Why dream of a rock and the sea. As rocks are considered in dream books. What do the Rocks dream of, the interpretation of sleep

Female dream book

What does the woman of the Rock dream about, what is this dream about?

Rocks - Rocks in a dream portend failure, strife, an unhappy streak in life. If you climb the steep cliffs up - you are most likely not happy with your current environment. There may be a conflict with someone from the people around you.

Small Velesov dream book

What do the Rocks dream of, the interpretation of sleep:

Rocks - Obstacle.

Gypsy dream book

Rocks what it means and what it dreams of:

Rocks - Seeing is a sign of labor and work; having difficulty climbing them means late success in business; to leave them in the same way portends the loss of family or friends; the rock falling apart to see marks triumph over the enemies and their tricks.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

Why the Rocks dream - the symbolism of sleep:

Rocks - Symbolizes danger, obstacles. To be on top of a rock is to have achievements in life. Sitting on the edge of a cliff near the abyss is a risky undertaking. Being at the foot of a cliff is a serious obstacle in business, so what you dream about is deciphered.

Family dream book

What the Rocks dream of:

Rocks - Obstacles to Success. To be on top is a resounding success, a triumph. Rocks are crumbling - all problems will be resolved and new perspectives will open before you. To be at the foot of a cliff is to start a new business.

Dream Interpretation of Esoteric E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: Rocks that mean

Rocks - Obstacle.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Rocks - Fateful difficulties, risky plans, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream.

French dream book

Why dream and how to interpret the Rocks on the dream book?

Rocks - If in a dream you climbed to the top of a cliff, it means that your influence, significance in society, your authority will increase in reality. If in a dream you boldly climbed the rocks, soon you will have new big hopes that are destined to come true. In a dream, it is easy to go down a cliff - to the loss of money. But if you came down from a cliff with difficulty, a great fortune awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Why dream Rocks on the dream book:

Rocks - Rocks in a dream mean that failure, discord, and indeed an unhappy life span await you. If you climb the steep cliffs at all, it means that your current environment does not suit you and you will immediately have to come to grips with someone.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff

Why do the dreamers of the Rock dream, psychological analysis:

Rocks - Rocks to see in a dream - a majestic and at the same time dangerous place. Standing in a rock not at the top of the rock means to feel that life is precisely a combination of the two above qualities. And to determine which one dominates, find out who is next to you and why you are standing on top of a cliff. A sense of danger can easily develop into a fascination with rocks - it all depends on who makes you company. Who are you on a rock with your secret heartfelt affection or forbidden love? A dream with rocks can end with a feeling of falling, as a result of which we often wake up. In this case, the rock is currently the prototype of your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. If the rocks are on the seashore, perhaps you are asking or expecting something from the sea. In dreams of a similar nature, the ARCHETYP of fertility and the creative principle is laid.

Autumn dream book

Rocks why dream in the fall?

Rock - your affairs will be a confrontation, the idea will be ruined.

Summer dream book

Why do the Rocks dream?

A dream to climb rocks - your requests and persuasions about support in a business or business will be broken by the soullessness of those to whom you turn.

Children's dream book

Why the child dreams of the Rocks, the interpretation of sleep:

Rock - If it rises separately, it means that your pride does not allow you to make concessions to your environment. If she blocked your path, then someone with a stronger will will prevent you from doing what you want. If you have a rocky ridge or a mountain range in front of you, you will encounter insurmountable obstacles to the implementation of your plans. Most likely, the ban of the elders will not allow you to do what you would very much like, so what you dream about is deciphered.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

Why do the Rocks dream?

Dreams: see in a dream See in a dream Rock - Rock with a peaked peak predicts complications in relations with relatives. Moreover, all your attempts to restore the lost peace in the family will be accepted “with hostility”. In this case, it is better not to escalate the situation and abandon attempts at reconciliation. Everything is formed by itself. If the top of the cliff is flat, then it is up to you to establish relations, so do not waste time and take the first step towards reconciliation yourself, as the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you dream.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

Why do Rocks dream at night?

Rock - If you dream of steep, steep rocks - this is a sign of work and work. With difficulty ascend to them - to late success in business. A crumbling rock in a dream is an omen of triumph over enemies and their intrigues.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse

Rocks dreaming, why?

Rock - See - work and labor; to ascend to it - the fulfillment of desires; fall off a cliff - lose friends and family; very high rock - big plans.

Esoteric dream book

Rocks to what dreams, interpretation:

Rock - Difficulties, the main reason of which is based on disbelief in one's strengths. Climbing empty efforts, extra work, your affairs will still stand still. Punching, pounding "Sisyphean labor", no need to rest. Perhaps your destination is completely different.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Cananit

Why dream Rocks on a dream book?

Rock - See - work and labor - climb on it - fulfillment of desires - fall off a rock - lose friends and family - very high - big plans

Dream interpretation rock

  At times, we have bewitching dreams. We can see beautiful mountain waterfalls, a snowy valley, a paradise garden, rocks.

