Personal endings of the verbs singular. Personal endings of verbs

1. The spelling of personal endings in verbs of the present or future simple (if the verb is of the perfect form) tense differs depending on which conjugation they relate to:

1) the verbs of the conjugation I have the endings (-s), -et, -et, -em, -et, -ut (-s): carry, carry, carry, carry, carry, carry;

2) verbs of conjugation II have endings (s), -at, -it, -im, -ite, -at (s): sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit. Conjugation of verbs is determined in two ways: by personal ending, if it is stressed: sing - I sp. (sing); speak - II sp. (they say), and by the suffix of an indefinite form (infinitive), if the personal ending is unstressed. Of the verbs with an unstressed personal ending, the second conjugation includes:

a) verbs ending in indefinite form on-thread (-t): knock down, cook, ride, sting, chew, mow, whirl, whirl, regale, etc.

Exceptions: shaving (shaving, shaving, shaving, shaving, shaving, shaving); lay (lay down) and all the verbs derived from it: lay out (lay out), lay out (lay down), lay out (lay out), etc. - have the endings of I conjugation: stele, stele, stele, stele, stele; it is used only in two forms - it is based, it is based;

b) seven verbs on-to-eat: rotate (-s), see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure;

c) four verbs on -at: drive, hold, breathe, hear.

The remaining verbs (ending in an indefinite form of -at, -et, -ut, -ot) with unstressed personal endings belong to I conjugation: mumble, recover, warm, enslave (but: enslave), temper (s), stab, sway (s), cry, flog, etc.


1. The verbs want, run, squeamish belong to the so-called disjointed, ie they have endings I and II conjugation. So, the verb want in the singular varies in conjugation I (you want, wants), and in the plural - in II (want, want, want); the verb run in the 3rd person plural has the ending -out (run), and in the rest - the end of II conjugation (run, run, run, run, run); the verb squeamish has only two forms: 3rd person sing. - squeamish (II conjugation) and 3rd person plural - squeamish (I conjugation).

2. Verbs of the type of recover, become frosty, disgust, oppose, and mold change in the literary language according to I conjugation: get well, get well, get well, get well, get well.

3. In the verbs bleat, winnow, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, melt, sow, melt ("go into a liquid state" - should not be confused with the verb to conceal - "keep secret"), to blame, to tea, to smell in an indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -i- is written, so they change according to the I conjugation: melt (but: melt from melt), melt, melt, melt, melt.

4. From the verb torment, forms of both I and II conjugations are used: torment, torment, torment, torment, torment, torment and torment, torment, torment, torment, torment, torment. Preferred are conjugation forms II, and conjugation forms I are considered colloquial, they go back to the obsolete verb torment.

5. The verb measure and its derivatives (measure, measure, measure, etc.) are changed according to II conjugation: measure, measure, measure, measure, measure, measure; I measure, measure, measure, measure, measure, measure form from the verb measure.

6. For many verbs, the attached prefix draws the stress, and as a result there are difficulties in writing. In these cases, it is recommended to check the dubious ending with an unbiased word: pronounce - speak (pronounce - speak), cut - cut (cut - cut).

2. It is necessary to distinguish close in sound forms of the 2nd person plural of the imperative mood and the 2nd person form of the plural of the present or future (for perfect verbs) of the indicative mood such as knock and knock. The imperative mood is formed using the suffix -i- (2 nd, singular) and the ending -the (plural): sid-and-those, write-and-those, jump-and-those; in the indicative mood, the verb has an ending in the 2nd person plural -ete or -ite depending on the conjugation. Therefore, the verbs of the conjugation of these forms differ, cf .: Write carefully! (imperative) and you write carefully, so the work is easy to read (indicative) in verbs of the second conjugation, such forms coincide in spelling, cf .: Hold the pen correctly! (imperative) and If you hold the pen correctly, the handwriting is beautiful (indicative).

Exercise 102. Define the conjugation of the following verbs.

Attack, take, wiggle, twist, own, breathe, hollow, sweat, chill, depend, hibernate, get stuck, stony, twist, prick, liberalize, purr, drench, be able to, offend, bite, forgive, awaken, carpentry, preach, Squeeze, get wet, peel, whistle, dry, rub, snort, want, walk.

Exercise 103. Define the conjugation of verbs, form the indicated forms and indicate personal endings:

a) 3rd person singular and plural present or future tense:

shave, bring, bend, gnaw, drive, breathe, reap, envy, call, portray, mow, cut, rock, cherish, catch, wave, hate, wash, receive, whistle, create, lay, stand, rub, hang around, assure, smell; b) 3rd person plural of the present tense: rotate, twirl, wag, grieve, warm, row, dictate, regret, chew, introduce, walk, qualify, prick, peck, paint, dunk, carry, weave, sing, whip , slide, interpret, weave, get dark, convince, want, blossom, draw, sew.

