Sweet Christmas composition with their own hands. DIY Christmas compositions: decorating ideas

With the approach of the New Year, every family wants to decorate their own homes as brightly as possible. In addition to the traditional New Year's fir-tree with multi-colored glass balls and electric garlands, it has also become fashionable to decorate the festive table with various Christmas compositions. On the eve of the New Year, such items can be found in almost any store. Usually they are decorations of various shapes and sizes of candles, Christmas tree branches, balls, beads and shiny ribbons. But if you like needlework, you can create your own table decoration on your own and involve all family members in this activity. Let's move on to practical advice on creating Christmas compositions with their own hands.

Christmas composition on the door

In Europe and America, it is customary to decorate the entrance doors on the eve of Christmas. In the same way, you can give yourself and your neighbors pleasant emotions and, at the same time, create a sense of celebration. For this you will need:

  • bulk garland of artificial Christmas tree branches;
  • red ribbon;
  • several natural cones;
  • white paint or spray.

To begin with, twist artificial Christmas tree branches into a wreath, if the garland is long, you can twist the wreath with it several times, so it will become even more voluminous. Then thread the ribbon around the garland and tie it carefully in the form of a bow. This will serve as the basis for fixing the composition on the door.

Now it remains only to fix the bumps on the garland. This can be done with shoe glue or with wire. For a more realistic New Year's composition of fir branches with your own hands, slightly sprinkle the tips of the cones with white paint-spray, but you can use any other dye that you have at home.

Christmas composition on the table with their own hands

Another category that you can do with your own hands is the table decoration. This decoration is perfect not only for home use, but can serve as an excellent Christmas composition-craftwork for the kindergarten or school, if you have children.

So, for this winter composition you will need the most simple materials:

  • live branches ate;
  • big candle;
  • candies;
  • artificial berries or beads;
  • plate;
  • styrofoam;
  • glue.

In the absence of some of these elements, they can be safely replaced by what you have - cones, acorns, moss, and even seashells collected at sea. The main thing is that all the components fit well into the composition and evoke positive emotions.

So, the basis of the decoration is a candle, preferably in red. At its base, fasten two Christmas tree branches criss-cross and place it on a tray or a large plate. We turn to the most interesting and creative moment of the process - decoration, which can be trusted to children, slightly adjusting their work. Fill the cones and artificial berries well on the branches, then crumble the foam and distribute it as snow as naturally as possible.

Moss can be placed on the remaining space on the tray, then sweets or beads. If you have chosen shells as a supplement to the decoration, then instead of moss as a base, it is better to take pebbles, and paint the shells yourself with golden or silver paint.

If you have time and patience, you can create a New Year's composition of beads to decorate the table. To do this, take a round piece of red felt and fold in the form of a slightly opened bag. Screw the bag itself with bright beads, the same red, black or mother-of-pearl suit. We insert a fir-tree twig, tied with a ribbon, into the neck of our bag, and if you like, you can also decorate it with sweets. In the photo you can see some more step by step instructions and ideas for New Year's compositions with your own hands.

Now you know that creating a bright Christmas composition with your own hands is quite simple, and it will also help to gather the whole family for an exciting holiday activity.

Soon the most important and colorful holiday will come - the new 2017 year. Pre-Christmas preparation for the holiday is the most wonderful time. Everyone is preparing for the celebration, they get gifts for their loved ones and relatives, they come up with tasty treats. In kindergartens and schools, children are prepared for matinees and performances of New Year's scenes. The main preparations of the kids are Christmas crafts with their own hands. Below are considered New Year's compositions with their own hands - Top 10 ideas with photos.

Christmas compositions for kindergarten

To do Christmas crafts with their own hands are very fond of the little kids. Kindergarten teachers organize lessons in which children make unusual crafts.

Kids with great pleasure mold snowmen out of snow. We will teach children to make snowmen from scrap materials.

Snowman made of cotton

For Christmas crafts will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • sparkles;
  • plastic cup;
  • threads;
  • glue;
  • watercolor paints.

The plastic cup is wrapped in cotton, which is smeared with glue and fixed with thread. The muzzle of the finished cotton snowman is painted with paints.

The image is complemented by buttons, a hat and a scarf stand out, and when finished, everything is sprinkled with sequins.

Herringbone palm

Children of nursery groups, who are just beginning to talk, with prigromny pleasure make the first in their life New Year songs. On colored paper, the outline of the palm of the baby is encircled and then cut out.

The number of such blanks: done a few, can be different colors. They serve to build a full image of the Christmas tree, which can be hung to stand in a prominent place in the group. The resulting merry, paper Christmas tree is decorated with carved snowflakes.

