If you dreamed that pregnant. Who is the future father? Dream Interpretation - Try to catch a falling star in a dream

Dreams are a reflection of the thoughts, plans, problems, fears and desires of a person. Sometimes in a dream you can see a rather ambiguous picture, which can be interpreted in various interpretations recorded in the dream book. The meaning of the vision is interpreted not only because of the picture, but also with the experienced emotions and mood of the dreamer. The meaning of sleep pregnancy has a rather ambiguous interpretation. Dream interpretation has many options for decoding dreams about pregnancy, which for convenience are divided into conditional groups.

  1. Own pregnancy
  2. Who will be born
  3. Someone else's pregnancy
  4. Male pregnancy
  5. News of pregnancy
  6. Other dreams of pregnancy

Own pregnancy

Why dream of own pregnancy. The dream is defined by the young girl as an unfavorable period for new love relationships, as well as a probable threat to be misunderstood by people around her. If a young birthless person often dreams of pregnancy, it means that in reality she is expected to gossip and gossip behind her back, condemnation by people of her way of life, rejection of morals and principles.

What does a dream about pregnancy mean for a woman of solid age? According to the dream book, this vision heralds in real time a little hassle and care, imposed on it by their loved ones or relatives. Such a dream can be interpreted by a dream book as minor health problems, mild malaise associated with impaired digestion, liver and kidney function.

What does pregnancy in a dream mean for a girl in an interesting position? Pregnancy and the birth of a child in a dream, the dream book interprets how the future safe delivery, which will be easy and without any special complications. Sometimes a girl experiences some anxiety in a dream, an unconscious fear of future childbirth and incredible pain, however, such a picture often appears a month or two before the birth, and tormenting unconscious fears leave the future mommy two weeks before the expected birth.

If a young woman who is in the throes dreams of having her own pregnancy, contractions, or an ultrasound procedure, then most likely the vision is caused by the subconscious fear of future birth. The dream interpretation interprets such a picture as a completely natural experience of the future mother about the health of the baby, fear of the upcoming bouts, attempts and the very birth.

The unborn young lady dreams of her own pregnancy - the child pushes and in the vision she clearly feels the impulses of the future baby, which means that in reality we should expect a quick replenishment in the family of the dreamer, or soon the girl herself will find herself in an interesting position. The dream book interprets this dream as the appearance on the horizon of new opportunities, the transition to a new level.

According to the dream book, the interpretation of a dream about a man’s pregnancy is quite interesting. This dream marks the birth of grand ideas, plans or projects in the dreamer. For creative people, this vision can be the impetus for creativity, extraordinary style and new original projects.

Who will be born

Why dream of pregnancy as a boy. Waiting for a boy in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a favorable sign, foreshadowing in reality the receipt of a new position, salary increase, promises significant financial income.

If an unmarried woman wears a boy at heart, then such a vision can be interpreted by a dream book in two ways. The first meaning is the gossip and gossip of others around the dreamer's back, the cause of which will be the new love interest of the young person. The second interpretation of this dream is the increase in the professional sphere (or change in the type of activity) of the dreamer or the transition to a new place of work, which is caused by an unfavorable situation in the team.

What dreams of pregnancy girl. Waiting for a girl in a dream foreshadow a great difficulty in real life with a dream book. Young girls who wear a girl under their heart in the dream promise small but unpleasant troubles.

For married women, such a dream is in some cases interpreted by a dream book as a quick (or obvious) betrayal of a loved one, the presence of a permanent mistress in her husband. To unmarried young ladies, such a dream can be interpreted by a dream book as a struggle against temptation. To women who are in reality in an interesting position, this dream can show that in reality they are under the boy's heart.

Why dream pregnancy twins (twins). Waiting for twins in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as an inner sense of balance and fullness in life, and is also a symbol of serenity. If a twins pregnancy has dreamed of a girl, it means that in reality her success in career (business) and love awaits her, a meeting with a potential spouse is possible.

For a man, waiting for twins in a dream means that at this stage the young man is facing a choice, and his ambiguous perception of the world causes havoc and internal discomfort. This dream may appear to the dreamer as a warning that you should take yourself and your will into a fist, give up alcohol and not give way to anger.

What dreams of pregnancy twins. The twin boys expected in a dream are a symbol of freedom and patronage. Dreamgirls for young girls foreshadows release from annoying commitments or a lucrative acquaintance, which in the future will greatly affect her career advancement. A man twins (whether boys or girls) promise a new mutually beneficial contract or a change on the love front.

Why dream of pregnancy triple. Waiting for triplets in a dream, according to the dream book, is a favorable sign that denotes a rapid career rise, successful business, or the conclusion of a profitable project. However, on the love front the dreamer expects a temporary lull or global changes. In some cases, a triplet in a dream indicates the presence of a "love triangle", one corner of which is the dreamer.

Someone else's pregnancy

What dreams of another pregnancy. Seeing in an interesting position, not himself, but someone from friends and close people, says that the dreamer is making quite bold plans for the future that will come true only if you make maximum efforts to implement them. Perhaps, in order to achieve the goals set, it will not do without the help of close people seen in the dream. Such a dream by dream book is a symbol of great success and quick wealth.

What dreams of pregnancy girlfriend. According to the dream book, a friend's pregnancy, seen in a dream, may mean that this woman will soon become a rival for the dreamer. If a girl quarrels with her friend, who is expecting a child, it means that one should be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people, who will soon revive greatly. But you should not hide your head in the sand, as things will go uphill, only you have to be very careful and suspicious of dubious ideas and suggestions.

For business people and entrepreneurs, a familiar pregnancy may mean that it may very soon come in handy. Her practical advice, suggestion, or offered assistance will be for the dreamer the straw that can solve the problems and troubles in business.

Why dream of pregnancy daughter. For a mother, to see a daughter in an interesting position in a dream, this does not mean the imminent appearance of future grandchildren. Such a vision may be caused by the experience of the mother for her own child or a strong desire to become a grandmother. Dream interpretation explains this dream as success and successful completion of all the affairs initiated by the daughter, as well as a reason for pride and joy for his own child.

What dreams of pregnancy sister. If in a dream the sister is in an interesting position, it means, according to the dream book, in real time on the horizon will loom new perspectives that will radically change not only the life of the dreamer, but also of all members of the household.

