiful ... In these moments, consciousness often turns into a special mode of operation. Usually, a clear distinction between a person and that on which his attention was focused suddenly disappears, disappears. If you want to know something, it becomes this “other”: whether it is a molecule, a living cell or the Universe.

Those who survived such an experience say that in these “blessed moments” ideas, images, words come effortlessly, by themselves, as if flowing from some unknown source. In one of his letters, Mozart admitted that in those moments when he was “diminished by inspiration,” he simply had to write down the finished works. "How and where do they come from?" I do not know and have nothing to do with this ... The composition comes to me ... in its entirety, all at once. So that my imagination allows me to hear it entirely. " The same, although in other words, said our contemporary Alfred Schnittke.

In a similar way, a lot of scientific ideas were obtained. Insights of Descartes, Edison, Helmholtz, Mendeleev. Psychologists note that discoveries in mathematics are made in the form of insights, where neither words nor the mathematical symbols proper are involved. Only then, when everything is already understood, the scientist translates the new knowledge into the familiar sign system.

The famous German mathematician Karl Gauss (1777-1855) told about his insight, about how, after many years of failure, a proof of the theorem of integers dawned on him: “The decision flashed in my brain like a sudden flash of lightning. I can’t say what was the connecting thread that connected my past knowledge with the thought that gave me the right decision. ”

In the memory of people there remains a stunning impression of immersion in some abyss of meanings. And also - a shock from inexplicable delight, bliss. “In comparison with this State, even the most pleasant pleasure is a misfortune,” says American professor of mathematics and philosophy Franklin Merrell-Wolf, sharing his experience.

It is these states that allow people, far from science, to know what the pundits have not yet thought of. Thus, in 1984, the well-known English theoretical physicist Paul Davis concluded: “In addition to the three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension, which we perceive in everyday life, there are seven more dimensions that have not been noticed before.” This statement was a sensation. However, the scientist was wrong: a quarter of a century before him, the six-dimensional space of the Earth had already been described in The Rose of the World by the Russian poet Daniel Andreev. And this was not the only “pre-knowledge” of the Russian seer. Perhaps one of the first he spoke about the multidimensionality of time.


Here is how the scout describes his technique with which we began the story. “From staring at the map you get so tired that your eyes start to water. And after a while, the map suddenly begins to “come to life”: its separate sections seem to float, shift, against the background of the painted deserts and mountain reliefs, transparent energy bunches appear, they pulsate, move ... I know - these are clusters of armed people. I see where they are going. Somehow, with a sixth sense, I understand what their numbers are, how armed they are, when their invasion takes place ... I reconfigure the brain a little and see if there are any nearby units, can they resist the upcoming action ... ”

In this case, a quite conscious reading of information takes place. But most often, such connections occur spontaneously and are not generally recognized by man: it seems to him that he is the sole author of his idea. History knows a lot of examples of how people in different parts of the world came to the same decision at the same time. The litigation of two radio inventors, Alexander Stepanovich Popov and Guglielmo Marconi, is well known. In 1876, the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, was ahead of its competitors by only a few hours. At the same time, a steam locomotive, telegraph, jet engine, nuclear reactor were invented ... Truly "ideas are in the air."

But it may be an unconscious "peeping" of future events. Or penetration into someone else's carefully thought out plans. This is what a well-known clairvoyant told me, who successfully helped investigators to search for criminals: “There was a case when we managed to quite clearly“ see ”the robbery of a savings bank, examine the appearance of a criminal and find out his whereabouts. The uniqueness of the situation was that the robbery had not yet happened: it was planned for tomorrow. The offender thought it over for a long time and carefully, several times visited the savings bank, repeatedly mentally lost all the details ... ”
Where does our intelligence officer and other visionaries get unique information?

Perhaps this is the very information field of the Earth (the noosphere, the "thin" world), about which very reputable scientists are increasingly talking today. This informational world of our planet in the modern language can be called virtual. And in the truest sense of the word. After all, the “virtual” - literally from the Latin “possible”, that is, containing various options for the development of situations, including those that have never been realized. In this sense, our physical world is the part of the single energy-information field of the Universe where the realization of one or another variant takes place.

Today, many scientists proceed from the fact that the virtual (thin) world really exists and contains enormous amounts of information: about the past and the present, about possible options for the future, about ideas, creative ideas, secret plans ... They believe that into this thin world can penetrate. And how tempting it would be to perfectly master the methods of conscious and “aiming” penetration there!


To say that they have already figured out the ISS is premature, but something gradually opens up. For example, that ASC is not such a rare occurrence. Studies conducted by Professor V. V. Nalimov, revealed that 80-85 percent of people under certain conditions are included in the ISS. In the experiments of Dr. Charles McGriry (Institute for Psychological Research, University of Oxford), when all sensory stimuli of 100 people were blocked, 80 were immersed in the ASC.

