Employee invalid group 3 benefits. Benefits for persons with disabilities group III

Any form of disability, regardless of severity, is a serious illness for a person, making him dependent on measures taken by the authorities.

Benefits for persons with disabilities 3 groups, provided by the state, are aimed at improving the health status and improving the social status of persons with disabilities. The law provides for liability measures taken for the violation of the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities. What benefits are provided for persons with 3 disabilities are described below.

Group 3 of disability: the concept and characteristics

Disability of group 3 is defined as the state of human health with some deviations in the capacity of the body. Problems can occur at any age due to illness, congenital or congenital, or be the result of any injury. Depending on the reasons, the 3rd group of disability is set among:

  • disabled since childhood;
  • disabled war;
  • disabled labor;
  • disabled by common disease.

This category of people is considered able-bodied (under sparing working conditions), socially active and not requiring constant monitoring by other people. However, citizens need social protection, treatment and support. You can find out about the benefits of the 3 groups of disabled people in the Department of Labor and Social Protection.

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-ФЗ disability can be assigned after the medical and social expertise (ITU). The examination is carried out to identify the level of the citizen's need for social support, to determine the degree of his ability to work and basic physical abilities. The criteria for the establishment of groups are set out in the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024n.

ITU establishes the causes and terms of disability, develops and adjusts individual rehabilitation programs (IPR), determines the list of measures necessary, including for the social protection of persons with disabilities. Examination is carried out in the direction of the attending physician with the presentation of the necessary documents.

Documents and order of registration of 3 groups of disability

For ITU citizen must present:

  • referral from the doctor to the commission;
  • a statement written in person or by legal representative;
  • identity document and copy;
  • documents from the medical institution, confirming the state of health;
  • certified work book and its copy;
  • education certificates and copies;
  • production characteristic for workers;
  • pedagogical characteristics from a preschool or educational institution;
  • an act of injury or illness (Form H-1);
  • the conclusion of the medical commission of the medical institution about the need for medical rehabilitation;
  • when re-examination: IPR with notes on its implementation, a certificate of disability.

It is necessary to provide the commission with all required documents.   Neglecting at least one of them may backfire.  In the case of a positive decision, the citizen receives a certificate of disability and the IRP. Having the documents on his hands, he can apply to social protection in order to get the required benefits for group 3 of disability. In the FIU - for registration of the corresponding pension.

Benefits for persons with disabilities of the 3rd group by general disease

That gives 3 group of disability to the pensioner and other age categories, stated in the Federal Law №181 from 11.11.95g.  But in general, these are regional and federal benefits, which include:

  • housing subsidies;
  • payments and compensation in cash;
  • tax breaks for disabled people of group 3;
  • educational programs;
  • unpaid leave;
  • benefits for public services for persons with disabilities;
  • medical support;
  • reduced fare for disabled people.

The list of benefits for people with disabilities can vary from region to region, as the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are entitled to provide additional support, based on the possibilities of their own budget. It is necessary for every disabled person and his relative to know what kind of benefits the disabled person has in group 3 in a particular region in order to be able to exercise their rights.

Social benefits for disabled people of group 3

Material assistance to people with disabilities is, first of all, financial support, which helps citizens maintain their standard of living and in many cases pay for expensive operations and rehabilitation courses. At the same time, compensation payments and benefits to a disabled person of group 3 in some cases are noticeably different from helping people with groups 1 and 2. Support often comes from charitable foundations and employers, but, above all, from the State.

To soc. Payments to people with disabilities of the 3rd group include monthly cash payments (EDV), according to art. 28.1 FZ of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ. In 2017, for this category of citizens the amount of payment is equal to 2022.94 rubles, for disabled children - 2527.06 rubles.

This disability allowance of group 3 is paid by the Pension Fund at the place of registration.

