Scho to speak ditin at 2 rocky. What a darling child does not seem. Interconnection between the development of mov and other motor skills

Fathers rozchulyuyutsya the first to understand the "words" of their baby. Alle, it’s not easy to spite a sound picture: the child on the river doesn’t move and start trying to try.

Etapi and standards of development

Oskіlki mova is important as a povnotsinny spіlkuvannya, and th infused into the psychic development of a child (tied with a memory, uvagi, misleading that uyav), to catch a movable development of varto, a saw to uvagu.

Viyaviti podbne destructive additional help knowledge of stages that norms formulate movi.

It is important to remember, the norm is to be seen as an understanding, і the skin child has individual flexibility and singularity, the hour of the appearance of singing new forms can change for the terms.

Basic stages of development:

  • 3 people until the 1st month The life of the little boy reacts to the antonomy of the brutal movi (it appears radishly, crying). The infection of the first voice reaction - the child screaming, and even until the third month, the cry will be recognized as annoying antagonisms.
  • 3rd - 3rd month sposterіgaєtsya gulіnnya - karapuz vidyє okremі spіuvіd sounds that respectfully listen. The sounds of the same are the same for children of any nationality - a-a-a, o-o-o, gu-o-o-o-o, mm-o-o-o. Until the 4th month of the day it will be slower, and the little guy will step by step until the next sounds, not the power of the first time.
  • 3 4 - 5 months festivities go to babbling - the little one will come to the storehouse, after all, he will help the others. On the 6th month of babbling, the sounds are intensively accumulated and step by step transition from babbling words.
    It is important: at the moment of catching up, the development of babbling will appear in the child's mind, and for the manifestation of problems due to hearing - the hum will be heard.
  • From 6 to 10 months "A bit of being transformed into a bit" - the little guy repeatedly repeats the same babbling of the lantern sounds, there are also babbling words, associated with specific objects and persons (“bi-bi”, “av-av” just.). I’m responding to my own personality. Malyuk began to spice up the sound image of a word with an object, react to food (showing the names of the object, marvel at the yogi bik).
  • 10 months before the rock there are words-propositions (the word bends is fallen from the situation, pochuttya, bazhannya, meaning an object).
  • З 1 to 3 rock_v Have an actively aware light of the baby, the pace of development, promote and accelerate. Ditina clicks, how to be called new objects that are actively vikoristovu new words. Sounds present, rearrangement of warehouses, and sounds, which are important to be imaged, are skipped. It is not easy to pick oneself out of the cob from the warehouse.

It is important - in the norm of a child of another fate, life is very easy to hear sounds o, n, t ', d', t, d, to, g, x, v, f, and closer to 3, l ', e, with'.

Elementary phrasal language can form up to 2 rocky - a little bit of a good deal of simple words in the process of spilkuvannya (give me a drink).

In pіvtor roku, the vocabulary stock of a child will become approximately 100 words, in vіtsі two rockіv - close to 300, and before the end early vik- Approximately 1500 words.

It is more correct to study grammatical categories to be repaired in children of 2.5 years of age.

Vidhilennya vid norms

Insignificant visibility of terms due to the savings of stages in the development of the development call for information about the individual peculiarity of the toddler. Slide pam'yatati, the girl beg to mend to speak earlier for the lads and to love the older ones more. Strong to become more instructed on the day, the lads most often use the first words є meaningful, and repeat the stench after the grown-ups is not enough.

I do not think that the little one does not speak at 2 rocky, but it doesn’t seem to be enough to be seen as one-liners, and it’s a wonderful mind, but I want to grow old, it’s not a matter of turbulence. One of the most active mova manifests itself as a raptor, and the first movchun with proper respect from the side of the grown-ups appears as a whole balakuchu child.

Once the fathers are late, they have to establish the cause of the baby's mischief by way of a pathology. It’s necessary to go to the pediatrician, to give the direction to the speech therapist and the first high school children’s faculty (lore, neurologist, psychiatr).

Why isn't a darling child?

More children, who do not grow up at the palace, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Absolutely healthy babies, as they “take care of the movement” due to their temperament and individual features of development.
  2. Children with developmental pathologies are able to overshoot the normal development of movi.

Often, due to the problems with health, the baby in 2 doesn’t grow up in such situations:

  • Mova is unsolicited. The situation was given to winners and children, who were given them, and children, who are hungry for hyperopia. Dovgy hour To drive krikhti, for some reason not to get rid of the poorer spilkuvannya with daddies - the stench doesn’t smell on the butt of the inheritance, nor the stimulus to the development of the promo. Too big, how to shake over the child's mind, it is practical to imagine the child’s bazhan’s and to rush right there and then, to stimulate the trivial movement (call on such children of the presence of intercourse to collect the number of words, to allow you to beckon). Zanados have strongly opykuvannyh children every day of the need to sounded bazhannya that almost, the stench is miraculous to make do with gestures.
  • Є stressful situations, alteration. Healthy children, who are overwhelmed by unfavorable conditions in a social environment, freeze and move through strong stressful experiences (before the stressful inflow on the child, regular family scandals are made). Negatively pouring into the baby in this move, serious ailments, scho vimag of stationary treatment, incorrect adaptation to child's cage etc. It is especially hospitable for children to receive a rosette with a mother.
  • The family is encouraged to promote bilingualism. If you want children, they are lighter, they are lighter and more mature, they will regularly pick up different names for the quiet objects themselves.
  • Ditin is put negatively before promises. Say goodbye to mumble and not to react to the passing of a word, to repeat children with an obstinate, independent character. And the daddy's more napolyagayut, he is closed and moved by the child's age.
  • The child does not have access to the TV set, the computer is too small. - In such a vipad, I often get a noise background, I don't see the batkiv voices from the stream of sounds.


