The script for the delivery of certificates is a word about each graduate. Scenario of the ceremonial presentation of certificates "Parade of Stars" (2014)


ceremonies solemn presentation certificates to graduates of 2009.

MOU Lvovskaya secondary school number 4

1 presenter

Good evening, dear colleagues, guests of our school! We are very glad to see everyone today at the ceremony of presenting certificates to the 2009 graduates!

2 presenter

Our evening is like a new house, painted in rainbow color.

In anticipation of miracles, my head is spinning,

Come on, all our deeds and all our worries

Let's leave the days to others - we will not remember!

But a moment, this moment, - oh, how beautiful it is,

The school is ready to welcome its graduates!

Music sounds. Graduates come out.

1 presenter

Graduates of grade 11 "A" are the first to enter the hall.

Class teacher Arkhipova Irina Mikhailovna.

Under the general roar of glee

Meet joyfully now

Worthy of general attention

Our gallant 11 "A" class!

In it, the guys are leaders by right,

There are many fighting girls!

Hardworking, kind, glorious, shy and mischievous!

Greetings to the graduates of grade 11 "A"!

2 presenter

Meet the graduates of grade 11 "B"

And the class teacher Olga Vladimirovna Travkina!

Summer outside, school yard in greenery,

The new growth is pleasing to the eye!

Here it is, a new trend -

Our graduation class 11 "B"!

We welcome our graduates!

1 presenter

Dear graduates, many guests have come to your holiday today: they are your relatives and friends, your beloved teachers, our honored guests. Let me introduce them and ask them to come up on stage:


2 __________________________________________________________________


4 ____________________________________________________________________

5 ____________________________________________________________________

Director: The ceremony of solemn delivery of certificates is announced open. (The "Anthem of Russia" sounds).

2 presenter
Friends! We are pleased to inform everyone present that the final exams were successful for all graduates.
Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!
Now a great sacrament will take place - the presentation of certificates to the graduates of 2009.
The word for reading the order for the school is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs(Bokareva Olga Leonidovna.)... The honorary right to present certificates is given to the school principal(Ilyicheva Lyubov Vladimirovna.).

The director of the school congratulates the graduates on graduation and presents the certificates.Along with the photographs, folders with graduation photographs and certificates are handed over.

(Graduates go up on stage, there is a slide for each graduate on the screen, class teachers read out congratulations, wishes ...)

Today we once again see off our graduates to the “big life”. This is our ________ graduation in a row, and only _________ children came out of our school during the work of our school. Each of them found their place in life. Our graduates include teachers, doctors, builders, musicians, military men, and workers. Our teachers are not ashamed of their work.
Today, on such a solemn day for all of us gathered in this hall, I would like to wish you, dear guys, a bright road to the goals that you have outlined for yourself, good luck and success along the way, health and happiness!

1 presenter

There are guys at school with a restless soul,

Ready to dare and full of ideas,

They are medalists!

In everything, in every business, they are reliable, responsible,

They do not like idleness.

The school is proud of such guys,

In which we all live together.

Their names: _________________________________________



________________________________________________________ is invited to the stage.

(Presentation of certificates to medalists)

2 presenter

A word to congratulate our beloved graduates is given

After the presentation of certificates and congratulations, the graduates - the presenters - appear on the stage.

1st graduate

All gathered here for the certificate.

Let's sing a hymn to him guys!

2nd graduate

We have been striving for it for a long time,

Now they must sing it!

Three groups of graduates come to the microphone, and each one in turn sings his own verse, the last verse is sung together.

Hymn to the certificate.

(singing to the melody "Song of Five Minutes", music by A. Lepin)

We received a certificate today!

The graduate, of course, is glad to have a certificate!

You walk around the world

There is no happiness without a certificate!

There is no future without a certificate!


Certificate, certificate!

How much happiness is in this word!

Certificate, certificate!

We are the last night at school!

Certificate, certificate!

Understand if strictly,

In life with this certificate

There is a lot you can do!

Certificate, certificate!

There is only one road to the institute,

Straight from the school doorstep!

Well, who gave us this certificate?

A certificate that everyone is happy with here.

Well, of course, teachers,

What were sometimes severe!

But they still handed a certificate.


Well, life does not wait!

And we have anxiety in our souls!

This evening will fly by

We have so little left!

Graduate, hurry up!

No need to waste minutes!

Tell your teachers about your love

What were there!

Graduate, hurry up!

What is not said, say

The teachers who were there !!!


A new day is already coming!

Wish us happiness!

Luck awaits ahead

Let there be no bad weather for us!

One hundred ways, one hundred roads -

Everyone is open to us!

Which one should we go,

We will decide, of course, ourselves!

Good luck to everyone

This evening we wish

And congratulations on your certificate!

Low bow to the earth to all teachers!

We are happy to go home now.

So we sang it

What flew in this school

Our best years with you !!!


Graduation is coming!

We wish you happiness, joy!

So that the last day at school seems like paradise for us!

Let everything sing around

And faces bloom with happiness!

We have to go to prom

Sing a lot and have fun!

Rest bye!

After all, we still have to

Achieve a lot in life!

1 - graduate

Dear teachers, you have just given us a start in life. Today we have a common holiday. Ten years of joint work are over. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands right now.

2 - graduate

We have studied you very well over the years. You are all wonderful people, but each of you has special character traits that we liked the most about you and which we tried to emulate. After all, a graduate is not only the sum of knowledge, but also a personality formed under the influence of the teacher's personality.

1 - graduate

We want to tell you that we are glad that we learned from you,
And we are grateful to you for every lesson, every day, every hour!
For your attention to our sometimes awkward answers,
For always helping -thank you very much for that!

2 - graduate

Today we would like to say special words of gratitude to our class teachers.

(Leading - graduates read in turn)

Extract from the class teacher's guide to action:

Your goal:

Surround the child with care, warmth and attention so that it grows, grows, grows and grows ...

No, this is not the goal. The goal is to find the golden key with which we will be provided with happiness.

And by this?

Not a day without moralizing!

Your portrait:

But you are all very different, but when you go in search of the golden key ...

You have one face.

Your emblem:

Carrot and stick (the poster shows "2" and "5")

Your teacher's aratorium:

You, teachers of the 21st century, will make a person out of every whiner!

(2 students enter the stage with flowers)

1.These flowers are for our cool ladies,
Our second mothers.
2. Always greeted us with a smile,
They gave tenderness and warmth
1. They scolded us, but for mistakes,
They taught us to believe in goodness.
2.Thank our awesome classics!
1. The best, the most beautiful!

The floor is given to the class teacher of the 11 "A" class, Irina Mikhailovna Arkhipova.

The floor is given to the class teacher of 11 "B" class Olga Vladimirovna Travkina.

2 - graduate

We, the graduates of 2009, continuing the school tradition, want to take the “Oath of Allegiance to the Native School”.

