Scenario of the quiz for the day of people of the frail age. Competition and rozvagi for people of a frail age: nudga - get out

  1. Exhibition "Summer supply - winter pidberiha"
  2. Urochist part: speak of official osib.
  3. Dedicated to pensioners: vistava, oath, task.
  4. Congratulations to the juveniles.
  5. Perform child dance groups.
  6. Country hymn-song.
  7. Scene "Ex-BB".
  8. Song "Self-accordion".
  9. Scene "Ukhar-merchant".
  10. Greetings to jewelers “I won’t praise my dear.”
  11. Final song "Today's Evening".
  12. Scene "New Russian grandmas".
  13. Greetings to an honorable pensioner from Gaz-Nafta.
  14. Games, contests, dances.
  15. Distribute the exhibition to the guests at the table.
  16. Round dance "Kuderishki".
  • Prepare a list of participants (actors) of the evening;
  • Preparing the transfer of juvialers;
  • Prepare a list of people to enter the status of pensioners;
  • Prepare a list of participants in the exhibition.

What is needed for the evening:

  • Drapery for exhibition;
  • prizes;
  • Accessories for igor;
  • microphones;
  • cassettes with a phonogram;
  • costumes for scenes that represent pop stars;
  • For the scene “Ukhar-merchant”: shawls (girls), sundress, khustka, shirt, cap, coins, feathers, tatsia, flasks, dance, earflap, back, icon;
  • For the scene "New Russian Grandmothers": blouse, backs, eyepieces;
  • For the round dance "Kuderishki": shawls of your own.


  • "Katyusha";
  • "Ex-BB";
  • "Samotnya accordion";
  • "Ukhar-merchant";
  • “I won’t wag my dear”;
  • "Today's Evening"

Upon arrival, pensioners go to the hall, barvisto decorated, under the theme of autumn, gift of autumn, exhibition. Vechir v_dkrivaє leading.

P: Good evening, dear guests! I live! I shiro vіtayu you z by right іz deserved day! On a day, if wisdom and life are famous throughout the country. The day when Shana Tim is seen, who has lived a glorious, hard life, who has a good shoulder to do that topping.

So let me go to the circles

While there is still gunpowder and spritnist

You burn in the heat of the moment

The one who brings light to people

P: Our guests, we celebrate our program with the exhibition “Summer supply - winter of food!”. Here you will sing the words of love and pride of the most savory speeches. I ask you to reconcile with respect, because look at your taste buds to whom you will give credit. Peremozhtsіv and uchasnіvіv bude winegordzheno. The exhibition is presented by our active women - singing to the melody "Katyusha" - "Dachniy hymn".

Rozkvitli in the greenhouse tomato,

Greenhouses caught ogirki,

Take a look at yourself

Swing to stand like a youth

Buryak, ripa, zucchini, carrot

Everything caught up, gave birth at once,

Khrin from the garden hanging his head

Look at the watchmaker, what do you see!

Good for us to live in the country,

Do not old me on niy antrohi,

Just check it out, if we happen to

At your favorite dacha, please!

P: Friends, today people came to welcome you, whom you know well. Out of satisfaction, I give the floor for hospitality (regalia of that rank, ПІБ) ... (you can speak with the vital word of a few well-deserved people, veterans too)

P: I can't help but think of the above words. I would like to add more, what a toast to today's drive:

Don't know this word

Sob all the world to indulge

You garnogo zdorov'ya

And don't hesitate!

I wish you good luck

Less grief and confusion

Sob more bright days,

But they didn’t frown.

Ale on the day of miracles, wait

All favors are good,

Let all the fates that are left out,

bring you joy, soul!


(Preparation to the title of "pensioner" of newly-made guests and acceptance of pensioners to the lava of "active guards").

P: Friends, it seems that our regiment has a good time! Allow me to introduce you to the coming people (behind the list, pensioners go on stage, or else go straight into the hall, until the leader stands in the row). Please come before me! (recover)

If they came to us for the evening

Gone, suffocated

So you now, lads,

Summer zavsidniki.


Q: love your share

Don't take it for granted

Maybe we'll turn around...

Pensioners: We swear!

P: Perhaps such a "thing"

Pension and plus deductible

Don't hit it high - smile.

Pensioners: We swear!

P: Yakscho raptom such a coward

Abo sickness chi dance ...

Do we care about problems?

Pensioners: We swear!

P: We are retired now

At the cicavia the world of the courier

І vyznannya daughter?

Pensioners (3 times): We swear!

And just in time, shovni pioneers in "active zavsidniki", the time has come for testing. Active zavsіdniki know that on such evenings it is necessary to have fun, saving garni moods and igniting them, to dance, to sing songs and empty parts, and that is not unimportant - to drink at once!

Play-testing for those who have entered the title of "pensioner"!

  1. "Cherka for grandma". The women are given an empty cup and I reap the day, they change, they are ready to stink the stench of the onuks for the next hour. At the signal of the leader, a competition is initiated.
  2. "One day from past life". The guest’s skin is selected according to his fantas, in which the song will be ordered, for example, 18 years, 25 years, 33 years and so on. To the heads of skin care and grandma є rozposti about one day of that fate, which їm vipav. For example, I’m 18 years old, I’ve thrown myself in a bad mood, I’m going to the institute, as if I didn’t wake up. After the start of the study, I’m going home, even if I’m getting ready to sleep, but I don’t overshadow my mood, because in the evening we have dances. Naytsіkavіshi and naiveselіshi rozpovidі can be rewarded with prizes.
  3. "For a century, the rumor does not falter." Mustache participants sit at the stake. Leading in the ear to put a song or a proposition to the first participant (it will be better, obviously, it will be a proposition), and it’s skin on the cheek quickly and even more quietly, so that they don’t feel the decision, passing on the “secret information” to the listener. The remaining participant keeps up the word that has gone before the new one, or the proposition is voiced. As soon as it comes out of the given leading word, then it will win prizes.

Z: In such a good time you are given such privileges:

  • I want - I'm lying;
  • I want - I stand;
  • I want - I'm talking;
  • I want - I sleep;
  • I want - sweat;
  • I want at once
  • a hundred times for a hundred times!

V: I am wide open to you with a new, flowery, original “settlement”. With the ease of passing the trials, it is deserved by the accrued privileges. Now you are joining the lavas of our "Active Zavodniks". Hooray!

Let them cope with hopes and dreams

Let the people laugh

Let me be healthy, that good luck in no way

Do not deprive you of the next fates!

Be kind to accept the dance group “…” from the gift. Dance "...", hands. PIB

P: Friends, there are jewelers at our table! (Perakhuvat).

Come to life's jubilees

We will try not to get lost

Prote wants to know

You are young, so trim!

Trochy zmorshok, ta th scho?

That sivina suits you ...

I am rich in spirit and young

Come on, don’t get through!

(The host asks to lift the kelikha and say together “Vitaemo!”)

Z: For our juveniles (to remake), we prepared a musical gift - a couplet to the motive of the song “I won’t brag about being nice.”

We won't brag about dear

We know what we are talking about

Happy Anniversary

I give you a couplet (voice for the rest of the warehouse)

National Day is glorious holy,

Check for a new mi ciliy rіk,

Because the company

I am a cheerful people.

Receive guests with pleasure

Keep the door open for everyone.

Vikonuemo mi rulady

I sleep for you now

From Moscow, from Leningrad,

Feodosia, Perm,

From Tolyatti, Khokhloyardi,

Those guests have gone. (You can present your own, those, and some jewelers themselves)

Marvel at _______,

Yak vin is young and kind.

Vіd yogo dashing look

Zhіnok usikh is thrown at the tremtinnya.

Let the fire in your eyes sparkle

I arched black eyebrow,

Don't be stingy with a smile

Rozburhuє our shelter!

Look at ______

What the heck

Vіdhopiv sobi tsarivna.

Cursed soul!

Vaughn _______ love, pester

I nurture, take care

Well, _______ rose

Tanya, like under the sun, ice!

Let me say goodbye

Kind soul to you

Good luck, great happiness

Don't forget your friends!

Yuviley miracle holy

Check for new mi rich rockiv

To that which is not spent,

Optimism and the heart is light.

P: Live near the village for our grandmother

Without them in the holy - bіda!

Start rum'yani, like pancakes

I do not bother in any way!

The scene “New Russian grandmothers” hopes to your respect. Vikonan PIB and PIB with sharp, ale hot criticism of our daily life. Sharpen!


- Well, where do you shtovhaesh me? Don't beat the horses.

“Like hell, I already explained it to you a thousand times at a rally for the defense of people.

- Give me a re-read already, I got me in.

“They moved a little, honestly tell me, ti cho, against people?”

- No, I'm sure bula for.

— Why are you sabotaging? Axis exactly through you zapіznimos.

“I don’t sabotage anything, I’ll give an order and pidemo ... And who is there before the speech at the rally?

- Like someone, I'm the head, you dopovidach and everything, who will come to the rally.

- Are you serious?

- Sounds great.

- Oh, I love to talk so much, but if you want, you can, because I’ll carry the treasury again ...

- Tell me about those women who, with their feminism, kill the peasants.

- Mi in sensi?

- Oh, but I know that you need to work, you don’t need to protect people, you need to allow wealth.

- What do you want?

- Well, how come, my grandmother’s axis is self-sufficient, not rich, but reveal the axis, Maxim Galkin befriended us and joined his harem?

- I declare that the axis is only needed by you Galkin, old hamanets, are you not afraid to opine in the harem into someone else?

- Tse in whom?

- Well, for example, at your court, a philatelist.

- Do you know what?

