Rolling game Rust for children. The abstract quest-game "planted grandfather repka" in the first youngest group. Phrases for actors of a cheerful theatrical presentation

Tale, fairy tale! Everyone says that they are good only for kids. This is an empty fiction. Adults love fairy tales at all no less than children. And they can be having fun as children. To check it, you just need to turn to party fairy tales.

Here is a ridiculous fairy tale on the roles to diversify the evening.

Russian fairy tale for holidays for adults

The fairy tale for the corporate party has become incredibly popular relatively recently.

The participants never have a shortage, everyone wants to be the heroes of fairy tales.

Especially everyone likes, when the fairy tale is a costume.

If the holiday is conducting professionals in their case, they prepare fabulous attributes in advance. In their stares, wigs, ties, masks, children's checkers and drums are planted.

But isn't it on corporate parties to play a funny fairy tale? Many guests are going to household holidays, they can also be entertained by a cheerful reincarnation.

The famous old Russian fairy tale "about rep" in the original performance and with an unusual text will rave all those present, will give in the evening ease and good mood.

Repeated funny fairy tale Rocks on the roles on the video:

Several tips that will help make a presentation of truly memorable:

  1. Roles to distribute in accordance with the acting data of guests.
  2. Prepare suits or their attributes.
  3. Cosmetics or grima must be used.
  4. Text Print to each performer
  5. Choose a lead that should read the text of a fairy tale with pauses, in which the heroes of the fairy tales begin to act.
  6. As soon as the lead calls the next hero, this is a signal to the action of an artist playing this image.
  7. The actors must be as artistic as possible.

Scene text for reading leading and actors

Once he decided to grow a sprinkle on her garden. No sooner said than done. He planted the repka. Time passed. Santa came out in the morning in the garden, began to pull a repka. What is it?

It can not pull it out of the ground. I had to call my grandmother. She came her grandfather on his profog. Steel represented from the ground to pull. Grandma grasped for his grandfather, and grandfather repka pulls. What? Again nothing happens.

The grandmother clicked her granddaughter. Granddaughter came running, began to help her grandfather and grandmother. They grabbed each other, they were drunk, and nothing comes out: the repka sits firmly.

Granddaughter decided to call a dog bug. The bug was harassing, he was glad that he could help. I got up with a chain with each other: for my grandfather, Baba, for a woman - granddaughter, behind his granddaughter - bug. They took over the repka, and there is no result. As the park was sitting in the ground firmly, it sits.

I had a bug to call the cat. And she is here like here. A friendly not cargo, pull, pull, pull, pull. What is what? What a big repka! Call cat is a mouse. Last hope on the baby. The water is sharpening and in this case: it's all for each other tightly - pull the repka. Once - two! So I pulled out the repkah!
Funny fairy tale Rocks for children.

Phrases for actors of a cheerful theatrical presentation

And these words should be distributed to "actors", they will speak them with each mention of the lead.

Rusta: man, handles away, I'm still a minor!
Here are on!
And I'm here!

Dedka: Well, it is necessary!
Everything is divided and divided by nonora!
At all I rent, healthy fools!
Now you will hang out!

Grandma: grandfather does not satisfy me anymore.
I hurry - I hurry!

Granddaughter: Let's faster, I'm late for diskaching!

Bug: I'm not a bug, forgot what? I am a bug!
Work like a dog!
Maybe better will smoke?

Cat: Shake me Valerian!
Who brought the dog to the playground? I have allergies on them!

Number of players: any
Optional: No.
Scene game. The leading, seven characters player and audience are involved. The presenter distributes the roles:
The 1st player will be repka. When the lead will tell the word "repka" (repka, ...), the player must say "both-on"
The 2nd player will be grandfather. When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "killed."
The 3rd player will be grandmother. When the lead will say the word "grandmother", the player must say "oh-oh".
The 4th player will be his granddaughter. When the presenter tells the word "granddaughter" (granddaughter, ...), the player must say "I have not yet
Ready. "
The 5th player will be a bug (dog). When the presenter says the word "bug", the player must say "Gav-Gav".
The 6th player will be a cat. When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say "meow-meow".
The 7th player will be a mouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pi-Pi".
The game begins. The presenter tells the fantast of "Rusta", the participants voiced:
I planted my grandfather (the 2nd player would kill) repka (1st player - both). Rose repka (1st player - both-on) is a big sort. The grandfather came (the 2nd player would kill) pull the repka (the 1st player - both-on), pulls, pulls, can't pull out. I called my grandfather (the 2nd player would kill) a grandmother (the 3rd player - oh). Grandma (the 3rd player -h(2nd player would kill), Dedka (the 2nd player would kill) for repka (1st player - both-on), pull-pull, can't pull out. And so on.

