What to do if nothing happens. Why can't life change for the better

  - Well, that's really why I can't do anything? I want love, I want to meet a real man, I want a good job. Well, what am I doing wrong?

Very often they turn to me with such questions, waiting for some kind of instructions: do it this way and you will get what you want. But does such instruction exist? Do we really consider ourselves to be some kind of device that can be used to make instructions on how to use it? Why do we exclude that each person is individual and there is no one single solution to one problem?

Well, there is no such instruction, there is not any algorithm, or methodology or plan of action that would suit everyone.

But there are directions - on what it is necessary to pay attention if we really want to change something in our life: “I want” and “what I do to realize my want.”


1. True need.

The most difficult thing for a person is to understand what he really wants, whether it is a personal wish or induced by society. We get a true feeling of joy and happiness from the fulfillment of our personal desires, all induced desires bring short-term pleasures. In each of our desires there is some kind of our need, and if we can find it, then we can formulate what we really want and find ways to realize that desire.

How to find your true need?

For example, I want an interesting job. So, we are investigating what “good work” is for us. It may well turn out that the term “good work” contains “well-paid”, or maybe “stability”, or maybe “the embodiment of creative ideas”. The true need is individual, and until we define it, it will be difficult to find this notorious “good” job.

The same is true of “love”, depending on what you put into this concept. Most often the word “love” is a disguise concept for some of its needs. Understand yourself, find your main need that you want to satisfy through love.

2. Restrictions.

If we want to understand why our “want” is not realized, we also need to deal with our model of a guaranteed future. In other words - to see where, in what and how we limit ourselves.

If, for example, a woman says that she wants to meet a real man, but around herself only notices the unworthy, then there is no decent man in her model of a guaranteed future. And even if he “appears” on the horizon, a woman will not even pay attention to him. Because, despite her “I want,” she sincerely believes that her worthy men are not in her surroundings and will not be, in her guaranteed future this is not. And if not, then her "want" can never be realized. It remains only to "want to want."

We summarize:

To get out of the vicious circle of not realizing our “I want,” you first need to see what we say one thing, think the other, do the third, and dream of the fourth. Determine your true needs to talk, think, do and dream - has become one.

Making some actions, we can not always understand why we did just that. In order to understand this, you need to see your model of a guaranteed future, where you set limits for yourself. Because the cause of all our actions lies in our future, i.e. in how we consciously, and more often unconsciously, imagine our future. If the restrictions are stronger than our “want”, our “want” is not realized.


If the causes of our actions lie in our future, then the behaviors are connected with the past.


Change life for the better - 10 steps (WHICH NOBODY MAKES)

Everyone wants to make their lives happy, rich, interesting. (AND EVERYONE WAIT WHEN THE FRESH PRESIDENT WILL COME, THE CHILDREN WILL END THE SCHOOL AND THE INSTITUTE, BEGIN THE PRINCE ON A WHITE BAY! AND DO NOT DO ANYTHING!)  But they can not always determine where and how to start certain changes in order to achieve the desired result. Nevertheless, not everything is as difficult as it seems at first glance. HUMAN PROPERLY COMPLEX. I CALL THIS "SMAKING"! HE "PHYSIOLOGICALLY" DOES NOT BELIEVE THAT TO REACH GRAND GOALS YOU NEED ONLY A SET OF PRIMITATIVE RULES FROM 10-TI ITEMS. BELIEVE UNITS  The following actions will help you to concentrate your efforts in the right direction:

1. Start spending time with the right people.


2. Start appreciating what you already have.

The problem with many of us is that we think we will be happier when we reach a certain level. Higher, prestigious. The level that people around us have already reached: your boss in a separate office, a friend of your friend who owns a mansion on the beach, etc. Unfortunately, we can not achieve the desired in one moment. And when all the same we reach the goal, then a new level appears, to which one wants to reach. As a result, you are in a hurry all your life and strive to get to a new level. There is no time to stop and think about what you have already achieved, what you already have. Therefore, do not forget to stop at least for a moment and realize, appreciate what you already have at the moment. FROM THE RACE "I WANT MORE" WILL BE REMOVED IMPOSSIBLE. TESTED PERSONALLY ON YOURSELF. NOT TO STOP. TO STOP CAN ONLY CONVENTION OR DEATH OF A CLOSE MAN, DISEASE. THE REST - DOESN'T STOP, BUT ONLY! AND SOCIUM IS FULLY SATISFIED WITH THIS SITUATION.