- Singingly, we hurried to the harem, pidemo, speaking out for the protection of people, because there are few left, do not win money for all grandmothers.

- Well, I’m telling you what, but let’s do it, let’s do it - get up and go, ati two, ati two ...

B: don't let me beat you up with a pantelika of life surprises

Let's wake up zreshtoy bajannya that mrії

Even though you have a little bit of humor, you have a lot of problems.

You lie to yourself in your life and help us!


P: Shanovni peeps, don't you want to laugh? (Zvertaetsya for lashtunki) Can you smell the beautiful girls? Knocking accumulates that wind noise, then there is a vuhar-merchant, well done, welcome a dear guest! (The scene "Ukhar-merchant" women themselves sing and imitate those who sing in the song (here the text is not clear, for the style of the scene, it is taken only as a sing-song couplet))

Ukhar-merchant went to fairs, Ukhar merchant, well done.

At the red shirt, curly and ruddy, Viyshov nadvir cheerful and drunk.

Zіbrav vіn dіvchatok-beautiful gurtok, Vikhopiv іz dzvіnkoy treasury hamanets.

Drink old and small with wine: “Drink, drink! Let's live, let's live! .. "

The girls wrinkle their faces, drink until the day, Zhartuyut, dance, and sing songs.

Until the girl, the shy merchant comes, hugging, kissing and embossing hands.

Ukhar-merchant telephoned with a srіbl: “No, it’s not necessary ... we know more!”

The girl squirmed, she wanted to tick, Mother ordered to stand on the spot.

Zoryana is quiet and warm and clear. The girl's song died long ago.

Daughter їhnya beautiful came pіzno, Polon gave srіbla brought.

P: Were you relaxed, were you not worthy of us?

That hour is not wasted

Have fun continue

Musical pause

Lyrical, but not summary

Bravo cavalry, participants

Marvel at how beautiful her women are!

(Vocal duet of pensioners vikonu song "Samotnya accordion". Bazhayuchi dance out to the hall.)

P: Friends, you don’t notice, but I immediately recognized that the stars of the stage had come to us for the evening, the stench of standing behind the lashtunkas is even boasting. The program depends on Mrs. Kadisheva, if you want to stay abroad, but you can’t choose your betrothed, who hasn’t been married to her before and Soso Pavliashvilli and Decl and Gazmanov ... and bring the Basques. Take a look at what happened.

(Musical scene "Ex-BB")

P: Dear friends, the alcohol horoscope is being deafened! I name the sign of the horoscope and sip a glass of ti, who was born under this sign!





Aries is so supernaturally straightforward, and yet, under the infusion of alcohol, he sips his head. As if to lie, that the head and appearance of this sign are the most important “details” for injuries, then you can boldly work the visnovi, which in an unsteady camp it is necessary to take care of them especially, and through the advancement, straightforwardness among them.

Tsey Lashkovy calf



For the dance, everything will be clear!

Never, feel, never anger Taurus, who was drunk with alcohol. I want to win in a seemingly peaceful way, but there is an option that you won’t take your legs. To get in a good mood Taurus can be afraid of the company, having a good evening, even if it is a wide soul! The last way to calm Taurus is to encourage him to fall asleep. Sing wine self-consciously, with the strength of your soul, though sometimes not everyone can see it.




Be friends with Kim, get drunk with Kim


The Bliznyuks have a sense of humor, a warm mind and a good spirit of speech. The stinks quickly become the soul of the company, you won’t catch a blink of an eye, as if you will be enchanted by their manner of intercourse. Sound up to alcohol Bliznyuzhi baiduzhi, їhnіy svіt і so zafarbovaniya usima colors of veska and additive doping stink will not be required. Ale skushtuvati new liquor - do not be inspired.



And in someone else's hand I got accustomed

Because I got lost!

Crayfish always try to amaze their guests with the richness of serving the table, the richness and variety of passions, even the stench of the right gourmets and the poignancy of gastronomic aesthetics. Relationships with alcohol in Rakiv do not add up to the neurodevelopment of the psyche and subtle mental organization. Navit kelih beer on them zgubny infusion. As a rule, Cancers begin to fall into depression, make themselves shoddy, cry about injustice and inadequacy of the world.


And if you sleep in the night


Leva's place of residence, as a royal person - holy parties, official receptions and other people's places. For the sake of a drink, Leo is given to be bad and praise, which is negatively signified on his reputation, which he should cherish.



And if you sleep in the night


It is practically impossible to see the Diva at a social gathering, in evenings or in bars - the stench is worth the waste of an hour of good health. As if for a lot of furnishing, all the same, it happens to take a fate at such entrances, then to slacken the stench with a singing elegance, but without a special outfit.





The stench is more respectful of garni zastіllya, evenings, loud companies and pіdtremuvatimut tsі come in with the rest of your strength. And one "ale" - the strength of the qih is not so rich already. Terezi is recruited to finish the soup, and everything that is worth eating for better is savory, and not the standard set of “snack”, and licorice, as it seems, is possible to drink alcohol in the blood. But the best option is not to have a snack. It is not surprising that Terezi suffers confusion and, often, mental anguish.



Bagato burners and lemon,



Great amateur vipiti. Often causing serious inaccuracies and making a lot of problems, that one cannot love at once and not in the world. Drinking alcohol, Scorpio easily loses control over emotions, like in the new and so enough. In the camp alcoholic sleep to hurt us in front of ourselves, we won’t be deprived of other forces.





Even a friend's sign from the goodness of my spirit, the soul of the company. For the first two evenings, don’t shoot Strilets, you will always be in the center of respect. It’s too much to work out of satisfaction, zokrema p’є. I p'є chimalo.





Perekonani kar'iersti z pіdvishchennoyu ambitіstyu, on be-yakoy priyomі opinyayutsya among the richest and bringing people. Capricorns are of little memory, calm and feisty, stench may never get involved in love, and they no longer take the fate of superwomen. The stench vvazhayut for the best posterigat for him, who is seen from the side, without having once again shown the possibility of "warming up the vuha", so that I can win the taking of the information for my own purposes.

Pour without harm!




Irrespective of love to the point of assimilation, Aquarius easily makes contact and makes new acquaintances, loves to have fun and takes the joy of taking a part in every party. Regardless of where Aquarius is known - on its own or among people, - you will warmly accept those that you see around.





Ribi, like a watermark, drinks everything that you can drink, in uncircumcised flasks - it’s necessary to love it right. 10-12 cups of tea, a couple of liters of juice is easy! If you drink alcohol on the right, then you don't. Ribams see that they can’t get drunk on alcohol, because they have a quick sound. It is necessary for us to protect ourselves before requesting for a banquet and a urochist - in the hands of we try bad things for ourselves and “pump up” the swede.

Q: I tell you, schob zіrka, under which you were born, the next hour passed at the next hour of luck, a month of transitions at the phase of kohanny, turning your head to a true friend, your legs danced, and your hands poured, for in honor of today's saint I will ask you to come. zhіnok, at the vikonnі yakikh vy sing the Russian folk dance "Kuderishki".


The text of the song (ruhi for an hour at a time you can see for yourself, basically a round dance, low, guys breaking, corridors, arches, etc.)

Chervona girl forked the coachmen,

She lost water on the river.

Tell me, love is unseen

But why aren't you crazy?

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

But why aren't you crazy?

That's why I didn't get in

She swam for water,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

She drank for water.

Walk a verst for water,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

That I took the gorіshkіv zhmenku.

Tobi, tyatenko, do not beat,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

That I conceived young kohati.

Pokohala not for reason, not for beauty,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

She pokohala for a look of fun.

Cheerful yoga look,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

That kind of cute card came.

A map came - a painted portrait,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

Describe that, love, love what.

I wrote to my friends Vanyusha,

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

Don’t make friends, friend, on Tanya.

You are making friends, you are sleeping,

That zі evil retinue namaeshsya.

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

That zі evil retinue namaeshsya.

With a thin retinue, you will,

You will make up with a garno!

One-two, I kiss you, I kiss you,

You will make up with a garno!

P: The skin is cherished on the kohanna and the memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their onuks and great-grandchildren the wealth of rich and rich lives, of a decade of history in one lance, so that they don’t break. Today we celebrate all of you, our dear pensioners, and I hope you are happy with that rose in your family, blessed with joy and good health! Holy hell!!!

(A visceral duet sings a song to the tune of “Today’s Evening” - “Miles of the guests”)

Today's evening, evening, evening,

Lіg priєmny obov'yazok on our shoulders.

before you honor mi vіddaёmo

At the holy table,

І tsyu song for her at once we sing.

It's time for us to signify

The time has come for celebration, holy celebration is more fun!

I day of wisdom

With a great company of relatives, friends!

Let you not be twenty and not thirty, high!

Don't lower the bar of your goodness!

Let's be careful,

You won’t let us in, you know so!

Verse 2: Today we have fun, fun, fun,

Today's cups were thrown over honestly.

Mi vip'emo two, and maybe,

Do not marvel at us so harshly,

The wine warmed us, calling us in the middle.

Prispiv: the same

(Before the end of the evening, there will be a rewarding opportunity for exhibitions, games, contests, dance breaks.)

Who said that the share of the old is quiet, boring self and TV? You can spend an hour just right, with a gritty and garnish mood.

A small group of people of a frail age can miraculously make their own permission, taking the fate of fun competitions, quizzes and games: for whom we don’t need to have strong, swedish legs, as we are especially right and otherwise, we are young in power. It’s enough just to grow up!

Quiz: guessing youth

1. Retro tunes

It's just that everyone knows the quiz: contestants hear the cob vіdomoї rokіv 30-50 to that song and call її. For whom the presenter will either play first notes on the piano or zazdalegidly prepare a narration of entries on the computer, and at the hour of the competition turn on melodies on the basis. Whoever guessed first is the winner.

