What dreams of a man nursing a child. Interpretation of sleep nursing dream

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Children - cash care or in affairs, debts.

How to interpret the dream "Nursing"

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman dreams. That she is nursing her child - in reality awaiting her very pleasant activities. If a young woman is nursing in a dream with someone else's child - this is a sign that she will achieve a responsible position in society and the respect of others around her if a man ...

Nursing - to see in a dream

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Nursing - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

What does nursing dream mean

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dreams "Nursing" in a dream

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Sense of sleep about nursing

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Caring, vanity, anxiety.

Dreaming Nursing, nanny, nurse - interpretation in the dream book

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business. To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries. Nanny, living in or invited - a sign of the disease of children or inappropriate invasion of your life. Breake down …

Interpretation and interpretation of sleep Nursing, nanny, nurse

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business. To nurse a child - to suffer from debts and worries a nanny, living in a house or invited - is a sign of illness of children or inappropriate invasion of your life. Breake down …

If you dream Nursing, what is it for?

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a woman, to nurse your child is something pleasant. Alien child - you will take a responsible post and achieve respect in society. For a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream of nursing with a child

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Perform troublesome duties.

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Nursing

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business. It is not worth refusing from it, since it depends on how you act in this situation ...

What the dream foretells: Nursing

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.

What the dream foretells: Nursing

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To vain persuasion, humiliation.

If you had a dream - nursing

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Carry out plans that are predestined to remain just plans.

Dreamed a dream "Children"

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Joy and success in the very near future. Very beautiful - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance. Sick children - to joy. Crying children - to trouble. To lull a child in a dream - you will believe false promises, show excessive gullibility. To see a small child ...

Dream Interpretation: why someone else dreams of someone else

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In general, to see someone else's unfamiliar child in a dream does not mean grief or misfortune: if you overcome difficulties on the way, a great reward, joy or money reward awaits you. To dream of another child means that you are consciously or subconsciously in front of ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of a child

   Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To beat a child's boy in a dream - to experiences associated with problems at work. Ailing child dreams of losing a loved one. Want more positive and carelessness. It happens that girls try on the image of a boy in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes emotional irritation ...

In a dream, had to nurse a child? You are waited by the vital period filled with cares and experiences. Why else dream so nontrivial way? Dream interpretation will share all the secrets of interpretation.

Be patient!

Dreamed you were cradling a baby? Dream interpretation guarantees - you will start a business that will require maximum investment of forces and resources. Be patient: the company will certainly bring decent success.

Did you have a chance to nurse an infant who was constantly crying? The interpretation of the dream is the opposite - in reality everything will be fine, and you will easily achieve the desired.

Count on yourself!

In a dream, nursing a child smiling and satisfied means that in real life there will be family scandals and disputes over trifles.

If a girl dreamed, then the marriage will be successful, if the boy, then to achieve a stable position will have to rely solely on their own strength.

Income or failure?

What else is the dream that I had the opportunity to nurse the child's boy? If the boy was crying and you could not calm him down, then you will have to face financial difficulties.

Dreamed that you lulled the boy? Trouble is coming, associated with difficult, but low-paid work.

To entertain a very young boy in a dream - to a series of failures, both in career and in love.

If it was an older boy, then your determination and diligence will bring incredible income.

All the best!

What is the dream of nursing a girl? Dream interpretation is sure that this is a happy omen of good luck and happiness.

If a vision dreamed of a man, then he would meet friends with whom he had not seen for a long time. A woman to nurse a girl - to the concerns associated with family, relatives and children.

Miller's statement

Dream Miller, in turn, argues that the woman to nurse with children in a dream - to deceive a man whom she trusts entirely.

Get ready for the difficulties!

It was possible to nurse the child quite small? Dream interpretation believes that the path to the goal will be thorny, and only increased efficiency and patience will lead to deserved success.

Had to persuade the unusually capricious Maltz? Fate decides to test your strength and present an unpleasant surprise.

