Despotism. What is despotism? The meaning of the clouding of the word despotizm, the meaning of the term What is it

DESPOTISM (Greek despoteia - power is not limited) - power is not limited to a despot, svavilla, self-ownership, strangling someone else's will.

Raizberg B.A. Modern socioeconomic dictionary. M., 2012, p. 118.

Despotism (NFE, 2010)

DESPOTISM is one of the main characteristics of dictatorial rule, which is tied to the sovereign svavilles, which is strengthened by the concentration of political power in the hands of the head of the state (despot, leader, king, too) and close to the new elite, lady, strangled thoughtlessness be-yakim, including forcible, zasoba, victorious army to support the state apparatus with the method of establishing a monopoly on power. Under despotism, be-yakі juridical exchange of political power during the day, which will incapacitate the despot, rushing to the law. Uncertain public freedoms are replaced by the suvorim vikonannya of the norms of primus practice. Accept the decision to wear a non-permissive, impulsive character, which sounds like an explanation for transforming or disciplining sustainability. Arbitrary methods and control over the sovereignty have one main goal - the control of one-sided power.

Despotia (Lopukhiv, 2013)

DESPOTIA - power, founded on long-standing traditions of patriarchy and paternalism, if the power, which grows from the community organization and victorious community basements, is distinguished from supremacy and from afar, it looks like the sole and incompetent patrimony of the supreme ruler, whose will, whose decision - whose decision? (members of the "sіm'ї-community"), united, as a rule, in a social corporation. Under despotism, the specialty of the emperor, the monarch is venerated even for life, after death it becomes an object of worship.

Despotism (Comte-Sponville, 2012)

DESPOTISM (DESPOTISME). The power of one person is absolute. Despotism can be consecrated and made lawful (they are vilified in the face of tyranny), but in the case of this, it is unjust. Yakbi the despot, obeying the law, yogo vlada would spend bezbezhnіst. Tsim despotism rises in the form of a monarchy, if wines, as Montesqui designates, “for one person, but for the establishment of immutable laws”; even under despotism, “every posture by all sorts of laws and rules collapses by the will and love of one individual” (“On the Spirit of Laws”, Book II, Chapter 1). A despot should set for himself more laws (Rousseau) or else the knowledge of other laws, the crime of his own (Kant). Despotism is an absolute authoritarian monarchy. The main principle to serve as the main principle is not honor, like from a constitutional monarchy, and goodness, like from a republic, but fear (there, III, 9). Ale tse signifies and borders despotism: wines are left with chinny less until that hour, until you are afraid of it.

Stosunki blame. The stench is subdivided into business, robotics, love, friendship, susіdskі, disputes, etc., which belong exclusively to the status of partners and the quality of their mutual modality. However, in any case, people show their own character and behavior. One of these manifestations is despotism, which is kind in some relationships, but filthy in others. Internet-journal site look at the understanding, the signs and the reasons for the appearance of despotism, to understand, if the guilt of filth and kindness.

Under despotism, an individual's mind rises to rule over another human being to instill a group of people. Bazhannia panuvati is attributed by active psychologists to instinctive needs. It is important that the skin of a person needs to be in control, so that they control and punish the otochyuchy. However, despotism does not manifest itself in all people, but in those who have wine, it manifests itself in a different world. I point out to those that despotism is full of stuff, which vibrates in the process of life, people do not grow up with it.

Despotism has three components:

  1. Pragnenny rule over another people.
  2. Nebazhannya hearing that vrakhovuvat someone else's thought, unanimously accepting the decision.
  3. Pragnennya fast and completely submissive to other people's will.

Despotism lies in the fact that a person simply wants to be the ruler of another individual - a slave. However, the creed has been said for a long time, but all the same people have an internal need to strangle and support their will of the restless.

Ring out such a pidkhid to the point of swearing at other people. However, do not start the despotism of abominations. How can you understand?

  1. Despotism is always in ruins, for some partners have equal rights. For example, despotism always has a strong love life and is friendly.
  2. Despotism can become corny among the Vidnosins, de esnui ієєrarkhіya people, є kerіvniki and pіdlegli, batki і dіti. For example, despotism in the singing world is good in business, between bosses that are supported, for the first ones can take decisions, and others win them over. So the despotism of the singing world is good in the army and is constantly stagnant among the natives of the world, enthralled by those who see it.