This dream, according to the dream book, may reflect some of the problems that exist in the family. All misunderstandings and hostility between family members (it is possible that it is between the dreamer and the sister) should be resolved in the near future, otherwise this state of affairs faces serious problems with finances and material decline in the family.

What dreams of pregnancy mom. An interesting position of the mother in a dream, displays a subconscious fear about her state of health. And as the dream book convinces, all fears and suspicions about this will not be justified.

Another interpretation of the dream book, which calls the mother's pregnancy in a dream, as positive changes in life, concerning both the personal sphere of life and business (career). It is possible that there will be well-wishers and strong patrons who will help to achieve success and prosperity.

The dream of the wife (the beloved girl in a dream) is interpreted as a subconscious readiness of the dreamer to fatherhood. If a girl or wife carries his child under the heart, then betrayal on her part should be expected. Perhaps the chosen one for a long time already has an intimate relationship with another guy.

Male pregnancy

What dreams of pregnancy man (guy). An interesting position for a young man does not mean a change in his sexual orientation. In the dream book, a man’s pregnancy in a dream is deciphered very ambiguously, and has several interpretations of this vision.

A man, according to the dream book, an interesting situation in dreams in several cases. First, it can speak about the birth of new interesting and original ideas, which later will be successfully implemented in business. Thus, in the dream it is shown that the young man has great potential and a large number of ideas that, if successfully implemented, will bring profit to him and his family.

Secondly, to find out what it means if a man dreams of pregnancy, one should recall the feelings and sensations that beset the dreamer in a dream. If a person was happy, happy and calm, it means that in real time the guy will achieve significant success in business. The doubts, uncertainty and confusion of men who were overcome in a dream, in reality, can mean unstable financial well-being. Dream interpretation advises to refrain from various monetary investments and not to trust questionable rumors.

In some cases, this dream may indicate that there is a man’s problem in the function of reproduction, and thus in a dream, he is trying to fill in and realize his natural destiny. Also, such a vision can be interpreted by a dream book as a man’s desire to have offspring, but since in real life he does not have a suitable candidate for the role of mother, in a dream this role was assigned to him.

News of pregnancy

Hearing about pregnancy in a dream, interpreted by a dream book as unexpected news or soon changes in a person’s life. Find out how these changes will be positive, you should recall your reaction in a dream to the message of pregnancy.

If the news of the pregnancy caused conflicting feelings, or the dreamer reacted to this news quite calmly, the dream book determines that in real life, any problems will be solved without difficulty. This vision may indicate that a person is close to fulfilling his cherished goal.

If a person happened to learn about pregnancy in a dream and at the same time experience a storm of emotions, from fear and irritation to confusion and depression, then in reality the dreamer will have to undergo some kind of stressful situation, the resolution of which will be the emergence of a new idea, or a person will have a new definite target.

To learn about pregnancy and experience a storm of joy, delight, genuine happiness in a dream, interpreted by a dream book as an offensive in the life of the dreamer of a new stage in life, it is possible that it will be marked by promotion, opening and successful course of his own business.

For an entrepreneur, to hear the news of an interesting position in a dream, may portend a bargain for him. Dream interpretation this state of affairs can be interpreted as the emergence of new frontiers or directions for business development.

To know a woman in a dream about the interesting position of her husband (boyfriend), threatens with the appearance on the horizon of a rival who is serious about destroying marriage (or love relationships).

Other dreams of pregnancy

Why dream of pregnancy girl. Often, such a dream can be caused by the fact that someone in the inner circle is in an interesting position. Sometimes empathy is so strong that in a dream, instead of a familiar person, he presents himself in an interesting position.

For example, a dream in which you “borrow for a while” a pregnancy with your sister or close friend can be attributed to a dream book, like fear and anxiety about a person’s health and the dreamer's desire to help him carry a baby. Such a vision is often caused after an unpleasant conversation, a visit to a doctor, or bad tests.

In some cases, this dream is explained not only by concern for the pregnant woman’s neighbor, but also by a feeling of light envy and a fervent desire to have one’s children. This is especially true of those girls who have already made repeated attempts to conceive a child. This vision may be a sign that their desire will soon come true, because it foreshadows an interesting position for the dreamer.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy? An interesting situation, in which a girl has got in a dream, who has not yet had intimate contact with any man, is interpreted by a dream book as a warning about future troubles. The main interpretation of this vision is false gossip behind the girl’s back, her condemnation and rejection in the team.

Sometimes an interesting position in a dream for a virgin means dishonor. It is possible that a young man who cares for a waking girl does not feel love for her at all and does not burn with romantic feelings, but wants to just sleep with her.

In some cases, this dream may indicate that a solid adult man (possibly married) will meet the girl on the way, who will give her all kinds of attention signs, hoping to make the dreamer his mistress, no more. Dream interpretation advises not to listen to the honey and flattering speeches of male representatives, because mentally they bake only their own benefit.

What dreams of pregnancy woman. For a woman who already has adult children, this circumstance in a dream foreshadows some changes in her personal and social life. Often this dream is interpreted by the dream book, as a hope for new happiness, a desire for dramatic changes in everyday life. Perhaps this is a new round in a romantic and love relationship with her husband, perhaps a long trip, during which many desired events will take place.

According to the dream book, a woman’s pregnancy in a dream is justified by the imminent discovery of some secret, sometimes this indicates a betrayal of the faithful. In some moments, this dream may be the result of the mystery of the dreamer itself. This may be a past love affair with a married man, or just an incipient romantic relationship with a man from the inner circle of the married couple.

Why dream unwanted pregnancy. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as cardinal changes in the life of the dreamer. Moreover, if a person is in a panic in a dream, angry and annoyed, it means that an undesirable turn of events awaits him in reality, for which he was absolutely not ready.

Such a state of affairs in a dream can be deciphered by a dream book, as a person’s unwillingness to take responsibility, the fear of the unknown, as well as the fear of long-overdue changes. The obligations that will fall on the dreamer's shoulders will burden him greatly, causing a burning desire to get rid of them, or to transfer them to other shoulders.

What dreams of ectopic pregnancy. This state of affairs indicates that a person has many hobbies, as well as a sufficient number of desires and plans for the future, which, even with great desire and effort, will not be achieved. It is necessary to calm a little the mental and sensual chaos in life, and only then begin to plan and fulfill your cherished desires.

Also, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book, as the dreamer's apparent unwillingness to have children. The priorities that a person has set for himself are far from a calm family (possibly married) life.