2. Variant of a quiz about retro melodies

Here you can rule the singing contest: play the first song back to the beginning, or put it on the disk, and then let's start singing the first verse.

3. One more variant of the contest of melodies

Turn on the cob of the song, ask the skin participant to sleep in a row of couplets according to the heart. Whoever forgets the words - skips his stab and passes the baton to the attacking participant.

4. "Guess the match"

Pick up photographs of couples from the 40s-50s-60s before the quiz. Ask the participants to guess and sing the first verse, be it a song, as if chanting the whole song.

5. Karaoke

Like a music center and discs with retro melodies, run a song contest - who sings the best? Let's just vote.

6. Vershi

Just before the hour of preparation for the competition, pick up brothers and sisters, like summer people, when they started at the school - do it at home, like dosi everyone is aware of.

The leader walks the first row, and the participants recite the decision of the verse. Help the one who guesses the greatest part of the creation or read it again. Small and insignificant changes in the text are allowed.

7. "Rocky mine"

Here you can sing the films of Leonid Parfyonov's "The Other Day" program, narrating the fragments in front of you and singling out what it was for the podia and if it got out. The one who guesses the most suitable is recognized as a helper.

8. "Guess the price"

Prepare before the competition the image of food products and drink, ideally - the stink of a guilty mother from old-fashioned packaging: for example, three-packs of milk. Participants of the competition are encouraged to guess if the products were released from such packaging and skids.

Intellectual warm-up

Here, awkward games are needed - stench for a long time and well known to people of a frail age, do not forget the speed of action, but rather train your thoughts and even groan.

1. "Cross-noughts"

Prepare an improvised doshka and arch paper A4 with great prints for grey, black and red markers, so that the peeps can see the walk well. Attach the leaves to the board and ask for the participation of two osibs. Skin to rob your head (the first one is after the foaling). Material prepared for a number of couples. On the back we will make a big bet, then we will win among ourselves, then we will win two smuts.

2. "Golden mean"

Vesela gra about "hybrids". Instruct the participants to signify what will be, how to join:

  • Zhinku ta ribu (mermaid)
  • Shkarpetki ta panchokhi (golf)
  • The man of that horse (centaur)
  • Bicycle and motorcycle (moped)
  • Briefcase and backpack (knapsack)
  • Refrigerator and fan (air conditioner)

Peremagaet the one who has the best opinions.

3. "Riddles"

It's simple: prepare incoherent riddles and pronounce their guesses. Tі, who guessed, otrimuyut Fanti - yaskravі cards. Help the one who has the most cards.

4. "Subsliv'ya"

Prepare in the house, but not too soon. Under the hour of the competition, the leading one sings the cob, and the participants make up for the part that is left out. Folding variant: prepare the next peoples of other peoples and ask them to guess Russian sayings about them.

5. "With flattened eyes"

Cook up to a mushroom crispy that sprat of small toys - fruits in the form of a house (apple, pear), birds (rolling, for example), creatures. Tie the eyes of the participants and give objects to the hands, ask them to guess them on the dotik.

6. "And your back was all over!"

Participants (more shortly, but not less than 8-10 osib) stand one by one at the stake. On the back are attached leaves of a thick white paper, the skin is removed by a marker or a fat felt-tip pen. Gra starts the one who stood first. Vin draws a paper on the arch, which on the back of the rest of the engraving is like a figurine. The rest is painted on the back of the front one, those who are watching with their backs. And so - to the end. Let's wait for the results. Play the one who most accurately portrayed his "back" little ones.

And now - let's go!

For summer people it is possible and necessary to collapse, for that, as in competitions, walking participants with approximately equal abilities take part in competitions, gravely, even more cheerfully and hoarsely.

1. Centipede

You will need two teams of 5-6 pers. Also, near the hall, on the vіdstanі approximately two meters, two rows of styles are displayed (near the skin row - 5 styles). Team members take one by one by the waist, making the "centipede". On command, the stench begins to collapse forward, trying to get around the steels with a snake and not destroying (throwing) them. Offended commands to reach the rest of the column, and then turn around and just like a snake fall back. The team wins, as it is better for supernikiv to reach the first style.

2. "The sea is wailing once"

Megavisit from immemorial hours. Chi is not competitive - just for rozva. The participants walk at the stake and start imagining whether they are figures after the command of the leader - “the sea is praised once”. The leader vvazha up to three or more, and then he says: "Sea figure - freeze!". Participants caught in poses, like the stench they took at the moment of the “freeze” command.

3. "Stometrivka"

Need: paper rolls (line - meter 10), two or three wagers of participants. At the command of the stench, start rewinding your roll: one three rolls, the next one rolls, rushing backwards, the docks do not unwind the entire roll. Then the skin pair begins to twist the papiers back, rushing forward one by one. Peremagaet steam, like papyrus does not tear and more easily for others it comes out of the factory, twisting the roll at the colossal camp.

4. "By transfer without delivery"

Vіdoma shkіlna gra - they played with it in whole classes, if it became tedious in class. Tsey variant - troch sports. You need two teams of people five times a day. The skin takes away a small ball and begins to pass on to the judges about the chergi to the rest of the grave, and then back. So repeat trichi. That team wins if they don't let the ball in once and pass three stakes more quickly.

Some of the participants are disabled

Here everything is laid down in order to preserve the intellect and motor skills of the hands. If you save the intelligence of the disabled-visitors, you can get to song contests, quizzes, and table games.

Like a bunch of people of a frail age, like they can change themselves in a stroller and want to help one with one, or just rozim'yatisya, proponate them "distill" from the start to the finish line with one or two shifts - skittles to the great stand, I ki need to ob'їhati .

Good right for them - a couple of їzda іz the transfer of a small ball for the leader's team.

So that it is holy to leave from roses to fame, it is necessary to heal the centuries, the special physical features of the skin of a person of a frail age.

Summer people sip more, feel and collapse, more understanding. The smut rule of any competitions for people of a frail age is a low, better pace. Do not hasten the participants with the events, do not give them the answers to the quiz, then tell them for the needs, praise them.

To get ready to get to the point that people of a frail age can often compete one with one and leading, as if it’s wrong to give a competitive meal, to a future thought, it’s wrong, so it’s easy and tactfully transfer the respect of rivals in a different direction, no one at you did not form.

Requesting participants to teams or for singles competitions, guard their bazhannya: don’t rush into it, pull by the hand, or recognize it without help.


Let's get ready for a long time. What can become a prize for winning? The malt is suitable only for those participants who are not ill, do not suffer from an allergy to licorice or preservatives, it is necessary for them to protect the health of people of a frail age. Among them, there are those who cannot get licorice, it is better to prepare prizes, so we can win.

You can use:

  • Small souvenirs
  • Stationery priladdya
  • As soon as you go to the holy place, you can prepare themed gifts - for example, novelty toys that don’t b'yutsya, paper bags are thin.

Ideally, two groups of prizes will be selected - for winners of competitions and for participants. Treba, for the prize to go to the skin: for the team who won, and for the great participants, and for the watchers. Without a prize, you can't miss anything!

On the right, in the fact that old people, who are especially ill in those other forms, often act like children - they are pretending that nothing happened to them. Therefore, prepare a sign of respect for the skin, zreshtoy, not a gift - value, but a gift to a summer person.

One of the participants pronounces the letters of the alphabet in the order of thought, the other participant says “stop” to the first one in a few seconds, they sounded for the next letter, for the first letter and for the first one. For example, the first participant said: "They called me in the letter H." Vіn naming, be it a word - a name, moreover, it is not possible to name names and name the place. Vin like "nosorig", offensive like "nostalgia", offensive "news" and so on. .d. e. to tell a joke, vіrsh, and gra go far on the stake, and if you’re shy about the anecdote abo vіrsh, then you’re to blame for your phantom (pen, hustochka thinly) and vibouti z gri. In this rank, the master or the leader chooses from us Fanti. The rest of the one who is left behind is called a "phraser" and the role of the skin phantom is assigned to a literary fine. For whom the "verbose" comes in, and the leader takes it for the sake of fantasy and over his head the "verbal" inquisition: "What fanta should you work for?" Mustache without a good response to remember: what to work. And "word" seems to be, for example: "To this fanta trichi shvidko say koromovka" There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not chop firewood on the grass in the yard."

Date: 19.08.2017, 03:34

Scenario of the holy "Day of the summer people"

Scenario of the holy "Day of the summer people"

Leading: Today we are blessed with people, without whom it would be impossible for our good foundation. Tse krinitsya zhittєvogo dosvіdu that wisdom, on which the skin sіm'ya is trimmed. Tse save the middle of the skin booth. May the older generation be healthy for all ages and long life for the joy of our motherland! Holy!

The concert program will take part in the "People's self-made collective" of the Russian song choir "Sokil", the honorary practitioner of culture of the Russian Federation Valentina Chernova, the accompanist Volodymyr Milov.

(without voiceover) "Rus" music. Mitsnich, sl Shilyaev.

Autumn warm day

The sun of gilding

Radial robot

Wind of turbulence.

Circle the fall of the leaves

Autumn in the rain,

Sivinu to pestle

We are old in the city.

What a waste of a day,

For the greatness of the century,

Vshanova nature

Summer people!

The song "The Gorobina Bloomed" op. Kharitonov, music. Luchko.

Word to the deputy ______________________________________




1st International Day of the People of the Poor Age, continuing such UN initiatives as the Vidensky International Plan of Action.