3. Begin to notice the pleasant and the good in the most insignificant events of your life.

4. Take at least one small step towards your big goal every day!

Remember that a journey of a thousand kilometers begins with one small step. Whatever your dream, start making small important steps every day to make your wish come true. Although many of us have already decided what we want to achieve, only a few actually do something every day to achieve what they want. DO ONE STEP? YES THIS IS A TALE FOR THE FIRST-CLASSER AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! WORK 18 HOURS IN A DAY, NOT RISING HEADS, NOT INCLUDING A TV, LOST HOPE FOR SUCCESS EVERY DAY MINIMUM 18 TIMES! AND THERE, THERE, WITH A 20% PROBABILITY, SOMETHING CAN MOVE FROM A DEAD POINT! HOW EVERYTHING IS JUST AT THE AUTHOR! MADE A SLIPPLE AND AGAIN ON THE OVEN EXPECTING THE COMING OF A GREAT GOAL!

5. Start taking full responsibility for your own life.

Realize that all your mistakes and actions are the result of only your own choice. Be ready to take the necessary steps to improve the situation. Remember: either you yourself take responsibility for your life, or someone else will do it. And if this happens, then you will become a slave to their ideas and plans, instead of going towards your own dream. You are the only one who can directly control the outcome of your life. It will not always be easy. Everyone faces obstacles. But you must take responsibility for any situation and overcome these obstacles. The choice is not easy, but always remains for you. AND THE MAN WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE TO POSTPORE THE CHOICE THEN! WE LIVE UP TO MONDAY, AND LET'S LOOK THERE! WELL OR SOMETHING IN THIS KIND! ALREADY TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY TO ITSELF - IT IS ALL OVER OF THE FANTASTIC AREA! MUCH MORE EASIER TO FIND THE GUILTY! And to remain "BEAUTIFUL" IN YOUR EYES!

6. Start helping those around you.

Take care of people. Lead them if you know the path is better and safer for them. The more you help others, the more often they will want to help you. Love and kindness also gives birth to love and kindness. Remember this. Aha! SO ALL AND BECAME LISTENING TO THE TIPS HOW TO LIVE! ALREADY AFTER THE SECOND COUNCIL YOU HAVE A BENEFITSHUNT! AFTER THE THIRD YOU WILL BEGIN TO AVOID, AFTER THE FOURTH WILL BE SENT VERY IN RUSSIAN! PEOPLE ARE WAITING FROM YOU FOR OTHER CARE - DO ANYTHING FOR THEM! THEY WILL BE SMILING AND HAPPY THAT THERE WAS A DOOR, QUICKLY SEEK AND SHOW YOU ON THE NECK!

If this is important to you, discuss your ideas with close people, but do not neglect your intuition and follow it. Be honest with yourself. Say what you need to say. Do what your heart says. Most of all, we listen to not the inner voice, but we wonder deeply what the social society is thinking about us! WHAT THE CHIEF WILL SAY, WHAT THE CUSTOMER WILL SAY, WHAT THE SPOUSE WILL SAY, WHAT THEY WILL HAVE TO LEISURE FOR THE BACK OF THE NEIGHBOR! THIS IS WHAT WE HEAR FOR THE VERST, AND TO THE VOICE OF OWN REASON AND TO THE GREATNESS OF OWN HEART WE ARE DEADLY FOR DEAR LIFE! WITH THIS AND FAD!

8. Start forgiving yourself and others.

We all feel the pain of our own wrong decisions or hurt the actions of others. And although such painful experiences are natural, sometimes they drag on for a long time. We are experiencing this pain again and again and have difficulty releasing it. Forgiveness is a medicine. This does not mean that it is necessary to erase the past and forget about what happened. This means that you just have to let go of all the hurt and pain. Learn a lesson from what happened, perceive as an experience and move on. To live a bright life without offense. FORGIVE AND FORGETING OFFENSES! MAKING THIS PROCESS MANAGED IS IMPOSSIBLE! OFFENSES AND MOUNTAINS, ANY OTHER NEGATIVE EMOTION HAS A PROLONGED ACTION. TIME TREATS, THIS IS KNOWN TO ALL. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE TRUTH! IT IS NECESSARY TO JUST LEARN TO ACT IN A SITUATION OF STRESS, BUT IT IS UNPROVED! SO THAT ... SLEEP MOM, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING!

