Oleg Lourier journalist biography nationality. Lurie Oleg Anatolyevich. Negotiated Sacral Victim? Wolves and sheep in the "Galunova case"

Oleg Anatolyevich Lurie (May 3, 1963, Kharkov) - Russian journalist specializing in journalistic investigations, editor of the VTV television company, President of the International Slavic Charitable Foundation (since 1993). Oleg Lurie - The author of the sensational publications on the activities of Bank of New York, "Mabetex" and Roman Abramovich (not throughout the correct, but caused even the initiation of criminal cases).

In 2008, it was arrested on suspicion of extortion (part 2 and 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and fraud (part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), accused of extortion of the member of the Federation Council of Vladimir Slutcker (according to the charge, offered for remuneration to remove compromising Materials). Later is condemned to imprisonment on charges of extortion for a period of 4 years. After serving the sentence, released in December 2011
In 1988 Oleg Lurie He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Kharkov State University, the separation of Russian literature.
In 2003 he graduated from the Russian New University in the economist.
In 1996-1997 Oleg Lurie He worked in the press service of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Since 1997 - Special correspondent for the investigation department "Express Newspaper".
From 1998 to 1999 Oleg Lurie - Observer of the investigation department of the holding "Top Secret", was one of the creators of the newspaper "version".
From 2000 to 2003 Oleg Lurie - Observer of the investigation department "New Newspaper".
Since 2003. Oleg Lurie - Founder and chief editor of the publishing house "Hour Media".
In 2005-2008 Oleg Lurie - Editor of the VTV television company.

Criminal case Oleg Lurie

January 28, 2008 - Oleg Lurie It was arrested on suspicion of extortion of money for "non-disclosure" of discustering information about the wife of Senator Vladimir Slutcker.
March 10, 2009 - the Tver Court of Moscow issued Oleg Lurier Verdict 8 years of conclusion under Art. 163 (extortion) and 159 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
July 28, 2009 - the judicial board of the Moscow Horsky has changed the verdict of the Tver Districant, qualifying the actions of the defendant Oleg Lurie According to the article "extortion" by one of the crime. As a result, on this article Oleg Lurier It was punished below the lowest limit. Sentence Oleg Lurier In terms of condemnation under Article 159 of the Criminal Code is left unchanged. The final punishment is 4 years in prison.
According to the second criminal case, about slander on the investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oleg Lurie Recognized jury innocent.
On December 23, 2011, the Presidium of the Moscow City Court has changed the sentence and in connection with the amendments to the legislation reduced the sentence for one month, after which Oleg Lurie was released.

Family Oleg Lourier
Wife Oleg Lourier - Natalia Lurier. Father of two children.

O.A. LurierStolen Russia: Journalistic Investigations - M.: "B. and. ", 2002-304 with ISBN 5-87135-056-7

Journalist Lurie, convicted of extortion from Senator Slutcker, was released a month earlier
Journalist Oleg LurieHe was convicted of extortion from the former Senator Vladimir Slutcker, he was released a month earlier, his wife Natalia Lurie told Rapsey. "The Presidium of the Moscow City Court has changed the sentence on December 23 and, in connection with the amendments to legislation, the appointed period for one month has declined. After that, Oleg was released from the SIZO, "she said.
Lurie explained that until the end of the four-year term, Lurie remained smoothly a month. Odelo against him was initiated in 2007 on the fact of extortion from Senator from Chuvashia Vladimir Slutsker and his former wife Olga. The court found that Lurie in July 2006 extorted $ 50 thousand from spouses for the nonposal compromising materials.

Many spectators who occupy television investigations are interested in the biography of the journalist Oleg Lourier. Its activity is just associated with this direction.

Many who are interested in the biography of the journalist Oleg Lourier are asked: what nationality it belongs to. Thanks to the sonorous name, French roots are attributed to him. However, this is not the case, Oleg was born in Ukraine, namely in the city of Kharkov, in 1963.

There is no full information about the parents of the boy, it is known that he grew up without his father and brought up with her mother alone. She wore a very unusual name - Adil, and worked as an engineer engineering engineer. Familia Oleg inherited from his father, who was a professor-hydrogeologist.

