Where many magnesium in products contain. Zinc - What products contain a large number? The importance of magnesium for the body, video clip

Zinc play a crucial role in preserving our health. This trace element is vital for normal metabolism and is contained in each cell. It participates in the work of more than 300 cell enzymes. Most zinc is contained in ovaries, prostate, sperm, as well as cookies, heart and brain.

The main symptoms of the lack of zinc in the body. Good health and strong immunity is what Zinc gives us. If you are not allowed zinc with food, various unpleasant symptoms can develop.

Signs of lack of zinc in the body.

Allergic reactions, dermatitis, slowdown in wound healing;

Reducing immunity, frequent colds;

There may be violations of reproductive function, premature labor, the birth of low weight children;

Teenagers may have a slowdown in mental development, a tendency to alcoholism, depressions;

Hair growth disorder, deterioration of nails, skin;

Reduced taste and smell.

Daily zinc consumption rate.

Children: 1-3 years - 3 mg per day

4-8 years - up to 5 mg

9-13 years old - 8 mg


14-18 years old - 9-12mg

19-50 years - 9-12 mg

Over 50 years old - up to 10 mg

Pregnant - 14 mg per day


14-18 years - 11 mg

older 19 years - 15 mg.

Over 50 years old - up to 13 mg

What products are the most zinc.

Zinc in large quantities is contained in seafood and meat products. Many zinc in bran, seeds and nuts. But in fruits and vegetables zinc is not enough. Therefore, vegetarians need to be included in the ration of eggs, cheeses or special zinc drugs.

Thus, the most zinc in oysters is 60 mg per 100 grams.

bran from wheat - 16 mg per 100 grams;

boiled calf liver - 16 mg;

boiled acne - 12 mg;

boiled beef - 9.5 mg;

boiled chickens - 7.3 mg;

Of the available vegetarian products, the most zinc in pumpkin seeds is 7.5 mg, sunflower seeds 5,6.

More information about the content of zinc in food can be found in our table.

Table products with high zinc content per 100 grams

Product Names

Zinc share (1 mg) per 100 g.

Meat products

Fried calf liver


Beef stew

Boiled hearts Kur.

Fried Bane Liver

Language of boiled beef

Fried kidney Baran




Boiled acne


Oil Anchovies

Canned salmon

Nuts and dried fruits

Cedar nuts


Walnut Brazilian

Nut peanuts

Walnut walnut


Cashew nuts


Frynaya walnut

Fistashkovy nuts

Dried apricots




Vegetables and fruits





Boiled carrots

Grain and legumes, seeds

Bran from wheat


Seed Mac.

Seed Sungua

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Flax seed

Flour from soy

Soy, dry beans

Dry lentils


Dry pea

Wheat flour (coarse grinding)

Dry white beans

Boiled beans



Oat flakes


Boiled white rice


Products of vegetable, fungal and animal origin

Dry yeast

Yolk from egg

Mushroom white



Dish (type - ordinary)

Modern person is subject to stress due to the rapid rhythm of life, so it is useful to use high zinc products. This mineral affects the metabolism, improves well-being. A cellular exchange will be disturbed without a trace element, which will lead to fatigue, increased fatigue and nervous breakdowns.

What is useful zinc in food

Doctors say zinc in food and diet performs the following functions for human health:

  • improves metabolism - takes part in the creation, splitting of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • supports the work of immunity - affects leukocytes, antibodies for diseases, hormones;
  • improves body resistance to infections;
  • affects the growth of the child, participates in cell division;
  • in adolescence is necessary in the formation of a reproductive system, the production of sperm and egg cells;
  • cleans from toxins, removes heavy metals;
  • slows the aging of cells;
  • normalizes hair and skin condition.

