What to eat to attract love. What to eat to attract love

The feeling of love is familiar to every person. All of us at least once in our lives fell in love ourselves or were loved by someone. True, this feeling was not always mutual. What to do in this case? How to get what you want?

How to draw love

Man, by nature, seeks love. This feeling can bring incomparable happiness or make a person unhappy for life. But all the same, even having failed, after a while the human heart again wants to experience this feeling.

If you have been alone for a long time and all the time thinking about how a new feeling comes into your life, then it is not surprising that love does not come. You should not expect from the fate of a gift in the form of an ideal life partner. Love comes to those people who are ready for this feeling and live with an open heart.

  • First you need to love yourself. Do not reproach yourself and do not look for flaws in yourself. Better start working on yourself, often indulge yourself with gifts and look after your appearance.
  • Bring something new to your home. Let it be a banal general cleaning or small repairs, new furniture or a pet. All this will delight you and give a good mood.
  •   . Imagine in the smallest details exactly how your person should be, what is his appearance, what does he do, what kind of life leads.
  • Do not delve into past negative attitudes. This can close the path of your new happy love. Remove from your eyes all the objects reminiscent of the past life partner.
  • Take care of your new passion. Do not forget that creative people are more open to feelings, which means that they can meet their love more quickly.
  • Try to visit people more often, make new acquaintances. Open yourself to the universe, and the universe will open for you from the new side.

Mantras for attracting love

If esoteric teachings are not alien to you, then use the Tibetan teachings to draw the loving feeling into your life and use the mantra technique to fulfill your dreams. Ancient texts, pronounced in the right way, will help to achieve amazing results in your life.

If you are new to Tibetan practices, then before you start practicing, you need to learn a few secrets. It is very important to know how to correctly read the mantra. Usually sacred texts are chanted many times. If you want your life to be brightened up gently by the feeling of love, then the mantra should be pronounced 108 times. This number is not by chance. Each of his numbers helps you achieve what you want.

  • 1 stands for Higher Energy, which helps to materialize.
  • 0 is the perfection of the highest creation.
  • 8 symbolizes infinity.

In order to not lose count during the pronouncement of the text, use a bead of 108 beads. This will help focus solely on meditation and create the right mood.

The environment surrounding you is also important for a better result. The mantra should be pronounced when no one distracts you, the environment should be quiet and peaceful. This is best done in the morning or evening.

Fine, if you will not just repeat the mantra many times, but make a whole ritual out of it. For example, before reading the mantra, drink a glass of warm water, then read the proper number of times the mantra, do several yoga asanas and end the ritual with relaxation, dropping to the floor and closing your thumb and index fingers.

Conspiracy to attract love

If with all the desire you can’t draw the attention of a man, you can try the power of conspiracies. Of course, you must have the purest intentions, without the desire to act on someone's will or to harm someone. Such a conspiracy will provide you with increased attention from the strong half of humanity and reveal your potential, increasing the attractiveness for the opposite sex.

If the best time to read mantras is the morning hours, then it is ideal for reading the plots the dark time of day, closer to midnight. You must be alone at this time. It is best to dress in light home clothes, which will not hinder your movements and in which you will be comfortable. Sit down, close your eyes and align your breathing. You must pronounce the words of the plot, clearly imagining their meaning.

It is best to use the power of the conspiracy on the growing moon, then they are most effective. Reading the plot, you must believe in the power of words, otherwise it will not work. Do not use the conspiracy in a bad mood, it will not bring the desired result. And, of course, do not tell anyone about the conspiracy.

Love rite of passage

To quickly meet with your man, do the ceremony, which is called "Love Magnet." Starting it, you must be completely free from past relationships and offenses. Your heart should be ready to let in sincere love.

Prepare an envelope of scarlet color, with a black pen sign it “Love Magnet”, and leave your autograph on the second side. Now my future husband in the smallest details.

Every day on a sheet of scarlet color, write one of the characteristics of your chosen one and fold the leaves in an envelope. At this time in your thoughts you need to imagine how a man takes one step towards. Do this for 18 days. Always write with the same pen. When all 18 days have expired, leave the envelope in the southwestern sector of the room in which you are sleeping, and imagine that it is a magnet that attracts love feelings. When skipping at least one day, start the ceremony again with new items.

Since ancient times, perhaps even from the very beginning of human existence, people loved each other and were loved. But there was always the question: how to attract love?

This is the way human nature is arranged, that if you love, it is very hard to tell your loved one about it. It is easier to talk on the topic of love with one of your friends or girlfriends, and it is not enough courage to express your feelings to your beloved. It seems to me that this is a very big and gross error of mankind.