Henceforth, despotism has its right to reason. Only people are guilty of reason, de vin zastosovny and corysny, and de obviously bring harmonic stosunkiv to ruin. To endure despotism is often manifested by people who already have a lot of strength, power, that monophonic decision (masculinity). Quite often, modern women show despotism for their children (and inspire your children).

What is despotism?

Despotism is called nabuta akіst, if a person bazhaє panuvati z іnshih people. Shards in the modern world panuy equanimity, despotism is most importantly manifested in a narrow number of people. So, people become despots according to their squads and children, cherivniki - if they are educated, teachers - if they are schoolchildren, wives - if they are people and children. Despotism is not adequately estimating itself that acceptance of other people.

Vladniy lyudinі sdaetsya, scho all, hto vvazhaetsya її sіm'єyu chi pіdlegli, її obligatory її listen, їy pіdkoryatisya. Vіn is guilty of seeing vkazіvki, and reshta maє movchki їх vikonuvati. Moreover, despotism is manifested in the order, and in the fact that, in order to confirm the manifestations of the despot, dorimuvatisya yogo bazhan, thoughts and inspire that, how people can be buti.

The despot does not accept someone else's thoughts, the shards do not respect the important and inspire their own. Only one thought is important, meaning that right. Here we see the understanding of special cordonies and the freedom of other people.

Despotism - tse instigate violence in sіm'ї, yak maє physical forms. Impeccably, like the victim is defending himself, repairing the opir, then the despot will exert his strength, often going to the point of physical destruction. And until that has come, there is morally that emotional violence, if the despot is embossed on emotions, almost, complexes the fears of his victims.

Despotism can manifest itself absolutely in any human being. Often, the skin wants to put pressure on its own thoughts, squeezing the restless ones to fix it in their own way. However, for some, despotism is the only model of behavior that clearly leads a person to an inadequate adoption of that world of necessity.

As soon as women and men were violating the principle “The man is the head of the family, and the woman is subordinated to him”, then the current household of the woman is given the same rights, like a man. The life of that order has changed, and deakі people dosі try to live according to the old traditions. Tse is similar to those, yakbi vy dressed up on themselves with trousers, yakі vy wore at the 5-fold vіtsi. You have become bigger for the parameters of your body, your life has changed, and you still can’t call until your beloved children’s pants don’t stretch on you.

Otzhe, now it is a good idea to put a man and a woman on equal positions. Without a doubt, a person takes after himself a person’s energy, nature, and the quality of his character. And the woman continues to be deprived of the woman, not caring for those who now have the right to cherubate, to express her thought, to practice and earn pennies.

The hours have changed, and the deacons, though not a greater part, are still trying to live according to the old traditions. And what about old traditions? The man is the head of the sim, and the woman is unreservedly supportive of you. And why is there a problem: today’s woman now has the right to express her thought, unify the person, self-virishuvate, how to live. That is why they blame the different difficulties in family life, oskolki people try to squeeze the old traditions into the new rules.

No, dear readers. If you wish to live by the old traditions, then the rules of the guilty will be left behind the old ones. Like a woman, if a man betrayed his thought, then you can’t follow him, like behind a stone wall. As a man bazha, so that a woman earns pennies for her family, he is guilty of robbing his equal self. Do you understand? If you live in the hierarchy, de man is the head, and the woman is “behind the man”, then the woman can become a matir, a housewife and a kohanka for her man. And a person, at the same time, takes care of his family and vikonu all given to his social functions, not relying on the support of his squad.

But it’s hard to live comfortably in such a way that it cost 150-200 years, if women earn pennies, make friends, they grow up and take joy in life. Therefore, to be a hierarchy among the family’s vagrants in the modern minds - to clean up the territory, for such a person, that squad is led by war among themselves. Why do we have war? The one who is a woman and a man is periodically encouraged to live either by the old traditions, or to think about his rights, as they are given in the modern world.

If in this case a person is slandered by the head, then the woman periodically pouratim yogo bazhannyam, but otherwise, if you see it, you will declare your rights to equal yoma. If a woman helps herself to be an even person, then a person can sometimes be stricken with her rights, it’s obvious that the woman has earned a penny in her family and that she has been seriously nourished by the new one. But in the meantime, if I’ll see the people again, I’ll guess about those that the woman is guilty of pissing off. Axis of making friends and leading a post-war, so and not pursuing, for some traditions, the stink of living, so that you will lay down all your swords and write off and commit war.