NSO or a set of social services included in the amount of cash payments to persons with disabilities of group 3 and contains:

  • prescription drugs and medical devices, as well as medical food products for disabled children (807.94 rubles);
  • providing a trip to a sanatorium  for treatment - on day 21 for children with disabilities, 24-42 days for persons with a disease or injury to the spinal cord / brain, 18 days for the rest (124.99 rubles);
  • free pass  for disabled people of 3 groups to the place of treatment (116,04 rubles).

The total cost of the NSO in 2017 -   1048.97 rub.  A citizen has the right to refuse the package of services or a separate service and prefer cash payments, for which it is necessary to submit an application to the FIU at the place of registration.

Social benefits for people with disabilities include additional monthly material support or DEMO in the amount of 1000 rubles.  Persons with disabilities as a result of war injuries, including participants of the Great Patriotic War and juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, can count on such support. The payment is regulated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.08.2005 No. 887.

Pension payments

Social disability pension

According to Federal Law No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001, a social pension is established, including those in the 3rd group of disabled persons, from childhood and disabled children permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation. The length of service in this case is not required.

Happy April, 1  this year, after indexation, the monthly disability compensation of group 3 is 4279.14 rublesfor disabled children - 12082.06 rub.  Soc. The supplement to a pension is assigned to a non-working disabled person only if his total income is less than the subsistence minimum established in the given region, and is defined as the positive difference between the numerical indicators. The task of such social. payments - to bring the total income of the citizen to the regional subsistence minimum.

State disability pension

Disability rights include state. a pension which according to the Federal Law of 15.12.2001 No. 166-FZ can be granted only to the following citizens:

  1. Servicemandisability due to injury, illness, contusion during the performance of military service. The size of the state. pension due to injury is - 175% of the size of social. pensions due to illness - 150% of the size of social. pension.
  2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War  - invalids of group 3 - 150% of the size of soc. pension.
  3. Persons marked with "Resident of besieged Leningrad"  - 100% social. pension.
  4. Victims from radiation and man-made disasters  - 125-250% soc. pension.
  5. Faces from numbers of astronauts  - 50% of earnings.

In addition, in accordance with Sec. 3 FL №166 laid additional payments to families of disabled people, including for the loss of the breadwinner, which is written in Ch. 3 FZ №166.

Disability pension insurance

What gives a disability 3 groups? Disability pension insurance payable to each of the groups regardless of the time and causes of disability. It is only important that a citizen has a group and insurance experience of one day or more. Fixed payment of 3 groups disability insurance pension equal to 2402.56 rubles.  monthly with no dependents   4004,26 rub.  - with one dependent, 5605.96 rub.  - with two, 7,207.66 rub.  - with three.

All information about the insurance pension, including the formulas for calculating it and other information can be found in the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-ФЗ.

Benefits for persons with disabilities of the third group in the housing sector

According to art. 17 FZ of 11.24.1995 No. 181-FZ housing for disabled people of 3 groups and families with disabled children is provided only if there is a need to improve living conditions. In this case, citizens are put in a queue to provide housing in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

Premises for housing may also be provided under a social contract of employment and may be specially equipped in accordance with the conditions of the disabled. If a disabled person was in the institution of social. service, housing will be left behind him for six months.

In addition, the law provides for benefits for public services for people with disabilities and families with disabled children, as well as the extraordinary provision of land plots for auxiliary, dacha farming and individual housing construction.

Benefits and subsidies for people with disabilities

Non-cash funds that are aimed at improving the conditions of housing are issued from the federal treasury and operate for six months, during which you need to buy an apartment. The total amount of the subsidy is equal to the number of persons entitled to the subsidy multiplied by 18 m 2  (according to regulations) and divided by the average cost of 1 m 2 at the market price (individually for each region).

Persons living with a disabled relative are not given square meters. Exception only in respect of a family with a disabled child. Wheelchair users receive a subsidy out of turn.