Do not exaggerate!

If you happen to be babysitting with a crying baby, then you are too fixated on your problems. Everything is not as scary as it seems.

To see in a dream how children are nursing a little child, in the opinion of the dream book, means that you will experience a feeling of true joy and satisfaction.

Consider the nuances

Dreamed that you were nursing your baby? Nayavu come troubles and worries about a business or a familiar person.

If at all it happened to see your child in a dream, then the dream book advises first of all to take into account its condition and appearance.

  • Plump, ruddy - to pleasant troubles.
  • Whiny, thin - to unpleasant worries.
  • Dirty - to the disease.
  • Sick - to waste, loss.
  • Ugly - to confrontation, conflicts.
  • Beautiful - to companionship.
  • Strong - to disinterested help.

Show restraint!

Why dream of nursing a child completely alien? Occurring events lead you to the extreme excitement and prevent adequately look at the situation.

Calming someone else's baby in a dream is bad. This means that you will feel your own helplessness.

Happened to see someone else's boy in his arms? Dream interpretation believes that someone will try to use illegal tricks against you, relying on your good heart and non-conflict.

Activities or Activities

What is the dream Nursing Alien Child?

Dream interpretation nursing someone else's child

  What if in a dream you had to nurse a child? Maybe this night vision just says that you love children or want to get your own offspring?

Games with children

The term “baby-nursing” means different things.. Some people think that it means to rock the baby, others look wider and say that it is also a game with a baby. But the dream in which you played with your child, yours or someone else's, is worthy of attention.

Predictions of interpreters of dreams

To rock a baby in a dream

First of all, it’s worth figuring out what is generally dreaming about babysitting with a child, according to most dream books.
  And although many say that such a dream brings troubles, there are other versions.

Magic dream book

When in a dream you were playing with a baby, you are destined to minor troubles. It does not matter whether your baby or someone else was.

Spring dream book

Why nurse with a child? The dreamer will have to deal with someone who does not want to take your arguments into account.

Esoteric interpreter

Play in a dream with a baby

Nursing with a child in a dream - there will be difficulties with their plans. Unfortunately, you will not be able to bring them to life.

Autumn dream

This interpreter considers a similar dream for people born in the fall and early winter. It is believed that if they dream of a similar dream, they will lovingly carry a certain idea. It only depends on the dreamer whether he will be able to bring it to life.

Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

This dream book to nurse a child is considered as some kind of care. The dreamer may be very busy at work, or the household will force him to engage in minor household troubles.

Summer dream

This interpreter considers a similar dream from the position that the dreamer will soon be married. Your chosen one or the chosen one will be a weak, weak-willed person, unable to make decisions.

Sleep promises a lot of worries

Interpreter of the Wanderer

This source perceived such a dream not only as the presence of small worries and fuss. The dreamer will overcome the general anxiety. You will expect trouble, but not understand which side it will come from.

Dreaming longo

This vision suggests that decisive action will be required from you in the near future.  There will be a situation where it will not be possible to do without the participation of a sleeping person. The interpreter advises to collect all the forces, since your future life will depend on how you act.

Interpreter Gustav Miller

Miller considered such a vision only for women.  It was believed that for a lady to nurse other people's children - to betrayal by the closest person.

Be patient and responsible

Rocking baby - the business that you started requires your full commitment. It is necessary to apply not only strength, but also patience, and then all your efforts will be crowned with success.

Dream books say that if a baby cried and you could not lull him in any way, then this is a positive sign. You will be able to achieve success without much effort.

Strange, but a smiling and joyful child is a sign of trouble in the family sphere. Quarrels and scandals will arise out of the blue.

Dream baby is smiling

Interpreters of dreams advise to look at and find out the sex of the child:

  • the girl promises a quick resolution of the conflict;
  • boy - you will be able to achieve results only if you rely on yourself.

What about the details?

