Why dream of your own house. What a dream about fire. What dreams in a dream House

Dreams ... What could be more mysterious, mysterious and interesting?

Sometimes they scare to cold on the skin, and sometimes give fantastic emotions. But the most valuable thing in the world of dreams is probably that, besides the bright experiences that they sometimes give, they can reveal valuable secrets, give important advice, and even ward off trouble.

And those who open the dream in time, know that fate can be controlled using intuition, trusting the call of the heart and deciphering messages from dreams.

Among the huge, countless bright, interesting characters, a special place is occupied by the house. This is not just a vision in a dream. And if you correctly interpret why the house dreams, you can make a lot of discoveries.

As a symbol, the house is always connected with our “I”, with our life in general. The body is considered home for the soul - from this point of view, it is also possible to consider a sign.

If to be more attentive, we can consider the parallel between sleep and reality - as a rule, the very thing that happens in dreams with the house, in real life happens to our lives. The house collapses - hopes for a better life are shattered, and a strong, brick house is connected with reliable protection and life “behind a stone wall”.

But not everything, of course, is so simple and straightforward - and it can be difficult to decipher what a dream house is about. Because the plots of such dreams can be a great many - and each such dream means something different, unique and always important. For example, you could see the following:

  • House from the side - large or small, wooden or brick.
  • You dreamed of the house in which you yourself lived many years ago.
  • I saw the house of the deceased grandmother or parental hearth.
  • Unfinished house.
  • Destroyed or abandoned house.
  • See how it collapses or falls.
  • Dream of guests.
  • Fire burning building.
  • Dreams of buying a home and moving.
  • You sell a house.
  • You dream of rooms, a lot of rooms.
  • You got lost in the house.
  • Hiding in some kind of house.
  • Build or make repairs at home.
  • Clean up the mess in the home.

This is not even a complete list, but such dream scenarios are the most common. So let's open and ask a wise dream book - a house that has been dreaming, what does it mean?

See the house away

As each dream book says, a house, whatever it may be in a dream, always has a close connection with our lives. Suppose you dream of a house, but you see it only from the outside, not going inside, and not participating in its life. What a dream means is that you learn by remembering all the details of these dreams.

1. The house almost always symbolizes your “I” or privacy, so it is important which room you dreamed of.

  • If the kitchen is a symbol of internal support, the birth of ideas, thoughts.
  • Hall, hallway mean a transitional period, which in your life has come or protracted.
  • Bathroom, shower - cleansing from excess, deliverance.
  • Bedroom - privacy.
  • And the living room is life in society.

Depending on what happens in each of these rooms, you can understand what is going on in your life.

2. A wooden house is always associated with something cozy, fabulous, beautiful.  So it is - a large or small wooden house, provided that it is neat and attractive, symbolizes your well-being, good life, goodness and harmony. We can say with confidence that now in your life is a wonderful period - take care of it as soon as you can.

3. Large, strong stone house means complete reliability and security from all sorts of everyday storms.  You are protected - and now is the time to boldly build a new life, take risks for the sake of happiness, and take decisive steps. Get out of fear!

4. A very large brick, for example, multi-storey, house foreshadows big surprises.  If there are a lot of apartments, rooms, windows, floors in it - a lot of new events are waiting for you, a change, perhaps a strong steep life turn. Do not be afraid of changes and new things - you are too stuck in a familiar life, it's time to change something.

5. How to say a reliable dream book, your own house, your friend, always dreams of exceptional success in all matters and new projects.  Feel free to start a new business, you will find luck and stability. Now you can take risks, go for broke, make high bets - the period is very favorable.

6. Often you dream of the house of a deceased grandmother, old relatives, the parental home, or the place where you yourself lived, your family used to live.  Such dreams are many dreams - and they say only that you are restless, you lack reliability.

You fear adult life and yearn for carefree childhood. Grandma's cozy wooden house, complete security - all this is behind, far away, and now you have to create a new hearth yourself. Having understood what the old house is dreaming about, you should let go of fears and childhood - start living.

7. An unfinished house, abandoned construction is a clear symbol of the fact that in your own life some abandoned project does not give you rest.  This may be an unfinished plan, a halfway-down relationship — an unfinished house can symbolize a lot.

In any case, if you had a dream of such an unfinished house or building, find in life what you need to finish, and do it - otherwise it will prevent you from living. And henceforth, try to bring all intentions to the logical end.

8. Curiously, what dreams of a ruined house, ruins, fragments of a building.  All these sad things, ruin and collapse dream of poverty - perhaps your stability is crumbling, be careful.

Do not build big hopes on other people and especially happy circumstances - it is from this that you risk getting unexpected collapse of plans and disappointment. Rely on yourself and take control of the affairs on which your well-being depends.

9. An abandoned house, deserted, eerie, gloomy, with empty windows and a howling draft - a symbol, as you might guess, is not a good one.  But knowing the dream of an old house, abandoned and empty, you can avoid many troubles - namely, loneliness and longing.

After all, an abandoned house promises a period of alienation. You will be in the blues and close from others - but you should not, because loneliness and seclusion will only harm you. Do not close yourself from people who love you.

10. A parental home in a dream, a family nest and the cradle of childhood, says that you are too susceptible to the influence of your relatives, in particular, your mother or father.  If you have a ghost parenting - think about the time to live more independently.

You are an adult, and parents should not now be excessively involved in your decisions. Do not distance yourself from them, but do not allow too much control over your life. She's yours, and you either be happy in her or not.

11. Fire is a dangerous symbol, and knowing what a burned house dreams of, you can try to avoid danger.  Be careful in everything, especially in the work area - and less active in the near future. Do not take risks.

In addition, it is curious about what dreams of a fire at home, which is put out by firefighters - this can mean the participation of other people in your problems. But why dream of a burning house that you put out, it’s no wonder to understand - you will be struggling with problems in every way.

12. To see the construction or repair of the building from the outside is good, it promises success, a new period, maybe even a long-awaited move to a better new place.

In my house ...

Have you been wandering in your house in a dream, or have you bought a new home? Did you sell the house, or did major repairs? Remember all the details of the dream, it will tell you at what stage you are and where to turn.