It can be said that modern people and women live on a stick of transition from ієrarchії y sіm'ї to equal rights between partners. Rich people wriggle behind the old traditions of their grandmothers and children, but the modern light seems to be: “Ni, people and women are equal. The woman can also work, but the person is now guilty of calling on її thought. The axis and the situation is unreasonable, if a person does not know, for some rules of life. To build a stick of two mutually key traditions to the point that people and women begin to be cunning, to build up to the war of zealousness. If someone becomes vigilant, then those other rules will be guessed. If a woman is vigilant, if a person hears, then she will guess about her equality. Ale, even for the fault, you can say this: “You have a head with this. Axis and vodpovidai!”. I become unreasonable, what can a person be the main equal partner of a woman?

Similar games are produced not only until the war, but also until the guilt of problems in family life, as they practically never break. Why? Everything that people themselves have not yet understood, the stink of living for old chi for new traditions. Get rid of it, but I’ll create less problems before the war. Tom will have to choose: either the man is the head, and the woman is under order to you, or the man and the woman are equal partners.

Despotism is the same model of the behavior of an individual, which is pragmatically correct and victorious. Vіn not to induce arguments, but victorious strength, fears, complexes, physical and psychological humiliation, just.

Psychologists call the reasons for despotism complex and the fears of the despot himself. Even from the childhood of the wines, having developed a bunch of fears and complexes in your own mind, now you are trying to be allowed. However, with my behavior, I am less likely to take away hatred, aggression, attacks from the enemy and a pressure from the side.

A despot among the Vidnosins cannot be with people:

  1. Spivpratsyuvati.
  2. Respect them.

Here, it’s possible to fight less, or else to order the sacrifice of one’s own will, so that everything will be the same for everyone and everything is not the way it is necessary.

Cause despotism

Why does a person become a despot, who cannot be normal and comfortable in a relationship with others? Reasons for:

  1. Despotic is the behavior of the fathers of the people, as it constantly wobbled within the framework of “listen”, “your thought is the best”, “fuck up”. The person simply acquires similar models of behavior, and then she demonstrates it herself.
  2. Bazhannya to take revenge on the otochyuchy for their own way. If a person is skrivgen on otochyuchy, then they may be more bad for them.
  3. Self-esteem, which is formed by those fathers, is dependent. A person, from the very childhood, acquires his own idea about his uniqueness, highness, greatness among other people. If a person respects himself as a master, then he is led to be of high rank.

Signs of despotism

Despotism is blamed on the citizens, de people understand about someone else's freedom and the specialness between them, or the wines are stalely among other people. Sacrifice forever attract your despot, respect your normal behavior. The head sign of despotism is physical and psychological violence, as if it were a mother of various forms.

On the back of the hand, the despot simply vents his dissatisfaction and gives the victim the opportunity to improve. If the victim is not heard, then the punishment will become negative. Nadal for aggression from the side of the despot will not need reasons, be it the word of the victims of the victims of the storm.

The despot attributes successes to himself, and failures - victims, ringing in all sins and zmushyuyuchi correct the situation. Despot want to reduce, to grow її fallow in front of yourself. Hungry for what seems to be adequate behavior without stupidity, the despot cares that everything is done correctly.


Despotism is often a manifestation of a narrow number of people, de people, led by fears and complexes, urged to take power and robit by alienating fallow species. With this, in the presence of strangers, the despot often becomes quiet, weak and hopeless.

Despotism is the best thing that a person can have. Vіn can appear in different forms, and most often it is called the power of character, but it is not fair. Despotism is not alien to either man or woman. What kind of despotism and how wine manifests itself, it is clear from the article.

What is it?

Stanislav Yozhy Lets verily recalled that in the wound, the leader of the despot, a sea of ​​foreign blood is flowing. Despotism is such an activity, if a person, as if he believed in his unbounded power, you can’t believe in those who want the building’s children to be the opposite of yogo bazhannyam. Vіd tskogo vіn begin to show aggression, as it manifests itself in physical and psychological violence. This is how one thinks about despotism in psychology. This is the essence of specialness, which is manifested in the practice of gaining unfettered power.

On the other hand, the term "despotism" is stagnant in political science. From the point of view of political sciences, a form of government is called despotism, if the state apparatus is in the hands of one group of people, and the stench may outside the right to dispose of the shares of one’s followers. Seemingly simpler, despotism is power unbounded.

I am drunk

It is important that despotism prevails in the manifestation of its unfriendly features. As a result, you can bring to the point of exercising rational control over your behavior, and all things will be affected exclusively by the affective sphere.