One of the main goals of a woman was to raise an intelligent son and give it a good education. It was successfully successful for her, from the early childhood Oleg was interested in art and history.

The passion for journalism came to the young man in 17 years. His essays were published in the local newspaper "Red Banner".

Career development

In terms of labor activity, the biography of Journalist Oleg Lourier is very rich. After he received the highest philological education, he moved abroad, but he lived on a foreign year.

After that, he returned to his homeland and managed to try himself in very different directions, among which you can list the following:

  • the founder of the agency, which was professionally engaged in the organization of tour for celebrities of the Soviet Union;
  • director of the famous singer Larisa Valley;

Oleg Lurie published many provocative materials

  • assistant to certain deputies of the State Duma (Oleg Lurie put forward to the polls and his candidacy, but unsuccessfully);
  • correspondent of criminal investigations of a number of publications.

It is in the last kind of activity that directly as the attitude towards his profession, Oleg Lurie, eventually stopped. He put a maximum effort so that the fame of the scandalous journalist would be entrenched. In his investigations, many high-ranking faces appeared, in particular, these are relatives of Boris Yeltsin, Abramovich, Kasyanov, Berezovsky.

Each of the investigations conducted by the journalist received fame of the well-known. For example, the case in which Kasyanov appeared, was remembered by the fact that with Luriate's light hand, the latter acquired the nickname "Misha two percent", which later mentioned certain political figures, which include the current Russian president.

Court over Oleg Lurie

Ironically, a well-known journalist at a certain point in his life was forced to appear before the court as an accused. He was charged with extortion for ensuring that the exposing material about the wife of one of the influential senators by the name of Slutcker was released.

During the consideration of the case, it was stated that after Oleg was denied cash, he posted compromising information on the Internet, after which he again demanded a bribe with the condition that only after that he will delete the information. Luriate was accused of being even received a part of the money, but the information had already hit other sites.

Special attention deserves the fact that Slutcker, taking advantage of his authority, made a legislative initiative and proposed regulation of the activities of the Internet publications at the level with printed media.

In 2009, the court sentenced Lurie to eight years of imprisonment, but after this period was reduced to four years. Even later, the next changes in the legislation contributed to the fact that Oleg was released in 2011.

An interesting fact is that when Oleg Lurie was serving a sentence, he passed the accused and in another case - about slander on the investigator. It was about the official person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lieutenant Colonel Kisin, who conducted an investigation into the first case, where extortion was imputed to the journalist.

A letter of Luriate was the reason for the opening of production, in which he accused the investigator in falsification of the investigation materials. During the court session, Oleg was fully justified.

Oleg Lourier Scandalous Journalist

Another entertaining fact is that during the many years of investigation, the question arose about the inconsistency of Oleg Lourier's income of its level of living and property. So, it became known that with a small salary, both his and his wife, the family owns six premium cars, two apartments in Moscow and a luxurious country mansion in three floors.

Oleg Lourier Photography

In 1981-1984, Lurier served in parts of the Northern Fleet.

In 1988, Lurie graduated from the department of Russian literature of the Philological Faculty of Kharkiv State University.

On the activity of Lurie in the early 90s known is known. It was reported that he was a manager of pop artists Larisa Valley and Vladimir Kuzmina in 1993 was elected president of a certain international Slavic charitable foundation.

In 1994, Lurie began to engage in journalism - he worked in a number of Ukrainian media later was an assistant to several independent State Duma deputies and in LDPR. In 1996-1997, Lurier worked in the press service of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In June 1997, Lurie as a press secretary of the LDPR Party appeared in reports on the proposal of the party fraction in the State Duma, "to buy out the state of the power of Ilyich, as well as the entire laboratory serving the body" to subsequently organize "tour" Mummy Lenin "in the cities and weights of the Great Russia, "and after the multi-month journey to establish a coffin in the new mausoleum at the outskirts of Moscow. He mentioned in the Internet media and as the editor "We!" - Applications to the newspaper "LDPR".

In December 1997, Lurie ran into the Moscow City Duma in the Moscow City Organization (the Moscow City Organization of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia ") was running into the Moscow City Duma. Elections lost.