Benefits for utility payments for persons with disabilities 3 groups provide 50% discount on housing and utility payments regardless of the type of housing stock. In the absence of central heating in the room, benefits to persons with disabilities in paying for housing and public utilities suggest reimbursement of half the cost of purchased fuel for heating and transportation costs.

Taxes for disabled people of 3 groups

Tax benefits for persons with disabilities 3 groups include:

  • tax nonpayment on transportif the engine power of the car is up to 100 hp, and the car must be equipped to the needs of a person with disabilities;
  • tax deduction in 3000 rubles. for invalids   from among the military;

Disabled since childhood 3 groups of benefits have the following:

  • do not pay a fee for registration of SP;
  • do not pay a fee when issuing a social housing order;
  • don't pay   property tax;
  • have a tax deduction of 500 rubles. upon payment of personal income tax.

Benefits for persons with disabilities 3 groups in the field of medicine

What are the benefits for a disabled person in the medical field:

  • the provision of free or reduced medical care;
  • providing the necessary technical and prosthetic and orthopedic means;
  • preferential medicines for disabled people of 3 groups, prescribed by a doctor;
  • assistance in treatment in sanatorium-resort areas according to the IEP;
  • free travel to the place of treatment;

In certain diseases, assistance to persons with disabilities is provided in the form of the provision of social housing under special conditions.

Benefits for persons with disabilities in education

What are the benefits of a disability group 3 in education:

  • free education in pre-school institutions, secondary schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions;
  • providing students with adapted educational programs;
  • obtaining scholarships regardless of the results of examinations;
  • getting home school when you can not attend school;

Disability benefits of 3 groups imply free additional education if directed by the employment service.

Labor benefits for people with disabilities

3 working group of disability has the right to special conditions at the place of work:

  • Workplaces should be equipped in accordance with the IRP.
  • Overtime and night work, work on weekends can be carried out only if the disabled employee gives his consent, if this is not the case. contraindications.
  • Benefits for employed disabled persons of group 3 ensure the right to receive annual paid leave, which lasts at least 30 days and unpaid - up to 60 days.

Disabled entrepreneurs do not pay insurance premiums to the MHIF, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund. Benefits for working persons with disabilities of the 3 groups also include tax deductions described above.

Other types of assistance and disability benefits

In addition to the above, persons with disabilities in the 3 groups working and non-working have the right to:

  • at a discount 50%   of cost cTP insurance policy;
  • to receive compensation in the amount of 1000 rubles.  for disability due to vaccination;

Concessions for disabled persons of group 3 are carried out in accordance with a set of social services. In other cases, travel benefits are under the jurisdiction of the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Benefits for pensioners with disabilities of the 3rd group are similar to assistance for the disabled of other age groups.

Legislative regulation

The rights of persons with disabilities 3 groups in Russia, as well as the conditions for obtaining this status protected at the legislative level:

  • The Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-ФЗ is the main Federal Law on Disabled Persons of the 3rd group, which provides disabled persons with equal rights and freedoms with others, and also describes that it is necessary for the Disabled 3rd group.
  • Federal Law of 02.08.1995 №122-ФЗ - contains a list of social services provided to meet the needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Federal Law of 17.07.1999 №178-ФЗ - establishes the organizational and legal basis for the provision of state social. assistance to disabled people and other categories of citizens.
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 No. 95 - among other things, contains information on the procedure for appealing against the decision of the bureau that conducted the expert examination, to which the invalid of the 3rd group is entitled.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2003 No. 17 - contains the necessary additional explanations regarding the language on disability issues for their unequivocal interpretation. This document, being valid, refers to the Government Decree No. 965, which has lost its force, instead of which Government Decree No. 95 of February 20, 2006, came into force.
  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2012 No. 310n - information about the duties and powers of state. ITU agencies.


At first glance, it seems that it is easy to list the benefits relying on disabled persons of group III. It turns out that they are not collected in one law, but are scattered in various regulatory acts. In addition, some benefits are not granted to all persons with disabilities of group III, but only to certain categories of citizens.