1. If you dream of a lot of dark rooms, in which you wander, it symbolizes self-digging, the search for answers.

2. It is curious what the dream of a new house or apartment that you had in your dream to buy, accept as a gift, and so on. Moving to a new home promises wealth and success, and buying a home will bring great luck and happiness.  Perhaps you will in reality buy your dream home and make a happy, long-awaited move!

3. As the dream book says, to build a house in a dream - to the construction of a new stage, a new business, to the gain and profit.  Everything will go well.

4. If you do repairs in a dream, it says that some external circumstances interfere with your reality.  As the dream book says, a new house or an old one, which you repair or paint, repairs, is a symbol of interference with which you can cope with patience and diligence.

5. Guests in a dream is an ambiguous symbol.  If they came to you to celebrate the move, housewarming - wait for the good news. If your guests in a dream were unpleasant, you expect little trouble in reality.

6. I wonder what dream someone else's house in which you lost.  This may lead to a protracted illness, so take care of yourself.

7. Hiding in a house means that the fear of death does not let you go.  And these obsessions destroy your integrity. Switch to something positive.

8. To sell real estate in a dream - a warning.  You can overcome the failure due to your carelessness, negligence or negligence.

9. Breaking and destroying a house in a dream - promises a change in habitat, relocation, and a complete change in the circumstances of life.  For the better or the opposite - it is up to you.

10. Cleaning up the mess in the house means cleaning the space in life, getting rid of unnecessary junk, interfering connections, old remnants.  Boldly restore order in your everyday life, and in the mind, and in the house - the update will only benefit you.

The house is a surprisingly ambiguous and multifaceted symbol. Add to your interpretation of the dream a little of your own fine intuition, fantasy and logic - and a clear, voluminous picture of how you should live and what awaits you will emerge.

You will be able to build happiness in the home, in life, in affairs and relationships with people - just keep around cleanliness, and spare no effort to build a harmonious life for yourself and loved ones. Author: Vasilina Serova

Female dream book

What does the House dream about? What is this dream about?

  1. If in a dream you are visiting your old house - expect good news in reality.
  2. Cozy and joyful house dreams to long prosperity.
  3. Abandoned house - to the sad events.
  4. To see in a dream that you cannot find your home means to completely lose faith in people.
  5. If you were homeless in a dream - failures in all endeavors are waiting for you.
  6. Moving in a dream foreshadows urgent news and urgent trips.
  7. For a young woman to see her leave home means that she will be surrounded by perfidious personalities.

Idiomatic dream book

House dreams, what does it symbolize?

  • "He is not all at home" - weird, douchebag.
  • “Carrying dirty linen in public” - disclosing unpleasant personal information;
  • "My home is my fortress" - protection. Security;
  • “Home (family) hearth”, “family warmth” - family well-being;
  • "Domovity" (economic).
  • "To live in two houses" - to change the spouse.
  • "Come (return) home" - to achieve the goal.
  • “To knock down the rapids” - humiliatingly asking, complaining.

Dream Magic Black Magic

Why dream of a house in a dream:

House - The house in which the dreamer found himself is reeling, crumbling. Fail roof, floor, ceiling. The house itself may look old, skosobozochny, dark.

Children's dream book

Why does the child dream House, the interpretation of sleep:

Home - Symbolizes the degree of your self-confidence. If you dream of a house high, with strong walls, it means that you feel self-confidence and security. If you dream of a small house, wooden or stone, it means that you would like to get less in the center of attention. You need to hide, to withdraw into yourself, you do not have enough determination to act. If you dream of a hut or a reed hut, it means that you feel defenseless before the forces of your destiny. Despite this, you feel happy and hopeful that better times will come.

Small Veles dream

Why does the House dream, the interpretation of sleep:

House in a dream:

  • Depart on the road, separate completely, changes in life, danger;
  • A big dream house is suffering;
  • New to see, tall, beautiful - wealth;
  • Build a house - a wedding, a successful change of housing, profit, joy // death (to the patient), troubles, illness, hard work;
  • Rent housing - for the wedding, change;
  • Dreaming of a house to whiten - good // death;
  • House covered with clay - to death;
  • House burning - profit, joy // illness, loss, lead, theft;
  • Swap houses with someone - change;
  • The foundation of the house is to start a very profitable business;
  • Walking around an unfamiliar house, so it’s hard to get out — not good, you’ll be sad; and if you go out, you will avoid troubles;
  • The dream house is old - contempt;
  • Buying it is good // the end of life; seeing someone in a new home is a misfortune;
  • Moving to a new home is death;
  • Falling, falling - quarrel with neighbors, the master will die;
  • His house is cramped to see, to enter it is a loss;
  • House to clean your house - the joy, the profit;
  • House decorate - the birth of a son, profit;
  • To water your house with water is a pity;
  • Dreaming of a house without windows and doors - death;
  • In the house of the dance, the game - to the dead;
  • Sweep the house - guests beware vorogov.

Russian people's dream book

Why does the House dream - the interpretation of sleep:

Home - This is a symbol of your personality, your position in society, if in a dream you dream of your home. If this is someone else’s house, then it means that you are in someone else’s territory and the condition of the house indicates the situation you are in.

Gypsy dream book

The house that means and why dream:

Home - In a dream, seeing is a sign of false glory.

Dream book writer Aesop

What do you dream about House in the everyday sense?

Home - This symbol has always personified the stability of the position in society and confidence in the future, a quiet and secure life. The house has many different meanings: it can be unfamiliar, new, it can be large and very tiny, it can amaze refinement and unusual shapes, and it can look like thousands of other shacks or concrete high-rise buildings. Since the time of the feudal lords, the English have considered the house not only a symbol of wealth, but also protection, therefore they still call it a fortress to this day. The Slavs have many versions of the "right" houses: in the house must live brownies, in every house there must be a cat or a cat in which the goblin lives or with which the gossip communicates. It was believed that the house in which suicide happened was forever damned and life in it would not be happy. With the house is connected all the warmest, dear and dear to the heart.