1 - graduate

To read the oath, I ask all graduates to stand up.


To the soundtrack of the melody "How delightful evenings are in Russia" the song

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,

The fate of the future is only timid sketches,

Oh, how wonderful the proms are!

Our turn has come to understand: life is not a game,

And there will be no rehearsals and no clues in it,

Oh, how wonderful the proms are!

Let us leave school forever,

But our childhood leaves a memory,

We will not forget these school years

A wonderful neighborhood of hearts and souls.

Thank you for everything, for all the teachers,

For kindness, for inspiration,

Thank you for everything, for everything, teachers,

And God grant you health and patience!

Let us not sit at our desks anymore,

And we will never return to our native class,

We wish you not to grow old as long as possible,

And let a smile light up your faces.

So wish us no fluff, no feather,

And we will take with us what we learned,

And let the eyes dim from tears and sadness,

All are so beautiful proms!

From this stage, a "thank you" helmet to all of you,

For being in a whirlwind of affairs

You were so wise, beautiful!

We wish you to always be in business!


1 - presenter

Our school has become and dear to you, dear parents,

Would you like to congratulate your grown-up children today?

Your attention and participation always helped them,

Wish our school children happiness!

(Song to the tune "M Oskov windows ")

Here again the lights of farewell shine

There are no empty seats in this room

It's not in vain here next to us

Children and teachers

And all together as one family... - 2 times

We believe that you will be here

Come at least sometimes.

So you live without troubles

And let it shine for many years

School windows unquenchable light... - 2 times

We want to say thank you to everyone

To those who could give to our children

A particle of your warmth, and attention and kindness

Thank you school and teachers. - 2 times

2 - graduate

It's getting quieter in our hall
The hour of goodbye comes
Goodbye sweet school
Do not forget, remember us more often.

1 - graduate
We will return here only as guests,
We will visit our teachers.
There will be school meetings with friends
And today we are a little sad.

2 - graduate
Friends are parting, ...
Tenderness remains in the heart
Let's protect friendship
Goodbye, before school meetings.

Song to the melody of A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, friends!"
Here's the last piece of the schedule
Outside the window - lilac May.
I say to school: "Goodbye,
Goodbye, my beloved teacher! "
Goodbye friends
My heart is beating so excited
Let's cherish the memory.
Goodbye, see you soon!

We finished the program at school,
Our last bell rang
Don't worry, beloved mothers,
There are a hundred tracks ahead, a hundred roads!

Let's scatter on different routes
We will always remember school,
Only to the heart now for some reason
You cannot order to beat quieter.


1.This evening we wanted you to
We remembered every moment ...
While you are together, class, still close ...
And there is a long, difficult path ahead.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
To ask forgiveness - for something!

2. Let this evening be with you again,
The moments of the first meeting pass by.
Both the first friend and the first love -
Everything was recalled on that farewell evening.

3.We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of all dreams and dreams!

4. So that you find a business to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
We wish you happiness and good luck again!

5. Good luck, guys, fly away!
Big life is ahead of you!
Just never forget school,
And those who prepared you for the flight!
Good luck, peace, kindness and happiness, dear graduates.

The song sounds.

Continuation of the party on the porch of the school. (Music plays)

Veda 1

On the stage you stood
For the last time in the farewell hour!

The farewell words said
You know the last time!

Let anxiety lie in the heart
Remember us and don't forget school!

Stop at the school doorstep
Go to a big life, a happy path!

Both: Happy journey!


1. Let's release colorful balloons into the sky,
Let children's dreams fly away with them.
We have now become more serious and must,
Dream about more than even a year ago.

2. To dream, to achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds fly and bloom in the spring.
So that the native land flourishes with us.
So that no one forgets their parents.

3. Let the balls fly, let the children dream,
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today we are graduates
Let's release fireworks of balls into the sky.

("School waltz" sounds) The dance group begins to waltz, all present graduates join the dance, inviting teachers and parents.

(fanfare sounds)

Everything was as if yesterday
And the teacher is the first and the lessons.
Now it's time for you to say goodbye
Since childhood, before a long journey.
Do not forget already to you the school house,
All teachers and all subjects.
Kindness, care and warmth
You were warmed here every day ...

Dear graduates!
The holiday begins for you!
You are at the beginning of a long journey.
And we invite everyone now,
To go solemnly into the hall.

(includes graduates)

Host: Our dear graduates! So this day has come - the day of farewell to school!
Ahead is the unexplored distance of an independent life. The well-trodden paths in the schoolyard are already in the past ...
Twos and fives, vacations and calls ...
Morality of parents and teachers, experiences at the final exams.
And now there is only "little" left - to find yourself, your place in life ...
Host: Today is the graduation ceremony. We congratulate you on your graduation from school, on your successful passing of exams. Now you will receive evidence of maturity, and you will no longer be schoolchildren, but graduates, possibly future students. After graduation, everyone will go their separate ways. Everyone begins their own journey in life, but these school years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory. Someone will then remember them with joy, someone with longing, someone, perhaps, with pain. But one way or another, the warm moments of school life, interesting lessons, as well as funny incidents, kind and noble teachers and school employees - you can never forget all this, because the school time is the simplest, cloudless and carefree.

The wizard gave the school,
Not a promotion, not a voucher.
Presented by the wizard to the school
Directors and head teachers.
They will teach everyone, they will tell everything
And praise and punish
Put everything on the shelves
And they will instruct and lead.

The floor to the headmaster, presentation of certificates

In this chant, the presenter explains that he reads out three lines, and the graduates chorus the fourth line: "Graduates of the fifteenth year"

Today the girls are super beauties!

Boys are elegant - everyone likes it too!

Let youth fashion be equal to us,

Because we…

Hooray! School exams remained in the past.

Thanks to the teachers, because they tried so hard!

We will never forget the school threshold -

They cannot do otherwise ...

Graduates: Graduates of the fifteenth year!

There is a reason to remember the first time

With my mother, they came to the first grade by the hand:

We learned so much here: about the world and nature,

And today we ...

Graduates: Graduates of the fifteenth year!

Parents are glad, they do not believe that the children grew up like that,

Thank you family, you are the best on this planet!

We will be happy always and in any weather -

You will not be let down ...

Graduates: Graduates of the fifteenth year!

There are women in the boarding school
Any problem will be solved.
And time has no power over them,
They will always rush to help.
They have a clear and strong consciousness,
In trouble they will not leave - they will save,
Such - the horse will be stopped,
They will enter the burning hut.

A word to the head teacher

Thank you very much for the kind words!

Today, those who have led you by the hand all the years of your studies, those in whose hearts there will forever remain a place for each of you, have come to take you into adulthood, conscious life:

Booth Ludm. Alexandrovna

Rasskazova Irina Nikolaevna

Kravchenko Zemfira Sultanovna

We present diplomas "Our cool mothers"

Do you remember was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From my mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.
First teacher, first teacher!
Kind word tell us now.

