Statement in pf about the refusal of drugs. Social package: on all sides from all sides

Every person who has the right to receive an old-age or disability pension must independently decide whether he will apply the social package in 2017 or will receive certain money instead. The fact is that this social package is granted to almost every Russian citizen by the state, and in the new year it can be indexed into a certain amount of money that will be transferred to the basic pension.

What goes into the social package 2017

Initially, you need to know exactly what exactly is included in this social package. This includes the provision of medicines and transportation, as well as sanatorium treatment. Wherein:

  • medicines - 716.40 rub.
  • for sanatorium-resort treatment - 110.83 rubles.
  • for transport - 102.89 rubles.

Thus, the full amount of the amount provided by the state in accordance with the social package is 930.12 rubles.

How to refuse a social package in 2017

Quite a few people prefer to receive a sum of money instead of using a social package, and at the same time it is important to know the correct course of action in this case. You can refuse not completely from the whole social package, but partially, namely from some of its points. To do this, you first need to go to the office of the pension fund with some documents and a special statement, and this must be done without fail before the beginning of October. You also need to go to the Pension Fund in the event that you had previously applied for monetary compensation, and after that the person changed his mind and wanted to use the social package again.

It is important to know that the social package may be different for different categories of the population. In this case, they can all be converted into cash. It is possible to single out a social package intended for prisoners of German camps, as well as a social package for veterans of the Second World War who received certain injuries during the war. You can receive cash payments instead of a social package in any region of the country, and the amount of the benefit will be equal to 1 thousand rubles.

The participants of the Second World War, who received certain injuries while in concentration camps, may receive a social package or payment in the amount of five hundred rubles. In order to receive these funds, it is necessary to submit a special application to the authorities that charge and pay various pensions.

If one person is entitled to receive several benefits at once, he will not be able to receive them all, so you will have to choose only one thing. In this case, the benefit is usually chosen, the size of which is the highest. You can receive these payments even if a Russian citizen lives outside the country, and this is done through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Social package from the employer

You can also select a full social package in 2017, which is provided to a citizen not by the state, but by the employer. Moreover, every person who is looking for a permanent place of work usually pays attention to this social package. Modern employers usually treat their employees well, therefore, they are offered a large amount of benefits and benefits, including the provision of optimal working conditions, as well as the provision of resort rest. It is also often faced with the fact that employers offer free medication and treatment when an employee goes to hospital, food and travel at the expense of the company, if you need to go on a business trip. Additionally, employers often pay for advanced training courses or the education of their employees. If the work is associated with regular calls, then paid mobile communication.

Also, many employers may offer other unique and very necessary benefits for employees, which provide comfortable and pleasant work in the company. Often, gifts are given to children for various holidays, and they also have the opportunity to buy vouchers to resorts or in a sanatorium for half the price, while they can be offered for free.

Even individual benefits for specific workers are frequent, and their main purpose is the motivation of individual workers. Experienced and responsible employees may be paid a premium or offered loans on favorable terms.

The social package at work is important and necessary, therefore people in search of work constantly pay attention to it.

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We all need to work to ensure our lives. For this modern world of great importance is the social package. True, what is a social package, and what is included in it, few can say right away. We will deal with this by fixing it.

What is called social package

Half of what is offered by employers does not fall into this category. So, medical insurance, annual and maternity leave, contributions to the pension fund are all statutory requirements for an employer. Even spending on personal transport, vocational training and mobile communications is just a compensation for the employee’s personal funds.

Then what is a social package at work? This includes free meals, passes to the pool and gym, loans for home purchase, payment for trips, etc. Social packages are completely dependent on the desires and capabilities of specific companies. Due to significant expenses, only about 15% of employers provide them to their employees. Therefore, during the interview it is very desirable to ask what is in the social package.


The social package may vary depending on the position, as well as the physiological characteristics of the person. So, speaking of what a social package is for pensioners, it should be noted that according to current legislation, they can receive it from the state in cash or in the form of services.

