Folder Moving Winter Younger Group. Folder moving a lexical topic "Winter. Detailed description of folders - Moving about autumn by the ages of children

Orlova Elena

apka-mobile do it yourself« Hello Winter Winter» For children of the second younger group

Educators: Orlova Elena Ilinichna Madou d / s "Success"

from. Kabansk

Lylova Anna Viktorovna

HELLO, Zimushka-Zima!

White snow covered us:

And trees and houses.

Sweets the wind lightly flip -

Hello, zimushka-Zima!

The trail is conceived

From the gland to the hill.

This hare printed -

Hello, zimushka-Zima!

We set feeders for birds,

I smell in them feed,

And sing pichugs in flocks -

Hello, zimushka-Zima!

With the onset of winter, we wanted for self Children 2 younger groups create such a thing with which the guys could learn new information. Folder- We create averting do it yourself, Winter is just beginning, and we already have something to introduce children. This thing is very entertaining and interesting.

In the first pages we told and put pictures with the image of children in what games can be played. On the subsequent, signs and signs of winter, there are also pictures about nature, weather, what snowflakes are, what clothes we wear in winter. Also for children we have prepared riddles "About winter", games labyrinths.

Subject "winter" Very extensive, but we decided not to stop. We will constantly add something new, for example, birds, animals, on the traces of man and animals, etc.

Photo report about done work:

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Classes "Hello, Winter Winter" "Hello, winter-winter" software tasks: 1. Educational: 1). Compassion and systematization of knowledge of winter. 2). Active dictionary.

Game-Quiz "Hello, Winter-Winter" Purpose: - to educate interest in knowledge of natural science through the considered ideas about the world around the world: - Create children's knowledge.

Good afternoon, respected colleagues! I bring to your attention Master - a class of making a folder - driven by your own hands. Folder moving.

I want to present to your attention Master - class on the manufacture of folder - mobile. In the yard, summer, the vacation is certainly wonderful, but.

Everything is in a bunch of here, because 700 characters. Uncomfortable. And okay. So. Walls in the reception is occupied, it is not necessary to hang the material, but there is something.

What congratulations can be prepared with the children of the first younger group of Cosmonautics? We set out this issue on the eve of the holiday.

Mobile folders are a graphically designed material for parents, educators and, of course, children. This folder was moving.

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region (technological) from. Chryshevka Municipal District Stavropol

Educators of the SPDS "Story" from. Crying

  • Zolina T. P.
  • Zhitlova N. G.

Expand the generalized ideas of children about winter, weather condition in winter, winter nature phenomena.

(Lexical minimum)

Nouns: Winter, time of year, snow, ice, snowflake, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, ice, snowdrift, pattern, snowman, frost, frost, icicle.

Adjectives: Cold, White, Fluffy, Frosty, Strong, Light, Raw, Sticky, Squeaky.

Verbs: to come, freeze, cover, fall, howling, torture, glitter, creak, sculpt, spin.

Didactic game.

"Who is bigger?"

Purpose: expand and activate the vocabulary.

Material: ball.

The teacher proposes to come up with as many words as possible who are responsible for the question of who? or what?

Becoming (what?) ... - glitters ...

Lies ... - ride ...

Howls ... - freezes ...

Scatter ...

Didactic game.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children of basic colors and forms.

Materials: Christmas tree, silhouette images of toys of different colors and shapes.

Teacher offers children to decorate the Christmas tree toys, he calls color or (and) Form. Children who have toys the desired color or (and) Forms hang them on the Christmas tree.

Didactic game.

"Pick up the words"

Purpose: Exercise children in the formation of related words on teacher's issues. Expand the dictionary. Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: Scene Picture "Winter" Ball.

The teacher spends a conversation in the picture. Then ask children questions.

For example:

What word can be affectionately called winter? - Winter.

How can you call the day in winter? - Winter.

What are the birds that we have for the winter are called? - Winter.

How to say "Stay for the winter" ? - Winter.

What word can be affectionately called snow? - Snowball.

Who are slaughtered from snow? - Snowman.

How to say about a slide made of snow? - Snowy.

What is the name of the flower, which is the first to appear from under the snow in the spring? - Snowdrop.

The teacher throws the ball to children and asks to call words related to the Word Word (snow). Then each child is an offer with one of the words.

Artistic word

Slashka "Winter"

Come winter

Come, Krasnova,

With cornflowers,

With snow with bulk,

With the winds of the Rabbit,

With blizzards friendly,

Merry Christmas, with a collage,

With the carnival young!


Winter, where were you?

