Compassionate pledge. Pledge of the verb is

Verb Pledge

The verb category, denoting various relations between the subject and the object of the action, which find their expression in the forms of the verb. According to the most common modern theory, such forms are either formations with an affix-Xia (wash-wash), or passive participles (washed, washed). Deposit values ​​are expressed only by transitive verbs, since only they can show changes in the relationship between the subject and the object of the action, which are reflected in the above forms. Intransitive verbs (run, sit, breathe, shout, etc.) that do not have an affix -xia, as well as reflexive verbs (with an affix -xia) that do not have log values:

a) verbs with -sya, formed from intransitive verbs (to threaten, knock, turn white, etc.);

b) c-verbs, formed from transitive verbs, but isolated by their lexical meaning (obey, choke, etc.);

c) impersonal verbs with-it (dusk, it would be desirable, it seems, I can't sleep);

d) verbs used only in a returnable form (to be afraid, proud, hope, laugh, etc.).

The valid voice, the form of the voice, indicating that the action indicated by the transitional verb is directed to a direct object, expressed in the accusative form without a preposition. A student reads a book. Young people love sports. Return-medium (medium-return) pledge, form of pledge, formed from the transitive verb (active pledge) by means of an affix -xia, showing the direction of the action to its producer, concentration of the action in the subject itself.

Varieties of the value of the return-average margin:

1) Self-reflexive verbs, denoting an action, the subject and object of which are one and the same person (the suffix -xia means “itself”). Shoe, undress, wash.

2) Mutually reflexive verbs, denoting the action of two or more persons, each of which is simultaneously the subject of the action and the object of the same action by another producer (the suffix -cm means “each other”). Hugging, kissing.

3) General return verbs, denoting the internal state of the subject, closed in him, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject (these verbs allow the addition of the words “himself”, “himself”). Delighted, grieve, stop, move.

4) Indirect verbs, indicating the action performed by the subject for himself, in their own interests. Stock up (notebooks), assemble (on the way), pack.

5) Object-free return verbs, denoting action outside the relation to the object, as a permanent active or passive property of the subject. Nettle is burning. The cow is butting. The dog bites. Threads are torn. The wire bends.

The passive pledge, the form of the pledge, showing that the person or object acting as the subject in the proposal does not produce an action (is not its subject), but experiences someone's action (is its object). Valid and passive voices are relative by value: wed: the plant fulfills the plan (construction with a valid voice) - the plan is carried out by the factory (construction with a passive voice). In a real construction (with a transitional verb), the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is the accusative case without a preposition, whereas in the passive structure (with a reflexive verb), the subject becomes the object of the action, and the subject turns out to be an addition in the form of the instrumental case. The suffering meaning is created either by affixing an affix to the verbs of the actual voice (the project is prepared by the engineer), or by the passive participles (the work is written by the student). The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the presence of the instrumental case with the meaning of the subject of the action.

In the history of the development of the theory of collateral, there were different points of view. Some grammatists saw in tax the expression of the relation of an action only to an object, others — the expression of the relation of an action ;; ko to the subject, the third - the expression of the relation of the action to both the object and the subject.

The traditional theory of pledges, leading from the theory of six pledges advanced by M. V. Lomonosov, persists until the middle of the nineteenth century. and ends with work f. I. Buslaeva, in whom this theory gets the most complete expression. Buslaev singled out six pledges: real (student reads a book), passive (son is loved by mother), middle (sleep, walk), returnable (wash, dress), reciprocal (quarrel, put up) and common (fear, hope).

The category of pledge by linguists of this period was understood as a category that expresses the relation of an action to an object. In this connection, the concept of pledge and the concept of transitivity-intransition have been identified. In parallel with the transitivity-intransigence, another principle was used as the basis for distinguishing voices: distinguishing verbs with an affix -xia and verbs without this affix. The mixture of two principles did not allow building a consistent theory of collateral. The category of the pledge receives a fundamentally different interpretation in the works of K. S. Aksakov and especially F. F. Fortunatov. In the article “On the Pledge of the Russian Verb” (1899), Fortunatov considers pledges as verb forms that express the attitude of action to a subject. Instead of the lexico-syntactic principle of Fortunates, the basis for the classification of pledges is the grammatical correlation of forms: the formal sign of a pledge is the affix-xia, so only two taxes are allocated - refundable and non-refundable. The concept of collateral and the concept of transitivity-intransitivity is delimited, but the relationship of the collateral values ​​with the values ​​of transitivity-intransitivity is taken into account. Other researchers (A. A. Potebnya, A. A. Shakhmatov) considered pledge as a category expressing subject-object relations. Shakhmatov lays the basis of the theory of pledge on the sign of transitivity-intransition and identifies three pledges: real, passive and returnable. A subtle analysis of the basic meanings of the affix-cm for reflexive verbs is given. This analysis, as well as the principle of distinguishing three pledges, is reflected in the academic “Grammar of the Russian Language” (1952).