Materials on the topic:

What matters is the city of residence, and age, and the reason for disability, and many other factors ...

More complete information in the section.

Benefits by category

For example, some persons with disabilities of group III have the right to and. Others have the right to and travel to the location of the sanatorium at the expense of the state, however, provided that the disabled person does not work, he has the right to receive. Certain categories of citizens are entitled to free, though not all, drugs. There is a so-called social package containing an approved list of medicines. According to the doctor’s prescription, a disabled person can receive medicines from this list - and not at any, but only at a specialized pharmacy.

Or, for example, if a person received, then in the future the amount of his salary is multiplied by 0.6 and the percentage of risk class.

Therefore, the list of benefits that you read below is far from exhaustive. For more information, please contact the social security authorities. Or learn from the Labor Code, or in the workplace. You will be best explained where to go about medication benefits and. About tax breaks best told you in the tax office. That is, about each benefit should be addressed to a specific address.

Who is assigned the III group of disability

Citizens whose level of health does not allow them to feel fully physically and mentally fit are recognized as disabled. This happens after the medical and social expertise (ITU). A specially created bureau is engaged in such work, in which a citizen is obliged to apply.

Only by decision of this body, a citizen is assigned benefits for disabled persons of group III.

Criteria for providing people with disabilities, including group III, are defined in the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1024n dated December 17, 2015.

In accordance with this document, the expert assessment examines such abilities of the individual:

  • the ability to calmly navigate in space;
  • communicate and do work;
  • acquire and transfer information;
  • the adequacy of perception of external factors in the physical and psychological aspect.

Restriction of ability depends on the disease. When assigning a third group of disability, I highlight the following diseases:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The following violations, as a rule, can lead to disability:

  • functions of speech, hearing, vision;
  • mental disorders;
  • congenital and acquired physical deformities, including:
  • limbs;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • circulatory and blood flow problems;
  • painful changes in the activity of internal organs:
  • respiratory tract;
  • musculoskeletal tissue;
  • ophthalmic and others.

Unhappiness in the workplace can also lead to the appointment of a disability. Citizens in such a situation have broader rights.

Benefits for people with disabilitiesIII group

Disabled 3 groups laid benefits on two levels:

  • federal;
  • regional.

Each group is governed by relevant legislation. Federal benefits include:

  • social pension, the size of which in 2017 is equal to 4,215.90 p .;
  • monthly cash payment (EDV) in the amount of (2017) 2022.94 p.

A citizen has the right to choose how to receive EDV: in cash or in kind.

Monthly social payments for disabled people of the 3rd group include the amounts:

  • on the provision of medicines;
  • for sanatorium treatment;
  • for free travel to the location of the sanatorium or dispensary (once a year there and back).

A person who wants to receive these benefits in kind must contact the local social security office.

Discounts for housing and utilities

Disabled persons of group III have fewer preferences than citizens with groups II and I. This category of citizens is reduced by 50% such expenses:

  • payment of housing and communal services:
  • electricity;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • rent;
  • heating;
  • cleaning of the local area;
  • garbage disposal;
  • the purchase of solid fuel, if the house is not provided with central heating.

Discount on payments applies only to the beneficiary.

The provision of housing

Group III disabled persons are provided with apartments in the following cases:

  • if you do not have your own property;
  • live in a rented room;
  • prescribed in the dormitory (except for periods of study and seasonal work);
  • live in the same apartment with a family with which there is no kinship;
  • living space does not match:
    - social area norms;
    - technical and sanitary requirements.

Disabled persons of the III group on preferential grounds are provided with land plots for:

  • housing construction;
  • personal farming;
  • gardening.

The right to a benefit is taken into account when a citizen applies to the authorities for a land plot. If a disabled person of the 3rd group lives in a state, municipal or public property house (by social hire), then the living area is preserved for half a year if he is placed in a hospital.

