Do-it-yourself preschool games for children. Didactic games for children: development of language, sensory, physical development. Do-it-yourself card file with goals. Gra “You know the letter - write it down, remember the number - name it”

Didactic games to teach children to distinguish the main colors, size and shape of objects. Children develop creative vitality, droughtiness, caution,the beginnings of independent activity are being formed.

Development game for children

"Kvitkova Galyavina"

Zrobiti Gru is not easy. Let's take a cardboard box. Robimo open it in it, you can see the necks in the flasks and screw them into the box. Then we will vibrate the quotations of the main colors - green, red, blue, yellow, and we will select the little ones of the same colors.

Target: fixing the color; development of motor skills of the hands, the beginning of the rahunka.

Variations of igor can be different, for example:
. choose the colors for the color of their middles;
. viklasti quotations of one singing color;
. frighten, skilki citochok of that chi іnshoy color

Games with clothespins

The offensive helper helps the child to learn to take the liberty with his fingers - pinches. So, so, zvichaynisinki pinches. One pleasure - choose plastic clothespins that are not too tight, so that the little one will be able to pick them up easily. Too tight clothespins can hit the bazhannya grati. In order to play with them it would be more fun, I will tell you to make awkward color templates from cardboard. Before such blanks, pinches can be picked up for color, and ready-made figures can be made into a kazka.

Gra "Who is what"

The head method of all games with pinches is the development of fine motor skills, but there is one more thing - to know the little one with such creatures and their elementary diet.

Figures of creatures from cardboard

From the cardboard, figurines of creatures are visible. At the planned missions, the child's fingers were spinning. It is suggested to the child to insert fingers at the figurine of a little animal. With such toys you can play fairy tales and develop fingers.

Finger Theater "Mitten"

Tactile caps

Zrobiti їх even simple. You need empty lids child eating and different textured pieces of fabric. We can put two identical circles of fabric and glue them to the edges. The more krishok and shmatochkіv fabrics, the more cіkavіshe will grow. Grill options can be rich. The lightest one is just to chop the krishechki with your fingers. Further, you can put a part of the crishok in a special bag. We give one to anoint a child and ask for a dotik to know the same in a little teddy bear

Developing m'yaka book

Even more worthy was a video about those, like a book that you develop, you can build with your own hands. Wonderful idea for little kids!

MBDOU child nursery No. 175 "Starling" Gorodetskaya S.V.

Didactic and developing games with your own hands.

Worm 2017 rock.

"Color Geometry"

Target: development of sensory-motor standards in children during the process of gritting on the rich-functional simulator "Geometric".

Achievements are broken like this:

Small motility.

Target: Develop the differentiation of the hands of the fingers, making it possible to use the fingers of two fingers (great and expressive) and a pinch (trioma with fingers).

Zoro-motor coordination.

Target: Molding for comfort at the “eye-hand” system

Sensory spray.

Quickly form:

Tsіl: Read memorize the form; Operate with the image of the forms in the given and small different forms for the help of humok on the microplot.

Spriyattya koloru:

Target: Form the statement about the color, which is fixed at the word - the name, learn to operate with understanding in the process of work.

Measured values:

Target: Close up the stars of the zor spіvvіdnoshennia of objects according to their size (longue, height, width).

Value of acceptance of the subject:

Meta: To give an understanding that a whole object can be composed of a few parts, the skin of some may have its shape, size, size, space in general, expanse of dressing.

Sprynyattya open space that orientation at new:

Meta: The molding of spacey lines (right-handed, left-handed, uphill, down) that is actually oriented on the micro-surface (top - bottom, middle, sides).

Fun games with clothespins:

3. "Fun clips"

4. Theater "Kolobok", "Ripka"

Didactic game "Whose tail?"

Green gris:

Close the living of the relatives of the prikmetniks at the independent movement

Asking for gri:

Complete knowledge on the topic "Wild and domestic creatures",

Create minds to activate the child's vocabulary for these topics,

Close it in time to make appropriate applicators,

Zakrіpiti vminnya vzhivat іmenniki in the ancestral vіdmіnku od. numbers,

To develop the building of analysis, to close up in the mind of the difference and to name the creatures,

Develop fine motor skills

To develop the Zorov's respect, to distinguish the objects from their silhouette image.

There are a lot of options for tsієї gri, the axis of deakі from them:

The teacher asks the children to name, the tail of the creature (Who) is ruined. The child closes the ancestral note of the names of the independent mov: Tail of whom? - Tse tail of the fox.

* The teacher should be asked to name, such a creature (Who) is the child to play on the cards. The child closes the ancestral note of the names of the independent mov: Whom? - Price tin elk.

* The teacher asks the children to name whose tail is ruined. So it is necessary to know with words, how do you know whose food? whose? whose? what? - fox, wolf, bear, etc.

*Children independently whisper, whose whistle and promote the words that they answer to whose request? whose? whose? what? - fox, wolf, bear, etc.

