Scenario of a solemn award of certificates "Parade of Stars" (2014)

(fanfare sounds)

Everything was as if yesterday
And the teacher first and lessons.
And now it's time to say goodbye to you
With childhood before the far dear.
Do not forget the school house you already
Teachers of all and all objects.
Kindness, care and warm
Every day you were warming ...

Dear graduates!
The holiday begins for you!
You are at the beginning of the big way.
And invite everyone now
In the hall solemnly pass.

(consisting of graduates)

Host: Dear our graduates! So this day has come - the day of farewell to the school!
Ahead is an unknown distance of independent life. Already in the past, the troped paths remained in the school yard ...
Two and five, vacation and calls ...
Moraling parents and teachers, experience in final exams.
And now the most "smallness" remained - find yourself, its place in life ...
Host: Today - graduation. We congratulate you with the end of school, with successful exams. Now you will receive evidence of maturity, and you will not already be schoolchildren, but graduates, possibly future students. After the graduation road, everyone will disperse. Each in life begins its own way, but these school years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory. Someone then remembers them with joy, someone with longing, someone maybe with pain. But anyway, warm moments of school life, interesting lessons, as well as funny incidents, good and noble teachers and school workers - all this you will never forget, because the school time is the simplest, cloudless and careless.

Gave a wizard school,
Not stock, not a voucher.
Gave a wizard school
Director and teacher.
Everyone will be taught, everyone will tell
And praise, and punish,
All the shelves will disappear
And they will also be headed.

The word director of the school, presentation of evidence

In this crurch, the lead explains that he reads three lines, and graduates in chorus fourth line: "Graduates of the fifteenth year"

Today, girls are super beauty!

The boys are elegant - too, let us like everyone!

Let youth fashion equals us

Because we…

Hooray! School exams In the past, remained.

Thank you teachers, because they tried so much!

Do not forget the school threshold never -

Can't otherwise ...

Graduates: graduates of the fifteenth year!

There is a reason to remember how for the first time

My mother came to the first class:.

Here you learned so much: about peace and nature,

And today we ...

Graduates: graduates of the fifteenth year!

Parents are happy, do not believe that children have grown so

Thank you relative, you are the best on this planet!

We will always be happy and in any weather -

You will not be listed ...

Graduates: graduates of the fifteenth year!

There are women in the boarding school,
Any problem is solved.
And time above them is not powerful,
Always hurry to the rescue.
They are clear and firmly conscious
In trouble will not leave - save,
Such - the horse will stop
In the burning hut will enter.

Word Westerns

For the warm words huge "Thank you"!

Today to spend you in an adult, conscious life, they came those who led you by the hand of all the years of your study, those in whose hearts will forever remain the place for each of you:

Booth People. Alexandrovna

Noginas Irina Nikolaevna

Kravchenko Zemfira Sultanovna

Press the letters "Our cool moms"

You remember it was around
Sea colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
First teacher, first teacher!
Good word now tell us.

Speech of the first teacher

(For congratulations, thank you so much !!!)

Host: All School Years You wanted to become adults!

How did you wait for this day - the day of release from school!

Yesterday you dreamed that the time would come, and you will decide what and when you do ...

And so ... you are free ...

It seems that worries became less ...

It only seems. Now you yourself need to make decisions, to build our own life yourself!

And let's say thanks to those who all these years helped you grow, and make the right decisions.

The 2015 Graduate Council decides to thank:

Colladnikov Natalia Anatolyevna

Coffee machine Alla Ponletbievna

Yegunov love Grigorievna

Simonov Nina Vladimirovna

Lark Julia Sergeevna

Valenseva Oksana Igorevna

Chubarev Irina Andreevna

Sigayeva Pavel Valerevich

Tellagin Vasily Nikolayevich


At school we have nurses
Very gentle and miles.
Treat children and adults
Give health they.
We are grateful to them all
We will not be left in trouble.
Immediately on help will come,
What a pill will give.

(Thank you)

Serdov Nina Mikhailovna

Potapova Tatyana Vasilyevna

Kameneva Marina Vladimirovna

Although we did not read everything,
And the library often did not go,
But still we were respected,
After all, you have been supplied with textbooks.
When we wrote essays,
Literature you have been recovered.
We are grateful to you for work,
Let them shove you!

The 2015 graduate council decides: to say thanks to our school librarian Kozlova Svetlana Alexandrovna.

Our accounting, we respect you.

You wish you a good life

Thank you for your choirs!

Be all beautiful, be all healthy!

We want money from us to appear,

To our pensions we would study everything.

Gold fish, you help us!

We are your kids! That you care!

Host: Graduate 2015 Council decides: to say thanks to our school accountants.

Motherland reliable Ilyinichna

Abramchuk Natalia Ivanovna

Pasty of Lily Vladimirovna

Lead 1: The 2015 graduates council especially thank school staff.

Burezhenko valenitna Anatolyevna

Tatiana Vladimirovna

Kolesnikov Zinaida Andreevna

Chipmunk hope Petrovna

Shelyag hope Nikolaevna

Koval love Georgievna

Medvedev love Vladimirovna

You are also school workers,
We helmet you fiery hello.
For the years, those in school stayed
We hurt so many times
What if in the mountain we folded everything
Motion would be the North Caucasus.

Leading 2: The 2015 graduates council decides: Huge thanks to express school night employees:

Vortex Irina Anatolyevna

Fedoryak Natalia Nikolaevna

Licorice hope Alexandrovna

Plis Tamara Aleksandrovna

Leading 1: The 2015 graduates council decides: to say thanks to the cooks for being tasty to us.

Moscow Irina Viktorovna

Rud Natalia Georgievna

Matyukhina Natalia Mikhailovna

Lines Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Sadailo Nina Viktorovna

Seagull Irina Fedorovna

Popova Irina Nikolaevna

Chepourny hope Ivanovna

Walls, staircase tremble -
Breakfast our class runs.
Top table surrounded
The table is empty.
You wish you health and joy

Take care of yourself, please!