9. Give a chance to your dream or idea come true!

You will never be 100% sure that your idea will work. But you can definitely be 100% sure that this will not work if you do nothing and just dream. Most of the time, you just have to do something on your way to a dream. And no matter what happens. Everything will end exactly as it should be. In any case, if you act constantly, you will either succeed, or you will gain new experience, learn something new. Win-win strategy - no losers!

10. Be sure that you are always ready for the next step in your life.

Are you ready! Remember this. You have everything you need now to take another small but real step forward. Therefore, use all the possibilities on your life path and accept problems and difficulties as gifts of fate that will help you grow above yourself. NOT! WELL, THIS IS THE LAST ITEM JUST A MASTERPILE! “BE SURE YOU ARE READY!” THE MAN IS SO WEAKY DOUBTFUL IN THEIR ABILITIES OF THE BEING ALWAYS “NOT READY” AND ONLY A BITCH OF THE DESTINY IN A FIVE POINT THEN THE EMERGEN THAN THE EMERGEN. MY EXPRESSION OF MY COLLEAGUES FROM THE STATES ABOUT IT IS VERY LIKE ABOUT ITS SELLING STAFF “A MANAGER - A BIRD'S BREAKING LIKE A CHICKEN, DO NOT FLY ANY FLY!”




When my child does homework, I often hear phrases: “I will not do it, because it’s difficult, I won’t succeed!” How do parents respond to such statements? How to convince a child and whether to do it?

Probably one of the most unpleasant situations for parents is the moment when they realize that their child does not believe in their own strength. You can observe how the children get very upset and cry in the face of a difficult task or not at all get upset, but they stick the notebook far away and forget about it for a while. It is interesting that this happens with capable and even talented children. The child is afraid of being defeated, does not believe that he will cope, as a result he is generally inclined to refuse to act. At that moment, the parent understands that the task before the child, in general, is ordinary, and there is no reason not to cope with it. They get angry and try to convince the child to react differently, but this often only makes matters worse.

This situation is extremely painful for the child and no less painful for the parents.

Fear of failure, failure to fail can directly control the actions of the child and lead him to refuse to try. Formed such behavior under the influence of the personal experience of the child, although it may be enhanced by the characteristics of his temperament. This formative experience includes the attitude of close adults to the child’s mistakes, the experience of competing with other children, including siblings, and the nature of the parents themselves. The reason is not always the direct influence of the parents, however, it is the parents who in many ways can help the child cope with difficulties.

How to help the child

1. Recognize the feelings of the child.Before you rush to solve a problem, just admit that this situation seems difficult for a child, it is really difficult for him to take up the task. Just say briefly:

“Yes, probably, this task seems too confusing ..”

Your task is not to deny the feelings that have already arisen in the child, and help them cope.

2. Teach your child problem solving algorithms. The big task needs to be broken into small parts, before deciding it is worth figuring out how you will act, at the beginning of work it is better to highlight priority tasks. In each activity you will have your own tips on how to best act.

Many tasks for children seem difficult precisely because they are so for them. And you need help to learn new things. The school is minimally engaged in what is called organizing the activities of children, the emphasis is on mastering information, while children are not taught effective strategies for working with information.

3. Provide the opportunity to engage in activities in which the child is successful.. The child must have a full opportunity to do what he knows and loves, while receiving recognition. If a child is physically gifted or dances well, then he needs to be able to do a lot of this. In fact, the opposite happens - such activities are shrinking under the onslaught of what is “necessary” to do. Hobbies fade into the background, giving way to classes that work out worse. Ultimately, the child is in a state of failure most of the time. This greatly affects the level of claims of the child.

4. Provide easy victories.  This is an activity where success is given only by a small effort. For example, to warm up before doing math, play “mathematical football” with a child - you give the child some simple examples that he should consider in his mind. Examples should be of such a level that the child feels competent in solving them.

