Causes of hallucinations in healthy people All about hallucinations. How to get rid of hallucinations

Hallucinations - imagine what they blame at the witness without a splash of outrageous imitation. The stench is formed in the wake of failures and pardons from robots and other organs a little bit.

Unfortunately, from a medical point of view, the appearance has not yet been fully examined and characterized. However, there is something about the new one. I immediately talk about those, what hallucinations are, what stinks are, and how to cope with them.


There are plenty of provocative officials. The causes of hallucinations are taken to lead to such a transition:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Psychosp.
  • Hallucinosis (prison, alcohol).
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Syndromes of a hallucinatory-lighthouse character. These include paranoid, paraphrenic, paranoid, as well as the Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome.
  • Trauma to the brain and swelling.
  • Destroyed by various speeches (tetraethyl lead, for example).
  • Skronevy arteritis, encephalitis, meningitis and other infectious diseases that affect the brain.
  • Stroke.
  • Syphilis of the brain.
  • Cardiac-sudinnі illness, shcho perebuvayut at the stage of decompensation.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Rheumatic disease of the globules of that heart.
  • Metastases of puffiness in the brain.
  • Ill, which are accompanied by a pronounced feverishness. For example, pneumonia, typhus and typhoid fever, malaria.
  • Trivale is chronically malnourished.
  • stress.
  • Alcoholism. Hallucinations are especially pronounced in alcoholic psychosis, which is also called “white fever”.
  • Drug addiction. Hallucinations following the implantation of speeches are often a manifestation. Most of the stench comes from the injection of crack, mescaline, opiate and other drugs, PCP, LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, and psilocycin.
  • side effect to the reception medicinal products. These may include atropine, anti-seizure medications, drugs for Parkinson's disease, anti-rus and antibiotics, sulfonamides, antidepressants, anti-tuberculosis, anti-hypertensives, tranquilizers, histamine blockers and psychostimulants.

Shchos from this list, as a rule, becomes the cause of hallucinations. I exultation, razozumilo, rooting itself on the usunennі factor that provoked their appearance. Є the mass of drugs indicated for this (“Triftazine”, “Haloperidol”, “Olanzapine”, “Risperidon”, “Mazheptil”, “Quetiapin”, “Amisulpride”, “Trisedil” and in.), in skin cases individually.

Right hallucinations

The first view of the phenomenon, which is being discussed, about the yoke is necessary to be told.

Right hallucination - a dream without the presence of an object. It is not possible to stray with a mirage, for that which, under this term, is lurking on the presence of a manifestation, as if it were based on physical laws. So the axis, for the right hallucinations, is a characteristic oval infusion. It's just that the stench doesn't show up - the stench always looms up to a really real situation.

For example, people can get away, to sit on the table like a mystical creation, at the door of your apartment you can knock, or at the bathroom you can pray.

Speaking in simple language, the hallucinations of the mind do not call out everyday doubts about their reality. Sometimes the stench looks more truthful, lower words, that the place can be true.

Varto designate that these manifestations are functional. Tobto is blamed for the obviousness of the evocative imitation. For example, "voices" can sound from a bathroom or a vital one, like water pouring from a tap, a noisy fan, etc.

As if explaining with my folding, then right hallucinations - not showing the disintegration of the hallucination of sensitive awareness. The sensory elements of the analyzers, as well as the deacons of the vital elements of efficiency, should form the structure of the sensory elements. One way to navit posterigaetsya beacon interpretation of reality.

It is also important to indicate that the hallucinations of one may have a wide range. To this type, elementary discord in the areas of the brain can be introduced, which, according to the registration, must be given to the processing of information that can be found, and the verbal-meaning of the pathology, which can still be folded.

Features of right hallucinations

Those who are deeply illustrative of what a person has, and inspire those who stink as much as they are worthy of sensitivity, lie in the presence of pathological evidence.

If there are golden hallucinations, if they join with tactile and scent perceptions, then this is an important step. Obscuration of evidence, otherwise seemingly, even more damaged - a sign of serious problems associated with the functioning of the brain.

It is important that the person herself does not become critical of anyone. Mustaches are deceptive, that appearances are perceived by them as fictitious.

As a rule, the stench z'yavlyayutsya nezalezhny vіd bazhannya people. And he himself can tell and not tell about hallucinations, respecting himself, we are especially sensitive - to those who have been given a unique chance to contact with parallel worlds and their inhabitants.