Krym perakhovanih vische social and psychological factors, іnuyut і reasons for the medical character. Before such reasons lie down:

  • Loss of hearing. Hearing is a provocative and imaginative analyzer, and problems with it should be created before they go out of their way in children. The deafness of the people of the child is to master the language independently, not in the snake. In children, we have a hearing loss due to the incompetence of the child's mind and the mind of the child.
  • The rupture of the organs of the movi is framed , scho vinikak u razi razi nervous system(disarthritis) in malukov. It appears through injuries, impairment of cerebral blood circulation, neuroinfections, etc. Often one of the manifestations of cerebral palsy. Regardless of the severity of the pathology of children, children experience insignificant breakdowns in their articulation, for example.
  • Birth anomalies development of the slit-face area, scho to speed up the development of movi in ​​children.
  • Spadkovi grief (Simeina bradilalia, myasthenia, Down's syndrome, etc.).
  • Pathology of the brain and nervous system. In case of organic lesions of the cortical moving centers, which have developed in the brain (the internal uterine ones are heard by the first rock of life), alalia develops, at the time of the rapid changes in the structure of the child, the structure of words appears Local organic damage to the brain leads to development in children in the form of aphasia, in case of being lost in the early stages of promotion.

To do it for a wider reason, I will explain the child's motivation for the daytime physical pathologies, autism. The destruction of the development of the nervous system, which turns in isolation, is a weak manifestation of emotional and active unique uniqueness of the world. It is insignificant to catch up with the development of the spine, and in the fall of Asperger's syndrome, as well as autism.

Friendly factors before the baby until the end of the day 2 do not speak the fate of life, є:

  • trivial toxicosis; ailing mother before the hour of vaginosti;
  • nadto trivial / striking curtains;
  • hypoxia of the fetus;
  • few injuries in children;
  • taking a mother before an hour of vaginosti of counter-indicated medications.

Help for children in mastering new ones

If the cause of the trivial movement of the child є be it a pathology, the development of the move can be supravodzhuvatisya to the main disease. Medication / surgical therapy for children is recognized for the doctors of a high school faculty - neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT.

Activation of the activity of the young zones in the child take cortexin and other drugs, magnetotherapy, and, for the duration of the day, there is evidence of electroreflexotherapy.

It is carried out by a defectologist, which additionally helps in an individual order to help the development of new visions and emergencies.

For children who are rotten to develop indications and speech therapy massage.

We are ailing that absolutely healthy movchuns need to be busy with their fathers in order to develop newer ones, including:

  • Artistic gymnastics.
  • Smart busyness, developing other motor skills (creeping, fingertips, overwhelming and sorting of other objects too much), the stench stimulates the robot's mobile center.
  • Poovilne, s virazom, reading (easier to sleep with the children rhythmic mova, see the pass to the childish verses), informing from the pictures.
  • Spilny spіv of child pisenoks, іgry with the inherited voices of the creatures too. (Those scho vi said at once, malyuk zapam'yatovuє shvidshe).

As soon as it is obvious that the little one has a bad father, it’s okay to talk to the child, because it’s not suffering from the pathology?

As long as you are right in front of the square, I’m not going to repeat the words after you - don’t overpower; Try to find out the situation, in which you want to be independent.

Right, take the development of movi, show absolutely healthy child.

Dumka Komarovsky

Malyukov is already 3 rocky, but don't you talk? This is the problem with the daytime trampolining to reach the top frequently. Mami get nervous, panic, I don't know, kudi "big". How robiti? Nasamper - see and calm down, take over the emotions from the whole food for no one.

Picked up from the food at once from the fakhivtsy.

Test for moving children 2-3 rokiv

Moving a child - it's just a special feature of what, after all, did you instruct an hour to go to the likar?

Nasamper, slіd rozіbratisya, scho itself maє vmiti malyuk to tsyogo vіku.

From the same, up to 2-3 rock_v Malyuk

  • Дії (own and alien) supervodzhu (promovlyaє) with sounds that words. For example, "chukh-chukh", "bi-bi" and in.
  • Mayzhe all sounds are visualized correctly. Mabut, for the blame of the most popular - "r", "l" and hissing whistling.
  • Building name, object and quality.
  • Rozpovіdaє mі s tatom kazki, іzni іstorії and reading minі-vіrshi.
  • I will repeat the words and phrases after the fathers.
  • For the winyat of a diasoric with a primer, vikoristovu at the rosema of all parts of the mov.
  • The Slovnik stock is already a great one - close to 1300 sliv.
  • A built-in name is a practical leather object from a picture, which can be stored at 15 in the middle of the object.
  • I will write down about don’t know objects.
  • Warehouseє words at the word.
  • Seeing melody, її rhythm.

I would like to do half of the points, zithayuchi, put a minus sign, є sense consult with your pediatrician (for a cob).

The reasons why the child at 2-3 does not seem to be rocky

There are a lot of reasons for the little guy. You can cleverly distribute them to "medical" and "all of them".