New Year's fairy tale-2 - role-playing game

Number of players: any

The presenter comes out with the cap, where papers are with roles and offers participants to disassemble roles. Next, the presenter tells the fairy tale sustained below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role.
Tales text:
Here is a house that is built in the forest.
But Santa Claus-cool Starik,

And in any weather

From the house, which is built in the forest.
But the Snow Maiden - the maiden,
Which in girls will languish for a long time
But Santa Claus loves - that old man,
Which caught red caftan,
And in any weather
Going to congratulate Happy New Year!
From the house, which is built in the forest!
And here are funny kids
They love beautiful books,
But life is preparing such surprises,

New Year's fairy tale - role-playing game

Number of players: 14
Optional: Paper with roles
Preparation: on paper the roles are written:
- The curtain
- Oak
- Voron
- Cabanchik
- Snegir
- Santa Claus
- Snow Maiden
- nightingale - robber-horse
- Ivan Tsarevich
The presenter comes out with the cap, where papers are with roles and offers participants to disassemble roles.
Next, the presenter tells the fairy tale sustained below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)
Scene №1
The curtain went.
Oak stood on the clearing.

Held a flock of cables.
Flying a pack of claropes.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden walked on the clearing.
The curtain went.
(Participants leave the scene.)
Scene №2.
The curtain went.
Oak stood on the clearing.
Kakaya, flew raven and sat on the oak.
Held a flock of cables.

Scene dating - role-playing game

Number of players: any
Optional: No.
Everyone is constantly getting acquainted with someone. There are even all sorts of advice on how to get acquainted correctly to make a good impression about yourself. But these rules are valid only in the usual, everyday conditions. And if there is an incredible acquaintance? How then behaving man? Imagine and stage the situation in which you get acquainted ...
- Cosmonauts with aliens;
- hunters with a snowy man;
- the new owner of the castle with haunted haunted in him;

Transformations - Adult Game

Number of players: any
Optional: No.
All and everything turns into something else, but not by the help of words, but by determining the feasibility of actions. The room turns into a forest. Then the participants are in trees, animals, birds, lumberjacks, etc.
And if the station means in a suitcase, train, passengers. And if in the studio - in the speakers, teleecutors, "star stars", etc. At the same time, someone can do noise design, to portray props and so on.

Fairy Tale "Pink" - for a new way
1st player will be
repka. When the presenter says the word "repka", the player must say"Both on"

2nd player willgrandfather. When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say"I would kill"

The 3rd player will begrandmother. When the presenter says the word "grandmother", the player must say"Oh oh"

4th player will begranddaughter . When the presenter says the word "granddaughter", the player must say"Not ready I"

5th player will be Bug . When the presenter says the word "bug", the player must say "WOF WOF"

6th player will becat. . When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say"Remove the dog from the site!"

7th player will bemouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say"Pi-pi everything is OK! »

The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voiced it.

Leading: Dear viewers! A fairy tale on a new way to see if you do not want?

Familiar to surprise, but with some additions ... In one, well, very rural, terrain is very far from fame, there was a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: I would have killed!
Leading: And put grandfather repka.
(Emerges repka)
Pink: Both on!
Leading: Our repka rose has grown up!
(emerges from the curtain repka)
Repka: Both! Leading: Began to pull grandfather.
Grandfather: (Hanging because of the curtain) would kill!
Repka: Both!
Leading: called grandfather grandmother.
Grandfather: I would have killed!
Grandma (Small over the curtain): Oh! Oh!
Leading: a grandmother came ...
Grandma: Oh! Oh!
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would have killed!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Repka: Both!
Leading: Tent, pull - can't pull out. Calls grandmother ...