Sometimes a vision is interpreted by the pathological fear of conceiving and losing a child. For a woman, it is the fear of miscarriage, the birth of a premature baby or a cripple.

What dreams of false pregnancy. This vision is a symbol of deception, delusion. This dream is interpreted by the dream book as possible problems or obstacles in the implementation of the plan. For women, such a vision means a quick disappointment that can affect the normal flow of a person’s normal life.

A false pregnancy in a dream can symbolize the dreamer's vital position, false ideals and priorities that lead a person away from fulfilling his purpose.

Pregnancy and abortion in a dream are a symbol of fear of the future. Perhaps the dreamer is not able at the moment to take care of himself, is experiencing difficulties of a financial and material nature, or he himself needs moral support and care.

This dream for a man, according to the dream book, may indicate his apparent unwillingness to have children from the woman who is currently near him. Either the fear of taking on a huge responsibility to provide for the family. A pregnant wife in a dream, as well as a desire to persuade her beloved to have an abortion, may indicate that the young man made the wrong decision on the eve of his field of activity.

For a woman to have an abortion in a dream indicates that he is trying to be careful in everything and does not want to bring unnecessary trouble to himself or to people from his inner circle. Also, this vision (according to the dream book) may signal that a girl will soon have to make a very important decision in reality, on which her entire subsequent life will depend.

Pregnancy in other dream books

What dreams of pregnancy in Freud's dream book. For a woman, this dream foreshadows an early pregnancy. It may also be a sign that in real life the young lady is not satisfied with the love relationship with the current man, and soon she will meet another, more worthy challenger for her heart.

For a man, the girl’s pregnancy according to Freud’s dream book says that he is ripe to become a father, and his current relationship with his girlfriend is completely satisfactory. If a man dreamed that he became pregnant himself, it means that in a short time the relationship with the opposite sex will noticeably deteriorate, or will be complicated by any troubles. And the current union with a girl, can very unexpectedly and unpleasantly end.

Why dream of pregnancy in the dream of Miller. For a woman, pregnancy in a dream can mean an unhappy, dull and bland life next to her husband, and children will not be distinguished from him by special beauty and endowed with mediocre mental abilities. Virgins dream about pregnancy foreshadows disgrace and disgrace in real life.

For pregnant women in real life, Miller’s dream book treats pregnancy and contractions in a dream as a successful resolution of the burden and a quick recovery of the dreamer after childbirth.

Why dream of pregnancy in the dream book Vanga. A married woman dream about pregnancy is interpreted as the imminent appearance of twins or twins. Unmarried girl dream Vanga interpretation of sleep, pregnancy, decodes as dishonesty and deceit of the current young man.

What is dreaming of dreaming about dream book Lofa. A dream about pregnancy can be a dream for any person, regardless of gender and age. In general, the meaning of sleep, pregnancy is interpreted as a prototype of creativity, and can also symbolize puberty and wealth.

For girls who lead an active sex life and in the future did not set themselves the goal of becoming pregnant, such a dream is interpreted by a dream book as harmonious accompaniment of the menstrual cycle.

If a man is pregnant during a dream, the dream book explains his current life situation in his personal sphere: in reality, his masculinity and ability to reproduce raise special doubts and anxiety. Often such issues are tormented by young people who are not sexually active as they would like.


What dreams of pregnancy

ABC interpretation of dreams

Being pregnant is now a good time to bring to life a project that you have been thinking about for a long time. Do not retreat, and you will achieve a result.

English dream book

If a married woman sees in a dream that she is pregnant - this foreshadows the birth of twins.

And if such a dream is seen by a young unmarried woman, this means that the promptings of her beloved are dishonorable and he is wrong with her.

Intimate Dream

If a woman dreamed that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming.

For a man, a dreamed pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Italian dream book

Pregnancy - a symbol of carrying (wearing) another. Usually, this image is considered as negative, indicating the fact that the subject is exposed to alien influences (semantized by another) or indicates organic disease. When “inse” wants to designate the birth of the expected child, a person with certain physiognomic features appears.

In the dream, the truth; despite the mask of greatness or humiliation, we always know ourselves. Friedrich Scholz

Moon dream

Pregnancy for girls is a sham; for a woman - joy and success

Small Veles dream

Pregnant - profit, honor / trouble, gossip; to be pregnant - to have bold hopes, joy (woman), wealth or profit (man or only poor) / loss, deception (girl), death (old), sadness and trouble (rich), illness of the wife (married).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Pregnant - potentially a new life, full of opportunities, hopes. Wearing is introjection of the Other, the subject is subject to alien influences. An image painted with ambivalent concealment “for the time being”.

Russian dream book

Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failure in family life; to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to gossip that awaits you

Slavic dream book

Pregnant dream - to wealth and honor.

Combined dream book

Pregnancy - one of the most common dreams. This is a very interesting dream.

If in a dream you see yourself pregnant - a person without wealth, he promises wealth or financial gain, a rich man, on the contrary bankruptcy; for a married man, a dreamed pregnancy may mean a quarrel or a breakup with his wife; bachelor - quick marriage.

For a young girl, dreaming pregnancy is a feeling of shame or shame; for a mature woman, an ambulance of joy or a sense of pride in something; for an old woman - a sad event.

Very often, dreams of their pregnancy - lead to various diseases, and dreams of childbirth means that you get rid of or pay off debts.

Watching a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of a big financial profit, and very unexpected.

If you dreamed of having a son, wait for an improvement in the financial situation; the birth of a daughter - your life will be full of joyful events.

If a dream about pregnancy is dreaming of a pregnant woman - this dream promises easy and safe delivery without complications.

If a man watches in a dream his wife or mistress in a state of pregnancy - the wife (lover) should be happy, because the man’s love for her is almost bodyless.

Modern dream book

  Find out what it means if Pregnancy dreams?

To see oneself in a dream in the state of pregnancy: to the poor - heralds wealth, to the rich - ruin; a married man is a sign that he will lose his wife; idle - that he will have a wife; for a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame; for a woman - pride, joy; for an old woman - death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, childbirth - to relief from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret things will become apparent.

To dream of a pregnant woman is a sign of unexpected profit.

The birth of a son is a quick profit; daughters - new developments on the road to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is really pregnant - this dream means for her a safe birth.

If a man sees in a dream pregnant his wife or mistress - this means that he loves her very much.