5. Proclaim the value of perseverance.  Turn your attention to those moments when the child is not able to do something, but he still continues to try. Most likely, this is the area that causes the child a real interest. As a rule, there is such an area for any child where he does not need to be agitated, he tries himself. Let it be gluing models of aircraft, exercise or a computer game. Pay attention to the child's perseverance. Be sure to make it clear that you consider this a strong child quality.

In no case do not comment with the accusatory intonation: “Here, in order to move to a new level in the game, you are ready to spend an hour, but you don’t want to try to solve the puzzle!”. Your task is not to blame the child, but rather to make him understand that he has the necessary quality of character, it just has not yet manifested itself in some areas.

6. Tell your child inspirational stories.. You will find many examples of great people, whose lives are full of small and large lesions. In this glorious list of great writers, scientists, actors, athletes. There is even an opinion that success itself is the result of many defeats. Your task is to create a child’s belief that failure is not the end of the world, but just a turn of events.  Give examples from your own history, when you have achieved something significant, having passed a difficult path.

7. Model your own example of resistance before injury.

Attitude to mistakes children inherit from their parents. But this fact is not quite obvious, as adults do not so vividly demonstrate their sensitivity to defeat, and they are far from always aware of it. They learn to deftly avoid situations in which they can be defeated through the "green grapes" tactics. Adults simply do not participate in activities in which they may look pale, declaring them uninteresting to themselves. For example, a person will not go dancing, if he is unsure of himself, does not take part in a sporting event, does not go to a company where he may not look well enough, will not speak a foreign language in the presence of people who can criticize their level, avoid talking toasts to holidays. All these forms of avoidance have become so familiar, so embedded in life that people themselves no longer perceive them as avoidance as a result of the fear of failure. Therefore, they can quite sincerely believe that their child is somehow too sensitive to their mistakes, it is unclear who ...

To help your child tackle with him the development of some business in which you have almost equal chances for success. For example, go learn to dance if you have never done it. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, show by your own example how you do not give up, despite the setbacks.

8. Play with the baby.  Fear of failure, mistakes are often removed thanks to a game in which the child himself must find your mistake. You perform the task incorrectly, the child finds your mistakes. You can also ask your child to do it intentionally wrong at first, and then find and correct your own mistake. Such a game can defuse the tense environment around schoolwork.

What to avoid:

  • Critics and ridicule of the child for the mistakes and his attitude to affairs. This will only increase the unpleasant experience of the child. A low mood is not at all the soil on which school or any other successes flourish.
  • Solving the problem only at the moment of its bright manifestation. Most of the tactics described above are aimed rather at organizing communication with the child outside the problematic situation. This is the most effective strategy. If you remember that you need to do something, only at the moment of a bright manifestation of the problem, then you can do little to solve it successfully.
  • Give an example of other children. It is the evaluation procedure, comparing and scares the child. You should not exacerbate this conflict by citing the example of other children who do better. The results of the child can be compared with his own results in the past. Then progress will be more obvious and it can support the child.

The child’s disbelief in their own strength is perceived by the parents themselves as their pedagogical failure. “Something was done wrong, I couldn’t instill confidence in my child, that's why he behaves in this way,” the parent thinks about that. It is important that the parents themselves regard such a situation as something completely reparable. Referring to the problem that has arisen actively, with confidence in the possibility of its successful resolution, parents help their child to take a similar position regarding their difficulties.

© Elizaveta Filonenko

Many people complain that they put so much effort in, but theirs still do not work. They are ready to blame anyone for their troubles, only not themselves, because they tried so hard, they worked so hard, but fate or life is unfair to them. Let's try to figure out what the true cause of your failures is.

To be in the stream. What does it mean?

Imagine a stormy, mountainous, winding river. In order to descend along it by swimming, it is necessary to understand its character, take into account the strength and direction of the current, adapt to its curves, notice the obstacles in time. To feel the river well, you have to become a part of it yourself! And then the resistance disappears, and the river "leads" you yourself. This is aerobatics.

In other words, “Being in the Flow” means to be a part of Life and accept it fully, in all manifestations!

Understanding what is Acceptance came to me not immediately. Previously, I sincerely believed that I should not put up with what does not suit me.