He skillfully leads the car -
After all, behind the wheel is not the first year!
Slightly rustle tight tires
Viktor Anatolyevich where necessary.

The 2015 graduates council says great for the care of teachers, thanks to which you developed creatively:

Santa Elena Petrovna

Kravchenko Marina Alekseevna

Host: The 2015 graduates council decides: to make special gratitude to parents.

Today you are forgiven with the school,
And tomorrow you have a solution to accept:
Professions of different and useful many,
What way to choose?
Where to go with testimony?
What school to give him?
Who can help you in question?
Of course, dad, grandmother and mother.

Thank you, cute parents.
Sorry if you were offended by something.
Overnight sleepless, tears, excitement,
For young pride and impatience.

For her father's whiskey
And for wrinkles of the native face.
To the belt will bow to you to the earth,

Thank you, native, thanks, thank you!

Kudryavtsev (poems)

Host: Dear our parents! In this room, and on all white light there is no one closer and relative than you. It is your parting to play a decisive role in the future life of your children.

On behalf of the parents, the word is provided ________________________

Today, at the start before takeoff in adulthood, full of new difficulties and searching for an independent life, of course, our graduates simply cannot not thank their wonderful teachers who worked with them. for a long timewho gave them a part of themselves, their knowledge and their invaluable experience, but for the beginning we invite class managers and educators to play one very honest game. I ask questions, and you blow out the right answers. Ready? Then forward!
Competition with soap bubbles educators

- How many times during the years of study you walked children, so that they were not late for school?
- How many times have you been to the school before the school, so that God forbid, they did not roll in the other direction?
- How many times in 9 years have you visited the parent meetings of our graduates?
-And how many times have you had to blush for them at these meetings? And how long is it proud of?
- How many times did the pedsove say that your boys are best?
- How much did they look through the matches?
-What how many girls suffer from them because they leave us?
- How many different reasons have you heard from the boys, why didn't they learn homework?
- How many times have you caught your boys with a cigarette around the corner?
- How many times did you have a desire to get away from them?
- Thanks to communicate with your pupils, how many years have you dropped a one?
-How many times the boys explained to you in love?
- And how much do you like them?
Veda: Thank you, however, I tried out and we learned it all, and someone probably calculated, right?

But our guys seemed small to simply express his appreciation for exposure, sleepless nights behind the notedractions and for their limitless patience. They decided nor little, to carry out a small, but because no less solemn and touching ceremony, during which each teacher will receive his deserved award.

So, we start and rush to declare our first winners. In the nomination "Administration is always right ..." The winners were the director of the school (Fm.o) and its faithful deputies - (FF), which, as if experts of the invisible front, will sink at school, fulfilling the invisible, but such necessary work!
They monitor the schedule and calls, they are attracted to justice for dirt and smoking, in time we are searched by students for the parties so that they did not run away.
Zubareva N.A.

Meleshko V.G.

Simonova N.V.
In the nomination "Mystery of the numbers mysterious strength, oh, a pitiful and despicable slave!" The winner is declared a teacher of mathematics (FF), a person with firmly, I would even say a rectangular character. Only (F.I.o Mathematics Teachers) can with ease to build a "twice to square", including all other negative estimates and even - can you imagine it? - knows how to prove the theorem of Pythagora.

(F.I.Oo Mathematics Teachers), decide the task: Mathematics teacher puts 39 twists during the year, and teacher of literature - 49. Question: How many percent of students will receive certificates?

And if seriously, (F.I.O. Mathematics teachers), then our graduates love you very much, and it is probably even more than your subject.
Suvorova T.N.

And we are pleased to present you the next laureate. In the nomination "Gallop for Europe with a hammer in hand", a confident victory was the teacher of geography, labor and part-time teacher, always positively configured and never unwinning (Fm.o)!

Merit (FF) in teaching geography is so great that almost every student of our school, regardless of age and gender and overall performance, knows perfectly, where the proud and majestic settlement Ilsky is.
Grigruk I.K.
Our next nomination is called "What is natural, then not ugly" and the winner in it is unanimously recognized by the teacher of natural science (Fm.o).

(FF), being a faithful follower of Darwin, as no other of the teachers constantly forced his wards to be buried the granite of science. Let's just say that if there were no lessons of natural science, then many of our graduates would never feel like adults.
Ignatiev T.V.
With the announcement of the laureate of our next nomination, we are confident, the hall will explode a buzz of endless applause.
Yes, it is probably so. In the nomination "Always on a positive, forever young ..." The laureate is unanimously recognized by the teacher of physical culture (Fm.o)
This man is in any life situation It follows the motto "not to retreat and not surrender", knows all films with Jackie Chanager, and with other people prefers to communicate in the whistle language. "March", "went", start, "" Finish "," Stroke "- his favorite teams.
Nernoryeva L.V.
These people in any life situation know where to cut off unnecessary and to sew the missing. In the nomination "Golden Hands of School" won

Romanenko T.M.

Baliuk I.E.

The next object of our close attention is the teacher of the Russian language and reading (FIO)! It was they who won the nomination "I love Pushkin, I love openly, recklessly ...".

(FF), like no other in our school, know what real art is and how to deal with it. For a long time they were able to do, it would seem impossible - to teach our children to write "Zh / Shi" with a vowel "and" and even sometimes put a point at the end of the sentence!

And if seriously, then (F.I.o, the teachers of the Russian language and reading) - wonderful people.

Kulikova O.Yu.

Gusakova V.V.

And we welcome our next laureate in the long-awaited nomination
"True somewhere in the past ...". They became, of course, a permanent teacher of the history of Ilskaya boarding school and just wildly charming person (FF)!

Zhavoronok Yu.S.
And we declare the following nomination: "Patience and work, all a little" are awarded (FI.)
They have such a shoulder a large number of Finding our territories and excavations that people even say, as if they were looking for a lot of any little, but the most real treasure.
So it is or not so, we will not figure out this. We only hint: (F.I.O), and perhaps you are not looking there, and the most real treasures are just not under the earth?
Donets N.I.