Based on the fact that “the ratio and opposition of active and passive revolutions is the historical correct category of pledge,” V. V. Vinogradov indicates that the category of pledge in modern Russian is expressed primarily in the ratio of reflexive and non-return forms of the same verb . According to A.V. Bondarko and L. L. Bulanin, “a pledge is a common Slavonic category that finds expression in the opposition of the forms of real and passive pledges. This opposition is based on the parallelism of active and passive structures "

Dictionary-reference linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd - M .: Enlightenment. Rosenthal, E.E., Telenkova, M.A.. 1976 .

See what the "verb pledge" is in other dictionaries:

    valid deposit - Pledge of the verb, denoting the active action that is performed by the subject expressed by the subject. An indicator of the actual voice is the transitivity of the verb and the presence of a direct object or its equivalent ...

    deposit return-medium  - Verb pledge, denoting an active action, directed at the subject himself, which has particular meanings of reflexivity: 1) actually returnable (to dress); 2) mutually returnable (correspond); 3) generally recurrent (rejoice); 4) active ... ... Linguistic Dictionary of Terms The draw

    1. DEPOSIT, a; 1. Providing the loan to be received by transferring to the creditor some l. property or what kind of l. values. Give under the h. gold watch Z. property. // The amount of money contributed to the enforcement of obligations. 2. what. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. ZALOG1, pledge, husband. 1. Same as a mortgage in 1 character. "The father could not understand him and gave the land as a pledge." Pushkin. Loan secured match industry. 2. Symbol, proof of something, guarantee in something (book). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Pledge: Pledge in civil law, property or other valuables owned by the pledger and serving as partial or full security to guarantee repayment of the loan. The pledge amount to the state as a pledge ... ... Wikipedia

    passive voice  - Pledge, denoting a passive action that is performed by the subject, a pronounced addition. An indicator of the passive voice is the recurrence of the verb formed from the transitive by means of the sya, and the presence in the form of TV. additions with ... ... Linguistic Dictionary of Terms The draw

    A pledge, a grammatical category of a verb, expressing different ratios of an action and its participants or different representations of these relations in a message. Thus, with a reflexive Z., the verb expresses the identity of the subject and the object of the action ("he ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

From the history. Categorythe pledge has been and remains to this day the subject of close attention by many linguists. “... Different grammatists understood differently the volume and grammatical content of the category of pledge; some saw in the pledge only a reflection of the relationship of action to the object, others included in the range of pledge values, in excess of object relations, and different relations of action to the subject, others sought to limit the concept of pledge to the expression of the relation to the subject. ”

The traditional theory of pledges, leading from the six pledges of M.V. Lomonosov, preserved until the beginning of the XIX century. and ends with the works of F.I. Buslaeva, in whom this theory gets the most in-depth development.

The category of pledge by linguists of this period is understood as a category that expresses the relation of an action to an object. In this connection, the concepts of pledge and transitivity-intransition have been identified. In parallel with the transitivity-intransigence, another principle was used as the basis for distinguishing the voice: distinguishing verbs with an affix -xia and verbs without this affix. The confusion of these two principles made it impossible to build a consistent theory of collateral.

F.F. Fortunatov in the article “On the pledges of the Russian verb” talks about the pledges as verb forms that express the attitude of action to a subject. Instead, the lexical-syntactic principle of F.F. Fortunatov laid down the grammatical correlation of forms as the basis for the classification of pledges. The formal sign of a pledge is an affix. -sietherefore, there are two bails (refundable and non-refundable). F.F. Fortunatov refuses to identify the pledge and transitivity-intransition, but points to the connection between the pledge values ​​and the transitivity-intransition values.