Acceptance is not Humility at all!

  • This is the knowledge that Change is the most constant part of Life.
  • It is the knowledge that in Life there is nothing accidental, superfluous, unnecessary.
  • It is the knowledge that Life talks to you all the time, sends signals, signs, people, events

And when you accept all this, an amazing thing happens: The Life Stream catches you and you become a part of it! And it is already impossible to determine: whether He is in You, or You in Him ... ..

This is the State of Full Trust in Life and the Acceptance of all that it gives.

It is also self-acceptance (as one of the important and necessary parts of life).

How do you usually?

I want to be in the Stream, but it’s scary to trust Life!

Our world is dual. On the opposite side of trust lies the "desire to control"!

The stronger this desire, the more often the question arises: "Why doesn’t it work?"

Total control

Control is a strong desire for everything to go as you like. As planned, planned, recorded ...

Only here the river has its own route and it does not change from your wishes!

What happens as a result of control?

Collapsing business (the market situation has changed, but you persevere in the old-fashioned way).

Relations with children are deteriorating (they have grown up, but you still think that you know “how to” better than them)

Relationships are falling apart (the worldviews of loved ones, their views and needs change, and you disagree with this).

And so much more .... How difficult it is to accept it!

You are angry, swear, fall into depression, depression, frustration or anger - depending on what temperament anyone has.

Control is the desire to fine-tune the System for yourself, without changing yourself.

There is a rule in NLP: "The system is managed by the one who displays the most flexibility." It is not taken "from the ceiling." It is based on monitoring successful people. "Descending a mountain river" is an example of behavioral flexibility. At first, you obey the river, and then it submits to you!

Many adventure films show moments when heroes enter a cave in search of treasure. And the way is blocked by a huge stone that cannot be moved. To do this, you need to find a lever with which the stone turns with ease, amazing for such power.

When you try to change the System (or its elements — people and circumstances), you try to “move the stone”. It takes a lot of forces, but a little sense. Look for a lever.

And remember! The “System Control Lever” is within you. If you want something to happen, start with yourself.


A person who wants to control everything, does not see “feedback” from Life, or rather, confuses “feedback” with problems and enters into a struggle, usually emotional and energy-consuming!

Nothing happens in our Life just like that. Any Man, any situation does not come to her accidentally!

We are always learning something and are in constant circulation: "Teacher-Pupil!" But life, unlike the school teacher, does not emphasize our mistakes in red ink, it shows them in other ways and you have to figure it out yourself:

Why is it given to me? What should I understand?

People, to whom we react especially painfully, resonate in their vibrations with one of our parts. Most often with the one that we do not want to admit. Usually this is our "pain points".

As a rule, the "focus of our attention" is focused:

Either on Mode (why are they talking so dismissively to me?)

Or on who does it (All men are ...)

Or at the Event (Bastards! Purse stolen!)

But the essence escapes! What are we shown? What are they talking about?

See all the relationships, you can only go beyond the system.

It is important to understand: there are no accidents!

When we persistently do not respond to the prompts of Fate, it gives us new, more intricate (sometimes painful), to at least somehow react and turn their never-ending monologue into a dialogue!

The most good teacher in life is experience, it is true, it is expensive, but it also explains intelligibly.

Only then the question disappears: "Why is it impossible?" and change begins!

Whether you like it or not, you cannot hide from these lessons! The faster they pass, the sooner an unpleasant situation or a person will disappear from your life (or maybe you will stop responding yourself).

Look at this list! Is something present in your life?

Health problems

Family problems

Problems at work

Problems with children

Relationship problems

Get people

A series of misfortunes

Infinite Losses

The feeling that "you are beating your head against the wall", but nothing happens!

Almost always it says that you persistently ignore the "feedback" that Life gives you!

The behavior of many adults is often not very different from the behavior of a small child. Find the guilty and "translate arrows" or, on the contrary: send all your Strength, Energy, Emotions to the fight with what you do not like!

And then ask yourself and others: "Well, why doesn’t it work?"

Question to the psychologist:


Recently, I have a lot of psychological problems. There is no permanent job and there is always not enough money. I live with my parents. I feel obliged to them for all the money that has been spent on me all the time.