Kartkov AB

Barbato L.A.
So our mini-ceremony approached its logical conclusion. All rewards are distributed, each award found his hero, it was time for graduates themselves to keep the answer to all those who gathered on this festive graduation person: teachers, school staff, guests, their parents.

Host: For all those present, this touching, trepal waltz.

Waltz from graduates

Ved.: From teachers we heard the truth, and now graduates want to hear the answers to our questions, you are two caps in one question in another answer. These questions made up for you our guys, are you ready? (Music is quiet background) "Hat of Revelations"

1 Have you had to hide with a cigarette around the class corner?
2 Would you ever squeeze the school journal?
3. Did you often run from lessons?
4 Did you write off your homework?
5 Lailed the buttons on the chairs?
6 Did you sleep in the lessons?
7 Did you often cause your parents to school?
8 Did you use cribs?
9 Did you fix two in your diary?
10 Do you hide your diary from educators?
11 Did you break the windows at school?

1 often had to suffer from it.
2 This happened in addition to my will.
3 always!
5 I can not imagine my life without it.

6 with whom does not happen.
7 This is my secret, I don't want to know others about it.
8 It was my hobby
10 It was the most pleasant for me.
11 Only with a bad mood.
12 Only at night.
13 did not imagine life without it.
14 Only when no one saw.
15 once a day allowed himself this pleasure

Host: Now we will check how our guys will be able to show themselves active without adults. creative people. Your attention is offered a scene-expression and I invite those who want to participate (7 people)

Active persons and words:

Graduate - "What am I? I'm nothing ...",
Laziness - Mother - "Ba-a-Ledözh!",
School Director - "What is happening here?"
Cool leader - "They are good!"
Maman - "Where is the school only looks?!"
Paphana - "Belt will get!"
Odnoklassniki - "Good fool to fool!"

Text (follows presenter)

I lived yes there was a graduate ... So he would be calmly lived, yes, he snatched a graduate ... Lazhen Mother ... The first was worried about the school director ... And the graduate him ... All because it was not an eye laziness-Mother ... the director of the school ... Called the class teacher ... Class teacher ... I went to a graduate ... Yes, only this is still whispering a lañing mother ... Then the class teacher ... called Maman ... Maman .. and the class teacher ... to the director ... And the director said ... And the class teacher ... answered. And Mamanya ... said. What a graduate ... answered. Because he who whispered him in the eye laziness - Matthew ... Maman went ... for dads ... Dad came ..., Maman ..., Cool leader ... and director ... to a graduate ... and graduate They ... and Lena-Mother him ... And Padannu Rounded ... For classmates ..., because any business in the team is better solved. They tried classmates ... And I would like to tell them Lena Mother ... Yes, only first said the director ... Then he added a cool leader ... Maman made himself ... Dad shouted loudly ... After that, classmates entered the dispute ... what a graduate answered ...

This, of course, was not a fairy tale, but a joke,

And for the glory artists a minute! Applause!

Song sounds (graduates give flowers)
Our graduation approached the end! Remember who you would have become, you are responsible for the future of our country

Your successes, your joy is both our successes, and our joy.
Do not forget your native school, write and tell us about yourself.

We want to wish you a smooth life road, good friends and assistants in the work that you will choose for yourself, and, of course, the easiest tests!

In a good way, dear graduates!


ceremonies solemn presentation Certificates graduates in 2009.

MOU Lviv School number 4

1 master

Good evening, dear colleagues, visit our school! We are very happy to see everyone today at the ceremony of the ceremony of certificates to graduates in 2009!

2 master

Our evening, as if a new home, in the color of the rainbow painted.

In the premonition of miracles, the head is spinning,

Let's do all things and all our concerns

Leaving the days of others - let's not remember!

But a moment, this moment, - Oh, how beautiful it is

Ready to meet my graduates!

Music sounds. There are graduates.

1 master

The first in the hall includes graduates 11 "a" class.

Class leader of Arkhipov Irina Mikhailovna.

Under the overall rocomes

Meet joyfully now

Worthy of common attendance

Our brave 11 "A" class!

In it guys - leaders right

Girls a lot of combat!

Hardworking, good, glorious, shye and mischievous!

Welcome graduates 11 "a" class!

2 master

Meet graduates 11 "b" class

And the class teacher Herkina Olga Vladimirovna!

Summer outside the windows, school yard in greenery,

The new pig glance pleases!

Here it is, the new time is the messenger -

Our graduation 11 "B" class!

Welcome to our graduates!

1 master

Dear graduates, a lot of guests came to your holiday today: these are your loved ones and relatives, your favorite teachers, our honorable guests. Allow them to imagine and ask for a scene:


2 __________________________________________________________________


4 ____________________________________________________________________

5 ____________________________________________________________________

Director: The ceremony of a solemn presentation of certificates is declared open. (Sounds "Hymn of Russia").

2 master
Friends! We are pleased to inform everyone those present that the final exams were successful for all graduates.
Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!
Now the great mystery is happened - the presentation of certificates to graduates in 2009.
The word for the studies of the order at school is provided by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs(Bokareva Olga Leonidovna.). Honorary right to hand the certificates are provided to the school director(Ilyicheva Love Vladimirovna.).

The school director congratulates graduates with graduation and presents certificates. Together with the photos are handed folders with graduation photos, letters.

(Graduates rise to the scene, on the Slide screen for each graduate, class managers read congratulations, wishes ...)

Today we once again we in the "big life" of our graduates. This is our ________ Issue in a row, and only during our school, _________ guys came out of its walls. Each of them found his place in life. Among our graduates, there are teachers and doctors, builders, musicians, and military, and workers. Our teachers are not ashamed for their work.
Today, in such a solemn for all of us who gathered in this room, the day I want to wish you, dear guys, a bright road to the goals that you for yourself have planned, good luck and success in the way, health and happiness!

1 master

There is a guys in school with a restless soul,

Ready to hold and the ideas of full,

They are medalists!

In all, in each business reliable, responsible

Do not love idleness.

Proud of such guys school

In which we live together all together.

Their names: _________________________________________



On the scene is invited ________________________________________________________.