Grandma: Oh! Oh!
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: Not ready me!
Leading: Sponges did not indulge? The granddaughter came ...
Granddaughter: Not ready me!
Leading: took the grandmother ...
Grandma: Oh! Oh!
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Dage: I would have killed!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both on!
Leading: pull, pull - can't pull out ... my granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: Not ready me!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Leading: Taught a bug ...
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Leading : He took up his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Not ready I ...
Leading: Granddaughter for grandmother ...
Grandma: Oh! Oh!
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would have killed!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both on!
Leading: pull-pull - you can't stretch ... I took a bug ...
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Leading: Cat!
Cat: Remove the dog from the site!
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Granddaughter: Not ready I ...
Leading: Granddaughter - for the grandmother ...
Grandma: Oh! Oh!
Leading : Grandma - for the grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would have killed!
Leading: Dedka - for a repka ...
Repka : Both on!
Leading: Tent, pull, can't pull out. Called mouse
Mouse: Pi - Pi, all about Kay!
Cat: Discover the dog. Allergy for my wool.
Mouse: Pi - all about Kay!
Cat : Clean the dog, allergic for his wool!
Bug: Gav! Gav!
Leading : The bug grabbed his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter : Not ready i ...
Leading: Granddaughter flies for grandmother ...
Grandma: oh! Oh! Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather : I would kill!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both on!
Pulled out a repka!

Fairy Tale "Repka - 2" - on a new way

Roles and their description: Repka - With each of her mention, raises his hands over the head of the ring and says: "Both on". Grandfather - rubs hands and says: "So-so". Grandma - waves santa fist and says: "I would kill" .
Granddaughter - Deeps in the hands of the sides and languid voice says:"I'm ready". Bug - turns the tail - "WOF WOF". Cat - language licks itself - "Pshche-meow". Mouse - hides their ears, closing them with palms -"Pi-pi-rod".


(toaboutnkurs-Ig.rbut thoseh., tothat W.yesl.)

Prepared and spent

teacher 3 "B" class

Teljan Wed School

Ualikhanovsky district

Gizatova V. D.


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Leading. Today we will stage the fairy tale, and as it is called, guess yourself.

Someone for someone

Castled tenacious:

Oh, not to pull out!

Oh, sat down firmly!

But still assistants will soon resort,

Wins stubborn

Friendly common work!

Children. Pink!

Leading. Of course, "repka". And who remembers how the fairy tale begins?

Children. There was a grandfather. And he decided to plant a repka ...

Leading. Wonderful! Grandfather decided to plant a rep. Who will be grandfather? Well, you will have to choose. What should a grandfather be? (Old, lsym, with a beard.) No,

guys, we do not agree! Old people respect wisdom, they are treated for advice. So we will choose the role of a santa of a smeared and intelligent student. Do you agree? And so that he looked like, put a mask on him. (Shows the mask.) That's good! I ask all applicants for the role of grandfather to come to me. Now I will read the riddles of a person, his appearance, and you have to show a gueau. Whoever rents correctly, takes a step forward; And the inconsisensing or answering incorrectly dropped out of the competition. I will make it possible until one person remains. This will be our grandfather.

Competition "About witheBYA yourself "

Two stoves -

One pioneer. (Nose.)

Who is a whole century in a cage? (A heart.)

There are no two brothers in the world. (Legs.)

At sea, the table does not rot, does not mold, but always wet. (Language.)

What is softer everything in the world? (Hand.)

Three one plow plowed. (Fingers.)

Round, small to the sky dok. (Eye.)

Thinks, mines, in the grass do not see. (Hair.)

Two sables lie with tails to each other. (Eyebrows.)

Two pupae on roofing are sitting. (Ears.)

Leading. We climb our most smeared boy and give him a grandfather's mask. We continue our fairy tale.

Children. I planted grandfather repka and says ...

Grandfather. Grow, repka, sweet! Grow, repka, strong!

Leading. Rose a sweet rose, strong, big-preferred. I went to grandfather to tear: pulls, pulls, and can't pull out. (A rope is tied to the bundle of repka, in one end of which the grandfather pulls, for the other - the lead.) I called the grandmother's grandmother ... And who will be a grandmother? - - Tell me, why do you like your grandmothers? (Children's responses.)

Let's check, some girls know more fairy tales? She will be grandmother.

If well you know fairy tale, then my riddles are guess! Listen, do you think!

Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Leading makes riddles about fabulous heroesAnd girls who remembered the fairy tale raise their hands. The one that raised his hand first. If the answer is true, the girl takes a step forward. Girl, who gave the wrong answer, leaves the game. Wins the one that will be ahead of everyone. She will be grandmother.

Questions Quiz:

    In what fairy tale a resident of the sea depths learned the Zhadin? ("Fishing about fisherman and fish" A. Pushkin.)

    Who managed to be at the same time far and close, high and low, everything see, hear everything and ... there was not told? (Masha from the Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".)

    What is the name of the fairy tale of the unfortunate singer, who ate, seemingly friendly critic? (Russian folk tale "Kolobok".)