In Russia, the day of the people of the frail age is also celebrated as 1 Zhovtnya on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Radi. Russian Federation dated 1 chernya 1992 year.

Song "Bilgorod Rіdniy Territory" op. Lutkov, music Rudenko.

People of a frail age

Young heart,

Skіlki patted

You shlyakhiv, dear.

Loved hot,

I felt the children,

I hope lived:

Less worries!

People of a frail age

Mother Russia

Didn't spoil you

Easy share.

May God give you peace

Shob over the river

The sun was setting

Blakitny dome.

People of a frail age

You have everything like this:

Reveal the soul

Dosvid that kokhannya

Dear booth,

Light to the young

I everything that the heart

I'll tell you again.

People of a frail age

Let the fates pass

Be your support

Children - understand everything.

I uklin you low

View of relatives and loved ones

І vіd usієї vіtchizni

For priceless work!

Song "Mom's Cherry" op. Lutsenko, music. Pashkevich

Video: Day of the summer man

Summer People's Day

For these people the autumn of gold. A Svyatkovo concert marked the Apatity International Day of the Summer People.

And even if the age “over 60” is respected in the autumn of life, people, who came to the Palace of Culture, do not turn around to call it summer. For them, it’s not more sacred to have a good time with your friends, but to guess youth and make you dance. The organizers prepared a Christmas program for the Apatians with musical numbers, quizzes and gifts.

Dear grandmother and grandfather!

Nothing that the rocks have flown

I can see the wrinkle on the faces.

Tse inevitably check

Dermal way of life.

We only need good things to get rid of

Do not grow old in soul.

For the fate of you, no harm.”

Song "Yakim ti buv" from the movie "Kuban Cossacks"


We have recently appointed the 64th river of Peremoga at the Great Vytchiznyanoi war, and here by the hall the workers and workers of the body were sitting, like they were working tirelessly. To you, our dear ones, for your valorous work, for those who stood up, vithrimali. Accept a musical gift from us.

R. N. P. "Oh, the wide step" soloist Volodymyr Koftelev.

Who forgot

What old age is not joy?

No more empty words.

Come on in the eyes of the vtom,

І sivіє your head.

Well, the heart, like before, is biased,

I practice clearly thought.

Look how beautiful winter is!

Povіtrya svіtle, snizhok іkristiy.

Let's change that, having fallen from the sky,

Mov mirror, led blakytny.

E beauty of the skin and rock,

So be it beautiful.

Spiritual strength chimalo lost,

Do not be fooled by the fates of the mind,

I garna wise old age

Youth with the arrival of winter.

"Summer song" op. Rubtsova, music. Zavolokina.

    Without zayvih words, without zayvih phrases,

To deep feelings of respect

Let us welcome you

Happy summer people.

    What to bless you this day,

What blessings, what happiness?

No matter what,

Do not know the ailment, that misfortune, no pains, no confusion,

Sob comrades, friends

With a smile everywhere you were scolded!

R. N. P. "Oh, the garden by the yard."

    Let the garne, let the beautiful

Your life will be forever -

Good morning, the sky is clearer,

Well, and gloomy days - no way!

4. Hai will be mіtsny dim prosperity,

I am happy and happy. I more -

In your soul, let it be smooth,

In the eyes it is tearless, in the heart it is hot!

R. N. P. "Bird Cheremkha Colivaetsya".


The skin of this family is cherished in memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their onuks a wealth of fates, passing ten years of history into one uninterrupted lance. Today, we are honored by all of you, dear to you, our guests, and we wish you happiness, that rose in this world, blessed joy and good health!

Say goodbye

What did the share

To bring joy from a sleepy meeting.

I shine a happy star for you,

Taking care of the sight of that life's negativity.

Good luck and lots of laughs,

I'm healthy to you for the rest of your life.

We hope you have success on the right,

And for the sake of zustrіchі from you, live me!

Sound "Bagatolittya" Upload a document from your blog or website

The competition will require sponsorship funding. In the course of the process, emphasis should be placed on the advertising of sponsors' products. The prize for the finalist can be significant, because all the participants have lost the chance to compete for the first place.

Vіk uchasnits vіd 60 to 65, zazdalegіd the program of the competition is prepared and held vіdbіr participant. The skin participant prepares independently for the program. The programs include: a culinary competition, a beauty contest, a music competition, a competition “My grandmother”, a dance competition and a competition “Are you weak?”

Zhurі may have but the present shanovni people, bazhano at the city vіd 50. The number of participants is not guilty of revisiting ten points, otherwise the competition will be stubborn for the participants themselves. The judicial system is ten-point, the winner is awarded largest number baliv. Premuєєєєє so the very friend and the third place, reshta nagorodzhuyutsya memorabilia souvenirs. І Naturally, the competition can be seen by the local newspapers and broadcast television.

Leading or the presenter of this competition is guilty of improvisation, the written words for the conduction of the script are not transferred, everything that the presenter can, the names of the contestants, and the number of contestants, as well as the results of the trial. As a reminder, we need a final concert number for a gift from us. For whom you can ask artists for artistic self-development.

The competition is initiated by the submission of all participants. The stinks come out of the blue and vishikovyvayutsya on the stage for the music of the urochist. The skin contestant may have a number attached to her hand. Then the peeps see members of the jury. Participants of the competition are allowed to hurry for lashtunkas to help relatives and friends.

Culinary competition be carried out at once. For all women, there is hope for the same set of products, from which the stench can kill the weed. You can also have salads, desserts and other dishes that do not require trivial preparation. The quantity of cooked ingredients from these products, the originality of the names, the side of the serving are covered savory flavors cooking. The competition can be no more than twenty quilins per hour. For example, the judges give marks to the competition, bazhano, so that the skin will give their marks in public. For whom, the numbers from one to ten are used and fixed on the scoreboard.

paint contest be carried out on a whim. I only need to see all the participants on the stage. At this competition, it is necessary to ensure the correct selection of clothes to your age, haircut, make-up, manner of behavior on the stage. Respect for the stylishness of the image, yoga integrity. All the contestants can demonstrate their self-confidence, before which competition they can add a photo session. For whom the competition for the presenter is not permissible day notes of humor, like the participants did not fit into the tasks.

music competition It is allowed to conduct co-op with the contestants to help. It’s quite pleasant, as if it were an accompaniment on a musical instrument, or else it’s necessary. It is allowed to prepare a whole number for your homeland. Vocal data, originality and artistry of the number are vrakhovuyutsya.

Competition "My grandmother" carried out by humor. Here the presenter can comment on di ї contestants, adding fire to those replicas. Put a task in front of the grandmothers, dress the diaper and put the baby doll on, lay out the transforming stroller, turn on the tape recorder, bring the headphones up to the new one and dress them on the baby doll. Mustaches are judged for the speed and correctness of the vikonnannya. Nabіr dіy mozhe іnhim. For example: scoring a goal at the gate, a victory in mathematics and so on.

dance competition so I myself will help my relatives and friends. Ale tsіlkom pіdіyde i solo dance. At one of these competitions, three onuks came to help granny, danced hip-hop, taught their granny a lot of hands, for which they scored the highest ball for that majestic kokhannya of glyadachivs. In this competition, the originality of the idea of ​​the dance is evaluated, and not the dance itself.

Final competition "Are you weak?" I have great strength, oskolki can bring not only the greatest ball of zhurі, but also the vdyachnіst of peeps, adding ten more balls to the treasury of the most original grandmother. The vote of the observers is carried out by a way for the collection of signatures by another rank. This competition shows such data of the contestants, regardless of the age, which calls for great excitement and confusion.

After the pіdbitya pіdsіvkіv, the awarding of the helper, the presentation of memorable gifts to the participants will be carried out. Zahid may end in the Christmas mood.

Day of the summer people scenario is holy Day of the people of the poor age

Music sound. There are slides on the central wall. The leader behind the lashtunkas read the verses of Viktor Pavlov

Rocks like birds flew over you,

They created a happy life at the Pratsyakh.

Child of rock - the cob of the way,

Youth opened the way to the all-world
Rocky learn, fight and work,
Bagatioh bidoy zagartuval vіyna.

They believed in wonder at all hours,

The children grew up, the husbands and you
Best people Great country.
There were hailstones, wheat growing.

Children have already given you onukiv,

Prodovzhennya Great Russia.

Holy Nina, Heroes of Pratsi

Host: Hello, our dear friends! Today is especially holy, the day of the honor of that shanuvannya of the summer people. This is holy wine in the XX century. Spopchatka

sweat from America, and like the 80s from the whole world.

14 breast 1990 rock The UN General Assembly praised the respect 1 zhutn The international day of the people of the frail age, and in the Russian Federation it is sacredly celebrated from 1992. From that hour on, in golden autumn, we are silent, who have consecrated all their strength and knowledge to their people, who have given that youth to the young generation healthy.

Rocks fly, do not overtake them -

The anniversaries are speeding up, changing day by day.

But I know, I won’t get tired of marveling

Tim for an hour, what an autumn cry.

The age of mature, wise people is often called the autumn of life ... Like the skin of the time of rock is miraculous in its own way, so the most unique and age-old "seasons" of our life. Hotch bi yakі bіdi її zamaryuvali, all the filthy forgets. Let me renew the joy of life, mrієmo about happiness, about kohannya... Aja life is more beautiful!

Dance with leaves. Vikonuyut Vikhovantsі group No. 7, No. 8

Presenter: Tse buli vikhovantsі gurtіv No. 7, No. 8! Splashes!.. Dear guests , good, what happened good tradition marks the Day of people of a frail age. This day is a day of gratitude for the warmth of your hearts, for the promise of robotic forces, for the good news that you share with the young generations, for your children and onuks - you are with us. Today, in our hall, there are a lot of eager people to welcome you from this famous day. I will ask the children of the vocal studio to come on stage to welcome you (children enter).