Due to the lack of zinc, the following list of adverse factors may occur:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders (epilepsy, scarm sclerosis, schizophrenia);
  • allergies, dermatitis;
  • failures in immunity;
  • reduction of blood circulation, anemia;
  • pregnant women have difficulty childbirth, retention of fetal growth, up to miscarriage;
  • difficulties with healing wounds;
  • reduction of growth, puberty delay;
  • hair loss - the result is immediately visible in the photo and in life;
  • frequent colds;
  • scattered, decreased concentration;
  • in adolescents, the lack of an element causes a thrust to alcohol;
  • in men, after 50 years - an increased risk of prostate adenoma.

The maximum number of trace element is inside the genitals of men, blood cells and the retina. The mineral deficit is caused by a disadvantage of the substance in the incoming food, due to active physical exertion, as a result of which the abundant separation of sweat is. If you use a large amount of carbohydrates and diuretic drugs, then the trace element will not be enough, so it is useful to remember which products contains zinc.

It is important to know that the mineral is better absorbed with a large amount of protein and vitamin A. Fitats - polynic acid derivatives - slow down absorption. It is necessary to avoid products rich in iron, calcium and lead. It is better to use these trace elements separately to improve the metabolism inside important tissues and organs of the entire body. For children and adults, regular reception of the element with food is recommended. Day rate in mg:

  • the first six months for girls - 2;
  • half a year for boys - 3;
  • 0.5-3 years - 3;
  • 4-8 years - 5;
  • 9-13 years old - 8;
  • 14-18 years old for girls - 9;
  • 14-18 years for boys - 11;
  • 19-59 years for women - 12;
  • 19-50 years for men - 15;
  • after 50 years for women - 10;
  • after 50 years for a man - 13;
  • the daily need for pregnancy under 18 is 15;
  • during pregnancy older than 19 years - 14;
  • nursing mothers under 18 - 15;
  • nursing after 18 years - 17.

Useful facts about the mineral:

  1. The use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the concentration of the element.
  2. Zinc toxicity begins from 150 mg per day.
  3. If there are intestinal diseases or diuretic drugs are accepted, then zinc need to get more with the products where it is contained.
  4. Dairy products, caffeine, alcohol wash the element, not giving him to worry.
  5. It is better to assimilate an element with bean, peanuts, baking powers, soy-coined fermentation (for example, a Misho-Japanese soup).

What is contained zinc

When searching for information, in which products there are zinc, you can find facts confirming the leadership in the content of this element in grain, beans, nuts. The leaders are oysters, boiled fish, bran from wheat. Meat products and meat will answer the question in which foods contains zinc. Mineral is replete with dry and pressed yeast. Rich zinc:

  • bird;
  • onions, garlic, green vegetables;
  • potatoes;
  • buckwheat cereals, lentils, soy;
  • flour from barley, bread;
  • dry cream;
  • radish;
  • citrus;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashew);
  • apples, figs, dates;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • green tea.

In which products a lot of zinc

The largest zinc content in the products you will find in the table below:


Fried calf liver

Wheat bran

Boiled eel (fish)

Beef stew

Cedar nut

Zinc-containing products of animal origin

To the question, in which products there are zinc, nutritionists give the answer - the most mineral in the food of animal origin. The table shows the products enriched with element:


Boiled chicken hearts

Fried baranium liver

Boiled beef language

Fried lamb kidneys

Dry yeast

Vegetable products with zinc

Uses, which products include zinc, do not forget about the food of plant origin. The table contains information about them:


Nut Pekan.

Brazilian nut


The flesh of coconut


Dried apricot

Dried plum


Normal life and health of our body is impossible without a number of vitamins and minerals. Magnesium is one of the most important trace elements that directly participates in many internal processes in the body.

In the periodic Mendeleev system, this chemical element is indicated as MG. It provides the functioning of most internal systems and organs. According to the degree of importance, magnesium is included in the fourth of the vital mineral substances along with potassium, iron and calcium.

Even a small magnesium deficit can slow down and worsen the organism exchange processes, lead to various failures and ailments.