(Presentation of certificates of medalists)

2 master

The word for congratulations to our favorite graduates is provided.

After presentation of the certificates and congratulations on the scene, graduates are leaving.

1st graduate

Everyone gathered here for the sake of the certificate.

Let's give Him, guys!

2nd graduate

To him, we strive for a long time,

Now it should take it!

Three groups of graduates come to the microphone, and each in turn sings their verse, the last verse sing all together.

Anthem certificate.

(sing on a melody "Song about five minutes", music. A. Lepina)

We received a certificate today!

Certificate graduate, of course, glad!

Go through the light

Without a certificate of happiness, there is no!

No future certificate!


Certificate, certificate!

How much happiness in this word!

Certificate, certificate!

We last night at school!

Certificate, certificate!

Disassemble if strictly

In life with this certificate

You can do a lot!

Certificate, certificate!

To the Institute one road,

Right from the school threshold!

Well, who presented this certificate?

The certificate to which everyone is happy here.

Well, of course, teachers,

What happened sometimes strict!

But the certificate was still presented.


Well, life is not waiting!

And in the soul we have anxiety!

This evening will fly

We left so little!

Graduate, Hurry!

In vain to lose money is not necessary!

About love of your teachers

What were near!

Graduate, Hurry!

What does not say, say

Teachers that were near !!!


The new day is already coming!

Wish us happiness!

Ahead of luck awaits

Let there be no bad weather!

One hundred ways, one hundred roads -

All are open before us!

As we go,

We solve, of course, yourself!

From the heart of everyone good luck

This evening we wish

And with the certificate congratulations!

Teachers Low to all bowl of earth!

We will go home happy now.

Therefore, we sang it,

That in this school flew

Our best years old with you !!!


Graduation comes!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

So that the last day of the day seemed to be a paradise!

Let everything sings around

And bloom from happiness face!

We must at the graduation

Sing and have fun!

Rest while!

After all, we still have

In life, a lot to achieve!

1 - graduate

Dear teachers, you just gave us a ticket to life. Today we have a common holiday. Ten years of collaboration behind. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not keep these wonderful crusts in your hands.

2 - graduate

Over the years, we have studied you very well. You are all wonderful people, but each of you have special features of the character that we most liked in you and which we tried to imitate. After all, a graduate is not only the amount of knowledge, but also a person who formed under the influence of the teacher's personality.

1 - graduate

We want to tell you that we are pleased, what you studied with you,
And you are grateful for each lesson, every day, every hour!
For your attention to our awkward spending,
For always helped -thank you very much for it!

2 - graduate

Special words of gratitude We today want to tell our cool leaders.

(Presenters - graduates read in turn)

Extract from the leadership to the action of the class teacher:

Your aim:

Surround Chado care, warm and attention so that it grew, grew, grew and grown ...

No, this is not a goal. The goal is to find a golden key with which we will be ensured by happiness.

And in this?

No day without moraling!

Your portrait:

But you are all very different, but when you go to search for a golden key ...

You have one face.

Your emblem:

Knut and gingerbread (on the poster Drawed "2" and "5")

Your teacher train:

You, Teachers of the 21st century, from every nation make a person!

(2 student with flowers come to the scene)

1.This flowers for our cool ladies,
Our second moms.
2. Always met us a smile,
Gave tenderness and warmth,
1.Whulled us, but for errors,
Teach us to believe us in good.
2. Thank you to our cool class!
1. The best, most beautiful!

The word is provided to the class leader of 11 "A" class Archkova Irina Mikhailovna.

The word is provided to the class teacher of the 11 "b" class of Herkina Olga Vladimirovna.

2 - graduate

We, graduates of 2009, continuing the school tradition, want to bring a "oath of loyalty to their native school."

1 - graduate

For the recovery of the oath, I ask all graduates.


Under the phonogram of the melody "How are driving in Russia in the evening" is performed song

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,

The fate of the coming only faint sketches,

Oh, how beautiful proms!

I came and our turn to understand: life is not a game,

And it will not be rehearsals and tips,

Oh, how beautiful proms!

Let go from school forever,

But leaves my childhood memory,

We will not forget these school years,

Hearts and shower Great neighborhood.

Thank you for everything for all the teachers,

For kindness, for inspiration,

Thank you for everything for everything, teachers,

And give you a god of health and patience!

Let go beyond the parties no longer sit,

And in the class native to us never return,

We wish you not to grow old as soon as possible

And let the smile illuminate your faces.

So wish us no fluff or pen,

And we will take it, we learn,

And let the eyes of tears and sadness clouded,

All the proms are so beautiful!

From the scene this all you helmet "Thank you",

For inclusive things

You were so wise, beautiful!

We wish to be always in cases!

Thank you!!!

1 - Master

Our school has become native, dear parents,

To congratulate adult children today do not want?

Helped them always take care of yours and fate,

Our school defector wish happiness!

(Song on the motive "moscular windows ")

Here again lights farewell shine

There are no free places in this room.

Next to us here is not in vain

Children and teachers

And all together as one family. - 2 times

We believe in what you will be here

Come at least sometimes.

So live you without trouble

And let him shine many years

School windows Negasable Light. - 2 times

We want thanks to everyone say

Those who could give our children

A particle of its heat and attentive and good

Thank you, school and teacher. - 2 times

2 - graduate

In our hall is quieter
Comes goodbye hour
Goodbye, sweet school
Do not forget, remember us more often.

1 - graduate
We will return here only by guests,
Your teachers will be visited.
There will be school meetings with friends,
And today a little sad.

2 - graduate
Friends break up ...
It remains in the heart tenderness
We will be friendship
Goodbye to school meetings.

Song on the melody A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, friends!"
Here is the last sheet of schedule,
Behind the window - Lilac May.
I say school: "Goodbye,
My favorite teacher, goodbye! "
Goodbye, friends
The heart beats so excitedly,
We will be memory preserved.
Goodbye to new meetings!

We finished the School program,
Squeezed our last call,
Do not worry, your favorite mothers,
Ahead of a hundred ways, one hundred roads!