Children read verses

Didus and grandmother,

Miles, relatives,

Adzhe kolis vi tezh

Be young!

I went in shorts,
I weaved braids,
I vіrshiki vchili vi,
Like bunnies, foxes.

At once you - our grandmothers -

Axis is your craft,

At once you are our didusi,

We've been spared!

Mom is busy with that,
Always on robots
Tell us a fairy tale,
You sleep the first time!

Pirishki and mlintsi

cooking granny,

I play at the bottom

With onukami didusi.

We already love you
I hope you don't get sick,
Sending help at the dacha
Fly to Canary!

"I'll take care of my grandmother." Conquer the children of the vocal studio

Today is holy, autumn day,

Skilki radio promotions!

Take a bath

Look at our little ones!

Dance "Top-top". Win the children young groups

Here, near the hall, nayridnishes were picked up,

Babusi and didusi - our roads

You are blessed with a kind of soul,

Sob healthy boule vie,

Sob onuks loved you,

Most of the guests came.

And at once vikhovantsі groups No. 3, No. 4 will tell us how to stink to love your grandmother.

Pieces about grandma. Vikonuyut vikhovantsі group №3, №4

Leading: The axis is how our children love their grandmother, and ... tell us how we should love our grandfather

Versh Tetyani Side.

On robots, yoga is respected,

Vin chief, I'm not afraid to say

Ale z robots come home,

and I become the boss.

I climb up to the new shoulder,
I reconcile the eyepieces,
I more about the new shovechor
I shake my fists.

I will walk at an easy pace,

All shvidshe z'їdaє grievances,

On the face, no wus, no beards...

Well, what kind of mіy dіdus dіd?!

Ale, if I torment Yogo,
Yakshto shamefully youmu for me,
I mark fear in my soul,
How to slouch dida back,

Like wrinkles weave together,

In hairy sivini - white creid.

I am ready to see everything in the world,

I wish I didn’t get sick!

(the veil closes. Children dance with parasols)

Leading: Life - the price is low, that separation, podіy, out of sorts, life, water and fold. But it’s also important to save the fire of the soul, which we were granted once burn.

Rocks flew, and there were negativity,

I nibi Vi did not remember them,

And I’ll wake up again when the bad guy comes

You guess the songs of the youth!

Song "Negoda"

Wrap musical stones. Curve

The sky is dark oh-oh-oh!

Mustache, hurry home.

Only I laugh myself,

I'm not afraid of black haze.

Don't be afraid of me and that grim,

I walk under a parasol!

Dance with parasols

Vikonuyut vikhovantsі group No. 10, No. 9


My vdyachni to you for the lives of the rocks,

For those who are evil to everyone,

Having overcome all the storms and the turmoil,

Laughing so zaderikovato and light.

Due to you for the sparks of merry,
Stink into the capture, bring someone,
I autumn of life in one minute
Wrap with a flower in the spring.

I thank you for your concern.

Vi is our avant-garde and superior til.

Your character, friends, is such a quality,

What eternal dvigun zdrosti zavmer.

We love you, optimistic, badorikh,
For those who don't care about rokisati.
Good song for wisdom,
It’s more fun to play with them in life!

From a shanked head we sneer in front of you.

We could store you in the future.

For those who live with us,

With a big heart, we say to you "Dyakuyu!"

Host: Dear grandmothers and children! Do not worry that the fates go ahead, your soul is filled with young forever. And we believe that our future is in our children, among these restless restless people, sometimes whimsical and cheerful.

Closing song "The head of the world is our children"

Conquering children and teachers

The script of the saint, dedicated to the day of the summer people - the teacher of the corn classes, Bilik Olena Oleksandrivna

Scenario "Day of the summer people"

Today is the best day of the world,

Smiles are kind,

Warmer and brighter sun to shine,

I mood is more fun!

I wish happiness from my soul,

Bagato bagato long-term,

Well, and the smut - I'm healthy,

What is dear to life?

lead.1. Hello dear guests!

lead.2. On our saints are present: our beloved grandmothers and didusi, as well as their onuks and onuks.

Ved.1 Who rolls us around the carriage and tells fairy tales?


Ved.2 Who walks with us near the park, giving the best gifts?


Ved.1 Get up early for all, clean up in the booth?


Vedas. 2. Who is mending and wearing? Who can help and tell?


Ved.1 Who bakes pancakes? All our …


lead.1. (Leading to the skin to bring a microphone and guests to give food. Then you can ask)


lead.2.- Heady character, what do you value in people?


lead.2.- Is your love interest?



With me my grandmother,

I mean, at the booth - I,

You can tell me Shafi,

Kviti watered with kefir,

Grati with a pillow at football

Clean with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands

Navmisne grukati dverima!

And don’t miss mom.

I have already reconsidered.

Ved.1 And now we will hold a small competition "Specially for Grandma"

At once I put food, onuks give letters, and grandmothers orally.

Food for grandma:

  1. Name the beloved country of your onuk, onuki.
  2. Love cartoon.
  3. Cossack in love
  4. Im'ya, in the father's way of a classy cerivnik
  5. Lover of busy onuka, onuki
  6. In which class do you learn onuk, onuk

Food for onukiv:

  1. Name your favorite busy grandmother.
  2. Name the profession of grandmother
  3. Grandma's National Day
  4. How many children do grandma have?
  5. Chi love granny pekti pies?
  6. Grandma's onukiv's skils?


We are holy

You sleep ditties

Yak mi z grandma for two

We're living a fun life.

My grandmother seems to be:

"I'm in a lot of pain."

Sat with her for three days.

It got sick in me.

Became grandma exult

Your illness

I put on my back

Triliter jar.

Grandma began to dance

І partivka vіdbivati,

So cheered up

The chandelier has fallen.

I'm ready to suffer all day

Without your pies.

Before that, I suffered

One of the great ones is gone.

I tell grandma:

“Don’t sleep in the evening!

I'm going home right now!

And my grandmother


How to laugh -

The brightest sun shines.

I went to grandma

Vesela that far away:

I snub my nose

Two dozen guilty!

I look like a grandmother

I am nevgamovna.

And my grandmother


We fell asleep, as if they were crazy,

They danced as best they could.

Yakby was possible

They retired for you.

Teacher. You can tell about grandma for a long time already. I am up to all lads and girls: love and value your grandmothers, be kind, mindful of them, do not give pain with your words and fillings.

lead.1. You, grandmother, love your onukiv, that onuchok. Ale, don't forget that it is necessary to rehabilitate the pracial onukivs, and not to work for them all, like our stage.

Scene., Grandma and onuki.

1st Yes, good

1 - am I what kind of dog?

2 - I I have a lot of lessons, I got everything mixed up.

2 - I її already called.

1st Yak?

lead.2. Ale tsya scene, obviously w - hot. And we, obviously, would like to keep our children in order with our wonderful grandmothers.

lead.1. I think that our fathers would like to become children again, to turn to the most expensive island for the skin - the island of childishness.

Song "Island of childishness".

AT 2 On our holy miracle didus, like to love your onukiv no less than a grandmother. And the onuks value their respect in their hearts.


Yakscho raptom get tight,

A friend vryatuє vіd rіznіh bіd.

Even I am like a friend,

Bo win my did.

Three days a week

Three ways to the stadium,

I love ice cream with jams,

And cartoons win love.

With such a garny didom

It is not tedious to wind at the boards,

With such a garny didom

You won't get lost anywhere!

Krani, companions and harmati

I rozkidav on kutkah.

Did bring me toys,

And they have wine themselves.

By the tin'yanim battalion

Did command: "Forward!" -

I lead to distant lands

My paper steamer.

Lies we bought with a didom,

Snіgu stink ripple.

I'm following the grandfather

In the eyes of all the lads.

I still can't understand

Zdivuvannya do not dance,

Who is the youngest of us two -

What is my did, what am I?

With such a garny didom

It is not tedious to wind at the boards,

With such a garny didom

You won't get lost anywhere!

IN 1. A lot of warm words sank at the address of grandmother and didusiv. Alya wants to reconsider once more, like they love onuki.

AT 2. Marvel at how little prominences bring warmth to our grandmothers and children. Let our little son warm up all grandmothers and children on the whole planet.

teacher This is such a childish joke. Batkam was nicoli, and on the batkivsky collections of pishov I was going to. Priyshov vin in a filthy mood and immediately began to bark onuk:

- Dissimilarity! It seems that you have a history of successive twins! I, for example, have five flies on every object!

Zvichayno, - vidpoviv onuk, - at that hour, if you started, the history was richly short!

teacher We would like to thank you so that your history will be more successful, so that children, onuks, great-grandchildren will please you ...

IN 1.

Bagato is healthy for two of you,

Happy summer you people!

IN 1. Let the autumn of your life be long.

Scenario of the day of the poor age of 1st anniversary

"And the rocks fly"

lead.1. You know, I can’t seem to turn around calling you people of a frail age. You are young at heart, you are so inspired, beautiful appearance. Chi can I call you young people? Let's celebrate Young People's Day today. What are you? (Pensioners gladly wait.) You want to look so wonderfully. Share the secret of your youth.

(Leading to the skin to bring a microphone and guests to give food. Then you can ask)

lead.1. - How bad is it for you, how do you cope with such a mood?

lead.2. - Heady character, what do you value in people?

lead.1. - Do you have any shortfalls? How are you fighting?

lead.2. - Is your love interest?

lead.1. - How do the guests come to know you, how do you spoil you?

lead.1. - Your love anecdote?

lead.2. - Tell me about your “hobby”.

lead.1. I understand that the secret of your youth is in optimism and practicality. Make amazing speeches with your own hands! And at the same time we give the word of the director of the school of Nesterova Oleny Mykolaivna.