Games with pinches are ideal for developing fine motor skills of fingers. It's a pity, deakі batki know, navіscho started to develop fine motor skills. All on the right in the fact that the current and the ruhovy centri are roztashovanі order at the cortex of the brain, the sound of a bell ringing between the dot and the development of the movie. The more your child wraps objects (bazhano different forms and invoices), there is less ymovіrnіst viniknennya in new problems from mine. Likewise, with pinches, you can memorize different verses, and develop the memory of a child. Play games with pinches and have fun!

Hid gri: Children are encouraged to replace the daily parts of the little one with pinches, accompanying the process of memorizing small and cheerful verses.

Target: to develop fine motor skills of hands, I am creative for preschool children. Read children to manipulate objects visually, show imagination, choosing from the proponated as many figures I need. To adopt the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of the preschool child, as well as the development of the memory of that thought.

Theater "Kolobok" ( pinches)

Theater "Ripka"

(On pinches)

Theatrical activity allows you to play a lot of pedagogical tasks:

"Tales on clothespins"


  • form interest to the theater of Lyalok,
  • know children about different types of lyalok,
  • expand the horizons of vikhovantsiv;


  • develop acting skills;
  • creative,
  • language, respect, memory, thought, hand motility;


  • to show in children a great interest in the art of the theater of lyalok;
  • pinch love to folklore, folk tales;
  • vikhovuvati povagu one to one.

Nastіlna gra for children older than 4 years

Green gris:

  • in the process of gri, a logical idea develops,
  • caution,
  • respect,
  • memory,
  • improve fine motor skills,
  • the quickness of the reaction, and helps the least gravels to fix the knowledge of colors and the newcomers' rahunka.

Grati can be children in the age of 4 years, the number of graves - in the age of 2 to 6.

Preparing for Gris:

Schob rozpochat gr, put the cards in a pile. Put a hammer or a ring in the middle so that everyone could reach the new one, visipt entrust the gumki, mixing the colors. Shuffle all the cards and spread them out, "shirts" burn out, from the other side of the hammer and ring.

Crack games:

  • Whole gris: to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and colors. Set the figures into the rahunka independently in the shape of that color. Vihovuvati zdatnіst іtі vіvnyuvati figurі, znahodіt signs podіbnosti, aktіvіzvаti slovarіvі, movlennya, formіvati kіtlіvіst, zоseredzhіnіst, shvidkіst smylennya, razvitat spіlnu іgrovu іyalnіst, vmіti clearly vykonuvatі rules gri.
  • Hid gri (1).
  • Gravity mooning cards with figures, the leader distancing the bear figure, showing gravity, which may be such a figure on the cards. The one who closes the whole card faster wins.
  • Hid gri (2).
  • The graves are mooning at cards, they are given the task of fending off geometric figures (tіlki kola, only trikutniks toshcho) and know the numbers that mean the number of figures.
  • Head game (3) for individual work.
  • The child is given a card, encouraged to know all the figures of the same form, calling the її color (red square, yellow square, green square).
  • Head of game (4) for individual work.
  • The child is given a card, encouraged to know the figures of a given color, and name them (a red circle, a red rectangle, a red tricot). Hid Gri (5) for individual work.
  • The children are given a card, they are told to look at the figures and their number (more, less, equally).

"Christiki zeros"

Purpose and task:

Training of logical mind, creative mind, respect, memory;

development of navychok spіlkuvannya, molding of navychok spіvpratsі with single-layers, grouping;

revealing an informal leader, a generator of ideas, an organizer of activity;

Reducing the emotional strain.

"Feed Masha and Sasha"

"Let's welcome Sasha and Masha with vitamins"


Vihovatel tells children that kvass, peas, pasta are vitamins for Sasha and Masha. Children out of satisfaction treat Sasha and Masha with vitamins. Take one item (one vitamin each) and put it in the mouth of the company.

“We thank Masha and Sasha”

Target: the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, the formation of mathematical manifestations (rahunka, size, color, number, size).

Grass of gravity, excitement, zmagan, promoting self-esteem of gravity and mood.

Materials: not high plastic jars with lids, kvassola, peas, color plіvka (yellow, red, black color).

Prepared by Masha and Sasha:

On the lids of the cans, depict the faces of children from the spit, which are self-adhesive.

Zrobiti open at the mouth with an awl.

Hid gri:

It is a kinder for children, that the koloboks are already hungry and they need weather.

Gravity can remind jars of peas, kvass, various pasta virobs.

At the command of the leader, the gra begins, the grave wins, who is the quickest to fill the jar. You can take peas (kvassola) with less than two fingers, one at a time.

"Massage path and kiltsekid".

Meta help "Massage path"

1. prevention of flatness,

2. foot massage.

3. develop coordination of movement and revival.

4. stimulate the work of internal organs.