Before you begin decoding sleep, it is worth considering the baby in more detail. His physical condition can say a lot:

  • a child covered in dirt - wait for health problems;
  • baby well-fed - will be pleasant chores;
  • beautiful - chatting with friends;
  • sick peanut - material difficulties, financial expenses;
  • ugly - conflict situations;
  • large - you will give a disinterested help to a friend;
  • skinny child that constantly cries - will deal with unpleasant worries.

Sleep negative

Soothe your baby in a dream

If in a dream you were not just babysitting with someone else’s child, and the baby was completely unfamiliar to you, then this is a very bad sign. Rather, it personifies your inner state. What is happening around you now puts you in a state of shock, and you are simply not able to adequately assess the situation.

The dreamer wants to ask for help, but simply will not be able to really describe the problem.

If you are not just babysitting with the baby, but calming him, then you will be acutely aware of your helplessness, the inability to change anything.

When in a dream you just saw yourself with someone else’s baby in your arms, then outsiders will try to use you to their advantage. Your responsiveness and integrity at this moment will play a cruel joke with you.

Through obstacles to success

Some dream books view a dream in which they had the opportunity to nurse someone else's baby as a thorny path to their goal. A sleeping person will have to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve a result.

The dreamer should have enormous patience to get to the goal.. Especially this interpretation is suitable when you soothed a crying baby. Only the inner core will be able to help you out, as fate seriously decided to test your strength.

A cute little baby in a dream causes emotion, comfort, and sometimes alarm. Only the dream book knows why the baby dreams, it is here that the experience of dreams is accumulated and summarized.

To see children, as a rule, foreshadows joy, success, but the interpretation of dreams about a small child sometimes presents such encrypted messages that are understandable only to the dreamer.

Girls boys

In most cases, dream books give favorable interpretations, explaining why a small child dreams. Dream interpretation Hase claims - to see a small child in a dream means the need to believe in oneself in order to achieve the desired well-being.

However, it is important whether it is a boy or a girl.

A boy in a dream foreshadows first of all changes in the material component of your existence. There is a high probability of growing incomes, luck, especially if the dream happened from Thursday to Friday - then the scale of the upcoming changes will be significant.

If you saw a girl, then expect surprises emotionally. The main thing a little female child dreamed about was amazing events in reality, new, unexpected areas of activity. Bright emotions, enthusiasm, a positive attitude will change the whole way of life. These dreams are interpreted differently by famous dream books.

According to the modern dream book, a small child in a dream, if it is a boy, appeared to warn of troubles, possible family discord, conflicts with colleagues. If you cared for a very small baby - joyful chores ahead.

Dream interpretation Jace promises, soon after dreaming about the baby you will have fun celebrating.

According to Miller’s dream book, to see a young male child in a dream is waiting for a surprise. For a pregnant woman such a dream is possible premature birth. The crying boy calls to take care of the family, a loved one, and not only in words. A boy in a dream always assumes the material component of your actions.

Miller also claims that playing with a boy will bring the dreamer creative inspiration material stability. Seeing someone else's small child with his son speaks of the lack of confidence in the opposite sex.

A girl in a dream - to miracles, which was not even dreamed of, very joyful changes. A young girl who saw a small child, a girl, is awaited an unexpected reconciliation with her beloved during a chance meeting, a pregnant woman is given birth to a daughter.

If we are talking about a man, such a dream, according to Freud's dream book, speaks of the need for stronger sexual experiences. Do not be scared immediately, we are not talking about pedophilia, but rather about the need to diversify sex life.

Freud's dream interpretation gives his own interpretation of a dream about a girl and for women. Perhaps, subconsciously, you, as a small child, do not have enough affection, warmth, you expect it from your partner, but do not get enough. Uncertainty about the strength of your union requires a heart-to-heart talk. Intimate life with him is safe, however, there is a need to fully trust a man, disclaiming responsibility and putting it on his shoulders.

According to the modern dream book, sometimes a girl dreams of loss. Perhaps one of the relatives will leave his native home forever or leave the city, country. Sadly, if you were in a dream talking to this little child, it predicts the premature violent death of a familiar person.