  • A house is being dreamed of, the walls of which are made of sand and gradually, with every gust of wind, crumble, become thinner - do not be sad, soon everything will be forgotten; what is being offered to you is short-lived, so do not expect it to become a matter of your life.
  • To see yourself in a good mood among the bare walls in your own home is to face troubles, in which only the family will help.
  • Seeing yourself in endless household chores that do not even allow you to sit down to rest is a sign of addition to the family or the arrival of guests.
  • To see a richly furnished house with a good repair - your old dream is haunting you, do not miss the chance to fulfill it.
  • To see oneself as a master in an old house, where people go and praise him, to the loss of old connections, a quarrel with good friends.
  • What dreams of the house, from which the demonic laughter is heard, is to deal with a superstitious person, communication with whom will bring a lot of trouble.
  • What dreams about, how the property from your house is sold by auction - a symbol of wealth and well-being, for a large purchase, the acquisition of what you have long dreamed of.
  • Seeing at home a lot of different products and things in duplicate - your forebodings and anxieties may materialize, so stop cheating yourself.
  • You can’t find the right answer to your question in your house to see the repair, in which all relatives and neighbors take part, because you yourself don’t know what you would like, and rush between the opinions of others around you on this subject.

Erotic dream book

Why dream of a house in a dream?

Home - A house that was seen in a dream, in which it is warm and cozy, foreshadows the appearance of news in the near future that will significantly influence the development of your relationship with your loved one. If the house is abandoned, dilapidated, you will suffer the bitterness of disappointment in the dearest person. You will lose support from him, that you will immediately feel and appreciate, but it will not be easy to restore the previous relationship.

Dream Esoteric E. Tsvetkova

What is dreaming about in the House?

House - See - danger; build - to improve; cover losses; revenge in the house - to the guests; wash floors - to death, to separation; the roof fell through, the hole — the crossing; being at home is a nuisance; gossip; burning house is a great joy.

The dream of psychologist D.Loff

What dreams the dreamer Dom, the psychological analysis:

Home - In a dream, different things can happen to a home. You can build it or buy it, it can destroy it, destroy the elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders, etc. As a rule, the house dreams of serious changes, instability or significant growth. A house full of something or occupied by someone testifies to your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - this is what happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or ANIMALS is a signal of ANXIETY. A ruined house is a dream when moving, financial turmoil, to DEATH or to DIVORCE. In such dreams, the house is falling apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide human shelter. Seeing such a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and crushing you and how this affects your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you are expected to increase at work or improve financial condition, opening up additional opportunities. In relations with the person with whom you meet, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, this suggests the following questions: are you (or your partner) pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a substantial need to enter into a serious mutually binding relationship with your partner? You do not feel supported or too conservative in their warehouse?

Ukrainian dream book

What dreams about the House, according to popular beliefs of Little Russia:

House in a dream to see - To move to a new house - to die. What dreams of a house without windows and a door - the coffin of this man falls. How dreams that build a new house, it is very bad. If the houses are beautiful dreams - wealth. If a wall falls in a house in the barn, then someone will die in this house (family). Bare walls in the house - the death of his own. The wall fell - the dead man sooner or later. Like a locked house is death, unkind. The wall falls - trouble falls on his head. As the matica (ceiling beam) falls out, the owner or the hostess will die, and as a wall, then someone from the family. If any member of the family that has music and dances in their house dreams about it, there will be a dead man in that house. If you are dreaming, you are building a house - for a disease. You build a house: bright and beautiful - your life, black and without windows - row. The storm tore the top of the house - beware of the tragic disaster. Build, set, oil house - to death. The house is falling apart in half, the mattress falls, the ceiling falls, the walls fall (especially the corner wall), the furnace falls - this is to death. House dreams - change in life. What dreams of sweeping the house - guests; rid the enemies. Lit - to theft; news. Tall is wealth; falls - death.

Psychological dream book

House dreaming - how to understand the image:

The House is the Symbol of oneself, one’s body, one’s soul. The cozy rural house seen in a dream expresses the aspiration of the sleeper to a calm and simple life.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

What is the dream of the house in night dreams?

Home - In a dream, your house is new and durable - fortunately, cozy - for family well-being, multi-storey - for big profits, collapsed - for danger, to see how it is demolished, - for overcoming all obstacles, burning - for losses. Dreams of your house abandoned - means that you have to regret the past, come back to it again - live the past, because of what you are waiting for trouble and misunderstanding of others. To build a house in a dream means that external circumstances beyond your control will not allow you to carry out all your plans. Get a house in a dream inheritance - to get acquainted with a partner or partner, thanks to which you can improve your business. The hut that I saw in a dream is a premonition of changes in life, a hut to sadness, a close earthen wattle and daub to the deterioration of living conditions. A shack in a dream may dream for an upcoming trip or business trip. To live in an unfinished house - to unrest in connection with the danger of losing a state or property, in a barrack - to obstacles in business. Dreams in a dream how a building is being built is a sign that you will be able to achieve your goal, if it is a skyscraper, a big profit, profit, big money is waiting for you. An administrative building dreams of losses and losses, a beautiful newly built building - to receive new sources of income, new work. If the building most of the rooms are bright, beautiful, large, then such a dream promises you success in business and well-being. The poor, dilapidated, cramped rooms in the building - to the upcoming difficulties, obstacles in the completion of profitable business. To dream of a cottage - for the upcoming repair in your house.

Egyptian dream book

House dreams, to what:

Home - If a person sees himself in a dream rushing around in his house, it’s bad, it means that he will be sick.

The dream of the sorceress Medea

What dreams about the house - the symbolism of sleep:

House - House (mansion) personifies the dreamer himself, his inner "I." Also reflects the problems of the body, thoughts, feelings, spirit. The interior of the house correlates with the needs and condition of the person (see also Attic, Roof, Basement, Stairs, Floor, Corridor, Window, Door, Hall). The room is spacious - your wishes will come true; close - to losses, poverty. Kitchen - housework, change. Bedroom - rest, intimate relationships. Bath - tired, guilty. Toilet - relaxation, solitude. Dining room - communication. Front - a new acquaintance, premarital relations. Storeroom - reserve forces.

Assyrian dream book

What is the dream about the House of the Book of Dreams?

Home - If in a dream you enter the home of a happy and cheerful person - you will soon have days of sorrow.

Modern dream book

What is the dream and what does House mean in our time?

House - Guests

The dream interpretation medium Hasse

Dreaming of the House, to what?