5. know that the tension is there.

Meta help "Kilcekid"

1. develop okomir, the strength of the wave of the hand.

2. the hand develops when catching vantage in a bottle. The child becomes a sprit.

Vikoristovuetsya at the gymnastics until the next sleep, at physical education classes.

"Merry little bugs!"

Rozvivayucha gra Zzhachki - hoarse floor gra for children.

The family of zhachka Mikka has four healthy babies. On their backs, there are no more goals, but the stench of impatience checks for their appearance. Gravtsі throw dice and wear goals on their їzhachkіv.

At the process of the grit, learn to improve, recognize colors, develop skills. strategic planning and I shake the motor skills of the hands. Gravtsі throw a dice and pick up the styles of kіlochkіv, skіlki show the cube with flecks. The rings are inserted into the opening of the game board and the capacity is up to the amount that was on the cube. You will be the one whose zhachok is the first to wear all thirty heads and fill your dow with kіlki. Tsyu miraculous group in the brush to love and old, and young!

The set has 123 parts:

1 wooden playing field (60x60x2 cm),

120 wooden heads,

1 cat,

1 die (1-6)

"Guess the number on the dotik"

  • Green gris: Read the children to recognize and call the numbers between 10 on the dotik. Set in the rahunka no more than 10. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, tactile perception, thought, movement, ease and coordination of the hands. Vikhovuvati sit, bajannya reach the set goal.
  • Gris description: Badges are sewn onto the colored cardboard in the form of numbers from 0 to 10. For the skin card, a flannel case is made, into which it is easy to insert and pull the card.
  • I am thundering: Didactic game "Guess the number on the dotik."

At qiu group, children can grow independently, and under the care of a breeder: under the hour of individual work with children; as part of the occupation that task for mathematical dosvіllya. For help, you can teach children to remember and name numbers.

Job options:

1 - option: "Guess the dot and name"

A cloth bag is put on the card, the child wraps the card with the fingertips and calls the number - a development of tactile sensations, children's fine motor skills.

2 - option: "Guess the dotik and find a pair."

On the cards are clothed cloth bears. Children cover cards and, for the help of tactile perceptions, they know 2 same numbers - a development of the mind.

Option 3: “Guess on the dotik and vikonay stylki dіy, skіlki denotes the number.”

On the card of clothing, a fabric little bag, a child on a dotik, assign a number and rob the insoles of bavovniv, stribkіv chi іnshih ruhіv. Skilki means a number” – a development of psychophysical processes.

Right "Merry Olivtsi"


  • Polypshennya coordination of hand movement;
  • development of handy fingers;
  • Development of fine motor skills.

Head right:

The child rolls olives between palms, fingers, saying:

I roll olives in my hands,

I'm twisting my fingers. Obov'yazkovo leather finger

The development of the child will be assisted by game helpers, grown up with a hand. Pray for the children the nameless roses, as well as musical instruments.

Meisterimo іgrovі posіbniki dіtei: maister-klas

Plastic plates are practical for a skin booth. For the attacking helper, we will beat them.

Grass "Kvitkova Galyavina"

In order to secure for yourself everything necessary for the creation of such a rose, take:
  • a cardboard box with low sides, for example, a z-p_d tsukerok;
  • plastic plates;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors.
In order to make a playing aid, cut in a cardboard box of stakes according to the diameter of the neck of the plate, and from the thin paper of the various zabarvlennya - tickets. Cut the necks of the dances, tighten the skin at your opening, twist the caps. The child is dressed on them with the same zabarvlennya.

Axis yak can be played with a small, vicarious item. Tell you, schob:
  • nadіv on krishki kvіti same zabarvlennya;
  • putting bi on qiu improvised flowerbed of the growth of the singing color;
  • porahuvav, skіlki kolorіv that kind of zabarvlennya vyyshlo.

Gras "Pinch"

She will help the child to develop their fingers, improvise, play the plots.

For virobіv take such plastic clothespins, so that the child could easily squeeze them and put them on the object.

To find a similar heading game guide, take:
  • cardboard;
  • colorful paper;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • clothespins of various zabarvlen;
  • scissors.
Meister-class preparation:
  1. Hurry up with templates or paint figures on cardboard: different funny animals, sleepy, gloomy, quiet, cholovichkiv.
  2. Glue a colorful paper on the cardboard, paint the drawings of the characters with a help of a felt-tip pen.
  3. Put the pins in the box. Let the child get away from them and prick: on the sun - change, on the fish - swimmers, on the caterpillar - legs, on the gloom - the wood is thin.
The Malyukovs will be able to guess the plots of these heroes, and the grown-ups will help you to help you.