First teacher's speech

(Thank you so much for your congratulations !!!)

Host: All your school years you wanted to become adults!

How you have been waiting for this day - the day of graduation from school!

Yesterday you dreamed that the time would come, and you yourself would decide what and when to do ...

And now ... you are free ...

It seems that there are fewer worries ...

It only seems to be. Now you yourself have to make decisions, build your own life!

And let's say thank you to those who all these years have helped you grow and make the right decisions.

The 2015 Alumni Council decides to thank:

Kolyadnikova Natalia Anatolyevna

Alla Dovletbievna Pishchalnikova

Egunova Lyubov Grigorievna

Simonova Nina Vladimirovna

Lark Julia Sergeevna

Valentseva Oksana Igorevna

Chubareva Irina Andreevna

Sigaeva Pavel Valerievich

Telegin Vasily Nikolaevich


We have nurses at school
Very gentle and sweet.
Treat children and adults
They give health.
We are all grateful to them
We will not be left in trouble.
Immediately on help will come,
What kind of pill they will give.

(Thank you)

Seredova Nina Mikhailovna

Potapova Tatiana Vasilievna

Marina Kameneva

Although not everyone liked to read,
And they often did not go to the library,
But still we respected you,
After all, you supplied us with textbooks.
When we wrote essays,
You helped us out with literature.
We are grateful for your work,
Let the years take care of you!

The 2015 Alumni Council decides to say thank you to our school librarian Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kozlova.

Our accounting department, we respect you.

We wish you a good life, joy,

Thank you for your mansions!

Be all beautiful, be all healthy!

We want money to appear,

So that we would all study before our pensions.

Golden fish, can you help us!

We are your children! Consider this!

Moderator: The 2015 Alumni Council decides to say thank you to our school accountants.

Homeland Nadezhda Ilyinichna

Abramchuk Natalia Ivanovna

Tolstik Lilia Vladimirovna

Moderator 1: The 2015 Alumni Council gives special thanks to the school staff.

Buzhenko Valentna Anatolyevna

Tolok Tatiana Vladimirovna

Kolesnikova Zinaida Andreevna

Burundukova Nadezhda Petrovna

Shelyag Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Koval Lyubov Georgievna

Medvedeva Lyubov Vladimirovna

You are school workers too
We send you ardent greetings.
Over the years those that have been at school,
We littered so many times
What if we put everything up the hill
The North Caucasus would have darkened.

Moderator 2: The 2015 Alumni Council decides: A huge thank you to the night workers of the school:

Vikhrova Irina Anatolyevna

Fedoryaka Natalya Nikolaevna

Solodkoy Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Plis Tamara Alexandrovna

Host 1: The 2015 Alumni Council decides to say thank you to the chefs for making us delicious.

Moskovts Irina Viktorovna

Rud Natalia Georgievna

Matyukhina Natalia Mikhailovna

Strok Tatiana Alexandrovna

Sadailo Nina Viktorovna

Chaika Irina Fedorovna

Popova Irina Nikolaevna

Chepurnaya Nadezhda Ivanovna

The walls, the staircase trembles -
Our class is running for breakfast.
The table was surrounded by a crowd,
The table was emptied in a moment.
We wish you health and joy,

Take care of yourself, please!

Skillfully he drives the car -
After all, it's not the first year behind the wheel!
Tight tires rustle slightly
Viktor Anatolyevich will take you where you need to.

The 2015 Alumni Council would like to thank you for the care of the educators who have helped you to develop creatively:

Dedova Elena Petrovna

Kravchenko Marina Alekseevna

Moderator: The 2015 Alumni Council decides to give special thanks to parents.

Today you say goodbye to school
And tomorrow you have to make a decision:
There are many different and useful professions,
Which road should you choose?
Where do you go with your testimony?
What school should I send him to?
Who can help you with this question?
Of course, dad, grandmother and mother.

Thank you, dear parents.
Forgive me if you have been offended in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience.

For the gray hair on the temples of my father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
Let us bow to you in the belt to the ground,

Thank you, family, thank you, thank you!

Kudryavtsev (poetry)

Host: Our dear parents! In this hall, and in the whole wide world, there is no one closer and dearer than you. It is your parting words that will play a decisive role in the future life of your children.

On behalf of the parents, the floor is given to ________________________

Today, at the start before taking off into an adult, full of new difficulties and searches for an independent life, of course, our graduates simply cannot but thank their wonderful teachers who worked with them. long time who gave them a piece of themselves, their knowledge and their invaluable experience, but to begin with, we invite class teachers and educators to play one very fair game. I ask questions, and you blow out the right answers. Ready? Then go ahead!
Contest with educators "Soap Bubbles"

- How many times during the years of study did you wake up children so that they would not be late for school?
- How many times have you led them by the hand to school, so that God forbid, they did not turn in the other direction?
- How many times in 9 years have you attended parent meetings of our alumni?
-And how many times have you had to blush for them at these meetings? How many times is he proud?
- How many times did you say at the teachers' council that your boys are the best?
-How many football matches have they watched?
-And how many girls suffer for them, because they leave us?
-How many different reasons did you listen to from the boys why they didn't learn their homework?
- How many times did you catch your boys with a cigarette around the corner?
-How many times have you had the desire to leave them?
-Thanks to communication with your pupils, how many years have you thrown off?
-How many times did the boys declare their love to you?
- How much do you love them?
Ved: Thank you, really, she triumphed and we all recognized her, but someone probably counted, right?

But it seemed small to our guys just to express gratitude for the endurance, sleepless nights with notebooks and for their boundless patience. They decided, no less, to hold a small, but therefore no less solemn and touching ceremony, during which each teacher will receive his well-deserved reward.

So we start and rush to announce our first winners. In the nomination "Administration is always right ..." the winners were the school director (full name) and her faithful deputies - (full name), who, like specialists from the invisible front, scurry around the school, performing an invisible, but such necessary work!
They keep track of timetables and calls, hold them accountable for dirt and smoking, and put students at their desks on time so they don't run away.
Zubareva N.A.

Meleshko V.G.

Simonova N.V.
In the nomination "Comprehend the mysterious power of numbers, oh, miserable and despicable slave!" the winner is a mathematics teacher (full name), a person with a firm, I would even say, rectangular character. Only (name of the teacher of mathematics) can easily square the "two", including all other negative assessments and even - can you imagine that? - knows how to prove the Pythagorean theorem.

(Full name of the teacher of mathematics), solve the problem: the teacher of mathematics puts 39 twos during the year, and the teacher of literature - 49. Question: how many percent of students will receive certificates?