Who is all darn ta v'yazhe?

Who can help and tell?

Get up early for all?

Who bakes pancakes?

Chorus: Tse our grandmothers.

lead.1. The verses were prepared for you by your onuks, dear grandmothers.

On tlі pisnі "Іvushka is green"

I'll give you a riddle

And guess what.

Who put a patch on the heel,

Who cares and cheers whiteness?

Who picks up the houses of lies,

Who put the great samovar?

Who is with a young sister?

І drive її to the boulevard?

Kim kilimok fringed vishitiy

(Sisters - maybe in every way)?

Who write reports

Soldier, my father?

Whose hair is more snowy,

Are your hands dry?

Who do I love and hate

About whom did the verse write?

Є. Blaginina

Mi with my grandmother

old friends

How good is

my grandmother

Kazok knows styles,

What not to overdo

І in stock


And the axis of the grandmother's hand -

Tse is just a treasure.

Booty without a granny

Hands do not command

Gold, sprites,

How I love them!

Nі, іnshih, maybe,

Chi do not know such!

M. Pleshcheev

R. Rizdvyany


With me my grandmother,

I mean, I am the head of the booth,

You can tell me Shafi,

Kviti watered with kefir,

Grati with a pillow at football

Clean with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands

Navmisne grukati dverima!

And don’t miss mom.

I have already reconsidered.


I have a sundress

Pivniki and pivniki

The whole world has nothing better

My dear grandmother!

At my grandmother's

A new apron for Yaskraviy.

Take it, grandma

Until the holy gifts!

I'm ready to suffer all day

Without your pies.

Before that, I suffered

One of the great ones is gone.

I tell grandma:

“Don’t sleep in the evening!

I'm going home right now!

Oh yes, my grandmother

Oh, that fight:

Stilki know anecdotes,

I don't know skils!

And my grandmother


How to laugh -

The brightest sun shines.

I went to grandma

Vesela that far away:

I snub my nose

Two dozen guilty!

I look like a grandmother

I am nevgamovna.

And my grandmother


lead.2. You can tell about grandma for a long time already. I am up to all lads and girls: love and value your grandmothers, be kind, mindful of them, do not give pain with your words and fillings. The stench of good times and vdyachnosti. Even these people, like they gave life to our fathers, like they bore on their shoulders heavy trials of war, devastation, hunger and stood in them. Grandma often says to me: "Don't forget me."

lead.1. Babusi, kohani, do not worry, we will not forget you, we will not leave you. Dyakuyu, dear, for your turbota that love. Dyakuyu.

The song "I'm standing on the pivstanochka."

I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time:

Vaughn at all windings

With me an infection.

I don’t know nudga with her,

Everything is acceptable to me,

And grandmother's hands

I love more.

And my grandmother's hair is gray,

And my grandmother has golden hands.

I don’t put my hands on turbot for a whole day,

Now a scarf is on the knitting needles, then scarves are patched.

Zhodnoi whiliny is not in her free,

I don’t sit without work, I also help,

For I want to look like her.

The grandmother became old, ill,

As you walk, you get to the point.

I will soon become a good liotchik.

I will plant її in letak.

I won’t be afraid її, I won’t shake її,

Vіdpochine nareshti,

Tell granny: Ay, that onuchok is my!

Ay, that liotchik my! Well done!

Grandma, you

Little bula?

I loved bigati,

Did you tear up the tickets?

І grala at the lyalka

You, grandma, right?

Colir of hair like a bow

Do you have one?

Father, I'll do it myself

Grandma and I, -

Hiba get rid of

Little one can't? (P. Sinyavsky)

lead.2. You, our young grandmothers, are dancing. dance

lead.1. You, grandmother, love your onukiv, that onuchok. Ale, don't forget that it is necessary to rehabilitate the pracial onukivs, and not to work for them all, like our stage.

Scene., Grandma and onuki.

1 - Hello, my dear! Can't you see?

2 - I'm Ta scho ti, I haven't done my lessons yet.

1 - What are the lessons? Ti scho, fell into childishness? You left a hundred years like school!

2 - I So - ha? What about onuki? At the same time, it is fashionable to work lessons for onukiv.

1 - I So, I work all my life for onukiv lessons.

2 - I Really? Why are you so spoiled?

1 - I do not indulge! I'm very good with them. Axis zrobyu lessons, and cleanly stench me zavzhda themselves leafing.

2 - I Oh, rightly so.

1st So what, feed me, I have a great fortune.

2 - I Well, it doesn’t matter, it’s wrong, I’ve twisted it like I did Hm - hm ..., By the bow sea there is an oak of greenery; golden lansyug on oak to that ...

1st Yes, good

2nd day and night of hymns ...

1 - am I what a dog? What kind of dog?

2 - I Well, I don't know if the new breed has a yak.

1 - I That is not a dog, but a whale of teachings, did you understand? Whale!

2 - I A - a, I understood - I understood! I'm walking on the cob, By the bow sea there is an oak of greenery, a golden lansyug on that oak; І in the day and at night of the whale of opinions.

2 - I walk with a shopping bag at the grocery store ....

1 - am I with some kind of string bag? What grocery store? You de such bachila?

2 - I I have a lot of lessons, I got it all mixed up.

1 - I know you, because I’m with you and far away so stubbornly, can I name a single one for our honor?

2 - I її already called.

1st Yak?

2 - I'm Kil! Yogo to put tim onuks, for whom the grandmother will do the lessons.

lead.2. Ale tsya scene, obviously w - hot. And we, obviously, would like to keep our children in order with our wonderful grandmothers.

lead.1. I think that our fathers would like to become children again, to turn to the most expensive island for the skin - the island of childishness. Song "Island of childishness".

B.2 On our holy and miraculous didus, yak love your onukiv no less than a grandmother. And the onuks value their respect in their hearts.

Father's hands, Father's hands!

The stinks never suffer from the wretchedness!

I don’t have peace at the weekend.

We know it is important and great.

Working hands, calloused, humpbacked,

Workers and blindly clean.

Everything is so good and kind,

Like at the orders:, They are on the right!

For everything that we have at the same time,

For our skin a happy year,

For those that the sun shines on us,

Vdyachni to our dear children!

Yakscho raptom get tight,

A friend vryatuє vіd rіznіh bіd.

Even I am like a friend,

Bo win my did.

Three days a week

Three ways to the stadium,

I love ice cream with jams,

And cartoons win love.

With such a garny didom

It is not tedious to wind at the boards,

With such a garny didom

You won't get lost anywhere!

Krani, companions and harmati

I rozkidav on kutkah.

Did bring me toys,

And they have wine themselves.

By the tin'yanim battalion

Did command: "Forward!" -

I lead to distant lands

My paper steamer.

With such a garny didom

It is not tedious to wind at the boards,

With such a garny didom

You won't get lost anywhere!

Lies we bought with a didom,

Snіgu stink ripple.

I'm following the grandfather

In the eyes of all the lads.

I still can't understand

Zdivuvannya do not dance,

Who is the youngest of us two -

What is my did, what am I?

With such a garny didom

It is not tedious to wind at the boards,

With such a garny didom

You won't get lost anywhere!

B.2 You, dear children, sound a song.

The song "Yakscho with a friend viyshov on the road."

At 1. A lot of warm words sank at the address of grandmother and didusiv. Alya wants to reconsider once more, like they love onuki.

Gra, Luchiki” The skin of a child speaks to grandmothers and grandfathers according to their hearts lagidne word and a little prominchik.

B 2. Marvel at how small promchiks bring warmth to our grandmothers and children. Let our little son warm up all grandmothers and children on the whole planet.

In 1. And to you, our dear ones, a song will sound.

The song “Stay a girl”.

B 2. - Inconsistency! It seems that you have a history of successive twins! I, for example, have five flies on every object!

At 1. - Zvichayno, - vіdpoviv onuk, - at that hour, if you started, the story was richly short!

B 2. We want, dear, please, so that your history will be more successful, so that children, onuks, great-grandchildren will please you ...

At 1. So that you were more often quieted by the warm promises of the sun, and the boards were only warm, mushroomy.

Babusі - sonechko, didusevі - virsh,

Bagato is healthy for two of you,

I’m happy for two centuries,

Happy summer you people!

B 1. Let the autumn of your life be long.

In the holy place, our relatives, we love you more!

(Natalia Maydanik. BABUCHI TA DIDYU)

A word from the guests.

Song " Autumn leaves».

Scenarios until the day of the summer people

Scenario "The Day of the Poor Age" by a different preschool group. Preschool educational institution Linivsky municipal nursery garden№2 "Chamomile"

Muses. Palieva L. I.

Children play cheerful music to pass to the group, where guests sit.

Musical stoneware. Autumn looked holy to the childish garden.

To please the grown-ups, and the lads.

The song "Children's Garden - Boondocks of Joy" is being celebrated.

1 k.

The lads, that girl, will hurry to the children's garden.

After the summer I want to make friends,

shakers of their own wisdom.

Resp. A childish garden, a childish garden of joyful houses, toys and winding houses.

A children's garden - our kazkovy teremok will ask all the guests.

Leading. Їх rich - old and young, whose work is similar to the hero's work.

Let's applaud them, who know the hour that strength has come before us to the holy.

/Shows guests/.

1 child I love my childish nursery - I love both mature and lads.