We fly through different routes,
We will always remember school
Only heart now for some reason
You can't order quieter.


1. In this evening we wanted you to
Remember every moment ...
While you are together, class, even near ...
And ahead is a distant, difficult path.
But there is a good, gentle glance
Forgivers ask for something!

2. Let this evening with you again,
Mom to the first meeting.
And the first friend and the first love -
Everything was remembered for the farewell this evening.

3. We wish for strength, inspiration,
Smaller failures and tears.
And in our difficult century - still patience!
And the execution of dreams of all and dreams!

4.This, you have found yourself something!
So that the real love meets!
Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
You wish you happiness and good luck again!

5. In a good way, guys, fly away!
Life is big ahead waiting for you!
Only school never forget
And those who prepared you in the flight!
Good luck, peace, good and happiness, dear graduates.

Song sounds.

Continuation of the holiday on the porch of the school. (Music sounds)

Vedas 1.

On stage you stood
For a farewell hour last time!

The words farewell said
You know, last time!

Let in the heart lies an alarm
You remember us and do not forget to school!

Stop, at school threshold,
In the big life go, happy way!

Both: in a happy way!


1. Multicolored balloons in the sky,
Children's dreams Let them fly away with them.
We now have more seriously and should
Dream about more than even a year ago.

2. Immediate, achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds flying and bloomed in spring.
To the edge of the crucible with us flourished.
So that no one forgets their parents.

3. The balls take off, let them dream,
Bright dreams, fairy colors.
Well, today we are graduates today
We let go to the sky fireworks of balls.

(School Waltz sounds) The dance group begins to waltch, all present graduates join the dance, inviting teachers, parents.

1 master

Good evening, dear colleagues, visit our school! We are very happy to see everyone today at the ceremony of the ceremony of certificates to graduates in 2009!

2 master

Our evening, as if a new home, in the color of the rainbow painted.

In the premonition of miracles, the head is spinning,

Let's do all things and all our concerns

Leaving the days of others - let's not remember!

But a moment, this moment, - Oh, how beautiful it is

Ready to meet my graduates!

Music sounds. There are graduates.

1 master

The first in the hall includes graduates 11 "a" class.

Class leader of Arkhipov Irina Mikhailovna.

Under the overall rocomes

Meet joyfully now

Worthy of common attendance

Our brave 11 "A" class!

In it guys - leaders right

Girls a lot of combat!

Hardworking, good, glorious, shye and mischievous!

Welcome graduates 11 "a" class!

2 master

Meet graduates 11 "b" class

And the class teacher Herkina Olga Vladimirovna!

Summer outside the windows, school yard in greenery,

The new pig glance pleases!

Here it is, the new time is the messenger -

Our graduation 11 "B" class!

Welcome to our graduates!

1 master

Dear graduates, a lot of guests came to your holiday today: these are your loved ones and relatives, your favorite teachers, our honorable guests. Allow them to imagine and ask for a scene:


2 __________________________________________________________________


4 ____________________________________________________________________

5 ____________________________________________________________________

Director: The ceremony of a solemn presentation of certificates is declared open. (Sounds "Hymn of Russia").

2 master
Friends! We are pleased to inform everyone those present that the final exams were successful for all graduates.
Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!
Now the great mystery is happened - the presentation of certificates to graduates in 2009.
The word for studied order at school is provided by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs (Bokareva Olga Leonidovna.). Honorary the right to present certificates is provided by the director of the school (Ilyicheva Love Vladimirovna.).

The school director congratulates graduates with graduation and presents certificates. Together with the photos are handed folders with graduation photos, letters.

(Graduates rise to the scene, on the Slide screen for each graduate, class managers read congratulations, wishes ...)

Today we once again we in the "big life" of our graduates. This is our ________ Issue in a row, and only during our school, _________ guys came out of its walls. Each of them found his place in life. Among our graduates, there are teachers and doctors, builders, musicians, and military, and workers. Our teachers are not ashamed for their work.
Today, in such a solemn for all of us who gathered in this room, the day I want to wish you, dear guys, a bright road to the goals that you for yourself have planned, good luck and success in the way, health and happiness!

1 master

There is a guys in school with a restless soul,

Ready to hold and the ideas of full,

They are medalists!

In all, in each business reliable, responsible

Do not love idleness.

Proud of such guys school

In which we live together all together.

Their names: _________________________________________



On the scene is invited ________________________________________________________.

(Presentation of certificates of medalists)

2 master

The word for congratulations to our favorite graduates is provided.

After presentation of the certificates and congratulations on the scene, graduates are leaving.

1st graduate

Everyone gathered here for the sake of the certificate.

Let's give Him, guys!

2nd graduate

To him, we strive for a long time,

Now it should take it!

Three groups of graduates come to the microphone, and each in turn sings their verse, the last verse sing all together.

Anthem certificate.

(sing on a melody "Song about five minutes", music. A. Lepine)

We received a certificate today!

Certificate graduate, of course, glad!

Go through the light

Without a certificate of happiness, there is no!

No future certificate!

Certificate, certificate!

How much happiness in this word!

Certificate, certificate!

We last night at school!

Certificate, certificate!

Disassemble if strictly

In life with this certificate

You can do a lot!

Certificate, certificate!

To the Institute one road,

Right from the school threshold!

Well, who presented this certificate?

The certificate to which everyone is happy here.

Well, of course, teachers,

What happened sometimes strict!

But the certificate was still presented.

Well, life is not waiting!

And in the soul we have anxiety!

This evening will fly

We left so little!

Graduate, Hurry!

In vain to lose money is not necessary!

About love of your teachers

What were near!

Graduate, Hurry!

What does not say, say

Teachers that were near !!!

The new day is already coming!

Wish us happiness!

Ahead of luck awaits

Let there be no bad weather!

One hundred ways, one hundred roads -

All are open before us!

As we go,

We solve, of course, yourself!

From the heart of everyone good luck

This evening we wish

And with the certificate congratulations!

Teachers Low to all bowl of earth!