You can see the following features of right hallucinations:

  • Clarity, clarity, realism of images.
  • The directness of the manifestations of the call, the familiarity of them with the real space.
  • Non-trivial overrun.
  • Viniknennya, as a rule, at the evening or at night.

So varto signify, that, zgіdno z zagalnopriynyatoy point of dawn, tsі the appearances are not blamed on people who are mentally healthy.

Jubilation of right hallucinations

It is more specific and requires a psychiatric approach. Here, as if there were some other illness, it is necessary to reveal the reason. But it’s a pity that the functions of the brain on this day are not trained by such a world, so that it would be possible to develop specific visnovkas and immediately recognize the exultation.

If you want one version, the hoarders care if you know what the provocative clerk is doing, but if only the singing group of creative people hang out.

Zgіdno with singing dzherelami, rich in vіdomih idiosyncrasies suffered on hallucinations. Tse Chopin, Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant, Gogol, Van Gogh and others. So the axis, deyakі vvazhayut, what causes the destruction of information in their current state of mind - the intertwining of the real and the spiritual world, which is under the influence of a psychopathic process, which "launched" schizophrenia, the introduction of alcohol, opium, too.

Turning to those exuberance, varto indicates that if you want it to be like it was bulo, it will be a method to stop it and wake up far away from the lighthouse hallucinatory stanіv. Call doctors to patients to use internal language injections of "Aminazina" or "Tizercina" in combination with "Trisedil" and "Haloperidol". Those who are sent to a psychiatric clinic, but in that case, as the reason for hallucinations is not in their apparent somatic illness, but in a different, less understandable way.

Imperative hallucinations

About them it is necessary to tell about them. Aje tse - hearing hallucinations, about the causes of such infections and there may be.

It should be noted that fahivtsy most often contact patients, as if they try themselves.

As a rule, make noise that sounds, like a person can smell, even more different. The stench is either fuzzy and urivchast, or the numbers are different. Often people smell shabby sounds and knocks, a self-made voice chi cacophony, “chorus”. The quality is also resonating. Deyakі voices can zdavatisya know.

What kind of sounds would not be, the stench most often slaps a person, instills morally lamayat. To the one who voices to yoma threaten, obіtsyat raspravlyayut іz him, pіdkoryat themselves, frighten those who are told.

As a rule, there are two causes of imperative hallucinations - alcoholism and schizophrenia. At the first moment of voice, ring out a sprat, stench talk among themselves, “discuss” the people of that її vchinki. In schizophrenia, there is usually only one voice, and auditory transformation is directly directed to the patient. You can mate with him and punish him.

Telling about the cause of the symptoms of hallucinations, it should be noted that the stench can go into the form of a frown of light. It is called an amentia, and it appears in the transformation of the movie, in the “curved” light perception of that thought.

The unsafe appearance of the one who can bring people to death as a whole.

Symptoms of auditory hallucinations

Navkolishhnі can їх i not pomіtit, yakscho the person herself does not share her experiences, or vipadkovo not to miss the suspicion.

The head symptom is punishment, which sounds at the head of the ailing, zmushuyut yogo vikonati pevna diyu. As a rule, command to be criminal or sadistic zabarvlennya.

To rob a person who is not safe, as for herself, so for those who are lonely. The voice literally turns to nothing, though not in name: “It’s not your friend who entrusts, but the demon - take the skewer, strangle him ...” or: “Take the bottom, shake your finger” and so on.

Ale is necessary. Shards of a person at the moment of attack lose control over the brain and stop repairing voices.

Before speech, ring out the nightly hallucinations. The reason for their appearance at this hour is quite understandable - panuє tsіlkovita silence, and on її tlі voice a little clear and clear.

visual hallucinations

There are two kinds of stench. Just simple hallucinations - the stench is not formed at the song, the image of a bachelor, as if they appear on a distance of up to 2-3 meters from a person. Tse mozhe be like a dim chi fog, sleepers of light, spirals, specks, flies, cobwebs, streamers, threads, nimbi.

