Compose two exclamation points. Russian lessons: what are the types of sentences for intonation. Assignment task

All languages ​​of the world have special sentences - exclamation points. Usually they are used to express strong emotions, which are delight, surprise, anger and others. Examples of exclamation sentences are often found in fiction, poetry, letters and diaries. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. Examples of exclamation sentences are not found in them. Research papers are written in a neutral, emotional style.

Types of exclamation sentences

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of signs at the end of sentences. For example, in the literature, some authors use exclamation and ellipsis at once. Such phrases should prompt the reader to think deeply, in their essence, such sentences are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with exclamation. “And here she appeared at the door! .. She captivated with her beauty, her face lit up with a smile, and the whole world sparkled with joy and happiness! ..”

Incentive exclamation clause

A very interesting use case in the work Such phrases differ from others in that they have practically no emotional connotation, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or proposal. Usually there are no subjects in these sentences. Intonationally, such constructions do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, a sign at the end of a request or order indicates that this is an exclamation point. Examples of such constructions in Russian are quite common. They are present in the dialogues of the heroes of fiction.

Exclamation clause order

In some constructions, the setting of punctuation marks is not due to the emotional coloring of the statement, but to historical traditions. Therefore, in the case when the author of a work of art uses an order, he draws up a sentence with an exclamation mark. Examples of such phrases can be pronounced in a calm tone or even in a whisper, but the use of an exclamation mark is necessary here. "To stand! - in a whisper, Petrovich ordered the captured Fritz walking in front of him. - Don't turn around! " Even if the order is given in a calm, even tone, an exclamation mark should be put at the end of the phrase. For example, "Squad, level up, at attention!" or "Get up, the court is coming!"

Request and offer

Traditions explain some more features of punctuation in Russian. For example, an exclamation mark placed at the end of the phrase adds a special emotional connotation to the request.

Invitation and addressing in an exclamation clause

There is another punctuation rule. It dictates that an exclamation mark is often placed at the end of the invitation. This fact is a sign of elementary politeness, culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading the context with an invitation, for example, to a wedding or a picnic, you should not use the intonation of exclamation at all.

  1. “Natalya Pavlovna! Georgy Matveyevich! Come to the evening dedicated to the celebration of our silver wedding at the Cosmos restaurant! "
  2. “Dear high school students! Come to the “autumn ball” on October 23, which will take place in the school's assembly hall! "

Greetings and wishes in an exclamation clause

The rules for writing letters are very important for both ordinary people and authors of works of art. To understand the placement of punctuation marks at the end of sentences, you should pay attention to one interesting feature: very often a greeting or a wish is expressed in the form of an imperative verb. These are the words "hello!", "Be healthy!" Therefore, these sentences are perceived as a request, at the end of which an exclamation mark is also placed historically. Often in a similar way, a farewell is formalized in a letter. For example, "Goodbye, my dears!" or "Good night, dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamation sentences in Russian serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, comments. Since it is possible to give intonation coloring to the statements of characters in works of art only with the help of punctuation marks, the authors have no choice but to use exclamation marks, question marks and their combinations.

A sentence is a speech unit that is a collection of interrelated words. It contains some informational message, question, or prompts you to take any action. Grade 3 - the time from which the study of this section begins at school. Let's consider what are the sentences for intonation and the purpose of the utterance in our language, we will give examples.

Types of sentences by intonation

The following types of intonation sentences are distinguished. In terms of emotional coloring, statements are exclamatory and non-exclamatory. The choice of one type or another depends on the emotional state of the speaker. The most common are non-exclamation points. They are pronounced in moderation, in a calm state. More often than not, this is a narrative.

Types of sentences by intonation

A non-exclamation point might look like this:

  1. Sitting at the computer for too long is harmful to your health: try to get up from the table more often and exercise.
  2. The tired puppy fell asleep right on the child's lap after long games.
  3. Yesterday's hurricane was so terrible that it knocked down a tall neighboring tree, which, when it fell, broke a window.

A non-exclamatory sentence, examples of which are given above, in rare cases can have an interrogative or even prompting intonation (example: Let the children go to bed, and I will sit for now).