We will go home happy now.

Therefore, we sang it,

That in this school flew

Our best years old with you !!!

Graduation comes!

Happiness, we wish you joy!

So that the last day of the day seemed to be a paradise!

Let everything sings around

And bloom from happiness face!

We must at the graduation

Sing and have fun!

Rest while!

After all, we still have

In life, a lot to achieve!

1 - graduate

Dear teachers, you just gave us a ticket to life. Today we have a common holiday. Ten years of collaboration behind. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not keep these wonderful crusts in your hands.

2 - graduate

Over the years, we have studied you very well. You are all wonderful people, but each of you have special features of the character that we most liked in you and which we tried to imitate. After all, a graduate is not only the amount of knowledge, but also a person who formed under the influence of the teacher's personality.

1 - graduate

We want to tell you that we are pleased, what you studied with you,
And you are grateful for each lesson, every day, every hour!
For your attention to our awkward spending,
For always helped - thank you very much for it!

2 - graduate

Special words of gratitude We today want to tell our cool leaders.

(Presenters - graduates read in turn)

Extract from the leadership to the action of the class teacher:

Your aim:

Surround Chado care, warm and attention so that it grew, grew, grew and grown ...

No, this is not a goal. The goal is to find a golden key with which we will be ensured by happiness.

And in this?

No day without moraling!

Your portrait:

But you are all very different, but when you go to search for a golden key ...

You have one face.

Your emblem:

Knut and gingerbread (on the poster Drawed "2" and "5")

Your teacher train:

You, Teachers of the 21st century, from every nation make a person!

(2 student with flowers come to the scene)

1.This flowers for our cool ladies,
Our second moms.
2. Always met us a smile,
Gave tenderness and warmth,
1.Whulled us, but for errors,
Teach us to believe us in good.
2. Thank you to our cool class!
1. The best, most beautiful!

The word is provided to the class leader of 11 "A" class Archkova Irina Mikhailovna.

The word is provided to the class teacher of the 11 "b" class of Herkina Olga Vladimirovna.

2 - graduate

We, graduates of 2009, continuing the school tradition, want to bring a "oath of loyalty to their native school."

1 - graduate

For the recovery of the oath, I ask all graduates.

Under the phonogram of the melody "How are driving in Russia in the evening" is performed song

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,

The fate of the coming only faint sketches,

Oh, how beautiful proms!

I came and our turn to understand: life is not a game,

And it will not be rehearsals and tips,

Oh, how beautiful proms!

Let go from school forever,

But leaves my childhood memory,

We will not forget these school years,

Hearts and shower Great neighborhood.

Thank you for everything for all the teachers,

For kindness, for inspiration,

Thank you for everything for everything, teachers,

And give you a god of health and patience!

Let go beyond the parties no longer sit,

And in the class native to us never return,

We wish you not to grow old as soon as possible

And let the smile illuminate your faces.

So wish us no fluff or pen,

And we will take it, we learn,

And let the eyes of tears and sadness clouded,

All the proms are so beautiful!

From the scene this all you helmet "Thank you",

For inclusive things

You were so wise, beautiful!

We wish to be always in cases!

Thank you!!!

1 - Master

Our school has become native, dear parents,

To congratulate adult children today do not want?

Helped them always take care of yours and fate,

Our school defector wish happiness!

(Song on the motive "Moscow windows")

Here again lights farewell shine

There are no free places in this room.

Next to us here is not in vain

Children and teachers

And all together, as one family. - 2 times

We believe in what you will be here

Come at least sometimes.

So live you without trouble

And let him shine many years

School windows Negasable light. - 2 times

We want thanks to everyone say

Those who could give our children

A particle of its heat and attentive and good

Thank you, school and teacher. - 2 times

2 - graduate

In our hall is quieter
Comes goodbye hour
Goodbye, sweet school
Do not forget, remember us more often.

1 - graduate
We will return here only by guests,
Your teachers will be visited.
There will be school meetings with friends,
And today a little sad.

2 - graduate
Friends break up ...
It remains in the heart tenderness
We will be friendship
Goodbye to school meetings.

Song on the melody A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, friends!"
Here is the last sheet of schedule,
Behind the window - Lilac May.
I say school: "Goodbye,
My favorite teacher, goodbye! "
Goodbye, friends
The heart beats so excitedly,
We will be memory preserved.
Goodbye to new meetings!

We finished the School program,
Squeezed our last call,
Do not worry, your favorite mothers,
Ahead of a hundred ways, one hundred roads!

We fly through different routes,
We will always remember school
Only heart now for some reason
You can't order quieter.

1. In this evening we wanted you to
Remember every moment ...
While you are together, class, even near ...
And ahead is a distant, difficult path.
But there is a good, gentle glance
Forgivers ask for something!

2. Let this evening with you again,
Mom to the first meeting.
And the first friend and the first love -
Everything was remembered for the farewell this evening.

3. We wish for strength, inspiration,
Smaller failures and tears.
And in our difficult century - still patience!
And the execution of dreams of all and dreams!

4.This, you have found yourself something!
So that the real love meets!
Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
You wish you happiness and good luck again!

5. In a good way, guys, fly away!
Life is big ahead waiting for you!
Only school never forget
And those who prepared you in the flight!
Good luck, peace, good and happiness, dear graduates.

Song sounds.

Continuation of the holiday on the porch of the school. (Music sounds)

On stage you stood
For a farewell hour last time!

The words farewell said
You know, last time!

Let in the heart lies an alarm
You remember us and do not forget to school!

Stop, at school threshold,
In the big life go, happy way!

Both: in a happy way!


1. Multicolored balloons in the sky,
Children's dreams Let them fly away with them.
We now have more seriously and should
Dream about more than even a year ago.

2. Immediate, achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds flying and bloomed in spring.
To the edge of the crucible with us flourished.
So that no one forgets their parents.

3. The balls take off, let them dream,
Bright dreams, fairy colors.
Well, today we are graduates today
We let go to the sky fireworks of balls.