Gras "Feed the Creatures"

Such a game is suitable for little ones, for it, clothespins are also needed. Children recognize how the deaks of the creature look, and what the stench is. For which one it is necessary to cut a column from a cardboard, for an additional line, and a thin felt-tip pen, cross it into a new segment. Glue on leather or paint the following products:

  • fish;
  • peas;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • grass;
  • corn;
  • brush;
  • acorn.
On the other side of the cardboard, depict such animals:
  • gut;
  • protein;
  • hare;
  • mavpu;
  • cow;
  • misha;
  • dog
  • pig.
Pin on the edge of the muzzle of the skin creature by pinching. For the help of this mechanical attachment, let the little one spread the skin creature of that food product, which wine is.

Tactile caps

For such a cicada gri you need:
  • lids for children's eating and plastic buns;
  • cloaks shkiri;
  • trimming of various fabrics;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Wipe out of different fabrics (shovk, drape, fleece, baize) in two circles for a skin look. Now stick one blank with a bet on the lid of the animal, and put a friend at the box or a small bag.

Show the child's back to the fabric on the krishtsi, let's hit it. Now, do not be surprised, from the little box of the box, remove the guy's mug. So you yourself know the cover with the little things of the hutra, shkiri.

Finger Theater

Such a game helps children to develop motor skills, hand coordination, mindfulness, movement. You can see that the child dressed small characters on her hands. Ale, you can prepare heroes in such a rank, so that the child’s fingers change for one hour on their feet.

To cheer up the little one singsongly, like the character of the badyoro roku chi live, zavdyaki children.

As you can, from cardboard it is necessary to make figurines of people, animals, stick colorful papers on them, paint a character, so that you can understand who it is.

On the side of the skin, it is necessary to put two equal circles. If necessary, so that a particular hero collapses, the child is put out of his sight and middle fingers, “walk” with them.

The axis is so possible to create a finger theater with your own hands.

Rotten games on the street and in the place for children

Stinks also help the development of children. Adje after the calm roses of the little ones need the rush. The lads, and the girl, out of satisfaction, will help the fathers to grow the advancing gamers.

The stench is easy to prepare. Take a back:
  • cardboard boxes;
  • colorful paper;
  • olive;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
Open the bottom and top of the cardboard box. The inner and outer parts need to be pasted over with plain paper. For example, it’s light, for example, blakytna, then glue on the sides of the sides of the zvnі squares of a red, green color.

From the dark paper turn the wheels, and from the yellow one - їх inner part. Іz tsogo zrobіt fari.

You can guess impersonal games for children, with a variety of subjects. For example, children simply stand in the middle of such a machine, run forward with their peers or with grown-ups.

Even though there is not enough time at home, then you should spend such rough games on the street. Well, for a childish Maidan, there are no right cars.

Let the child try it for yourself in the role of water, and otherwise you will become a gas station operator.

Zrobiti tse just so simple. For this temple, paste over the cardboard box with colorful paper. Wrap the construction at the bottom of the opening, attach a corrugated pipe or an old hose to the pilosos here. Stick on a flyer that shows the amount of gasoline.

For girls, you can hold a competition on the topic “Who is the most beautiful in the car”, and if you start exercising at once, it seems that it’s necessary to run on skarpets at once, but it’s also easy to have a sports car. Sweat stench, collapsing, dumb feet, nibi prozhdzhaє important vantage.

You can also work with your own hands.

"Move fish"

Tsya rozvaga will help to improve the coordination of rukhіv dіtlakhіv, to avoid the development of flatness. To organize such a party, take:

  • gymnastic hoops;
  • sponges for dishes;
  • marker;
  • scissors.
Paint on the skin lips the contours of the ribs and your eyes, draw the blanks.

Put a hoop on a pidlog, place water clays near the new bags, more than one participant, more hoops are needed. This skin child is folded into fish. But take them with your hands, but with your feet.

Gra "Showdown football"

She will help spread the legends of the child, sprinkle the right breath. To build such a flat rose, you need to take:
  • plastic egg in Kinder surprise;
  • glass bag;
  • 2 tubes of cocktails;
  • marker;
  • a box of z-p_d tsukerok.
Paint an analogue of a football field on the inside of the box. Here are the faults of the rosette for the gate, the central ring, in the yak you put the glass bag. Put half a plastic egg on the table, give two children cocktail tubes.

On the command of the stench, start dmuhati on the glass bag through the tubes, to drive it at the enemy's gate.

"Catch the bag"

For offensive gri that develops, take:

  • plastic plates;
  • colorful paper and glue or wide electrical tape;
  • hank;
  • caps in the form of a dance and small bags.
Sequence of Gris:
  1. Cut the dances about halfway, you need a part of the neck. So that the child does not get hurt about the hospitality, glue it over with colored paper or with electrical tape.
  2. Tie one end of the skein to the neck of the container, attach a bag to the other, you can replace it with a lid like a ball.
  3. Such a game trains spritnist. Let the child try to drive the bag into the middle of the container, podkidayuchi її. It’s like robbing a little of people, helping the one who got away with the task more times.
Cicavi ruhlivі іgry in the fresh air also sprout the development of a child, help her gardening, improve her health. You can get a lot of children from the yard, show them fun fun.