In 1997, Lurie, according to the newspaper Kommersant, who called him the "assistant leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky", quarreled with the party leader and went to independent journalism. Soon (in 1998) in the publication "Top Secret" an article Lurie "Gold Party LDPR" appeared.

Best days

In 1997, Lurie became a special correspondent for the investigation department "Express Newspaper" and in 1998-1999 he worked as an overview of the investigative investigation department "Top Secret", also performing one of the creators of the holding newspaper "version".

Already ceasing to be a staff member of the holding, Lurie became a participant in a large scandal in "Top Secret." In 2003, the holding lost the court with Alfa-Group, the reason for which was published in 1999 in the "version" Journalistic investigation of Lurie. As a result of the trial, information from Lurier's article, telling about the participation of Peter Avena and Mikhail Friedman in organizing drug transit from Southeast Asia through Russia to Europe, about illegal contacts with international adventurers, bonds with crime and other illegal actions were recognized as not corresponding to reality and dislike the business reputation of the plaintiffs. The court ordered the publication to publish a refutation and reimburse the plaintiffs of moral damage (a total of 7.5 million rubles), as well as all legal costs. The President of the Holding "Top Secret" Veronika Borovik-Khilchevskaya accused Lurier (taken to work by the chief editor of the "version" Rustam Arifjanov under his responsibility) is that he "substituted" the publication, and the Arithdzhanov himself resigned.

In 2000-2003, Lurie worked as a browser of the Department of Investigations "New Newspaper". Taking this position, Luriate in December 2000 was attacked by four unknown people who beat him in the garage. Only the intervention of the journalist's wife, which was not confused and the bumper of the car knocked the door of the metal awning, saved Lurie from serious injuries. Commander's colleagues stated that the attack on him was associated with his work. However, the police qualified an offense as a hooliganism (the results of the investigation did not report).

At the end of 2000, the Lurier article was published in the New Gazeta. What did the Swiss Prosecutor's Office for the Russian "learned. In particular, it was argued that the President of Mercata Trading (Mercata Trading) Viktor Tipovsky "acquired Ticino in Canton for 20 million Swiss francs" Luxury Palace "Villa Ambresetti" for the daughter of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin Tatyana Dyachenko. According to the journalist, made it the pillar "immediately after the" Kremlin restoration ". The consequence of it was the major corruption scandal of 1999, whose participant became the administrations of President Pavel Borodin. The scandal broke out after the Prosecutor General of Russia Yury Skuratov, who was involved in the political game against the Kremlin and Yeltsin personally, initiated the investigation into the case of the largest partner headed by Borodin's management - the Swiss company "Mabetex" was engaged in the reconstruction of the Kremlin and the objects of the Supreme Bodies of the Federal Power of Russia. The article also said that the businessman allegedly "financed the Liberal Party of Switzerland" dirty "money stolen from the Russian budget."

In 2001, he received a continuation of the scandal around Borodin and firms that produced the reconstruction of the Kremlin and other objects in Moscow. In January of that year, in the New York Airport, the official was taken into custody on suspicion of obtaining 30 million dollars of commission for providing construction companies "Mabetex" and "Mercata" in a row to work. However, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation did not see the composition of the crime in the actions of Borodin. After the indictment Canton Geneva's accusatory chamber issued a decision on the removal of arrest from Mercata-Trading and Tipovsky personally ("justice did not find good arguments to bring this business to court"), the case against Borodin began to fall apart. In April 2001, Borodin was released on bail at 5 million Swiss francs (more than $ 3 million).

In the same year, the pillars filed a lawsuit against the "New Gazeta" and Lurier himself. During the process, the Podpovsky lawyers represented the interests managed to convince the court that no documents confirming the "laundering" of his money firm in Switzerland was found. The Basmannaya Intermunicipal Court of Moscow ordered Luriate to pay the pillar of 20 thousand dollars, and the editorial office of the New Gazette - 150 thousand dollars.

In January 2002, Lurie, according to some information, became the delegate of the Congress of the Russian Party of Self-Government of the Workers of Svyatoslav Fedorova (Leader - Levon Chakhmakhchyan).