Christmas trees and Santa Claus from paper cones

A sheet of drawing paper is taken and twisted into a cone. Then everything comes to mind. You can decorate the color with balls and garlands.

We make a winter Christmas nursery for kindergarten. The composition is called "Children and Winter." Today we will show and tell you how to make a New Year's composition in kindergarten at home and show the master class of its production. All that we need - as a rule, almost every house has it all.

We will need:

  1. 1. Clay "Titan"
  2. 2. Pieces of any, but dense fabric of various colors, as well as beige or milky flowers
  3. 3. Box
  4. 4. White cardboard
  5. 5. Wire
  6. 6. White synthetic winterizer
  7. 7. Awl
  8. 8. Velvet paper
  9. 9. Scissors
  10. 10. Wool yarn (remnants)
  11. 11. Small pieces of yellow and green felt

Master class how to make a New Year composition in kindergarten

For the base, we take a box of sweets, sweets or use cardboard, drawing paper and paste over the box with padding polyester. This will be the stand for the New Year composition.

We begin work with the manufacture of the environment - the winter landscape. On the back side we place trees in winter decoration. Cut out the contours of the trees from the cardboard. From soft cardboard (you can use color) we twist the tubes, which will serve as trunks of trees. Glue the trunk to the crown of the tree. Now, on both sides of the tree crown, we paste over the usual padding polyester, after cutting out the blank, repeating the competition of the tree.

In the same way we produced two more trees, changing only the contours of the tree crown. Let's create the fabulousness of the winter landscape by decorating the trees with thin twig sticks cut from silver foil. We take the box and make a hole with the help of awl, insert the tree trunk, fix it with Titan glue.

We make kids

The main characters of our children's Christmas crafts will be kids.

For this we need a piece of aluminum wire, from which we make the skeleton-blank for men. Bend the wire in an arc, modeling legs as in the photo. By the middle we attach the same billet, which from the opposite end we connect perpendicularly with a straight wire, which will serve as the hands of a little man.

We will make a head from a synthetic winterizer, having wrapped a piece of a synthetic winterizer with hosiery knitwear. To do this, we cut a 5x5cm square from a synthetic winterizer, form a ball, tightening around the perimeter with a thread with a needle. The resulting shape is covered with a kapron stocking, then fastened with a thread and wrapped several times with thread.

We take dense fabric of beige or corporal color. At the junction of the “arms” and “torso” of the wire core, we strengthen the head with a thread, this allows the pupal head to be made mobile.

Let's make jackets, mittens, trousers

To do this, cut out a circle from a dense fabric with a diameter of 15-17 cm, fold it in half, cut off the sector from the circle on both sides by 2 cm, getting a sleeve. Mark the place for the neck. We glue the edges with glue, pre-laying between the fabric a synthetic winterizer or a bit of batting. "Dress up the jacket" on the wire frame.

We also sew trousers from thick fabric. Cut a rectangle 15x4 cm., Fold in half, make a 12cm cut in the middle. Glue the edges. "Dress" pants on the frame.

We make mittens. To do this, we cut out four rectangles 4x2 cm in size from the fabric and glue them onto the wire knobs, gluing them along the edge of the parts with glue. It should make a pair of mittens.

In the same way we make boots. We dress them on legs-wires.

Glue the finished plastic eyes, pre-purchased in the store, and do the mouth and glue from red velvet paper.

You can wear a hat and scarf, which we knit. If the child does not know how to knit, take a rectangle of fabric 6x5 cm, connect, winding it with thread, and glue to the ball-head.

Similarly, we create a second doll for children's crafts - a girl. And we make beautiful neat hairs - pigtails from woolen threads. To do this, chop the wool threads about 20-30 cm long and glue it to the middle of the doll's head. We divide the hairs into two parts and weave the pigtails in the usual way, decorate with ribbons of ribbons.

We place the figures of the boy and girl on the stand from the box in the center. We make snow balls of white sintepon, imitating snow lumps, add a shovel.

Herringbone felt

We make the Christmas tree like this: according to a pre-drawn pattern of dark green felt, we cut out two details of the Christmas tree, fold it in the middle and glue it with a thin strip just in the center (as if along the trunk of the Christmas tree) with glue. Herringbone is obtained volumetric and almost real. Now turn to her decoration. Forest beauty can be decorated with anything. We got it ready balls.

We cut the star out of felt as well, you can make two parts and glue them together for density. And glue to the top of our Christmas tree.

Christmas crafts in kindergarten is ready! Enjoy your creativity to you and your kids!

Photo is increasing.