For example, top managers of large enterprises have a representative or corporate car with a driver, medical insurance for the family, an additional pension at the company's expense, vouchers for the whole family and many other things (again, it all depends on each individual case).

What do ordinary employees and middle managers get?

If we have already touched on this topic, then let's bring it to the end. Middle-level employees can boast a social package in which there are the following benefits:

  • vouchers;
  • payment of mobile communications and fitness center;
  • compensation for gasoline and food expenses;
  • voluntary medical insurance (although, as a rule, only partial payment is made);
  • the provision of interest-free loans or loans (it is even possible to issue part of the amount for the mortgage).

Ordinary employees in the social package include the following items:

  1. Issuance of workwear.
  2. Payment of travel to the place of work.
  3. Partial payment of mobile services.
  4. Providing power at work.
  5. Payments in case of an extraordinary situation (wedding or death of a close relative).

Social package of the pensioner

It is provided by the state and many will be interested in what is included in it. It should be noted that in 2016 the government provided for it 930.12 rubles. If you break into separate points, you get:

  1. Medications prescribed by a doctor - 716,40 rubles.
  2. Sanatorium treatment (only if there are medical indications) - 110.83 rubles.
  3. Travel by suburban and intercity railway transport to the place of treatment and back - 102.89 rubles.

By the way, you can refuse from the benefits provided by the state (in part or in full) and get their hands on the money equivalent. After all, you must agree, speaking of what a retiree's social package is, no one is impressed by the special generosity.

The author believes that it is better to keep money under your control than to run around with a bunch of pieces of paper in different cabinets, while also wasting your time. And if there is a desire, then in 2016, with a request for this action, it is necessary to apply to the pension fund strictly until the first of October. If the application was filed earlier, you do not need to do anything.

Social packages for certain categories of citizens

These include invalids of the Second World War, who were injured during military operations, as well as juvenile prisoners of German camps. The amount of this allowance is equal to a thousand rubles - and from this one can understand what a social package is for disabled people.

There is also a social package in the amount to which citizens of the population who took part in the Second World War and suffered in concentration camps can receive. If a person falls under both criteria, he can only count on one payment.

What can most often be found in the modern social package from the employer?

What we described earlier was purely theoretical information. And speaking of what a social package is, let us clarify how things are in modern reality:

  1. Free medical supplies if a sick leave was issued.
  2. Meals, as well as travel to the workplace at the expense of the employer.
  3. Attending advanced training courses at the expense of the company (the most popular training in working with personal computers).
  4. Payment of expenses for mobile communication.

Also starting to gain popularity is sending to a sanatorium holiday. Some employers care not only about their employees, but also about their families. This is all used as a tool for motivating activities. Additionally, individual approaches can be applied to increase people's interest. As a rule, they are aimed at the most successful or experienced employees of the company.

In terms of legislation

Now consider what a social package is from a slightly different point of view. Initially, it should be noted that the very concept of a social package is absent in the legislation. Often use this definition as a "standard social package." What is meant by it?

The labor code of the Russian Federation stipulates that an employer must make various deductions for an employee, as well as provide him with payment in the event of different circumstances (for example, sick leave, pregnancy, childbirth). Also, anyone officially working can count on an annual one. Therefore, when it comes to a standard social package, this implies official employment.

Keep in mind that from the point of view of legislation, it is the norm that must be implemented by all employers, without a single exception. But even in such cases, the employee may be added some nice options. So, for example, voluntary medical insurance policies can be provided, where an extended list of services is provided (most often, this means dental treatment).

Social packages from the point of view of world practice

Many enterprises that successfully operate, even create their own sports halls for their employees. As a rule, they are located close to industrial or office premises in which workers can work out completely free of charge. But most often for ordinary workers provide free trips and interest-free loans.