Pregnancy - happiness in love for a girl, a disease for a woman in age

Dream interpretation 2012

Pregnancy is a reflection of the readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. The need for the realization of creative potential. Reflecting the possibility of the birth of any new project. Reflection of desire or fear (unwillingness) to become pregnant (to have a child).

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  What dreamed about Pregnancy in a dream?

For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to change, material well-being, giving birth - to difficulties in business, upcoming difficulties.

With a pregnant woman lying next to - to pleasant hopes.

Being pregnant in a dream - to the realization of promising plans, profits, wealth.

For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the household, prosperity in the family, to be pregnant herself - to joy.

For a girl to be pregnant in a dream - to deception.

Dream book azara

Pregnancy is a concern.

Dream for the bitch

  Pregnant woman - an unexpected profit, profitable offer. Being pregnant in a dream - you are waiting for new interesting cases and happy love.

Dream David Lofa

Pregnancy falls into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself, during the period of pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a jogging event and sets its specific content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited either by sex or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman who dreams of pregnancy and at the same time has no real intention to become pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes for Jung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct for preserving the genus. To see oneself involved in activities in this position means to observe one’s exit from the stage of the child and the transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexual sense, but have no intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment of your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, there may be “what-if” alarms that require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his manliness or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often occur to men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life - may entail a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as the source of a whole range of sensations from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may be related to adultery, death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in children, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation of the fetus occur more often and regardless of protection. Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to a feeling of insecurity due to a change in appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams of chronic health problems and defects of the child belong to the category of negative will-performance, and it is also the result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

The dream interpretation of the birthday of January, February, March, April

To dream of a pregnant mother - to a desperate situation.

Seeing a pregnant woman is a health disorder.

Seeing a pregnant woman’s stranger is for prosperity.

See your daughter is pregnant - to a quarrel

Dream Dream May, June, July, August

To dream of a pregnant mother - to big profits. To dream of being pregnant is to prosperity. To see a pregnant other woman — to an unhappy married life.

Dream interpretation of September, October, November, December

Pregnancy - sometimes this dream dreams to a long-awaited pregnancy.

To dream of a pregnant mother - to the illness or death of the mother.

Dream Medium Miss Hasse

  What does it mean if a dream is pregnant?

Being pregnant is making bold plans; to see - to meet the trouble.

Dream Miller

For a woman to see in a dream that she is pregnant - means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin like a dream - promises shame and adversity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  Why see Pregnancy in a dream?

Feel like in a dream or see yourself pregnant - to discord with her husband and alienation in relationship with children. For a girl, such a dream doesn’t foretell anything but trouble.

If you are really pregnant at the same time, sleep foreshadows a successful birth, a healthy baby and a quick recovery of strength.

Seeing someone else’s pregnant - to trouble, if this person is unfamiliar to you, and if you know him, you can make the most ambitious plans, you are valued, loved and respected.

Dream interpretation of Simon Canaanite

To be pregnant is to make bold plans; to see a pregnant woman - to face trouble; for a young woman - happiness in love; for an old woman - death.

The dream of a modern woman

Pregnancy - real life this event will happen soon.

If a sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, such a dream will predict her successful resolution from the burden and a speedy recovery.

For a man, a dreamed pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

Dream of Solomon

Young woman to be pregnant - happiness in love.

Dream Dream

  Interpretation of sleep: Pregnancy by dream book?

Pregnancy for a girl is a sham; for a woman - joy, wish fulfillment.

A man to be pregnant is a betrayal; illness, danger; seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

Freight's Dream Interpretation

Pregnancy most often - symbolizes your desire to have children.

Quite often, pregnancy - symbolizes your unfulfilled hopes, dreams and desires of a sexual nature.

Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

Pregnancy - deception (for girls); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); to see a pregnant woman is a nuisance.

Ukrainian dream book

In a dream, seeing a pregnant woman is a nuisance; to be pregnant - to make bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman is a joy, for an old one is death behind her shoulders.

Esoteric dream book

Pregnancy has its own - to losses.

See pregnancy - to lend.

Electronic dream book

Pregnancy for a young woman - you will have happiness in love; the old is a quick death.

Online dream book

  Meaning of sleep: Pregnancy by dream book?

These dreams can reflect the state of a person in the period of carrying a child or what events will happen after it happens in reality. In general, the plots about pregnancy have, first of all, a creative background, because they are peculiar to all people regardless of gender and age, therefore such plots require a more detailed interpretation, let us turn to the dream books for this.

In addition, pregnancy in the plot of sleep is often an expression of the desire to create something new, depending on the emotional color of sleep, one can appreciate the creative freedom and potential of a person.

Being pregnant in a dream, for a married woman - as a rule, promises her to give birth to twins. But for a young unmarried girl, such a plot is a warning that the young man will soon betray her.

If she wants to have a child, but does not intend to do this right now - a dream suggests that she will have to analyze her personality in more detail.

If a woman who has seen a dream is pregnant with a dream book - the birth of her baby will be successful and without complications.

If a virgin dream about pregnancy dreams - foreshadows to be humiliated.

Pregnancy and contractions dream - to the brewing threat to life or health. Beware of domestic injuries.

If the plot of a dream you see is not yourself in this state - enrichment awaits you.

Sometimes a pregnancy that has happened in reality is reflected in dreams. The plots of such dreams are very diverse, because this state carries with it a spectrum of very different feelings and experiences for a woman.

Attention should be paid to dreams in which pregnancy occurs more than once - such scenes, as a rule, reflect the insecurity of a woman that she is able to adequately realize herself as a mother.

If you had an unwanted pregnancy, then this is a change in life that you will perceive with hostility. Unable to influence the situation, you will experience fear of the urgent changes. The responsibility that falls on your shoulders will burden you.

A dream in which you decide to get rid of pregnancy - to the fact that you need to be attentive to your words and actions, so as not to incur the wrath of others.

Pregnancy in the dreams of men is a reflection of the desire to have a baby with a constant partner. If he is married - a warning of discord in marriage.

A man to see a pregnant wife or mistress is an expression of his strong feelings.

If he became pregnant himself - a signal that, on a subconscious level, he feels himself not actively participating in the continuation of the race.

If he sees someone's pregnancy from the side, he will soon receive material benefits.

To see a big belly in a girl, a pregnancy in the last periods - often such a dream is prophetic. Either means a significant event or good news. For men - this is additional work on the housework, efforts to build a house or non-residential premises. For a woman to see pregnancy, a rounded belly - to small but annoying misses and mistakes in work.