Exercise 104. Write out the verbs in groups: I and II conjugations.

1. I learned from many people to admire and think about him (M. G.). 2. Neither get out to us, nor open the hatch - such a fire scratched (Tv). 3. The funniest laugh is to laugh at those who laugh at you (Key.). 4. And in fact, the widow has already begun to look at Melita with the same eyes (Les.). 5. It became interesting for me to compare them with the orders of other administrators (Les.). 6. Katyusha did not know how to save money and spent on herself, and gave to everyone who asked (L. T.). 7. Oblomov ordered to make out a few crappy pictures (Honch.). 8. Pelageya Evgrafovna constantly rebelled against his habit of inviting him to dinner (Scripture). 9. Metal, if you touch it without gloves, instantly sticks to your hands (Sob.).

My mushroom

In a mushroom forest, one clearing gives the other hand through the bushes, and when you cross these bushes, your mushroom meets you in the clearing. There is nothing to look for here: your mushroom is always looking at you.

(M. Prishvin)

  • Write verbs with unstressed personal endings in the present tense form. Highlight their endings. After each verb in parentheses indicate its face, number, conjugation.

Sample. Watch [it] (3rd l., ... h., ... ref.), ....

How to determine the conjugation of a verb?

191.   Read the memo “How to determine the conjugation of a verb?”. What verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to I conjugation? to II conjugation?

192. Read. Explain how to determine the conjugation of verbs in an indefinite form.

    Sample reasoning. The verb glue ends in -it, then this is a verb of II conjugation. Verb to read   ends in at, then this is a verb of I conjugation. Verb hear   ends in at   (verbs on at   refer to I conjugation), but hear   is an exception verb, therefore it belongs to II conjugation.

193.   Read verbs from ex. 192. Write out each verb. Indicate its conjugation. Next write down the same verb in the form of a 2nd person singular   present time.

  • Highlight the personal endings of present tense verbs.


Win, hold, stick, hurt, cook, prove, dream, watch, twirl, remember, catch, jump, sparkle, offend, disturb.

  • Write out the verbs in this order: a) the verbs of the I conjugation; 6) verbs II conjugations on -it; c) exclusion verbs II conjugation.
  • Form the 3rd person singular and plural form from any verb. Write it down.

195.   Read.

1. Boards (saw) with a saw. 2. Grain (sow) .... 3. Firewood (chop) .... 4. Bread (clean) .... 5. Nail (hammer) .... 6. Fish (fish) .... 7. Into space (fly) on ....

  • Compose and write down sentences by putting verbs from brackets into the 3rd person plural of the present tense and adding a meaningful noun.
  • Indicate conjugation over each verb.

Speak correctly!

    Ma xat - ma wy, ma weat ma wuh ma wut.
    Ple ckat - ple uy, ple ueat ple uuh ple uut.
    Polo ckat - polo uy, polo ueat polo uem polo uut.
    Cola xat - cola wy, cola weat cola wuh cola wut.

196.   Read. What is the similarity and difference of each pair of verbs? Define the conjugation of verbs.

  • Write down each verb. Before the verb write the question to which he answers.
  • Next to each verb write the same verb, but in the form of a 3rd person singular present or future tense, and the question to which the verb answers.
          (What to do?) To meet,
        (what will he do?)
        (what to do?) to meet,
        (what does?) meets.

Note!   In the formation of verb forms it is necessary correctly ask a question   to the indefinite form and to the forms of the present and future tense: what to do? - what is he doing? and what to do? - what will do?

Verbs with prefixes belong to the same conjugation as verbs without prefixes.

197.   Read. Define the conjugation of verbs.

1. Lives, deaf, rogue lynx, forest, c. 2. In, well, forest, see, trot, darkness, eyes. 3. Quietly, by, her, paws, step, ground, feline. 4. Well decorated, hear, ears, trot, tassels.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

  • Make sentences out of words using selected verbs in the form of the 3rd person plural of the present tense. Write down the sentences.

198.   Read the proverbs.

1. Early (to get up), more (to do). 2. (Live) longer, (learn) more. 3. The horse will break out - (catch up), but not the words of the spoken (turn back). 4. (Write) with a pen, not (cut down) with an ax.

  • Write off by putting verbs in the form of the 2nd person singular of the future tense.

