How in society are treated with disabilities. Attitudes towards people with disabilities

Most healthy Russian societies treat people with disabilities properly and do not consider them a burden. Many of them agree that people with disabilities can make a huge contribution to the development of society.
   However, almost half of the visually impaired, as well as the deaf and hearing-impaired community, believe that the attitude of society towards them has definitely changed due to the adoption of new social laws and the transition to the market. In modern Russian society there are no more employment channels, enterprises for the deaf and blind.

Along the list is undesirable, the enemy indignant. We are talking about the early 40s, but how sad these words are still. And as far as they could, alas, suddenly become the essence of the present days. In other words, there is a scandalous pact of sorts, but not written between those who draw the line and those who prefer to stick to it, the forbidden fruit promised, indicated, desired or eliminating the outbreak, even cruel, own impulses. In other words, what is the point of preaching free violence without designated victims, on which it could be downloaded?

Almost all women with disabilities interviewed regularly stack up with a rude attitude in hospitals, clinics, and transport. People get annoyed because of the slowness of the disabled, their limitations in physical abilities. Very often, rights are violated in relation to people with intellectual disabilities.

According to statistics, people with disabilities who live in megacities undergo a more rude attitude. Small cities attitude to such people more cordial.

That is why the urgency of searching for victims, that is, obscenities, namely undesirable, is explained by a well-planned device for the progressive plundering of human characters. In other words, the segregation process reveals this horrific aspect of the Nazi operation: prisoners are reduced to simple objects, unnamed or unmarried livestock, simple mockery, fun and debauchery from their fugitives, healthy and strong, and therefore worthy to live, Reich people. Dissolution of family ties is cruel.

Due to their physical limitations, people with disabilities do not very often visit public institutions, cultural places, use transport. The attitude of a society of healthy people to people with disabilities would exclude them from a full-fledged society. These people are often victims of manipulation and discrimination. For such people there is no specially equipped transport to go in a wheelchair, there is no special access to shops, banks and many pharmacies. And even if such and meet, it is made so that it is impossible to move the curbs. As for the visually impaired, practically nothing has been done in our country. These people are forced to live in special homes for the disabled, because of their rejection by society. The employment rate for people with disabilities is practically nil.
   There is an expression that an invalid does not a wheel chair, but an environment. But there are millions of people with disabilities in each country. And this is not alone grandparents, very often these are young healthy people who just once were unlucky. Is it really so hard to help these people: get a job, help them cross the road, pick up a bus, or just kindly smile. This is simply a human relationship that does not require any special expenses from society.

Separation without farewell injures prisoners and provokes in them a feeling of powerlessness, worthlessness and rejection. The second gesture is even more cruel: personality, anonymity. All the detainees are shaved, all wearing the same suit. All with the same blank look.

Dehumanization is a consequence of the bureaucratic structure of the Nazi political power, that is, the desired fruit, but also a useful tool that facilitates the work of those who are actively involved in the chain of destruction. When Eichmann announced the famous process in Jerusalem, everyone responsible for the long and complex chain of the death industry survived hell, which was produced, lived and immediately on a daily basis, managing a kind of "mental reserve", a deliberate choice not to think , do not have too much trouble, wash your conscience pilotically, truncating behind the famous excuses of a corrupt conscience, namely, “obedience to the order” and “rejection of real alternatives”.

Because of the indifference of society, people with disabilities continue to live in their disabled world of disease, with a bunch of complexes, depressions and personal experiences. It is not sad, but when people with disabilities come out “into the light,” as happened recently with a group of disabled children in the aquarium, they are faced with a clear disgust. In early 2012 Moscow school, where autistic children study, turned to the aquarium with a question about organizing excursions for schoolchildren. The management of the institution agreed, after which the school made an announcement about the upcoming trip, and also gathered groups that teachers and parents were supposed to accompany.

On the other hand, what were the prisoners still? How can you deal with insect humanity? So who can think that you are doing evil? But if it provokes disagreement with the Jews in Europe, hunting across the continent, and begins to exterminate, what can we say then about people with disabilities who were tested and tested shortly before that? In this case, let's look at the abyss worse than the sick Nazi culture. In the national-socialist perversion, the task of medicine is no longer to cure the sick, but to strengthen the healthy; Do not damage, but cause harm; Do not seek the welfare of the patient, but his suppression.

Soon one of the teachers once again called the aquarium to clarify the dates of excursions, and let slip that the students suffer from autism. An employee of the institution, who spoke with the teacher, decided to consult with the director, after which the school was denied an excursion.