Gra "Vudka"

For her, you need:

  • dovga motuzka;
  • scissors;
  • small load.
Yak grati:
  1. Bring a skein of the required size, tie a weight on it. One child becomes a leader, others become opposite a new pіvkol.
  2. The leader takes a throw of a skein without vantage in his hand. At that, the other region is tight-fitting for children.
  3. The leader turns around on his axis, with which the winder can describe the colo. If the vantage becomes suitable for nіg children, all are guilty. If someone didn’t catch this zrobiti, having been chained with an object, he himself becomes a leader.

The deputy of a hank, that tight-fitting one, can take the usual haircuts of the necessary dozhina, vicoristowate them like a wudka.

Gra "Krisla"

Qiu fun can be turned on to the program of exploration in nature. Take folding stools from you, beat them. In similar ruhlivy games on the streets, they can play like children, so they have grown up. You need a musical support. Put the columns on the stake, now the number can be less by 1, lower than the participants.

Increase the joyful music, high up the magic of running around these attributes. If you make a song, you can take a leather seat. The one who did not get this attribute, vibuvaє іz gri. For the offensive tour, it is necessary to take one more column and so on.

Grass "Svitlofor"

Vaughn is more like a ditlakh. For her, it is necessary to dress up the accessories of different colors, so that cunning will help you overcome. You can put in the swarm of noses hustki of different zabarvlennya, tie laces of color on the sneakers of different colors.

  1. One person wins the role of Svіtlofor. Vin is standing with his back to otochyuchih. If the gra begins, Svitlofor sharply unfolds to the quiet, who swings and sings the song color.
  2. Now, in order to go to the next day, the skin participant is guilty of trimming for the rich color.
  3. Since there is no such thing as a dress on the details, then the person quickly passes to another day. Yakshcho Svіtlofor far away at the hour to deprive him of yoga, which means that the bugun is now guilty of taking the place of the leader.

Do-it-yourself children's musical instruments

It is important to develop a child's ear for music. For whom to collect the players' help, giving was given.

Noise Doschu

For yoga creation you will need:
  • cardboard tube like paper for boiling or foil;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • colored tape;
  • cardboard;
  • groats.
Wrap an awl with a faceless opening on the surface of the cardboard tube.

The more there will be, the stronger the instrument, the more noise the board will make. Now insert toothpicks into qi, fix them with dots of glue. Keep the wooden skewers lined up with cardboard tubes so that the stench does not go beyond the edges. Seal the bottom with a piece of cardboard, close with a piece of tape.

Use an experimental way to shake the skils as necessary, so that when you shake the instrument, you see sounds similar to the noise of a board. You can sip buckwheat or rice, or better vikoristovuvati pshono. Glue the top opening of the tube with a circle of cardboard, and also fix it behind the help of colored tape.

You can work another noise instrument.

Sob yogo zmaistruvati, it’s more necessary to take:
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • top glue;
  • plastic chi caps in the form of plyashok.
Cut a rectangle with cardboard of such a size, so that the child would be hand-trimmed in his hands, zignuvshi navpil. Glue the caps on the first and other edge of the workpiece. Child zginatime cardboard, knock one half on the other.

If you have є great gudziki, take two. Sew to the skin bun, so that the child could dress them on the fingers and tap one on the neck.

Metal covers on cardboard will see more penetrating sounds.

It is possible to make a noise musical instrument with other materials. At the hіd pіde shkaralupa vіd gorіkhіv, jars z-pіd cavite and other non-adaptive material, which sounds like a wiki.

Noise musical instruments

For this, take:
  1. two bushings in the form of toilet paper or empty metal jars, earlier bula kava;
  2. groats or dry stone;
  3. beads;
  4. cardboard;
  5. colorful paper;
  6. stationery gums.
Cooking features:
  1. If you use vicorist bushings for toilet paper, then glue them on cardboard on their backs.
  2. Cover with a sheet of colored paper, fixing it with stationery gums.
  3. Put in the middle of the stone chips, beads, sand or groats, fix it just like that and open it.
  4. Just like vikoristovuete empty cans of cavi, then, having filled them, fix it just from one side.

Do not give such toys to children, which are less than 3 years old. Keep an eye on the elders too, and even in these noise instruments, it’s a dribbling reminder.

And the axis is one more comedy dribnitsa from non-attachable material.

To create this musical slingshot, take:
  • wooden rogulin;
  • emery paper;
  • thin gum;
  • caps from acorns;
  • small metal horns on the legs;
  • awl;
  • scissors.
At the skin droplet of an acorn, open it with an awl, 2 pieces each. Put the gumka in the neck with your head. String drops of acorns and dribbling metal buzzards on it.