But seriously, (name of the mathematics teacher), our graduates love you very much, and, probably, even more than your subject.
Suvorova T.N.

And we are glad to present you the next laureate. In the nomination "Galloping across Europe with a hammer in hand", the teacher of geography, labor and part-time educator, always positive and never discouraged (full name), won a landslide victory!

Merits (full name) in teaching geography are so great that almost every student of our school, regardless of age and gender and general academic performance, knows perfectly well where the proud and majestic village of Ilskiy is.
Grigoruk I.K.
Our next nomination is called "What is natural is not ugly" and the teacher of natural history (full name) is unanimously recognized as the winner in it.

(Full name), being a faithful follower of Darwin, like no other teacher, constantly forced his students to tirelessly gnaw the granite of science. Let's just say that if it weren't for the natural science lessons, then many of our graduates would never have felt like adults.
T.V. Ignatieva
When the winner of our next nomination is announced, we are sure that the audience will explode with a storm of endless applause.
Yes, it probably is. In the nomination "Always positive, forever young ..." the winner was unanimously recognized the teacher of physical education (full name)
This person in any life situation follows the motto "Do not retreat and do not give up", knows all the films with Jackie Chan by heart, and prefers to communicate with other people in the language of a whistle. "March", "Let's go", Start "," Finish "," Stroysya "are his favorite commands.
L.V. Neskorodeva
These people in any life situation know where to cut off the unnecessary and sew on the missing. In the nomination "Golden Hands of the School"

Romanenko T.M.

Balyuk I.E.

The next object of our close attention is the teacher of the Russian language and reading (full name)! It was they who won in the nomination "I love Pushkin openly, recklessly ...".

(Full name), like no one else in our school, know what real art is and how to deal with it. For a long time of work, they were able to do the seemingly impossible - to teach our children to write "zhi / shi" with the vowel "and" and even sometimes put a full stop at the end of a sentence!

But seriously, (full name of the teacher of the Russian language and reading) are wonderful people.

Kulikova O.Yu.

Gusakova V.V.

And we welcome our next winner in the long-awaited nomination
"The truth is somewhere in the past ...". He was, of course, the permanent history teacher of the Ilsk boarding school and just a wildly charming person (full name)!

Lark Yu.S.
And we announce the following nomination: "Patience and work, grind everything" are awarded (full name)
They have this behind them a large number of the refinement of our territories and excavations, that people even say that they are looking for nothing less, but a real treasure.
Whether this is so or not, we will not find out now. We will only hint: (full name), or maybe you are looking in the wrong place, and the real treasures are just not underground?
Dontsov N.I.

Karkov A.B.

Barbatko L.A.
So our mini-ceremony has come to its logical conclusion. All the awards have been handed out, each award has found its hero, it is time for the graduates themselves to answer to all the people gathered at this festive graduation: teachers, school staff, guests, their parents.

Host: for all present, this touching, quivering waltz.

Waltz from graduates

Ved .: We have heard the truth from the teachers, and now the graduates want to hear the answers to our questions, in front of you are two hats, one question and the other answer. These questions have been compiled for you by our guys, are you ready? (Music softly in the background) "Hat of revelations"

1 Have you ever had to hide with a cigarette around the corner of the school?
2 Have you ever wanted to burn a school journal?
3. How often did you run away from school?
4 Did you cheat homework?
5Did you put buttons on the chairs?
6 Did you sleep in class?
7 How often were your parents called to school?
8 Have you used cheat sheets?
9 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?
10 Did you hide your diary from the caregivers?
11 Did you break windows at school?

1 I often had to suffer from this.
2 This happened against my will.
3 Always!
5 I can't imagine my life without it.

6 With whom it does not happen.
7 This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it
8 It was a hobby of mine
10 It was the most pleasant thing for me.
11 Only in a bad mood.
12 Only at night.
13 I could not imagine life without it.
14 Only when nobody saw.
15 Once a day I allowed myself this pleasure

Host: and now we will check how our guys, without the help of adults, will be able to prove themselves active, creative people... Your attention is invited to an impromptu scene and I invite those who wish to participate (7 people)

Characters and words:

Graduate - "What am I? I am nothing ...",
Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",
Headmaster - "What's going on here?"
Class teacher - "They are good for me!"
Mamania - "Where does the school only look ?!"
Daddy - "He'll get a belt!"
Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Text (read by the host)

Once upon a time there was a Graduate ... So he would have lived quietly for himself, but overwhelmed the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ... The first to worry was the Director of the School ... And the Graduate to him ... All because it was not his ear that was whispering to him Laziness-mother ... The Headmaster ... called the Class Teacher ... The Class Teacher ... went to the Graduate ... But only that Mother Laziness is still whispering ... Then the Class Teacher ... called Mamania ... Let's go Mom .. and the Headmaster ... to the Headmaster ... And the Headmaster said ... And the Headmaster ... answered. And Mamania ... said. To which the Graduate ... replied. Because she was whispering in his ear Laziness -mother ... Mamania went ... for Daddy ... Daddy came ..., Mamania ..., Class teacher ... and the Director ... to the Graduate ... A Graduate them ... And Laziness-mother to him ... And Daddy rushed ... after Odnoklassniki ..., because any business in the team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running ... And I would like to tell them Laziness-mother ..., yes, only at first the Director said ... then he added the Class Teacher ... Mamanya spoke ... Daddy shouted loudly ... Then the Classmates entered into an argument ... To which the Graduate replied ...

This, of course, was not a fairy tale, but a joke,

And for the artists of glory a minute! Applause!

A song sounds (graduates give flowers)
Our prom has come to an end! Remember, whoever you become, you are responsible for the future of our country.

Your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy.
Do not forget your native school, write and tell us about yourself.

We would like to wish you a smooth life path, good friends and assistants in the work that you choose for yourself, and, of course, the easiest trials!

Good luck, dear graduates!



A song on a school theme sounds. The exit of the student from the junior level.

Student: Once a first grader - a boy,

Coming home from school for the first time

Parents asked: - How are you?

Did you like your first class?

The son said to his parents in response:

Did you like it? But these are all details:

So what didn't you tell me right away,

That they go to school for ten years?

But 10 years have passed faster than a fairy tale,

The boy did not have time to look back -

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

And there is no buddy clue in my ears,

Chalk worn down to the last crumb,

Surrendered to the teachers of the sea and mountains,

Celestial nebulae Andromeda,

Spiritual image of Uncle Chernomor,

Pants from the Pythagorean Theorem

And Archimedes, who displaced the water.

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Dear parents and dear teachers! Today we have an exciting moment, for which we have gathered in this hall - the presentation of certificates to the graduates of our school. Let's welcome the heroes of today's celebration. Please welcome!

(Graduates enter the hall to music and applause.)

Leading: The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the municipal secondary general educational institution of the secondary school of the village of Ivangorod, Z.Z. Gazina.