House - Renovated - vague relationships will emerge; roofing - waiting for you to lose; buy - well-being; destructive - a disease; flaming - failure in business; build - happiness in love; empty - your hopes will not be fulfilled; make changes in the house - expect a visit; destined for destruction - lightheadedness threatens you with misfortune; devastated - profit; destroy - dispute with neighbors; detention house - an unclear situation in life; to sit in it - to avoid danger; own inhabited house - obtained prosperity; buy - make friends; the house of the madmen is getting in big trouble; gilded - you will get into trouble.

Esoteric dream book

House for what dreams, interpretation:

House - (1) Alien House. Big, outside, someone else's life invades yours. To enter someone else's house you will enter another life. At the invitation of you will be asked for help. Secretly take part in someone on your own initiative. High-rise pay attention to the floor. Little new acquaintance. Very old draws old connections, especially if there are many old things inside the house. (2) Your home. Big, new, new things are coming up outside, but you have a choice: you can accept or not take part in them. If you logged in your participation will benefit. Occupied a vacant room or apartment your activity will bring material benefits. A lot of neighbors will be a big team. A good relationship will develop bad. Bad relationships will develop good. In the house still live, and those who died, wait for help and support in new affairs. See the individual details of the house and the number (apartment number, floor). The old house is dreaming - it is necessary to finish the old affairs. Old shake off an extra load of memories, discard old papers and rags! Under construction time has not come yet. You pedal something and events. A crumbling affair is your crumble from the inside. With the help of someone, someone is ruining your business consciously.

Hut (wooden house) - See conversations and discussions that should not disturb you. If you do not pay attention to them, they will not bring harm. Being in X. - gossip that will spoil your blood. See additional sleep details. (For example: if there is a farm around X. Peasant farm (see), then gossip will concern “unjustly acquired”.)

Dream Dream Prince Zhou-Gong

House in a dream if you dream?

You see the main building of the house. - Wealth. You go out into the garden. - Happiness. The main building of the house is crumbling. - Misfortune in the family. In the big hall there is a coffin. - Heralds joy and peace. A small door to the room opens. - Foreshadows love affair. You fall into a hole in the main room. - Heralds misfortune in the family. You build a roof on your house. - Herald longevity. Rebuild and upgrade housing. - To great happiness. From gusts of wind, the house starts moving. - Heralds the move. Moving to a new home owned by another person. - Luckily. The family leaves the house. - A joyful event for the wife. Moving to a ruined building. - Heralds a beautiful wife. You give your house for rent to any person. - Get a place in the service. Sweeping the house while spraying water. - A man will come from afar. You rent a country house. - Heralds the loss of workplace. Empty house without people. - Heralds death. Standing under the roof, in the house, get dressed. - Talking about uncertainty, some kind of mystery. You are suing your wife for housing. - Heralds happiness. Suddenly, the main roof-carrying beam breaks down. - Heralds a great misfortune. The house falls into a hole. - Heralds death. Military enter the house. - Foreshadows great happiness. The tile from a roof falls, you feel mortal horror. - There will be a quarrel with his wife. You see a live horse in the house. - There will be a letter from the son. Grass grows in the rooms. - The house will soon become empty. In the courtyard grows cypress or pine. - Heralds a long life. Repairing a village house. - There will be great joy.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why does the House dream? The dream book is interpreted as:

To see a house in a dream - new, beautiful - meeting a special person - repaired - uncertain relationships will soon become clear - put a roof on you - losses await you - buy - well-being - collapsing - illness, need - flaming - failure in business - build - happiness in love - empty - Your hopes will not be fulfilled - to make changes in the house - waiting for a visit - destined for demolition - lightheadedness threatens you with misfortune - devastated - profit - destroying - dispute about the deed - arrest house - unclear situation in life - own habitable - obtained Well-being - buy - arrange friends - house of madmen - get in big trouble - gilded - get into trouble

Vedic dream

What dreams about a house in a dream

Home - If a young man dreams of family life, then this is a messenger of prosperity, health and progress.

Dream yogis

If the House dreams, what does it symbolize:

Dream of a house (palace) - Some world (area of ​​existence). Light - high world. A three-storey house is the third level - i.e. The world of people.

Symbolic dream book

The house is dreaming, the symbolism of sleep:

Autumn dream

What does the house dream about in the fall?

White stone house - a white stone house in a dream or building such a house - in reality you will never live in it.

The butt of the house - By longing for the father's house.

Summer dream

What does the house dream about in the summer?

White stone house - To build a white stone house in a dream - to wealth.

House, housing - If you are visiting your old house in a dream, expect good news in real life. Cozy and joyful house dreams to long prosperity. Abandoned house - to the sad events. Dreams in a dream that you cannot find your home - it means completely losing faith in people. If you were homeless in a dream - failures in all endeavors are waiting for you. Moving in a dream foreshadows urgent news and urgent trips. For a young woman to see her leave home means that she will be surrounded by perfidious personalities.

The butt of the house - By the date with relatives.

The dream of psychologist G. Miller

What dreams the dreamer House:

Home, housing - To see in a dream that you cannot find your home means that you completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you don’t have a home, then you will fail in all your endeavors, financial loss. In a dream, changing a home means urgent news and urgent trips. For a young woman - dreaming that she left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by perfidious slanderers. If in a dream you are visiting your old house, then good news is waiting for you. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks a long prosperity. Abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

The dream of psychologist C. Jung

Dream of a house, apartment - Usually houses appear in dreams as images of the psychic. Many times in these homes, unknown unfamiliar rooms are found, pointing to hidden or unexplored areas of the patient's potential ego structure. Differences between parts of the house can also be symbolically important: the ceiling, the attic, the attic, the roof, the balconies, the bedrooms, etc. For example, a kitchen is a place for turning raw food into culinary dishes; in dreams, they sometimes acquire the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, a place of deeper transformations. Bathrooms in dreams can refer to "removing, removing, dropping" or the difficulty of "releasing." Sometimes just the action itself that occurs in a dream in a certain house from the past allows to draw certain conclusions about the origin of the complexes involved in the situation. The house itself may signify various parts of the ego-structure, as in the dream of one man who began to experience a sense of freedom as his excessive neurotic self-criticism weakened and waned.

Spring dream book

What does the house dream about in spring?

The butt of the house - To see the butt of the house - to divorce.

The dream of psychologist G. Miller

What dreams the dreamer House:

Housing - To see in a dream that you cannot find your home means that you completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you don’t have a home, then you will fail in all your endeavors, financial loss. In a dream, changing a home means urgent news and urgent trips.