After that, like pistachios or walnut peas z'їdenі, vіd them zalishaєє kupa lushpinnya. Sob don’t forget about it, create new noise musical playing aids.

To create a treble of this type, take:
  • wire threads;
  • two clubs;
  • awl;
  • pistachio shell.
Sand the clubs of the spear with an emery paper so that the workpiece becomes smooth. With an awl, pierce the skin scarlet along the lapel, string the qi of the elements on the threads. Then it will be necessary to tie them to one or two clubs.

Tsikavy noise musical instrument to come out of the shells of hairy mountains. They also have an awl for help to shy open, stretch out here threads or humki, then the mountains are connected. The child shakes the instrument, stroking yoga by the handle, sounds will come out.


If you want to do this, you will take:
  • a metal jar with a stove for tea;
  • awl;
  • manna groats;
  • thin satin stitch;
  • 2 gel or bag handles;
  • two containers for s-pіd shoe covers;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors.
Master-class zі creation:
  1. At the bottom of a metal can, sip manna with a 1 cm ball, so that the sounds that are seen are not too loud.
  2. Use an awl on the beast on the wall to open a couple of opposites one by one, slip a line here, fix the її, tying it up. Close the lid on the bow with adhesive tape.
  3. To make sticks for the drum, to turn the tip of the handle, to make a small opening with a knife at the krishtsi capsules for shoe covers. Stretch the handle body at the new one, screw the tip.
  4. Close the capsule in the bag. If you want to take away the ticking sound, then in front of you sip in two small containers groats, stone chips or beads.
For the foot drum you need:
  • empty jar of canned goods;
  • splintered, twisted bags;
  • stationery gums.
Pull on a jar of clothes of a bursted bag, as well as others, you can put them to the beast. Fix the construction with a clerical gum, and the drum is ready.

Spiritual instruments

At the pipe, you can easily turn the straw into a cocktail. Kіnchik slid zrіzati pіd kutom.

If you want, the child would sing different sounds, so that you could grow the straws of a different life.

And if you take qi blanks, creak them in pairs with colored adhesive tape, composing them with a rosette, you will create such a musical wind instrument.

For the offensive, you only need two items:
  • comb;
  • cigar paper or foil.
Cover the comber's teeth with foil or cigarette paper. If a child takes a part of a musical instrument into his mouth, blowing on it, you can see funny sounds.

Axis yakі you can rob іgrovі accomplice with your own hands, so that the child would win the universal development. How to create musical instruments from handy materials marvel at the video.

How to help the gamer for the child, show the offensive glance.

It’s even more important, the shards of a zavdyak to this child are built to beat the impersonal initials and buttovs. It is possible to develop the motility of the fingers of the little ones, the vicorist is prepared didactic help with your own hands for nursery. In other words - playfully with a child. This is how respect, yava, memory develops, knowledge is gained, sounds vibrate, navichiki vibrate.

Or just prepare such a didactic help with your own hands for a child's garden. A description of some of them can be found below.

"I want to eat everything"

To fight such a didactic help with your own hands for a child's garden. middle group malyukiv zatsikavitsya cієyu thunder. Vaughn - 10 tactile cards with surfaces of various structures and numbers. With this help, sensory spontaneity develops, rozumovy potential in a flash, memory, children learn rahunka.

What do you need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • figures from felt, oxamite paper;
  • different surfaces.

Vikoristovuvaty can be emery paper, wood, shkir, povst, Velcro (prickly part), lines. Tactile cards are made from cardboard. A number and a fragment of material with different surfaces are glued onto the skin. You can add a sprinkling of kits, then there will be more variations. For example, know the same, guess the surface on the dot.

"Lay out in kamintsi budinochki"

To formulate a variety of colors and correctly name them, in addition to the offensive preparation, do-it-yourself didactic help for a child garden. Youth group- Target audience for training.

Materials: stones, colored cardboard, knives, glue. Chotiri boxes are being prepared.

Gris variations:

  • spoil the fireplaces of a given color;
  • lay them out for the best boxes.

The melancholy of such a helper helps to develop fine motor skills, instilling children's letters, smart victorious names in movement.


You can prepare one more didactic help with your own hands for a child garden. From the mathematics of the task, you can do it with help. Grass is a field (trees) with different-colored carnations, humki are stretched on yak.

Geokont is a constructor. On the yoga field, for the help of different-colored humoks, you can work different geometric shapes, symmetrical and non-symmetrical vizierunki. Grass develops knowledge, sensory vitality of children, memory, movement, fine motor skills, waking up, learning to understand, move, analyze. At the moment of constructing geometric figures at the back of the head, tactile-dotical and sensory analyzers, as if to fit the molding of the understanding of the form, springiness (the humps stretch and turn at the outside position), become numb at the light of geometry (they know that such a “promin”, “straight”, “ vіdrіzok”, “speck”, “kut”).

