What does the indefinite form mean in Russian. What is the initial form of the verb

The initial form for any part of speech is the one that is considered the main one and is given in the dictionary. For a noun, for example, it is. unit And for the verb the initial is indefinite form, which is often called the scientific infinitive. Most often it ends in -t or -t, but it can be at the end -tat, -tit, -tit, -titled. Difficulties in determining the indefinite form may be associated with the fact that sometimes it can be confused different verbsincluded in species pair. For example, you decide (what will You do? Perfect look) has the initial form to solve, and you decide (what are you doing? Imperfect look) - decide the infinitive. In order not to be mistaken, one must always pose a question to a verb in a personal form, and then a question of the same kind - to an indefinite form. A perfect question with the letter C: What to Do? what will i do etc., and the question is imperfect - without C: what to do? what are we doing? etc. For example, you need to put in the initial form the verb throws. We reason like this: throws - what does? imperfect view - what to do? throw. And now he will drop the same thing with the verb. Throws - What Will Do? perfect look - what to do? quit.

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You already have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat verb. A verb is, first of all, action, dynamics. And the action lasts in time, it has a beginning and an end. And those words that we express these actions should have some properties that allow us to perform their functions.

Verb - it is an independent part of speech, which denotes the action of the subject and answers questions what to do?what to do?

The verb expresses the meaning of the action through the categories of type, mood, tense (in the indicative mood), person (in the present and future tense and in the imperative mood), number, and in the past tense and conditional mood - in the form of the genus.

In a sentence, the verb is most often predicatebut this does not always happen. You will learn about this a little later.

The category of the verb exists in all languages, but in each language the verb behaves and changes in different ways and changes. For example, there are languages \u200b\u200bin which there is no category of time. But I must say that the Russian verb behaves quite interesting. For example, if we try to use a verb in the past tense without using a gender (without showing which gender this verb belongs to), it will be difficult. Only in the plural, in the singular does not work. For example, if you say went, then it’s immediately clear that he went. You will not have options in the past tense to show which genus the verb belongs to. If you take a verb in the present tense, there will be a different picture.

Verb in the past tense

he went(Fig. 1) (M.R.)

she walked  (f.)

it went  (cf.)

Verb in the present tense

you walk  (2 l.)

walks around  (3 l.)

Fig. 1. The running boy ()

In the present tense verb, it is necessary to indicate the person, the speaker’s attitude to action, if the action is performed i - i do, if you - you do.

The category of the verb is in all languages, but not in all languages \u200b\u200bthe verbs behave identically. For example, in the Russian verb everything is obvious - there is time (present, future, past). But in Arabic there is no time, that is, we cannot determine the time by the form of the verb. To do this, use the words of another part of speech, for example today, now  etc. For more information, click on the link in additional materials.

But the verb also has the most uninformative form. It can not be determined by gender, nor number, nor person, nor time, nor inclination. This form is called indefinite form of the verb , it is a dictionary for a verb and an initial form in morphological analysis. By the indefinite form of the verb, we can only determine permanent attributes: type, transitivity, conjugation (not always).

Indefinite verb form (infinitive)  - this is such a form of the verb by which we can only determine permanent attributes (recurrence, form, transitivity).

For instance:

go over   the road(fig. 2) - transitive verb, he rules a noun in the accusative case, without an excuse. We determined this in an indefinite form.

Fig. 2. Children cross the road ()Go   - the verb is intransitive, this is also understandable in an indefinite form.

To study - the verb is reflexive, because it has a suffix yes.

Teach - irrevocable verb  (fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Boy teaches lessons ()

News (what to do?) - imperfect species.

Take away (what to do?) - perfect view.

But not one of these verbs can we determine neither time, nor person, nor number.

The indefinite form of a verb is usually formed by suffixes - tee  and - to. For instance:

sing  - suffix to(fig. 4)

Fig. 4. Children sing ()

row  - suffix those

to wash  - suffix tothat faces on

But sometimes the infinitive ends in -chthat arose from the combination - to  or -g  from those. Verb to cut  formed like this: it was a haircut + tee - shear  (existed long time) Here is another example: bake + tee - pecti, and from the word pecti  arose bake.

Suffixes   those, to  and -ch  in some textbooks and in some theories they usually stand out as an ending. In general, this is logical because they form the form of a word and are not included in the basis. But we know that the infinitive is an unchanging form of the verb, that in Russian there is a formative suffix, which is also not included in the basis, for example, a suffix -l.