Dreaming of a house inside - For a young woman - to see in a dream that she left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by perfidious slanderers. If in a dream you are visiting your old house, then good news is waiting for you. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks a long prosperity. Abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

The dream of psychologist C. Jung

What is dreaming about in the House?

House, apartment - Usually houses appear in dreams as images of the psychic. Many times in these homes, unknown unfamiliar rooms are found, pointing to hidden or unexplored areas of the patient's potential ego structure. Differences between parts of the house can also be symbolically important: the ceiling, the attic, the attic, the roof, the balconies, the bedrooms, etc. For example, a kitchen is a place for turning raw food into culinary dishes; in dreams they sometimes take on the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, a place of deeper transformations.

Dreaming of a house inside - Bathrooms in dreams can refer to "removing, removing, dropping" or the difficulty of "releasing." Sometimes just the action itself that occurs in a dream in a certain house from the past allows to draw certain conclusions about the origin of the complexes involved in the situation.

Dreaming of a house inside - The house itself may denote different parts of the ego structure, as in a dream of a man who began to experience a sense of freedom as his excessive neurotic self-criticism weakened and waned.

Dream Miller G. Miller

What does House dream about? Psychological interpretation:

It dreams that you can’t find your home - you will completely lose faith in the honesty of the people around you.

If in a dream you see that you do not have your own home, then failure in all endeavors and monetary losses awaits you.

If you change a house in a dream, it means that you will have urgent news and urgent trips.

If a young woman dreamed that she left home, this is a sign that she is surrounded by treacherous slanderers.

See also: what is the dream of the apartment, what is the dream of the Motherland, what is the dream of the road for.

Dream interpretation S. Karatova

What dreams about the house:

He dreams that someone else’s house was built - then joy and profit await you.

If you saw in a dream a dilapidated house - then misfortune awaits you. Falling old house in a dream - you lose a friend or master.

Sweep in the house in a dream - to the guests.

From what house (beautiful or old) a woman sees in her dream - it depends on how her personal life will be.

He dreams that they covered the roof of his house - this is a loss.

To paint the house in a dream - to the long-awaited move.

The following interpretation of why you dream of House, on.

Pocket dream book T. Lagutinoy

What a dream House, how to understand a dream:

He dreams that they built a strange house - then your business will soon go up the hill.

Old House - Going back in a dream to an old house is good news.

To see in a dream your old house abandoned - you are waiting for a serious or fatal illness of a close relative.

If a girl dreamed of a new home, she would lose her lover.

To come home in a dream and see the guests having fun there - you will have mutual understanding in the family and success in business.

Dream interpretation A.Vasilyeva

Why dream in a dream House:

Dreamed of a good, big and beautiful new home - it is a symbol of well-being and order.

To build a house in a dream is to build your own happiness.

If you saw a house in a dream that you cannot complete, it is possible death, especially if it is raining in the dream, the wind is blowing and there are a lot of your sworn enemies or strangers around.

Dream dream cleopatra

Why does the House dream, how to interpret a dream:

A house has been dreamed up; its walls are made of sand and gradually crumble and become thinner - no need to be sad, soon everything will be forgotten.

What you are offered is short-lived, so you should not expect that this will become a matter of your life.

To see yourself in a dream in a good mood among the bare walls in your own house means that you will soon encounter big troubles, in which only your family will help.

Dream interpretation by V. Melnikova

Why dream and what to see the House in a dream:

Dreamed of your own home - then you will arrange your well-being.

If the house in a dream is large and furnished with luxury that is unaffordable for you, then it threatens you with misfortune.

To see someone else’s grandfather’s house in a dream is to the death of some of your close relatives.

If you saw in a dream a renovated house - then the uncertain situation will soon clear up.

Old House - A dream of an old and crumbling house is a disease in the family.

A collapsed house in a dream is a quarrel and scandal.

Dream interpretation A. Pushkin

What is the dream House? Interpretation of sleep:

If you dream that you cannot find your home, this means that in real life you will completely lose faith in the honesty and integrity of people. If you are looking for someone else's house, but you also cannot find it, then this means that a certain person will deceive you, and you will believe in everything that he will tell you. It dreams that you have no home and you have nowhere to go, then in reality you are expected to fail in all undertakings, financial losses, health problems. If in a dream you change your place of residence, then such a dream promises you urgent news and hasty trips that will not bring you any satisfaction and comfort.

If in a dream you leave your home forever, it means that in reality you are expected to be separated from something or someone close and dear. If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home, then such a dream is a sign that she will be surrounded by perfidious slanderers. A dream in which you visit your old house or the house in which you spent your childhood and adolescence means that good news is waiting for you. If you see your old home cozy and joyful, then this is a symbol of the long prosperity and prosperity of your family. But if someone else's house is abandoned, it foreshadows sad events, which, however, will further unite your family. If you see that your house is engulfed in flames, then such a dream promises the collapse of the family ties that you so treasured.

Dream interpretation G. Rasputin

The house dreams to meet with friends, communication and fun. If you dream that you live alone in a big new house, then your loved one will leave you. If in a dream you visit the parental home, you will need the support of close relatives. To see children in your home - in your life there will be changes associated with the completion of the family. If in a dream you can not get into your house - your break with your loved one will be final.

If you dream of your former home - perhaps soon in your life there will be a person with whom you are connected with happy moments from the past. This dream also foreshadows the establishment of new friendships and the acquisition of property.

If in a dream you leave home - soon you will have some kind of new occupation, which will require considerable investments. If you dream of your destroyed House - all your plans will be destroyed, and you will be left with nothing.

Buying a new home in a dream - to calm and harmony in family life. To sell a house in a dream - unexpectedly you will have a happy opportunity to make a profitable purchase. To housewarming in a dream - all your controversial issues will be settled safely. Doing repairs in your house in a dream means that you will have an opportunity to meet with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

If in a dream you live in someone else's house - you have to expose someone's insidious plan. If you dream that you secretly snuck into someone's home, a dream foreshadows that you will be humiliated by your rival and will lose your loved one because of your own weakness. Returning to your home in a dream after a long absence - you will finally get back what you deserve and have been illegally taken away from you. If in a dream you see that your house is collapsing - this dream promises an approximation of some kind of serious trouble caused by your passion for thrill.