Tax breaks

Citizens of this category have the right to reduce taxes.

They are provided as follows:

  • all persons with disabilities group III:
  • tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles. (the amount of monthly income decreases when calculating taxes);
  • exempted from paying insurance premiums (from salary);
  • do not pay transport tax on specialized cars (up to 100 hp);
  • childhood disabilities:
  • fully exempted from the payment of tax on individuals;
  • do not pay a registration fee when you register an enterprise.

Medical benefits

Group III disabled state provides conditions for physical rehabilitation.

To this end, they are given:

  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines (only for people with the status of unemployed);
  • free or preferential treatment;
  • sanatorium and resort rehabilitation according to an individual program;
  • travel once a year to the location of the dispensary or sanatorium;
  • free provision of prostheses and other technical means of rehabilitation.

These benefits should be addressed to your doctor. The doctor will write out the appropriate referral or prescription.

In the document, the doctor will indicate where to go further:

  • pharmacy (for medicines);
  • Social Insurance Fund (for voucher);
  • another.

If the disability was obtained as a result of post-vaccination complications, the citizen is obliged to pay a monthly compensation of 1000 r.

Benefits in Education

People with a disability group III, are accepted in universities and secondary special educational institutions on preferential grounds. The condition is one: successfully pass the entrance exams. When submitting an application to the competition commission, you must present a discount certificate (indicate its number).

In the process of receiving education, this category of citizens receives a scholarship, regardless of the results of examinations.

Employer Preferences

The 3rd group of disability is working. Nevertheless, the employer is obliged to create certain conditions for the owners of this category.

Thus, they are prohibited from providing working conditions that are worse than other workers.

Persons with disabilities are eligible for longer:

  • paid vacation (at least 30 days);
  • unpaid rest days (up to 60 days per year).

The employer is obliged to obtain the written consent of the disabled person to involve him in work:

  • beyond normalized working time;
  • at night;
  • on weekends and holidays.

If for medical reasons a disabled person of the 3rd group cannot work for a full week, the administration is obliged to establish a shortened one. Payment in this case is charged in proportion to the hours worked.

What if your rights are violated?

For example, you are entitled to a benefit when paying for housing, and for some reason they are told in the ERCC that this benefit is not meant for you. So you are considered an ignorant person! Fight for your rights.

In order to receive benefits for paying for housing, utilities and purchased fuel, disabled people and families with disabled children contact organizations collecting payments for housing, utilities and fuel purchased (in particular, HOA, MU DEZ, ERCC and others). The basis for the provision of benefits is a certificate of disability. If a refusal to provide benefits is detected, the most effective way to protect one’s rights is to apply to a body for a disabled person.

It should be emphasized that a 50% discount is provided to people with disabilities to pay for any utilities, regardless of the disability group.

The easiest way in a situation is to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. You can also apply to the organization that violated your rights, for example, to the Gorgaz, with a request to provide you with the benefit provided by law and recalculate utility bills for previous periods.

The most unprotected as well as vulnerable people can be considered disabled, who often cannot work and ensure a decent life for themselves. The only livelihood for most people with disabilities is a pension, which even with a stretch can not be called luxurious, and the transport tax, which will be discussed in our article, is not a meager amount at all. It is precisely because the state takes care of such citizens, giving them all sorts of discounts and indulgences and even the opportunity to get benefits for people with disabilities of group 3 on the transport tax, but not in each particular case. Let's understand what's what, when you can reduce your expenses, and when you have to fork out.

Legal background and legal framework

Many categories of citizens can apply for transportation tax benefits, however, they must first register their vehicle with the traffic police. It is after this that the specialists-specialists of the road patrol service will send a special appeal about the emergence of property rights, which implies the obligation to pay the tax, which will be used to form a fund for the maintenance, repair, and construction of new, various infrastructure objects (roads, roadside territories and devices). Registration with the tax service takes place according to article 362 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Since, according to the law, transport tax is a property tax, then, according to article no. 357 of the Tax Code, the obligation to pay arises only after a person registers a car in his name. In article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation there are indications that property rights can be exercised to those who manage the vehicle under power of attorney for at least three full calendar years. Federal legislation of our country does not imply exemption from transport tax for persons with disabilities of the 3rd group. Such benefits can take place only at the level of regional authorities.

