What will happen if you constantly eat? Why I want to eat all the time

You have recently eaten a full, hearty breakfast, but after an hour or two you feel hungry again and, unable to restrain yourself, eat half a bar of chocolate or a package of cookies. But soon the hunger returns, and you have to run again to the refrigerator, to the vending machine selling nuts, sweets and other snacks, or to the nearest cafe. Familiar? Surveys show that constant hunger is a very common problem among residents of developed countries. In most cases, this leads to a rapid weight gain, but changing the shape for the worse does not help to cope with hunger.

Why do you always want to eat?

The most likely causes of persistent hunger are:

  • Stress and anxiety that can not cope

From time to time, all people experience both stress and anxiety, but not all of them lead to the appearance of abnormally severe hunger or other negative consequences. Problems begin if a person for some reason does not manage to control stress.

Every time a person experiences stress, the body produces an adrenaline hormone that suppresses appetite. However, if stress does not pass for a long time, the production of another hormone, cortisol, which, for example, increases appetite, begins. If you constantly want to eat because of stress, you need to find a way to deal with it. Try yoga or meditation, find hobbies that can help you escape, or contact a psychologist.

  • Mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder

Such disorders are associated with an imbalance of chemicals produced in the brain, deficiency of certain hormones, and genetic factors. All this can lead to excessive hunger. For example, bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, and in a person with such a diagnosis, at certain periods, the appetite can become unusually strong and then almost disappear. For any mental disorder, the person needs the help of a competent specialist.

  • Bulimia

People suffering from bulimia often complain that they always want to eat. In this eating disorder, the person first overeats, and then gets rid of what they eat, causing them to vomit. As a rule, people cannot cope with bulimia on their own, so if you notice any signs of yourself or a loved one, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

  • Compulsive overeating

It is believed that hereditary predisposition, as well as habits, which, as a rule, are laid in childhood, can be the causes of compulsive overeating. Very often, this disorder develops in people who, as children, ate not only to satisfy their hunger, but also to get away from any problems. In adult life, food remains for them a means of relaxation and stress control: just as for some people, alcohol or drugs. In most cases, if a person manages to suppress the habit of overeating, then only for a while, and after a few days or weeks, there is a breakdown.

  • Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia - a condition in which blood sugar levels   below normal can also constantly cause a feeling of hunger. Other symptoms of hypoglycemia include fatigue, headaches, excessive sweating. weak tremor. In many cases, these symptoms occur only with prolonged fasting or during low-carbohydrate diets, after drinking or intense physical exertion. They pass shortly after the person eats and their blood sugar levels return to normal. However, in some liver diseases, hypoglycemia can become chronic, and the feeling of hunger is almost constant. This is due to the fact that it is the liver that converts substances derived from food into glucose. When it cannot function normally, the glucose level inevitably decreases. If you suspect hypoglycemia should see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Type 2 diabetes

Another disease, because of which a person may constantly want to eat. Slightly higher, we talked about the fact that low blood sugar causes excessive hunger. Does an increased sugar concentration have the same effect? It really is. Every cell in our body gets sugar due to the activity of the hormone insulin. If insulin is not enough, or its functioning is impaired, sugar accumulates in the blood, but it cannot get into the cells that need it. Therefore, these cells "signal" the brain, telling it that the body needs more food, hence the feeling of hunger. If a person does not take measures to control the level of insulin, he constantly wants to eat.

  • Medications

Food, the main purpose of which is to give the body energy for normal work, can also bring a lot of positive emotions. Constantly stimulating areas of the brain responsible for pleasure, it causes a certain motivation to consume, and it may happen that a person always wants to eat something.

If a person feels a constant desire to use some kind of specific food, then a peculiar food addiction may arise. There is a group of products to which, according to experts, one can become addicted very quickly. This is salt, flour products, fats. Recently there has been an increase in the use of these categories of products. And this undoubtedly leads to an increase in the number of diseases associated with food addiction.

By what signs can we judge the presence of food addiction?

1. A person every day, unwittingly, eats more and more. And if the amount of food eaten per day a year ago is much less than what is eaten today, it is time to sound the alarm.

2. The so-called tolerance or sustainability is developing. This means that in the pursuit of pleasure the body needs more and more food every day. This condition is already defined as pathological, if a person, comparing himself with others, realizes that he really eats more.

3. If a person wants to eat, then normally he feels a feeling of hunger, that is, a certain discomfort. If food addiction develops, when a person feels hungry, he becomes restless and panics.

4. If in order to finally get the right product, a lot of time is spent, here you can already talk about concern. And as a result: less attention is paid to family and work, more - is spent in search of food, delicious recipes, cooking.