Even if a person in reality has never been to such a beautiful place, he can easily dream of a rock.

Steep peaks

What are the rocks dreaming about? Such a dream can both captivate the eyes of a sleeping person, and cause indescribable horror on him. Everything will depend on what the sleep scenario was, as well as the accompanying characters.

Interpreters believe that such a symbol is very important, will not leave anyone indifferent and must be considered.

How rocks are considered in dream books

When you dreamed about a rock, not a single dream book will give you a definite answer. Depending on related factors, vision may have a negative prediction, but it may also carry a positive message.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Cananit

Going up is good luck

If we take this dream book as the source, the rock means that the dreamer will have serious work.

Rising — your dreams will come true. Fall to the foot - lose friends or a loved one.

The higher the mountain in your dream, the more serious goals you set.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book gives the following explanation of the rocks in your dream. This means that you expect difficulties that will occur due to the fact that you do not believe in your strengths and abilities.

Scramble up - useless labors. You will try your best, but things will not move in any direction.

If in a dream hollowed a rock, then you are completely busy with useless business. Your mission is completely different.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

What is the dream of a rock on which you have difficulty climbing? You will be able to succeed, but this will happen after a fairly long time.

Seeing the rock fall apart before your eyes - you will celebrate the victory over your enemies.

In general, the steeper and steep the cliff, the more time and energy you will need to spend to achieve the goal.

Children's dream book

The mountain range dreams of obstacles

If in a dream you see a separate rock, then your pride does not allow you to make concessions and get closer to people.

Standing in front of a rock that has blocked the path - a person who has a higher position or will, will make you act in your own way, will confuse all plans.

When the mountain is not one, but a whole mountain range, you will encounter insurmountable obstacles that you can neither get around nor overcome.

Since this dream book is intended for a young audience, it is believed that children who see such a vision will encounter a taboo posed by their parents or other adults.

Miller's Dream Book

Rocks, according to Miller, are a negative sign.  They promise misunderstanding with surrounding people, failures at work and at home. In general, for a sleeping person, a dark streak in life will begin.

Climbing over a steep rock - you are completely unsatisfied with either the situation that has arisen or the people who are near you. Soon your discontent will come out.

Dream Book of Medea

Sitting in a dream on a cliff

Rocks are a danger sign that threatens the dreamer.  But to be at the very top means that you have achieved something in life.

Sitting on a cliff above the abyss - you can get into a risky situation, do business involving danger.

To be at the foot, if it was not a fall from a cliff - you will find quite serious obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

According to this dream book, a fall from a cliff marks the possibility of an accident with a fatal outcome. A sleeping person will have to be extremely careful in real life.

Falling off a cliff happened to another person - to the death of a relative.

In general, hills without vegetation dream of conflicts and quarrels with family people.

What do rocks mean from a psychological point of view

Any exaltation in a dream is a phallic symbol.Based on this, all the predictions voiced by psychologists will be connected precisely with the sexual sphere.

If you are at the very top, then you are simply fixated on the genitals, yours and your partner. To see the elevation from afar - strive to change your life partner.

Also, the vision about the rocks will be viewed differently for the female and male half:

Be on top in a dream

  • for a woman, climbing a mountain means that she has already decided, she is only waiting for her to have a child;
  • for a man, such a vision suggests that he is entangled in his erratic relationships, or has homosexual tendencies.

What other interpretations exist about the rocks

The interpreter considers the combination of two symbols, stone and water, interestingly. According to the dream book, a rock in the sea means that you have true friends who will always provide support if necessary.

Seeing a mountain waterfall - you are mired in gray everyday life, you do not have enough fun and entertainment.

Climb quickly on a rock, heading down - be careful with your finances, the probability of their loss is high. If you went down slowly, admiring the landscapes, then your material well-being is absolutely not in danger.

A vision is not very positively considered, where you crawl out on a hill, then get off, especially if you do it several times. Dream Interpretations advise to set life priorities and follow the intended goal, without being distracted by trifles.

It’s bad to climb rocks in pitch darkness, to feel fear and despair. Interpreters say that if the dreamer did not fall in a dream, then in reality he is very close to a fall, most likely a moral one. You are a water step before committing an illegal act, which re-reads moral standards.

Climb to the very top and see the snow there - you are an open person who easily comes into contact with everyone. It is worth being selective in your connections, as negatively minded individuals can take advantage of this.

Watching stones fall from the cliff - face gossip and false accusations.

What thoughts do you have when you see rocks? It is breathtaking with delight or there is a frost on the skin from fear - it does not matter, the main thing is that they do not leave anyone indifferent. And if you, not only in real life, but also in a dream, take your breath away from the contemplation of majestic and impregnable rocks, then the mountains are created for you. But still, let's look into the dream book and find out why the rocks and mountains are dreaming of.