Other researchers (AA Potebnya, AA Shakhmatov) considered the pledge as a category expressing subject-object relations.

A.A. Shakhmatov lays the basis of the theory of pledge as a sign of transitivity-intransition and identifies three pledges (real, passive, refundable). Chess game gives a subtle analysis of the basic values ​​of the affix -siehave reflexive verbs.

Transitive and intransitive verbs.Transitive and intransitive verbs differ in meaning. The basis of this distinction is the relation to the object of action expressed by the verb. TO transitionalinclude verbs with the meaning of an action directed at an object that changes or produces this object - the object of action: read a book, expand the sleeve, sew a suit. TO intransitiveincludes verbs denoting movement and position in space, physical and moral condition, for example: to fly, to hurt, to stand, to suffer. The lexical meaning of transitive and intransitive verbs is associated with their syntactic difference: transitive verbs are combined with the object designation in the accusative case without a preposition, and intransitive verbs require addition only in indirect cases without a preposition or prepositions; Wed: be in love(whom? what?) - transitive verb to help(to whom? what?) is an intransitive verb. In transitive verbs, the object of the action can be expressed by the genitive case in two cases: a) to designate a part of the object: drink some water buy bread; b) in the presence of negation with the verb: did not read newspapers, did not receive a salary, has no right. Usually transitive and intransitive verbs do not have their own specific morphological features. However, some types of verb word formation are indicators of the verb's transitivity and intransigence. So, all verbs with an affix are intransitive -sie(cf .: convince - make sure), and also pronounced verbs with suffix -eand - lich - (- icha-): to grow weak, to lose weight, to tinker, to be greedy, to pick and chooseetc. To transitive belong verbs, formed from adjectives by suffix - and: blacken, plant treesetc. In some cases, attachment of prefixes to intransitive non-prefixed verbs turns them into transitional ones; Wed: harm(to whom; to what?), neutralize(who? what?). Depending on the lexical meaning, the same verb can act as a transitional and intransitive: Editormanuscript rules. - The world rules  the man himself(M.). With intransitive verbs, the accusative case is possible without a preposition, but only with the meaning of space or time: Troops are comingday  andnight(P.).

The grammatical category of a pledge is a verb category that expresses the relation of action to the subject (the producer of the action) and the object of the action (the subject on which the action is performed). For example: 1) General sharplystopped  car near his tent(Cat.). The verb stopped has a form of pledge that expresses an attitude of action ( stopped) to the subject ( general) and the action object ( a car) covered by the action in full; 2) ... A small cart, drawn by a troika of exhausted horses,stopped  in front of the porch(T.). Verb Collateral Form stoppeddenotes an action that closes in the subject itself ( cart), not passing on the object. Difference of verb forms stoppedand stoppedin the above sentences there is a difference of collateral.

Pledges and their education.The grammatical means of expressing voices can be morphological and syntactic. Morphological means in the formation of collateral are: a) affix -sieattached to the verb: to rejoice - to rejoice; b) suffixes of real and passive participles (cf .: the seer iswho sawand visible - seen). The syntactic means of expressing collateral values ​​are: a) a syntactic difference in the expression of the subject and the object of the action (cf .: Wavesblur  shore.- shoreeroded  in waves); b) the presence of the object of action and the complete absence of it (cf .: Rainincreases  harvest - Rainbegins); c) the difference of forms and meanings of nouns controlled by a verb (cf .: The contract isbrigadier. - The contract is concludedwith the foreman).

The main pledges are: real, medium, and passive.

Active voicehave transitive verbs, denoting the action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The actual pledge has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the action is the subject, and the object is an addition in the accusative case without a preposition: The world will win the war.

Average refundhave verbs derived from transitive verbs (valid voice) by affix -sie. They express the action of the subject, not passing on to a direct object, but as it were, returning to the subject itself, concentrated in it; Wed: return the bookand return(most), pay attentionand to focus(most).

Depending on the lexical meaning of the fundamentals and the nature of the syntactic links, the verbs of the mean-return voice can express shades of meaning that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action in different ways.

    Proper returnverbs express an action whose subject and direct object are the same person: [Daughters] perfume   Yesprimamadatsyathat dollsdress up(D. Bed.). Affix -siein these verbs means "self".