(School Waltz sounds) The dance group begins to waltch, all present graduates join the dance, inviting teachers, parents.

Bind-free school years!

  • For half an hour before the beginning of the festive evening, songs sounded on the school theme. Parents, guests of the teacher are seated in the assembly hall.

Block 1. Presentation of graduates

Music on the leading

Lead No. 1.

Clear stars, stars high!
What do you keep in yourself, what are hiding?
Stars, melting thoughts deep,
How do you captivate?

Lead No. 2.

Frequent asterisks, crabs close!
What is the wonderful thing in you that in you the mighty?
What are you getting, the stars of heaven,
Power of the great knowledge of Zhugugi?

Lead No. 1.

And why, when you shine,
Matt into the sky, in a wide arms?
See gently so the heart caress
Heavenly stars, star distant!

Lead No. 2.Each person at least once in his life admired the starry sky. Billions of visible and invisible stars scared and attracted at the same time. The birth of a star is an extraordinary phenomenon that has been interested in humanity for many centuries.

Lead No. 1. In the star sky there is a particle of the soul of every person, so it is impossible to take a look from the flickering sparks, such volatile and at the same time eternal.

Lead No. 2.Have you seen the night sky? Yes No, you, of course, saw the night sky! What a luxurious, fascinating picture! How the stars shook brightly! But if the stars light up, it means that someone needs it ...

Lead No. 1. It is said that every person is a star. And sometimes, we know with you, the parade of the stars happens in outer space ...

Lead No. 2. Good evening!

Lead No. 1. Good evening, dear teachers, moms and dads, in a word, all who came today in this room.

  • The same music continues to sound

Lead No. 1. Dear colleagues, parents, guests! And in the teacher, and in parental life, another exciting moment came: today our students receive trips to adulthood.

Lead No. 2. Today we have a celebration - a farewell of graduates with the school! She will open its doors at the age of twenty to send to the path of those whom in different years accepted into his foams, he swayed, learned and put on his feet.

Lead No. 1. To its tremors of fifty six graduates today will be added 11 more. Each of them is a star. And all together is a bright constellation. And we, all those present in this room, after a moment with witnessing the parade of the stars.

Lead No. 2.

This evening is the best time in the year.
All are elegant, kind and attentive ...
We wish everyone to the sky a big star,
You have burned today.

Lead No. 1.

Let star fate without progress
Will open a new chapter!
Dreams, love, success and inspiration,
Today it will give you in reality!

Lead No. 2. Attention! The most solemn moment comes. Parade Stars begins!

Lead No. 1.

Under applause and basting
Will meet with you now
Worthy praise and attention
Graduation 11th grade!

So, the star track is invited:

  • Sounds music for the appearance, graduates enter the assembly hall, rising under the applause of parents and teachers on the stage, line up in a row in front of the chairs.

Here is called F.I.O. graduate, its characteristic ....

2. Samihullin Ruslan Ramisovich -cute, sociable, with a developed sense of humor, independent, at a high level owns information technology, fond of physics, two-time winner of the annual district scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren "from knowledge to creativity", an active participant in the zonal and district stages of the competition "And well, guys!"

1. Davletov Artem Rafititovich - Strong, sports, multiple winner of the competition of various levels on Kombat self-defense, Usu-Sanshou, Karate Mosiery, Army hand-to-hand combat and kickboxing; An active participant in the zonal and district stages of the competition "Ae-ka, guys", the winner of district creative contests, the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on the Obzh.

2. Sahibgareva Alina Albertovna modest, hardworking, conscientious, sports; Muchly participated in the competition municipal competitions on various sports. Alina owns a brush well, loves music, plays the guitar, sings. Repeatedly became the winner and prize-winner of district competitions of drawings and works, the municipal stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad in English.

1. Sharipova Dinara Ilnururovna - Sociable, independent, economic, hardworking, cheerful, friendly. Persistent in achieving the goal. Different study. Winner of the All-Russian Open Competition "First Steps", a multiple prize-winner of the annual district scientific-practical conference "From knowledge to creativity" and the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in social studies and Russian language. Active participant and Lorganizer district games KVN.

2. Khazieva Almira Rafisovna - open, sociable, with a developed sense of humor, independent; He loves music, has an excellent voice, a multiple winner and a medalist of the regional competition "Planet Childhood". He was awarded a diploma diploma, it has gratitude for active participation in the events of the municipal district. More than once became a medalist of district athletics competitions.

1.Hazieva Elvira Ramisovna - Open, sociable, initiative, purposeful, has good organizational abilities, which, unfortunately, did not have time to reveal over the years in school. Elvira loves music possesses an excellent voice. He was awarded a diploma diploma. More than once became the winner and the winner of the regional competition of popular music "Planet Childhood", has gratitude for active participation in the events of the municipal district. Two years in a row brought a victory to the school in the Competition of the Environmental Newspapers "Primezvet".

2. Yuldasheva Gulmira Mukhitdinovna, modest, friendly, cheerful, sociable. Came to our school in the past academic year And immediately became a universal favorite class. Gulmira loves sports. Not once defended the honor of the school at the district competitions. It has gratitude for active participation in amateur-in-law at the place of residence.

1. Shangareva Aigul Magirovna- Curious, hardworking, cheerful, friendly, friendly, responsible. Sports. Over the years in school, the school has repeatedly participated in the district sports competitions in athletics, ski racing, volleyball. She paints well - graduated from the artistic department of the art school. More than once became the winner of district creative contests, the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Schoolchildren's Olympiad technology. Aigul knows how to be a true friend.

2. Mukhameev Radikovna Rezed Excellent study, winner and medalist of international, all-Russian, republican and district creative competitions, the municipal stage of the All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad in their native language, scholarship of the head of the administration of the municipal district Tuymazine district, winner of a grant "Young tuyimazinsky district", a person who knows what he wants Life: step by step goes to the exercise of your dreams, purposeful , responsible. Future star of Rosssian medicine.