Medical reasons:

  • Alaliya. This damage is a grossly underappreciated movement, for it is clear and visible through the damage of specific centers of the brain. Diagnostics should be done by a neurologist.
  • Disarthritis. Damage is the result of malfunctions in the robot's central nervous system. In case of manifestation, it is possible to name the uncleanness of the movin, the lack of corrective action of the other motor skills, and the decay of the organs of the movi. The most common ailment is superficial cerebral palsy, and the diagnosis itself is set by a speech therapist and a tricky watchdog for the child.
  • Dislaly. Tsey term stagnates at the destruction of vimov and sounds - yak one, і kіlkoh. Get better and ask for the help of a speech therapist for 4 years.
  • Quietness. Most of the time, at home, it’s a breakdown, that we’ll be in the period of psychoactive development and that we’re going to be overwhelmed by the baby or the problems in the family. Correct the "defect" at once from a neurologist.
  • Hearing impaired. It's a pity, given the specialness of the mova, the little ones will be sprying, but if they are deaf, I will sing words / sounds.
  • Slump. Obviously, the fact of the decline is small, even if it’s up to 3 rocky children, so if it was necessary to put the words together, I would like to have a simple proposition, then the reason for your reassurance is є - it will turn to fakhivtsya.

Інші reasons:

  • Winks at the creepy life. For example, a new place of living, adaptation to the garden or new members of the family. For an hour, the baby's bells ring until the new furnishings of the development are moving and prigalmovutsya.
  • Consumer consumption from mov. Buvaє y take. For example, if a child is spirited away from it, it’s as if it’s merged into the edge of the country, because if the daddy all speak for it.
  • Children-bilingual. Such babies do not readily repair themselves to say better, because their mother speaks with good words, and to master the insults of the cold quickly.
  • Malya just didn’t sleep well. This axis is individual.

Zvertaєmosya for help to fakhivtsіv - how is it necessary?

Yaksho, having adjusted the "indicators" of moving his little one to the norm, you knew the ghost for the late - now, having instructed the hour to see the doctor.

Who should I go to?

  • Spochatku - before the pediatrician. Likar oglyane baby, analyzing the situation and giving direction to the first fahivts.
  • Before a speech therapist. Win a test and signify - what kind of development is that without moving the baby. You can refer you to a neuropsychiatrist to clarify the diagnosis.
  • To laura. Yogo zavdannya - a rewiring of the interconnection between the eyes and the obvious problems of the apparatus of articulation (zokrema, shortened pid'yazichna is too thin). I’ll look around and take the audiograms of the license to make the files and, you can, send them to the last one.
  • Before a neuropathologist. The qualifications of the faults are because the procedures are low to identify the problems of the next profile.
  • Before. As all of these options have already been "seen", and the reason is not known, then they are redirected to the full fahivtsya (or psychiatra). It’s altogether moody, but everything is simpler, but I’m thinking my mom is panicky.
  • Before the audiologist. Tsey fakhivets to interpret, there are no problems with hearing.

Comprehensive diagnostics ask to go in and look around that testy (note - for the Beil scale, early test, Denver test), check the motor skills of the face, reconversion of the mind / update of the test, as well as the EKG and MRT, card

How can you sign a license?

  • Lykarska therapy. Call the drugs in such a situation as a psychiatrist and a neurologist. For example, for the vitalization of neurons in the brain or activization of the activity of the young zones (approx. Cortexin, lecithin, kogitum, neuromultivit and in).
  • Procedure. Magneto therapy and electroreflexotherapy are used for renewal of robotic centers in the brain. However, the rest is low contraindication.
  • Alternatively lіkuvannya. Until now, it is possible to carry out therapy and bathing with dolphins.
  • Pedagogical Correction. Here is a pratsyu defectologist, who can see the negative tendencies of the home development and will be able to see new ones for other new rehabilitation visits in an individual manner.
  • Speech therapy massage. The procedure is even more effective, when it comes to pouring into specific points of the lobes of the hands, lips, and also of the baby. It is also possible to give a massage to Krauza, Prikhodkoy or Dyakova.
  • I, slyly - right , as a visonuvatimut at home with a little daddy.

Busy and іgri with a child-movchun - how can you talk to a little boy, how can you not speak at 2-3?

Evidently, I don’t care for fakhivtsiv: the left part of the robot lies on the shoulders of the fathers. І robot qia maє buti not generic, but annual .

Yaki "Instrumenty" may be with mom to be busy with "Movchun"?

  • Razkleyuєmo on all apartments pictures on the eyes of the baby. Tse can be buti zvіri, cartoon heroes, fruits and vegetables and ін. Tobto, on the other hand, in the middle of the day, for a little bit of space at the booth, to stimulate the child to move. Let me tell the child about the skin picture ABOVE (children read on the lips), write about the details, the little pictures.
  • I am engaged in articulatory gymnastics. On a current theme, there are a lot of books-kerіvnitstv - rob yours. Gymnastics is extremely important for people to expose!
  • Development of other motor skills. The whole moment is also important for the development of the brain, which is the center of the brain, which is responsible for motor skills, between the center, which is responsible for the promotion. Iak the right to go and play with prompts and perezipannya, slop, paint with fingers, pochuch, that “drowned” at the croup, wicker of the nuts, “finger theater” (including the theater of the future on tapestries),
  • Read books! Yaknaibilshe, often with viraz. Malya is an active participant in your kazka abo virsha. When you read short verses, let your child finish the phrase.
  • Dance with a child to children, sing together. Gra and music, as a rule, the best pomichniks for your movchun.
  • See the little one "grimace". You can vlashtovuvati competition at home - for the best peak. Let the little boy rattle off, clack his tongue, knock on the lip and pipe that in. Vidminna charging!
  • Yaksho your ditina rozmovlya with you gestures M'yako correct the child and ask to voice the bazhanya with words.
  • Charge for movi. The sponges of krikhti are smeared with boiled milk or chocolate (the area is guilty of butti wide!), And the malyuk is guilty of malnutrition to perfect cleanliness.