The tax code of our country is not perfect, because over its improvement work is constantly being done. There is no general decision on benefits and subsidies for persons with disabilities in this area at the level of federal legislation, and all decisions on whether persons with disabilities of group 3 pay transport tax are decided by local authorities. In article number 28, there are direct indications of which vehicles can be distributed benefits in principle.

  • Cars that are purchased by the social welfare and guardianship, after which they were granted the property of the disabled. There will have to acquire the relevant document, which confirms this fact.
  • All cars, whose power does not reach hundreds of horsepower.
  • Specially equipment machines adapted for the transport of persons with disabilities (manual control, a device for installing the stroller, etc.).

Since there are no national benefits for people with disabilities of the third group, because they are considered conditionally incapable of working, and they can also work for jobs that do not require serious efforts, then you will have to look at the options for each region separately. Such forms will apply to second-order documentation, but the benefits can provide very substantial.

Tax on transport for disabled persons of group 3

Every citizen who has the rights to any benefits from the state, be it pension payments or special tax exemptions and discounts, must necessarily understand what he can count on. If people with disabilities, as well as everything is more or less clear, and additional information can be read on our website, then with the third group things are completely different, then there will have to be a little deeper into the question.

  • Disabled persons of the third group are persons with serious or irreversible processes in the body that interfere with working on a common basis.
  • A group can be assigned regardless of what caused the disease, injury or defect.
  • Most often, the third group is appointed for a specific term (usually one year), after which the person will have to undergo a re-examination. Subsequently, the group and the status of a disabled person will either be extended for an additional period or withdrawn.
  • Repeated checks and medical tests should not be regularly conducted annually only by those persons whose diseases are considered irreversible.

Since disability in such cases is of a temporary nature, benefits for disabled people of group 3 will be assigned to transport tax exactly for the period until the certificate is valid. At the end of the period, as well as when confirming the disability and extending it, you will have to apply for benefits again in the same manner.

Those who have a double right, that is, besides disability, are more likely to get benefits on TN, war veterans, people with special merits, astronauts, holders of the Orders of Glory and Labor, liquidators of man-made, as well as radiation disasters and victims of such incidents. More information can be easily obtained if you consult with the National Assembly.

When you have to pay in full

In some cases, even in the presence of a disability group, you have to pay fees for a car in full, for example, a transport tax for persons with disabilities of the 3rd group in Moscow does not imply any discounts at all. In the Moscow region provides a total discount of fifty percent of the base rate. At the same time, a discount will be provided in Tambov for a disabled person of any group, and the base rate will be reduced depending on the type and type of vehicle, its capacity and other parameters.

This means that in each region a variety of benefits can be provided, or they are not provided at all. However, there are cases when, regardless of who owns the car and which disability group it possesses, it is necessary to pay the tax on the car in full:

  • If the car has power exceeding one hundred horsepower.
  • When there are several cars in the possession of a disabled person, the benefit can be obtained only for one that meets all the criteria required in the region.
  • If the car is recognized as luxury, that is, if the cost of the car exceeds a certain amount (3 million rubles).

We make a discount on TN themselves

Calculation of the total amount that will need to be paid until a certain date, and in each region it can be assigned differently, is made according to the instructions of the articles numbered 52 and 54 of the RF Tax Code, where everything is clearly and clearly stated to avoid omissions and misunderstandings. The tax base rate is determined by the power of the car engine, which is measured in horsepower or kilowatts. The period of use of the car per year is taken into account, and all this should have a clear documentary justification.