    Reciprocatingverbs denote the action of several persons, of which each person is simultaneously the subject and object of the indicated action. Affix -siethese verbs mean "each other": And new friends wellembracewellkiss(Cr.).

    General returnverbs express the internal state of the subject, closed in the subject itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject. Such verbs allow the addition of the words "most", "himself" - grieve(most); grieved, moved(myself): Popadya Baldado not praise, Pops about Balda only andgrieves(P.).

    Indirect returnverbs denote an action performed by a subject in their own interests for themselves: He was a neat guy. Everybodystocking up   in the way back(P.).

    Non-returnableverbs denote action outside the relation to the object, closed in the subject as its constant property: Ohburns   Sun(N.); Mother darned sheepskin coat, but he stillwas torn   andwas torn(Paust.)

Passive voiceby value, it corresponds to the real voice, but it has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by joining the verbs of the actual voice of the affix -sie(cf .: Workersare building  houses. - Housesbeing built  by workers). In addition, the meaning of the passive voice can be expressed in the forms of the passive participles — full and brief. For example: Motherlove  (favorite). Themestudied  (studied). Comparison of designs - The factory fulfills the plan(valid design) and The plan is carried out by the factory(passive construction) shows that in the actual construction (with a transitional verb) the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is added in the accusative case, and in the passive (with return verb) the object becomes the object, and the former subject turns out to be the addition in the instrumental case. Thus, the passive voice represents action as passively directed from object to subject.

The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the instrumental case of the noun with the meaning of the actor, the real subject of the action. The absence of such an instrumental case brings together the passive meaning of the verb with the average return, especially in the case when the subject is the name of the person (cf .: Skiers go hiking; Letters are sent by mail; Parcels are sentforwarder).

The theory of determining the bond Bondarko.Includes all verbs. The theory is based on the relationship between the subject and the predicate. The subject is considered as a carrier of the verb characteristic (integral). The relation of the verb to the subject is a differential feature. If the action is directed from the subject - the actual pledge (centrifugal), if the action is directed to the subject - the passive pledge (centripetal). Since intransitive verbs cannot have an object of action, they are always in a valid voice. In indefinite-personal and definitely-personal sentences, the value of the pledge is weakened, in impersonal ones the pledge sign is neutralized. The passive voice usually has postfix sya.

Theory of pledge Shakhmatova / Vinogradov.Pledge - GK, expressing the relationship of the subject and the object of the verb to the subject and the object of the sentence. There are 3 pledges: valid, passive, average.

Active voice.Indicates the action of the transitional verb, performed by the subject of the action (subject) and directed at the object of action (direct object). All transitive verbs can potentially have the meaning DZ. Morphological indicators DZ has not. It is expressed syntactically: by the presence of an action, a subject of an action, an object of an action. The forms of all persons and moods of the verb can have the meaning DZ - the value of the activity of the action in relation to the subject.

Passive voice.The subject of the action and the subject of the sentence are split into two within the sentence. The subject of the sentence (subject) becomes the object of action of the verb. And the subject of the action of the verb becomes the object of the sentence in Tv.p. # The door opens by the doorman. This gives rise to the value of passive action in relation to the subject. The form of the expression SZ - the passive construction + sya, joins the transitive verb. When translating DZ into NW, one should keep in mind that only the verbs HB in the 3rd person are capable of this. From transitional verbs CB Sz is formed with the help of the passive participles of CB.

Syntax DZ and SZ.In the context, the subject or object of the action may be lost. # I build a house (the pledge remains). Distribute newspapers. Article is being reprinted.

The average refund.Indicates that the action performed by the subject does not go to the object, but closes on the subject itself. # Mom washes. Only transitive verbs, when joined, form the SVZ, and the transitivity is lost. The importance of concentration on the manufacturer itself is common to the SVZ.

Varieties of SVZ:1. Actually-returnable - shows that the action performed by the subject, returns to him and makes changes in the appearance or physical appearance of the subject. The subject of the action is a person or an animal. # dress up. 2. Reciprocal - an action is performed mutually by two persons or several subjects of the action, which are also objects at the same time. # put up. 3. General return - the value of the concentration of action on its producer (the state, himself, himself) # mourn. 4. Indirectly - the action of the subject is performed for himself, in his own interests # to gather. 5. Active-objectless (property of an animate object - the dog bites) and passive-quality (property of an inanimate object - a burr prickly).