Find out why the House dreams about the interpretation of other dream books.

Dream Adaska

What a dream House, the interpretation:

Build a new home for yourself - to improve in business, happiness in your personal life, sometimes for a wedding. Home means promotion, salary increase, favorable agreement. It is unsuccessful to search for your own house in a dream - to lose trust in a person who meant a lot to you. If you are in a dream without a home - in reality threaten to lose money. A dream about relocating - to unexpected news and urgent business trips. Come to your old home, to your parents - to the good news. To dream of a house with shuttered shutters, doors - to sad events.

If a young girl dreams that she is leaving the house, gossips and slanderers will overcome her. An unknown house for a man is a danger; for a woman - a personal life, a relationship with some man. What a house looks like is the relationship.

To wash floors - to death, separation from someone; to paint the house or to see a hole in the roof - to move, and if you see the sky through the failed roof - happy news. Empty house - to disappointment in his personal life; Changes in the situation (new furniture, etc.) - to the guests and joyful changes in life. If the whole house collapses, and the sleeper remains alive - to good and big changes in fate.

Dream for girls

What dreams about the house on the dream book:

Search your home - you are tormented by an important question about the meaning of life. The search for your place on our planet is obvious and will not end soon.

Seeing old and collapsed houses - today, your inner state is far from the desired peace. It is not surprising that soon you will receive sad news.

Sonnik O. Smurova

It dreams that you are buying a house - this means that you will marry as soon as your business is settled.

A dream that you sell a house is a loss and a loss.

Dream of Karatova

What dreams about the house on the dream book:

A beautiful house in a countryside has been dreamed up - it means that you have a secret attachment.

See also: what is the dream of the village, what is the dream of building, what is the dream of the house.

Sonnik O. Smurova

What dreams in a dream House:

The foundation of the house - I dream that you have laid the foundation - this means that you have made sure that you have a reliable support in life.

To stand in a dream on the foundation of a house is a sign of future success in your endeavors.

If you saw a destroyed foundation in a dream, it predicts the collapse of your plans.

Unfinished house in a dream - indicates that you have embarked on a job that you are not ready to do due to your lack of support from influential people.

One of the rather informative dreams that show changes, both external and internal. The dream dream house is almost always interpreted as a manifestation of the true "I" of the dreamer, his interests or dreams.

The house may reflect the coming change in the past, present or future, as well as in the plans and dreams of the dreamer himself.

If you want to understand what the dream of the house is in your dream, pay attention to whether it exists in the real world or not, what is happening in the dream and what the building was filled with.

To dream of a house from your past, an apartment in which you once lived, means that the coming events will concern the past tense.

It is possible that there will be some business that you have not completed before, lost skills, or a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance happens. Because the house in a dream from the past tense, which was once yours, shows changes in a certain segment of life, even in the thinking associated with that time.

Why dream of a house that was only your dream, but in fact you don’t have it even in dreams? This is an indicator of the circumstances that will soon arise in your life. Sometimes such a dream shows the prospects for future plans, upcoming events and problems that will soon become relevant.

If you dreamed of your dream home, then any transformations in it tell about your real possibilities, obstacles in the implementation of the desired, as well as what can happen in your life and what changes can occur in your career and plans.

The house in the dream of your acquaintances or friends, which they really do not have, means their essence, essence, which is important and relevant for them. This is an indicator not only of the life stage at which they are located, but also of what is interesting and dear to these people, what they live by.

What are the dreams of the houses in which you currently live or the apartments of your relatives and friends, corresponding to reality? Dream interpretation writes that such a dream means events associated with changes in the material sphere of activity.

Often these dreams are prophetic, especially if death, burial or scandal occurs there. This dream shows real events or changes in relationships with your acquaintances, relatives and friends.

And here are some more interpretations that will help to understand what a dream house means in a dream, real or one that actually does not exist.

Real and imaginary, past and future

Usually the character of the house in which the events unfolded, the dream book interprets as a sphere of life in which changes are brewing. An ordinary single-story cottage or private structure means the desire to hide from others, hide their aspirations and desires and live in their own world without letting anyone close to them.

Usually private houses, even if they were only yours after sleep, show striving for peace, a narrow circle of people and loneliness.

If you dreamed that a friend begins to live in such a house, although he actually lives in an apartment, this is an indicator of her closeness, closeness and loneliness, the desire to get away from others, the struggle of life and the team, communication.

Building it in a dream means taking steps to arrange your life, family. This is an indicator of the fact that before you is an individualist who seeks not to be touched, and not to career heights and distant distances.

Sometimes the construction of a private house means the desire to start a family or live for yourself, without inviting anyone into your inner world. Also, a high fence, closed windows and shutters, lack of doors in the room, gloomy architecture can speak about fenced off and closure.

High-rise building can dream, as an indicator of ambitious plans for the future, the desire for greater heights in their careers and activities. This person is not easy to keep up with the times, but also wants to achieve some place in society and in his career.

Dream interpretation such a multi-storey building is interpreted to find its place in life, demonstrativeness and the fact that a person wants to take a place in society and achieve a lot, to reach a certain standard of living.

Dream interpretation writes that the higher the floor where your apartment is located, the stronger the desire to equip your life no worse than everyone. Much depends on the interpretation of such a dream on whether the house was new or old, Khrushchev.

If you dreamed of a new apartment in a beautiful and equipped house, then even Miller’s dream book is interpreted by such a house as a desire to grow and improve itself, a new job or a chance for well-being, success. Try to notice and not miss it.

If someone you know starts looking for an apartment in such a house or has already bought it - wait for a change in his life. To build a high-rise and multi-storey building or to see its construction - to ambitious plans for the future, the desire to take a worthy place in the sun and break out into people, get recognition and respect in a certain circle, find your life path and lifestyle.

If the construction has stopped, then a dream means a failure of plans or something that you roll halfway across. This dream shows the impossibility to achieve the desired. But to move to an unfinished house speaks of haste or that the change has already occurred, but its result is not yet visible from the outside. To see a friend in a new, but not yet equipped apartment, where even things are not unpacked - to change and a new life stage.

Such a dream means a change in lifestyle, moving to another city and activity. Dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts a change. Moving yourself to such a building - a new stage of life is waiting for you. Unpacked things, the lack of repair in the apartment and in general the construction option indicates unavailability for them.