Shaping Suffixes to  and -l-

bake  (suffix -ch-) - baked  (suffix -l-)

try  (suffix to) - tried to  (suffix -l-)

Infinitive   is a dictionary form. That is, if you need to find words in the dictionary was running, i'm going, looking, you will not find them in this form. You will have to put them in an indefinite form:

to run


to look

Therefore, foreigners also need to be able to put the verb in an indefinite form in order to know its translation.

Let's see how this helps us to cope with the verb conjugation rule. We need to learn how to write the verb:

continued ... t

To do this, put it in the initial form:


We look: before the suffix to  is written -and-means the verb in II  conjugationand at the end we write and - continued andt.

But actually it is not. The error came out because we originally put the verb in the wrong initial form. You need to remember very well that the form of a verb is constant sign. And if in personal form we have an imperfect view ( what is he doing?), then in an indefinite form, too, there should be an imperfect form:

continue (what to do?).

And from an indefinite form proceed (what to do?) of a perfect form, too, a personal form of a perfect form is formed - will continue (what will do).

The difficulty can be associated not only with the form of the verb, but also with its meaning. For example, take the verb running  and put it in an indefinite form - to run  (but not run) Although both of these verbs are imperfect ( what to do?), but their meanings are different. To runis a single action, and run  - recurring (the personal form from it will be - running) The same thing with the words:

will approve - to approve, but not will approveb. From the word approve  we will form approve.

kills - walk in, but not come infrom which the personal form is comes in.

It is necessary to ensure that the suffix of the stem and the meaning of the verb are preserved.

Additional materials have assignments. Be sure to practice whether you can put the verb in an indefinite form correctly.

This is the first difficulty that arises with the indefinite form of the verb. The second difficulty is that, even if you correctly put the verb in indefinite form, you still need to know how it is written. View the list of verbs to remember:

verbs to -yat:sow, melt, plow, melt, win, cherish, repent, start, bark, toil, bleat, cry, smell, tea, hope, bow, cough.

verb -it:to glue.

With the advent of electronic dictionaries, difficulties for foreigners have become much less. Electronic dictionaries recognize the form of a verb and immediately determine its meaning. But you need to know that the basis of all electronic dictionaries is the manual work of one person - Andrei Anatolyevich Zaliznyak(fig. 5). He made up "Grammar dictionary of the Russian language".

Fig. 5. A.A. Zaliznyak ()

Just imagine what a great job he did. Collected all forms of all the words of the Russian language. Then he classified them according to inflection methods and created a dictionary so precise and correct that it can be used in programming. Just the electronic version of this dictionary formed the basis of most modern computer programs working with Russian morphology, a spell-checking system (what is underlined in red in Word) and machine translation, automatic abstracting.

The syntactic role of the infinitive must be discussed separately, because it is really unusual. The infinitive behaves in the sentence quite surprisingly. He behaves like ordinary nouns  and adjectives, i.e., it appears in a role completely unusual for a verb.

Infinitive quite often acts as subject to  (which is completely unusual for a verb).

Or as an add-on:

I asked  (about what?) to give - addition. We even put the case case, which is not natural for a verb.

Or in the role of circumstance:

Have come  (what for?) to discuss   - circumstance of the goal.

The definition of an infinitive can also be:

A wish(what?) to express .

The infinitive to be said may also be:

Warn   is a predicate.

Verb- this is an independent part of speech, which denotes the action of the subject and answers questions what to do? what to do?.

The meaning of the action and process in the Russian verb is expressed in terms of type, mood, tense (in the indicative mood), person (present and future tense and in the imperative mood), number, and in the past tense and conditional mood - and in the form of gender.

In addition, the verb has properties such as recurrence and transitivity.

In the sentence, the verb is characterized, first of all, by the role of the predicate, but it can also perform other syntactic functions (subject, addition, definition and circumstances).

List of references

  1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and other Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
  2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and other Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
  3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
  4. Lvov S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 hours - 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  1. Postnauka.ru ().
  2. Postnauka.ru ().
  3. Wikipedia ().


  • Define terms such as verb   and infinitive .
  • Read the words and determine their initial form:

I walked, thought, played, removed, washed, cooked.

  • Learn seventeen verbs in five  and one on -it  and remember their spelling.

The Latin word “infinitivus” is translated as indefinite. The term “infinitive”, derived from it, denotes a special form, which is the initial one. Like the nominative case of nouns, the infinitive is the original form of the verb, which is given in dictionaries.