Interpretation of events

Much depends on the mood of the baby, caressing him in a dream, or scolding.

Why dream that a small child was in your arms? According to the esoteric dream book, a sudden violation of your plans is possible. Caressing and nursing him will mean selfless volunteer, social work that will bring good results, internal satisfaction. A young girl to nurse a baby - to be mean deceived.

It is also considered to keep an infant in her arms in the arms of an interesting lucrative job, a young girl - an unexpected pregnancy, elderly people - a quick enrichment, the traveler promises an easy way. Why dream a sick baby in her arms - in front of heartache deep sadness. If this is a stranger baby, then your kindness, credulity will try to use, be alert.

According to the modern dream book, if the girl has braided braids - wait for the stork and the addition to the family. A small child in the family will require a lot of trouble and attention, but everything will pay off handsomely - life will acquire meaning, be filled with joy.

What is the dream of a baby mother, whose daughter is to be married - pleasant chores await her, it's time to prepare a dowry, to meet the matchmakers. For everyone who saw a girl in a dream, this dream promises the realization of old plans - not time to sit back, everything will work out!

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, to see a laughing girl in a dream means to have a reason to cry, scold the little girl for a fault - wait for the trouble, the misfortunes that you will be to blame. A conversation with her foreshadows a coincidence that will dramatically change the course of events.

You saw a baby in a carriage in a dream, which means that a faithful friend, always ready to help, will make a pleasant surprise. They themselves rolled a small child in a stroller - waiting for a surprise associated with travel, a long journey.

Why dream of bathing a baby? The dream of Miller promises - a successful way out will be found from a difficult position, for other dream books - be afraid of deception. According to Tsvetaev's dream book, a naked baby is a symbol of misfortune, betrayal. The kid takes the first steps in a dream - you should not listen to other people's opinions, while solving problems you can quite rely on your own strength. The kid, who walks alone, alone - a symbol of your independence.

Ladies are especially pleased to know why they dream of kissing a small child in a dream - until a very old age they will retain vigor, freshness, attractiveness.

What does an almost adult child dream of as a small, wrapped in diapers - this means that you are not quite adequately assessing some situations. To see oneself as a baby means it will take a lot of effort to overcome the losing streak. Seeing yourself as a small child, but not a baby - your personal growth, progress along the path of self-improvement, will be noticed and appreciated by others. Everything is going according to plan, do not relax, satisfaction with the results of activity, the opportunity to enjoy life awaits ahead.

Charming healthy kids promise prosperity and well-being. It is difficult to relate to the interpretation of what the illness and death of a small child dreams about - it is a heavy dream and an alarming sign.

According to the French dream book, a dead baby foreshadows the restoration of order in money matters. The rest of the dream books give less optimistic forecasts, especially when it comes to children of their own.

To dream of a dying daughter - the dreamer will have to pay his debt obligations by a court decision, the deceased son foreshadows, there will be cause for concern for his future. Mother to see her young child sick means that he will have good health, but she herself has to wait for ailments. A dead baby warns against spontaneous, thoughtless decisions made under the influence of emotions, you should control yourself, be more responsible.


Why dream of someone else's child?

The child is the most frequent character in dreams. However, more often than not, a person dreams of his own children, but it also happens that the alien's child becomes the main symbol of the dream. These dreams have a wide variety of meanings.

Beautiful, healthy children in neat clothes are harbingers of positive changes in the life of the sleeper. Such a dream promises happiness and prosperity. Dreams in which a child who does not have a parent, diligently learns or works has the same meaning.

If the baby is crying, and the sleeper comforts him, this is a sign that a series of troubles will soon come. Also in real life, you should look at your friends and family, as this dream foreshadows possible deceit on the part of one of them.

Looking for someone else’s dream in a dream and not detecting it means that the sleeper is trying to find a way out of difficult life circumstances and this will not happen to him due to the endless minor troubles.