How to attract love in your life

Imagine if people did not hide their feelings for a long time before they expressed them. How much simpler and more beautiful life would be. Lovers would be together for many years, there would be no different marriages of convenience or fictitious marriages. How much would decrease the number of criminal cases on the basis of jealousy.

Many people try to attract new love in different, not natural, ways. Some use blackmail, others prefer funds, others - threats. There are even individuals who do not disdain magic.

But can all these actions, even if you use them all together at once, attract love? No, in these ways you will not achieve anything.

Anyway, somewhere far in your subconscious, there will be an animal fear that your “loved” person will come to its senses, wake up, come to his senses, and the inevitable happen - separation, desired for him, and very painful for you.

You will torment and reproach yourself for it. Even if you somehow again take possession of his love, then again this is not forever.

True love cannot be bought or instilled forcibly. The feeling of love must come naturally from the soul of man. And if the chosen one or the chosen one also has the same feelings for you, then your body, your essence, will find the approach to your loved one.

So if you want to love and be loved, do not resort to various tricks to attract love. Just trust nature, your heart, listen to your loved one. With these simple, natural actions, you will find your true love much faster, for a longer period, perhaps even for a lifetime.

How to attract new love

Everyone wants love, because life without love has no meaning. This feeling can work wonders and at the same time inflict an irreparable wound on the soul. But, be that as it may, time passes, and again we strive for love, we are incredibly keen to be loved and enjoy this amazing feeling. How to attract new love?

Love does not come when it is constantly waited and demanded from fate. Fate does not owe you anything - make it clear to yourself. Love comes when you are ready to receive it. And for this you need to respond to the request of your soul - to become open to love. After all, everything in this world is created out of love and for love.

How to attract new love:

Love yourself. Do not invent for yourself the reasons why love has not yet manifested itself in your life. This is not true. Everyone deserves to make this feeling mutual. In order to attract love, respond to yourself. Smile more often. Give yourself gifts, start looking after yourself in a different way, respect yourself;

Fill your home with a new atmosphere. General cleaning, redecorating and changing the interior will change not only the maintenance of the apartment, but also you will feel in a new way. Get a pet or mix flowers. May they delight you;

In order for the person you dream about to appear, you need to do visualization. Specify for yourself what qualities your partner should possess, what appearance would attract you in him. Think about it every day with the absolute certainty that you already have it definitely. For persuasiveness, add a towel in the bathroom, buy one more slippers, etc.

Do not live in the past. The previous experience of relationships can delay the moment of appearance of a new person in your destiny. Forgive him everything and release. Do not blame yourself or your former partner. There is neither your fault nor his. It happened and everything went. Try to remove all the things that have to do with this connection, they are already to nothing;

Find besides the work of such a hobby that would bring you genuine pleasure. Be creative! Love loves creative natures;

Be often among people, do not avoid society and communication. To attract love, open up to this world - the world will open to you. Namely, when your feelings with the world become reciprocal, you will love each other, then LOVE will give you a person to whom you can now give your love.

If you want love to come into your life, then you need to be open and friendly person. Only in this way, you can catch it at any time. But do not respond to all those who make compliments. Just watch out for others, be interested in all that happens around.

Be sure to pay attention to your appearance. If you have not updated your wardrobe for a long time, then feel free to go for new purchases. Also worth a visit are the hairdresser and other beauty specialists. Hair, nails, face and in general the whole appearance should be in order.

Love to yourself is what must first of all be in a person who wants to open a window for love. This is not about selfishness. Every person has those best qualities that overshadow any other flaws. Think about it, perhaps you will love yourself for who you are. By embracing all these feelings, it will be much easier to understand the other person. Psychologists say that only a person who truly loves himself can love another person.

The surest way to attract love is to clean up your own home. Think if you really like being in your home? If something does not suit, then immediately change it. For example, you can buy new beautiful curtains or bedding. Remove all items that remind you of sadness or loneliness. Most people love to hang pictures on their walls that make them sad or sad. So put them in the farthest corner of your apartment or house. Buy paired items. For example, plant two plants in a pot, buy a pillow for a second. It all depends on your imagination!

Be sure to communicate with the opposite sex, smile, hold hands. True love is built only on mutual sympathy. Eyes - this is what will help show a person your love. They show all the important feelings in a person. And when you want to say it, say so to this person: “I love you!” Just liven up and let out that lightest feeling outside!