Exclamation sentences (examples are presented below) convey the speaker's emotionality and feelings. Usually exclamation points are motivation.

  1. You finally got there!
  2. Be careful!
  3. What interesting news I’ll tell you now!

Exclamation phrases are pronounced in a special way. The speaker raises his voice, highlights words that express his feelings and emotions.

Target groups

There are three types of phrases according to the purpose of the statement, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics:

  • narrative;
  • motivation;
  • question.

Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement


The purpose of the message is to inform about a certain event, phenomenon. The speaker, through the choice of such speech means, transmits certain information to the interlocutor. A statement of fact is a narrative sentence.

  1. According to statistics, the results of the USE in the country are improving every year, which can be said about the quality of education in each subject.
  2. The weather in some regions of Russia remains windy and rainy throughout the summer months.
  3. Two new hospitals have been built in our city, as well as one veterinary clinic.

In oral speech, such a statement is pronounced evenly, calmly. On one of its members, the voice rises, and towards the end - decreases. A period or exclamation mark is placed at the end.

Note! All texts are based precisely on narrative statements. In this regard, the latter are much more common than motives and questions.

Narrative phrases have several characteristics.

  1. They are uncommon (main members only) and widespread (main members plus minor). Examples: Father returned. He brought a little puppy with him.
  2. The structure can be two-part or one-part. In two-part there are two main members, in one-part - only one. Examples: The cat lazily opened its eyes and stretched. There was a knock on the door.
  3. The phrases under consideration are divided into simple and complex. Simple ones consist of one grammatical basis, complex ones - of two or more. Example: A child bent over a textbook sadly. The scorching sun is on the street, the voices of children playing football are heard.

What are Narrative Sentences

Incentive utterance

Motivation expresses in itself a certain will of the speaker. It is pronounced so that the addressee (the one to whom they are addressing) performs some action that the addressee (the one who makes the speech) requires of him. Motivation is used when the speaker expresses his wishes for something, orders or requests.

Also, the tasks of motivation in some cases are achieved through the use of special particles "come on", "let" and the forms of the imperative mood of the predicates.

  1. Get ready and leave immediately, otherwise we will be late for the airport!
  2. Meet me tonight, please, I'll be late at work tonight.
  3. So that I will never hear such words from you again!

Examples of incentive sentences


Through interrogative sentences, the speaker wants to receive any information that he does not have.

There are two types of designs under consideration.

  1. General question: asked in order to obtain confirmation of some information or its denial. A monosyllabic answer can be given to such a question: "yes", "no". Examples: Did you complete your homework? Did you see your neighbor yesterday? Was it still light when you got home last night?
  2. Particular question: asked in order to obtain information about a phenomenon, event, person. It will not be possible to give a monosyllabic answer to such a question. Examples: Why are you so late today? What do you feed your pet? For what reason does he not want to talk to me?

The characterization of the question in oral speech is a special intonation, in writing - a question mark after the end of the phrase.

Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence

The construction of the question looks like this: the question word comes first, and then the rest of the words related to the topic of speech.

Interesting Facts:

  1. There may be two punctuation marks at the end of a question - interrogative and exclamation marks (example: How could you be so inattentive ?!);
  2. Three exclamation marks in a row are placed if the degree of emotionality is especially high (Example: Brake, there is a pedestrian in front !!!).

Helpful advice! Keep a sense of proportion when using punctuation marks, especially in online communication. Written phrases with a lot of exclamation marks are annoying and users tend to ignore them.

We examined what proposals for intonation are and what groups they are divided into according to the purpose of the statement.

According to the emotional coloring, sentences are divided into exclamatory and non-exclamatory, which depends on the state of mind and emotions of the speaker. Non-exclamation phrases are most often narrative, but in exceptional cases they are motives.

Useful video: types of sentences for the purpose of the statement


The types of sentences for the purpose of the statement are as follows: narration, motivation and question. The first type occurs most often: it is on it that most texts are based. Each type of utterance has its own characteristics and characteristics.

In contact with

The characteristics of a sentence include such a concept as types of sentences by intonation. These are exclamation and non-exclamation sentences. The differences between these proposals are discussed in the article.