If in a dream an alien child begs for money or gifts from the sleeper, then in the near future due to indulging in his weaknesses, the person will spend a large amount of money, which will be regretted.

Often, an alien child symbolizes a new thing begun in real life. A dream in which the baby is beautiful, healthy and well-developed foreshadows an excellent perspective in the beginnings of a sleeper. Conversely, if the child is miserable and helpless, then the business of the dreamer is threatened with collapse.

If a person sees in a dream a dead alien child, then in real life he will have to endure a lot of anxieties and disappointments. To babysit in a dream another baby heralds the care or unexpected appearance in the family of a stranger who takes a lot of time and attention.

If an adult plays in a dream with other people's children, it means in real life he has thought about changing his place of work, where he has only recently played the role of an exemplary employee.

He also sees that he will not succeed in this event soon and will have to work for a long time where he does not like it. If a woman sees herself in the role of a nanny who deals with numerous other children, then in the near future she will be plunged into the cares of her friends and relatives, forgetting that much more attention should be paid to her family and herself.

A dream in which an adult person sees himself as a small child and plays with someone else's baby, reports that in reality the behavior of the sleeper irritates those around with childishness and lack of restraint.

Often in a dream, an alien child symbolizes the sleeper's instincts. For example, if he sees someone else’s baby beyond his years of development, rude and licentious, then attention should be paid to the fact that his many erratic connections gradually lead to spiritual degradation and the sleeper’s soul becomes callous and insensitive.

To feed someone else's child in a dream means that in real life it will take some time to do difficult work that will require physical endurance and patience. If in a dream the sleeper is surrounded by a crowd of dumb unpleasant-looking children, this means that in the near future he will be surprised to learn that a lot of dirty gossips are walking about him.

If a young man dreams of a beautiful baby of angelic appearance, then soon love will come to his life. To babysit in a dream a child who belongs to an acquaintance means that in reality this person, whom the dreamer trusted unconditionally, will deceive him.

What a strange child dreams about depends largely on the plot and the circumstances of the dream. If you study them carefully, you can get a detailed interpretation of the dream. This will help you understand what the destiny has prepared for the person and how to avoid trouble.


Nursing another child

Dream interpretation Nursing another child  dreamed, why dream in dream Nursing someone else's child? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about Nursing someone else’s child by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Dream Interpretation - Child



Dream interpretation Babysitting  dreamed of why dreaming in a dream Nursing a child? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about nursing a child by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, of the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future on Earth there will be a large number of vampires who in the first place will be a serious danger to children. To a dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his student.

To see a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that what will happen in the future will be what they have been talking about for many years, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will happen not without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then the dream warns the whole of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. To a dreamer, this dream predicts a meeting with a man who will need him very much.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - a dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, the joint venture and the House will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it will seem that the plight of things will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, so many children with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disabilities, will be born.

To dream of a healthy, smiling child is a happy sign. On Earth, finally, a happy time will come when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of war, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy beautiful children will be born into the world.

To dream of a child running on the ground means renewal and symbolizes the new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it, predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child - this is a sign that you have come to the life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying baby is endangering your future.

To search in the dream of the child - to try to find the lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers is spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your sleep - to try to find a way out of a difficult situation.


Dead person babysitting

Dream interpretation Dead nurse with the child  dreamed, why dreams in a dream Dead person nurses with a child? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. The dead person is nursing a child by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead

See also Corpse.

Auspicious sleep. See the dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for a quick wedding. If the dead person was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If young - will find the same age. The dead man was dressed poorly - the bridegroom would be poor. If you have seen the dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud - your future husband will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she would have an admirer who, however, would keep her distance. Over time, a romantic passion can grow into a good friendship. This fan will be rich or poor - it depends on how the dead person was dressed.

If the dead person dreamed of a man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. To see the deceased in a dream - to a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recover from a protracted illness.