Presentation of certificates.

Leading: Each of you guys. A kind of star, but together you are a bright constellation. Each person carries the light of the star under which he was born.

On the character of a person

The star zodiac influences

And even that element

Under which every sign.

Who doesn't believe it,

Let him check it himself now.

(The fire signs of the zodiac are invited to the stage first.)

Fire signs are burning, not smoldering,

In life, adversity will always prevail.

The signs are full of creative ideas -

Leo and Sagittarius and, of course, Aries.

Fire signs have many talents,

There are many singers and musicians among them.

There are even dancers, artists,

That they deserve both glory and honor.

Now for you, creative people, a solemn moment is coming - the presentation of certificates.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

And we wish fiery signs:

Live with a spark on this Earth,

Do not go out ourselves and shine for everyone in the darkness.

The song "Ship of Childhood" sounds for you

Leading: The signs of the Earth are invited to the stage.

Earth signs are extremely practical.

Virgo, and with her Capricorn and Taurus

They go to their goal energetically.

In their own way, each of them - well done!

They do not like to be in submission.

In their path - to lead others.

And now the legitimate reward for the children of the Earth is their secondary education certificates.

We wish to be the signs of the Earth

Earthy, but not down to earth.

Protect and love your land

And in life to be forever in love.

A completely earthly song sounds for you. "School years"

Leading: We ask for the signs of Air on the stage.

Air signs - Libra, Aquarius

And Gemini. They have a lot of ideas.

Rich in imagination

And not a standard solution,

They are super refined and harmonious,

Moreover, they are also very romantic.

You, romantics and dreamers, are awarded these certificates.

We wish you not to soar in the clouds.

Always keep your destiny in your hands.

Go through the wind, if you have to, -

And then luck will smile on you!

For air signs musical number

The song "The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in heart"

Leading: And now the time has come for those who are protected by the element of Water.

Watermarks, watermarks,

Scorpions, Pisces, Cancers!

Sentimental and very sensitive

Modest and shy

Even shy.

We ask you not to be shy

And go up to our stage.

For the presentation of certificates …… are invited.

We wish the signs of Water everywhere

Feel like a fish in water

And always stay afloat.

Everything else is nonsense for you.

As a gift to you - this concert number.

Song "Winged Swing"

Leading: And now we invite the brightest stars of today's release to the stage.

Stars. The radiance of which shines with gold and silver. Here they stand before us in their starry radiance. These guys were able to combine the best features of all signs and elements.

Fishy calm, Sagittarius precision,

Virgo beauty and practicality of Taurus,

The mind of Aquarius and certainly

The power of Leo, the wit of Aries,

Cancer sensuality, Gemini talent,

Balance and resilience of Libra.

And Capricorn is patience, perseverance,

And Scorpio's determination, agility.

Certificates for good women are awarded.

Leading: If the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it. We wish you to find someone who needs it, and then you will be fine!

Director: Dear graduates! The final chord of the school symphony sounded the exams. You finished writing difficult sentence your childhood - the time of happy discoveries, kind and cheerful cares, the time with which first friends, first love and first parting are connected - today you are saying goodbye to school.

Enter life boldly. They tell you about a thousand roads, and it's true. Choose yours and walk it confidently and honestly. The way the school taught you. Be grateful for everything. On your new path, in a huge multicolored world, do not forget your small homeland, represent it with dignity everywhere, wherever you are, so that we will never be ashamed of our graduates, so that we are only proud of you.

Be creators in life, creators. Love the world and the people around you. Don't forget those to whom you owe your knowledge — the teachers. Be grateful to those who gave you life - your parents. And then happiness itself will find you and everything you dream about will come true.

We say to you today: “Goodbye! Have a good trip! I wish you success in adult life, children! "

The song "Where Childhood Goes"

Leading: Dear teachers! Strict and affectionate, patient and sensitive, wise mentors of the guys!

Without you, there would have been neither an omnipotent politician, nor a glorified hero: after all, a teacher once opened the doors to life for each of them. There is no more responsible and nobler vocation: after all, you bring to your students not only the gift of knowledge, you give them the heartfelt light of kindness, you outline a high path for your heart and mind, whose faithful companions are humanity and love for your country.

The artist creates pictures, and the teacher forms the personality. Creates the characters of those with whom our future is connected - graduates.

Today you, dear teachers, are sending your pets into a big life.

May the roads that your students leave you endlessly!

May they glorify our name with glorious deeds for the good of society!

One of the graduates speaks in response:

"Dear teachers!"

That exciting moment came when we graduated from school. We are happy and at the same time sad, saying goodbye to you, to our native school. You, our teachers, will forever remain in our memory. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we will remember our native school, you, our spiritual mentors. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, taught us to be people. On behalf of all graduates, I say: "Thank you very much, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!"

(The presenter invites to the center of the hall 6 young men - graduates who read Hymn to the teacher)

    I'll tell you: a teacher is an invisible ray of goodness and light. The relay race of daring, knowledge and ideas will not be interrupted with him, since in the teacher's word, if strictly, that eternal road, which elevated people, was embodied. Among the world of good and evil, it is incorruptible - this is a word, it is always ready to come to the aid of each of us. (Sasha)

    When you start "a teacher is ...", then there is nothing more worthy of the subject, although the name has been sung and respected for centuries, and yet we have something to add to glorify the teacher who holds, without bending, the whole world in his own hands. (Mukhametov)

    Live and hello, oh teacher, the best inhabitant of the big planet, because you are a reliable radiator of enduring heat. And let your children 'eyes and ears absorb your warmth into souls, so as not to destroy our land, not to let it burn to ashes. (Artyom)

    You are the focus of culture, so may the young natures, having passed through thorns and storms, multiply your zeal and carry joy to man throughout the world of knowledge, raising the school planet and its eternal glory. (Mulyukov)

    Let you live poorly at times, let it be difficult sometimes, let a storm hurl you like a disastrous ship, but if you don’t burn, then who will open up to people behind a string of dark everyday life spaces of pure space? (Kuzmin)

    Oh no! No wonder the teacher is an invisible ray of goodness and light, the relay race of human high kindness will not be interrupted with him. Teacher, believe: your planet will not disappear in the furnace of the century and will find its way to the light as long as you live in the world. (Kozhaev)

Song "We wish you happiness"

In a world where pages rustle, where they don't want to learn lessons,

We studied together for many years.

And the sad hour of farewell has come, we want to wish you happiness

To our dear, wonderful teachers all.

Chorus: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it go into the house!

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this.

We were taught for many years in a row by naughty naughty guys,

Childhood, illuminating our light and warmth.

We are grateful to our fate: it is better not to find teachers.

We want to wish you happiness and sing a song for you.


(Graduates present flowers to teachers and invite them to waltz)

Leading: Dear Parents!