Inna with her girlfriends, Olesya with gospels,

and our aunt Nadya, and an old nurse.

Leading. Let this day be holy for the soul.

Let them have fun together and the little ones have grown up.

The song “What is so holy?”

1 k. What is so holy? Holy - tse yakscho,

tato with mom at home and with me at once.

Like the stars-rockets shoot from the sky.

It's delicious to give waffles and zukerki.

2k. Holy - tse yakscho music gurkoche,

and frosty їst, skin skilki want.

Like a bag to fly, then all one is for the sake of one.

Smile! - say. I do not need to sumuvat.

3k. What is so holy? Holy - tse yakscho,

whole day cartoons, games, dances, songs.

Yakshcho grown up with children to lead round dances.

Like people are good, like we are today.

Musical stoneware. Become a good charmer, well, try it!

Here tricks are not necessary especially.

Understand that vikonati bajannya of another, one is satisfied, word of honor.

Leading. They check like good charmers, we are preschoolers from you.

Musical stoneware. I to friends malyukov mi nazustrich idemo.

Leading. A person starts from a child's garden,

at light - vіdchineny happiness, mi yogo led.

2 children Leafing through the wind, I'm going with my mother to the children's garden early.

Hastily dressed, hastily vmivsya - I have already hurried.

I'll hurry up forever - I'm afraid of falling asleep!

2 children-jar. Why does everything seem, "Children's garden, childish garden"

Aje near the garden flowers bloom, fruits - berries grow.

Well, we are in our own garden, we are growing up cheerfully.

lads nursery group sing the song "I'm not a baby anymore"

1 k. I smile, lower the target, and smile for the cat.

I'm no longer a baby, I'm already 3 rocky.

Reb.por. Slightly creaking sound of laughter - to strike at all joys!

We live miraculously with you in the garden.

Children of the nursery go to the vikonannya dance "Fingers-handles".

1 k. We strike a finger on a finger, like a drum in unison. /Imitate drib/

Splash, splash, we fix it, the axis is like a dance, we fold it.

2k. We tapped with a low-scarpet - 2 times.

Everyone croaked, everyone croaked, more than the knees lifted me.

3k. The lower springs crouched down, -2 times.

Strib-strib, nizhki, we didn’t get tired - 2 times.

4k. Axis yak "lighters" brightly shine - 2 times.

And they circled us on the scarpets, the dance turned off - they all bowed.

Reb st. Children's garden, that child's garden, ce budinok, de check the lads.

De іgrashok tsiliy vіz, locomotive brought for us.

Leading. Do you live in a garden? Let's check with gr.

Muses. "How do you live"? Children. Ax so! /thumb uphill/.

Muses. How are you going? Children. Ax so! Imitate walking.

Muses. How to live? Children. Ax so! /Big on the mist/

Muses. hands Do you cry? Children. Ax so! /Imitate the rushes of swimming/

Muses. hands How about wondering? Children. Ax so! /Hand to forehead/.

Muses. hands Do you wave like that? Children. Ax so! / Wave your right hand in front of you /.

Muses. hands Do you sleep at night? Children. Ax so! / Doloshka pіd schіchku /

Muses. And empty yak? Children. Ax so! /gryuknut on the cheeks with a cam/.

5 children Dolonka in the palm of the hand is clenched,

we live as a friendly family in the garden.

Vikonuetsya "Pisenka friendly lads."

1 k. Sing a dog, a dog, a dog

friendly childish garden, friendly childish garden.

Radiant sonechko, sonechko, sonechko, marveling at the lads, marveling at the lads.

Resp. We play together, together, together.

We won't weld, never, never.

Bo friendship, friendship, friendship. Because we need friendship forever.

2k. Our dzvinka pіsenka, pіsenka, pіsenka,

skin for radium, skin for radium.

To that mіtsna, mіtsna, mіtsna.

Bo mіtsna, friendship among lads.

Muses. As soon as autumn comes, one day dark nights.

So quietly she is incomprehensible, not seeing anything for herself.

The song "Autumn" is victorious

1 k. Chervony, brown, yellow, green.

Leafing colors fall from maples.

Spin around summarily with the wind embracing, spread the warmth on the ground with a feather bed.

Resp. Autumn is a miracle fairy tale, but the farba did not disappear.

Zhovta farba, red farba, green farba - 2 times. Who said that autumn is a vain time?

Stilki yaskravih farb grant us won. The autumn sun warms slightly,

migratory birds watch the day.

The song "Cranes" is victorious

dit st. Drip, drip, don, don, don, drops started ringing.

How to walk around. Don't forget to take a parasol.

The children of both groups sing the song "Rain".

1 k. Splashing in the valley of the boards near the yard, giving your song to the board to the detlahams.

Resp. Drip-drip-drip-drip. La la la la la.

2k. Dress up the chobitki, and walk along the pidemo, detlahi bigimute under the board.

Musical stoneware. Smile, do not hesitate, stretch out your hand, merrily doggy gloomy fire.

Listen to the song "Yakscho kind you" from the viconan choir and soloist. Anu, sun, look, give up, it's time!

Songs and games zustrіne dіtlakhіv.

Leading. The guests were already tired of sitting, calling them to play in the group “Which group is better to get away with?” Children walk to the music, in the hands of autumn leaves of various colors. The music faded away, the children ran to their guests.

dit. Let's get up shvidshe with friends in the colo -

hour to dance, hour to dance.

Children dance “Ballroom Dance”, weathering with words.

1 k. On the toe, on the toe, heels are dull.

Turn, turn, and 3 times gryuknemo.

Krok ahead, krok back, gave a hand to others.

I go, and I go dance on the stake.

After the victorious dance, everyone sits on a mission.

Leading. Who is the best smile to friends today?

Skin is a new day of specialties, it is not possible for children to frown.

Reb. Here I am, dear grandmother, have mercy on me!

You love me, I know, my dear!

Reb.por. We live together with my grandmother, we sing about her at once.

Nope in the world, my good grandmother.

And at once you will hear the song "Grandmother's Upper Room" at the viconan soloist.

1 k. Grandmother from the threshold asks for the light: a long road, you need to know.

Grandmother's light, light-vizerunka, 2 times.

light like haze, fearfully calm

2k. The floorboards ripped, the franks trembled.

On the pine table - pies and tea.

Granny will smile, the light will smile. 2 times.

Ah, hot pillows! Sleep sweetly.

3k. Behind the window is quiet, behind the window is evening.

Blow the trumu, until the blue stars dim.

The tales of our grandmother, the tales of our light, 2 times.

Svіtlitsі vіzerunki vіdlіtayut іz him.

dit. We live in the cage, we play and we dance,

We laugh, we grow up, we vikonuemo.

Children-chastushechniks come out. 1r. I'm starting a drink, pershu, pochatkov.

I want to cheer the public up.

2r. Dear our guests! We ask you not to make noise.

Put the vushka on the makіvtsі, we partіvki svіvatimemo.

3r. Don't turn on the TV, I can't stand it

Deputy of cartoons - horror movies are being marveled.

4r. Masha wow, Sasha wow, Dasha wow to speak.

I already have a headache.

5r. We were born in Russia - black eyes,

We missed our good Russian Cossack.

6r. I want to put on a shirt, like Ivashka with a belt.

I want to go for mushrooms in the forest with Tusk.

7r. Geese-swans flew, flew not to catch up.

We sang for you, and now we dance for you.

Leading. Axis yak fun with us - shvidshe start dancing.

All children dance the round dance "Chi in the garden, in the city."

Leading. Like dear guests, like all artists.

Ale sacredly reached the end of the day, /Take out the camera./

Well, chuckle shvidshe. /Request all children and guests/

I will tell you a riddle at once and you can be separated.

12 children Love the guests! We give you gifts.

We were killed. Farbuvali and glued. /Give gifts/.

Manager In the sight of a wide heart you are taken,

that health is in reserve for you for 200 years.

Let everything come to life that you dreamed, everything that made you happy,

Schob happily settled in a booth, easily with you.

They didn’t let you in, for the sake of happiness,

Nazavzhd, schob saved: tenderness, affection, kindness!

Leading. And now we ask you to take a walk in a childish garden,

and the children go for a walk.

Once again, thank you for those who came before us today.

Bless you, shanovni colleagues!

Day of people of the poor age - scenario for pensioners:

About the honor to all the members of the society, the recognition of their merits and the significance of their practice, to speak of the fact that in our country, a number of saints and monuments, it was insanely praised that reception for the rich is sacred - the Day of people of a frail age.

These people all their lives have seen the practice, the care of children, like, having taken over from them the baton, continue to rozpochat them.

Let's give it to the old people for everything that the stench has killed, and a lot of people continue to work for the welfare, for the spivgromads.

Be sure to inform your many practitioners, if you check on them as a guest. For a whole day the cooks bake pies for zustrichi, sip tea. At the music hall, tables are set up, and the hall is decorated with sacks and garlands. Spread a photo booth about the work life of your pensioners. You can make an exhibition of the workers of these workers, the remnants of their pensions are hoarded, which did not take an hour to work for an hour.

We must sit, the music sounds quietly, and the leader starts holy.


Mine for the sake of today's justrichi with you (recovering the requests). You consecrated the birth of children to rich fates of your life. How many releases have you got for your life! We always took the butt from the robot with you. You have a positive optimism, for which varto congratulations.

People of a frail age

Young heart,

Skіlki patted

You shlyakhiv, dear.

Loved hot,

I felt the children,

I hope lived:

Less worries!

People of a frail age

Mother Russia

Didn't spoil you

Easy share.

May God give you peace

Shob over the river

The sun was setting

Blakitny dome.