To see the coffin with the dead, decorated with flowers, the mournful crowd around - to entertainment with friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a dead person was carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, sleep also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. To wash the dead man - to deserved pleasures. Dress up a dead man for burial - luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the dead person is your friend or relative, the meaning of sleep refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life full of joys and pleasures. If you have seen several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with your friends or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able in a relatively short time to put together a decent condition.

Imagine that you put flowers in a coffin to the dead. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious and the coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dream, in which you see the dead of your relatives, foreshadows them many years of good health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead - such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend on the weather outside the window, or on what leg you got up from.

Seeing the dead man of his beloved portends a sad separation from him. Seeing yourself as a deceased - to anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried in a dream modestly and hastily, and if solemnly and with a lot of people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which the ghost of a dead person committed suicide foreshadows betrayal by your husband or lover.

The deceased, executed as a criminal, is a premonition of insults and insults that close people in a state of extreme arousal will inflict by saying: "What is sober about the mind, then what is drunk on the tongue."

To see a drowned man or a victim of an accident, means that you have to desperate struggle to preserve their property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, turned into ghouls, eager to get drunk on your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying personal troubles and deterioration of the position in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead man in his apartment foreshadows discord in the family on the basis of alcohol abuse. The talking dead person who asks you to help him rise from the grave is to evil slander and slander.

The dead man who fell out of the coffin - to injury or discomfort, to fall on it - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead man in his bed means success in a hopeless business at first. Washing and dressing the dead man - to the disease, to bury - you will return what you did not hope to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

See dead person of another person or himself - fortunately.

To see your son dead - there will be a joyful event with an addition.

To open the coffin and speak with the dead man - unfortunately.

The dead man eats - a disease.

The dead person rises from a coffin - the guest from outside will arrive.

The dead man comes to life - foreshadows the news, the letter.

The dead man cries - heralds an altercation, a quarrel.

The dead person with tears collapses - foreshadows welfare.

Dead in a coffin - foreshadows material gain.

A dead person who stands - foreshadows a great deal of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.


To babysit the baby chief

Dream interpretation Babysitting baby head  dreamed, why dream in a dream Nursing a child chief? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about Nursing a child's boss by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Chief

If you dreamed that you were talking to your boss, then in real life you will experience a lot of anxiety and unrest.

Received a reprimand from the head - in reality there will be a good deal. The young leader, this dream foreshadows great success in all matters.

I dreamed that you yourself became a director - soon you will be caught off guard. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees her boss naked in a dream, her financial situation will not improve much.

I dreamed that you were in an informal setting with your director - in reality nobody would help you in a difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Loff wrote about such dreams: “Relations with a boss in a dream can have two variants of interpretation.

1. A person dear to you who is not related to your work, for example, your spouse, sibling, one of your parents or a close friend, becomes your boss.

If someone from the “non-working” environment becomes a boss, most likely, you think that this person puts excessive pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your private permission, relations with this person are transferred to the plane of dominant control on his part. The place of action of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous situation. And the place where you and your newly-minted boss work is connected with the area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse, or someone else who is completely far from the role of the service mentor.

If a boss breaks into your personal life as a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families.

If your work has filled the space allotted to other people in real life, most likely, it’s time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. A positive aspect of such a dream can be collegiality displayed in it or a warning about the exhaustion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, we say that if you dream of your boss in a familiar, working environment, it means that for some reason you are under stress at work. Generally speaking, having dreams about your work — especially if it is an unremarkable dream in the present temporary gap — is a sign that you have been working or are not doing a good job on time. ”

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Chief

Relationship with the boss in a dream can have two options for interpretation:

1. A person dear to you who is not related to your work, for example, your spouse, NATIVE BROTHER OR SISTER, one of your parents or a close friend, becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes a boss, most likely, you think that this person puts excessive pressure on you and controls your life too much; with your private permission, relations with this person are transferred to the plane of dominant control on his part. The place of action of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely ridiculous situation. And the place where you and your newly-minted boss work is connected with the area in which you experience excessive control on his part.