Naykrashchі right for old people - robimly at once from mom!

  • Іmіtuєmo voices of creatures! Razstavlyamo plush animals bridles that are known from the skin from them. Vimoga is important - deprive me of my "my"!
  • Try to laugh! Chim shirsha smiles, chim active m'yazy denouncing, and just say the letter "i".
  • Beremo 4 musical games, according to the “turn on” skin, the child remembered the sounds.
  • Guess hto! Mama vidaє sound, like ditina znє (meow, woof-woof, zhzhzh, kukareku tosho), and malyuk maє vgadati, whose tse buv voice.
  • Lay up igrashki spati chevechora(that th day dream lalkam can not get started). Before going to bed, strap on the pissenka's lilies.

Enormous uvagu - chi correctly imovlyaє malyuk sounds. Do not laugh at the sound and sound of the child - correct the child at once and do not lisp at the child.

The site site is updated: information has been provided for the purpose of knowing it, and not with a recommendation. If you have any problems with children, consult a doctor.

The first words are those words, which are vimovlyayutsya by a child, who are especially thrilled by the dad. In the third hour, the stench is repaired by perekonuvati yourself, so їkhnya ditina unbearingly can change the great phrases. Ale take a look at the edge.

In the same way, you can see that the courtyard little one does not grow normally, but it will feel free from sound that is not sound. Why robiti, how's the little boy not like the courtyard's visitor? Yak navchit?

In the presence of a whole child, it’s worthless to suffer from mukati and to cry out, to force the object with his hand on the object he needs. At that moment, the fathers are faced with a panic and unreasoning of such problems in a baby. Smell at once zayuyutsya feeds about those who can lead the child to the reception until fakhivtsya. What kind of vypadki to whistle that, well dad is just checking in - and not a bargain little boy, can you possibly be able to grow independently?

The head stage of the development of the move at the baby

Since the little one can be victoriously victorious about his native language, one can judge about rіven yogo rozumovyh zdіbstvennosti and zagalny development, as well as about the success of the grown-up vice. The very reason for the development of the new language from the earliest age, the quest for the correctness of the literacy of the Vimov (apparently to the name) and the expansion of the vocabulary stock in the baby. With a whole dad didn’t blame it for an hour, we’re playing with a whole lot of calls. For the ear itself, it is necessary to pay attention, such as the steps in the development of the movement є in the child.

Step up the development of new functions in a baby

The first to develop from the people and end is the rik. Such a stage for the development of a baby can be called pre-verbal... Until three months old, the child is awesome and cannabis sounds, as well as the voices and motions of people close to you. Ale, at the end of the day, the need for active spirituality has been established.

More often than not, there is a rozmova dad and a child, more often she will develop the potential to switch to the onset of the development of movi. With a lot of words, it is necessary vinyatkovo nіzhno, lagіdno, with a smile on the face... Tse is even more important for pawning the maybutnyo diction of a baby.

Until 6 months, the child has begun to actively master the dialogue. On the very cob of it, I started to actively develop the words that store, like the building’s intelligence only. With the help of this help, you will be able to use the building on those items that are necessary for your greetings and pleasure. In my own way I call a child that is close to her people, but as a result - deyaki deiya. The fathers of gobs'yazani do not pass over their own baby with my tongue, but namagatisya nazivati ​​navkolishnі objects correctly.

From one rock to three rock_v go to the stage of development if you start, you actively develop the language. Dytina will be on the lookout for putting together from warehouses more words and more meaningful things. At the end of the hour, it’s not necessary for you to bachiti the object that you ask a grown-up one for. Wien the building independently name the demand for you. On the whole stage of development of wine, you can quickly refer to the nutrition of grown-up people, for that, at the end of the hour, there is already a reason for changing the proposition.

In the case of three to seven rockets of malukov, it is necessary to go through a stage, which is the development of a free spilkuvannya. At the end of an hour, Malyuk has begun to actively develop independently for the additional help and knowledge of new life.

Too much more to blame for the memory of the one who has the development of the new functions of the stink correctly operate with words and propositions, get ready for food, as you can actively put the baby

With a lot of rose, the guilt is not unambiguous, but promising, with a great number of butts.

As soon as the fathers have reported the maximum amount to the correct development of the child, then in the closest possible future they will be able to see them succeed and learn from all the subjects at the school.

Diagnostics of Difficulties in Mobile Function

On the skin of the stage, the formation of the correct age is correct, people are guilty of respectfully promoting the behavior and character of the child. So, carrying out early diagnostics and detecting the problem and becoming the first croc on the way to the end of the baby. Scho maє alert mom ta tata ? The stench is guilty;

Skin digestions is a way to use a serious drive for the beating of the fathers to the likar. It can help you to diagnose a particular pathology, or to be able to help you get away with it.