  • In the bag stubs carried

On the ground, cold was shaking!

The river has a stay,

In the whole river Bridge Brostil;

The huts visited

The windows painted everything;

In the forest fields went,

White fur coat all covered;

Roads snow off

And drifts Upkala.

The cry came,

Winter in the house led

In Sani horses hardened

In the path-track.

As in the sky from the north flowed, flowed

Swan sailed gray. And fell under the glass.

Swan swan fused (Ice on the river)

Cydala-piled down

On the fields, lakes an old man at the gate

White fluff Yes Pyryshka. All warm fools.

(Snow Cloud) (Frost)

And not snow, and not ice,

And silver the trees removes.


Frosted yesterday. White bird

Moshcar flew out, rushes over the earth.

And from this moshcary howls, scares,

Steel white yards. The paths notice.

(Snow) (Winter storm)

Grown white forest rose,

Walk in it not to enter

At the horse, do not enter.

(Frosty Pattern on Glass)


Winter evening Dark, minor,

I count forty-tree.

Throw a fur coat on the snow -

All please feel the circle.

And who of us led

It should be a coat of sewing.

Tongue Twisters

In winter, the field is white frozen, zabela.

  • Snow avalanche Slitched from Half

Slitched from half the mountains of the mountain.

Still half of the snowy avalanche

Lies on a gentle grief to the pore.

Senka Sanka is lucky with Sonya.

Sledge Skok, Senka, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Proverbs and sayings

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

Frost is small, but it does not stand.

December is cums, the winter begins.

January - year Beginning, winter middle.

February - Month of Lutch: asks like a hooped.


Zolana T. P.

Zhitlova N. G.

SPDS "Story" from. Crying

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Folder-mobile "Autumn": three folders for parents of children from two to seven years

Folder - Movement "Autumn": Three folders - mobile for kindergarten With pictures, verses and tasks for children about autumn.

Folder - Moving "Autumn"

In this article, you will find three folders - movements on the topic "Autumn" for parents of children of different ages and useful ideas on their use:

  1. folder "Autumn" early age (from 2 to 3 years)
  2. folder "Autumn" for children younger preschool age (for children 3-4 years)
  3. folder "Autumn" for senior preschool children (5-7 years).

In each folder 10 sheets And you can choose those of them that will be most interesting to you and your children and arrange them in any sequence. Therefore, we did not specifically make sheet numbers.

All folders - Mobile on the topic "Autumn" from this article can be downloaded for freeand print on the printer. Links to download I gave below in this article.

Folders - Mobile "Autumn" for preschoolers: Contents of folders

Pages included in each of the three folders:

  • What knows the child of this age about autumn - what to tell him.
  • Autumn pictures for viewing with a child.
  • Developing autumn games and experiments.
  • Poems on the autumn for reading children and memorizing by heart.

Each page has a format of the album sheet - A4 (vertically located).

The material of each folder is designed to take into account the age of children and all methodical requirements. To familiarize the preschoolers with the outside world.

All folder sheets are colorful and bright, realistic and composed so that the pictures can be viewed with the child, discussing autumn phenomena in nature.

We really tried to create a special mood in every folder and look at the end of the child's eyes!And also to carry you all - our readers - joyful mood and smile! Therefore, the folders turned out very bright and good, very sunny and our warm-length!

The authors of the folders - Movie "Autumn": I, Valaxina Asya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the field of preschool pedagogy, teacher - practitioner, author of this site "Native path". And designer Anna Novoyarchikova.

All materials of folder books can be transferred to friends, colleagues, acquaintances, download and print, use in kindergartens, centers, families. We are the creators of these folders - we will be glad if our work will be in demand and needed to people, and as many people can take advantage! Therefore, we make these folders free to distribute and you can get them without any payment and subscriptions.

What do you need folders moving "Autumn" to educators

  • Folders can be used as a visual material for parents in kindergartens and in children's centers (For example, a folder-moving can be in a roof of a kindergarten or in the changing room of a kindergarten group). Such a folder introduces parents with what kind of developing games can be played with the child in the fall, what verses about autumn are designed for children of this age, which to tell the child in the fall.
  • Folders can also be used as a distribution material for parents of preschool children on the topic "Autumn" on various family practitioners and game
  • You can print the folder as a book format A4, insert into files (for this you need to purchase special folders with files) and get the book "Autumn" for a kindergarten group. This book can be transferred from family to the family and viewed in a group with children. She will serve you for a very long time!

How can the folder be used - Moving "Autumn" Parents of children of preschool age

Option 1. Print folder. And use it as a book or like crib - reminders during the day.