Worth remembering

With the correct calculation of the transport tax for a disabled person of the third group, it is necessary to take into account the special utilization factor. This value is the ratio of the full months of application to the number of calendar months, which correspond to a specific tax period (usually 12 months).

Calculation formula

The amount due for payment can be easily and easily calculated independently, if you apply a special formula, according to which NA specialists work.

TH = NA x MDV x KV

We give the interpretation of the terms used:

TN  - The final amount of vehicle tax for any vehicle.

NA  - The basic tax rate adopted in your area.

MDV  - engine power of your car (horsepower).

Kv  - the overall utilization factor, which is not difficult to calculate, as indicated above.

The tax rate is calculated according to article no. 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and it will be the deduction from it that will apply to persons with disabilities of the third group in your region. Such a base rate may vary by regional authorities up or down, but in no case more than ten times.

The local authorities are in charge of changing the requirements for environmental performance of cars, the year of its release, type and type, categories and other criteria. The month of registration of your vehicle in the traffic police, as well as the month of its withdrawal, will be taken into account in full, as the counting by day is not provided.

List of documents

Regardless of where the car is registered, to submit documentation for registration of a vehicle tax rebate for persons with disabilities of the third group, however, as for other categories of benefit recipients, you need to go to the nearest branch of the National Assembly at the place of registration (registration) or actual residence.

  •   has no official form yet, so you can write it by hand. But easier and faster to use the sample, which can be easily downloaded from our site.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or any other document of different characters, as well as copies of all of its important pages.
  • Documentation confirming the right to a benefit, for example, a certificate of a disabled person, the conclusion of the ITU commission and others.
  • Technical passport of the car.
  • Papers confirming the ownership of the vehicle.

The procedure and rules for filing

After collecting all the necessary papers, you need to submit them to the National Assembly so that the experts can calculate your discount if there is one and make changes to the payment order. It should be borne in mind that persons with disabilities of the third group must each year confirm their right to exemption from transport tax. This decision was made for the simple reasons that during this time the authorities can change the decision on granting privileges to similar categories of the population, and also upon re-examination disability can be removed. You can apply in various ways:

  • Deliver all papers personally by visiting the office of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in your region. This is most convenient to do, because if there are errors and inaccuracies, you can immediately correct them.
  • Send mail recommended mail with an inventory of all attachments.
  • Register on the official website of the National Assembly and get the original electronic signature and a special key, then send scans of documents.

The disabled person himself can do all the manipulations, but if he doesn’t have enough time and energy for it, then you can entrust it to the legal representative. First you have to issue a power of attorney to resolve such issues. The deadlines for paying transport tax for persons with disabilities of the 3rd group, as well as for all other motorists, can vary considerably from region to region, therefore this information should be recognized separately in the National Assembly by place of residence.

Benefits for persons with disabilities of the 3rd group are provided for by the legislation of our country, as one of the unprotected social groups of Russian citizens. Disabled people are those who are recognized as special socio-economic expertise. According to the legislation, persons with the following disabilities are classified as Disability Group 3:

  • organs of hearing;
  • circulatory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • internal organs;
  • anatomical structure;
  • for thinking disorders;
  • speech disorders.

Based on the conclusion of the commission, the right to receive benefits for this category of citizens appears.

Disability can be obtained at different times and under different circumstances. From this classification will depend on the right to receive special types of benefits. Disabilities are:

  • since childhood;
  • general disability;
  • invalid of military operations;

Types of benefits for persons with disabilities 3 groups

Disabled persons of the third group are entitled to benefits established by federal and regional authorities. They can be classified in various ways. By type of providing a useful resource, they are:

  1. Medical, giving the right to preferential receipt of drugs.
  2. Natural, outstanding in a specific presentation: wheelchairs, crutches.
  3. Moral, providing the right to certain benefits.
  4. Cash, outstanding in ruble equivalent.