In 2003, Lurie received a diploma of an economist in the Russian New University. In the same year, he made a founder and became the chef editor of the publishing house "Hour Media".

In January 2004, he began to produce a glossy magazine "GDP (gross domestic product)" - with Putin portraits and advertising articles. "Fortunately, it came to the time when there is no need to replace journalistic investigations the activities of the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These structures, like many others, began to function in normal and stable mode," Lurie's comments quoted on this issue "Moscow News", called the publication "The magazine of an economic sense with a roll in official." I existed a magazine less than a year.

In 2007, a criminal case was established at Lurie (about this fact it became known only in January 2008). During the investigation, the investigators of the SC "interrogated with a dozen witnesses from among the familiar Oleg Lourier and the journalist himself." Kommersant wrote that Lurie was sent several agendas for the interrogation, which he did not respond, in addition, in early 2007, the journalist appealed to the Psychiatric Clinic No. 1 of Alekseeva, where he was in a hospital treatment for some time. In two months, investigators, according to the source of publication in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent Lurie to a survey at the Serbian Institute, where the doctors concluded that the journalist's complete changeability.

To attract Lurie as a suspected investigators, then did not succeed, since he - as the head of the department - the chief editor of Internet projects LLC "VTV" - was registered by the candidate for deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from "Fair Russia" on the Nizhny Novgorod region (No. 9 of the regional group of the party's election list) . However, he did not pass in the Duma, "and by this time the investigation has already contained additional evidence of his criminal actions," said one of the participants in the investigation in 2008.

In 2008, Lurie appeared in the press as the General Director of the publishing house LLC Alisa Invest Editor of the VTV television company and the editor-in-chief of Jeans magazine. It was reported that on January 26, 2008, Lurie was summoned to the next interrogation in the SC. "However, instead of conventional interrogation, he was detained on suspicion of extortion and fraud. On the same day, he was charged and then the Tver Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of Lurie. Such a hasty in the investigative committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia," Kommersant officially did not officially Explained and not commented.

Later it was announced that Senator Vladimir Slucker and his spouse, the general director of the Gyms network of ZAO World Class Clubs Olga Slucker, became the objects of Lurier blackmail. According to the report of the Investigative Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, he "for the purpose of personal accompanying prepared an article containing non-relevant reality information, disclosing the honor and dignity of one-known entrepreneur in Russia, and promised to place the materials put into question the detropitude of goodness." For the refusal of his intentions, he allegedly demanded 50 thousand dollars. After he was refused to pay, "Lurie posted unreliable information on one of the Internet sites." After five months, Lurie again undertaken a similar attempt to extortive funds from Senator Slutcker and, having received a refusal, again posted his article on the Internet. It was reported that Luriate and this time demanded from a policy of 25 thousand dollars "for removing the material from the site," and even received 15 thousand. However, "the material by this time has already quoted other Internet sites," the SC press release was noted.

Lurie himself regarded what is happening as an agency of intimidation. It was noted that he foresaw arrest and wrote in advance in his blog about it. According to the journalist, against him, "a certain high-ranking official was initiated by a criminal case," he regards it as "revenge for a number of publishing three-, four years ago," and these publications "did not have a direct relationship" to those who sent him to prison . "They are trying to blame me in what I did not do and could not do," Lurie said in his LJ.

In February 2008, Slucker made a legislative initiative to adjust the livelihood of the Internet. According to his proposal, to solve the problem of the publication of "plots" and slander on the Internet should be extended to the action of the Law on Media on the Internet publication (according to February 2008, the bill was at the Development Stage).

Meanwhile, it was noted that the former colleagues Lurie preferred not to comment on what was happening and refrained from the characteristics of the arrested journalist.

Working in various editions, Lurie received fame after the publication of materials about large Russian politicians, officials and businessmen: Mikhail Kasyanov, Alexander Mamut, Sergey Bogdanchik, Mikhail Zurabov, Roman Abramovich Boris Berezovsky, Alexei Mordashov, Semen Mogilev, Sergei Pugachev, Victor Ivanov, Igor Sechin, Yuri Zalakovtsev and Nicolae Patrushev. In 2002, the book Lurie "Stolen Russia. Journalistic Investigations".