Geocont is a basic didactic guide. With my own hands for a kindergarten for an older group, yoga is not easy to learn. However, the least will be cіkavo and pіznavalno pull different colors of rubber bands on carnations.

"Pori roku - lyalki"

A do-it-yourself didactic help for a child nursery can be entrusted with the birth of fathers of children of a young age. We will take it easy to respect, to arouse interest in children with children.

For the cob, it is necessary to explain to the fathers the meta, how to look at all the elements, as well as pick up the materials (cotton wool, fabric, thread, gudzik).

Otzhe, how do you make such a didactic help with your own hands for a child's garden? The basis is chotiri lyalki, the skin of which is dressed in a sundress in a variety of colors - black, green, orange, yellow. They have vines on their heads. A leather lyalka trims a cat with objects that are suitable for the time of rock. Tse can be quotations, boats, gilts, burulki, mushrooms, fruits.

It is easy to prepare such a didactic manual with your own hands for a child garden. From the development of the movie, there are a lot of help, but also one of the most effective. Likewise, the play "Pori rock - lyalki" can be vikoristan in the image-creating art, in the theatrical activities of children. Material zastosovyatsya vіdpovіdno for the time being.

Invisible, gracious looking lyalok pіdshtovhuє children until the repetition of words, word-of-mouth, yelling bazhanya respectfully hearing that it seems like a whistleblower. Dopomoga good vikoristovuvaty in individual employment with children. It is a good spray to help fix the material. The widower can vikoristovuvati lyalok for rozvag like a surprise at holy days.


Such a do-it-yourself didactic help for a kindergarten is easy to prepare. Material:

  • different color cardboard;
  • clothespins;
  • scissors;
  • markers.

You can see a sonechka, a zhachka, a hazelnut. Pinches zastosovuyutsya like prominchiki, thorns, speckles board vіdpovіdno. Gra helps to develop:

  • finger motility;
  • m'yazov force;
  • good coordination.

All the children, out of satisfaction, chime in and know the pinches.


To develop this educational didactic help with your own hands for a child garden. senior group Malyuki actively practice yoga in their activities. The accomplice is guilty in a prominent place, so that the children, be it as they were, could go up to the new one, look at it, touch it, play it. The "passengers" of the locomotive change rapidly. A mustache to lie down in a vіd tsogo, like the theme of the children vvchayut. Tse can be animals, vegetables, fruits, objects, professions, etc.

The helper is to allow you to close the material, to increase the capacity of the little ones, to enrich your vocabulary stock, to improve the game, to help develop the mind, to be indispensable for the training of memory, logic.

Let's look at the work with a didactic helper with a butt.

  1. We sit down at the trailers of the train of fruit and one ovoch. We ask the children nutrition: What is it?
  2. Babies can name the fruits-“passengers” and speak them in one word.
  3. What's up? Gra develops respect. The baby turns around, the picker picks up one fruit, the child calls yoga.
  4. Orientation in space. Asked by a child, some kind of fruit is behind a pear, and some is in front of a banana, behind an apple, between an orange and a kiwi.
  5. "Maths". It is necessary to name the "passenger" of the other car, the rest, the first. Plant an apple at the p'yatia, and a plum at the somi. Name the skils of the entire wagon.
  6. The person describing the fruit is not naming yoga. The child is aware. Let's go to sleep.
  7. What kind of sik can you grow from an apple? Vchimosya utvoryuvat prikmetniki.
  8. Let's see the colors. The vikhovator ask the child at the trailer to plant red wine red fruit.

"Dry Aquarium"

Denmark prepared a do-it-yourself didactic manual for a child nursery for the development of movies and a set of different-colored pompons, like picking up in a box or a plastic basin. Such a gra normalizes the tone of the mind, stimulates the development of visual, language, distinguishes the colors.

The child launches handles into the aquarium, sorts out the bags, puts them in, puts them back, squeezes those brushes. The value lies in the fact that there is no fear of evil. You can put toys at the bottom of the container and ask the child to know that distance.

"Find a budinochok for a testicle"

Tsey didactic help, prepared by one's own hands for a child's garden, to help the wielder:

  • teach the child to distinguish, name the correct colors;
  • to mold vminnya to lift the egg and commissar;
  • develop motor skills;
  • children successively.

For yoga, a paper container is prepared, compresses of some kind are fermented, and those different-colored capsules are kind of kinder-surprises. Come out more barvistiy, Yaskravy helper.

Cryingly, children begin to know the same eggs and similar cloaks, rahuvat, lay out objects.

Basic provisions about the didactic game preschool age, and the form of education, and independent playfulness, and the peculiarity of the universal development of the child's specialty. Didactic play as a form of teaching children to avenge two cobs: learning and playing. All didactic games are divided into three main types: - games with objects (igry, natural material); -laying-drukarsky; - verbal games.