A despotic behavior cannot grow on its own. The less the despot will repair the opir, the more wines you will take in yourself with a drink of God and the impossibility of vimagatima, as if you understood by yourself.

If you don’t try people, if you don’t want to turn into despots, in order to get hold of the honour, but if you become a steady line of behavior, then people will insanely need advice from fahivtsya. And the main signs of mental vigilance are uncontrolled violence, inadequate vimogi and assessment of activity.

Swavilla, tyranny, dominion, authoritarianism, self-ownership - these are synonymous with despotism and better describe inspiration. The despot is powerful in imposing his will on the otochyuchiy through the stagnation of psychological and physical violence, aggression and humiliation.

The most common causes of despotism are childish injuries, with which a person is forced to turn in such a destructive path in order to gain self-sufficiency. The more fears are taken from the despots of the psyche of the despot, the more they are able to control someone else's freedom. The aggressiveness of the veins hides the innocence of one's shyness.

In this case, the despot is literally afraid to love himself. Їm keruє that causeless pomsta is global, as it appears without a drive. In such a rank, a person instills intellect and mindfulness. Despotism includes such understanding, as it spivpratsya that povaga to others. Like a pіdsumok, a person will take the place of love and sensible hatred, divination, unreasonable and, like a legacy, self-worth.


Despotism is not laid down only on equal DNA and lie down due to the peculiarities of the nervous system, but change of mind and molding are laid early. Whilst being the masters of the fathers, as if they did not feel the needs of their children, but acted without hesitation, people accept such a model of behavior as the norm. Zrostayuchi, vіn begin to implement the despotic form of mutually usable equals. Likewise, despotism can cause the bazhanni to take revenge on their otochennya for their own way. Postiyni image, humiliation that zhorstokіst can cause pragnennia to take revenge on the whole world, and not just a falsehood.

If you want despotism, it’s not less than a good idea to punish someone and copy a model of the behavior of the fathers. Often despotism develops on the aphids of the one that children gradually instilled thoughts about their uniqueness, originality and superiority over others. Having shown despotism in a poignant, neurotic idea, confirm your might. For whom a person chooses inadequate methods and is convinced, who is the only one in this world who deserves to be known in the world and without reservation.

Risi to despotism

In society, destroyed by violence, that inter-specialty, despotism can take on as a manifestation of character, and for the sake of a person, navit povazhatimut. The first and characteristic sign of despotism is the stagnation of violence as the norm of behavior and the only possible way to regulate the mind. Despots do not mind feeding, housekeeping, and knowing compromises. For the inconsistency of the partner's behavior, the despot may be subjected to various kinds of violence. Wanting to back off a despot, demonstrating his displeasure, you can give others the opportunity to correct their pardon, even if it doesn’t seem negligent, on a new check. Varto also means that most of the despots hang even more wondrous vimogi, for those who are dissatisfied, they can be viklikane tim, who are utterly respected by the norm.


Often this type of behavior can be seen as gaslighting. So if the despot perekonu his victim, then everyone liked it, and if it were rudeness - nothing else, like an unstable mental state of the victim himself. The despot does not know his own fault, navit navpaki, his victim calls forth in manipulative hysterics, wanting to really be tears, caused by pain and humiliation.

For a despot, belittling the image of others is the norm. And if you try to clarify the stosunki, it can ring out in the presence of a sense of humor, and if the victim develops all the doubts, step by step, the sound of splintering sounds. The despots are constantly trying to improve the self-esteem of another person, so the stench is more important for manipulation.

Yak de despot?

Despots ring out more subtly. The mechanism for pouring on a person is approximately the following: a despot will be an innocent shushpanchik on the back of the head, we are ready for anything. Vіn grant a sea of ​​respect and compliments. Every year, a person calls to his address until he is buried, and then the despot begins to work, and criticize himself. After the first criticism, a person can do everything possible, to improve. And then let's make critics become richer, proportionately to their greater efforts to improve the situation. The result shows an idea, for the help of which you can easily scoff at the knowledge of another person. So, it’s important to note that all the reach of the despot is given to oneself, and the failure to call on a partner, and call out to an adequate perception of reality.

Human and female despotism

If a person cares more despotic than him, he transforms himself into a non-charging projectile. For him, it is pleasant to commit psychological and physical violence, and they do not row with violence of a sexual nature. Households are imposed with the power of such rules, which may be fearlessly victorious, and if one shows free-thinking, that individuality is vvazhaetsya obscenely.