In this article, we will look at how magnesium affects the human body, what properties it has, what a daily rate of this trace element, which products contain a lot of magnesium. We will also talk about the symptoms and causes of lack of magnesium.

The functions of this trace element affect almost the entire body. Therefore, it is important that magnesium in food supply in sufficient quantities. In the diet, you need to include more products in which there is a lot of magnesium.

Magnesium provides the following essential processes in the body:

  • Improves the work of the heart and blood vessels. Provides blood supply to the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure, eliminates arrhythmia. In the brain vessels, magnesium is contained more than in other body vessels, therefore the lack of a deficit helps to avoid increased pressure, stroke, headaches, migraine.
  • Protects the nervous system from the harmful effect of stress and restores it. Magnesium has the properties of the natural antidepressant and tranquilizer with a sedative effect.
  • Improves metabolic processes and improves pancreas. This is regulated and reduced blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
  • Provides the correct reduction in all muscles, including myocardium. It has spasmolytic properties, eliminating spasms internal organs. Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle seizures, most often felt cramps of calf muscles.
  • Promotes good work of the immune system.
  • Participates in the formation of bone tissue, thus supported the health of the teeth and bones.
  • Improves skin condition and prevents inflammation of mucous membranes.
  • Promotes intestinal motility, thanks to which useful substances are better absorbed.
  • Reduces the risk of benign and malignant tumors.

This is not a complete list of processes in which magnesium plays an important role. In fact, this trace element affects overall health, efficiency, emotional health.

A particularly magnesium deficit affects the nervous system, its stress resistance is reduced. It is widely known that to maintain nervous system And the struggle with strong stress doctors prescribe drugs with magnesium. The most common such drug. It should also be paid to what products contain magnesium and.

B2 group vitamins are needed to improve magnesium absorption in the intestine. It was not entirely to look for products in which there are magnesium B6, because these are different substances and they may be contained in different food. It is important to remember that they ideally interact, strengthening each other's effectiveness. Therefore, complex drugs of magnesium and vitamin B6 are very popular.

Daily rate

The main source of receipt of this element in the body is precisely products. Therefore, it is planned to plan your diet in such a way that with the products to receive the necessary daily rate.

The average rate of the chemical element for a person is about 20 grams. Although the indicators of the amount of magnesium in the body can be very different, they depend on the floor and age of a person, from its weight category and physical condition.

Necessary magnesium rate for humans:

  • kids up to a year get the right amount from breast milk mother, about 30 mg;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years - 60 - 150 mg per day;
  • children 4 - 6 years old need 150 - 200 mg;
  • children from 7 to 10 years old need a daily rate of 250 mg;
  • teenagers from 10 years per day are required 300 mg;
  • men under 30 years old - 400 mg, and older - 420 mg;
  • to 30 years old women need 310 mg, and older - 320 mg.

The need for magnesium increases in cases where a person is experiencing serious physical, psychological loads and mental tension. Then the daily rate may increase to 500 mg.

During active sports, magnesium is lost at the same time, also alcohol abuse also derives a trace element from the body and its need increases.

Products that contain magnesium

So, what products should be regularly included in their diet? Mostly they must be plant origin. In animal products, there are also this trace element, but in smaller quantity.

It is worth noting that the lack of magnesium in humans is not rare. The main reasons can be called incorrect meals, poor ecology, stress, alcohol abuse. Below we will consider the causes and symptoms of both the shortage and oversupply of magnesium.

First briefly list the main products. Below are given products containing magnesium in milligrams per 100 grams and a daily rate in percent.

List of products of plant and animal origin

In large quantities, this chemical element is contained in bran (especially rice), cereals (barley, solid oats, brown rice sprouted wheat grains), cocoa beans.

Rich magnesium legumes, such as green peas, lentils and beans, soybeans, nuts, green vegetables (arugula, spinach, parsley, garlic) and spicy crops, such as basil, sage and coriander, bitter chocolate.