Neurological problems

Buvah, scho the courtyard little boy doesn’t roam, he’s trying to get away with the sounds of sounds, he’s tormenting or depriving him of putting his finger on an object that’s going to be tricky. Such a situation can be an inherited neurological ailment. It’s not necessary to look at the problem and check that everything is done by itself. Chim shvidshe dad will bring his child to the reception until the fakhivtsya and to remember the love of the sick, this will be more beautiful for the child herself.

Why didn’t ditina roam at 2 rocky?

Mova at malyukiv form and develop in an hour... From the very cob, the articulation and change of the head muses are seen. Tse injecting the preparation of a mobile device to the presentation of its direct functions. Just when he was doing his main thing, the little boy would be able to talk to the people close to him, vikoristyuch at this hour, simple sounds, and to be able to respectfully learn the promulgation of the words.

From one fate to the next, the baby's active stock of sleep starts to expand rapidly. For another fate, the child's life is characterized by a free linguistic breakthrough. At the end of the hour, there are a lot of words, like a child speak, to grow up for a new day on a skin day.

Yaksho malyuk can’t shake, if youmu has done two rockets, then cause such a process it is most common to scold yo’s development... Before them can be found:

  1. Special problems with the hearing device. Given the pathology is good enough to bring up the development of a child before being caught in the intellectual development of a child і, in a very negative way, on the outside movie. Malyuk, who has deafness or is deaf, cannot be normalized. Such problems can be caused by a mother or an inclinable character, or an embankment. With the stench itself, cause those of the courtyard child that you can’t overwhelm. But even though in three rockies the little one doesn’t vimovlyaє, it doesn’t matter to those who, by the hour of the last month, increased to the standards of Vimov, then the growing goiters were to produce their own little one to look around to the otolaryngologist.
  2. Destruction in the process of articulation and lack of performance in mobile equipment. There are probably one of the reasons why a child has two rocks that will not grow normally. Weakly reluctant to crack the crack and to expose it to especially difficult localization of navkolishnyh sounds. The pathology is very good at times when people are seen from the breasts too early, because of the presence of a short little girl in the language of a child. About the processes of deterioration in articulation, we can say that there is a strong slime, regularly opening the mouth and blasting blues reflex, the building is hard. Such a pathology is most often produced to the point that two children cannot grow old.
  3. Genetic skill. Why can't a little boy break down two rockets in a visitor, without looming at the same time he sees good health? Mozhlivo, the family is close, as in the whole vіtsі they also didn’t have time to read the words and learn the words. The reason for the immaturity of the child's nervous system, which leads to the development process of the child, which actively seeks to promote the child's development, is the reason for the development of the child.
  4. Covering the development of the intellectual plan. On a normal child's mother, without dots, there is a healthy genetic pathology, as well as metabolic effects and Down's syndrome. It is disgusting to pour into the process of mastering the native language and the virus diseases, which are transferred to the mother's womb.

Дитині 2 rocky. Chi does not grow. How robiti?

Most of the fathers at once fix turbulence and panicuvati, if they are a child, they do not care about those who have already done two rockets, which didn’t grow up like other children. How robots in such situations? First of all, put the pathology on the development of the hearing device. In some way, you can do it like that until you have two rockies in old age and do not think about those who have special problems with the child. Slide also drink to the doctor for a look at the psychological illnesses of the baby.

How are you guilty of growing up?

Obviously, if the little one has two, half of the rock has not yet grown, then can you start rolling... Ale deyakі daddy will volition, sob їkhnya ditina began to shake things up like that. For a wide variety of dishes, make sure you speak well.

Malyuk will start to work on the voice acting of everything, if you will find yourself instituted singing minds, for example:

  1. Uvaga from the side of the fathers.
  2. Vimknennya televizor, computer and інshih audioprists.

With a whole dad not guilty of transferring the bazannya baby and vikonuvati yogo in one glance. It is necessary to set up a special mind, if the child will be tempted to ask forgiveness from the grown-up people, and the father is guilty at all times, but it’s not a good idea.

Development of dynamic motor skills in a baby

Also Pavlov to nagolish on vikorystanny meazovyh vіdchuttіv, as to go to the mass organ until measles to the brain. Also see the baby, which starts to actively develop, inheriting the mother's mimic. For the sake of seven months, the little ones have begun to show their weakness. The very reason for nadal varto is the use of these methods. Fakhіvtsі means that at once from the developing development we start and the process of developing the fingers on the hands. The very same thing їkhnyu motor skills are varto rozvivati, sob to preserve the yaknayshvid rozvotit Movi.

At pіvtora roki zavdannya majut buti big folding іvnya. The child needs to be busy with the process of getting goodwill or getting connected to the university on clothes and fabrics.

Yak often in my mail there are sheets of information about one meal: “Children may be 2 rocky, but that’s not like MAMA. That zagalom seems to be a little, reluctant. How robiti? "

If you wonder on the side of psychology, then if the child does not speak at 2 rocky, it is not necessary for the mother to be sick. Be-like hvilyuvannya - tse result of matching your child with other children, or with the norms of radians' children. Ninі dedalі often speech therapists mean the increased development of movi in ​​children wіkom.

Even more than 10 times that, by the standard of development, there is a minimum of 10 times more than 10 times, then at a time, all the more often children start to develop, like in 2 rocky 2-4 words and it’s wonderful to live. The child is not fond of, but the axis of the mother is sick and I will take the squeeze.

The process of becoming a child is seen in all children in a smart way. Some find it easy and simple, in others it is difficult to recognize. If you are thinking, if you can tell the child at 2 rocky, then you will be able to see the price of food from your sides.