Today's celebration is a huge event in your life: it is the result of the long and difficult ten school years you have passed together, hand in hand, with your child. The joy of discovery and the bitterness of mistakes, the happiness of friendship and the anxieties of first love - everything has been experienced by your parental hearts, sensitive and responsive to everything that concerns your own child.

Leading: See how our children have grown. How prettier and wiser they are. Looking at them, teachers are happy and sad, parents are worried, especially mothers. Mothers…. It was their gentle hands that rocked you in the cradle, their joyful and happy gaze followed your first steps. They were always ready to help and support you in difficult times. They went with you a difficult, sometimes thorny school road.

What! Your troubles and worries have borne worthy results: look how good, smart, kind, handsome your son grew up. And no matter how his fate develops, wherever he turns out, let your parental home remain for him the "beginning of beginnings"

Thank you for raising your children! I wish you health and family well-being.

We give mothers the first word.

(Music plays)

Moms: What good children have grown up!

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.

Let's say they say it's harder -

All sorts of exams, these competitions.

Perhaps it is true. They, the children, know better

But the children grew up very good.

At times you were angry with us, probably

For our care, excessive guardianship.

For loving you dearly,

They often tried to substitute a shoulder.

Of course, children, you have grown, yes!

But you always remain children for us.

And if bad weather awaits you ahead,

We ask you not to go astray.

Think rain, think snow,

Thunderstorm - for a minute

And the sun is forever!

Parents to children: Kozhaeva

    Most importantly, be healthy.

Not necessarily new Russians.

Strong, smart, businesslike,

With big plans and dreams.

We wish everyone to receive diplomas,

We are always waiting for you, we invite you.

We wish you all to work honestly,

To meet love is to get married, get married.

Be tolerant of other people,

Be proud of your state.

I would like to believe that it was not in vain that you were raised:

You put good roots in the earth.

Remember, there is no better and more beautiful in the world

Why is our home.

Parents to teachers: Suleimenova

2. Low bow to you for our children.

How much have you given your life,

Time, strength, intelligence and patience

For education and training.

How much warmth, kindness, understanding,

How much talent and how much effort

How much love they have given in all 10 years.

You instilled in them the joy of victories,

You shared both work and sorrow with them,

Someone was reprimanded, someone was forgiven.

For a hot heart, for clean hands,

For loyalty to the profession and science,

For your love, attitude towards children,

Thanks from everyone, from these parents.

Parents - to parents: Pashkova

3. Dear parents, mothers and fathers,

It seems like they recently stood by themselves ,

We were handed certificates,

We were congratulated and also wished.

Today we are taking the exam again:

Whom do we give out into adulthood?

How we raised them and how we raised them,

What were they taken into account and what were inoculated,

And we, even in our hearts, are responsible to everyone

For everything our children will do.

Parents, do not forget the children,

Do not erase them from your life,

Love them, remember, help,

Scold, goodbye and understand

So that your house is always your family

Was the haven of your children faithful.

Parents - administration: Kuzmina G.S.

4. Thanks to all of you for your attention.

Towards public education

For school renovations, for heat, electricity,

For books, manuals in the right amount.

For personnel of a very high rank.

For your checks from the rear and flank.

For holidays, contests, olympiads.

For your generous gifts and awards.

For this beautiful, sparkling ball,

For everything that each of you helped.

Thanks for your shares,

School administration representatives.

(Graduates present flowers to their parents, the melody of a waltz sounds, to which the children invite their parents. The presenter invites a graduate, a poem for the class teacher sounds in her performance.)

Graduate: Everything was: both roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes ...

I look into the past years

And with a warm feeling I remember you ...

After all, you planted it in my soul

Love for the land. To those who live on earth

To the native forests, and to the abundant fields.

And to the warm scent of poplars.

I took an example from you,

I went to you for advice,

The reward was

The look of your eyes alive.

You gave me so much

Heat and light

What is enough to heat


And that you inhale

They managed to get into me


Always go forward

And see the light

The promised goal.

And not to be afraid of any adversity.

You give everything to great work

You are in baby showers

Wake up the dream.

Thank you for living,

For your affairs

And the beauty of thoughts!

(The leader invites the class teacher to the stage and gives the floor)

Cl. supervisor: Here they are -

Dear children:

Your boys and your girls,

Your little ones and your little ones.

There are no more expensive, closer and more beautiful

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many hard and long years

Lived for daughters and sons!

First tooth and first word

The first step and all the first again:

Book, poems, kindergarten, first grade,

Joy of success and tears more than once.

Your diseases and your wrinkles

Your fatigue and your grayness -

All this was given to you - your children,

This is how these beloved ones are given.

Take on their misfortune and sorrow

All these years you have not been tired

How painful it is for you to give them away,

How do you want to keep them.

The grown birds are assigned a flight

Each will choose his own path.

But through the years, all my life until the end

He will remember his mother and father.

(A waltz sounds, graduates present flowers to the class teacher and the young man invites to a waltz)

Graduate: It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

A blackboard, a textbook and an expensive classroom.

We confess to you that we are in a little pain

Leave the house that has become dear to us.

Graduate: School years are wonderful -

With a book, friendship, song.

How fast they fly

You cannot turn them back.

Will they fly by without a trace?

No! No one will ever forget

School years!

Graduate: Our dear teachers, we wish you continued success in your difficult teaching work. Thank you for your lessons, advice, for your patience.

Graduate: Yes, we grow up every day

And your all lessons

We will take with us on the road.

Entering the wide world.

The song "Lord officers"

Gentlemen teachers,

Before a long journey

Let's stand at the door

Let's bow to you.

During these school years

By the law of nature

Letters and telegrams

The postman is not carrying!

Teachers, educators,

All doubts and worries

You shared with us until the end.

Teachers, educators,

Your hard lessons

Remained in our souls and hearts!

Graduate: And now let me give you, dear teachers, a photo of our class and memorable souvenirs.

Our feelings are not wasted cup,

And the living breath of spring,

Both love and our gratitude

We address the director.

I'm a little excited with us

As happens in moments of separation,

He is the head of our school family,

Our wise advisor and friend ...

Graduate: We give the director an envelope with our questionnaires, in which we answer the question of who we want to be. We ask you to open this envelope in 5 years, at our meeting at the school.

Graduate: From here began our path to the land of knowledge

To which the first teachers took us.

Here we are children

With pencil cases and books

They walked and sat down in the rows.

Here ten classes passed

And here we are the word "Motherland"

For the first time read syllables.

Graduate: Good people teach us the mind

We finish the class after the class.

Thank you very much, thank you

Who spared no effort for us.

Graduate: We no longer sit at a narrow desk,

Therefore, we are slightly saddened.

The last call in us remained music,

Like those last words, farewell.

We also remember the first exams.

Everything that we dreamed of with you will come true,

We will not be able to return only childhood.

