Exclusion verbs with a particle are not written together. How to write a particle "not" with verbs

The Russian language is considered difficult and incomprehensible for foreigners to learn. What foreigners! Citizens born and raised in Russia who never spoke another language also experience some difficulties. Unfortunately, we have to admit that the general literacy rate in the country has become noticeably lower. Part of the population, however, does not interfere with life at all. However, in some cases, a competent statement of your thoughts on paper is simply necessary. In order for the document written by you to make a good impression, we recall a few simple rules of the Russian language, in particular, how to spell “not” with verbs.

It is necessary:

- Russian language textbook;
  - vocabulary.


  • For the most part the negating particle “not” with the verbs is written separately . It doesn’t matter if the verb is in initial form  infinitive  (end of a word with a suffix -T ,those, -ch), tends, or expresses different tenses - present, past or future. Indeed, what is the difference: " don't watch», « don't watch"And" i will not watch"! The same rule applies if the verb exists in the form of participles. For instance, " not looking". It would seem wonderful! We write everything separately! No, there are exceptions to each rule, and Russian rules seem to consist of exceptions only.
  • There are verbs in which the negative particle is part of the word, is its integral part, and without it is not used at all. For example, in words like “ resent», « to undo», « to dislike", Not with verbs spelled together. For such exceptions, there is a simple check: if the verifier cannot be produced from the negative form of the verb, then the particle is written together. In fact, after all there is no word " to year" or " to see»!
  • Oddly enough, but such a simple verb as " get out»Also has its characteristics. If this word denotes a physical action - " to reach out", Then the negative particle is written separately, as with any other normal verb. For instance, " does not reach head to the top". If the word is embedded in the semantic meaning of "to be necessary", " need something», « be in short supply"- particle "not"  spelled as in the expression " lack of skill», « lack of expression».
  • Some people transfer this rule to the verb " enough". Indeed, " need"And" to miss»Are almost identical in meaning. But here " grabWritten with "not"  only separately.
  • Or here is the somewhat obsolete verb " look". The variants of its coexistence with the “not” particle also directly depend on the meaning invested. If you want to use the verb in the direct meaning of “without looking,” then “do not” write separately, as with other options. For instance, " criticize without looking at faces". If they want to contrast the action with the meaning “ contrary to", Then the particle" not"Joins, for example," live in spite of longing».
  • Some trap lurks a writer when using the prefix " under". If we mean an incomplete action, for example, an “unread book”, then the denying particle is written together. To dispel doubts, you can try to contrast the prefixes " under"And" re". For instance, " to climb - to climb».
  • In some cases, there is a problem with correct spellingwhen there is a separate existence of the particle " not"Next to the prefix" before"In the verb. For instance, " to get there», « to finish", That is, to complete the action to the end. In this case, the “not” particle is written separately, as in the usual case. Spelling “not” with verbs follows complex and interesting rules. Listen and ponder the deep meaning of the words, and you will discover a lot of interesting things.

1. Denial is not with verbs (in a personal form, in the infinitive, in the form of participles) is written separately, for example: not to take, was not, not knowing, not in a hurry.

Note 1. Non verbs are written together that are not used without, for example: indignant, perplexed, disfavored, unseeing the Light, dislike the stepdaughter; something is unhealthy today (the verb says hello is obsolete and colloquial in nature "and is rarely used: How do you say hello? Not very well); but, in accordance with the general rule: it’s not good.

Note 2. The grab verb in any meaning is written separately with not, for example: 1) The puppy has grown up and the owner is no longer enough for the trousers; 2) The book lacks several pages.

Separate spelling differs in the meaning of "not reach out" and fused spelling  lack in the meaning of "to be in short supply", "to be needed", for example: 1) does not reach the window with a hand; 2) at the cash desk is missing two rubles; lack of patience; only this was missing.

Note 3. There is a difference between the separate spelling regardless and the continuous spelling regardless. In the first case, there is a form of gerimony from an obsolete verb to look at, for example: to criticize without looking at the faces. In the second case - a prepositional combination regardless of the meaning “despite”, “contrary to something”, for example: to continue the struggle despite losses, to walk regardless of bad weather.

2. Verbs with a compound prefix are under-written, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency of action (this prefix by value is often antonymic to the prefix aere- \\ cf .: underfulfill - overfulfill, undersalt - over-salt). For example: not enough notebooks, under-potatoes, under-nuts, under-oils, under-plans, under-typos, under-loaded cars, underestimated their capabilities, under-received part of the goods, under-, under-slept, under-watched, under-heard, underestimated. Sr .: And how did you overlook it? And how did you hear? (Griboedov); Fought like a fish on ice, malnourished, lack of sleep (Turgenev).

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the prefix pre-, indicating that the action is performed below the norm, and consonant verbs with the prefix pre-, which are preceded by the negation of not and which indicate in combination with the particle that the action is not completed. Compare: to overlook the child (to allow an omission during supervision) - not to watch the play to the end (not to finish watching); the unemployed were constantly malnourished - children often didn’t eat their soup at dinner; always underpaid - never overpaid.

Wed also separate writing on the basis of a general rule: do not run to the finish line, do not finish, do not finish the letter, do not finish something, did not argue; Citing these facts, the newspaper did not say much.

§ 70. Spelling not with participles 1.

It is not written together with full participles, in which there are no explanatory words, for example: unread manuscript, unnoticed typos, unverified quotes.

It is not written separately with participles that have explanatory words, for example: a manuscript not returned to the author, typos not noticed by the corrector, galleys not delivered on time, or versions of individual chapters of the novel that were not published during the writer's lifetime.