Examples of use of movement about autumn: Print the folder into separate sheets of A4 format. Further, it is very convenient to use these sheets with children, choosing the desired leaflet today. One leaflet with a poem can always take a walk with the baby. And on the walk to get it, consider with the child a picture, read the baby poem from this leaflet. The leaf from the folder looks very aesthetic and it is convenient to consider it with the baby, it is lightweight and does not take up much space as a book or album. You can further, along with the baby, consider the nature around and find signs of autumn - the same as in the picture or in the poem from the folder.

Valuable idea from MAM experience: Many parents hang out folder sheets on the refrigerator (changing them) or on a home magnetic board and viewed with children. These sheets serve as a crib - a reminder of the poem or the autumn game scheduled for today.

Option 2. Mobile version of the use of the fall folder without printing the folder on the printer. This option appeared in my experience of cooperation with my parents many years ago, when mobile phones appeared for the first time with the camera function. Very comfortable, fast way. You just need to save pictures from the folder-removal "Autumn" to your mobile phone. For a walk, you can always open the desired photo and read the child poem, consider the picture and find a similar landscape in the park around the baby or remember the idea for the game and immediately spend it with a child.

We have done three folders - driven about autumn by the ages of children: Early age (up to 3 years), junior preschool age (3-4 years), senior pre-school age (5-7 years).

Now I will show examples of pages from folders - Moving about autumn and give links to download these pictures in full format for printing.

Download folders - Movement "Autumn" for kindergarten and family

  • Free Download Folder Moving "Autumn" for young children (2-3 years)
  • Download free folder - Moving "Autumn" for younger preschoolers (3-4 years)
  • Free Download Folder Moving "Autumn" for senior preschoolers (5-7 years old)

Detailed description of folders - Moving about autumn by the ages of children

Please note: in this article I give compressed pictures from the folder for example.

Full pictures from all folders in excellent quality you can download in the file above.

Each folder is unique, and the content of each folder is not duplicated in other folders.

Folder - Movement "Autumn": for parents of young children (2-3 years)

IN folder - Moving The autumn for young children includes sheets:

- Title,

What knows about the autumn kid in 2-3 years. And pictures of autumn natural phenomena to consider them with a child.

Learning to consider pictures: seasons

- Learn to speak and play with autumn rain: Speech exercises on a home walk.

Autumn educational games and tasks for the smallest: "Multicolored leaves", "big - small", "dance with leaves", "Where are the leaflets?", "What is heard?", "Learn to speak", "Magic box".

I know the baby with the outside world on a walk in the yard

Autumn poems for the smallest: "Why trees fall leaves in autumn?" V. Orlov, "My Little Guest" V. Orlov, "Autumn Leaves" I. Tokmakova, "Autumn Song" A. Plescheev, "Autumn" V. Avdienko, "Hedgehog" I. Mogilevskaya, "Autumn" Y. Corinar.

Sheets "And this is me in autumn" To glue home autumn photos into an album or folder. In the framework you can glue autumn photos of children, kindergarten groups, photos of the drawings of children about autumn. It turns out the sheets of the money, in which the baby will see himself! It is very important for the baby of an early age - to consider the photo of his moms, dad, all relatives and yourself in the fall: what the weather, who does what, who is dressed in.

Folder - Moving "Autumn": for parents of children 3-4 years

Below in the folder description shows examples of pictures in a compressed format. You can download the same pictures in full and good permission to download for free in this article in the section "Download Folders - Movement" Autumn "

In the folder - Moving about autumn for children of junior preschool age includes sheets:

- Title,

What does a child know about the autumn in 3-4 years,

- FROM quiet about autumn for children 3-4 years old: I. Bunin "Autumn", K. Balmont "Autumn", A. Koltsov "Blowing winds", M. Khodakova "If the leaves of the leaves are wishes," E. Trutneva "It was suddenly lighter than", A. Teslenko "Autumn", A. Pleshcheev "The Boring Picture", L. Drozodova "Skidnapped I need to rain from the leaves of Naughty."

Educational games on autumn walk with a child 3-4 years old: "From what branch of the kids?", "Sleeps from nature", "Draw the Herbarium from the prints of the leaf", "Find the same", "develop the eye meter. Swing for a leaflet "," familiarize a child with trees "," Pintprints of colored pencils "," The game of riddles: Autumn trees "

Autumn mathematics on a walk with a baby: "What are like?", "What is more?", "Continue pattern."

Little accuracy: Why is the hare in winter white, and in summer - gray? Experiment for children.