Instruction manual

The initial form of the verb is the so-called indefinite form, or infinitive. It indicates only an action or state (“read”, “worry”, “watch”) does not indicate the time of the action, the number of subjects of this action and who this subject is: a speaking person, an interlocutor or an outsider. That is, the infinitive does not express inherent in the verb categories of time, mood, person and number. It shows only the meaning of the form ("write - write"), collateral ("build - build"), transitive and intransitive ("paint", "lay").

The verb in its initial form answers the questions: “what to do?”, “What to do?” To determine the initial form, it is necessary to put infinitive questions to the verb. For example: "reads - (what to do?) Read", "I draw - (what to do?) Draw."

The presence of two questions indicates two lexical and grammatical varieties of the verb, which were called the imperfect and perfect form.

The view indicates the relation of the action to the limit (beginning and end of the action). The action indicated by the imperfect appearance is not limited by any limits. These are regular, repeated actions: "what to do?" ("Sleep", "go", jump "). A perfect view calls actions that, even when completed, preserve the result at the time of the speech: “what to do?” (“Get enough sleep”, “go”, “jump”).

The infinitive can also be determined by the special endings inherent only to this form of the verb: "-ty" and "-ty", which follow, as a rule, after the final vowel or consonant base ("weakness", "du-tu", " class ”,“ pass ”,“ bres-ti ”,“ gres-ti ”).

In the sentence, the infinitive can act as the subject: “Smoking is harmful” - a simple verb predicate: “And the queen to laugh” - the main member of the infinitive sentence: “Build!” - the connective of the complex verb predicate: “I started reading” - an inconsistent definition: “Impatience to get to Moscow took possession of me” - the circumstances of the goal: “The moon majestically came out from behind the clouds to illuminate us.”

The infinitive can also appear in the form of the future difficult time: “I will read this book”, and also sometimes express the form of the subjunctive mood: “to sit down”.

The ending is called significant variable part  the words. It helps to harmonize words in sentences, and also indicates the number, case, person or gender. This morpheme serves only for the formation of the same form of the word. Usually the ending is located after the root and suffixes. There is also the term "zero ending" when a word ends on a consonant basis. Teaching graduation is taught already in the elementary grades of the school, as it is necessary for the further development of the rules of the Russian language.

You will need

  • In order to correctly highlight this morpheme, you will need a little time, as well as knowledge of the morphology and grammar of the Russian language.

Instruction manual

Since the ending is variable part, then you can determine it by conjugating or declining words. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns and participles can be changed by cases or numbers, and verbs by gender, numbers and persons.

Watch carefully how much of the word is changing. The source word may have a zero ending, but it does exist anyway. if it can be distinguished in other forms.

Now select the ending. Graphically, it is indicated by a rectangle.


There are immutable words. They have no endings. These include participles, as well as adverbs.

Useful advice

We are used to the fact that the ending is at the end of the word. However in reflexive verbs  and participles after the ending, there may be a suffix -sy, and complex numerals may have not one, but several endings.


In vernacular and dialects there are infinitive forms with a repetition of the ending "-ty" after "-ty": "find-ty".

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Instruction manual

Also in primary school  children get acquainted with such a part of speech as a verb, and throughout the course of the school they will study it more deeply. But they begin acquaintance with the verb from the initial form (or, as it is also called, from the infinitive).

The initial form of the verb is determined by the questions “what to do?”, “What to do?”. This is an unchangeable form (neither time, nor number, nor person can be determined). For example, write (what to do?). If children ask questions,
  when does the action take place? who does it? They will not be able to answer, since this cannot be determined by the initial form of the verb.

The infinitive can be determined by the endings -ty, -ty, as well as by the suffixes -a-, -i-, -ova-, -eva, -–. For example, in the initial form of the verb "read", the ending -t and the suffix -a. Although it is only by finding these suffixes that it is impossible to conclude that we have the initial form of the verb, since they can also be stored in the past tense. Suffix is \u200b\u200bone of the components of revealing the initial form of a verb.

The initial form of the verb in the sentence can be subject and predicate. For example: To live is to serve the homeland.
  In this sentence, the word “live” (infinitive) is subject, and the word “serve” (also infinitive) is predicate.

From the initial form, you can determine the time, person and number, but you can determine the type of verb (perfect or imperfect). For example: to wash (what to do?) - a perfect look, to wash (what to do?) - an imperfect look. And also you can determine the return of the verb. For example: wash - an irrevocable verb,
  wash - returnable (yes).

So, by asking a question to a verb, defining some of its grammatical meanings, as well as its syntactic role, paying attention to the parts of the word (ending and suffix), you can easily understand that you are dealing with the initial form of the verb.

   How simple

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