199.   Read. Learn a fairy tale and name its author.

      Looks: a kite is drowning in the sea
      And it’s not like a bird’s cry.
      A swan is swimming around
      Evil kite pecks.

  • Write off. Highlight the endings of verbs. Justify the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs.

      Sample reasoning. Verb watching   answers the question what does he do ?, is in the 3rd person of the present tense. The ending is shockless. I determine the conjugation. For this I put the verb watching   indefinitely: what to do? watch. The verb ends in to eat, but this is a verb-exception II conjugation. Ending -it   spelled correctly.

To write correctly shockless personal ending   verb, you need:

1.   Determine the time, person, number of the verb.
Boy throw ... t   (nast, vr., 3rd liter., unit hours) ball.
Boy quit .. t   (Bud. VR., 3rd L., unit hours) the ball.

2.   Put this verb in indefinite form.
(What is he doing?) throw ... t   - (what to do?) quit.
(What will do?) quit .. t   - (what to do?) quit.

3.   Determine the conjugation of the verb (see what the indefinite form of the verb ends with). Check if the verb is an exception verb.
Throw   (I sp.) quit   (II sp.).

4.   Recall the ending of the verb of this conjugation in the right person and number and write the ending.
Brosa [et]   (3rd l., Unit h., I sp.),
throw [it]   (3rd l., Unit, II sp.).

200.   Read the spelling memo for unstressed personal endings.

  • Using the memo, explain what needs to be done to write correctly unstressed endings   given verbs.

  • Write down verbs by inserting missing letters.

201.   Read. Explain how to choose a letter to correctly write the personal ending of each verb.

      se (u, i) t, view (u, i) t
      vert (u, i) t, la (u, i) t
      straw (y, i) t, heat (y, i) t
      ta (u, i) t, braid (u, i) t

    Sample reasoning. Се (ю, я) т - the verb in the form of the 3rd person plural of the present tense, the ending is unstressed, answers the question what are they doing? I put the verb in indefinite form: what to do? - sow. Indefinite form   ends in five   is a verb of conjugation I, therefore, in the 3rd person plural it is necessary to write the ending -yut.

202.   Read. Define the conjugation of verbs.

(They) works, wash ... t, move ... t, silent ... t, buzz ... t, save ... t, decorating ... t, cry ... t, thank you ... t, whisper ... t, write..t, braid..t, greener..t, insult..t, rumb..t, summer..t, drum..t, hor..t, ter..t, cough..t.

  • Write out the verbs by inserting the missing letters in this order:

    a) verbs with stressed personal endings;
    b) verbs of I conjugation with unstressed endings;
    c) verbs of II conjugation with unstressed endings.


1. Smell ..t sirens .., sweetly smell..t rezedy. (I. Bunin) 2. Vet..r war..t. Thunder rumbles ..t. Sin..m flames..m flames..t flocks of clouds over the abyss..y of the sea. Sea fishing .. t arrows of lightning and in its abyss .. extinguished .. t. (M. Gorky)

204.   Read the poem by N. Zabolotsky.

      Nice swallow chippy ..t,
      Cleverly swift wings ... t,
      To all the winds she listened ... t,
      But take care of your forces ...
      Re..t riding, re..t down,
      Catches up with a mosquito
      And in the hut under the eaves
      Rest .. until the morning.

  • Find verbs with stressed endings. What vowel do you hear in the ending?
  • Explain the spelling of personal endings in other verbs. Write by inserting the missing letters.

Note!   In the personal endings of verbs after hissing under stress, the sound is pronounced [about], but this sound is indicated by the letter ё: take care ёt, LJ ёt, swift ёt

205.   Read expressively.

Conversation of Buttercup and the Bug

      Buttercup, Buttercup, what a laugh ...?
      - Why, you tickled me ...,
      So tickles me ...
      What does not want ... - laughed ...!
      (I. Tokmakova)

  • Write off by inserting the missing endings of the verbs. Underline the learned spelling in words.

206.   Read. Write down by inserting the missing letters.

Z..tsv .. la willow. Each willow lamb ..k - downy fluffy..little chicken: s.dit and glows. You’ll touch your finger. Clicking ... you - s ... l ... that smoke is steamed ... t. P ... scent ... you - honey.

(N. Sladkov)

207.   Read. Distribute the verbs into three groups: in the first group, the verbs of the I conjugation, in the second - the verbs of the II conjugation, in the third - the verbs-exceptions of the II conjugation.

(We) screw..m, gift..m, tie..m, treat..m, hear..m, cargo..m, endured..m, look..m, sol..m, split. .m, glue..m, hinge..m, mash..m, write..m, run..m.