How to draw a man's love

Often a situation arises where for many years a woman cannot find herself suitable for a man’s life. However, most of these women recognize the need for the second half, and consider love as the main feeling in the life of each person.

Official statistics suggests that there are quite a few such women in our country, and, therefore, the question of how to attract the love of a man remains highly relevant for many.

What should be remembered to attract the love of men?

First of all, a woman who wants to attract the love of a man should be completely open to such feelings, because they can arise at any time. In this case, you should not pay attention to those men who you like, and are next to you. It is best to be friendly, smiling with all people, and then, in the end, you will meet the one with whom you should tie your future fate.

When choosing a man whose love you plan to lure, you should, among other things, pay attention to his appearance. If your potential man’s wardrobe has not been updated for a long time, you can purchase accessories, clothes and shoes together. In addition, it is recommended to take care of a new haircut or hairstyle, since the hair should only beautifully frame the face, and not be tow.

Remember also that in order to attract the love of a man, first of all, you must love yourself. In this case, one should not become selfish or narcissus. Apart from the fact that a person who loves himself is attractive to others, it also helps to accept yourself as you really are. It is necessary to love yourself sad, angry, caring and kind, that is, in all possible emotional and physical states.

In order to attract the love of a man, it is necessary to bring order to his own house, since he is the abode of future love. You yourself should be comfortable in your home, and you must have a desire to be in it. In most cases, in order to make the house more comfortable, it is often enough to simply change the furnishings: move the furniture, create new curtains, or make the bed with new bedding.

If you decide to attract the love of a man, then in your house there should not be single paintings and statuettes. The paired figures and paintings that depict happiness and love, by themselves, lure positive feelings into the house.

How to attract the love of a woman

When there are so many beautiful girls around, the question of how to attract the love of a woman, the men begin to wonder, tired of the constant change of partners and wanting to build long-lasting serious relationships. By this stage, men already have the skills, how to find an approach to a woman and how to seduce her. But the fact that he is still lonely indicates that the man has not learned to build long-term relationships.

Before you find your woman, a man needs to acquire certain skills and qualities. This will help you not to miss your chance, to attract the attention of women and try to keep her. Develop the qualities that attract the opposite sex.

To attract women love

· Like a woman

· Find an approach to a woman

· Communicate,

· Seduce and seduce,

· Find mutual understanding and

· Trust.

Determine the type of your future darling. Listen to yourself and understand exactly what you expect from it. What she should have looks, what a circle and what behavior she should be. Decide on

· The social circle of the chosen one,

· Level of education

· The main character traits

· The main features of the appearance, such as body type, face type, hair color,

· Some fundamental positions, for example, she should not smoke and so on

· Approximate age.

Where to find love

Think about exactly where you can most often meet representatives of your type of woman. To clarify, think about what she may have hobbies, the most interesting and attractive for you. Depending on this, review the list of places you usually visit. Want to get more chances, change your life -

· Saturate her with new meetings and events,

· Start an active lifestyle and

· Expand the circle of communication.

Having met a woman close at first glance to your ideal, do not stop searching. Meet as many women as possible. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to start a close relationship with everyone at once. Study and compare. So your chances of success will increase significantly.

Be prepared that after each acquaintance the portrait of the chosen one will undergo changes. You will expand the list of those qualities that she should not have, and the wish list will decrease. This will lead you to meet your love without fail.

This is all a dry theory, everything is laid out on the shelves and logically justified, just as men love. But life is interesting in that it sometimes defies any rules. Do not know how to attract the love of women? So you just have not had a chance to experience this feeling. And when it covers you, you will notice that your chosen one has nothing to do with the ideal that you have invented for yourself. Do not withdraw into yourself and the feeling will surely come to you.

In the summer of love you want even complete cynics, hardened careerists and pragmatic persons and sentiments are not located. Therefore, I decided to find out how quickly and with a guaranteed result to bring love to life. And found as many as 11 ways to do it.

Method 1: Duck stories

First of all, I entered the query "how to attract love" in one of the Internet search engines. Oddly enough, a few dozen of links that fell on the very first page were devoted to the subject of “mandarin ducks”. At first I decided that this was some kind of technical failure - love, of course, also happens, judging by the number of ducklings in Moscow reservoirs, but I’m looking for a man, not a drake.

But it turned out that the mandarin duck is one of the main Feng Shui talismans, which helps to attract and retain love. Mandarin ducks in nature always stick together, fly in pairs and show tender care for each other, which is symbolic in itself. According to the Chinese, the devotion and mutual love of these birds can be envied by everyone. If a couple of mandarin ducks settled in your house (ceramic, of course), you will soon find true love.