Despots can be not only men, but also women, and certainly not safer. The person of power is already known either by reason, or by feelings. At the woman, one hour at a time, insults and factors are practised. Kokhaniy її konik - constant jealousy. The woman knows that the word of the building is not worthy of any person, I take it on the image, throw it away, respectfully, and don’t forget the specialness of the specialness of that її state of health. As soon as a person tries to repair an opir, a woman goes to blackmail and threats. For example, I threaten to commit suicide on children.

The word despotism not only characterizes the behavior of a person - it is a correct diagnosis, in view of which it is necessary to be elated.



(despotism) Autocratic rule of one people. The Greeks called the "despot" the "volodar" or the "ruler" of the wrong state. This is how they called the Byzantine emperor and the Christian Volodarians in the provinces of the Turkish empire. Aristotle (Aristotle) ​​conceived the old tradition of thought, discriminating between Persian "despotism" and Greek "tyranny". Tyranny, according to Aristotle, is usurped by unstable power, imposed by force, even as despotism is stable and stable. Vіn foundations on the blessings of people, yakі often do not know any other form of government, and, then, really legal. In such a rank, despotism is a manifestation of daily death; Montesqui gave special emphasis to similar despotism in the book "The Spirit of the Laws" ("L`Esprit des Lois", 1978). To create the most absolute zahіdnі monarchy, having stverdzhuvav vіn, cannot be vvazhat despotic, shards of the monarch of ob'yazaniya by law, the legitimacy of which is confirmed by the very arguments that power is also in power. Vtіm, vin, like and deyakі іnshі yogo co-participants, denoting in the French monarchy a tendency to degenerate into despotism, and after the revolution of 1789, it became the most famous to call ancien régimene (the old regime) despotism. Zahidni theoreticians beat the word "despotism" like "reductio ad absurdum" - bringing the idea of ​​power to the point of stupidity. For Burke, it is "the simplest form of government", panuvannya to the will of one person. For Bentham, it is a form of evil, the backlash of the evil of anarchy. These foreign settlements, founded on the butts of the Ottoman, Chinese, Persian and Mughal empires, are supposed to be simple, as if they did not pardon, but in the modern language of the term, having changed into a simple word from political jargon, few people think of such words as "tyranny " , "dictatorship" chi "absolutism".

Politics Tlumachny dictionary. - M: "INFRA-M", Vidavnitstvo "Ves Svіt". D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burn, et al. Editorial board: d.e.s. Osadcha I.M.. 2001 .


(Vіd Greek. Despotes - king) - a form of autocratic power, the monarchy is unbounded, which is challenged by the sovereignty of power, the lack of rights of the piddanih; self-government and tyranny according to age to the point of overwhelming.

The ancient political philosopher Aristotle, the order of the trio of correct and trio of incorrect (“revealed”) forms of political organization, having seen the somu form-despotism, as if calling it already knows the form - tyranny. As tyranny is one of the transitional forms of political organization, then despotism beyond the borders of the civilized union of the barbarian world is permanent (permanent).

The representative of the French Enlightenment, Montesque, supplementing Aristotle with a different theoretical version about the nature of despotism - this is total inefficiency. The American political scientist A. Yanov, relying on the fundamental work of Vitotfogel "Shidny despotism", as well as on the work of other authors, formulates a number of the most important theoretical developments:

1. Despotism is based on the uninterrupted bureaucratic management of the state process, or on the total ordering of the results by the state.

2. Vіdsutnіst ekonomіchnykh obmezheniya lead to more less permanent state stagnation.

3. The reality of what is called economic progress, we will base on the uninterrupted modernization of the state process and the expanded development, will continue with the day-to-day political dynamics.

4. In order to establish thousands of people in the minds of economic and political unruliness, despotism is guilty of vibrations and a particular social structure, reduced to two polar classes: "currying" and "curing".

5. The economic non-violability of the system shows the non-viability (immobility) of the ceramic class. Equality before the despot is postulated.

6. The reverse side of the value of absolute uniformity and stability of the ceramic class is absolute atomization and instability of the ceramic class. Despotism does not know what can be called the category of "political death". The pardon was dovnyuvala physical death.

7. Vlada, as I will block the economic exchange, I cannot help but block the ideological exchange.

8. This also explains the stingy stability of despotic systems, which includes blaming the political opposition (or the reformist potential of the system).