Find out in a dream that the wife is pregnant - will you plan the birth of the child, or will you be waiting for the completion of the family.

Aborted pregnancy, miscarriage - a bad signal. For a girl who has no children, the collapse of plans and hopes.

If a man dreamed of seeing himself pregnant, know that a man’s pregnancy is a ruined reputation, someone may doubt your determination and willpower.

To dream of a pregnant sister who is not married - she is waiting for a happy marriage in the near future. If at the same time you are happy for her - the marriage promises to be successful.

Pregnancy of a sister who is married - her relationship with her husband will undergo various changes.

If you see a twin sister's pregnancy - nothing threatens the financial well-being of your family, prosperity and prosperity await you.

A dream in which you have to swear with your pregnant sister - to dispel rumors and speculation that could ruin your reputation.

To talk with your pregnant sister, to talk with her, to dialogue - in life, your sister wants to tell you about something.

A foreign pregnancy in the dream book - to great happiness, if there are any troubles, they will be quickly resolved and soon there will be no trace of them.

A dream in which you will learn about the mother’s pregnancy - your planned plans are not in danger, everything will come true in the very near future. It is possible that someone will assist you in doing business. Positive changes will have an impact on personal life and career growth.

Twin pregnancy - happy love. Your couple is waiting for a bright and cloudless future. For a man, the pregnancy of twins and her birth indicates vicious desires: greed and covetousness, which will lead to the fact that he can be completely alone. At the same time, a dream indicates grief and disharmony, the causes of which must be sought in oneself.

If in a dream you find out about the pregnancy of a girl, you will be given a generous gift that you will like and will be most welcome.

Dreamed of seeing her daughter's pregnancy - to the good news, good news. Good events will concern not only you, but your whole family. If such a dream is seen by the head of the family, it means that his daughter will find happiness with a worthy person soon. If the mother - daughter has found a suitable passion, her lover will be to your liking.

Pregnancy of the daughter on early terms - significant events already on the way.

Pregnancy of the daughter on late terms - the reasons for pleasure will appear a bit later, it is necessary to wait some time.

If a woman dreams of being pregnant as a boy - perhaps a traffic accident. Be careful driving and careful on the road.

Pregnancy girlfriend for unmarried men - the fear of becoming a father. Coming serious changes in your relationship. If a girlfriend’s pregnancy is seen in a dream by a woman, this means a rapid increase in income, an improvement in financial position.

To see a girl's pregnancy for a man in a dream means his indecision in making a marriage proposal to her lover. It can also mean concerns about having children.


Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

What dreams girl Pregnancy in a dream on the dream book?

The dream of pregnancy does not bode well for the girl. Someone from the environment will begin to lie, it is likely that the lie will cause serious harm.

Possible deterioration of reputation, the emergence of unfounded gossip, misinterpretation. Though the rumors will be empty, they will make you nervous.

What girl had a pregnancy?

What dreams of pregnancy virgin

According to the dream book Felomeny, pregnancy for a virgin is a symbol of shame and attacks from outsiders. Very soon, life will be overshadowed by negative events, gossip will begin behind your back, and the team will begin to build intrigues.

Pregnancy dreamed of unmarried girl

If an unmarried dream that she is pregnant, this is a warning. It is necessary to look at your soul mate - probably the chosen one is hiding something. Your young man most likely does not feel even a hundredth part of what he confesses, and his motives are not the most noble ones.

What dreams of pregnancy young girl

For a young girl, such a dream is negative. Not without serious problems, trouble.

Pregnancy dreams of a married girl

A married pregnancy in a dream says that fortune is on its side. Especially success will be noticeable in the field of financial well-being, which will noticeably improve.

How old is a girl who had a dream?

what is the dream of pregnancy girl 17 years old

what is dreaming about being a girl of 16

what is dreaming about being a girl of 15


Dream Interpretation Pregnancy and Stirring

What dreams of Pregnancy and stirring in a dream on the dream book?

To be pregnant in a dream and to feel the movement of the child - to empty expectations. Do not put too much hope on friends and relatives. Surely, they are experiencing difficulties, so they treat you less attentively. Pregnant dream promises successful delivery and the birth of a strong baby.

A child is jostling during pregnancy - most likely, a baby will appear in the presence of someone from your family. But it is likely that you will be a happy mom. The dream promises the appearance of tempting offers and moving forward.


Trying to get pregnant

Dream Interpretation Try to get pregnant  dreamed, why dream in a dream Trying to get pregnant? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Trying to get pregnant by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Get Pregnant

Dream Interpretation - Get Pregnant

Dream Interpretation - Try to catch a falling star in a dream

Bad sleep; foreshadows death

Dream Interpretation - Lose something or try to lose

To be distraught.


Dream Interpretation - Trying to kill creatures, but they appear again and again

To doubt such a dream, your indecision, there is some sort of situation in life that causes you to doubt the correctness of the decision. To face a choice, and until you make a decision, right or wrong, such a dream will periodically dream and continue

Dream interpretation - Trying to close all the doors on the heck

Fieldwork - You are trying hard to build relationships. But this brings you dissatisfaction, you want to wash away the dirt, because, apparently, everything turns out not quite honestly, probably from both sides. At the moment you yourself are not clearly aware of what you want, so there is no one responsible decision. Porridge in my head and everything changes according to the situation, and it can change 10 times a day. You yourself allow people into your life. And then you worry that something is not going as planned. It is necessary to analyze (at least a little) what is happening, to make a decision ONE, and to fulfill it despite the frequent change of emotions, whether you want or don’t want to do something according to your mood is not an argument ...

Dream Interpretation - Tried to kidnap or falling elevator

The Eastern man, from whom breathes peace, is also your husband ... But this is the image that you subconsciously want to see ... Somewhere inside you think that your husband does not appreciate you and does not love and would like to see a completely different relationship to yourself .. Experiences inside you and gave rise to these dreams ... The fall of the elevator - a crisis in relationships, disappointment in them ... The situation is "hanging", while without positive changes ... Problems with the leg of a girl are problems with one of spouses, legs - as a vital support, hospital as an attempt to figure out the relationship with the spouse, but in general, t all in order to be ...