Method 2: Vocabulary

Many well-known psychologists are convinced of the power of positive thinking. Therefore, if you are trying to lure love into your life, you need to constantly repeat several affirmations, such as “I radiate love all the time”, “Giving love, I get more love”, “People just waiting to love me, and I let them do it. ” It is better to repeat about yourself so that friends and colleagues do not decide that you are crazy.

Method 3: more gentle than the bottom

“To attract love, indulge yourself with shopping. Buy yourself a stunning red underwear - advised me experts in feng shui. - Shopping brings a positive attitude into our lives. The purchase of underwear symbolizes the internal readiness for sexual relationships. And red attracts love. ”

Method 4: everyone dances!

Music has a strong influence on our psychological and physical condition. If you want to meet true love, listen to passionate Latin American songs. Better yet, go to Latin American discos and learn to dance salsa, cumbia and merengue. A girl who knows how to move beautifully will not be left alone for long!

Method 5: Homework

Do general cleaning at home. Get rid of old things, sort out the cabinets, wipe the dust. Garbage is negative energy that prevents love from coming to your home. And also, remember: during the cleaning you should have a good mood, only in this case the energy of love will be on your side.

Method 6: Cacti -  not

Experts in feng shui are sure that all objects with sharp corners negatively affect our privacy. Therefore, to attract love to your home, soften the corners of the room with round and oval objects. And most importantly, get rid of all the cacti! This plant is the main enemy in your personal life; present it to your rival.

Method 7: as ordered

Take a notebook and a pen and make a clear description of "your" man. Imagine how it will look, what to do, what books to read, etc. Psychologists claim that the more you describe the man of your dreams, the more chances you have to meet a person with whom you will be happy.

Method 8: Birch Conspiracy

“If you want to find love, embrace the birch,” said my grandmother. It turns out that birch from ancient times is considered the personification of purity, virtue and love. It gives women vitality and adds charm. So at lunchtime, go outside and hug a birch tree - love won't be long in coming. (By the way, men should hug an oak.)

Method 9: Floral motifs

After the story of the birch, my grandmother remembered another popular recipe. In order to attract love, you need to grow pansies at home. There is no explanation for this, but beautiful flowers have not spoiled a single house yet. Watering them, of course, need more often than cacti! But love requires sacrifice and free time.

Method 10: the stove bakes

There is one more method, tested by time and not by one generation. True, for his sake will have to forget about diets for some time. On Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, get up early in the morning and bake a cake. While preparing it, think that you are ready to meet your love. It does not matter what recipe you will bake and how the pie will have a filling. But you should eat it completely within one calendar day. The bigger the cake, the sooner you will meet your love.

Method 11: Venus hair

In the Crimea, jewelry with the “stone of love”, which has a lot of names, is very popular - Hair of Venus, Arrows of Cupid, Quartz-hairs. According to legend, the goddess of love, Venus, while swimming in a mountain lake, lost a strand of her golden hair. Winter came, and the water in that lake turned into ice, and then into beautiful crystal, a stone that retained the hair of Venus ... Now this stone is the best talisman for those who want to meet their love. Perhaps this is just a beautiful fairy tale of Crimean jewelers, but my friend met her second husband immediately after she acquired this pebble.

How to attract love in your life?  How to change your life for the better? How to become beloved and happy? What needs to be done to attract the perfect partner? These, as well as many other pressing issues, often interest both men and feminine. How to attract the love of a man or a woman in your life? Initially it is important to understand the essence of the concept of this feeling. The significance of the relationship of man and woman tried to uncover the majority of philosophers throughout the existence of the entire history of human thought. At the same time, no epoch has given a complete definition of this concept, having only slightly opened up some facets of the phenomenon of the human soul.

The spiritual world of the individual, his aesthetic essence is the least known to science spheres of life, and that is why it is practically impossible to give a specific definition of higher human feeling. The importance and complexity of this feeling is due to merging into one whole: understandable and inexplicable, spiritual and physical, social and individual, personal and universal. There is not a single developed society, and there is no such individual who is not familiar with love. Without love, the moral image of the individual is not able to form, and there is also no normal development. It can be developed to varying degrees, but it can not be.

What is love? No one has yet succeeded in giving a clear enough unambiguous definition. And this not ease arises because of the variety of its forms and types, since all human activity is marked by this feeling in all its manifestations.