Signs of autumn: pictures with a child's task "Find signs of autumn". Discussing the top picture with the child, ask him why it is not summer? After all, in the summer, too, it is raining. Pay attention to the warm clothes of the girl. If she got dressed warmly, then ...? (It's cold outside, and in the summer - heat). At the bottom of the picture, find signs of autumn (sleeping harvest, leaf fall).

Folder - Movement "Autumn": for parents of children 5-6 years

Below are compressed pictures from the fall folder as an example. If you need to download these pictures in good resolution for printing or use in the presentation - then this can be done by reference, which is given above in this article ("Download folders")

In the Folder-Movement about the autumn for children of senior preschool age includes Pages of A4 format:

Title page,

What a child knows about autumn to enter school.

Rasty curious: logic tasks For children about autumn in pictures with questions for children. "What did hezhik say?", " Strong wind».

We play in the fall on the way to kindergarten:"What was the wrong Dunno?", "Trick - Truck, this is not so,"

Little intelligence - experiments for senior preschoolers. "Why are the animals in the fall of the fur coats?", "How are the walruss protected from cold cold?"

We learn poems by heart with children 5-7 years old: A. Tolstoy "Autumn" (excerpt), A. Pushkin "So in autumn breath" (passage), P. Voronko "Better there is no native land," A. Tvardovsky "Forest in autumn). You can choose any of these poems and learn with the child to the autumn holiday.

Poems on the autumn for reading senior preschoolers: I. Bunin "Listopad", N. Antonova "Autumn", N. N. Nekrasov "Before the rain", A. Fet "Autumn".


Winter winter.

Story about winter "Winter Book"

White smooth layer covered the whole ground. Fields and forest glads are now - as smooth pure pages of some kind of giant book. And whoever will pass on them, he will sing anything: "There was such something here."

The day there is snow. Ends - pages are clean. In the morning you will come - white pages are covered with many mysterious icons, cereals, dots, commas. So, at night there were different forest inhabitants here, walked, jumped, did something.

Proverbs, sayings, signs of snow and snowstorm

Where winter without snow is there and summer without bread.

And the snow on the umbrella will be easy if you think about what is your snow.

Where the snow, there and the trail: was not snow, there was no trace.

There will be a snow deep - there will be a year good.

And in winter, I ate fungus, yes very snow deep.

Not the first snow on the head.

Since the case you can take a job - and the snow will light up, and I do not understand, then the oil will not flame.

More snow in the fields - more bread in the covers.

It is not snow that swears, but what goes from above.

Delicate the snow in the fields in the winter - you will be with breads in autumn.

Many snow - a lot of bread, plenty of water - a lot of herbs.

Snow inflated bread will arrive, the water will break - the hay will go.

Let the snow be cold, but from the caressing shelters.

No matter how so wash, but you won't be whiter than snow.

White snow on black earth, and that face.

Blizzards and blizzards fell away.

Riddles about the snow

Missed, the white swarm

Fell on the ground - he became a mountain.


He was watching black first,

He is a white fortune lying on the forest.

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring, it completely disappeared.


Mushki fall from the sky

Krutat-vertyat round.

Turned all the paths,

Soon holiday - New Year.

White fluff is circling familiar

Knows every person

That under the new year is usually

Falls on the ground ...


He is fluffy, silver,

But his hand is not a trunk:

Will be the drip clean,

How to catch a palm.


Riddles about blizzard and blizzard

This is who, warning, flies without wings,

Without sweeping traces notice,

While snowstands from snow test,

Yes, moves them from place to place?


Dried Lucherya

Silver feathers

Spinned, pretty,

So the street is Bela.


Walk in the field

I fly on the will,

Crux, drum,

I do not want to know anyone.

Running along the road



Passed Belian girl -

washed the whole glade.

(Winter storm)

Putting Santa Claus to all incarcets under the Christmas tree.

Puts Santa Claus to all the races under the Christmas tree

On a soft toy - fluffy wolf.

Let every panty plays in order

Who is horrified in the forest at him.

And each chantech - on a new comb

For fashionable, shiny and red hairstyles.

So that there was no time to take offended -

Hairstyle is needed to keep in order.

And what is the suppress Santa Claus a bear?

Malina basket? Barrel Medsk?

Left under her huge forest

Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring.

(N. Stozkova)

Santa Claus rushes to us.

Look at the Distor -

Cheerful and Boy!

Rushing, rushing around the yard

Santa Claus on Troika!

On the sleigh dashing

Through carved arches!

Children in the New Year

He is lucky gifts!

The bells are ringing: