A married man is dreaming about a wedding. Why does a man dream about a wedding

Dream interpretation wedding. What is the dream of the wedding

A wedding in a dream is a harbinger of important events that should very soon happen in the dreamer's life. Commitment is not far off, the need to make a choice or make a responsible decision. There are no fundamental differences, why a man or woman dreams of a wedding, except, perhaps, for one thing: for men this dream is much more important, portends more serious changes and a more tangible degree of responsibility than for women.

If you dreamed about preparing for the wedding, then in reality the owner of the dream will prepare for an important event, but he will experience excitement, which may interfere with his plan. The dream advises to calm down and relax, so as not to make a mistake and not to miss the opportunity. Preparation for the wedding in women's dreams should not be associated with trying on a wedding dress, otherwise the dream takes on a different, more negative meaning.

To answer the question of why your own wedding is being dreamed, it is not necessary to take into account the plot of the dream; Is the wedding celebration easy and fun, or is something unpleasant, catastrophic happening. In any case, if the dreamer's role is the main one (bride or groom), then one should prepare for the difficulties associated with adapting to change. In this case, you have to rely only on yourself. If the dreamer is at someone else's wedding, then the quality of these changes does not depend on him, but on other people and their relationships.

Remembering the details of sleep about own weddingIt’s worth a “closer look” at the guests. If any of them stands out from the crowd or utters some words, then in reality someone from the close circle may turn out to be a secret detractor. If one of the friends acts as a witness at the dream of a wedding, then caution should be exercised in relations with this particular person.

If a friend’s wedding was dreamed of, then in real life one should not expect any help and support from her and other friends on whom the dreamer relies. Most likely, they are full of their problems.
   For married people, a dream interpretation is a lush, fun-filled wedding with music and drunken dancing - a rather alarming sign that promises new twists and turns in relations with one half, leading not only to quarrels and disagreements, but also to partings.

And, finally, the most unfortunate scenario of “wedding dreams” ... For example, why would a potential bridegroom or bride dream about a wedding if in a dream a future marriage partner in front of her eyes connects her fate with someone else? You can expect all sorts of unpleasant surprises from your lovers, up to betrayal and betrayal.

To correctly interpret what was seen in the night dreams, you need to remember all the details of the vision, including the smallest. Why does a married man dream about a wedding, how will his future fate be, and how favorable can this dream be?

What if a married man dreams of a wedding?

A married man has a wedding for a reason. Such dreams are a symbol of dissatisfaction with marital status. If the sleeping person sees how he will marry a completely unfamiliar woman, this means that the real wife is not happy with something. Perhaps he has been thinking about divorce for a long time, or the relationship has stalled.

Watching yourself proposing to another girl on the eve of the wedding is a bad sign. A waged marriage is likely to be unhappy. The dreamer is afraid to admit to himself that he does not really want to marry a real bride, or he realizes this, but does not see a way back. To marry a close friend who was familiar in a dream for a married man is a very eloquent sign. In reality, he has the most tender feelings for this girl.

To ask for a divorce from his wife in order to marry another, in a nightmare - to the collapse of the family. The sleeping person will finally gather his strength and inform his soulmate of the decision.

Do not take the vision seriously if, shortly before his arrival, the sleeping man was at someone else's wedding, or was just going to a celebration, but had already received an invitation. All these vivid emotions experienced in reality are reflected in night dreams.

Wedding is a symbol of change. Some commentators prefer to decipher such visions in terms of events that should happen in life.

For a married man to re-wedding in a dream - in reality, change jobs, place of residence, occupation. A person will want to try himself in something new. He will understand that everyday routine and monotonous life almost completely absorbed him. He will want some vivid emotions, emotions, holiday. In order for the family to be all right, you must definitely respond to this kind of warning. By changing something, a man will find harmony, be pleased with how he lives. At the same time, the family will continue and relations with his wife may become even warmer.

Laughing at a wedding is a bad sign. If a person marries in a dream and sees how people laugh, rejoice, in reality he will have to face betrayal, deception. Some commentators believe that such a vision portends a shame, or an illness.

What portends?

Crying at your own wedding in the night dreams is fortunately, well-being. Very soon, the dreamer's life will begin to change for the better.

For a married man to dream of marrying his own wife is a good omen. This portends joy, improved relationships, understanding in the family. If the sleeper sees his wife in real age - this is to strengthen the marriage. To watch the soul mate young and beautiful, as she was many years ago, - in real life, yearn for those times when the dreamer first saw his fate. Perhaps, in reality, things are not going smoothly in the relationship of a married couple, which provokes the appearance of such dreams.

Carrying a bride in her arms in a dream and not knowing who she is, for a married man he prophesies an unexpected meeting. On his way will be a woman who will seriously interest the sleeping man; he will inflame love for her. But such a relationship has virtually no future. The girl will try to impersonate the one who is not really.

To remarry in a dream for a married man is not a good sign. Such dreams indicate that the sleeper is not very happy in marriage and would like to change something. A good omen is only a vision in which a person marries his own wife. Good dreams are also considered, in which people cry at a wedding.

A man is dreaming of a wedding for a fun party in the circle of good friends, but this is on condition that the wedding is not his own. For a man to be in a dream at his own wedding is a sign that very soon he will have to make a difficult decision, on which his whole future life will depend.

What if a man dreams about a wedding?

Many folk dream books see the wedding in a person’s dream as a harbinger of death in the family. Seeing a bride or groom in a dream is not good. To get married in a dream for an already married man means a quick death of his wife or a big quarrel and divorce. To be at someone else's wedding for a married man means having children and the appearance of an heir. For bachelors - longing and regret.

You also need to pay attention to some details from a dream in order to accurately tell what a man is dreaming of a wedding for. For example, if a man sees himself dancing at a wedding, then he needs to beware of the opposite sex. If the dreamer was at a wedding where there are only one man or woman, then in real life there will be confusion in his personal life. If he stands and looks at the wedding procession, then love will certainly await him.

It is important to remember what role the man played in a dream, where he dreamed of a wedding. If he was a witness to one of the young, then in reality he will expect wonderful changes in his personal life. If a man dreams of a wedding, in which he acts as a host, then he should not be distracted by entertainment if he wants to achieve his goal in life.

The wedding treat is a dream for a meeting with bosom friends.

Why a man dreams of a wedding without parental approval is directly proportional to what will happen in real life. A man will not receive parental blessing and marriage approval. If the sleeper sees in a dream the wedding of his beloved with another person, then this is to groundless fears and worries.

The wedding itself as an event, according to Freud's dream book, for a man means selfless sex, when both partners get great pleasure. If the dream of a wedding is dreamed by a virgin man, then in reality he is afraid of sexual intercourse and is very unsure of himself. He should find the same chaste partner and know all the joys of sex with her, as he is not ready for a relationship with a sexually experienced woman.

What portends?

If a man dreamed of a wedding with his lover, and in reality they had not planned this wedding yet, then, most likely, the partners would break up in the near future. In a situation where the bride does not recognize the man in a dream, or because of a crowd of people, he cannot approach the registration desk at the registry office (altar), then in life, the woman he loves does not agree much.

When a man dreamed about the wedding of a stranger, he would soon be disappointed in the man who meant a lot to him. If a sister’s wedding is dreamed, then she will have secrets from the dreamer, and the relationship will change.

If in a dream a man marries his daughter and really does not want this, then in reality he will soon have to let her go from the family nest. If a man in a dream wants to marry his daughter and gives out, then in reality this should not be done, since this marriage will be unsuccessful.

A very bad sign is that a man in a dream interferes with the wedding. This means that in reality one of the enemies pretended to be a friend and acts against him, sows squabbles, builds a trap, wishes him harm and is very envious of the slightest success.

In any case, it is worthwhile to study your dream in detail, and also to look at the meanings of other factors that were present in it. If a dream means something bad, do not worry ahead of time. You should look at the lunar calendar - maybe the dream is empty and not worth the trouble.

If you had a dream about your wedding, do not rush to rejoice. The interpretation of this element is not always positive. A more detailed information and what she dreams about will be given by a dream book.

According to Miller

According to the decoding of Miller's dream book, your own wedding means that you will find a way out of the circumstances that impede success. A more accurate interpretation of sleep depends on the details and who it was dreamed of.

For girls

If a girl dreams about her own painting, then her hopes for marriage will not come true. If the ceremony took place, but was not approved by the parents, then it will be so in reality.

But the worst thing is to see guests in mourning clothes. Why does the girl have such a dream? Dream Interpretation believes that this promises an unsuccessful marriage.

For men

What does the dream of marriage mean if it is a man’s dream? Dream Interpretation claims that a bachelor going to a wedding is a business contract.

The most negative interpretation has a dream in which a man married his wife. He promises a deterioration in health.

Avoid troubles!

It is important to remember with whom exactly you signed in a dream. So your wedding with a stranger promises a breakup with a lover.

If on the eve of a real celebration in a dream you got married and this was an unfamiliar young man, then your waking choice is correct. If on the offer you say no, then avoid trouble.

To the chores

Marriage with ex boyfriend, according to the dream book, promises family quarrels, and his wedding with a colleague - recognition of others.

If you married an Armenian at night, then there will be a conflict in the relay, and at the same time your own wedding and sisters will guarantee troubles and cares. If you were married to an ex-boyfriend, you will soon learn about him.

Be patient

Dream Interpretation believes that being a bride is not the best sign in a dream. This is a warning of the onset of the disease. But to cancel the event means to avoid it.

If you were without a groom, then in real life your relationship is far from ideal. If the bride is left without a groom and is not worried, then she will be disappointed in him. What is the dream that the spouse was taken away by a friend? Be patient, otherwise you will lose your beloved.

Only with husband!

What does it mean a dream in which one had a wedding with her husband? Dream Interpretation guarantees you passionate love. Especially magnificent painting with her husband promises joy and holidays. If you signed not with your husband, but with a stranger, then get ready for treason.

Decoding by day

Of great importance, according to the dream book, is the day when he dreamed of his wedding.

  • On Monday - to unexpected expenses.
  • On Tuesday - to change at work.
  • On Wednesday - to the money.
  • On Friday - a prophetic dream.
  • On weekends - to a change in relationship.

Do not chat!

Why dream that in a dream your wedding went wrong? So an unsuccessful ceremony entails disappointments, and the failed need to reconsider life.

If you were married by force, then soon you will definitely fall in love. And to see the celebration in the photo is a warning that you can’t talk with your tongue.

Crying is good

If at your wedding you happened to cry, then there will be a reason for fun. But here it is worth recalling exactly how you had to cry.

Had a dream of just a couple of tears? Get the bad news. Sobbed sobbing? To passions and emotions. Just crying is good too. The dream interpretation thinks that the soul is cleansed in this way.

Fateful meeting

If you came to the celebration without a dress, then you will have a long wait, in a white wedding dress - a holiday, in a black dress - sadness.

Dressing up before painting is bad. This is a sign of financial difficulties. If the veil has dreamed, then you will meet the one who will turn your life upside down. Good to see wedding rings in a dream. They symbolize protection and well-being.

To the chores

If you got to your wedding with gifts, then you will have to spend. The preparation itself for the ceremony is a sign of nervous tension. Inviting guests is a big hassle, and going for a wedding is a business opportunity.

Do not miss the chance!

An interesting interpretation of the dream book gives you a dream in which you happened to be late for painting. It is a symbol of obstacles and barriers. To be late - literally means to miss the opportunity to arrange fate. You can see a dream in which you happen to be late before an important matter.

Run together!

Why dream of an escape from the celebration? Running together with your spouse is good. The dream interpretation considers this a sign of unity of souls. Worse if someone tries to escape.

But to escape from the registry office means to avoid change. But if you failed to escape, then get ready for the test. For men to run away from the painting means unwillingness to accept new conditions.

Running away with guests - failure will be replaced by success, but leaving when your wedding is over - to a logical conclusion to the situation.


Dream Interpretation, the meaning of sleep: a wedding in a dream

Why is the wedding dreaming? This accepted event is interpreted in its own way in dream books. What will happen in reality with a person who sees herself in a dream in front of the altar? Is it possible that such a dream will be prophetic?

Many people wonder what the wedding is about. For the fairer sex, such a dream seems to be a harbinger of happy events. Is it really?

Miller's dream book: a wedding in a dream

Miller believes that the person who dreamed of a wedding, in reality, quickly find a way out of a difficult, long disturbing situation.

  • The woman who sees herself in front of the altar, fate hints that she needs to change priorities, otherwise her life will turn out not in the best way.
  • A marriage proposal accepted in a dream is a harbinger of fulfilled plans and hopes, as well as an increase in status in the right circles.
  • A dream in which a loved one connects herself with another girl means that all anxieties and doubts are waking up funny and baseless.
  • If a young lady sleeps and sees herself already married to her lover, this does not bode well for her.
  • The dream of someone else's wedding predicts someone's unfortunate fate, illness or a failed journey in reality.

Why dream of a wedding in Vanga

The all-seeing Wang prophesies that life, who sees himself in a dream as a guest at a wedding event, is preparing a fateful meeting with the second half. This will happen at a fun meeting of mutual friends and will be one of the main events in the biography. A man who dreams of his own wedding will soon face a difficult choice that can change his whole future destiny. Being an honored guest at someone's wedding means that the waking person from the sleeping person needs immediate help from someone around, and this support must be provided so that in the future there is no such situation.

Loff's dream book: a dream about a wedding

Speaking about what the wedding is about, Loff is pushed away from those events that happened to a person in reality. Maybe he is really going to tie the knot? Then such a dream is only a projection of the expected events. Perhaps the sleeper is in the process of solving some important life task? In this case, a dream about a wedding can mean discord and confusion in his soul. A sad event will portend an unsuccessful outcome of events in reality, and a joyful one will portray a happy one. In addition, a wedding in a dream may hint that a person has taken upon himself a too heavy burden, which he is unable to cope with in reality.

Freud's Dream of a Wedding

Freud gives his interpretation of what the wedding is about. He believes that such a dream is associated with sexual relations between the two halves. Moreover, such a dream means that in bed at the spouses everything is harmonious to envy. If the sleeper did not yet have sexual contacts, then he is simply afraid to start them in reality.

The dreamed wedding according to Tsvetkov

This interpreter testifies that the wedding is being dreamed about on a very alarming occasion. Sleeping such a dream can prophesy a sad fate, even death.

Dream interpretation Hasse: had a dream

Hasse decodes the dream about the wedding, as a promise of a quick marriage to unmarried people. For spouses, such a dream portends a quick addition to the family. If the sleeping person sees himself dancing at a wedding, then in reality he is in danger from the opposite sex. A dream in which a person marries himself testifies to his upcoming happy marriage. If the dream of the wedding was very crowded, then the fate of the sleeper is followed by a period of confusion and confusion.

Why dream a wedding in a dream

  A wedding in a dream is a symbol of the unity of spirit and body, as well as male and female energy. This is a difficult and ambiguous image, as it symbolizes changes in life. More often these are positive changes, but also it can be to restrictions and emergence of new duties. If any changes are taking place in your life, a wedding dream may indicate them.

  • A wedding in a dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • If you see the bride and groom in a dream, the dream warns of change.
  • Seeing a wedding trip in a dream is good news.
  • Participation in an exit warns of important matters.
  • If you have someone else's wedding, in reality there may be obstacles in business.
  • The dream in which you see yourself at the wedding of a loved one portends that in reality you may experience disappointment or fear for the life of a loved one.
  • If the wedding table is empty in your dream, be patient - you will find a streak of setbacks.

If you dreamed that you are having fun walking at a wedding, a party with friends may await in reality, at which you can meet your soul mate. If in a dream you accept wedding greetings, then in reality you will soon receive pleasant news. If someone asks you if you had a wedding, such a dream predicts the imminent arrival of a loved one.

The meaning of a dream from a wedding is highly dependent on who he dreamed of - a man, a married woman or a young girl:

  • If a woman dreamed that she was married, but at the same time she felt unhappy or indifferent, then this portends a disappointment in love, and you will probably get sick.
  • If a girl sees in a dream that she is married to an elderly person, then this dream warns against the disease.
  • If a woman dreamed that at her wedding someone was dressed in mourning, she would have to be unhappy in marriage.
  • To a single man to see himself married is in trouble.
  • If a woman dreamed that her beloved would marry another, then in real life she would have to suffer from empty worries and unfounded fears.
  • If it seems to her that her parents do not approve of her choice, it means that a real engagement will cause condemnation of her relatives.
  • If a girl sees in a dream a secret marriage - it means that she needs to learn how to control her impulses.

But if during a dream you see yourself at someone’s wedding, it means that you will successfully find a way out difficult situationwhich was the cause of your troubles.



Numerological Dream Book

If you dream that you are getting married and can’t wait for your wedding night   - in reality you will be accused of what you did not do. If your sleep did not cause you unpleasant emotions, then in real life, anxiety and experience will not last longer than one week, but if for some reason you suffered in a dream or felt inconvenience, then expect sad changes in life. They will come in 19 days and entail the most unpleasant consequences.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself in a dream at a wedding   - means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that may cause your anxiety and obstacles to success.

If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding - This is very unfavorable for the characterization of her nature. It is possible that a dream will lead her to the thought of the need to curb herself.

If in a dream she accepted the offer   - this means that she will rise in the opinion of those standing above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived.

If in a dream she thinks her parents do not approve of her marriage   - This means that her engagement will not be approved by relatives.

If she dreams that her lover will marry another   - a dream portends unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears.

If you dream that you are already married

This means that her family life will be miserable.

She will be saddened by the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. Sleep may portend annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health. A pleasant journey, which will take place in reality after such a dream, can be seriously upset by an unpleasant invasion or other surprise.

Dream Book of Medea

Wedding   - This is a symbolic union of opposing circumstances, human qualities, a mystical wedding of kindred souls.

The dream in which you marry (without wedding fun)   - brings changes, good or bad, depending on the attitude towards the partner.

See the wedding fun   - loneliness, illness, death.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing someone's wedding in a dream   - to the good news, which, although they will not be directly related to you, will touch you too.

If you had a dream of your own wedding   - it means that soon a surprise will be presented to you, and you will be required to treat it with the maximum understanding and guess what it means.

A wedding, not to be confused with marriage or marriage   - symbolizes joyful and harmonious sex, when both partners give and receive.

However, for people who have not yet known the joys of sex   - such a dream symbolizes fears of the first sexual contact.

Dream Wanga

Walking in a dream at a wedding   - to a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life for you.

To be in a dream at his wedding   - evidence that you will soon need to accept difficult decision. Most likely, your whole future life will depend on this decision.

In real life, someone close to you will very much need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl had a secret wedding “She should keep track of her habits.” Such a dream suggests that her character traits need to be adjusted.

If a girl dreams that her parents are against her marriage   - in reality, relatives will not approve of her engagement.

A dream in which a girl sees that her beloved will marry another   - promises her anxiety and unfounded fears.

If a girl dreams that someone in mourning attire is present at her wedding   - means her marriage will not be successful.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Wedding - there are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on a wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red, but poor”, “Snowstorm on a wedding train - blow the whole blizzard”, “Throw money at the foot of the wedding - the young will be rich”, “Take care of the wedding candle, and light it for help at the first birth”, “A wedding without divas does not happen” (without miracles), “When the young meet at the gates they lay fire (from damage ) ".

Wedding   - It could have arisen in your dream, because in real life there have been any changes with you.

A sign that soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire future life. Perhaps it will contribute to the changes in your life for the better.

Such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but this attempt of yours will be futile.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness of one of the young   - you are expecting rapid changes in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were the host of weddings   - in reality you need to wait with entertainment for the time being and finish your hard work, otherwise you still long time   you cannot fulfill your goals.

To dream of a wedding procession   - the prophecy that no changes in your life are expected in the near future.

Interfere with the passage of a wedding in a dream   - a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone from others is hostile to you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dream wedding   - It is always a symbol of very significant, important changes that promise to change your position.

A merry wedding that you were invited to in a dream   - promises you new, maybe even fateful, acquaintances.

Himself at the wedding to be a happy bride or groom   - a sign of great success. Perhaps some of your endeavors will receive widespread recognition and approval.

Wedding with a decrepit old man or old woman   - a sign that success does not promise to come too soon. More often, however, this image suggests that you are too slow in implementing some of your ideas and run the risk of missing the right moment.

Jewish dream book

Wedding   - to a pleasant acquaintance; to be at a wedding   - your affairs will get confused; see the wedding   - sadness, death.

Female dream book

The dream in which you are at your own wedding and notice a man dressed in mourning clothes   - portends you a failed marriage.

If you see all this at someone else's wedding   - Failures will accompany one of your friends or relatives. Also, such a dream can be a warning that due to some unpleasant news your trip will be delayed or you will just be very upset by this news.

A dream in which you see yourself marrying a decrepit old man   - threatens you with health troubles.

If you dream that you are getting married, but this fact does not cause you joyful emotions and feelings   - Be prepared for serious disappointments in a love relationship, as well as for a probable illness.

Dream Interpretation of D. Loff

wedding ceremony   - it is obvious that, before proceeding to the painstaking work of interpreting such a dream, the dreamer will have a desire to study the possible events that gave rise to this dream, such as other weddings in real life. This dream can be a simple EXECUTION of DESIRE or a personal expectation. However, if you are not in anticipation of such events, other scenarios may exist. First of all, you should consider other circumstances of your life. Do you take on increased obligations, are you on the verge of making an important obligation to your employer, partner or other person related to you? This dream can serve as a commentary on how suitable this commitment is for you.

If the wedding goes well   “You probably think you are making a reliable alliance.”

If the wedding is a disaster for you or your role is not clear to you   - perhaps there is a need to review your responsibilities. Supernatural powers, magical abilities.

If in a dream you have magical powers - the ability to fly, own magic, read thoughts - then, apparently, this is a dream of gaining power. Very often in such a dream, only you will have such forces, and you use them to achieve a certain accomplishment: escape, victory in the battle or the salvation of others. Sometimes these forces spread to others or meet resistance from them. In this case, the mind brings your strength in accordance with your needs, it gives you the opportunity, even in a dream, to completely tidy up your inner world.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Own wedding   - only a quick decision will be correct and will help with dignity and honor to get out of a difficult situation.

Alien   - it is necessary to moderate your passions and lead a more restrained lifestyle.

To see another woman under the crown instead   - your fears and fears are completely groundless and empty.

Meet the wedding on the way   - take part in fun and entertainment.

New family dream book

Seeing yourself at a wedding   - Know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding   - Most likely, not too good temper.

If a girl in a dream accepted the offer   - in reality will earn universal respect. In addition, all the promises made to her beloved will come true.

If in a dream she thinks her parents will not approve of her marriage   - and in real life they will react to the engagement badly.

A dream in which a loved one marries another   - portends unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married   - This is a sad omen.

At a young woman who saw at her wedding someone in mourning   - family life is not very successful.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are having fun at a wedding   - soon some sad event will become the cause of your failure.

If a young woman dreams that she is secretly getting married   - This is a very unfavorable dream. He predicts her possible fall.

If a woman dreams that she accepted the proposal for marriage   - It will be appreciated by others, and the anticipated joys and promises will not deceive her.

If she dreams that she has not received a parental blessing   - in reality, relatives will not approve of her studies.

A dream in which a woman dreams that her lover married another   - predicts that in real life she will be worried about empty fears, although her lover will honestly fulfill his promises.

If you dream that you are getting married - Soon you will receive unpleasant news from absent persons.

If the wedding is cheerful and there are no sad, pale and tormented faces or people dressed in black among the guests, on the contrary, expect good luck and happiness.

If a young woman dreams that she sees a man in mourning at her wedding   - In marriage, only misfortunes await her.

Seeing such a person at someone else's wedding   - a sign that in reality she will be sad about the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. Perhaps she will be in trouble or illness where she expected happiness or health. Her pleasant journeys or those of other people after this dream can be frustrated by unpleasant interference or surprises.

If a woman dreams that she is getting married to a decrepit gray-haired old man   - such a dream portends her troubles and illnesses.

If during a wedding ceremony a black-dressed groom looks at the bride with reproach   - in real life, she will encounter the coldness and inattentive attitude of her friend.

Dream of a wedding   - to great joy, if the guests are dressed in bright elegant clothes and cheerful; if they are dressed in black or other dark colors   - Such a dream predicts mourning and sadness.

Seeing yourself as a guest at a wedding   - Such a dream promises great business prospects, in addition, a loved one will delight you with his thoughts.

Any chagrin at the wedding   - Predicts failure, illness, or death in your family.

Young woman see herself as unhappy or indifferent bride   - means disappointment in love and a possible illness. She should be careful in her behavior, as she is surrounded by enemies.

East female dream book

See yourself as a bride in a wedding dress   - to the disease.

Marry a Stranger   - to parting with her lover. For a sick person, wedding predicts a complication of the disease.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To be the bridegroom   - to the blow of fate; be a guest at a wedding   - unsuccessful attempt to resolve a personal question; meet the wedding   - to bad luck in love.

The Complete Dream Book of the New Era

Wedding   - the need for unity in general. Reflection of the beginning of the process of harmonization of consciousness and subconsciousness, body and spirit, male and female energies, etc. Also the need and / or possibility of such a process.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July, August

Wedding   - to family quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of September, October, December Birthdays

Wedding   - serious harassment.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

Wedding - dreams of a big event, after which your life will go completely different.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Wedding, take part for unmarried   - fast marriage; for married   - children; dance at the wedding   - beware of the other sex; own wedding   - happiness in marriage; be at a wedding in the company of men or women   - your affairs will get confused.

Wedding guests   - family happiness; wedding train to see or take part in it   - subdue someone's heart; wedding celebration   - meet friends.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sew a wedding dress and all that jazz   - therefore, in reality you are so nervous that the wedding ceremony itself will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

See yourself in a dream at the wedding table   - means that in reality you will be lucky in everything except love.

If you have a wedding contrary to your parents' wishes to prevent this marriage   - it means that in reality you will face a disease that will undermine your strength and bring you to complete mental exhaustion.

The dream in which you are present at the wedding of your girlfriend who has beaten off your groom   - it portends a disingenuous attitude of friends, obviously hiding something from you.

The dream in which you marry a second time   - talks about the danger that you have to oppose all your courage and self-control.

Sad wedding   - a sign of future dysfunctional family life, funny   - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your faithful.

If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery   - means, in reality this threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to the tragic incident with your husband.

A dream where you go on a honeymoon   - to harmony in intimate life.

Female dream book

Walking in a dream at a wedding   - to a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become everything for you. Also, such a dream may mean that you will certainly find a way out of a difficult situation, which endlessly disturbs you.

If you dreamed that you were present at the wedding as an honored guest   - in real life, someone close to you will very much need your help. Do not refuse this person, especially since very soon you will also need his help.

If a woman dreams that her lover will marry another   - She is waiting for meaningless suffering and baseless fears.

Get in a dream at your own wedding - a harbinger of the fact that soon you will have to make a difficult decision that determines your future life.

If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding   - this means that her family life will be unhappy.

If this happens at someone else's wedding   - she will worry about the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend.

Common dream book

In a dream, you ended up at someone else’s wedding   - your hopes will collapse.

If you dreamed that you had a wedding   - This dream does not bode well.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Wedding   - This is a wonderful symbol of the unity of your consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit, male and female energies living in you.

Dream Book of the White Wizard

Dreaming about your wedding (for unmarried / unmarried)   - means that you really want this to happen in your life.

For a married / dreamed wedding   - means new in a relationship with the second half.

English dream book

Dream of a fun wedding   - precedes some kind of dramatic event in your home. It is possible that family members or close ones in the family will have misfortune.

If a man sees himself in a dream as a happy groom   - life will send him many years of gloomy loneliness or other troubles. Such a dream portends to the patient a complication of the course of his illness.

A dream in which you see your chosen one (chosen one), not married to you   - predicts your imminent break.

But if at your dream wedding you are just a guest   - This dream portends you a joyful meeting, or receiving the long-awaited good news, or promotion.

Italian dream book

Wedding   - an ambivalent image. Since a wedding is a rite preceding a new life in a social, emotional and personal plan   - he can testify to the expectations of positive changes in the situation, transformations of himself. But on the other hand, since a person in marriage has more restrictions and a number of responsibilities, the wedding is also a symbol of enslavement, loss of flexibility.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed that you were getting married secretly from everyone   - This can lead to excessive gossip around your good name.

If in a dream you decide to get married   - This is a sign that your virtues will find support from others. However, if at the same time your parents resist your choice, then you do not have to rely on the support of loved ones.

If you became a bride, and you dreamed that your fiancé married another   - you can’t avoid jealousy, which will have no basis.

Wedding - Such a dream portends good news, but only if you are dreaming of someone else's wedding.

Own wedding   - portends a pleasant surprise, a souvenir or a gift that will please you as a child.

Dream Book Dashku

Wedding   - may occur in your dream, because in reality some serious changes are happening to you.

To be the bride or groom in a wedding dream   - a sign that soon you will make a serious decision that will affect your future life.

If you are attending the wedding as a guest   - means that the changes taking place will not affect your life.

Chinese dream book

You see a marriage ceremony or worship of children to parents   - portends misfortune.

Vedic dream book by Sri Swami Sivananda

Wedding   - This dream prophesies your participation in the funeral.

If you dreamed that you were married or married   - then this will never happen in real life.

If you dreamed that a sick person is getting married   - this means that he will die soon.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Wedding   - joy.

Collusion is wedding   - misfortune.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Wedding   - the transition to a new life and renewal, transformation, however, and the limitation associated with marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Wedding play   - means deprivation of a faithful friend, and sometimes insanity in business, but the patient is marked by death.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

See the ceremony   - to sadness; less likely to die.

For a single man to sign with a woman   - new business, contract, business contract.

Wedding, engagement   - acquaintance.

To marry someone else’s wife or husband   - failure in the plan.

To be at someone else's wedding   - the state of affairs depending on the plot details (what the bride looks like, what is the table).

Own wedding   - trouble, trouble.

Match up   - to be deceived.

Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Go to the wedding   - you will meet new friends.

If this is your own wedding   - you will be very happy in love.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Wedding   - funeral, not good, quarrel, treason (married), sadness (single), loss; get married   - nothing will happen, the soul will show off / get sick, the wife or husband will die, the husband and wife will quarrel, illness or death (married); get married with her husband   - death; at the wedding to be   - birth of children (married), wedding (single) / regret, longing; dance at the wedding   - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women   - confusion in life; wedding train   - love.

To be at the wedding   - spiritual sadness; witness a quarrel at a wedding   - news of death; marry a spouse   - death; to witness a wedding in a church   - sad state of mind.

Erotic dream book Danilova

The wedding that you had a dream   - means that you have a rather frank conversation with a loved one about your past intimate relationships. He may not like the conversation, so pick up the soft words and expressions that you are going to use in advance.

If you dream about your own wedding   - This suggests that your relationship with your loved one has come to a standstill or come to a logical conclusion. In ancient times, superstitious Russians believed that if a girl dreamed of herself in a wedding dress, she would have a long illness, grief. Currently, in such dreams they prefer to see the good.

Esoteric dream book

See the wedding from the side   - unpleasant events in the state, the city, which will not affect you directly, but will make you worry. Be an event guest   - touch you and worsen your situation.

Ukrainian dream book

Wedding   - the funeral.

To get married   - die.

Dreaming of a wedding and a party   - the family will be dead.

To be at the wedding   - grief is big, getting married with your husband is death.

Take part in a wedding: for unmarried   - will be married soon; for married   - children; dance at the wedding   - watch out for people of the opposite; see your own wedding   - family happiness; be at a wedding among men or women   - confusion in life.

See the wedding train   - light a woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; wedding treats   - Meeting with friends.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

To be at the wedding   - sadness, death of the one who marries, for sleeping   - a disease.

Dream Book

Wedding   - the union of your consciousness and subconscious, body and spirit.

Wedding   - a new acquaintance.

Wedding   - to find a friend.

Wedding, bridal train, wedding   - to death or the dead, usually older women dream. Actually extremely rare for girls.

Meet the bride and groom at a wedding   - badly.


Why dream of a married wedding?

IN modern world   people often do not betray their dreams, considering them unimportant. But their correct interpretation makes it possible to understand how to behave in real life. One of the most common dreams is a wedding. Moreover, she dreams not only of young women who dream of jumping out to get married.

If you had a married wedding, the details play an important role in understanding the meaning of this dream. Therefore, you must definitely recall them all, but it’s better to write them down. It was important it was own wedding or another's. What role does the sleeping woman play on her, and even in what mood is she at the wedding. You also need to understand who the groom is. Young or old, husband or new partner. We must also remember all the guests at the wedding. How close are they to a married lady. Are there any dead people among them?

After all the details are fixed, it will be easier to understand why a married wedding is dreaming. This is due to the fact that the correct understanding of their own sleep will depend on them. Often married women are ashamed to recount similar dreams, thinking that relatives will decide that they are not happy with something in family life. Although this is not so, and in no way corresponds to the meaning of such dreams.

In old dream books it is often possible to read that a married wedding is dreamed of at one’s own funeral. Today, this interpretation is considered erroneous, as the attitude of modern women to this rite has changed. This means that the understanding of sleep should be different.

If a married woman dreamed of her own wedding, then it is important in what mood she was and who was the groom. If she is engaged to her husband and she is happy about it, then this portends either good events or a new rise in family relationships. But a bad mood on the contrary indicates an imminent discord or misunderstanding in the family.

If she is married with a new partner and he is not young, then this is to big trouble or illness. It is quite another matter if a woman likes the groom. It is possible that she is not satisfied with her real husband and is looking for new sensations in life. In such a situation, it is necessary to discuss this with your other half. Still need to pay attention to the mood of the guests at the wedding in a dream. Guests are sad and bored - to the bad news, on the contrary - the news will be good.

If the married woman herself acts as a guest, then the interpretation of sleep changes dramatically. It does not play a major role in one of the most important events in the life of every person. It is possible that in the near future a woman will participate in a very large-scale event, but they will not change her life situation. True, they will make her very nervous.

Walking in a dream at the wedding of your loved ones or friends is already a good sign. Most likely, a woman will see you soon, or good news will come from them. Moreover, the happier she is in a dream, the faster the prediction will come true. But if she acts as an honored guest, they may require her help in some important matter. Do not refuse - it will come out sideways to the lady herself.

A wedding is a significant event in the life of every woman. Perhaps for this reason, this is the most common dream of others. And understanding such dreams is the key to solving many problems in her personal life. Do not neglect this opportunity.

No matter how strange the dream is, you do not just have to drop it. Often this is the only way to understand your “I” without resorting to the help of psychoanalysts. In ancient times, it was believed that in this way the spirits try to tell us the solution to the problems that arose. It is possible that in some ways they were right.


what is your dream about?



To dream about yourself at a wedding means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that may cause your anxiety and obstacles to success.
  If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characterization of her nature. It is possible that a dream will lead her to the thought of the need to curb herself.
  If in a dream she accepted the offer, it means that she will rise in the opinion of those standing above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived.
  If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, this means that her engagement will not be approved by her relatives.
  If she dreams that her lover will marry another, the dream portends unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears.
  If you dream that you are already married - this is a sad omen.
  If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy.
  If this happens at someone else's wedding, she will be saddened by the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. Sleep may portend annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health.
  A pleasant journey, which will take place in reality after such a dream, can be seriously upset by an unpleasant invasion or other surprise.

Queen Snow

to illness and the more magnificent the wedding, the worse the disease.


Wedding - To Serious Harassment.

Folklore dream book

Wedding - Meeting a bride and groom is bad.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Wedding - To family fights.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why the Wedding is Dreaming - A funeral, not good, quarrel, treason (married), sadness (single), loss; to marry himself - nothing will happen, the soul flaunts // fall ill, the wife or husband dies, the husband and wife quarrel, illness or death (married); to marry your husband is death; to be at the wedding - having children (married), wedding (single) // regret, longing; to dance at a wedding - beware of the opposite sex; to be at a wedding either among men or only among women - confusion in life; the wedding train is love.

Russian folk dream book

Wedding - May occur in your dream, because in reality some serious changes are happening to you. Being a bride or groom in a wedding dream is a sign that soon you will make a serious decision that will affect your future life. If you are present at the wedding as a guest, it means that the changes that are taking place will not affect your life.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Wedding - There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on a wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red, but poor”, “Snowstorm on a wedding train - blow the whole blizzard”, “Throw money at the foot of the wedding - the young will be rich”, “Take care of the wedding candle, and light it for help at the first birth”, “A wedding without divas does not happen” (without miracles), “When the young meet at the gates they lay fire (from damage ) ". The wedding could have occurred in your dream, because in real life there have been some changes with you. Being a bride or groom in a wedding dream is a sign that soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire future life. Perhaps it will contribute to the changes in your life for the better. If you are present at the wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but this attempt of yours will be futile. If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness of one of the young people, then you will expect quick changes in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better. If you dreamed that you were a host, who is holding a wedding, then in reality you need to wait with entertainment and finish your hard work, otherwise you will not be able to fulfill your goals for a long time. To dream of a wedding procession is a prophecy that no changes in your life are expected in the near future. Preventing the passage of a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone from others is hostile to you and wishes you harm.

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Dreamed / dreamed Wedding - To be at a wedding - spiritual sadness; to witness a quarrel at a wedding - the news of death; to marry a spouse - death; to witness a wedding in a church is a sad state of mind.

V i p Ekaterina Plemyannikova

why dream about a bridegroom throwing you at a wedding

Married woman wedding

Dream Interview Married Woman Wedding   had a dream, why does a married woman dream about a wedding? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a married woman in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - An uninvited guest attacks and / or rapes a married woman

The need to conquer a new stage in relations with men.

To be prepared for this, one should be independent.

Dream Interpretation - Marry a married woman


Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding is a funeral. To marry is to die. There is a dream of a wedding and a party - in the family there will be a dead man. To be at a wedding is a great grief, to get married with your husband is death. Take part in the wedding: for unmarried people - they will soon get married; for married children; dance at a wedding - watch out for people of the opposite side; see your own wedding - family happiness; to be at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life. To see a wedding train - light a woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; refreshments at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Talking about a wedding in a dream to hear or take part in it is to sadness and chagrin. Being in a dream at a wedding or wedding in a church is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those who marry, such a dream predicts a quick death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, you will soon learn about death loved one. If in a dream you are married to a husband (wife), then a dream predicts death to you.

To see guests at a wedding in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they will be dressed in black, then you will find sadness or a message about the death of a relative. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream before you tells you an unhappy family life. If the wedding table is empty, then you will find the collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding greetings in a dream herald news of good luck in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream whether it is true that you are married (married), then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (lover).

To be at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of the soon news of his passing.

Talking with someone at the wedding or eating at it means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on a wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red, but poor”, “Snowstorm on a wedding train - blow the whole blizzard”, “Under to throw money at the foot of the wedding - the young will be rich ”,“ Take care of the wedding candle, and light it for help at the first birth ”,“ Wedding without divas does not happen ”(without miracles),“ When the young meet at the gates lay fire (from damage) ” . The wedding could have occurred in your dream, because in real life there have been any changes with you.

Being a bride or groom in a wedding dream is a sign that soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to the changes in your life for the better.

If you are present at the wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but this your attempt will be futile.

If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness of one of the young people, then you will expect quick changes in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better.

If you dreamed that you were the host, who is holding a wedding, then in reality you need to wait with entertainments and finish your hard work, otherwise you will not be able to fulfill your goals for a long time.

To dream of a wedding procession is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future.

Preventing the passage of a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone from others is hostile to you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Seeing yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances.

The young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding, most likely, not too good temper.

If a girl accepted the offer in a dream, then in reality she would earn universal respect. In addition, all the promises made to her beloved will come true.

If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react to the engagement badly.

A dream in which a loved one marries another, portends to you unreasonable suffering and empty fears.

If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen.

A young woman who saw someone in mourning at her wedding does not have a very good family life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted wedding dreams as follows.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is good news, which, although they will not be directly related to you, will touch you too.

If you had a dream of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat him with the utmost understanding and guess what it means.

We walked in a dream at a wedding - a fun party awaits you in the circle of your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life for you.

Were in a dream at your wedding - soon you will need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Being at a wedding is experiencing trouble, sadness, possibly losing a friend or illness.

Being a groom at a wedding is in danger.

If the marriage has taken place, this is a very bad omen.

A sick dream about a wedding predicts death.

For a woman, dreams about a wedding have no such gloomy meaning.

But all the same, they mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or wedding without parental consent.

If in a dream at a wedding someone in mourning, waking up the marriage of a person who saw such a dream, will be unsuccessful.

Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction about the appearance of a woman spiritually close to him in his life, and for a woman - the appearance of a man to whom she will have a passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at someone’s wedding - you will successfully find a way out of the situation that was the cause of your anxiety;
  for a woman - to see a secret wedding - you should learn to restrain your desire and impulses;
  for a girl - agreeing to get married - you will greatly grow in the eyes of people who have an influence on your fate and justify their trust;
  for a girl - your parents do not approve of your choice - a real engagement will cause condemnation of relatives;
  for a girl - your lover will marry another - you will suffer from empty worries and baseless fears;
  for a single person - to be married - misfortune;
  for a girl - someone is mourning at your wedding - you will be unhappy in marriage;
  this happens at someone else's wedding - an unenviable life awaits your friend or relative.
  Also see Parents, Mourning.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Walking in a dream at a wedding - to a fun party in the circle of your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life for you.

Being in a dream at your wedding is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your whole future life will depend on this decision.

If you dreamed that you were present at the wedding as an honored guest, then in real life someone from your close people will very much need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To take part - for the unmarried - an early marriage; for married children; dance at a wedding - beware of the other sex; own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will get confused


Why dream about your own wedding?


Lilac Fairy

You have some problems with your husband.

A dream about your own wedding means that something will change soon, but how soon? This cannot be said for sure, but you can roughly determine what its consequences will be. If in a dream you felt any inconvenience, you felt uncomfortable, then the performance of sleep will also not be too pleasant. But if your own wedding in a dream went wrong, and it was all wrong, but you didn’t feel any unpleasant emotions about it, then even after fulfilling your sleep you will not notice any special problems in life. You can also definitely interpret a happy wedding. If it was good in a dream, then it will also be in life.


to illness


to a mild illness, or to minor troubles)) in any case, listen to your body and monitor your health) sometimes dreams just warn))

Only yours..

see yourself in a dress to tears of longing, just as your wedding dreams to the troubles of some unresolved matters, problems that you will soon have to face

Ingul *

To joy ..


once again, you’ll think about whether you need these relationships, does it make sense to continue them, because everything is wrong, not what you dreamed about

nikolay Nikolayev

All dreams about weddings are bad!

Errika scott

A wedding in a dream symbolizes success in personal life. If the celebration is fun and fervent, then life will be full of fun, happiness and love. For a woman to act as a bride means her hidden desire to always be in the spotlight. Perhaps in real life, she lacks male recognition.

What if dreaming about your own wedding?

A man who sees himself as a bridegroom at his own wedding will soon feel pressure from his bride in real life. Perhaps the girl has long been waiting for an offer from her beloved, and now, finally, she herself dares to proceed to decisive action.

For a man to dream of a pregnant bride at his own wedding means that soon his girlfriend or life partner can become pregnant in reality. For a married guy, such news will bring only joy, and for a bachelor - it will become a verdict.

A noisy wedding, which is attended by a huge number of guests, indicates a good financial perspective. Probably, a very favorable commercial offer will soon come, which will bring real success to the business of man. If the sleeping person is a hired worker, it may soon turn up a good opportunity to open his own business.

Own wedding, which is attended only by newlyweds and witnesses, speaks of a major quarrel with loved ones. A banal misunderstanding of each other can lead to a real war, after which former friends will be the worst enemies. A friendly wedding, where fun reigns, means that in reality a person has a huge number of friends who are ready to help at any time. Good self-esteem must be appreciated. Only then will a strong friendship last for years.

The groom’s refusal to marry his bride right in front of the altar means that soon the woman will face unfair accusations. Restoring the truth will be very difficult, so you can stay for life with a tarnished reputation.
  If a man dreams of his own wedding, at which the bride at the last moment refuses her groom, then in reality he urgently needs to restore order in his thoughts. Perhaps a person does not know how to set specific life goals, so any of his undertakings fail.

Own wedding in a dream, which ends in a fight, speaks about the aggressive behavior of a person in relation to his soulmate. He does not have to beat his spouse. Even simple words   they can hurt her, so soon you can lose your loved one.

The tyrant in Seme is a real misfortune, so it may be worth being softer with your family and friends. For women, such a dream symbolizes her lack of wisdom. In relations with men, you should still reconsider your style of behavior and try to find mutual language   with the stronger sex.

What portends?

To grieve at our own wedding and to feel unhappy in such a dream means that in reality a person chose the wrong profession. Everyday routine work weighs on him, so perhaps you should think about retraining. If in a dream a person does not feel at ease at his own wedding, then perhaps soon in reality he will find himself in a very awkward situation. He will have to refuse a close friend, which will be extremely difficult to dare, so as not to lose him.

The answer to the question of why dreaming your own wedding is unambiguous. Soon, the person will finally be able to achieve high goals and successfully complete the work begun. You should not change the direction of your activity, because soon the work will bring simply stunning success and good money.
  The blessing of parents at their own wedding in a dream speaks of a person’s spirituality. He is probably a very religious person and it is very important for him to know the religion of his soulmate