5. In the case when there is already a food addiction, the help of a specialist is necessary. It is not recommended to assign yourself any restrictions on food. It is fraught with only breakdowns and bouts of gluttony.

And even realizing what such pathological eating behavior can lead to, a person cannot cope with this on his own and continues to “lean” on food. If you do not deal with the already occurring food addiction, there may be a number of unpleasant consequences. These are psychological abnormalities and physical problems. As well as discord in relationships with people.

All the Time I Want to Eat - What to Do?

1. Understand the problem.   It must be understood that overweight is a threat to health, the changed body contours do not give a good look, interfere with social adaptation, career advancement, etc. You need an understanding of the need to work on yourself and the determination to do all this.

2. Consult a specialist.   It is necessary, first of all, to regain control over your food activities. It already requires the help of a whole group of specialists: nutritionists, psychologists, psychiatrists.

3. Work together.   Specialists should work in close tandem with the patient himself, who must have the desire and understanding of the need to perform certain steps in order to achieve results faster. Without the desire of the person himself will not work.

4. Elimination of the stimulus.   At the same time, it is necessary to “clean” the house of harmful products. A very important point is the position of the whole family. After all, if the home is fully aware of the danger and are willing to help and support, this will make it easier to transfer food deprivation.

5. Mandatory diet is required.   To develop proper eating behavior, you need to make a menu for a few days, and preferably for a week. The body will “know” that nutrition for the week ahead is provided for it, as a result, anxiety stimulates the appetite. But in addition to the menu, it is necessary to provide the whole schedule of the day in order not to let yourself get bored and organize your leisure time. When boring - when eating disorder always pulls to the refrigerator.

6. Find like-minded people.   It is recommended to enroll in special groups that are visited by people with the same problems. In such groups, people actively communicate, share successes and together find a way out of difficult situations. Most importantly, a person learns to enjoy not only food, but also friendly communication, learns to provide and receive support.

7. Keeping a diary. It can record food intake, psychological state of success and failure. All this will provide an opportunity to take into account the mistakes, as well as enjoy the results achieved.

8. Relaxing muscle clamps and relieving internal tension.   It is necessary to learn to control the level of stress and negative emotions, learn to relax and not accumulate psychological stress. To do this, you can go to meditation courses, more often listen to calm music, go to nature. Yoga helps a lot.

9. Sports.   Mandatory point -. They will help not only in the fight against stress, but also with extra pounds, improve mood and give strength and energy.

Gradually, with the help of specialists, one can normalize eating behavior and return to a full-fledged life. But it will have completely different values!

Good afternoon friends! Today I decided to write an article that will help you discover and recognize the sources of gluttony and the constant desire for something to chew.

Many are interested in the question, why do you always want to eat? The reasons can be many and can be broken down into physical (physiological) and emotional (psychological).

As a rule, psychological reasons prevail, as the source of the desire to eat are emotions - fear, to calm down and give yourself a sense of security, also emotions of guilt, to punish yourself, boredom, etc. About this below.

Physical causes:

  • 1. Lack of vitamins and minerals.

When the body lacks important substances or there is not enough protein in the diet, fats or carbohydrates can constantly get a wolfish appetite. Naturally, you can lean on the delicious. sweet or salty, and your body simply does not have enough high-grade protein or vitamins.

Buy a complex of natural vitamins, including 3 omega fatty acids. Revise your diet, balance the consumption of high-quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And enter into the habit of eating carbohydrates for breakfast, and protein and fiber in the evening.

Protein- fish, lean meat (chicken, beef, veal), cottage cheese, eggs, sour-milk products, nuts, legumes, seafood, etc.

Carbohydrates - dishes from cereals, cereals, baked potatoes, dried fruits, whole-grain or rye bread, bran, etc.

  • 3. Hormonal disorder

Perhaps your pancreas is impaired or the hormonal system is impaired. For the credibility that everything is working properly, it will be extremely important to be examined by an endocrinologist, to be tested.

  • 4. Lack of water

Insufficient amount of water, it contributes to thirst, which can simply be confused with hunger. Plus, the body needs water much more than food, so appetite and rebel. Water suppresses appetite and cleanses the body of toxins, which improves its work in general.

  • 5. Pregnancy

Why do I always want to eat during pregnancy? Yes, because the body does not have enough substances that go to the structure of the skeleton of the future baby. Buy yourself suitable vitamins for pregnant women and the desire to eat will go an order of magnitude lower.

Why do you always want to eat?

  Psychological causes:

1. Chronic stress, fatigue, depression.

All psycho-emotional factors perfectly “flavor” the soil to increase the appetite. Again, stress and fatigue can be caused by a lack of important trace elements, lack of sports, fresh air, light. Eliminate all sorts of physical factors of stress and force of will change the direction of thought, as depression is something else, like a negative flow of energy and perception of yourself in this world.