Rates for the development

Norms are just statistical indicators and dry data. Tilki vi, know your baby, you can see the norm. On the development of movi, as well as a lot for scho, they infuse the individual possibilities of the child, and introduce a number of psychological and physiological features, such as the time of ordering the approximate terms of the appearance of different forms.

  • 1-2 months - time to start You can see, please, your child chi ni;
  • 2-5 months - the period of the party. Krykhitka vimovlyaє is similar to the name words;
  • 8 months - 1 rik 2 months - belkit. At the same time, the baby can already inherit the creatures, say short words from the same move. For example, "meow-meow" or "give"; Read important information about those who can take a child for 1 pik >>>
  • 1 ric 5 months - 2 rocks 6 months - the growth of the vocabulary and the pershі speech. Ditina is actively "chiplyak" new words, storehouse їkh at the rechennya. A collection of short phrases from 2 words, and more than a hundred "balacuns", then more in a new vocabulary stock;
  • 2 rocky 7 months - 3 rocky 6 months - grammatical device, consolidation of propositions. At the same time, the formulas of the propositions are already clear. Likewise, during the whole period, there are words of speech, promotion and presentation of history in a voice.

Brutal respect:

  1. Ladies fix trochies earlier, not lads. Smell do not get hungry to master phrases, ale it becomes more and more grown up, repeating words in that manner of twisting;
  2. The lads are better off, how to fix the words - tse "diy" and it is easier to put together grammatically correct propositions. To that, as soon as you get ready to speak, insure the specialness.

Chi varto panіkuvati?

Nasam before the rajah, to posterity for the behavior of the baby. There’s no way you can’t take a flight.

  • Call me "Movchuni", since I don’t want to talk yet, I don’t see any balakuch friends;
  • As soon as your belongings are unstoppable, vikonuє prokhannya, rozumіє, what if I want to - the drive for the rest is not guilty of being.

Try to take it, but there’s no one viku, if the children are on command to fix their talk, walk, independently, and very often. And it’s a hassle for them to work it all out at the command. Deyakі dіtlakhi move up to 3 rockіv, and then at the garden they fix it and say the best.

Yak intelligence, how is the situation beneficially infused into the development of movi?

If the child does not speak at 2 rocky, є sense wonder not only at її behavior, but th at dovkіlla. I respect you on the following factors:

  1. Actively spilkuvannya at the family;
  2. The visibility of continuous noise near the apartment (radio, television, computer);
  3. Spіlkuvannya with odnolіtki;

Krym tsyogo, your child will demand, the day will be sacred. Tsikavi tsikavi podii often help children talk. Especially, if the granny is going to power it up, as the day has passed, which is forgotten, and at the same time, a thick TV set does not sound.

Yak sponukati to rozmovi?

You can, your little darling, do not want to talk, but you don’t know what to ask for. A lot of children formulate propositions, they wake up in their own minds, but at every moment they curl up in their own minds.

Yaksho ditina not to speak at 2 rocky, why robiti? I repeat, do not be pretentious! Navchit the little one, speak not so fluently, yak richly hto lyakaє.

Now, tell your child, try the joy described below:

  • Do not bark the little thing, bark out. Negatively putting up to move to fold itself through those who grow older can misbehave.

Ask loved ones to get food even more seriously. Also, clarify the topic with the clerk in the nursery. Your little one is meritorious for a povaga, unimpressed on those who leave with gestures;

  • Be happy if your child speaks words. Laugh and catch the new sounds. You can find the meaning of the word "pidkorene";
  • Repeat the name of the object at once from the baby. The price can be spent on strolls, on the way to busy or to visit sitting at home;
  • Put more power. Be careful not to let the child get power. Do not interrupt and check messages;
  • Do not transfer bazhannya baby. Pointing at the bottle with your finger - let me in, don’t mind, I don’t want to;
  • Read more about the announcement, kazki, history. Sleep pisenki, sweep vershiki. Ditina maє chuti movu;
  • Don't just smudge it with a child, but rob it correctly. Do not twist the words, do not lisp;
  • Curl up at once from the baby. Children need navchit tsokati, visuvati mov, blow up miles of bulbs.

Important! Start your own, you will find new sounds and words. I will give you a picture of the development of vocabulary.

Why can you not cope with the child?

The reasons, through yaki ditin do not want to say in 2 rocky, dvі. The stench of offense is not tied up with ailments, traumas experienced and overclocking. You can do it without any problems.

  1. "Tisha" at the spilkuvanna with the child. Speech therapists, psychologists and educators recommend that they speak to new people for the first time.

For someone else, you can be awesome, even if your mother is not happy, she can cope for additional volumes, dotikiv, and tse zrozumile. Ale ditina makuti I’ll give it away from the ear itself, and I’ll get my mother’s interest to her. First and foremost, it’s easier to tell. If it’s still quiet, if you do it a little, correct the price and you can immediately change to the correct method.

I want to see it for myself, but the most beautiful splash is the tse gra. You play with the little grays, move around with them and for them, and the child will step in step by step and start the little clothes at once with you.

  1. Another reason is the same, as it seems the daddy is that іnshe otochennya. If mova is grown up near a child, a shvidka, a shvidka, an unclean woman, then children are not in a snake all the time repeat. Sound and Winnick is a problem, as you can see if you just made a tempy move. Moreover, not only at the spilkuvanna with the krykhta, but the first one, if they are in the immediate vicinity.