You can talk about the love of yourself and erotic love, love of the creator and man, love of country and life, love of good and truth, love of power and freedom. There is also a feeling: platonic, romantic, knightly, fraternal, parental. There is love-pity and love-passion, love for the far and neighbor love, love-gift and love-need, love of a woman and love of a man.

When listing all these varieties, one gets the impression that there is nothing in common between them and there is no common point at which all these feelings intersect. According to many philosophers, it is the erotic form of this feeling that makes an individual full-fledged: he gives a person such sharpness and fullness of being that nothing else can give.

It is important to note that the love of the individual to himself is an important prerequisite for the existence of him as a person and, therefore, the condition for any love feeling. Therefore, if someone loves his neighbor, but at the same time does not love himself, this proves that he does not have a genuine sense of neighbor, since a love feeling is based on respect and affirmation, and if an individual does not feel these feelings in relation to himself, then they and does not exist at all. As a result, none of the individuals will be able to love another, if you have not loved yourself before.

Love is necessary for all as air, without it, life appears to be some kind of inferior and lost something important. Only she makes life desirable and alive. However, despite this, there are still many women and men who cannot attain personal happiness? Why it happens? The answer is simple: people are waiting for a partner who will arrive and give them this wonderful feeling. But this is a delusion. If a person is not open to this feeling and he does not have that spark, then no one will approach him, because he will not see the necessary qualities for himself. Therefore, you should not have the hope that someone will burst into life suddenly and will relieve from loneliness, filling gray days with romance and care. It is required to understand that only a person himself can help himself with this, because he gets what he himself radiates.

How to attract love and happiness? It is important to feel yourself in the present tense as a happy person. After all, right now a person lives one hundred percent and the most important thing that happens to him is now. It makes no sense to waste your time on moments of memories of the events of bygone days or years, trying to correct something there mentally. It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to return to your lover (oops) in the most memorable, bright day. It should mentally let go of the image from the past. The human heart is meant to appreciate and love the beautiful and unique present.
  The most important point for bringing love and happiness into life is the ability to be happy regardless of anyone. When it begins to feel that it acquires inner strength and harmony, then a turning point will come. At this very moment, a person becomes attracted to others and begins to attract into his life such strong and wise people who want happiness for themselves.

Attracting a love feeling into your life, it is important to abandon the desperate attempts to find a reciprocal feeling at any price or to keep the wrong partner near you. One should be sure that it will be the one who is needed, who truly loves and appreciates the true value, on the path of life.

Amorous feeling is attracted to life according to the law of attraction, but first you need to make room for new relationships in your heart.

Therefore, you should answer the following questions:

- Am I ready for new feelings?

- may past love still live in the heart;

- Do I hold on to the previous insults;

- Do I correspond to the future chosen one whom I want to draw in my life?

It often happens that a person is looking for an ideal, and he himself does not match him. In this case, you should change yourself for the better or reduce the requirements for the chosen one.

How to attract love into your life men, women - tips

In this case, the following methods will come to the rescue:, the emotion of possession, the promise of love.


It is necessary to think carefully and answer yourself the question of which particular individual the individual wishes. Answer it is required in detail. It is important to describe not only the external data, but also the features of the relationship. It is required to visualize daily what a person wants to draw into his life.

So, to attract new relationships into your life, you can, if you clearly imagine the color of your eyes and hair, appearance, height, smile, facial features of a future elect. Also, in addition to appearance, one should present features, certain qualities of character, habits, preferences. You can attract your loved one with the power of thought - just mentally presenting it. The image of a loved one should be visualized in a relaxed, calm state, since in this way desires are realized more efficiently and faster.

Emotion of owning

It is necessary to feel that a person already has a desired relationship, that he is happy and is well with his partner.

Love promise

The boomerang law says: that which a person gives, then returns to it. Start sending love to the world, applying in your meditation practice to attract this feeling. After their application, the human aura will begin to emit streams of pure light, which will act as the energy of universal love. Of course, without certain actions here, too, can not do. To meet the right person you need to be more often outside the home, take the help of friends or the Internet.

How to attract mutual love in your life? It is important to realize that love feeling is attracted by love, but self-dislike is an obstacle on the way to meeting your soul mate. Such a person, sending negative impulses and discontent in the world, appears to people’s eyes as an unattractive person. In this case, sincerely such a person will not be able to fall in love with others, because the individual does not know himself how to love himself. Of course, relationships with such a person are possible, but they will not bring happiness.