2. Consider the reverse transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, spouse, or someone else who is completely far from the role of the service mentor. If a boss breaks into your personal life as a loved one, it may be time to evaluate your work: workaholism is the destroyer of many families. If your work has filled the space allotted to other people in real life, most likely, it’s time to evaluate the emotions invested in it. A positive aspect of such a dream can be collegiality displayed in it or a warning about the exhaustion of emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, we say that if you dream of your boss in a familiar working environment, it means that for any reason you are under stress at work. Generally speaking, having dreams about your work - especially if it is an unremarkable dream in a real time frame - is a sign that you have been working or are not doing a good job on time.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.


Nursing a child abandoned

Sonny Nyanchila child abandoned  dreamed, why dream in a dream Nurse babies abandoned? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of nursing a child abandoned by reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, of the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future on Earth there will be a large number of vampires who in the first place will be a serious danger to children. To a dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his student.

To see a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that what will happen in the future will be what they have been talking about for many years, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will happen not without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then the dream warns the whole of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. To a dreamer, this dream predicts a meeting with a man who will need him very much.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - a dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, the joint venture and the House will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it will seem that the plight of things will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, so many children with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disabilities, will be born.

To dream of a healthy, smiling child is a happy sign. On Earth, finally, a happy time will come when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of war, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy beautiful children will be born into the world.

To dream of a child running on the ground means renewal and symbolizes the new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it, predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child - this is a sign that you have come to the life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying baby is endangering your future.

To search in the dream of the child - to try to find the lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers is spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your sleep - to try to find a way out of a difficult situation.


Babysit in a dream

Dream interpretation Baby in a dream  dreamed, why dream in a dream Nurse in a child's dream? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about nursing a child in a dream by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - a child falls in a dream

At this time it grows.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.


Nursing a stranger baby

Dream interpretation Nursing a stranger child  dreamed, why dream in a dream Nursing for an unfamiliar child? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Nursing for an unfamiliar child by reading below the free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Unfamiliar

To dream of a stranger a man foreshadows an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and helpful person.

Aggressive stranger, sticking to you on the street in a drunken state - you venture a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to the unexpected guests.

A handsome stranger who has attracted your attention in a dream foreshadows a change for the better in your affairs. A stranger-like stranger or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an adverse turn of events.

A stranger who turned out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will fall into disrepair for a while.

If you dreamed that a horse that had come down from a sky with a parachute suddenly turned into a stranger to you who is trying to bite you with its own, such a dream promises a serious setback, the unrealizability of hope and your inability to master the situation in a family dowel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and enter into sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction literally in everything will bring anxiety into the lives of your relatives; if you flee from him - in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If a stranger kisses you in a dream and you have nothing against it - in real life it portends a loss of respect on the part of your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - a certain annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you have been unexpectedly visited by friends you have not seen for many years.

To see yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, residence permit or car model, but certainly with a newer and better one.

To observe in a dream the action of an unfamiliar device or device or to study its action - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you have to hear all the most unattractive truth about yourself.


Babysit a grandchild

Dream interpretation Grandson dreamed, why dream in a dream Nurse a grandson? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Nursing a grandson by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - grandson, grandchildren

Even if you do not have children, and you see your grandchildren or grandchild in a dream, this dream is a good sign; soon you will meet with relatives or friends with whom you have not seen for a long time; You will be very happy to meet you. Your grandchildren seem to cry - in real life do not worry: everything is going well with you; do not attach too much importance to your anxieties, they are false; it seems to you that all the powers that be are about to turn against you, but in fact they don’t even notice you.

You see yourself in the image of someone's grandson - big chores await you because of small children.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing, Nanny, Nurse

To dream of a nanny with a child in her arms - to have a comfortable house, good luck in business.

To babysit - to suffer from debts and worries.

Nanny, living in or invited, is a sign of children's illness or inappropriate intrusion into your life.