A dream dreamer is deprived of psychological comfort by an aggravated relationship with her husband, who, in turn, has his psychological comfort, his own world - her husband in a dream Site at the Cemetery, where he met friends and is going to drink beer. Husband's personal plot at the Cemetery - in reality means that his Choice destroys the social status of the family, family ties and mutual understanding with the Dreamer's wife. The Dreamer persistently calls the Husband to leave the place in the Cemetery, and he Leads the Dreamer to a strange and beautiful White Car (much better than the existing one) and offers to leave it alone - the absence of a common language between the husband and the Dreamer, leading the Dreamer to the thoughts of parting (new, White, expensive cars - a new and bright future). But the Dreamer cannot drive a Car at all - the Dreamer has its own omissions in the form of lack of driving skills and understanding of the male share - the fate (the Dreamer cannot even Start a car in a dream, and therefore her husband drives himself). Fear of the Dreamer for Children who are at risk of falling under the wheels of the unskillful white Auto - and in reality these are fears for their future well-being, for children and so on. The car somehow leaves the Cemetery Gate - this is an unpredictable development of relations that can lead to the loss of intimacy between spouses and mental balance with him if the Dreamer does not penetrate into the Essence of Equilibrium Relationships (many Machines in the City - many options to resolve a personal situation in reality, applying experience and knowledge, but the Dreamer is at a loss, which means complete unpreparedness for the desired changes in reality). That's about this Dream, which tells the Dreamer not to hurry with an emotional decision, but to think it over logically - where she will be better (with a leading, but drunk husband or in complete obscurity in all senses). Regards Libya.

Dream Interpretation - Tried to leave the cemetery

Divorce from her husband. Despair. New promising opportunities. The husband is behind, or maybe remains in the past - he has such a fate (plot), which he undoubtedly created for himself (the husband said, the husband did not listen). You didn’t recognize this fact for a long time (at first you didn’t understand about the cemetery). By his behavior, he led you to a serious, successful opportunity (to a beautiful, expensive, white car) to stop dwelling in the world of outdated relationships (at the cemetery). With his own hands, that is, his attitude towards you gave the course (started) a new, fair development of events. And yours, too, and there is no other way to leave this place. You went to a new state (left the gate) at the request of your husband. And further confusion: not to be able to drive, independence. One does not seem to cope - shout to her husband. You need to understand, feel (read) what will be right for you (the rule). And children are your hopes. They were very afraid of harming them with new, unknown. Maybe hoped to the last.

Dream Interpretation - Trying to shave off a thick beard and long mustache

Your dream warns you against hasty decisions and short-lived connections with people with whom you may have many problems later. The beard is thick and has its own respect in society, sometimes wealth. Mustache - intrigue, treason, followed by a series of trouble. The longer the mustache, the longer your troubles (consequences). If you want to change something in your life, then you first need to make sure about your new friend, and this may be your problem in the future.


Want to get pregnant

Dream Interpretation Want to Get Pregnant  dreamed, why dream in a dream Want to get pregnant? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Want to get pregnant by reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Get Pregnant

If a man dreams that his wife is pregnant: this is a good sign.

Your new idea is not only hopeless, as you think, but very, very fruitful, and if you make some efforts, success and profit are guaranteed for you.

One note: if your wife is indeed pregnant, your sleep may not have a symbolic meaning.

If such a dream occurred to a woman: she is waiting for an addition to the family.

If a young girl: dreamed that she is pregnant, the dream hints that she was sitting "in the girls", her waking maternal instinct suggests that it is time to realize it.

Dream Interpretation - Get Pregnant

A woman who sees in a dream that she is pregnant, in the present life will meet with a new partner, and the relationship with him will last longer than with the previous fan.

A man like this dream foreshadows problems in relations with women.

The current relationship will present him a lot of unpleasant surprises.

Dream Interpretation - Want

You want to enter a public bath - loss or unhappy event.

Do you want to cover your own blanket, smell the canopy - foreshadows wealth and eminence.

Dream Interpretation - Want to drink

Have chores.

Dream Interpretation - To Want to Drink

have trouble

Dream Interpretation - Desire (want)

If you have been seduced in a dream, diseases in the genital area will begin.

Dream interpretation - Wealth, which is difficult to achieve, although it is known where it is

Core personality.

Self, something repressed.

Dream Interpretation - Want to kill

These are simple reflections of your fears (not always consciously awake) before having to accept or do something new yourself. Good luck.

You quite correctly understand the meaning conveyed to you in a dream and answer your own question to yourself - - "... This is the fourth dream with the dead ... Probably. They want to say something, to warn against something, because dreams do not seem pleasant ... "Of course, this dream warns you about upcoming unpleasant events. Take care of yourself, check your health, leave the bustle of everyday life, stop the life run and think.

Dream Interpretation - What the dead want to tell me, but I do not understand

Sleep reflects your fears of change and at the same time your desire to be free (dead neighbor, drink). You block your creativity and joy with fears (3), your femininity suffers from this and your intuition too (mother with a sore head). Correctly choose the direction of change in their views on life will always help you intuition (head again) and sound reflections (the husband is near). Flying in an airplane speaks of the desire to be free and of the possibility (tickets with you). This is what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you. You decide how to proceed. But in any case, drop your fears. Good luck.


Pregnancy is a longer term

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy big term dreamed, why dreams in a dream Pregnancy is a long time? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Pregnancy is a longer term by reading below for free the interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy falls into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself, during the period of pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a PUSH-EVENT and sets its content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited either by sex or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman who dreams of pregnancy and at the same time has no real intention to become pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes for the YNGU is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of preserving the genus. To see oneself involved in activities in such a position means to observe one’s exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexual sense, but have no intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment of your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream ALARMS of the “what if” type may arise that require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often occur to men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men give birth not only children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as the source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may be related to infidelity, partner's DEATH, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation of the fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to a feeling of insecurity due to a change in appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects of the child belong to the category of negative MOTING PERFORMANCE, and it is also the result of anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A dream of pregnancy foreshadows troublesome affairs associated with new plans.