Looking over rocks

If you dreamed that you see rocks on the horizon - in reality, some obstacles await you on the way to goals, this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

It is a dream that you are standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, about to climb, most likely you are not satisfied with the current situation in the team or society, and you want to gain more respect and trust.

In a dream, to see a rock that goes into the sea at the foot - a dream suggests that in any situation, even the most difficult, you will not be left without the support of friends.

In a dream, trying to view the cliffs from a height - in real life you lack confidence in your abilities. Ask your friends for help.

To see a beautiful high mountain with a waterfall - a dream interpretation so interprets this dream: in reality you really lack fun and celebration. Invite your friends, have a party and enjoy the taste of life.

Walk on the rocks

If you dreamed that you were quickly going down a steep cliff, your finances would be in jeopardy. If the descent was slow, the dream book promises you a stable financial position.

It is a dream that, going up to the cliff, you looked down and scared - you have a trip ahead that does not bode well, admired the picture that opened below - the trip will bring you joy.

Climbing up and down the rock is a warning dream: finally decide what you want from life. Set priorities, set goals, otherwise you’ll be completely confused and left with nothing, the dream book advises you.

They saw in a dream how you jumped off a cliff into the sea - such a dream means that you can make a spontaneous and thoughtless decision. The dream book advises you, before deciding something, think it over several times so as not to regret it later.

It is a dream that you climb a steep rock in climbing equipment in conjunction with others - fruitful and stormy community work awaits you.

Majestic and frightening cliffs

If you dreamed that you, sitting at a cliff, admire the beauties of other rocks - a dream indicates that harmony and peace reign in your soul now.

You see a dream that you are descending the slope of a very picturesque cliff, and the path goes straight into the sea - this is a dream revelation. The dream interpretation interprets it this way: in reality, it is time for you to visit elderly relatives, admiring the surrounding beauties, do not forget about the transience of time.

I dreamed that at night you climb the slippery stones of a very steep cliff, while experiencing fear - be careful. In reality, you are on the verge of making a mistake. Do not make any important decisions on this day, wait.

It is a dream that you climb snow-capped peaks, ride a sled, the snow shines brightly around you and dazzles with your splendor - a dream means that you are open in soul to everyone. Beware, enemies can take advantage of this.

What do you think when you look at the rocks? It captivates the eye, or causes goosebumps from fear - it does not matter, it is important that this image can not leave anyone indifferent. When you not only in reality, but also in night dreams, get a storm of emotions from the sight of powerful and dangerous rocks, this means the mountains are created for you. However, you still need to look in the dream book, and find what the rocks and majestic mountains dream of.

Looking over rocks

When you dreamed that you were looking at cliffs in the distance - in reality you would expect any difficulties on the way to what you had planned, the dream book explains this vision.

You see how you are at the base of a high rock and look up, wanting to climb - you may be unsatisfied with the current state of public affairs, and want to receive more trust and honor in your direction.

According to the dream book, a rock in a dream, the foot of which is located in the sea surface - a dream indicates that in any position, without the help of friends you will not remain.

In a dream, trying to make out rocks from the sky - in reality, you don’t have enough confidence in your own efforts. Ask your comrades for support.

To see an attractive great woman with a falling stream of water - the dream book explains this vision: in materiality you lack entertainment and fun. Call friends, arrange a fun pastime, and the tangible charm of life.

Walk on the rocks

I dreamed that you were climbing fast from a cliff to the ground - your money was in danger. When the descent was not quick, the dream book promises prosperity in financial matters.

It seems that, approaching the cliff, you looked down and experienced - you will see a road that does not predict good events. If you get admiration from what you see below - the trip will be joyful for you.

Climbing onto a rock, then descending from it - a dream warns: make a decision what you need from life. A distinguishing advantage, life goals, otherwise you will finally come to a standstill and will not achieve anything, the dream book recommends to you.

We considered in a dream that you had made a jump from a cliff into the depths of the sea - such a dream means that you are not able to make a quick and ill-conceived decision. The dream book gives you advice, before making a decision, think many times so as not to regret it in the future.

We saw how you climb a point rock, being a climber - you will find a laborious and active collective activity.

Majestic and frightening cliffs

If you dreamed about being at a cliff, admiring the attractiveness of other rocks - a dream indicates that calm and balance prevail in your friendships.

In the night dreams, you descend from a colorful cliff, and the path goes straight into the sea surface - this dream has frank meaning. The dream interpretation explains it as follows: in reality, it is time for you to visit your old people, admiring the beauty of the world around you, remember the passing time.

I dreamed about how you climb a slippery cliff at night, and are afraid - use caution. In reality, you are close to doing the wrong thing. You should not take the most important conclusions during this period, wait.

We saw that you climb the snowy peaks, and around the shiny snowy expanses - a vision means your openness to others. Be careful, this can be a godsend for your enemies.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday (2017-12-23)

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also find its application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant experiences presented by Morpheus says