To part with a nanny or a nurse - to strengthen health and family affairs.

Nursing other children - to win the love of others by self-sacrifice.

To be a nanny or a nurse and leave your wards children or a patient in a dream - to give way to someone’s cunning tricks and deception.

Often, such a dream brings widowhood and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Grandchildren

To see their grandchildren in a dream is a sign of comfort, joy and complete pleasure. If you see your own grandchildren, who you really don’t have yet, it will be easy for you to find a common language with people who have intermarried with you.

A dream in which you are nursing other people's grandchildren foreshadows unexpected joy in the form of a long-awaited gift.

Dream Interpretation - Grandchildren

In the image of your grandchildren, a dream is symbolic: it shows what footprint you leave behind on the ground.

If in such a dream your grandchildren look healthy: and the trail promises to be good and kind.

Seeing grandchildren as sick or suffering: this is a clue that you might have missed something important in life that you may have to regret. Sleep encourages you to try to correct the situation.

Dream Interpretation - Grandson

Grandson - to see grandchildren - an unexpected joy.

Dream Interpretation - Grandchildren

A dream of grandchildren (regardless of the age of the sleeper) predicts joy, comfort, achievement of spiritual harmony.

If in a dream you are yourself in the role of a grandson or a knowledgeable one, support of your family and superiors awaits you in all matters.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.


Is nursing

Dream interpretation Nurse  dreamed, why dream in a dream Nursing? To choose a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Nursing by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

For a woman - to nurse her child is something pleasant;
  someone else's child - you will take a responsible post and gain respect in society;
  for a man to see his spouse occupied with a baby is success in all undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing - Hatching plans, pre-doomed to remain only plans.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with a child - to have some idea.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream - to persuade someone who does not want to understand anything.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

Nursing in a dream with someone - marry a weak person.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit in a dream with someone - a dream means that very soon in real life you will be required to help you in a very sensitive business.

You should not refuse it, because how your future life depends on how you behave in this situation.

Dream Interpretation - Nursing

To babysit a baby is in vain persuasion, humiliation.

Probability of dreams

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you yourself must choose which system suits you best - on sunny days (days of the month) or on lunar days. Watch and you will very quickly understand which system is yours.

Today is the 19th day of the month. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, lead to family troubles.

Today is the 2nd lunar day. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true and even in a joyful adventure.

Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars. Mars gives rise to aspirations, gives impetus to action. Mars is the planet of personal power. The dreams seen on Tuesday are connected with your personal aspirations. They will show how much fire and desire you have. Mars is a male planet, a planet of a warrior, so Tuesday’s dreams will tell about future or past wars, scandals. About familiar men.

If Tuesday's sleep is calm. This means that you have found the use of your energy, you will easily overcome any possible obstacles to success, and in the near future no scandals in life are foreseen. A vivid dream suggests that there is a lot of vital force inside you, you have “eight hands” and “three heads”. Do not postpone anything for later, take on several things at once, everything will work out quickly. Sharp objects in a dream will speak about your readiness for action. An unpleasant dream indicates an increased self-esteem, a predominance of selfish intentions. A very good sign is your leadership in a dream.

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NANNING - Miller's Dream Interpretation

If a woman dreams that she is nursing her child - in reality awaiting her very pleasant activities.

If a young woman is nursing in a dream with someone else's child - this is a sign that she will achieve a responsible position in society and respect for others.

If a man sees his wife in a dream, who is passionate about his activities with the baby, this means future harmony in all his affairs.

NANNING - Modern Dream Interpretation

You are in a dream as if you are babysitting a child - you will receive news that will greatly raise your spirits.

A young woman dreams that she is nursing her baby - this woman will make a good career, and her career will not really hinder her personal life.

A man dreams of his wife, who is nursing a child - in the family life and in the service this man will have complete harmony, perhaps he will have his own business, his staff is his family.

NANNING - Slavonic Dream Interpretation

Children - care.

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