A number of regularities characteristic of such states of consciousness have already been identified and described: the so-called “exit from the body”, the shift in perception thresholds, the spontaneous appearance of visual images, the altered perception of time and other transpersonal (literally “transient boundaries of the personality”) phenomena.

The head of the International Center for Consciousness Research, Academician O. Koyokina, says: “We identified those common signs of ASCs, in which we observed a vivid, no less obvious than in ordinary reality, the perception of images of“ other ”worlds,“ other ”space-time relationships As a rule, with telepathic communication with "other" entities.

In some cases, the “travels” in the ISS were limited, as it were, only by spatial movements a few kilometers from the site of the study, for example, within Moscow. And sometimes they were “flights” to other cities located thousands of kilometers away. In other versions, “excursions in time” were made to historical events that took place several centuries ago, which were reproduced in memory and in subsequent reports as well as the current reality ...

All participants in the study, upon returning to the usual state of consciousness, asserted that they were not in a state of ordinary sleep and that they actually observed other realities, communicated with the essences of other worlds. ”

Of course, bona fide researchers have a lot of questions, because not all the information received in the ISS can be rechecked. What if the visionaries' stories are only the fruit of their imagination, and their states are subjective feelings? Now, if the ASC is confirmed by objective data.

O. I. Koyokina placed the biorhythms of the brain and the points of acupuncture meridians under the impassive control. With the help of supersensitive equipment and the latest computer-based methods for processing electroencephalograms, it turned out that at the time of a person’s immersion in ASCs, unusual electric waves appear in the deep structures of his brain. And at the points of acupuncture there is a rapid abrupt change in indicators, indicating a "sharp shift in the physiological processes of almost all organs and systems." The results confirming the reality of the ISS, however, by other methods, were obtained by other Russian scientists.
But this is only the beginning. Researchers have to answer a lot of questions. Where is the source of information that a person gets in the ISS?

In what form is it stored, in what way is it encoded? How does a person perceive it and decipher it without the participation of the usual sense organs? There are no answers yet, there are already hypotheses. Most of them boil down to the fact that the mechanism of consciousness is based on field interaction with certain information structures. It is believed that these field phantoms - carriers of mental images, ideas - after their emergence are able to persist for a long time in a physical vacuum.

Doctor of Medical Sciences A.M. Stepanov believes that the peculiarity of these structures is their extraordinary information capacity, as well as the fact that they can be extremely quickly perceived and processed by our consciousness. From this point of view, our consciousness looks like a field education, which not only receives information from outside, but also generates and transmits it to the outside world. And the neural networks of the brain are the “hardware part” of this transceiver, constantly changing its configuration, dynamic ...


Practical questions are already being put on the agenda. First, it is the development of reliable methods for connecting to the information field. After all, there are not that many people who can consciously do this. And these nuggets, as a rule, are not experts in the field of knowledge from which information is required. Even if they "peep" something, they will not be able to understand the meaning of what they saw: text, diagrams, formulas, constructions. We need methods that allow us to penetrate informational “caches” not only to selected unique people, but also ordinary specialists.

The big problem is tuning accuracy. “Zabroska” in the information field often looks like a saying: “Go there, I don’t know where. Bring something, I do not know what. " Bring. True, "peeped" events are often impossible to tie either to time or to a specific place. And because their information value is often close to zero.

There are other problems. In particular, noise immunity and reliability assessment of the information received. After all, launching “misinformation” into the information field is not difficult. It is important to interpret the symbols perceived by the visionary from the “bank of meanings” very correctly.

There is another snag. Even when a person was able to understand the meaning of what he saw, he does not always manage to translate it into a form that is understandable to other people. The knowledge gained in “other worlds” is of a special kind. This is a knowledge-experience. It can not be accurately translated into verbal form, even those who have the literary talent. As Viktor Shklovsky said in his time, “it is difficult to explain to a person the taste of a melon if he has chewed shoe laces all his life ...”

And one more obstacle facing the ISS researchers. Despite the fact that the science does not consider transpersonal states of consciousness as something pathological and even considers it a necessary condition for creativity, a wary attitude towards the “mystical” forms of cognition remains. It has historical, almost genetic roots.

But if you can understand how a person picks up inaccessible information and processes it, cardinal breakthroughs can occur in all areas of life. And of course - in computer technology. In addition, it would be possible to foresee natural and man-made disasters, to penetrate into the secret designs of the enemy. This is important for today's world.

Vitaly Pravdivtsev, Ph.D.