Do not have a deposit.1. Intransitive verbs without SJ (sleep). 2. Verbs derived from intransitive + sya (knock). 3. Verbs that are not used without SJ (laugh). 4. Verbs derived from transitives, when sya introduces a new meaning (pretend). 5. Impersonal verbs (get dark).

Active voice.

Indicates that the action performed by the subject goes directly to the object. The value of the pledge is expressed in a syntactic way, since: the presence of a direct addition to blames. case without preposition. All prereh. Verbs have this pledge.

Passive voice.

Calls an action experienced by a person or object by another person or object. The producer of the action is called an add-in creates. case, and the subject is designated to be in im.adadezhe. The suffering value is created by or joining camping   to the verbs is valid. Pledge or suffer. participles. Grammatical The indicator is presence. case with the value of the subject of action.

Extra-verb verbs include:

  • All nepeh. camping
  • All ch.s camping  , aboutintransitive
  • Impersonal ch camping   (napping)
  • Ch. with camping   to-rye joining. bailiff-suffik.sposob. (eat-eat).

The nature of the collateral opposition.

In concepts that highlight active and passive, the question of the type of opposition formed by these forms is discussed. Three points of view are expressed: the indicative (marked) member of the unequal (privative) opposition is the passive (Isachenko, A.V. Bondarko, Bulanin, etc.); a characteristic (marked) member of an unequal (privative) opposition is an asset (Sh. J. Weirenc), an asset and a liability form an equivalent (equivalent) opposition (M.V. Panov, Korolev). In the owls. language knowledge in the beginning. 70s. the universal theory was put forward 3., which allows to describe forms 3 in a uniform way. unrelated languages. In this theory, along with the concept 3. the concept of diathesis is used and 3. it is defined as “grammatically marked in the verb of diathesis” (A. A. Kholodovich), that is, it stands out when in the language ime! verb lexemes, different the word forms to-ryh correlate with different diathesis, that is, with different correspondences between lexeme roles and sentence members expressing these roles.

Communication with nepereh. Only transitive verbs and verbs derived from them possess a catalony. All nepereh. verbs are out of pledge.

The expression forms of the collateral opposition depend on the category of the verb type. NSV lexemes form a passive voice using postfix -sie, which is attached to the corresponding forms of valid pledge: chitel organizes excursion - excursion is organizeda teacher.There are other ways of expressing the passive voice in the verbs of the NNW, but they are not regular. We are talking about the forms of brief passive parts of the present and the past time: As a faithful student, I was caress  by all(Bruce.); Reddened, she apologized that she had come to visit them, at least is called  and was not. The irregularity of such forms is explained by the limited opportunities for the formation of the passive participles of the verbs NSV, their literary character and low use. The passive voice forms of the Holy Spirit are analytic: they consist of the auxiliary verb “to be” and a brief passive participle: Professor read  lecture - Lecture reada professor.Very rarely CB verbs form a passive voice using postfix. -sie: News of the fate of this woman will be sent  me here(L. T.); Soon from this samovapa will pour  boiling water glasses(Cat.).

Lexical-semantic and grammatical features of the verbal forms of the passive voice

In the passive voice, the grammatical subject designates the object of the action, and the grammatical addition in the form of the instrumental case is the subject of the action. This addition is called the subject: Space is studied by people. The house is built by carpenters. Water is pumped by the pump. The rights of citizens are protected by the state  (instead of T. n. some prepositional-case forms may be used: The boy was well brought up by the familyThe boy is well brought up by family  and The boy is well brought up in the family).  Active and passive constructs are transformed into each other without changing the general meaning of the sentence. This transformational property is mandatory for word forms that form the opposition on bail. It must be taken into account when determining the passive voice. For example, the sentence Oh, so he enticed Taneyu  can be converted to So Tanya seduced him  but it changes its meaning. And that means was seduced  not a passive form of the verb seduce  At the semantic level, the voice includes three components: action, object and subject, but in the syntactic structure of the sentence, the subject is not always expressed as a separate member.