2. Emotion of guilt, fear, somichevy, criticism all contribute to gluttony.

The food here can act as a defense, the feeling that it will protect, save, give strength, solve a problem, punish, etc. Food will not solve anything and will not protect you emotionally; this will only lead to an increase in body weight. A source of confidence, joy and peace should be sought within our divine power, which each of us possesses.

3. Boredom, from nothing to do, under the cool "kinchik" you need to chew something

This is just a habit, it should be replaced with another one, just don’t bite your nails.) For example, buy a special toy, a ball that you can squeeze and unclench. For a woman, ideally while watching movies, get to know manicure, pedicure, etc.

4. Food - the personification of comfort and love, comfort, joy.

Well, food is joy, but only when it has moderate performance. Here we must stop looking for these emotions in food and shift the focus to other objects.

I hope I answered the question why I always want to eat! The most important thing is to start taking measures today, eliminating physical ones and doing work on psychological ones! It helps.
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« I always want to eat, all thoughts are only about goodies and sweets. ”

This is a quote from a letter from one of our readers, and if you are familiar with this, the portal about losing weight, “We're losing weight without problems,” strongly recommends reading this article.

I always want to eat: reasons

  • Lack of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. You may need to take vitamin-mineral complexes, but carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor!
  • Wrong diet Perhaps you are on a very strict diet that does not lead to any other result than the constant feeling of hunger. Remember: if you feel hungry, you will definitely not build anything from it!
  • Disorders in the endocrine system. In order to make sure that all elements of the hormonal system work as it should, do not be lazy - sign up for a test to a good endocrinologist.

However, sometimes, especially among those who live in large cities,   The reasons are in chronic stress.   And it seems that you have heard this word, but for some reason you do not consider that the stress state is abnormal. On the contrary, many in conversation say: "Yes, I have stress, that is why I always want to eat."

Indeed, under stress, the scheme is this: the body very quickly consumes nutrients and “requires” supplements. At the same time, during the absorption of everything in a row, there is calm, for a while at least.

Website site advises to affect the nervous system in a different way, at least:

  • sleep more and take a walk in the fresh air
  • if you feel tense, soak in the bathroom with foam and fragrant oils, sea salt, etc.

By the way, during some troubles, when you feel depressed, always want to eat sweets, did not notice? And for some people, even with a good mood, they simply cannot resist candy, and not a couple of pieces, but a whole bunch.

Pulls on the sweet? Finding out why ...

Now you read a few situations and someone can recognize themselves in them. So…

  1. For example, you tried a new rigid diet. For example, with a strong "cut rations". Immediately headache, I want? So the body reacts to the fact that it lacks nutrients and especially glucose.
      And therefore it seems: “I constantly want to eat, what to do, I don’t know, but I only dream about tons of chocolate.” And in this situation, the most competent is balance your diet.   It's like lost in the desert: you walk for a long time in the heat, there is not a drop of water, and an oasis is already imagining. And enough will be just a glass of drink to recover. In the case of you - a bar of chocolate does not help, but only aggravates. Throw a hard diet and go on a normal diet.
  2. Situation two. You always run somewhere, late, not enough time to even cook something. And snacks - in a cafe, fast food - drink a soda. At this time, the body receives a powerful portion of carbohydrates, and he, do not be your enemy, immediately begins to translate them into lipids. In the blood, the sugar concentration drops sharply, and this is a signal that you need to eat again, and it is sweets.
  3. Situation three. You do not already know what to do: you always want to eat in the evening and at night. The whole thing is again in the wrong diet. Try to normalize it, but for now you can resort to such a simple technique. At night, drink a glass of warm milk or water, first add a large spoon to the cup - no, not sugar. Honey!

Dependence on sweets can also be caused by diseases: osteochondrosis, concussion of the brain. In no case can not be tormented without delicacy and endure the emerging aching headache. Urgently to the doctor!

Sometimes, if you always want to eat sweets, the reasons may go to childhood. Remember, being a child, probably, because of some minor insults, they were often “distracted” to candy? Now and today, if something went wrong or the authorities are not in the spirit, the hands themselves are drawn to the sweet? If it's a habit, it's worth fighting with.

Especially our, female ...

Noticed that before the next menstruation and pulls on the sweet? Here the reason may be   lack of female estrogen hormones.   After ovulation, their concentration decreases sharply, and before “these days” is at the lower limit. That is why the mood falls, and the dreams of chocolates just pursue.

By the way, sometimes during pregnancy and breastfeeding I really want to chew something. The reason is in your baby, but you still have to control yourself.