The authorities argued as follows: “Visitors do not like to see people with disabilities, this causes them to pry. Teachers were asked to arrange a visit to the aquarium on the sanitary day, so that no one saw the students.

On the other hand, if the political power has already decided who is worthy of life, then it automatically follows that medicine must accept this goal: to promote natural selection in its fatal and remarkable task or eliminate it less. Thus, we have tubes for nurses who diligently allow them to die in order to inflict indifferent babies or prescribe lethal doses of sleep for disabled children. Recognized doctors who have sworn in Hippocrates, misinterpret their mission to create the death of their patients, with gas, injections, with inadequate drugs, with dubious experiments.

Or when a disabled person decides to arrange a “human” holiday, he reserves a table in a cafe \\ restaurant. Does he think that in an institution equipped with a ramp for a carriage, he will be denied service?

In the corridor of the restaurant, he and his friends had to spend more than an hour. The joyful mood after a long argument with the guard turned out to be hopelessly spoiled. Alexander Mokina was not allowed into the hall where he was going to celebrate his 27th birthday, even though he had booked a table in advance, warning him about a wheelchair. However, the art director of the club decided to give such a visitor a turn away from the gate.

In propaganda, they died a pitiful or, at best, movement and expected departures. In fact, it was the largest and historically recognized euthanasia operation by political power. They, the weaker, most helpless, the most direct representatives of human vulnerability, have experienced a sad primacy, a terrible Nazi concept of health. Although, frankly, one could make a few doubts about the "sweet" nature of such repression.

And if historians are shrinking for historical reasons of this cultural breakthrough due to obscene visceral evidence, here we cannot ignore the general attitude towards people with disabilities. As Di Santo recalls, disability implies limiting activity and social participation, regardless of the degree of deterioration that a person can live, even if it is unthinkable that a more complex pathological condition is likely to be affected by the possibility of being affected by areas of their own social, relational, ecological and personal life.

   She went out, came over. She said that: “You will embarrass our visitors. As you imagine, to have a rest in our institution in such a form, ”said Alexander.

The young man received the injury that had chained him to a wheelchair two years ago while diving and hit the bottom of the reservoir. But he didn’t stay at home in the four walls, and doesn’t consider himself to be special. Alexander is sure - he, like everyone else - and no one can deprive him of this right.

And here we turn to the problem or, if you wish, to a general ambiguity or to the identification of a person with a disease, an individual with a pathology, an existential universe with disability itself. The presence of the main obstacles, of various etiologies, does not coincide with the levels of the human personality, but adds to the latter an aggravation over and above the weight that our society usually imposes on the basis of its specific socio-ecological organization. But the disease does not make a man! However, as a misunderstanding of the smoothing of the existential fate of people in the pathology of those who suffer.

The refusal of the restaurant seems even more paradoxical when you consider that inside the institution there is a ramp for wheelchair users.

Let us hope and do everything possible so that the situation with respect to disabled people changes for the better and we are always ready to help those who are in dire need of it.

If we expanded this landmark, very few would enjoy the burden of health. But there is no compassion or sympathy for the disabled. Rather, to them the dislocation is aimed at the concentration, separation, separation of the "healthy" from the "sick". Anxious problem of diversity.

“A look at disability” is one of the most obvious demonstrations of how our view of things always depends heavily on the meaning they take for us. But in the end, this is normal, because “a look at a disability causes the fear of losing its physical integrity and everything that was built around it.” Rejection, more or less covert, disgust, more or less hidden, denial, more or less pronounced, feeds on this, that is, an excess of protection, which, between the conscious and the unconscious, is between legal and forbidden, between rational and irrational, determines the response of the subject perceived disability in its immediate vicinity.

Who remembers the good old fairy tale of Valentina Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"? The girl Zhenya spent six magic petals on her own whims when she met the boy Vitya. Vitya was disabled and could not play with other children, so he was sad and lonely. Zhenya made a guess to the seven-color flower, so that Vitya would become healthy.

Of course, in this tension, and tense, nothing matters, does not interfere, it does not mean that disability is only a physical - bioecological state, and that there is always a human person behind it, flesh and bones, with first name and surname. Disability significantly increases its size to overwhelm the same confidence of the subject and cause in the last phenomena of rejection, aversion, escape, avoidance. Freud could synthesize them, perhaps, into a single, elementary, defensive mechanism of the ego, that is, denial, as opposed to real danger, as here, a fictional or purely symbolic danger.