A dream in which you will see a beautiful pregnant woman, and surprised, foreshadows an unexpected profit, which will be very helpful, although you have to work hard to get it. If a pregnant woman in your dream is ugly and you were unpleasantly surprised, then you will have a lot of trouble and excitement. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, babysitter. For young women, a dream in which they see themselves as pregnant is predicted of happiness in love, clouded by quarrels with their lover or spouse; for old women, such a dream is threatened by ill health; and the sick, death. If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then success in all matters awaits her. For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of trouble, and for seriously ill patients - a quick end. People who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief of their situation. If you have secrets, then you should be careful that they do not become known, and if you want to learn something, then the dream predicts that there will be a chance to satisfy your curiosity. Girls dream about pregnancy predicts that they face shame and disgrace. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, the dream predicts her many troubles and worries. The rest of the dream of pregnancy promises that their lives will be filled with excitement and bold plans. If in a dream you see your familiar pregnant, then grief and sadness await you. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and he is unpleasantly surprised in a dream, then he will have many disappointments and failures. Under certain circumstances, such a dream may portend a married man that he will soon lose his wife or she will no longer be able to bear children. To a single man, such a dream predicts a quick marriage, if he really thinks about it. Pregnant to see in a dream - the forerunner of troubles, minor troubles, sorrows and disappointments. A married man sees in a dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, then he will have a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see herself in a pregnant dream - to a quarrel with her husband.

If she is indeed pregnant, then such a dream predicts a prosperous childbirth and a speedy recuperation.

In addition, dreamed pregnancy may mean that this event will occur in real life. Or maybe ahead of the acquaintance with the new fan, the relationship with which will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

If a man dreams of such a dream, then his fatherly feelings are clearly awake in him. However, this dream can also mean that he will get into trouble with women - a love union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

D. Loff argued that in a dream, anyone can become pregnant, regardless of age and gender. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

So, if such a dream occurs to a young woman who, in real life, does not intend to become pregnant, he may indicate the beginning of a new stage of self-analysis. For example, it may be a transition from a child’s stage to an adult level.

Women often dream of pregnancy during the monthly cycle. In connection with this dream, they have anxieties that require reflection and resolution.

As for the man who sees himself in a dream as pregnant, then, according to D. Loffe's theory, this most often occurs in a situation when his masculinity is in question. He sees himself as less active sexually than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily a child, but something that could justify his mission in this world.

Real pregnancy can cause a variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

Pregnant women often have disturbing dreams, for example, infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in an unborn child, etc. These dreams are associated with a feeling of insecurity, changes in the frequency and nature of sexual relations, and also with anxiety caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of women's concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy proceeds, - it foreshadows giving birth without complications, after which the woman's body will quickly recover. To see a pregnant woman - sleep means a change in financial position for the better. Following prosperity, honors will certainly come. To lie in a dream next to a pregnant woman - a dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

Imagine that the pregnancy is perfect, the pregnant woman feels great, you have fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

To see a pregnant woman is for a man to change, material well-being, giving birth with a pregnant woman to lie next to pleasant hopes.

To be pregnant - to the realization of promising plans, profits, wealth.

To see a pregnant woman is for a woman to succeed in the household, prosperity in the family, to be pregnant herself.

Being pregnant - for a girl to cheat.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

To see yourself in a dream in a state of pregnancy: the poor foreshadows wealth, the rich - ruin.

A married man is a sign that he will lose his wife.

Single - that he will have a wife.

For a girl, such a dream is a shame.

For a woman - pride, joy.

For an old woman - death.

Frequent dreams about own pregnancy - to the disease, about childbirth - to release from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret things will become apparent.

To dream of a pregnant woman is a sign of unexpected profit.

The birth of a son is a quick profit.

Daughters - new developments on the road to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is really pregnant, this dream means for her a safe birth.

If a man sees in a dream pregnant his wife or mistress, this means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dreams of pregnancy promise everyone a better future.

For a young woman, this is a game of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream foreshadows newness in work, acquisitions, dating.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the carrying of some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been made, you just have to raise a child.

Bring your actions to a logical conclusion. Phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and death are natural to humans.

But in dreams these events occur incomparably more often than in life.

They are especially significant for the dreamer, if in real life are impracticable or unlikely.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in men or an elderly woman, the death of a healthy person, a wedding with a celebrity, and the like.

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not tantamount to real death.

Dying in a dream - it only means getting rid of some aspect of your life that is a thing of the past for you.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

And although death may dream of being sick, worried about her life, she almost never foretells the end of life.

On the eve of a real death, people have extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, and the like.

Of course, such exotic travel does not always foreshadow death.

Often they are followed by only significant changes or unusual circumstances of life.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also "woman") - in a dream to see a pregnant woman is a nuisance; to be pregnant - to make bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman is a joy, for an old one is death behind her shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A lady sees herself in a dream as pregnant - the marriage life of this lady cannot be called happy; the lady will always be overwhelmed by the idea that she was in a hurry, made a bad bargain, that if she were a little more experienced at one time, she could have made the best game and there were more worthy candidates! the lady does not like everything in her life, even the little ones do not bring joy, since they do not look like their spouse and geeks.

A young unmarried woman sees a dream, as if she is pregnant - this dream does not promise anything good for her; if a woman is careless and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which you can get out only in disgrace; in former times, for such cases, the gates were smeared with tar; Let this woman be picky about relationships.

If a pregnant lady sees herself in a dream pregnant, this is a good dream; he says that childbirth will occur in time and will proceed without complications; this lady will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant woman in a dream - in real life - to little trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy - being pregnant - making bold plans - seeing a pregnant woman - facing trouble - for a young woman - happiness in love - for an elderly woman - death.

In a dream happened to get pregnant? A favorable period is coming - you can safely embody the most risky ideas. But remember, any deviation from the planned plan will lead to defeat. Dream interpretation offer some more interesting transcripts.

Interpretation from Dr. Freud's dream book

What dreams of a woman that managed to get pregnant? Nayavu she will meet a person with whom relations will turn out to be more productive than the most joyful past relations.

If a similar plot dreamed of a man, then opposite him waiting for trouble on the love front. Moreover, the dreaming pregnancy of a friend promises undesirable consequences of the current relationship.

Opinion of the dream of the White magician

Why does a man dream that getting pregnant happened to his wife or a regular friend? Dream interpretation considers it a good sign. Even without much effort, the undertaking will bring certain benefits, and with due diligence it will turn into a real triumph.

But if the wife is actually in a position and dreamed that she became pregnant, then you should not look for a mystical meaning in the dream. This is only a reflection of real events, and related troubles.

But for a young girl, the image in question is a serious warning. It is time to start a resolute search for a man who will be the second half, and realize the goals set by nature itself.

What does the dream book of lovers

Getting pregnant in a dream is good for any woman. This is a sure sign that hopes for a family and the birth of offspring will be realized in the near future.