Distinguishing sentences by intonation

The intonation of a sentence is often confused with the purpose of the statement. However, these are completely different concepts.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. The first ones report something, the second ones contain a question, the third ones encourage action (contain a request, an order, a wish, etc.).

A sentence with any purpose of expression can be pronounced with a special emotional coloring, that is, with a pronounced feeling. It can be joy, anger, indignation, delight, and so on. It is the special emotionality in writing that is conveyed with the help of an exclamation mark.

Here are examples of exclamation sentences and similar non-exclamation sentences:

  • Spring came. - Spring came!
  • Did you write an essay? - You wrote an essay ?!
  • Get some water. - Bring some water!

How to distinguish an exclamation clause

If we read a ready-made text, we can easily distinguish an exclamation sentence by a punctuation mark - there is an exclamation mark at the end.

By ear, we distinguish exclamation sentences from non-exclamatory ones by how emotionally they are pronounced. The information in the exclamation and similar non-exclamation sentences contains the same, but the exclamation is pronounced with greater expression, louder, with the expression of any emotion.

You should not confuse incentive and exclamation sentences: there are both exclamatory non-incentive sentences and non-exclamation incentives.

For example, the sentence "Spring came." contains the usual statement of fact. It is impossible to conclude how the speaker relates to this event.

The offer "Spring has come!" expresses strong emotions, expression. Most likely, the speaker wants to express his joy (although this cannot be determined by the exclamation mark: maybe he wants to express grief, irritation, fright or other strong emotion).

Exclamation sentences are often found in publicistic texts, where they perform a rhetorical function.

Exclamation clause markers

The main marker (feature) of an exclamation clause is the exclamation mark. This is one of the signs for the end of a sentence; it is enough to show that the sentence is over. However, in some cases, not one but three exclamation marks are used at the end of a sentence. This is done to emphasize a very strong emotion.

At the end of interrogative exclamation sentences, two marks are required: interrogative and exclamation. According to the rule, an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence is placed after the interrogative. Such proposals often contain not just an emotional question, but rather a rhetorical question that expresses more indignation or bewilderment than a desire for an answer.

Some sentences have an exclamation mark and ellipsis at the end. Then one of the dots (the first) is replaced with an exclamation mark. Example: "What an amazing case! .."

Another common use of the exclamation mark is in the design of appeals. However, it must be borne in mind that this is not a proposal in the full sense.

What have we learned?

Exclamation sentences express special emotions, feelings, an exclamation mark is put at their end. Exclamation points can be sentences that are different in terms of the purpose of the statement. When meeting at the end of a sentence with interrogative and exclamation marks, you should first write an interrogative; when an exclamation mark and an ellipsis meet, the first of the dots is replaced with an exclamation mark.

According to the degree of emotional coloring, sentences are classified into two types: exclamatory and non-exclamatory. The ability to correctly determine which of them is suitable for a particular case will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the sentence, read it with the desired intonation and put the required punctuation mark at the end.

Non-exclamatory sentences are those that imply an ordinary, everyday tone and the absence of a bright emotional component. At the end of such sentences, a period is put. For example: It's raining all day today. According to the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamation clauses are sentences that convey strong feelings and emotions of the speaker. For example: We have great joy!

These sentences are ended with an exclamation mark, and their grammatical means are as follows:

  1. Intonation expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. Pronunciation of exclamation sentences is carried out in a higher tone, with an emphasis on the word, which gives more emotional color.

    For example: He did that mean! We were absolutely delighted with the excursion! Nobody expected such a development of events! She was scared in earnest!

  2. Interjections.

    For example: Wow, what a beauty! Ah, I am amazed to the core! Eh, but we were so close to the goal!

  3. Exclamation particles pronominal, adverbial or interjectional origin, giving the statement a characteristic emotional coloring: oh, well, well, how, where how, what for, what and others.

    For example: What an extraordinary house! Oh wow! Well, well, that's a surprise! Fu, what disgusting!

Using three exclamation marks

Usually, with the help of 3 exclamation marks at the end of a sentence, the author expresses a high degree of emotional arousal. So you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Offers "Get out !!!" or "Leave and don't come back !!!" talk about the deep feelings of the person who expresses them.