As an example, the developed countries will be considered, because there it is most common. Considering the fact that there tickets are cheaper from the point of view of companies, they can be distributed to almost everyone. The presence of low inflation also has a positive effect, leading to the fact that companies lose relatively little when they provide interest-free loans.

The provision of material assistance and free meals is also quite popular (a special indicator of the quality relationship is considered if the employee can choose what he will eat). Although, in general, it should be noted that if an ordinary employee is taken as an example, he will not be able to boast with such significant things, while highly qualified and experienced specialists will receive a large package of benefits. After all, companies are interested in ensuring that employees work as effectively as possible for them.


As you can see, the social package is one of the ways to facilitate the work and make it as comfortable as possible. It is also used as a motivational tool, but so far in our realities this is not a very common state of affairs. Although it is hoped that it will change in the coming decades.

Pensions, payments, compensation
  A set of social services (social package) for disabled children

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-ФЗ “On State Social Assistance”, the state guarantees the provision of social assistance to disabled children in the form of a set of social services (social package).

At the choice of the parents of a disabled child, a set of social services can be provided in kind or in monetary terms by submitting a relevant application to the territorial authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-ФЗ “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by the Federal Law of December 8, 2010 No. 345-ФЗ “On Amendments to the Federal Law“ On State Social Assistance ”) from April 1, 2013 year, taking into account the indexation for payment of a set of social services (social package), as mentioned above, 839 rubles 65 kopecks per month are sent.

Each of the three parts of the social package - drug, spa and transport - has its own cost.

  Medicinal part:

- provision in accordance with the standards of medical care according to the prescriptions of the doctor (paramedic) with necessary medications, medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children. 646 rubles 71 kopecks were directed to this part of the social package.

For your information: If parents, for example, choose to receive free medicines instead of money, they should keep in mind that their child will not receive all medicines for free, but only those specified in the approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation from 18 September 2006 No. 665 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 No. 1340n) of the List of Medicinal Products, including the List of Medicinal Products prescribed by the decision of the medical commission of medical institutions the provision of which is carried out in accordance with the standards of medical care according to the prescriptions of the doctor (paramedic) when rendering state social assistance in the form of a set of social services.

This document is quite large, so we could not publish it. But it is easy to find it on the Internet or in any information and legal system: “Consultant Plus”, “Garant” or “Referent”.


As for medical products and medical food products, they are listed in the “List of medical products and specialized medical food products for disabled children, prescribed by a physician (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens who have the right to receive State Social Assistance ”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2007 No. 11 (as amended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development F of 04.03.2008 No. 104n).

  Sanatorium part:

- the provision, if there are medical indications, of a voucher for a sanatorium-resort treatment carried out in order to prevent major diseases. The sanatorium part of the social package consumes 100 rubles 05 kopecks.

  Transport part:

- free travel on the suburban railway transport, as well as by long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back. The cost of this part - 92 rubles 89 kopecks.


When providing a set of social services, a disabled child has the right to receive a second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment and for free travel to the place of treatment and back for the person accompanying him.

In this case, the accompanying person can be both a parent and any other person whom the parent trusts. Thus, the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” for one disabled child guarantees two vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment, as well as two special vouchers for the right to receive free travel documents.

In order to go to the place of treatment, the disabled child and the person accompanying him are entitled to use:

Railway transport, suburban and intercity (trains and cars of all categories, with the exception of branded or high-speed trains and luxury cars);

Air transport (economy class);

Water transport (third category);

Road transport (general use).

At the same time during the trip, you can use two or more modes of transport.

So, you are recognized as disabled. This is not a sentence. Having this help gives you some privileges.And now in more detail about the pleasant!

1) PENSION FOR DISABILITY - a kind of compensation to a person of the earnings lost by him due to his disability. This type of benefits is divided into social and labor, depending on whether the person who received a disability had a worker and insurance experience (if he worked officially).