As the first waltz, it will not be forgotten.

The song "Call me ...."

Parting chords sounded

A sad moment comes

And through tears with a cheerful smile

Forever we will say goodbye to school

We will tell the school: “Your highness,

You are the cure for loneliness! "

Maybe the world's most important wealth

Indestructible school fraternity!

And thank you, all the teachers,

Will remember more than once

With a kind word of you

Unlucky class.

And thank you, all the teachers,

Will remember more than once

With a kind word of you

Unlucky class.

Graduate: And in the class, the lines of the classics are cherished

Now to finish to other students,

Should we theorem of eternal life

By destiny to prove to ourselves.

Graduates become a semicircle. They are holding posters "Goodbye School!", Waving flowers.

Together: Goodbye, goodbye, our school!

Teacher:Good luck and happiness, dear graduates!

The song "Goodbye Moscow" is played

It gets quieter in classrooms.

The fast time of miracles is melting away.

White poplar fluff on the roofs

He turned the city into a fairy forest.

Goodbye friends, goodbye

New meetings await us on the way.

Do not let the parting grieve you:

Everyone can come to visit you.

Farewell dawn awaits us ahead,

And school life will end.

Let the heart be a little sad

What can you do, life is life!

Goodbye friends, goodbye -

Childhood school tale goodbye.

And now on this day of parting

Wish you a new meeting with her!

We part, friends, the school remains in the heart,

We will take care of it - goodbye, until we meet again.

Scenario High school prom in the 9th grade ... the main course average schools. The floor is given to the headmaster of the school, V.A. Raspopov. ( Handing over certificates). Host ... From the picture in your primer, From the initial education And from the first calls in September 13 ...
  • Script for the 11th grade prom "In the Far-Away Kingdom"


    Scenario prom at .... School director's speech. Handing over certificates... Host: Our school ... Representatives of the territorial administration speak education Host: And with this guest ... the states on the territory of Usolskaya average schools. We are glad...

  • Program, content, methods the project was developed by order of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region


    Forecasting (building life script), freedom of choice, self-determination, ... for a parent meeting and delivery their parents. Decoration, equipment ... professions. Graduate with a newcomer certificate O average education- like an epic knight ...

  • 1 presenter

    Good evening, dear colleagues, guests of our school! We are very glad to see everyone today at the ceremony of presenting certificates to the 2009 graduates!

    2 presenter

    Our evening is like a new house, painted in rainbow color.

    In anticipation of miracles, my head is spinning,

    Come on, all our deeds and all our worries

    Let's leave the days to others - we will not remember!

    But a moment, this moment, - oh, how beautiful it is,

    The school is ready to welcome its graduates!

    Music sounds. Graduates come out.

    1 presenter

    Graduates of grade 11 "A" are the first to enter the hall.

    Class teacher Arkhipova Irina Mikhailovna.

    Under the general roar of glee

    Meet joyfully now

    Worthy of general attention

    Our gallant 11 "A" class!

    In it, the guys are leaders by right,

    There are many fighting girls!

    Hardworking, kind, glorious, shy and mischievous!

    Greetings to the graduates of grade 11 "A"!

    2 presenter

    Meet the graduates of grade 11 "B"

    And the class teacher Olga Vladimirovna Travkina!

    Summer outside, school yard in greenery,

    The new growth is pleasing to the eye!

    Here it is, a new trend -

    Our graduation class 11 "B"!

    We welcome our graduates!

    1 presenter

    Dear graduates, many guests have come to your holiday today: they are your relatives and friends, your beloved teachers, our honored guests. Let me introduce them and ask them to come up on stage:


    2 __________________________________________________________________


    4 ____________________________________________________________________

    5 ____________________________________________________________________

    Director: The ceremony of awarding certificates is announced open. (The "Anthem of Russia" sounds).

    2 presenter
    Friends! We are pleased to inform everyone present that the final exams were successful for all graduates.
    Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!
    Now a great sacrament will take place - the presentation of certificates to the graduates of 2009.
    The floor for reading the order for the school is given to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs (Olga Leonidovna Bokareva.). The honorary right to present certificates is given to the school director (Ilyicheva Lyubov Vladimirovna.).

    The director of the school congratulates the graduates on graduation and presents the certificates. Along with the photographs, folders with graduation photographs and certificates are handed over.

    (Graduates go up on stage, there is a slide for each graduate on the screen, class teachers read out congratulations, wishes ...)

    Today we once again see off our graduates to the “big life”. This is our ________ graduation in a row, and only _________ children came out of our school during the work of our school. Each of them found their place in life. Our graduates include teachers, doctors, builders, musicians, military men, and workers. Our teachers are not ashamed of their work.
    Today, on such a solemn day for all of us gathered in this hall, I would like to wish you, dear guys, a bright road to the goals that you have outlined for yourself, good luck and success along the way, health and happiness!

    1 presenter

    There are guys at school with a restless soul,

    Ready to dare and full of ideas,

    They are medalists!

    In everything, in every business, they are reliable, responsible,

    They do not like idleness.

    The school is proud of such guys,

    In which we all live together.

    Their names: _________________________________________



    ________________________________________________________ is invited to the stage.

    (Presentation of certificates to medalists)

    2 presenter

    A word to congratulate our beloved graduates is given

    After the presentation of certificates and congratulations, the graduates - the presenters - appear on the stage.

    1st graduate

    All gathered here for the certificate.

    Let's sing a hymn to him guys!

    2nd graduate

    We have been striving for it for a long time,

    Now they must sing it!

    Three groups of graduates come to the microphone, and each one in turn sings his own verse, the last verse is sung together.

    Hymn to the certificate.

    (singing to the melody "Song of Five Minutes", music by A. Lepin)

    We received a certificate today!

    The graduate, of course, is glad to have a certificate!

    You walk around the world

    There is no happiness without a certificate!

    There is no future without a certificate!

    Certificate, certificate!

    How much happiness is in this word!

    Certificate, certificate!

    We are the last night at school!

    Certificate, certificate!

    Understand if strictly,

    In life with this certificate

    There is a lot you can do!

    Certificate, certificate!

    There is only one road to the institute,

    Straight from the school doorstep!

    Well, who gave us this certificate?

    A certificate that everyone is happy with here.

    Well, of course, teachers,

    What were sometimes severe!

    But they still handed a certificate.

    Well, life does not wait!

    And we have anxiety in our souls!

    This evening will fly by

    We have so little left!

    Graduate, hurry up!

    No need to waste minutes!

    Tell your teachers about your love

    What were there!

    Graduate, hurry up!

    What is not said, say

    The teachers who were there !!!

    A new day is already coming!

    Wish us happiness!

    Luck awaits ahead

    Let there be no bad weather for us!

    One hundred ways, one hundred roads -

    Everyone is open to us!