Tsіlі didaktichnoї gry Rozvytok smartly take the lead role, win the rules of the gry, spread the plot. Molding in children correct vіdnoshennia to the manifestations of a suspenseful life, nature, objects of a necessary world. Systematization and destruction of knowledge about the Batkivshchyna and the world in a flash. The development of the sensory traits of children, as at the basis of the recognition of a child's dovkil. The development of the language of children: the renewal of that activation of the vocabulary, the formation of the correct sound, the development of the articulate movement, the correct expression of one's thoughts.

Sensory, as an invisible part of didactics, should be put as follows: - development of the child's intellect; - systematization of knowledge, otrimanih іz zvnіshny sredovischa; - Forming an aesthetic feel; - Development of awareness, caution and respect; -Preparation of children for future primary duty; - improving the vocabulary of children; - development of different types of memory (zoral, figurative, auditory, motor).

Below are didactic games, made with your own hands, for children from 2 to 7 years old. A lot of ideas were taken from the Internet, but it was altered or supplemented, I don’t claim authorship, but I support that the material will be corny for the lover, and for the fathers, who have little children.

Mathematical tablet - the value of further activity for a child, adhering to the development of education, as well as the development of creative vitality. And tse means the development of fine motor skills, differentiated spontaneity, sensorimotor memory, the acquisition of advanced knowledge and ways of doing. The development of the recognition of the acceptance of the creative results in all types of activity and the provision of complete readiness for school education and further success in school. A mathematical tablet will give you the ability to master the coordinate system in games.

« God's Korivka» Made from felt, filled with padding polyester, black circles fastened to buttons. Tsіl-development of fine motor skills of hands. The sensory piano is divided into halves of a wide white Velcro for clothes, which are drawn between themselves, and that black thin Velcro, planted on the Moment Crystal glue. Meta-development of tactile impressions

Grade for respect "Razstav zarazkom" Zroblena iz sirnikovyh boxes glued between themselves (you can beat the container and ice). The child is guilty of laying out the figurines behind the eye in the picture, making it easier to memorize and repeat the little ones. Meta-development of respect, memory.

Tantamareski and finger paths - all figurines of people or creatures made of cardboard, with cuts for fingers in them. Task: development of fine motor skills; movie; myslennya, respect, remembrance, reveal. Material for preparation: colored cardboard, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, knives. You can wicker pictures from rosemary or linings, for laminating or wicker scotch. Finger paths are good for gymnastics, or finger tracks for the development of the mind and the development of coordination. Materials-gudziki, fabrics, threads

"Fishing" and "Mathematical Fishing" Gra "Fishing" is recognized for training dihannia. Materials-aquarium or a small jar, a tube for a cocktail of virizan with paper ribka. You can flatten the load by writing paper ribs on the back. Such a variant of appointments for children of the older preschool age and train yourself in your breathing, and fix the baby in between 10.

Takі raznі zastіbki Osnova-orgsklo. Look, the clothes were taken from the Internet, hand-crafted on the printer and laminated, planted on the Moment Krystal glue. Cross stitching from denim. Zip options: gudzik on the cloth, glitter sewn on the jacket, belt on the dressing gown with satin stitching, Velcro on the crotch, lace on the cross. Helping to help children learn how to zastibati and rozstibati gudzik, glitter, laces, by this they themselves develop fine motor skills of the hands and children's breathiness when dressed for a walk and rozdyagann, which for an hour is a problem for a little child.

Іgrovіzor Іgrovіzor zrobila from laminated arches on springs: 1 arch-field with cells for graphic dictations. 2 arkush-prozorium is used for making pictures (economy of methodical material) 3 arkush-white empty for painting 4 arkush-mathematical. I posted a help book “Warehouse of numbers from 2 to 10” for him. the felt-tip pen is swept by water.

Flannelgraf zrobleniy at the look of the folder: sewn in flannel shmatka, along the edges of the edging with oblique inlay. The folder is zroblen from packaging in the form of bedding, glued with tapestries, in the middle sewn on two sides of Velcro for attaching fabric, handles from oblique inlay. The flannelograph is placed on a stand in the form of a decorative plate.

Noise tools Bubo zrobleny from the box z-pіd oseledets, in a drilled hole and inserted bubonts for fishing, the box itself is pasted over with colored paper. Bryazkaltsya are crushed from disposable spoons, between which a container is squeezed into a kind of kinder surprise, filled with grits. The top is topped with a thermal sticker for embellishing the eggs. Bubonts for fingers are made from purchased little zvinochkiv, in yak put rubber bands for hair. Noise makers are broken into small boxes of small bulbs filled with grains.

The City of Tsiliy Rik role playing games"Farm", "Shop" etc. The box is taken as a basis, from the sides it is pasted over with a painted parkan and woven with paper grass. The beds are filled with padding polyester rollers made of brown fabric. Vegetables were sewn from felt and fleece for vikriyka from the Internet. Cabbage creeps up to the beds for extra Velcro.