The difference in terms of appointment and the size of benefits is presented in the following table:



Pension conditions:

  • Acknowledgment of a person as a disabled person of group I, II or III
  • The onset of a citizen’s disability is not related to the commission of a deliberate criminal offense or deliberate damage to his health, which are established in court
  • The presence of at least one day of insurance experience
  • Disabled people of I, II and III groups, including people with disabilities since childhood;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 18, as well as older than this age, who study full-time in educational institutions of all types and types regardless of their organizational and legal form, with the exception of educational institutions of supplementary education, before they complete such training, but not longer than they have reached the age of 23, who have lost one or both parents, and the children of a deceased single mother;
  • Citizens from among the small peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women respectively);
  • Citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 (men and women respectively).

Documents required for submission to the territorial body of the FIU

  • - Passport
  • - Employment record, or documents issued by employers, confirming the applicant's seniority
  • - Documents confirming the determination of disability and the degree of disability

  • - Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002 during employment
  • - Certificate confirming the presence of dependent family members who are unable to work;
  • - A document on the place of residence, stay or actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation
  • - A document confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation
  • - Documents to change the name, surname, patronymic.
  • - passport
  • - a document confirming belonging to small peoples of the North
  • - documents on the establishment of disability and the degree of disability
  • - about the death of the breadwinner
  • - about the death of the other parent;
  • documents confirming that the deceased was a single mother.

  In addition, when necessary, the following documents are attached:

  • - confirming the relationship with the deceased breadwinner;
  • the identity and authority of the legal representative (adopter, guardian, trustee);
  • - about the place of stay or actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • - about the causal - investigative connection of the disability or death of the breadwinner with the commission of a deliberate criminal offense by a citizen or of deliberately causing damage to his health;
  • - about a deliberate criminal offense or intentional damage to their health.

Basic pension since 01/04/16

Invalids I group

Without dependents - 9117.86 rubles per month

With 1 dependent - 10,637.50 rubles per month

With 2 dependents - 12 157.14 rubles per month

With 3 dependents - 13 676.78 rubles per month

Disabled Group II

Without dependents - 4558.93 rubles per month

With 1 dependent - 6078.57 rubles per month

With 2 dependents - 7,598.21 rubles per month

With 3 dependents - 9117.76 rubles per month

Group III disabled

Without dependents - 2279.47 rubles per month

With 1 dependent - 3799.11 rubles per month

With 2 dependents - 5,318.75 rubles per month

With 3 dependents - 6,838.39 rubles per month

Invalids I group

9919,73 rubles per month

11,903.51 rubles per month (disabled since childhood)

Disabled Group II

4959.85 rubles per month

9919,73   rubles per month (disabled since childhood)

Group III disabled

4,215.90 rubles per month

A labor disability pension is granted from the day the insured person is recognized as disabled. To do this, you must apply to the Pension Fund within 12 months from the date of establishment of disability. Consequently, the day you are assigned a pension and the date in the pink certificate must match!

Citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equated localities, in areas with severe climatic conditions, as well as citizens injured or ill in military service or industry, have special conditions. See these articles separately! The most appropriate portal on this topic!


This is the replacement of in-kind benefits with monthly cash payments. This social benefit is assigned:

Veterans (World War II, fighting, etc.);
  persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities;
  former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention;
  to persons affected by radiation.

EDV is appointed from the date of treatment for the term of disability or other condition for obtaining EDV. The day of applying for the appointment of an EDV is the day when the territorial body of the FIU receives the application with all the necessary documents until October 1 of the current year. The application is valid from January 1 of the year following the year the application was filed, and until December 31 of the year in which the citizen applies to refuse to receive it. For the calculation of the EDV opens a personal account for each recipient of this payment.

The following documents should be attached to the application:

  pension insurance certificate;
  documents on the right to benefits (certificate issued by the competent authorities, certificate of medical and social expertise on the establishment of disability, etc.).

If a citizen simultaneously has the right to receive EDV on several grounds within the framework of one law, the payment is established only on one basis providing for a higher amount.