Before bed you need to take a warm shower. It is desirable that he was a contrast, but his last jet must be cool. Feet should be washed with cold water from the knees to the feet in order to remove sticking negative information. A sofa or bed in the bedroom should be oriented so that your head in a dream is directed to the north - to the North Star. Only in this case there is confidence that you will be "connected" to the information field of the Earth. Perhaps you will see dreams - pictures that our planet experienced in the distant past, or those that it will still experience. You can show you fragments telling about your personal life from beginning to end, or some moments of the present period. People who sincerely and selflessly believe in the existence of God are given revelations, prophetic dreams. These revelations brought fame to many people in various fields of science and culture (Mendeleev, Bekhte Eve, Pushkin, Giuseppe Tartini, Ludwig van Beethoven). There is also evidence that in some cases Dante, Voltaire, Lafontaine scooped valuable material for creativity during the period of sleep. This amazing ability of a dream to support creative thought was noticed long ago, it is mentioned about it in the writings of Aristotle and Titus Lucretia Kara.

So, lying down in this direction (to the north), you are taking the first step towards connecting to the information field of the Earth. It is very important to catch the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep, when the consciousness is dulled, but the dream itself has not yet arrived. Meditate well at this time. This is done quite simply. Mentally immerse yourself in a warm blue ocean: first, heels, then let the warm, bright golden streams wash your knees, hips, chest, spread over your shoulders, wash the back of your head. As soon as you do this, mentally draw a sparkling white thread from the nape of your neck into the cosmos, which will be the link with the information field of the Earth. At the same time, the gaze must be directed first to the crown and then sharply to the back of the head. The sudden appearance of a green ray in front of your eyes closed, in a second - a scattering of golden rain around you, and then a panorama of the night starry sky will be signs of connection. For many, this may not happen immediately, it will take some time and perseverance. It is very important to have clean energy fields, not polluted by bad thoughts, ideas, not burdened with earthly concerns. In addition to the benefits that you can enjoy after connecting to the information field, you will get a deep, peaceful, healthy sleep, after which you will feel awake, cheerful, rested, full of energy and strength. Before going to bed, it is good to follow the fine tradition of the English kings - to drink a glass of warm goat milk with honey. It prevents insomnia and gives deep and sound sleep. There is a belief that prophetic dreams are only on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. If they are unpleasant to you, tell them to your loved ones, but definitely before lunch (until 12.00).

And so, first you need to find a place where you will be comfortable. You can create this place yourself. The room in your house, surround yourself with those items that will remind you of the happy moments of your life. It will be the first plane of time is the past.

Very important note.

You have to realize the moment that diving into the time planes is necessary to open the portal through which connection to the flow of information field.

Second planemust correspond to current events. This is a desk, various writing accessories, best of all if these are objects that are well known to you and which will not fall out of your hands. Globe or map on the wall, a large magnifying glass, shelves with your favorite books that are always at hand. These are the things that will help you get together in an exciting journey through the pages of your book clean.

Third time plane, the most important thing without which it is impossible to do - this is the future. This plane creates striving, manifesting a goal and pointing the way is not easy to this goal.
  Set a picture of a night city or a starry sky with a galaxy swirling in a spiral in front of you, let it rotate slowly. Suppose with a photo, from the windows of the houses of the night city, the light pours warm, right in your face. You will know that you are not alone, peace comes to your mind and calm looks into the soul.

Turn on the music with the sounds of nature, the great sea with your surf will allow you to see it with your eyes. Take the pen. See, she is the continuation of your hand. Touch it to the paper, it is white yet empty space,

Write a few words, no matter what, the main thing is that they are connected (sea - boat, grass - forest, planet - star), let them be light and light, then they will draw to their combination other words that are in the field of information, which you are already immersed. Continue without stopping, the words themselves fall on a clean foggy canvas of your pages, turning into sentences.

Capture this moment, and you will feel the words appear on paper, as if watching a movie, where at the end of the film, the captions appear and you look at them enchanted, recalling and scrolling through the plots again and again. But in your movie these titles on paper are not the end. This is only the beginning of your long history, about traveling through the information hall of the great library.

You already have the answer.

This method of connecting to the information field is based on self-hypnosis. It works because you give up the conscious part of your mind, which allows your more powerful subconscious to get to the surface.
In the subconscious there is a part of the personality that is divine, where your genius is hidden, but most of us rarely use it. The subconscious brings infinite wisdom, knowledge and the ability to connect to information fields. By learning how to gain access to the realm of the subconscious, in a literal sense, any problem can be solved with minimal conscious effort.

Regardless of what problem you are facing, know that you already have an answer. All you have to do is write or draw it from the subconscious. Subconscious as a huge hard disk of memory, for an unlimited number of bytes, which records information, thoughts, emotions, that the consciousness does not even remember a millionth part. Most people do not know that they hold this huge treasury of knowledge within, and therefore, do not look at her answers. After you learn how to use the subconscious, your life will become easier, and you will really find solutions when problems arise. To effectively use the power of the subconscious, you must believe in its existence and ability.

Write, write a lot. Write with an open heart. Write what comes to you, from the largest library of knowledge of the information field, through the subconscious, through the soul filter of your self.