Easy ways of usuning bar'ariv at the baby

Okrіm mile quiet, light little siblings, as they often take part in lessons with a speech therapist, you can independently study with your balakun at home. For many of the simplest cunning.

  • Trick # 1:"Nicholas not mind" can help the child podolati bar'єr, and the dal's navchit її will be easy;

Play with the child at the gru, but you do not mind, you don't want to. Pointing your finger at the tsukerku, give your hand to the little one. Don't bark yo, do not laugh, but comically play the situation: "Oh, I am not a hassle."

It is also possible to grab with toys, as in front of it you need to grow up a lot, but the child did not get away. If I use gestures to explain what the tribute is to you, let me call you.

Important! Give me a skin, or give it a word, like a child of ma її nazivati. "Kitty", "Dog", "Lyalka Katya" is too thin.

If you hold out your little toy, repeat the step: “Give you a dog? Trim the dog. "

Little child will probably repeat all the words after you, but you can, as you often grateful, look out loud, but it won't take an hour to explain to the immature mature, it’s simple to say and immediately reject the need for riches.

It's joy! To develop tolerance up to balacuna-cob. Zatkavte yo yaskravoyu grashkoyu, but don’t let me see you. Make your way to the moment, if the child will repeat after you іm'ya games.

The reaction of the child is inadequate: screams, dullness with her feet - means "stop gri". It is impossible to play this game.

  • Trick # 2:"Najvazhlivishe doruchennya" easy way Navchit the little base from the happy people.

Children from the early years are to love, if they are dependent on the attitude. To that, you often ask the child to bring it, or learn from the tat, grandmother, who’s going to love the important information.

Obviously explain the little ones, as you lay on new hopes and who are not indifferent. Tilki vin can fit into such overwhelming zavdannya. It will become an incentive for a child, and even a viconati zavdannya, it is necessary to speak.

  • Trick # 3:"Agree for me."

All loves are the kind of way that helps children speak without fear of mercy. Look at the cob warehouse and sponse your little one to the house to hit you. The managers of the collective creativity of the child can “talk”. Ale in such a way, it’s not evil, it’s not boozy, like in the joke about the month;

One mother virishila navchit tell her little darling. I smelled the smell of the months.
- Let me share the month with you. Jan ...
- Var!
- Lute ...
- Ral!
- Ma ...
- RT!
- And dal herself, why can you?
- relay, ny, eh, thick ...

If you buy more for my pleasure, I can tell you exactly one thing: if the child does not speak at 2 rocky, if you want to get it, it’s not at all like a lady. Razmovyte, sleep, base that smut - have fun, and everything will be kind!

Malyata can fix it and speak admirably, if they are not just walking, but shyly big. And everything, before being seen before, is called the pre-speech period of development. First, as soon as the skin stages were completed in an hour, the daddies don't care about turbuvatsya. The head is the nobility, which is characteristic of the skin new gathering, which leads to the development of movi. The necessary data are given in the tables below.

Why doesn't it seem like a kid?

The reasons for the deterioration in the development of the move social(I will play the role of the situation, in which the baby develops) that physiological(tied to health).

Before social reasons tweak the development of the move, it is recognized as a lack of respect for the child: there is no need to speak, that is simply not enough to grow. Navkolishnya the situation is such, that mova consumes its value, for example, gradually turning on the TV set, growing up to voice-over with oneself, a little bit of third-party sounds. Ditina doesn’t sound out loud at the MOV, start to speak in a meaningful way with quotes from cartoons, often meaningful words. As soon as my mother reads to speak shyly, then the little boy doesn’t come across the words і vreshty-resht ceases to wake up to the senses of the grown-up and to convey to his new prodigy. It is often difficult to reach a problem with promiscuity among children with two-headed families, the little one simply does not know what my understanding is, he will master the offense at once, but for a longer period of time. And the hyperactive, puffed-up daddy, who guesses all the babe’s bastards, don’t mold at the new consumer’s and his own words, amuse the child of motivation before mastering the move. An analogous result is given by the envied vimogi and the didactic style. As soon as the members of the family zaschuyut the little one and change the correct words and phrases, then the little one ceases to imitate.

Before physiological reasons tweaks to the development of movi to apply:

  1. Loss of hearing.
  2. Incompletely adjusted organs of articulation - lips, tongue, soft baby.
  3. Stress - alteration, batkivski welding, screams.
  4. Damage to the brain, which was diagnosed through the internal uterine and severe injuries, fall, or severe illness in an early age.

Take note of the physiological progress of the development of the move, as it’s not enough for all the signals to be ignored by the sound signals, don’t buzz, don’t laugh at looking at the maws, don’t show the complex with the hands , like a single voice reaction є a thick cry.

Why is Movi so important time-consuming development?

If you don’t live on entering, then because of the growth of the baby, there will be a lot of vidhilen at the development of the mov and will be zbilshuvatisya:

  • Do 1.5-2 rocky The little one cannot win his name, name the objects, just a command, for example, wave his hand, go to mommy, point to the little cat.
  • Do 2.5 rocky You will not succumb to the proposition of two words (mom, let’s go for a walk). Changes in the behavior of the baby, when spilkuvanni vіn magatizatsya vikoristovuvati not so many communes (mіmіku, tin).
  • Do 3 rocky The covering of the child's development in the child's camp is especially cleaned from the side. Navit todi, if the daddy doesn’t pay homage to the problem, do not miss it. Malya speaks to me with her own, nezulyuyu to navіla for mami, nadto shvidko, kovtayuchi parts of the word abo, navpaki, at the matched tempo. It is difficult for a new person to have a hard time overremoveing ​​(a cry can be suppressed by a small shmotochka), and also because of sleepiness. Such a child constantly opens her mouth for no apparent reason (undead).