Among the fruits can be noted avocado (in a large fruit contains 50 mg of magnesium), a small amount of item is present in apples, plums and bananas.

Products of animal origin: eggs, beef, rabbit, lamb, pork, seafood fish, seafood. Also natural yogurts without sugar, unpasteurized solid cheeses, milk. To preserve the maximum amount of substance in products, preferably cook them, and not fry.

It is impossible not to note the fact that magnesium is contained not only in products, but also in water water. The body can receive this compound not only when drinking water inside, but during reception of the bath or soul.

In which magnesium products in large quantities - table

This table lists products with the highest magnesium

In nuts and seeds

In fruit and berries

Dried fruits

In vegetables and greens

Thanks to these tables, which provide a detailed list of products, you can make your daily diet. Thus, you can avoid magnesium deficit in the body.

Below, we will talk a little about the symptoms that indicate the lack of this important substance and the dangers to which this drawback leads. In addition, it should be mentioned about the possible abrasiveness of magnesium and its symptoms.

Signs of magnesium deficit in the body

A self-deficit of the trace element can be recognized, since its signs are rather similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. Therefore, it is important to undergo a survey and make blood test for the content of magnesium in serum before starting to use drugs with magnesium.

Causes of magnesium lacking can be the following: lack of admission it with products and water, alcohol abuse, diabetes, obesity, abuse of coffee and black tea, disorders of digestion and work kidney, severe stress, frequent use of oily, salt and sweet food, pregnancy and long Reception of diuretic and anti-inflammatory funds.

Symptoms indicating that magnesium in insufficient number:

  • Deterioration of the state of nails and teeth, fragility and loss of hair.
  • Permanent feeling fatigue that does not pass even after good night and rest.
  • Fast fatigue and weakness.
  • Cramps in muscles.
  • Inattention, worsening memory.
  • Nausea, dizziness, tachycardia.
  • Frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases due to reducing immunity.
  • Irritability, attacks of rapid fear and feelings of anxiety, bad mood.
  • Unprompected manproofing of the muscles of the face and eyelids.

It is the lack of magnesium most often serves as an increased pressure, as well as 80% of people suffering from heart disease, a magnesium deficit was revealed.

Such symptoms show that more products with magnesium should be included in the daily diet.

Symptoms of excess magnesium in the body

Although magnesium is not a toxic compound, but its oversuetment is also harmful to human health, as well as the disadvantage. It is impossible to obtain an overpressure of magnesium from food from food, but excessive use of magnesium-containing drugs can badly affect well-being.

Also the cause of excessive accumulation of the substance can be a violation of mineral metabolism. An excess of this chemical element can lead to such violations and pathologies as arthritis and polyarthritis, psoriasis, dyslexia, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys and others.

Among the main symptoms of the oversupply of magnesium can be noted:

  • inhibition and increased drowsiness;
  • general weakness, decay of forces, lethargy;
  • digestion disorders (liquid stools), long-term nausea, dry mouth;
  • reduced performance;
  • coordination violation, uncertain gait.

Thus, using products in which a lot of magnesium, you can help how to help the body, but also harvest. Be careful and healthy!

Magnesium is widespread, it is part of chlorophyll, is required for growth, flowering, planting plant seeds. All green parts of the plant include this element. But in which products contains the most magnesium than feeding households?

A person must eat daily products rich in magnesium. Adults are required on average 300-400 mg per day, such a number of Mg is necessary to maintain a concentration in the blood 0.65 - 1.05 mmol / l.

Most of all magnesium is contained in plant food. Mg concentrates mainly in the leaves, stems, seeds.

Magnesium in vegetable food

To ensure that the daily norm of this macroelerant does not necessarily buy rare spices, prepare exotic dishes. Products containing magnesium, always at hand, they are very easy to enter into a casual diet.

Many MG is contained in coarse bread, bran. The mineral content champion is rice, wheat bran, in 100 g of which contains 781 mg and 590 mg Mg, respectively, which is higher than the daily need for macroelegen.