1. Ibrahimova Zarina Ilshatovna - modest, calm, kind, neat, non-conflict. The emerging problems in communication solves on the basis of a compromise. Responsible, executive, diligent. But despite the fact that Zarina has grew up in our eyes all 11 years of study, for school teachers, she will remain an unsolved mystery.

2. Nasibullin Camille Ruzyievich -modest, shy, calm, thoughtful, friendly, moderately sociable. IN hard situation May show character and determination. Camillery good son, proud of its loved ones, dreams of entering the oil institute, get a prestigious profession in order to benefit people and country.

After the last graduate rises:

Lead No. 1. Attention! Solemn ceremony of presenting certificates about the average common education Graduates of the municipal budgetary general education institution Secondary school of the village of Nurkeevo of the Municipal District of the Tuymazine district of the Republic of Bashkortostan is announced open.

  • The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds (The anthem listen, standing)

Lead No. 1. Please take our place.

Lead 2.: Here they are, our asters - graduates of 2014! And each of them is very individual and unique.

Lead 1: Our today's holiday is for you, dear guys! For those who even be fully fully, but already showed their skill, talent, knowledge .... The ability to set goals and seek victories ... For everyone who reached your first finish and took the first 11-year plank and went to the new even more difficult start - by the beginning of an independent life path!

Lead 2: Today you still brighter highlighting the hall with your smiles, youth and beauty, with your desire to get a certificate and leave you who have become close walls! But we know that you will return here more than once, where your childhood remains !!!

Block number 2. Presentation of certificates

  • Sound fanfares.(04 Fanfare.mp3)

Lead 1: So, we start! Dear graduates, parents, guests! We are glad to inform you: graduation uniform state exams For the course of secondary school, all school students have successfully commissioned.

Leading number 2.

Smallkley fanfares, everything is tired of waiting.

The main act await in this room,

Waiting for the awards ceremony

Higher reward over the years of exercise.

Leading number 1. Friends! You finish school,

And not at all somehow.

You, of course, in certificates

Curious to look ...

Therefore, we will not experience your patience ... Tomorrow your expectation ...

Leading number 2.

The word for the presentation of certificates about secondary general education is provided to the MBOU Sosh d. Nurkeevo Municipal District of the Tuymazine district of the Republic of Bashkortostan Gordeva Olga Alekseevna.

Presentation of certificates

  • Touch on the presentation to each graduate!

Leading number 1. So they lit up, new stars in our school's chaise. Appeared the constellation "Edition- 2014"

Lead No. 2. We continue! Dear Olga Alekseevna, delay, please on the scene ...

Block number 3. Presentation of gratitude "School Pride"

Leading No. 1. The life of people is very similar to the life of the stars.

Some dull flickering, others are growing smoothly, others - shine brightly.

And this star brilliance corresponds to the brightness of the person. So let the stars of our school - graduates of 2014 be brightly illuminated today!

Lead No. 2. Friends! The school is the place where each of you could and had to show not only his abilities in the teaching, but also to disclose their talents: in sports, in work, in labor matters, in a word, to become a "star first magnitude".

Lead No. 1. So, the word of our main star, a wonderful hostess of our common house, the director of the school Gordeva Olga Alekseevna, who really loves his work, reverial refers to the manifestation of creativity, talent, intellectual ascent on the podium.

Presenting thanks ...

  • Tool on the presentation of commendable letters, thanks.

(10 delivery of commendable diplomas.mp3)

Congratulations Olga Alekseevna __________________________

Lead No. 1. And now, dear guys, I give the word I give teachers, your faithful friends, hotly believe that anyone you are: workers, engineers, scientists, soldiers, - you do not drop the honor of your school, your area, our homeland.

Word you, dear colleagues!

Teachers say. _______________________________



Bow you low, our teachers,
For all love, patience, warmth,
For the fact that we were soft and strict
For giving us kindness.


For the fact that we are now ready for life,
For learning here to be friends,
For the fact that you were and in joy and in Mount, ready to thank you a hundred times.

  • {!LANG-11a58faa18e66409ec8d362f422dd309!}

Lead No. 2.{!LANG-58940c3296aeab104279beca1a9ad9ea!}





Lead No. 1.{!LANG-c73d9163101ca70b17ebf1b5161c366e!}

Lead No. 2.{!LANG-798978cd3515796109ec6fecabd3eac5!}



Lead No. 1.


{!LANG-a0a2ec985ff70ab83ca7c05e2a6acfe0!}{!LANG-ee77336823ca2f9b201e9d9a956dceda!} {!LANG-e8909856b3c33304ce3750e631703627!}{!LANG-980b5f9298a33f185045fea7d13f16eb!}













{!LANG-a2a289dcb5b5962444b42e38fa6b3723!} {!LANG-30b76bce45bebbb3eb845853535b9a91!}

Lead No. 2.{!LANG-baecf252653be812ddd63e9f90f7acea!} {!LANG-839914dc68b304c904316a822c433505!}


{!LANG-93531a247cac5087784896fdb328850a!} {!LANG-5fb2f8c5522bab623cd90aade356a473!}

{!LANG-1179549c264cbd403066fc2cca54e1ea!} {!LANG-625664c181b2f1976a1d1f1ed24012ff!}{!LANG-b22282e9462d4fa8a2c47ede9fd2bccb!}






  • {!LANG-a16fffd4b06d89469674e249b36684ba!}




























































  • {!LANG-b05759bddcdb52f3afb91cd2d34d87b6!}















{!LANG-e917af685b208013ae1ba094862e4554!}{!LANG-502e3f3cbbdfefedac5d3024acae0ed3!} {!LANG-0aa0369c580a071e0c6ee58b6451086a!}{!LANG-cae0d2d89e068f1981ab00ecc6fd1942!}

In a good way, dear graduates!













































{!LANG-cd8c84ac22b5f79d216c1c8bf73b881b!} {!LANG-cb9510d48f39b36f240797c5d966f6cd!}{!LANG-e1965c597d0623551ed03b67e43eaf32!}





































































































{!LANG-6e04e4f49516fc35f4a0a3ff2c81aaf5!} {!LANG-7f92fbedf05ab453692222619e591822!}