Returnable deposit (reciprocating-average, medium-return)

Indicates that the action returns to the subject, concentrates and closes itself in the subject. (The arrow is moving, the air is heating up). Formed from verbs valid. Pledge with postfix sya Combines several pledge groups that make up its varieties:

  • Actually returnable. Changes in appearance (wash, comb)
  • Reciprocating. The action is performed by at least two people. (Kiss, swear, meet)
  • General return value. The internal state of the subject
  • (rejoice, have fun, fool around), as well as movements that the subject makes (turn, bow).
  • Indirectly refundable. Action in their favor. (Stocking up)
  • Active-objectless value. Action as a property. (The dog bites, nettle splits)
  • Passive-quality values. The subject's ability to undergo this action (the glass breaks, the stick breaks, the wax melts).
  • Reciprocating. Depending on the context, express or suffer. or general return value. (Latecomers are recorded by the duty officer- Students are recorded in a circle).

Reflexive verbs are verbs with postfix -s,. All reflexive verbs are intransitive. They are formed both from transitive verbs (to distinguish - to differ, to delight - to rejoice, to dress - to dress), and from intransitive (to knock - to knock, to blacken - to blacken).

Differences between homonymous return verbs and return forms of the passive voice.

Since the return postfix in Russian is homonymous (word-forming and form-generating), we must distinguish between reflexive verbs and reflexive forms of the verb.

Ways to distinguish reflexive verbs and reflexive verb forms

Syntactic properties:

  • Returnable verbsact in active designs.
  • Returnable formsverbs are used in passive constructions.
  • Returnable verbsdo not allow for transformation by collateral.
  • Returnable forms  Verbs allow transformation into an active construct.
  • Returnable verb forms  spread by addition in the instrumental case.
  • Returnable verbsdo not extend addition in the instrumental case.
  • Returnable verbdistributed by participial circulation.
  • Returnable verb form  does not extend to verbalization.
  • Returnable verb  combined with pronoun myself.
  • Returnable verb form  not compatible with pronoun myself.
  • Subject to reflexive verb  - animate or inanimate noun.
  • Subject to return verb form  only inanimate noun.

Shoelaces unleashedthe verb of the perfect form, reflexive, valid voice.

Opinion exchange continuesreflexive form of the verb.

Ranks people are givenand people can be deceived  - are given(reflexive form of the verb); be deceived(reflexive verb).

The composition and value of morphemes:

Reflexive verb forms  are formed from transitive verbs (build (sy), assemble (sy)) by means of joining postfix campingwhich is inflexive and does not form the basis. This also includes the formation of impersonal verb forms like (I would like to want the grammatical form of the irreducible verb), it works (the grammatical form of the irreducible verb to work).

Reflexive verbs  - these are intransitive verbs, with postfix camping  (Smile, laugh).

The hotel is built by a travel company (reflexive form of the verb to build).

Sounds are far apart (reflexive verb).

Letters are carried by the postman. (Reflexive form of the verb distribute)

Cases of non-demarcation of homonymous return forms and reflexive verbs in speech

It is very important to be able to distinguish two homonymous forms: a passive voice and a middle return voice (or reflexive verb). This can be done only in context. Wed: Workers build a house (no –xia, valid security). The house is built by the workers (there is, the object acts as the subject, and the subject turned out to be an addition in the form of the instrumental case, the passive voice). Ivan has been under construction for many years (there is a –xia, but the action is not directed at the object, but as it were, returns to the subject itself, produced by the subject in their own interests, the average return pledge or the reflexive verb of the valid voice). When using verbs, one should consider the possibility that they have two meanings - passive and returnable, which can give rise to ambiguity: Lost in the streets here(do they come or are they collected?). In matching pairs to circle- spin-spit-splashmake up your mindthe first (non-returnable) forms are characterized as general literary, the second - as colloquial. Not recommended to playinstead play.  In matching pairs to threaten-threaten to knock-knock-to cleanetc., the reflexive verb has the significance of greater intensity of action, of interest in its result; Wed: he knocked on the door-he knocked on the door to open it.Stylistically, these forms differ in that the forms on -siepeculiar to a reduced style of speech. In meaning become white (green, red, blacketc.) only irrevocable form is used: strawberry blushes in the sun(becomes red or more red), silver blackens from time to time, the fox’s fur in its sock turns yellow.