Fully cover the daily need for mineral 100 g cocoa powder, in which 425 mg Mg is located. High concentration of mineral in marine algae, so, in the laminaries of this macroelement accumulates up to 170 mg per 100 g of algae.

Food with high magnesium concentrations are common among plants from the bean family, especially many of them in both, beans.

As can be seen from the table, in the first place among the vegetable products of the family of legumes rich in magnesium, soybeans are located.

This food product is well balanced by potassium content (24.8% of the daily rate of 100 g) and magnesium (16.3% of the daily rate). Does not lag behind soybeans and peanuts. It contains at the same time a large number of MG, vitamin B 6 and K.

Most magnesium in seeds. Thus, 100 g of sunflower seeds supply the daily amount of MG into the body, with the condition that they are used in raw form.

Many magnesium in the usual food products, and, as the table shows, the usual buckwheat in the content of Mg is practically not inferior to the cashew, and is ahead of almonds and pistachios.

Mg concentrates in tea leaves. In the black byh inhabit, it is 440 mg per 100 g, and potassium - 2480 mg / 100 g, which is approaching the daily rate to the amount of 3-5 g.

The MG bread contains less, which is associated with losses for thermal, mechanical processing. In a rzhan bread, it is 46 mg / 100 g, in wheat - 33 mg / 100 g.

A little MG macroelector is contained in vegetables, berries, fruits.

Phenic 43
Raisins 33
Mandarin 12
Apricot 10
Peach 9
Lemon 8
Apples 5

Magnesium in animal products

In the food of the animal origin of the MG macroelemer, it contains less than in plant products, and after culinary processing, the MG content decreases by another 35-50%.

In fish, seafood mineral is somewhat larger than in red meat, bird, dairy products. A little mg in eggs, so in 100 g raw Yaitz Only 12 mg of macroelement, - 13 mg, goose - 16 mg, duck - 17 mg.

After cooking, the MG concentration in it decreases. And if there is 250 mg / 100 g in buckwheat buckwheat, then in buckwheat cable, welded on water, the amount of this element decreases to 51. The beans during cooking also significantly loses magnesium - from 130 to 35 mg / 100.

And pouring the liquid from the canned corn canned, a person deprives himself 60% magnesium, originally part of the product.

Magnesium assimilation features

When choosing products, it should be borne in mind that when cooking, most of the useful minerals are lost. It matters in what form mg ions are associated in food. Organic magnesium compounds are best absorbed, inorganic digested significantly worse.

It must be borne in mind that the soil due to irrational use does not contain the required magnesium, the plants have a deficit of this most important element for photosynthesis, suffer from chlorosis.

So, apples contain only 80% of magnesium from the norm. Cabbage, purchased in the store, contains 4 times less magnesium than that that is grown in its own area.

With age, with hypovitaminos, the lack of minerals, the ability of the digestive tract to absorb magnesium decreases. Especially high the need for and. In which foods contain magnesium, potassium and vitamin in 6?

Products with magnesium, potassium, vitamin 6

The best supplier of magnesium and vitamin B6 products serves vegetable food. It is less exposed to thermal and machining, it can be used in raw form.

Rich in magnesium and vitamin in 6 vegetable products: pistachios, garlic, sunflower seeds, sesame, kinza, hazelnut, lentil, walnut. 100 g of raw sunflower seeds, pistachios fully cover the daytime need of the body in Vitamin B6, and contain a lot of MG.

Potassium required for the assimilation of MG is often contained in large quantities in the same products in which muggy is concentrated. So, in the Kurage K - 1717 mg, Mg - 105 mg, in sea kale, respectively, to - 970 mg, Mg - 170 mg.

Most of all potassium and magnesium is also contained in peanuts, beans, almonds, raisins, prunes, peas, hazelnuts, cashews, cedar, walnuts.

These products are especially useful to people suffering from heart diseases, nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders.