Invalid and Society

At first glance, Kataev’s tale is kind and positive, the attitude of society towards this category of population is involuntarily reflected: a disabled person cannot be completely happy in his condition. How cynically it does not sound, but in the times of the Soviet Union, this was precisely the attitude towards people with disabilities. They were not discredited, they were not limited in their rights, but they were shy.

But when we enter the path of a symbol, it always happens, that is, that fictional scenarios correspond to real emotions. Now, if a disabled person never presents a real danger to a “healthy person,” the fear of the latter will always be, and damned, real. Refusal to disability, which is a symbolic ritual of exorcism in that the disability includes, physically, socially, culturally, economically and which seems undesirable, encourages subjects to support more or less hidden forms of dislocation elsewhere in the disabled, to claim medical care, hospitalization, concentration in special institutions and far from civil and public life.

And the disguise of latent discrimination was the exaltation of the “real Soviet man”, the existence of which was impossible to hide - Maresyev, Nikolay Ostrovsky. The official position of the state was to deny the existence of persons with disabilities as a phenomenon.

Absurd, and not the only one in the history of the Soviet Union. But it is precisely this policy that has led to the fact that people with disabilities have become a non-existent category - they exist, but they are not there. Therefore, the attitude towards them in the post-Soviet space, primarily from society, is very different from the attitude of the world community towards people with disabilities.

You have no experience, it means that you have no fear of losing what you have or have, and you can become like them. On the contrary, it is obvious that, just like human beings, namely composite and fragile creatures of any nature, we are all potentially disabled since the maximum physical strength is provided only to a group limited in human life and gradually over time and that nothing is enough to lose everything.

The secret device, sadly disguised for the noble intention of dealing with people with disabilities, perhaps with the best methods and special personnel, acts as a safety valve for tragic and pitiful human feelings or fear, fear, disgust, He adds, and Schumann is also wise: Fragility, vulnerability, death, surprise, loss of integrity. The type of disability associated with the difficulties that it implies causes a feeling of fear, disgust, fear of seeing a disadvantaged fate in people with disabilities.

The situation of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation

The state has finally recognized the existence of the problem, a whole program has been developed for the legal and socio-economic rehabilitation of the disabled. But the attitude of society that has been developing for decades will be harder to overcome.

Disgustingly pathetic, sympathetic - in approximately these words one can describe the attitude towards the average person with disabilities.

Human relations, even understandable from a certain point of view, but, of course, unethical. And no one can take care of this. And it is strange, after so many years, to remember and evaluate the extreme distance from the reality of the facts. Nevertheless, at that time the sensations were lively, strong, intense, extremely real, but where the chances of their appearance were really low. Again, we reject feeling as elemental, as wrong, that is, fear. And although we constantly strive to eliminate all those aspects of complexity, fragility, vulnerability, which characterize our life, disability there, to remind them always.

Limited opportunities

A person with disabilities is the position of a disabled person today. Although according to the logic, where the limit of possibility lies, it is rather difficult to determine. It is hardly possible to call the limited capabilities of the Paralympians, when a slalomist with a missing limb passes the course, which a healthy person is not able to pass.

Therefore, we no longer want to see her. But beware, disability is by no means a metaphor for the fall of life, it is by no means a symbol of existential fragility and is not a sign of what we are, but “this is a real expression.” Disability has always lived with our existence, always accompanied our steps, implied our life, characterizes what we are. However, we are born with disabilities, we live with disabilities, we will probably die with disabilities.

Here, then, he begins to take on his own connotations of the deep meaning of the human relationship to disability. In fact, “disability” also refers to some of the painful aspects of life that we are trying to remove: illness, seniority, and deprivation of the body.

How to deal with people with disabilities

Limited physical abilities do not mean a restriction on intelligence, responsiveness, talent.

Naturally, the first impression of the appearance of a disabled person can be anything, even a stupor. But, firstly, an intelligent person will be able to pull himself together and not show his feelings, and secondly, people with disabilities, as a rule, are already prepared for such perceptions in life.

And here we return to the Nazi extermination. In this crazy ideology uniting decadent, esoteric and Darwinian motives, the cult of physical, physical, mental, morphological, aesthetic, medical, anthropological cultures is noted in all respects. But its consequence is a symbolic irritation of the psychological mechanisms of repulsion and the fear of deviation from the “norm”. On the other hand, it is also impossible to deny that the extermination of people with disabilities is the inevitable consequence of the “palingenetic myth of a new person” in order to activate all the devices deemed necessary to achieve “striving for optimal physical conditions”.

So the next step may be just a conversation, during which it will become clear if people can become friends or the meeting will turn into a simple acquaintance. After all, even among people with “unlimited possibilities” not all relationships develop into friendship.