Depending on the causes and time of the formation of disability:

  • obtaining additional benefits, taking into account the specifics defined by law (military, disabled workers);
  • getting only standard benefits provided for the third group.

You can also classify benefits by frequency of provision:

  • annual;
  • monthly;
  • single.

Federal benefits

In 2017, the following federal payments are envisaged:

  1. Pension security in the amount of 4053.75 rubles. It is paid monthly in the manner indicated in the application (by transfer to a bank account, by postal transfer or using home delivery service). If the disability is received by a person who has a work experience, he will receive a labor pension calculated on the basis of his / her pension funded part.
  2. A single monthly payment in the amount of 1919.30 rubles. Funds are also transferred from the Pension Fund budget.
  3. Additional payment, in case of non-receipt by the disabled person of the established subsistence minimum with the total amount of all monthly cash payments due to him. In 2017, this amount should not be less than 9776 rubles.

A disabled person has the right to choose a single monthly payment by the actual receipt of the product or money:

  • payment of sanatorium treatment or 118.6 rubles;
  • free movement on public route transport or 110.10 rubles;
  • medical medicines prescribed by a doctor according to the prescription of the attending physician or 766.65 rubles.

To receive in-kind form of this type of benefits, you must submit a corresponding application to the social authorities.

The state also provides the following benefits:

  1. Discount in half the cost of utilities. This advantage applies only to the beneficiary himself, and not to all family members living together.
  2. The right to receive scholarships.
  3. The provision of housing under certain conditions.
  4. Providing the necessary technical equipment and prosthetics.
  5. Labor benefits limiting the work week to 40 hours and extending annual leave to 30 days. As well as the duty of the employer to provide, if necessary, unpaid leave up to 60 days.
  6. Tax Disabled persons are exempted from the obligation to pay tax burdens on:
  •   capacity up to 100 horse units;
  • to pay a fee when opening a business;
  • disabled children are exempt from property tax and personal income tax;
  • tax deduction for disability in the military service in the amount of 3,000 rubles annually.

All other types of benefits are transferred to the competence of the regions of Russia.

Regional benefits

They are stipulated by the legislation of the subjects of Russia. Regions, depending on the internal development in the economic and social sphere, establish their own norms.

So, in Moscow the following benefits are provided:

  1. Free travel by land public transport using a social card.
  2. Social taxi, which is adapted for comfortable travel of people with disabilities and provided with the ability to accommodate medical aids, such as strollers. Half of the cost of this transport is paid from the local budget, and half by the disabled person.
  3. Help special social workers.

In Yekaterinburg, there are benefits to:

  • free parking;
  • free consultations with lawyers;
  • free travel on public ground transportation.

In St. Petersburg, there are such regional benefits:

  1. Free travel by public transport.
  2. Free travel in the intercity direction.
  3. One-time cash disbursement for recovery after heavy surgery.
  4. The use of social taxis, similarly to Moscow.

Thus, in Russia, people with disabilities can count not only on federal government support, but also on regional.

Benefits for certain categories

Various additional benefits may be available to certain categories of citizens. For example, war invalids have the privilege of a 50% discount on the cost of train tickets. And the amount of monthly payments is not less than 9000 rubles.

And since childhood, people with disabilities are entitled to the following:

  1. No fee for registration of business activities.
  2. Discount on land tax.
  3. Monthly tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles for income tax.
  4. No property tax.
  5. Lack of collection in the possession of a warrant for an apartment.

For disabled workers there are:

  1. The amount of the benefit is calculated on the basis of deductions for the funded part of the pension.
  2. Special working and rest conditions.

The procedure for registration of benefits

Benefits are issued depending on their type. You need to apply directly to the authority that provides this service or makes a payment.

To start getting any benefits you need:

  1. To write an application.
  2. Present the conclusion of the commission on disability.
  3. Submit other required documents.

Thus, in Russia there is a wide range of benefits for disabled citizens. One can only hope that the indexation of the payments laid will be more significant every year.