Diets and healthy eating 04.04.2017

Dear readers, today we will continue the conversation about the role of minerals that participate in the most important metabolic processes of our body, affect its protective functions, and also necessary for the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system. Today we will talk about zink and consider which products contains zinc.

Necessary for the life of the body the number of zinc we get from food, so it is so important to organize the right balanced dietTo be healthy. A long deficit of this element always leads to a failure of organs and systems, so it is necessary to eat products containing zinc daily.

What is zinc

Zinc participates in all the vital enzyme body enzyme systems. It enters the structure of the enzyme providing our breath, is necessary for the normal function of the domestic secretion glands governing our hormonal background, participates in the structure of all cells of our body.

The pituitary gland, thymus, pancreas, thyroid gland, adrenal glands produce hormones that affect all processes flowing into our body throughout life, and zinc is needed for their normal functioning.

This most important mineral participates in maintaining our immunity, in the regulation of reproductive function, in salt and carbohydrate exchange, prevents the obesity of the liver, normalizes the fat exchange, regulates blood glucose levels.

The most important is zinc in childhood food, especially for the formation of bone tissue. The lack of zinc leads to a slow growth of the child, to the deformation of bones, to the violation of the normal proportions of the body, as well as to the delay in sexual development.

Thus, Zinc is a mandatory participant in DNA synthesis, contributes to the updating of cells in our body, both skin and internal organs.

I invite you to watch the video material. What is useful zinc for our health.

Daily norm zinc

The need for an adult in the zinc is 10 - 15 milligrams, taking into account age and gender. The need for it increases during strong physical exertion, mental overvoltage, severe stress, as well as in women during pregnancy.

When feeding a baby with breasts, all the necessary elements of the kid gets with mother's milk. From year to three years, children need to receive 3 mg of zinc per day, from 4 to 8 years - 5 mg, from 8 years to 13 - 8 mg. With adolescents from the age of 14, it is necessary as much of this trace element as adults.

Knowing, in which products a lot of zinc, using them regularly, it is not difficult to avoid its deficiency, if there are no other nutritional, risk factors.

Signs of zinc deficiency

Fortunately, with a normally organized diet, adults rarely meet the lack of this microorganism, zinc in food products satisfies its need to fully. There are negative factors affecting its suction, and in this case the characteristic signs of its deficiency may arise.

  • Thin and become brittle nails, white spots and stripes are visible on the nails;
  • Often around the mouth appear "snacks", cracks and inflammation in the corners of the mouth;
  • Badly heal the wounds and abrasions;
  • Hair dusk and fall out, dandruff may appear;
  • The memory deteriorates, the reactions slow down, and inhibition appears;
  • Response resistance to respiratory infections;
  • The appetite decreases, the smell deteriorates, flavoring receptors are disturbed, excessive thinning;
  • There may be unmotivated fatigue.

These are primary signs that it is worth paying attention to reveal the lack of zinc in our organism on time.

What threatens the lack of zinc

A long deficit of this trace element in adults threatens serious health problems that require drug treatment. Let's figure out which violations of organs and systems can provoke the lack of this trace element in the body.

  • Circulatory disorder;
  • Anemia;
  • Impairment of menstrual cycle, premature genera and abortion in women;
  • Pathology of development of the fetus in pregnant women;
  • Infertility;
  • Erectile dysfunction and prostate adenoma in men;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Impairment of the immune system;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Early baldness;
  • Disorders of the nervous system and psyche;
  • Cataract, retinal destruction of the eye;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Causes of lack of zinc

The causes of the lack of zinc can serve as an insufficient use of products rich in zinc, long fasting, fascination with monodins. Vegetarian food is also able to lead to its deficit.

It is necessary to take into account that in some cases, even with properly organized nutrition, Zinc in the products is not fully absorbed. Its deficiency can be caused by uncontrolled use of diuretic products, corticosteroids and contraceptive drugs.