EDV size from February 1, 2016 (Subject to full refusal from the NSO, see below)
  disabled people of group I 3357,23   rubles per month
  invalids of group II 2397,59   rubles per month
  Disabled group III 1919,30   rubles per month
  Disabled children 2397,59   rubles per month


It is part of the monthly cash payment (EDV), and you do not need to write a separate statement to receive it.

From February 1, 2016, the NSO’s value is 995,23 rubles per month and includes:

Provision of prescription medications necessary drugs - 766,55   rubles;
  provision of medical vouchers for medical treatment, if available 118,59   ruble;
  free travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back - 110,09   ruble.

In the provision of social services, citizens with disability group I and children with disabilities have the right to receive, on the same conditions, a second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment and for free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back for accompanying persons.

You have the right both to provide yourself with these benefits and to receive a refund in the amounts indicated above, which will be added to your pension. If you decide to receive monetary compensation, you can refuse both the entire package as a whole and its individual parts. For example, leave the right to sanatorium-resort treatment and to receive compensation for transportation and medicines. To do this, by October 1, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive social services or one social service to a territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is enough to submit an application to refuse benefits in kind, after which there is no need to annually confirm your decision.

The application for refusal will be valid until the citizen decides to resume receiving benefits. To do this, you must submit an application to change the decision by October 1 of this year, so you will receive benefits from January 1 of next year.


According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2008 N 774 on additional measures of social support for persons caring for disabled citizens, as of July 1, 2008, monthly compensation payments are set at 1200 rubles to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under the age of 18 years, as well as elderly people who are in need of permanent care at the conclusion of a medical institution or have reached 80 years of age (hereinafter referred to as compensation payments).

Compensation payments are established for one non-working able-bodied person in respect of each specified disabled citizen for the period of care. Namely, non-working relatives who do not receive any benefits and pensions that are not on the labor exchange. My advice to you, make out students, or other persons working informally! In any case, there is no difference who you will issue, the compensation will be transferred to your pension.

For registration of benefits for care, you need to provide the following documents to the district office of the Pension Fund:

1. Passport

2. MSEC (Medical and Social Expertise)

3. Statement (from you that you need care)

4. Statement (From the person who will take care of you)

5. Employment record, (person applying for benefits)

6. Employment record (yours, if any)

7. Certificate from the labor exchange that the carer is not registered.

Monthly compensation payments are terminated when the following circumstances arise:

1. death of a disabled citizen or caregiver;

2. the appointment of the caregiver, the pension, regardless of its type and size, or unemployment benefits;

3. the admission of a carer or disabled citizen to work;

4. the termination of the implementation of care, confirmed by the relevant statement of the disabled citizen or his legal representative;

5. expiration of the period for which the first group of disability was established;

6. placement of the disabled citizen on the full state content;

7. relocation of an incapable citizen, entailing a change in the body that pays him a pension.

A caregiver, in the event that he or she comes to work, is granted a pension, unemployment benefits, or in other circumstances leading to the termination of the payment of monthly monetary compensation, must inform the authority that appointed (pay) the said compensation within 5 days. the occurrence of such circumstances. Otherwise, it will be held liable and the amounts of compensation payments in the appropriate amount will be deducted from it.

I do not undertake to dismantle other categories of people with disabilities: from childhood, children with disabilities or people with disabilities living in the High North, please refer to this site for reference.

So count the amenities !!! Disabled people of group 1 receive a disability pension + EDV (including the refusal of a full parcel) + care compensation =   14 095.43 p.   (in case of refusal from the social package completely and the absence of dependents). Agree to a good razmerchik, there is already where to begin rehabilitation and just live on what. But at the same time, every disabled person, regardless of the state and degree of restrictions, is entitled to a workplace!
So do not despair, you are not abandoned by the state, they think about us, we just do not know much about it !!!

Disability pensions in 2016 will be increased by a factor of 1.04 and will amount to 4%


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