Note 1. This rule applies to cases where the participle with explanatory words forms part of a compound predicate, for example: Many of the writer's letters were not published during his lifetime; Abstract artists will leave the stage not seen in art. Wed in another syntactic construction: It is difficult to imagine him not participating actively in public life.

The participles used as nouns are also suitable for the rule, for example: Petrov and Sergeyev were among those who did not appear at the meeting. But when substantivating the participle (moving into the category of nouns), fused spelling is used, for example: the number of underachievers in the Russian language.

Note 2.— If there are measures and degrees with the participles as explanatory words, it is written together with the participles (cf. § 66, paragraph 6, note 2), for example: a completely unreadable manuscript, completely unverified figures. But if, in addition to such dialects, there are other explanatory words in the sacrament, preference is given to a more general rule and is not written separately, for example: a manuscript completely unprepared for recruitment, a problem that has not been completely solved so far.

Note 3. If the participle is used in the meaning of the adjective, then even if there are explanatory words, it is not spelled together (cf. § 66, paragraph 6), for example: This is universal animation, brilliance, noise - all this, hitherto unprecedented and unheard of by me, so it struck me that in the early days I was completely at a loss (Dostoevsky). Compare: conditions unsuitable for southern cultures (that is, unsuitable, in the sense of the adjective) - spelling that does not fit the rule (participle turnover); due to circumstances beyond the control of the editorial office (phraseological phrase with the name adjective) - reflexes that are not dependent on the will of the person (participial circulation); centuries of untouched land (in the meaning of the adjective; cf .: untouched food, untouched nature - figuratively) - mountain ash, untouched by autumn frosts (participle turnover). The same distinction is made for short forms; cf .: the imperialists' lies are so shameless, sometimes so unshielded (that is, obvious, obvious, in the meaning of the adjective) - the door is not closed (communion, see below, p. 3); unprepared student (adjective) - the report is not prepared (communion). 3.

It is not written together:

  • In all cases when a word is not used without a negative particle. For example: ignoramus, inevitable, unhappy, indignant, unhealthy, not good, lacking (in the meaning of "not enough"), unlucky, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unscathed.
  • With nouns, if negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning. For example: an adversary, unhappiness, if negation gives a word that does not have this particle, the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: layman, non-Marxist, non-Russian, for example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; all non-experts liked the report; a non-Russian will look without love at this pale, in the blood whipped, excised muse (Nekrasov).
  • With full and short adjectives and with adverbs in -o (s), if combining them with not
    it serves not to deny a concept, but to express a new, opposite concept.
    For example: an unhealthy appearance (i.e., painful), an impossible character (i.e., heavy), a troubled sea (i.e., worried), unclean business (i.e., suspicious), to come immediately (i.e. immediately) , without delay), acted badly (i.e. badly).
  • With full participles in which there are no explanatory words. For example: unfinished (labor), unblown (flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), undisguised (anger), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases, the participle is close to the adjective); but: work not completed on time, a flower not blooming due to the cold, a child not loved by the mother, students not yet examined (in such cases, the sacrament is close in meaning to the verb).
    Note. With explanatory words denoting a degree of quality, it is written together with the participle (in these cases the participles are not close to the adjective), for example: an extremely rash decision, a completely inappropriate example, but: an example completely inappropriate to the rule (not written separately due to the explanatory words to the rule).
  • In pronouns when not from a subsequent pronoun is not separated by a preposition. For example: someone, something, nobody, nothing (but: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, nothing). In pronoun dialects, for example: once, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.
  • There is no need in adverbs  (meaning "aimlessly," for example: there is no need to go there), reluctantly; in prepositional combinations despite, despite; really in the interrogative particle.
  • IN prefix  deficiency indicating non-compliance with the required norm,
    for example: underfulfill (perform below the required norm), overlook (not enough, look bad, miss something), lack of sleep (sleep less than normal).
    Note. From verbs with a prefix it is not necessary to distinguish verbs with a prefix
    do-, which have in front of themselves the negation of not and signifying an incomplete action, for example: do not read the book, do not finish the tea, do not watch the play.

It is not written separately:

  • With verbs, including in participle forms. For example: she does not drink, does not eat, does not speak; cannot but see; not looking, not looking, slowly.
    Note. Commonly used verb forms  nyamet, nymeyut, nymeyut are written together.
  • In the sacraments:
    a) in short formFor example: the debt has not been paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn;
    b) in full form, when the sacrament has explanatory words, and
    when the participle is or is implied in opposition.
    For example: he brought not finished work, but only individual sketches.
  • With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is meant to be opposed. For example: it was not luck that led us to success, but endurance and composure; not death is terrible - your grace is terrible (Pushkin); morning came not clear, but foggy; the train is not fast and not slow (implies: "at some average speed"); not tomorrow (there can be no opposition).
    Note. Some cases should be noted. separate writing  particles are not. A particle is not written separately:
    a) if an adjective, participle or adverb is given an explanatory word with a pronoun beginning with neither, for example: nobody (for anyone, etc.) needs a thing, a mistake never occurs, nobody benefits from it;
    b) if it is not part of the reinforcing negatives, it is far from, by no means, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not at all a friend to us, far from the only desire, by no means not a fair decision, not at all the best way out, far from enough.
  • With pronouns and pronouns. For example: not me, not this, not different, not this, not different, not so.
    Note. The philosophical term not-me is hyphenated.
  • With reinforcing adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions. For example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from ..., not under ..., not that ... not that.
    The expression is written separately more than once, for example: More than once he accused himself of excessive caution (Fadeev).
  • With unchanging words that are not formed from adjectives and appearing in a sentence as a predicate. For example: do not, do not mind, do not mind.
  • For all hyphenated words. For example: all non-commercial enterprises; it is not spoken in Russian; not singing in the old way.

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