Excessive physical exertion, accompanied by plenty of sweating, contribute to the removal of the mineral from the body. Zinc antagonists are calcium preparations, vitamin B6 and selenium that interfere with it to be absorbed, so their reception in the form of tablets or additives to food must be coordinated with the doctor.

The absorption of zinc is disturbed in the diseases of the intestines, accompanied by diarrhea, and caffeine and alcohol in large quantities literally remove it from the body. Diabetes, violation of the function of the thyroid gland, cirrhosis of the liver can cause a decrease in the amount of zinc in the body.

Frequent stressful situations - a factor affecting proper distribution In the body of this mineral, zinc is worse, its deficit with long stress is manifested very quickly.

Another factor is elderly ageWhen the level is reduced not only zinc, but also other minerals. In this case, biological additives containing vitamins and minerals can significantly improve the state.

Treatment of the deficit in the organism of the zinc microelement can only be prescribed by the doctor after laboratory tests of blood and urine. An independent reception of zinc-containing drugs can harm health.

Which products contain zinc

High zinc products are animal products, especially red meat, chicken and beef liver and other offal, eggs, fish, squid, shrimp, oysters. The maximum amount of zinc, several times overlapping the daily rate, contains oysters, but this delicacy we eat extremely rarely. 100 grams of beef liver contains about 80%, in chicken breast - 45% of the daily zinc rate.

Zinc in vegetable products is contained in smaller quantities, but there are among them and record holders on the content of zinc, these are nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, 100 grams of which give us from 30 to 70% of the day norm of zinc.

Dark chocolate also contains a lot of zinc, one standard tile provides us with a 65% daily rate. But do not forget about the calorie content of chocolate, especially those who are contraindicated sweet.

A lot of zinc contains garlic, beets, bell pepper, carrots, cabbage, sesame. About what is still cunning, you can read in the article

Many zinc in grain and legumes, in wheat bran, which need to be included in their power as often as possible.

Table of products containing zinc in large quantities

Product name Zinc content
in mg per 100g
Oysters 60
Wheat bran 16
Dark chocolate 10
Beef liver 8,4
Sesame seed 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Chicken Hearts 7,3
Chicken liver 6,6
Pork liver 5,9
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Flax-seed 5,5
Boiled language 4,8
Chicken breasts 4,5
Ginger 4,7
Cedar nuts 4,3
Egg yolks 3,9
Mutton 3,5
Hard cheese 3,5
Lentil 3,8
Peanut 3,3
Beef Meat 3,2
Peas 3,2
Beans. 3,2
Pork 3,0
Buckwheat 2,8
Walnuts 2,7
Oat groats 2,7
Barley grits 2,7
Meat turkey 2,45
Hazelnut 2,4
Almond 2,2
Cashew nuts 2,1
Pistachii 1,4
White fresh mushrooms 1,4

In addition to products with a large content of zinc, there are many other products in which Zinc is also present, and without which our food would be depleted. These are various vegetables and fruits whose role for our health is impossible to overestimate.

Zinc content in food. Table

Name Number in mg per 100g
Oranges 0,2
Eggplant 0,29
Cherry 0,1
Green peas 0,32
Pears 0,1
Melon. 0,1
Strawberry Sadovaya 0,1
White cabbage 0,4
Cabbage Kohlrabi. 3,5
Potatoes 0,6
Gooseberry 0,1
Green onion 0,3
Carrot 0,4
Cucumbers 0,21
Sweet pepper 0,44
Peach 0,1
Tomatoes 0,2
Radish 0,2
Salad 0,27
Beet 0,43
Plum 0,11
Black currant 0,13
Pumpkin 0,24
Garlic 1,1
Apples 0,15

What is dangerous excess zinc in the body

Excess zinc in the body - a rare phenomenon, with food products to obtain zinc poisoning is almost impossible. This may occur if a person uncontrollands preparations containing this mineral, or by using food, in which zinc came from the container when stored.