Covering the mobile development: if you go to the liquor?

Before we start to talk about it, we’ll catch up on the development of movi, we have more chances, but the child can read normally at the school. Schob get to the bottom for the right reason Problems can be known to the brain (rheoencephalography, ultrasonography, computer tomography, magnetic-nuclear resonance), which can help a doctor - a neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc. A defectologist is included in up to 2 children. A neuropsychiatrist or an orthodontist is responsible for a 3-day visit, and a speech therapist for 4–5 years. Not included і lykarska, physiotherapy and animalotherapy.

The first way to transfer drugs is to actively vitalize the neurons of the brain, as well as to stimulate the movement of measles. Physiotherapy - massage, magnitotherapy, electroreflexotherapy - infusion into the brain zones with the help of reduced blood flow to the memory.

Promising straightforward corrections of newer tips to get involved in animalotherapy (in English Animal - a creature): to enjoy the brothers of our smaller ones - horses, dolphins, dogs. I especially respect those who come to the finger and crumbling games, painting, adolescence, aplication, special mobile games, the development of healthy and auditory respect, the improvement of the passive vocabulary, as well as the active punishment of minds for the same Call with usunenny reasons for slaughter and competently organized treatment up to the elder preschool education children from the front of the world develop their own one-liners. The efficiency of the great world is to be found in zusil batkiv.

Schob mova ditini developed correctly, daddy needs:

from 0 to 3 months affectionately roaming with a child, sleeping, standing up, snuggling, walking around the cassock, the little one zmig stitch for the localization of sounds;

from 3 to 6 months razmovlyat with a child, wicked sounds at the vidpovid (babble) and heard radio, smirk, smir;

from 6 to 12 months stimulate belkit, enter into dialogue, if the little belkoche, bagatorazovy repeat simple words"mom", "give", "kitty", vivchati vikonannya rukhiv and diy after the word of the grown-up: "okay", "give me a pen", "give me a hand", "give a little game";

from 12 to 24 months vivchati name strav (porridge, cutlet), dishes, furniture, odyagu, tvarin, ptahiv, chastin tila; development of intelligence between objects and objects ("bird beak grain"); navchit vikonuvati instructions for 2-3 days: "Come on,", "Take that", "Bring me");

from 24 to 36 months showing small folding objects, diy, pictures, supervising knowledge with verbal explanations; to confuse the senses in sleep without a supervisor by means of direct images, the rumor is not great; read the words, read the words correctly; provokuvati vislovlyuvannya, vchit pass the hostility, nazivati ​​the power of objects.

The development stage of the development of children from 0 to 5 years

Вік Voices of reactions and development of movi

Radio, dumb kind of short and the same type of sounds, but not to mislead the necessary meaning, but to indicate good self-esteem.

Possibility to experiment with voiced sounds - raztyaguvannya "a-a-a", "e-e-e", "o-o-o"; malyuk gulyє, "vorkuє".

The sound of the voices of voice sounds: "oo-oo-oo-oo".

5 months

Until the voices are accustomed to voices, the "words" become overwhelmed by those rіznomanіtnіshim.

6 months

Weed, from growing up a free dialogue, one hour listening to the sound of the sound, magnetizing the sound of it. The senses of the sentient, maybe for an hour shut up, to reconsider the reaction of the older one.

7 months

In the stream of unruly sounds, you can see around warehouses and find short words.

8 months

To learn to imitate sounds, іtuyuchi grown up, like the moon, like the beginning of the meaning.

9 months

First lodged words (ma-ma); I repeat the folds with intelligent voice modulations.

10 months

To hear in the language and inheritance, there are new words and words ("on", "av"). Knowing the meaning of words, shrugging my mother, playing a little girl, put my finger on her nose.

11 months

Vidtvoryu sounds to the government approval. Number of lodged layers of growth trocha. In these words of a child, a child can contribute, and substitute them for the whole proposition.

12 months

Ditina already knows about 10 times, and you might feel it again. Rose monday 20 sliv. For girls, the period should be repaired earlier.

12-18 months

The words "mom", "tato", "baba", "uncle", "titka", "am-am" (є). Sound-addictive words: "av-av" (dog), "tik-tak" (godinnik), "mu-mu" (cow), etc. All men get used to a nasal vidminka in one.

18-20 months

Namagatsya zv'yazati two words at the phrase ("Mom, give!"), Vikoristovu vinyatkovo nakazovy way dієsliv ("Idi-ydi!", "Give-give!").

20-22 months

I'm form many(Riznitsya mіzh in one subject and decіlkoma is even more direct).

22-24 months

Glossary syaga 300 words Іmenniki become approximately 63%, dієwords - 23%, іnshі parts of the move - 14%. Spіlok is mute. The period of food is "what is it?"

There are grammatical forms - views, parts. A collection of generic, sometimes given, tools and use. A little bit rich-meaning phrases, appendages of speech, spiluchni spiluchni and haremenny.

Dovgi phrases, spravzhny monologues. Period food "what?"

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