9. The presence of social, economic and ideological exchanges makes it impossible for despotic structures to repair the opir under the order of the despot's private goals.

10. Despotism appears as a dead political body. There is no political alternative for you, if the system is closed. The world, which is not organically built by itself, creates a political civilization.

Zvichayno, a lot of successors pointed out the “genetic” controversy of the socialist supremacy with the classical system of centralized distribution, with a strong, powerful power to the center, with a majestic administrative-bureaucratic apparatus, too.

It is not possible to affirm that the socialist variant has become a slur or a repetition of this similar (not geographical sense of the word) leader, but the similarity of these structures is important, it is confirmed. Vіdminnosti є і nasampered at the piece task of the created suspіlstva.

The despots at the Skhod formed a natural-historical rank, with which private power and the market did not abide in any way, let them look at the urged and controlled authorities, they stank. Private power and the market ensured at least a simple implementation and, similarly to the blood-bearing system, supported life in a similar state.

Totaltarly oriented suspension of the Bulf of the Blood of Systems, Imo Buli, the Little Methods of the Piditrim of the Life, Hold the Nastyatovye, by the people, by violence, fear, post -aology overexposure of Toshcho.

Konovalov V.M.

Politology Slovnik. - M: RSU. V.M. Konovalov. 2010 .


swaville; zhorstoke strangulation of rights, freedoms, independence.

Political Science: Slovnik-dovidnik. comp. becoming a profession Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 .

Politology Slovnik. - RGU. V.M. Konovalov. 2010 .


Marvel at what "DESPOTISM" is in other dictionaries:

    despotism- a, m. despotisme m. Chi is not bound by laws, absolute dominion. Sl. 18. Violent order (despotisme). Justi 1770 84. Despotism and shkidlivy Sovereigns and peoples. Tumansky 1770 132. [Ostromislov:] Morea under the Turkish state .. this ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Galicisms

    - (Greek, cym. div. despot) self-rule, not surrounded by common laws. Glossary of inshomonic words that have gone up to the stock of Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Despotism Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    Div self-will ... Glossary of synonyms

    Despotism- Despotism ♦ Despotisme The reign of one person is absolute. Despotism can be consecrated and made lawful (they are vilified in the face of tyranny), but in the case of this, it is unjust. Yakbi the despot, obeying the law, vlada spent it ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

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    Despotism, despotism, pl. no, man. (Knizhkovy.). vodvolikat. noun to despotic. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    DESPOTISM, man. 1. Self-righteousness. Monarchist bud. 2. Behavior of a despot (at 2 values). D. Samodura. | dod. despotic, ah, oh. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

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    despotism- Fierce despotism. Glossary of Russian idiomatics


  • Despotism, Pavlo Volodymyrovich Zasodimsky. Despotism. Yogo principle, zastosuvannya їх that fight for despotism. Created in the original author's spelling, dated 1911 (vintage `St. Petersburg, Drukarnya M. M.…

one of the fundamental characteristics of the dictatorial rule, which is connected with the sovereign svavilles, which is strengthened by the concentration of political power in the hands of the head of the state (despot, leader, king, then) and close to the new elite, yennym thoughtlessness be-yakim, including rapists , zasoba, vikoristannyam armії for pіdkrіplennya dіy sovereign apparatus with the method of zdіysnennya monopoly on power. Under despotism, be-yakі juridical exchange of political power during the day, which will incapacitate the adoption of the despot, relying on the law. Uncertain public freedoms are replaced by the suvorim vikonannya of the norms of primus practice. Accept the decision to wear a non-permissive, impulsive character, which sounds like an explanation for transforming or disciplining sustainability. Arbitrary methods of control over the sovereignty repeat one main meta-improvement of one-axis power. Historically, this form of government was formed in similar despots, the most ancient powers of Asia (China, India, the powers of the Near Descent and other). For the management of a broad statehood, a wide bureaucratic measure was created (div. Bureaucracy), as it organized and planned the primus work of zealots, rozpodil drove meagerly. bud. On this basis, blame the despotism of the absolutist bureaucratic powers. The leading economic, administrative and political functions were in the hands of the ruling class, which was made up of landlords and land-owners, army officers, and voluminous clergy. The specialty of the supreme emperor was endowed with high secular and spiritual authority. For the security of internal order, the army began to work. The emperor had a total order and obedience to his wives, strangling social conflicts in the most powerful ways to terror.

Okremі risi despotic pravlіnnya pritamannі modern dictatorial regimes.