People of a frail age

You have everything like this:

Reveal the soul

Dosvid that kokhannya

Dear booth,

Light to the young

I everything that the heart

I'll tell you again.

People of a frail age

Let the fates pass

Be your support

Children - understand everything.

I uklin you low

View of relatives and loved ones

І vіd usієї vіtchizni

For priceless work!

Bless you, our dear workers! You win the song "I marvel at the blue lakes."


You know, I can’t seem to turn around calling you people of a frail age. You are young at heart, you are so spiritual, you have a face. Chi can I call you young people? (Sound tse shouting at the guests laughter.)

Let's celebrate Young People's Day today. What are you?

(Pensioners will gladly wait.)

(Leading to the skin, bring the microphone and the guests give food. Then you can ask.

How bad is it for you, how do you get into such a mood?

Heady character, what do you value in people?

Do you have shortfalls? How are you fighting?

Your love country?

How do guests come to know, how do you greet you?

Your love anecdote?

Tell me about your "hobby".

(Explanation at exhibitions.)


I understand that the secret of your youth is in optimism and practicality. Make amazing speeches with your own hands! And now we give a word to our kerivnik.

(Kerivnik about the skin pensioner speaks a warm word, counting some of the fates of the skin from them, having improved for the benefit of the team. Then we give gifts.)


Tsey virsh sound to you:

Your kokhannya is my city.

You are reaching out to me again.

Ale, I’m not sorry, I don’t need -

To my fates and sivini.

Aje, under the ice, the rivers are dying,

You do not rahuy nі rokіv, nі winters.

Love, nibi I know

Zumiv will be deprived of the youth.

Beliya, I stoop a little,

Ale, turn to my soul,

Vaughn, maybe, didn’t bend,

And she became a side and a straight line.

Vagomishy thoughts r_k y r_k,

I didn’t feel like it:

Navіscho so early mother nature

Do you put zmorshki on your cholo?

The visit ends at the sight of summer people and the leader's leader.

Oh siva! I thought (la) that sivі

I thought (la) that sivі, like saints,

Yak the river that reminded the bows:

Not podmivayuchi near the passion of the shore.

All the same clay that bistrina.

Oh, how to bring me sivin,

Scenario of the holy "we glorify Sivin" scenario for the day of the frail age - remote lighting portal "prodovzhennya"

(87 votes)

Autumn warm day

The sun of gilding

Radial robot

Wind of turbulence.

Circle the fall of the leaves

Autumn in the rain,

Sivinu to pestle

We are old in the city.

What a hell of a day

For the greatness of the century

Vshanova nature

Summer people!

Vedas. Hello dear guests! 1 Zhovtnya is celebrated as the International Day of the People of the Poor Age. The decision about the issue was praised by the UN General Assembly in 1990. Spopchatka Scandinavian countries Europe, then in America, and from the end of the 80s - in the whole world. The rest of the International Day of People of the Poor Age was voted by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Russian Federation - in 1992. And now, shorily, in gold autumn, we are calm, who have consecrated all their strength and knowledge to their people, who have given that youth to the young generation healthy.

People of a frail age, young in heart,

Skіlki you patted the way, roads.

They loved hotter, and raised children,

I hope they lived: less worries!

People of the poor age, Mother Russia

I didn't indulge you with an easy share.

May God give you peace, sob over the river

The sun sank into the Blakitny dome.

People of a frail age, you are the same in everything:

See the soul, see that love

Dear home, young light

And everything that my heart calls again.

People of a frail age, let the fates of many

Be your support, children will understand everything.

I uklin you a low view of your relatives and loved ones

І vіd usієї vіtchizni for priceless labor!

Vedas. About the honor to all the members of the society, the recognition of their merits and the significance of their practice, to speak of the fact that in our country, a number of saints and monuments, it was insanely praised that reception for the rich is sacred - the Day of people of a frail age. These people all their lives have seen the practice, the care of children, like, having taken over from them the baton, continue to rozpochat them. Let's give it to the old people for everything that the stench has killed, and a lot of people continue to work for the welfare, for the spivgromads. We are glad to see you today. We always took the stock from you. You have a positive optimism, for which varto congratulations. Zi holy you!

Change the color of nature,

The weather is changing

I golden sun

Go on the board next,

And behind the warmth - bad luck,

After grief, you will be happy

I youth to old age

Change people.

So life go on the stake,

Rocks hurry one to one,

Ale, I'm glad, I hope

Napovneno rіk i stolittya.

І on the day of the autumn day

Take a concert with a gift

Our summer cohanie,

Our good people!

Vedas. Bless you, our dear workers! You win the song "Golden Wedding"

Vedas. You know, I can’t seem to turn around calling you people of a frail age. You are young at heart, you are so spiritual, you have a face. Chi can I call you young people? Let's guess today how young you are!

At the holy day of the year - at the day of the summer

We read the urochisty vіrsh.

You know, autumn is the time for gold.

Well, zvichayno, it's time to be young!

Aje who is not old in soul - that young one,

Aja, who is young at heart - that one is merry.

We encourage you to live a long time,

May we have a happy journey.

Let our rows, like leafing, circle,

Let and rock rustle, instead of leafing,

For the autumn day of the frail century

We lift our glorious vіrsh!

On the autumn and the radio day of summer people

We will read to you our bright verse.

Vіn be the autumn sun of grіti,

You will be like a leaf, fly and fly.

Above the world, above the pines, above the boudins,

Schob knew: we will forever entrust you!

Schob knew: zavzhd svitanki zіgrіyut,

Let's celebrate our holy shvidshe!

Let's see, like hanging windows,

Mustache thoughts, souls, and one song

Let us into our life, goodbye, kokhannya.

Aje, good luck, zavzhdi entrustment - less than a call.

Vedas. Leather is the hour for your joys, your farbi. Spring - to quiet the first greenery, freshness, and winter-bіlim fluffy with snow and cold frost. Autumn makes us happy with its generosity, with the abundance of farb-kvitiv. The axis is so, singsongly, and in the life of people. Youth is forever blessed with that love. Watching the Rocks - the hour of rozkvitu creative forces, an hour ago, turbot about children and onukiv.

Zvichano, the joy of today will be,

Let your eyes shine, like forget-me-nots,

Abo nibi smaragdi,

Shobi zdivuvalis such people.

Today, on the day of the frail century, please,

Sob they lived for a long time, without fail,

Aje happy order zavzhdi buvaє,

I, like a star, for a vіknom syaє.

You have passed a long way.

You can now check

Vіd klopotu that turbot.

Good luck on the skin check.

Know that we love you

We give a bouquet of aster,

From them we made a bouquet,

Yak from rowkiv - hello.

Welcome - virsh

It’s holy, it’s a day of a frail age,

Let's rush around the world,

Everyone knew about it.

(Children give bouquets of ayster)

Vedas. We proponuyemo to your respect dance at the vikonnі girls of the 5th class. (dance dance)

Vedas. Good, which has become a good tradition to celebrate the Day of the people of the frail age. This day is a day of gratitude for the warmth of your hearts, for the promise of robotic forces, for the good news that you share with the young generations, for your children and onuks - you are with us. Still, it’s wrong to call this year sacredly the Day of the Summer People, but it’s worth it - then it’s time to reinforce the fate of those problems, with which you stand in your life. It would be more correct to call the holy Day of the Wise People. I, as it is impossible to speak. poetic rows fall on the thought:

Rocks, like birds, flew over you,

They knew about the happiness of life at the pracies.

Children of rock, the cob of the way,

Happy hour is important to know.

Youth has opened the path of light,

The hour of beauty in life is knowledge.

Rocky learn, fight and work,

Bagatioh bidoy zagartuval vіyna.

Lived in battles, took away children,

New songs from the hoards fell asleep.

They believed in wonder at all hours,

Happiness kokhannya gave todi.

The children grew up, the husbands and you

The best people of the great country.

There were hailstones, they grew wheat,

Cosmos is open in front of you cordoni.

Zagalom, not for nothing that the world saw,

Light on the planet has changed a little.

Children have already given you onukiv,

Prodovzhennya great Russia!

Holy today at all times,

You are in the native country!

Oh siva! I thought that siv

Don't love, don't care, don't care.

I thought, sho siv, like saints,

At the woman and at the girls marvel.

What is the blood of the brute, what was buzzing wildly,

Yak the river that reminded the bows:

Already flowing and smoothly and calmly,

Not podmivayuchi near the passion of the shore.

Nі, bіlya gray rivers all the same rampage,

All the same clay that bistrina.

Oh, how to bring me sivin,

Not ryatyuchi vіd earthly feeling.

Row after row - and slavsya our vіrsh.

Holy Today is the day of summer.

Our, obviously, great souls

Now there will be a verse.

We pray goodness and warmth,

Sob the star shone, but didn’t fire,

So that you saved your share.

I could burn

Happiness, like a wind, good, like warmth,

Shchob calmly puffed up the booths,

Sob spring is less than a bula for a window,

Happiness in the future to you!

(Children give a vital newspaper and gifts)

In 1. Є such a childish anecdote. Batkam was nicoli, and on the batkivsky collections of pishov I was going to. Priyshov vin in a filthy mood and immediately began to bark onuk:

Dissimilarity! It seems that you have a history of successive twins! I, for example, have five flies on every object!

Zvichayno, - vidpoviv onuk, - at that hour, if you started, the history was richly short!

We want, dear, please, so that your history will be more successful, so that children, onuks, great-grandchildren will please you ...

So that you were often quieted by the warm promises of the sun, and the boards were only warm, mushroomy.

Once again, thank you, dear wise people! And at the end of our welcome, accept the song “I wish” from the gift.

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