It is possible that you make a hasty decision. But to see the building is still unfinished with dark windows and to search for housing in it or just for the apartment of your beloved or sweetheart - to the ambiguity of life plans and prospects. It is possible that it is not yet time to build joint relationships and love, since they hide much from you.

If only one floor glows in the building and a store is located on it, such a dream means that you see only the outer side of the situation. The dream house is generally interpreted by the empty house as an unfavorable sign or nulling, a new stage in life, when the old will become a thing of the past, and the new will not come yet.

Sometimes such a dream predicts various changes in your life, such as moving to a new place, ending some courses, jobs, moving to a new position or marriage. Very often, dreams with an empty house to a new place and a big change of life plans.

What does the house of the past, present, or future mean that has not yet become yours? Here the dream book says what changes will await you. Dream interpretation ex-house interprets a new case or something that will have to complete something, remember from the past. Sometimes a dream predicts inheritance, a meeting with an old friend, acquaintance and friend.

Home of the present means rapid and rapid change. Such a dream can become a reality, if what is happening close to reality and everything that happens there, can actually happen. For example, quarrel, conflict or fight. If in a dream you have to leave your home for some reason or you are kicked out, then such a dream means stress and constrained circumstances of life.

For example, the anger of the authorities, because of which you risk losing a job or a scandal in the family. Something will gradually knock you out of balance. Finding your own home or going to it means trying to understand yourself and feel the comfort, pleasant conditions.

Dream interpretation writes that such a dream shows your desire for spiritual comfort and coziness. On the contrary, to leave your home of your own accord, to find yourself a new place of residence - to change.

Dream interpretation writes that they can be both in the inner world outlook and in the outer. For example, you will strive for life in a big city or try to find your own place under the sun. In some cases, this dream is dreaming of a speedy marriage, although older people can often predict demise.

Fires, floods and other destruction of the house mean abrupt and rapid changes, great sorrow and unhappiness. Sometimes - extreme circumstances over which you have no power.

A modern dream book writes that such a dream predicts powerlessness in the face of life's difficulties and the evil fate. But, if the damage is minor, you will cope with all the difficulties.

on Miller's dream book

To dream that you cannot find your home means that you completely lose faith in the integrity of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, then failure in all endeavors, financial loss, awaits you. In a dream, changing a home means urgent news and urgent trips. For a young woman to see in a dream that she left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by perfidious slanderers. If in a dream you are visiting your old house, then good news is waiting for you. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks a long prosperity. Abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

Dream house

by dream book Lofa

In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can destroy it, destroy the elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders and so on. As a rule, the house dreams of serious changes, instability or significant growth. A house full of something or occupied by someone testifies to your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or animals is a signal of concern. A ruined house is a dream when moving, financial turmoil, death or divorce. In such dreams, the house is falling apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide human shelter. Seeing such a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and crushing you and how this affects your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you are expected to increase at work or improve financial condition, opening up additional opportunities. In relations with the person with whom you meet, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded, marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, the following questions arise in this connection: are you or your partner pregnant and want to make a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a substantial need to enter into a serious mutually binding relationship with your partner? You do not feel supported or too conservative in their warehouse?

Why dream of a house

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see an unknown home for a woman - personal life and relationships with someone (as it looks - such relationships); for men - the danger; build - to improve, fortunately in the personal; cover - loss; revenge in the house - to the guests; someone sweeps - to lose; wash floors - to death, to separation; the roof fell through, the hole — the crossing; being at home is a nuisance; gossip; burning a house with a clean flame is a great joy; prosperity for the poor; rich - power; burning with soot and crackling - death among relatives; the house was filled with water - all troubles will go away; to paint the house - to move; see the sky through the collapsed roof - happy news; grandfather's house or grandmother's house - death in the family, big troubles; leave the house (for girls) - love troubles; seeing your own home is waiting for the best; changes in the atmosphere - to the guests; empty - personal disappointment; new home (for the sick) - death; big changes in personal relationships; see hut; collapsing - to complete change, good, if the sleeper is unhurt; see catastrophe.


on ayurvedic dream book

If a young man dreams of family life, then this is a messenger of prosperity, health and progress.

Why dream to burn

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fail in business; go broke; no wonder they say "burn on something."

What dreams of fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unfulfilled dreams, disappointment, quarrel in personal life; body burn is notoriety; burning sensation - new friendship, exciting news; in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke are a danger; on the water, great happiness; from the earth to disease; he himself is on fire - high patronage; burn - a disease, vice or unhappy love; to heaven - well-being in everything.

The value of sleep about fire

according to Freud's dream book

To see fire in a dream - soon you will fall in love, and your feeling will be mutual. You will be amazingly suited to each other, and in sex you will have absolute compatibility and harmony.

Dreamed a fire

on Miller's dream book

To dream of fire is good if you do not burn yourself. He promises long-term well-being to sailors, travelers, everyone who works on the land. To see your house burning means loving friends and obedient children. If an entrepreneur sees his shop burning - this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable businesses. Fighting fire and not letting it flare up promises you restless work. To see the burnt walls of your store or warehouse — predicts a disaster. You will be ready to stop the struggle for success in business, considering it to be useless, but fate will suddenly support you again. If in a dream you kindle a fire, then pleasant surprises await you. You can visit your distant friends. Seeing a big fire means for sailors to sail successfully and safely. Writers promise success and honor, business people - unlimited success in business.

Dream fire

by dream book Lofa

Fire has always caused an overwhelming fear among members of different cultures. However, it is often also associated with purification: getting out of the fire intact means purifying. But if you dream that you are burning, therefore, life seems extremely threatening and painful to you. If a house, car, and so on is burning, this indicates your excessive attachment to this thing: without it, you simply cannot imagine life. According to Freud, fire symbolizes masculine power. If you interpret the dream in this vein, then the fire shows that you are seeking to master the situation and to the extent possible to control it. If in a dream you successfully cope with a flame, then in real life you will keep the situation under control, and vice versa. Are you questioning your own ethics? Do you seek purification after any wrongdoing? Do you feel that some significant turn is about to take place in your life, requiring spiritual preparation and rethinking?