Now I am 26. A year of searching for a job did not lead to anything. Before that, he worked for the state for a couple of years, but he felt that it was not mine. Thoughts about his business appeared, but any idea was rejected because of the fear of failure, debt. I have no funds to start, but it’s scary to borrow.

I earn a little money on the Internet, but because of laziness I stay idle most of the time.

I depend on information: I constantly read books, articles, news, watch videos, movies. I justify myself that this information is necessary for development, will be useful in the future. But it is not useful after all.

I have a feeling that everyone around me is more successful than me. I read a bunch of books on self-development and positive thinking. They inspire a little in moments of reading, but not for long. I have a higher education, and in school I studied perfectly well. Can't call myself stupid. For many years engaged in sports. Now I don’t do it, because I think it’s a waste of time. But at the same time I spend it useless.

Lost self-confidence absolutely. I am afraid to disappoint my other half and, most likely, this is what happens. In terms of sex with me, too, nothing works. There have been many attempts, but nothing happened. Previously, the relationship was not with anyone.

I often take up learning something, but I have enough enthusiasm for a day.

I do not know what I want from life. I do not know how to be. I do not know what to do.

The main fear is the loss of a loved one because of my worthlessness.

I completely stopped believing in myself. I consider myself the last loser, ugly, poor, incapable of intimacy, weak, unreliable.

I am afraid of failure, I am afraid that I will not be able to provide a potential family.

The girl supports me and says she is confident in me. I'm not sure about myself.

My family is not rich and never was. Hence, a lot of thoughts about the lack of finance.

I hope it is still possible for me to help. Otherwise, I will finish myself with thoughts.

The psychologist Bogutskaya Olesya Anatolevna answers the question.

Dmitry, hello!

You know about mental retardation. But few people know about emotional intelligence. For the picture you described, it seems that the first is okay, but the second is uh. intelligence - it would be necessary to tighten. All this is burdened, of course, by various complexes, fears, and so on. But by and large, it is now important for you to start doing something. And this is a good first step - do your em. by the intellect. I note that I am not saying at all that you have a complete zero here, this cannot be a mentally healthy person. But there are weak points, moments that can be separately “pumped up”.

In general, you can help. Only who will do this? Do you rely on anyone? Are you waiting for help from somewhere? I believe that you can get it. But at least you have to pay for it. And there is no money. And again - a comfortable vicious circle, with which you surrounded yourself from all sides. By the way, why do you need these closed circles? What happens if they disappear? What is dangerous and terrible for you to happen? Will you have to live fully, take responsibility for your life, for your actions and be responsible for something? Or are there other fears? Fear of not meeting your expectations of yourself? Whatever you are afraid of — the worst thing that can happen — is already happening: you are not doing anything. And nothing happens. And so it will be until you remember all the knowledge that you have, all the books that you have read - and begin to live on this knowledge. I can't tell you anything new, I guess. After all, you already know everything. And this is the greatest danger of knowledge - that they will form a granite slab, the waters of which a person will rest with the world all his life.

Start with the little things. No need to conquer the world and build your financial empire tomorrow. Tomorrow you just need to get up and paint the steps for next week. Start with anything - with the control of free time, go in for sports again (what a stupid thought is "a waste of time" ?! This is your health! This is vigor and energy! Just what you lack so much. walking for at least half an hour a day!), start by taking any thing you have long wanted to do - and do!

You need to stop thinking. And start doing. And when you start - start thinking again. But if you do not interrupt this cozy vicious circle now, do not begin to leave your comfort zone, nothing will change. And in a year you will be able to write exactly the same letter as this. Better try to avoid it :) Make a bunch of mistakes, start a hundred things and fail - for the first time you will succeed! No need to borrow money for a business that is not even in the project, it is unwise. But secure your income! Stable, scanty, any! I am sure that you couldn’t get a year, not because something was wrong with you or because the vacancies of waiters and porters were over. Smirk? Arrogant instant reaction "what ?! Am I a loader ?!"? Yes exactly. And when you already work and do not depend at least in pocket expenses from parents, you will be able to think about further development. But you are far from your business. You do not know how to plan step by step, goal setting and their achievement is not your strong point. Try not to strive to take the integrals, being in the first grade ... Everything is gradual. Rating 4.63 (12 Votes)