If a man dreamed of his own pregnancy, then he should begin to implement the idea that came to mind. Why dream that getting pregnant happened to a friend? Current relationships and affairs will bring a lot of surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant.

Why dream of becoming pregnant woman, man

Dream pregnancy is always a good sign. It reflects maturity, wealth, creative splash. But sometimes the plot requires a more detailed explanation.

What, for example, dreams of a man that he managed to get pregnant? In some variations this may be a sign of doubt. Usually this is dictated by rather complicated situations or emotional experiences. In turn, the vision calls to drop fears and insecurities, but simply to act.

What does it mean to get pregnant in a dream for a mature lady? Such a plot almost never indicates a real pregnancy. He only hints that you have already grown and matured for your true purpose. If the pregnancy is not included in the plans of the woman, then the dream position reflects the fear of “flying”.

What does it mean to get pregnant in a dream from a loved one, friend, stranger, ex

The interpretation of sleep is extremely clear: the plot reflects either a passionate desire to have a child from this or that person, or, on the contrary, fear of it.

Pregnancy from the former hints that the connection on the spiritual level is still valid. Moreover, you can be sure that he still loves you deeply in his soul. If, on the other hand, it was a dream that happened to become pregnant from a complete stranger, then great success awaits him in the chosen field.

In a dream, get pregnant and give birth

What dreams that in one dream we managed not only to get pregnant, but also give birth? This is a sign of readiness for fundamental changes. You are completely ripe for some kind of relationship or a total change of worldview. Moreover, dreamy childbirth calls to unleash creativity in full force.

Dreamed that you got pregnant and gave birth? The exact decoding depends on the sensations in the dream and how the delivery went. If you have given birth easily and quickly, then in reality you will be able to get rid of something superfluous or to solve problems that have suddenly arisen. If you give birth is difficult and long, then you should not count on luck. In addition, the troublesome and difficult case probably comes to its logical conclusion.

Why get pregnant in a dream, but to have an abortion

Dreamed that you got pregnant and decided to get rid of the baby? There is nothing reprehensible in this dream decision. You just have a premonition that events are coming with serious, and sometimes unpredictable consequences. However, such a plot says directly that you are doomed to failure and failure.

What is the dream that you decided not to have an abortion? In reality, you can not make an important choice and literally torn between two lights. If in a dream you still had an abortion, but you regretted it very much, then in reality you need to gain a greater striving for the goal and follow it strictly.

Get pregnant in a dream - specific decryptions

Further interpretation of the dream requires a more specific approach, and primarily to the personality of the dreamer.

  • getting pregnant virgin - to shame, big trouble
  • pregnant in reality - to safe delivery
  • poor - to wealth
  • rich - to ruin
  • married - to divorce
  • single to the wedding
  • young woman - to success / deception
  • middle-aged - to the joy, wonder
  • elderly to death
  • besides getting pregnant lady - fulfillment of desires
  • peasant - danger, illness

Dreamed of getting pregnant with her own mother? Get ready for a desperate situation or a real miracle. To see a pregnant sister - to prosperity, and a daughter - to a quarrel.

Getting pregnant in night dreams often foreshadows favorable life changes, a successful period, the implementation of plans. But the dream book provides a negative meaning, which means a similar symbol: difficulties in the implementation of the goal. The main thing to remember all dreamed.

Maternal instinct does not sleep!

Why dream of becoming pregnant? Dream interpretation informs: the dreamer is prepared to become a mother. Such a desire in a dream predicts a married woman a real addition in the family.

Dreamed of making love with a man, and as a result of getting pregnant? The dream foreshadows a special acquaintance with the new chosen one.

When a free young girl saw this in a dream, it means: the time has come to realize maternal flair, but initially you need to find a suitable partner.

Good luck awaits you!

For the representatives of the stronger sex, the explanation of the dream vision, that his chosen one is expecting a child, is positive. Dream interpretation promises the birth of an exciting idea - which gave in the future profit. Perhaps he will conceive some kind of profitable business, which will be appreciated by the management, which later will become the basis for active growth along the career ladder.

Dream interpretation get pregnant and in the future gives birth to auspicious signs. Circumstances in life will develop in the best way, great happiness is foreseen. However, it is necessary to defend their point of view in a disputable situation.

Be prepared to fight challenges.

What dreams that your friend got pregnant? Soon you will need to borrow her money, because she is waiting for major financial problems.

Dreamed of a girlfriend carrying a child's heart? The dreamer is obliged to tell her about all the minor, but meager difficulties, perhaps to support in their resolution.

In addition to the above, a pregnant friend may mean: she will be in an awkward situation.

In a dream, what would you not do, you can not conceive a child? Dream interpretation informs: to translate your plans into reality, the necessary period has not yet arrived, at best, to transfer all this to a further future. If all this you can not afford - rate, which prevents you from eliminating the causes of difficulties. Only in this way, you will be able to overcome the problems.

A suitable period for accomplishment

Have you been told at the hospital that you are expecting a baby? Sleep is a positive sign. The time has come for success, overcoming obstacles. It will turn out to realize your dream, having overcome only a few difficulties.

I wanted to wish to get pregnant - a person dreams of various changes in life that will please. To wish it - there will be new ideas that the sleeping wishes to implement.

To experience the inexorable desire to conceive a child and to achieve it is a suitable period for the implementation of ideas. You have a chance to achieve your goal, and with courage to move forward.

Who is the future father?

Focus on who is the father of your baby in a dream?

  • From the beloved - your love will bring you joy.
  • From an outsider - authority among others can suffer.
  • From the deceased - major problems that are just beginning to arise.
  • From the person - a similar plot promises: in real life something unusual awaits you.

Why dream of trying to get pregnant from a lover, but achieve nothing? Dream interpretation explains: the relationship is not as strong as we would like. Or a loved one does not want to build a family life with you in the future.

However, try to do everything without agreeing it: you want to manage it. This is an unfavorable method, due to which everything can turn into the destruction of love.

Dreamed that the father of your unborn child is a stranger? Sleeping person is not inspired by her companion, as the baby’s father is probably somewhere deep down.

Interpretation by Miller's Interpreter

A virgin to see similar content foreshadows major difficulties, shame, trouble.

A woman in an interesting position promises: childbirth will go well, you will quickly recover.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday (2017-12-23)

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions donated by Morpheus says