What a dream about fire

according to Vanga's dream book

To see in a dream a sheet of paper filled with fire - to a strong fire, as a result of which all the forests of the globe will be destroyed. The population of the planet will have an acute need for wood, paper and, of course, air. To see a fire approaching from the sky in a dream is a sign that in future the Earth will be threatened by a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon will severely damage many cities of the world and will take the lives of a large number of people. If in a dream from fire a bad smell emanates, then soon you will become aware of the evil gossip that your ill-wishers dissolve about you. You will have to work hard to refute the intrigues of enemies and restore their honor and dignity in the eyes of others. Warming up in a dream by the fire is evidence that in real life you are a very happy person who knows that in difficult times he will always find understanding and support among his family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore appreciate your neighbors. Watching in a dream over the fire in the stove means that your home is in great danger from a fire. Be careful of handling fire, otherwise you will find yourself without a roof over your head. To dream a little light from a lit candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and the observance of all the commandments of the Lord will wonderfully reflect on your life. You will find peace, peace, happiness and love. If you have dreamed of a city or forest, enveloped in fire, then in the future the world will face a terrible drought. There will come times when people will not have a sip of water, and then heavy rain will fall, which will last several days and nights and give people long-awaited moisture, filling the oceans, seas and lakes with water. He who survives this drought will never harm nature, for it will be given to people to know that drought has been brought to them for their disbelief in the Lord, renouncing religion and a ruthless attitude to the environment.

Why dream of a fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Fire in a dream

on Nostradamus dream book

Fire - a symbol of passion, carnal desires, a sudden capture of the idea, the desire for change. To extinguish a fire means that the unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop, but it is simply impossible to prevent. Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive change that will be triggered by an unfair attitude, sleep promises problems and disorder. Rescuing a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of the event, which for a long time did not give rest, kept in suspense and required a lot of strength. Seeing a fire in the room is a symbol of treason, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but later will bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and cataclysms. To see horses running in a fire - means that in 2038 the largest number of marriages will be concluded in the whole century and this year will be the beginning of the solution of the demographic problem for many countries. Seeing the ashes left after the fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live. To see a fire ignited by lightning is to meet the main person of your life under unusual circumstances.

Dreamed a fire

on Miller's dream book

To dream of a big fire that happily goes without human sacrifice means a change in the future — fortunately and for your benefit.

What dreams of building

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

change (the higher the building, the more successful the case); destroyed, uninhabited - failure in affairs or personal; see City, House.

Dream building

by dream book Lofa

The building can symbolize housing, business and business, sexuality, personify your identity. When interpreting such dreams, take into account who is in the building and what is happening to it. For example, a destroyed building may portend the loss of family members or friends, a disease. The building filled with people speaks of business prosperity and prosperity. A building resembling the phallic symbol of Freud — any symbol associated with the male sexual organ — can be interpreted as an image of female maturity or sexual affinity.

Dreamed building

on Miller's dream book

To see huge magnificent buildings with green lawns stretching in front of them is the harbinger of a long and prosperous life, travels and discoveries in distant countries. Small and newly built houses mean lasting home happiness, and in business - profitable, profitable undertakings. But if the houses are old, shabby and dirty, then wait for the deterioration of health, decline in affairs and quarrels with loved ones. If in a dream you observe how a house is built, then a new direction will soon appear in your affairs. Seeing yourself as the owner of an excellent home - promises you the good fortune.

What are the dream rooms

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

relationship with someone; the people inside are our feelings (the way they look and behave are such feelings).

What is the president dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

talking to him is terrible disappointment; being a president is an accident; see king.

What dreams burn

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(most) - if unharmed - success; reward

Why dream prostitute

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

visit - doubtful money; for the girl - slander; pitiful species (for girls) - mutual understanding in personal; visit brothel - easy money.

Dreamed a prostitute

on Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are in the society of a prostitute, it means that you will incur the fair mockery of your friends with your unworthy behavior. If a girl dreams of a prostitute - it means that she will be led by the nose of her lover with all the purity and immediacy of her nature. This dream will make a married woman suspect her husband and bring quarrels into her family.

What a dream to set fire

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

good luck in business, the completion of alarms; house on fire - incredible news; he himself is on fire without burns - success in the next endeavor; you were set on fire - bad personal, bad company or vices.

What dream hut

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

life change.

The value of the dream about the house

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a hut, it means that your ideas and principles are as ancient as the world. You judge and argue about everything, proceeding not from the realities of modern life, but as if you live in the nineteenth century. You do not think that outdated principles prevent you from adequately perceiving the world and people, correctly assessing their intentions regarding you, as well as the actions they perform?

The value of sleep about a brothel

according to Freud's dream book

If a brothel dreamed of a man, this indicates that in his heart he really wants to “taste” paid love. What for? Probably, then, to compare sex free and paid. It is possible that he is a hypocrite and publicly denies that he would like to be confused, but in fact he is very much waiting for such a case. If a brothel dreams of a woman and she is his "worker" in a dream, this indicates that she deeply believes that sex should be adequately stimulated by her partner. And it is better that materially tangible things act as an incentive: money, jewels, mink coats, cars, etc. Well, this is not such a stupid thought, by the way.

Why dream of burning

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(someone or something) - to force against will; cause unnecessary feelings; annoy (to someone) - end the past or make a decision (they say “burn bridges”).

What dreams the roof

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

anxiety about the future; roof yourself - loss; to be on it is success in business; from a special opposite sex - success in business and in society, in personal; fall from the roof - a sharp change of plans; no roof - no future; repair - longevity.

Dreamed roof

on Miller's dream book

Being in a dream on the roof means unlimited success. If you are frightened and think that you are falling, it means that in real life, if you succeed, you will not firmly adhere to your position. If you see a roof collapsing in a dream, then an unexpected disaster will befall you. Repair or build a roof - a sign of rapid success. If in a dream you sleep on the roof, it means that in reality you are protected from the machinations of your enemies and false friends. Your health promises to be strong.

What is the dream son

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

died - joyful event; seeing dead is the end of anxiety; to good in business; to see how he dies - to quarrel, to litigation; resurrected - the return of old troubles; for a woman, a relationship with his father, husband; if childless and not married - feeling, connection; for a man - the resumption of relationships, affairs, himself asleep; dead and buried, or lost (left) - a break with a loved one or misfortune in a family.