    What fairy tale pies, pancakes yes dried mushrooms were not used for appointment? ("Putanitsa" K. Chukovsky.)

    Who managed to expose the builders twice (the third attempt failed)? (Wolf from the fairy tale S. Mikhalkov "Three Piglets".)

    What kind of gray beast offended the odd number of little kids? (Wolf from the Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats".)

    He was trying to eat five, and managed to sixth. (Kolobka from the Russian folk tale of the eponymous folk fairy tale.)

    The old man and the old woman begins to cry after the little animal is made. They calmed down when they got instead, but only another color. (Russian folk fairy tale "Rumor chicken".)

    What's a tale of the heroine sings, dancing, bake, gets up, embroiders? (Cinderella from the tale of the same name Sh. Perro.)

Leading. So we found out who knows the most fairy tales. I believe that you will get a good grandmother. (Hands the girl with a mask of grandmother. He draws to her grandfather.) Call a grandmother. We continue our fairy tale.

Children. Grandma behind the grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull. (The grandmother holds for the grandfather's belt and both pulling the repka.) Could not pull out ... presenter. What happened?

Children. I called granddaughter's granddaughter ...

Leading. Well, of course! Who wants to be granddaughter? Tell me, please, what do girls love the most? (Answers.) Well, if so, I declare "Sweet" contest!

Competition "Plate of Candy"

Only girls participate in the competition. They get up in a circle and pass to the music to the saucer, to the edges filled with candy. Suddenly, the music is silent, the girl who stayed with a plate is dropped out of the game. They drop off and those girls who, when passing a saucer, dropped candy. Wins the last remaining girl. She remains a saucer with candy. Leading. Well, granddaughter, try for a grandmother! Who remembers what happened next in a fairy tale?

Children. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a rep. Tent-pull - they can't pull out ... I called the granddaughter of the bug.

Leading. And who will be a bug? What qualities should have a good dog? (Children's responses.) You are real friends and nothing scary with you! You have a lot, but the bug should be alone.

Competition "Nickname"

The letters are laid out before the participants: k, o, k, o, l, o, s. From these letters, you need to make a nickname dog of seven heroes from the "Fairy Tale about the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes" A. Pushkin. Answer: Sokolko. The winner is awarded a dog mask.

Leading. We continue our fairy tale.

Children. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull - can't pull out! Cook a bug cat.

Leading. Well, you want to be a cat! Which of you have a cat? What do cat love? (Answers.) Of course, all cats love fish. Here are our applicants for the role of a cat and go fishing.

Competition "Fishermen"

To all those who wish to participate in the competition behind the belt on the rope, a pencil is tied. This pencil is needed to get into a narrow neck of the bottle. The cat will be the one who cope with the first task. Leading. Well done, cat! Take a bug! Started! Tyan! Cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka. Tent-pulled, can't pull out! Call a cat mouse. We can not do without a mouse. What are you imagine it? (Children's responses.) Perfect! Who is the most deft? Now we know ...

Contest "Lucky mouseka

For the game need chairs ("minks"). They should be one less than participants. While playing music, mice get out of the "mink" and go hunting. As soon as the music stops, the mice must jump in the "mink", that is, squatting on the chair. Who did not have enough "mink" - leaves and takes the chairs. The game continues until one, the most dexted, "mouse" remains.

Leading. Such a mouse will run away from any cat! (Hands her mouse mask.) Mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repkah, pull-pull! Once again, even more friendly! Pull up! Well done! That's what it means - a friendly family! Together, no trouble is terrible. Here we have what a fairy tale turned out! It was nice to worry, but according to work and award. Remove the river and get sweet prizes hidden in it.

Well done in the teams. Choose acting persons and distribute them words. Each hero utters one phrase.
Where the mountains are high
in the house near the river
Lived yes there was a grandfather Tolik
He is an alcoholic soul.

Though in advanced last year
Stood firmly on the legs.
Since the morning did not pour
Nicely lived, worries did not know.
Drink and let's shout ...

Grandfather: We will live a mother!
Grandmother Anna lived
oh and harmful was
Rising Giant
Ataman temper
She from grandfathers drink
also there was no living
That's why she missed
And the neighbor was inflicted
Grandfather on top of her neighbor
On an intimate conversation
Although it helped ...

Granddaughter there y themhouse
This granddaughter is just force!
Mini - skirt, and incision!
It seems like a skirt like without.
Chest-melons bulk,
lips with juice pillow
And of course a miracle legs
like a playing cover
Like a rose bloomed ...

Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

A in the farm y Dedka
It was except for trivia
Two goats yes garden
yes dog y gate
Shouter nice kobelak
yes by nickname- tales
Not at all from boasting
It was just without a tail.
Whether God did not give him
Whether he himself became ridiculous
But the absence of Mahala
No one annoyed
Boyal dog is pretty sluggish ...

Cat Murka lived there,
Cleaner was
Temple-with ate, saw juice,
Yes, he slept on the wheelchair.
A in the dreams of your maiden
Prince of young waited.
On the soul y her bad weather ...

Cat: Where do you wander my happiness?

There lived a volzgeto mouse
He was all stronger and above
The whole village of Mice knew
He was the first raised
B Rustic Cabeaua
called "Sake"
A in the village all the people
Mood called Mordorot
With him to communicate just a class ...

Mouse: Fel-Palla Sha Atas!

Well, now you know all
Inhabitants of their home.
So further part of the second:
Once in early May
Alcoholic - Dude
thought appeared on trouble
Planted he decided
came out in the field he dawn
B Earth grains buried,
Skopal, watering water ...
And went glass to take ...

Grandfather: We will live, mother yeah!

A then went in the cock
And forgot your root.
Well, summer at this time
It was generously in the heat
Rosa rappa, poured
Yes, the rains were washed
So by autumn she
It became large and strong.
Admired everything around ...

The grandfather came out on the field look ...

Grandfather: We will live, mother yeah!
Drinking Dedok
But only one's belt
Burst sickly from moving
After all, such tension
Rope is there at least that.
Grandfather tried back
But do not see progress ...

Grandfather: We will live, mother yeah!

And he went from the field wing
Punch your moonshine.
A at that time from a neighbor
grandma walked after conversation
Sees a grandmother repka in the field
And twice the fields of the Bole.
Pulls so and pulls the Syak,
Yes, here is the stock turns.
In vain to the neighbor, I went ...

Grandma: For the other you need strength!

Street on the porch
She finles she sends his granddaughter to the stove
turn back to dinner
Granddaughter eyebrows led ...

Granddaughter: Well, think about it!

Released in the field turn
And does not know how to get up to it.
And the barrel will push it
And fit the opposite.
Girl brewing stockings -
Repa where there was a turnip.
The girl spit from annoyance
and went, change outfits
For the fence of the tailing
So breaks your own strap.
Would eat from start ...

Dog: let me eat, bone me a little!

Tailor Tested
Drop to pull ordered
Raished to the teeth to hive
And let's bite her
And claw and the mouth together
only turnip everything is in place
Smiling sits
And moves the brain.
Cobelac with annoyance of this
Made a "psi" on this turnip
I rummaged still with a minute
And walked tired in the booth.
A about these all cases
Murka in the course
On the porch rested
And the picture is all seen.
In Murke, suddenly boiled passion ...

So terribly she wanted
Apply somewhere maturity
K repeat back
yes claws as he dug!
Pulled that there are strength
Only claws fucked.
Here wondered with a boo
Tolik grandfather on the old bed
And decided to attract people
Together to go into the garden.
Around the turnip make a circle ...

Rope: You now, I am the first friend!

Grandma grandfather ports
Press in two hands
Granddaughter also taught
and Zhemunno in the pose got up
Scoundrel tailing
She clung to stockings.
Well, Murka is our light
Looking for a tail, and it is not.
Murka was very surprised
In the paw the tail clutched.
So they pull
only forces are wither
Who swears as a thread ...

Grandfather: We will live, mother yeah!
Who cares cute ...
Grandma: For the other you need strength!
The granddaughter of everyone brought ...
Granddaughter: Well, think about it!
Host: Dog sculit again at first ...
Dog: let me eat, bone me a little!
Host: Murka is straight to boil from passion ...
Murka: Where do you wander my happiness?

Heavy that burlack
our heard mouse hero
On disassembly in the garden
Hurried Mordorot
And decided to help at least once ...

Mouse: Falls Sha Atas!

To the repex, slowly suitable,
The look of all the arrogant
Repel gently hugs
And out of bed takes out.
Gathered all around ...

Rope: You now, I am the first friend!

Here our people reached out,
Strengthening, looked back
And went to drink mogon,
The benefit that there is always it.
Moonshine flows river
On the village of Pir Mountain.
And our story is completed ...

Mouse: Fel-Palla Sha Atas!