    Which one should we go,

    We will decide, of course, ourselves!

    Good luck to everyone

    This evening we wish

    And congratulations on your certificate!

    Low bow to the earth to all teachers!

    We are happy to go home now.

    So we sang it

    What flew in this school

    Our best years with you !!!

    Graduation is coming!

    We wish you happiness, joy!

    So that the last day at school seems like paradise for us!

    Let everything sing around

    And faces bloom with happiness!

    We have to go to prom

    Sing a lot and have fun!

    Rest bye!

    After all, we still have to

    Achieve a lot in life!

    1 - graduate

    Dear teachers, you have just given us a start in life. Today we have a common holiday. Ten years of joint work are over. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands right now.

    2 - graduate

    We have studied you very well over the years. You are all wonderful people, but each of you has special character traits that we liked the most about you and which we tried to emulate. After all, a graduate is not only the sum of knowledge, but also a personality formed under the influence of the teacher's personality.

    1 - graduate

    We want to tell you that we are glad that we learned from you,
    And we are grateful to you for every lesson, every day, every hour!
    For your attention to our sometimes awkward answers,
    For always helping - thank you very much for that!

    2 - graduate

    Today we would like to say special words of gratitude to our class teachers.

    (Leading - graduates read in turn)

    Extract from the class teacher's guide to action:

    Your goal:

    Surround the child with care, warmth and attention so that it grows, grows, grows and grows ...

    No, this is not the goal. The goal is to find the golden key with which we will be provided with happiness.

    And by this?

    Not a day without moralizing!

    Your portrait:

    But you are all very different, but when you go in search of the golden key ...

    You have one face.

    Your emblem:

    Carrot and stick (the poster shows "2" and "5")

    Your teacher's aratorium:

    You, teachers of the 21st century, will make a person out of every whiner!

    (2 students enter the stage with flowers)

    1.These flowers are for our cool ladies,
    Our second mothers.
    2. Always greeted us with a smile,
    They gave tenderness and warmth
    1. They scolded us, but for mistakes,
    They taught us to believe in goodness.
    2.Thank our awesome classics!
    1. The best, the most beautiful!

    The floor is given to the class teacher of the 11 "A" class, Irina Mikhailovna Arkhipova.

    The floor is given to the class teacher of 11 "B" class Olga Vladimirovna Travkina.

    2 - graduate

    We, the graduates of 2009, continuing the school tradition, want to take the “Oath of Allegiance to the Native School”.

    1 - graduate

    To read the oath, I ask all graduates to stand up.

    To the soundtrack of the melody "How delightful evenings are in Russia" the song

    Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,

    The fate of the future is only timid sketches,

    Oh, how wonderful the proms are!

    Our turn has come to understand: life is not a game,

    And there will be no rehearsals and no clues in it,

    Oh, how wonderful the proms are!

    Let us leave school forever,

    But our childhood leaves a memory,

    We will not forget these school years

    A wonderful neighborhood of hearts and souls.

    Thank you for everything, for all the teachers,

    For kindness, for inspiration,

    Thank you for everything, for everything, teachers,

    And God grant you health and patience!

    Let us not sit at our desks anymore,

    And we will never return to our native class,

    We wish you not to grow old as long as possible,

    And let a smile light up your faces.

    So wish us no fluff, no feather,

    And we will take with us what we learned,

    And let the eyes dim from tears and sadness,

    All are so beautiful proms!

    From this stage, a "thank you" helmet to all of you,

    For being in a whirlwind of affairs

    You were so wise, beautiful!

    We wish you to always be in business!


    1 - presenter

    Our school has become and dear to you, dear parents,

    Would you like to congratulate your grown-up children today?

    Your attention and participation always helped them,

    Wish our school children happiness!

    (Song to the tune "Moscow Windows")

    Here again the lights of farewell shine

    There are no empty seats in this room

    It's not in vain here next to us

    Children and teachers

    And all together, like one family. - 2 times

    We believe that you will be here

    Come at least sometimes.

    So you live without troubles

    And let it shine for many years

    The unquenchable light of the school windows. - 2 times

    We want to say thank you to everyone

    To those who could give to our children

    A particle of your warmth, and attention and kindness

    Thank you school and teachers. - 2 times

    2 - graduate

    It's getting quieter in our hall
    The hour of goodbye comes
    Goodbye sweet school
    Do not forget, remember us more often.

    1 - graduate
    We will return here only as guests,
    We will visit our teachers.
    There will be school meetings with friends
    And today we are a little sad.

    2 - graduate
    Friends are parting, ...
    Tenderness remains in the heart
    Let's protect friendship
    Goodbye, before school meetings.

    Song to the melody of A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, friends!"
    Here's the last piece of the schedule
    Outside the window - lilac May.
    I say to school: "Goodbye,
    Goodbye, my beloved teacher! "
    Goodbye friends
    My heart is beating so excited
    Let's cherish the memory.
    Goodbye, see you soon!

    We finished the program at school,
    Our last bell rang
    Don't worry, beloved mothers,
    There are a hundred tracks ahead, a hundred roads!

    Let's scatter on different routes
    We will always remember school,
    Only to the heart now for some reason
    You cannot order to beat quieter.

    1.This evening we wanted you to
    We remembered every moment ...
    While you are together, class, still close ...
    And there is a long, difficult path ahead.
    But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
    To ask forgiveness - for something!

    2. Let this evening be with you again,
    The moments of the first meeting pass by.
    Both the first friend and the first love -
    Everything was recalled on that farewell evening.

    3.We wish you strength, inspiration,
    Fewer failures and tears.
    And in our difficult age - more patience!
    And the fulfillment of all dreams and dreams!

    4. So that you find a business to your liking!
    To meet true love!
    Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
    We wish you happiness and good luck again!

    5. Good luck, guys, fly away!
    Big life is ahead of you!
    Just never forget school,
    And those who prepared you for the flight!
    Good luck, peace, kindness and happiness, dear graduates.

    The song sounds.

    Continuation of the party on the porch of the school. (Music plays)

    On the stage you stood
    For the last time in the farewell hour!

    The farewell words said
    You know the last time!

    Let anxiety lie in the heart
    Remember us and don't forget school!

    Stop at the school doorstep
    Go to a big life, a happy path!

    Both: Happy journey!


    1. Let's release colorful balloons into the sky,
    Let children's dreams fly away with them.
    We have now become more serious and must,
    Dream about more than even a year ago.

    2. To dream, to achieve - peace on earth,
    So that the birds fly and bloom in the spring.
    So that the native land flourishes with us.
    So that no one forgets their parents.

    3. Let the balls fly, let the children dream,
    Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
    Well, today we are graduates
    Let's release fireworks of balls into the sky.

    ("School waltz" sounds) The dance group begins to waltz, all present graduates join the dance, inviting teachers and parents.