Lurie is married: In the press appeared his wife Victoria (in 2000 she was also mentioned as Vita). Luriate has two minor children.


Lurie Oleg Anatolyevich

Russian journalist

Oleg Lourie was born on May 3, 1963 in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine. Mother - Shirinskaya Adil Izmailovna, engineering engineer. In school years was fond of sculpture and painting. He studied the history of the arts and planned to become art historian. Journalism began to engage in 17 years. The first publications appeared in 1980 in the Kharkiv newspaper "Red Banner".

From 1981 to 1984, an urgent military service was held at the Altai rescue ship on the Northern Fleet of the USSR Navy - in a special water supply group of the emergency rescue service, which was saved and the rise of emergency nuclear submarines.

In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Kharkiv State University, the separation of Russian literature.

In 1989 he went to Canada, to the city of Toronto, where she lived one year. She first worked as a consultant in the Russian literature department in the WHITE WAY ENTERPRISE book-selling company, later became a co-owner of this company.

In 1990, he returned to the USSR and created a company to organize touring the stars of Soviet rock and pop. He worked with Larisa Valley, Vladimir Kuzmin, Alexander Barykin, Sergey Pencois and others.

In 1992 he moved from Kharkov to a permanent residence in Moscow. In 1993-94, he worked as director of programs from the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Larisa Valley.

In 1994, he created and headed the International Slavic Charitable Foundation, which conducted various charitable concerts with the participation of world pop stars.

From 1996 to 1997, at the invitation of V.V. Zhirinovsky, he worked in the press service of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In December 1997, unsuccessfully ran into the Moscow City Duma at the electoral district №22.

In 1998 he became a special correspondent for the investigation department "Express Newspaper". In 1999, he worked as an overview of the investigation department "Top Secret", at the same time participated in the creation of the newspaper "Version" together with Artem Borovik and Rustam Arifjanov, in which he also worked in the investigation department later. In 2000, he became an observer of the Department of Investigations "New Newspaper". And in 2001 he became the leading permanent heading of the Novaya Gazeta - "Lurie will answer." At the same time, collaborated with the leading American publications, including with "U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. Also, in 2001, became the author of the idea and co-owner of the information domain of Corruption.ru.

In 2003, he received the second higher education in the specialty economist in the Russian New University.

In 2003-2004, he created and headed as a chef magazine "Louds about .." and the site of the same name. From 2004 to 2005, he worked as the chief editor of the GDP magazine.

In 2005, he created and headed the youth magazine "Jeans - the territory of freedom." From 2005 to 2008 he was engaged directly by his projects listed above and published in various media as a freelance journalist.

In 1999, in the US US publication "U.S. News & World Report »Published a journalistic investigation into the involvement of the next relatives of President Boris Yeltsin to fraud with the Sibneft company who belong to Abramovich and subsequent money laundering through Bank of New York. It was about Tatiana Dyachenko and her former husband Alexandra Dyachenko.

In 1999-2000, the activities of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation were investigated, in the so-called, "Mabetex case" on the embezzlement and multi-million dollar "kickbacks" during the repair of the Kremlin and other objects. The result of his journalistic investigation was the dismissal of the executive officers of President Pavel Borodin.

In April 2000, the "New Gazette" and other publications published a journalistic investigation on the activities of Mikhail Kasyanov's premier, put forward by the unpleasant version of the story with kickbacks in the amount of 2 percent. In this article, Lurie called Kasyanov "Misha two percent", afterwards this nickname was repeatedly quoted, including the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

In 1999-2000, together with journalists from "U.S. News & World Report "was engaged in a journalistic investigation of the embezzlement of $ 4.7 billion Credit IMF issued by Russia to strengthen the ruble a month before the Defalt of August 1998. Luriate managed to find out who, when and in any way stole this money, which could be partly saving Russia from the default.

In 2000, I interviewed at the General Prosecutor Geneva Britran Bertoss, who at the time led the investigation into the "Mabeteks", "Business Bony" and history with the cornmarks issued by Russia of the International Monetary Fund.

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