  • Record verbs in the 1st person plural of groups by inserting missing letters.

208.   Read. What verbs in the proverbs are missing?

  1. Rain soaked ..t, and the sun ....
  2. Miss .. you are a minute ... an hour.
  3. Month ... light ... t, but not ....
  4. Not bitten .. nuts - not ... kernels.
  5. Hurry ... you - people ....
  6. Whoever lied to ... ra, for that ... not ...
  • Write by inserting the missing verbs and letters. Explain the spelling.
  • Indicate the conjugation of verbs, highlight their endings.
  • Emphasize antonyms in sentences.

209.   Read.

The swallow begins (begins), and the nightingale ends. And between the swallow and the nightingale love ..t sing a starling. In the song of the starling, why not hear .. you: there is also a swallow, there is a nightingale and many other birds. And it didn’t surprise anyone ..t: everyone knows..t that the starling is a mockingbird.

(N. Sladkov)

  • Write down by inserting the missing letters in the personal endings of the verbs. In brackets after each verb, write its indefinite form.

The verbs of the 1st conjugation have personal endings -you, -et, -em, -et, -out (-y), the verbs of the 2nd conjugation have, -it, -im, -it, -at (-at) .

The unstressed endings of the verbs of different conjugations should be distinguished by the infinitive form, guided by the rule: the 2nd conjugation includes all verbs whose infinitive ends in -it, except for the words shave, stay short, swell (cf .: shaves, rests, rests), seven verbs na-nat: look, see, hate, endure, twirl, offend, depend, four verbs na -at: hear, breathe, hold, drive; the remaining verbs belong to the 1st conjugation. For example: sawing - sawing, watching - watching, driving - driving; pamper - pamper, whiten - whitens, blow - blow.


1. You should remember the personal endings of disjointed verbs: run - run, run, run, run, run; want - want, want, want, want, want, want. The verb squeamish is used in the forms squeamish and squeamish.

2. Derived verbs with prefixes or particles refer to the same conjugation as those producing: drink - drink, hate - hate, hold - hold, run - run out, squeamish - squeamish.

3. The verb to lay has another infinitive form - to lay, the personal endings of both forms are set according to the put infinitive: stele, stele, etc.

In the form of the 2nd person plural of the imperative mood, regardless of conjugation, the ending is always written -it, for example: wipe, knock (indicative) -wipe, knock (imperative).

Exercise 186.   Set the infinitive of these verbs and form from each form the 2nd person singular and 3rd person plural. Explain the spelling of personal endings.

I turn purple, cradle, run, fight, shave, wander, drive, believe, spin, see, drive, return, return, return, bear, drive, chase, give, give, keep, ignore, avoid, stab, scream, twist, caress, climb, pour, wave, torment, torment, breathe, hate, hurt, hurt, declare, remember, write, polish, field, drink, get out, solve, decide, sow, sit, listen, hear, look, keep, stele, sit down, drag, drag, endure, hear, praise, walk, want, polish, splinter, yak.

Exercise 187.   From the verbs below, form the 2nd person plural of the indicative and imperative moods. Explain the spelling of personal endings.

Take care, take, wake up, remember, choose, withdraw, go out, sweep out, take out, send out, look, speak, yank, go, shout, write, wake up, whistle, whistle, store.

Exercise 188.   With words to make, pull, shout, make two sentences each, in which the verbs would be either in the form of indicative mood, then in the form of imperative mood (2nd person plural).

Exercise 189.   Rewrite by inserting missing letters.

1. Quietly swell ... green rye. (T.) 2. The beast will feed ... t the cub and - run, get your own bread as you like. I want ... eat chicken, I want ... calves. (Bitter.) 3. In the sky, squeamish ... t morning dawn. (Ch.) 4. Julia Tikhonovna considers herself to be the second in the house; she thinks ... we are coming ... m only to Victoria Tikhonovna. (Sem.) 5. A white nimble steamer with a barge in a course ... t from one coast to another. (Star.) 6. Ataman sat down on a bag of grain and ordered: "Untie ... those non-commissioned officers Vakulenko." (Serg.) 7. Eyes look ... t, ears hear.,. T, legs hold ... t, and there is confusion in the head, scraps of thoughts that cannot be ... collected. (Polev.) 8. I rarely see ... overalls in the crowd. (Polev.) 9. And yet, against the will, the words of old Savvatey recalled again and again: “Whoever offends ... t, he hates ... t”. (Polev.) 10. Everyone understood: the new boss knows automobile business, and everything that’s happening around you is looked through your fingers. (Field.)