Why sometimes do not work methods to attract the desired happiness? Unbelief is the main obstacle to the desired feeling. It is also important to pay attention to the emotions with which a person proceeds to attract the desired feeling. They should be only positive, because to attract love into your life is possible only with a sincere desire, based on positive experiences.

Additional tools for attracting love are affirmations (verbal statements) of the desired direction. For example, "I am worthy of love, I am attracted to mutual feelings, I know that I am needed and love me."

Thus, there are many ways and methods to attract personal happiness. Specific actions that will help a person achieve what they want are aimed at the following:

- it is necessary to get rid of ballast, old attachments that have become obsolete. If this is not done, the new feeling will not be able to attract. Also, do not try to get a particular person, because the choice may be unsuccessful;

- should live by the law that he gave, he got it. If the world, apart from its complaints about life and gloom, does not give anything away, then it is not worth waiting for the sudden appearance of happiness. Therefore, if a person needs love, then it must be given away. This can be done in different ways, but you need to do everything sincerely, because what a person gives up, then he will return;

- you need to find suitable affirmations and constantly mentally repeat them. For example, “I am open for a new relationship and my heart radiates love”, “I am worthy (yna) of mutual feelings and I get them”, etc.

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. It is possible to meet your soul mate and live together all your life, using one of three effective rituals that attract love.

Even unrequited love contains many strong emotions: some of them contribute to creation, others to destruction, but in any case they make life brighter. However, the preponderance of the negative and long suffering can lead to almost complete exhaustion of vitality. If you feel that you are literally obsessed with some kind of person and cannot imagine life without him, then it is likely that you have become a victim of a love spell.

You can get rid of the imposed feelings and find inner harmony by spending an ostudu - a special ritual that helps you stop loving and forget any person.

If in your life there is no loved one and you want to experience a feeling of mutual love, unity and harmony, then three strongest rituals can help you, tested by generations of people who have found their true destiny.

Call a loved one to the wind

This method is suitable for those who are not in love with a particular man or a particular woman, but wish to attract into their life a partner that meets all your expectations. For the ceremony you will need:

  • a piece of paper;
  • red handle;
  • dried mint leaves;
  • dry rose petals;
  • fireproof dishes;
  • matches

To begin, stay alone and focus on the image of the person you want to see next to you. Take the time to write down all the specifications on paper. After the image is described, read the resulting out loud, visualizing how the described person comes into your life. Put the description sheet in the fireproof dish and burn it. After that, add mint and rose petals to the ashes, open the window and develop the contents of the tank downwind with the words:

“I call four winds to witnesses and messengers: Mighty winds, carry my word around the Earth, on four sides of the world, carry it to my destiny, call my fate, whisper my name, bring me to me! True! ”

On the night after the ceremony, do not close the window and try to remember your dreams: it is likely that in them you will find the answer to how soon your fate will change.

Draw love with water

This method is suitable for those who have experienced the pain of parting with the past love and want to forget all the bad things in the new happy relationship. To conduct it you will need an open flow source and loneliness.

Come to the spring in the morning, put your palms in the water and imagine all the bad things you have experienced in past relationships. If these memories cause tears, do not hold them back. The water will take away all the bad, and after a while you will feel an inner emptiness. At this point, raise your hands out of the water and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Sister water, accept pain, wrap happiness!"

Imagine the image of the person you wish to meet, and again for a few moments, lower your hands into the water. After that, go home without talking to anyone.

Find your happiness with the help of fire

The third ritual was used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. For the realization of the desired, you will need any source of fire: from a small candle to a fire. The venue of the ceremony also depends on your ability. In addition to the fire, you will need a small scissors.

Alone, give yourself time to think about your desire. Make sure that you are definitely ready not only to receive, but also to give warmth and care to your future partner. The “fiery” ritual is the strongest, but the fire is a very dangerous and demanding element.

Having come to the desired state, light the fire and, looking into the flame, tell him about the person with whom you would like to be near. Put the maximum amount of emotions and strength in your story. When the story is finished, take a pair of scissors and cut off a small strand of your hair as a sign of the seriousness of your intention and burn it in a lighted flame.

Wait until the source of fire goes out, and save what remains of it. If you were sitting around the campfire, take a piece of coal with you, and if you worked with a candle, save a cinder until the person you called appeared in your life.

To achieve a reciprocal feeling from a loved one can be extremely difficult. If you are desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then five effective love spells for a man can help you. We wish you mutual love and joy. Be happy and do not forget to press buttons and

23.08.2017 03:03

There are a great many practices that help people develop their hidden abilities and improve themselves. Lotus Flower Meditation ...