And the axis of foldable hallucinations, the cause of which most often becomes the reception of psychotropic diseases, or problems with the psyche, richly viz. Briefly, they can be seen to such a crossroads:

  • Zoological. People bachit coma, ptahіv that creature. The stench looks natural and behaves naturally.
  • Demonomaniacs. They appear at the sights of angels, devils, ghouls, mermaids, dwarfs, vids, dwarfs, veletnivs, deities and other angelic characters. Call out to blame, if the person is resting at the fear.
  • Fantastic. Before them one can see a bunch of aliens, selenites, Martians and others in the fantasy room. The stench indicates the presence of a person's grace to sickly fantasizing, often, autism.
  • Anthropomorphic. A crowd of people, moreover, the most addictive - close and unknown, dead and alive.
  • Fragmentary. Viyavlyayutsya at the bachenny okremih parts of singing objects. Most often - all segments of the human body. So people can bachiti houses without walls, disguise without eyes, creatures without heads.
  • Autoscopic. This is how the bachennia are called by people themselves. One more "I" is entrusted to them. You can booty bachennya yourself from the side.
  • Geatoscopic. Tse - the bachelor of his twin nachebto in the middle of himself.
  • Symbolic. For such hallucinations, a person can churn out numbers, words, symbols, verses, save. Abo manifests in oneself the "credibility" of writing in invisible handwriting.
  • Polyopic. Tse bachennya kіlkoh odnovih bagatioh objects. For example, people can split up.
  • Panoramic. This is how they are called non-robust, static towers of colorful landscapes. Tse can be traces of earth cowards, garni budinki, which induce a flicker of natural phenomena, etc.
  • Scene-like. Before them, they are connected by the plot and the scenes that change in succession, with a different light. It’s possible that everything is ready for the future - starting with a funeral, finishing with a funeral.
  • Endoscopy. That's a lot of objects in your own. People can get away, scho in the yogo shlanka to be known lower, but in the eyes - hrobaki.
  • Visceroscopy. And tse - a bachelor of his own internal organs. Wrinkled legen, brain zvivin, zapovneniy sich mіkhur thinly.

There are many other types hallucinations in summer, mature and children - geometric, monochromatic, normooptic, microoptical, embossed, etc. The latest translation includes dozens of names. Vivchivshi yogo, skin involuntarily zamislitsya at that, on the basis of the mind of the uncorrupted picture of the building, you can see people with an unhealthy psyche.

Types of hallucinations

Mustache is impossible to override. Ale deyaki still signifies respect for the varto:

  • Association. The most naturalistic. Okremi images change one by one, and everything is logically, sequentially. On the back, a person can feel it, and then we’ll already succumb to it, chi navpaki.
  • Reflex. They show up as a real imitation. Uvіmknennya svіtla can call out the voice.
  • Extra camping. Walk between the fields of the analyzer. Lyudina, for example, you can make a picture behind the wall, nіbito in another room.
  • Smakov. A person can taste the inescapable relish of a company. Chew the gum, for example, and taste the malt.
  • Nyukhovi. You can smell smells that are not true, moreover, clearly.
  • Tactile. They show up at the sight of dotikiv to themselves, or temperature changes.
  • Vestibular. Lyudina vіdchuvaє, nіbi її tіlo occupies position, scho not vypovіdaє reality.
  • Complex. One of the most amazing species: a person can taste the saltyness in the mouth in the form of bees, on the way of the wine in the wild.

Zagalom, even if they were hallucinations, the stench of zavzhdy po'yazani z analyzers. And the shards of a person are literally made up of nerve fibers, the stench can appear at the link for sure.

Bachennya at the summer

Unrealistic images can be blamed on the vіtsі. Vidminnist hallucinations in people of a frail age fall on the cob, stubbornness to the progression of symptoms and weak symptoms of likuvannya. I, of course, may change your mind.

People with age say degenerative changes in the brain. Nerve tissue is being rebuilt, fiber sheaths are collapsing, neurons are being replaced by non-functional successful tissue. The most common cause of aging is dementia, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, as well as leukoencephalopathy.

Unfortunately, degenerative changes are non-negotiable. As a whole, get rid of the hallucinatory syndrome, which is the last thing, do not go. And if a person is rightly accepted as a doctor of the face, then I will not show discord again.

In people of a frail age, especially important situations. Panic attacks, for example. Especially nothing. More young people "go" on their own. And the axis of the young man's nervous system is weakened, here you need medical help.

Before speech, it is not uncommon for hallucinations to stand before death. The stinks at this time become part of the process of the world. I, as a rule, are blamed on people who are seriously ill.


A lot of what was said about the causes of the hallucinations, nasmkinets varto razpovisti and about those how to carry out diagnostics.

For the cob, the doctor is guilty of seeing that the presence, with which the person has stumbled - is not a mirage and not an illusion. Vtіm, the "dreamer" is easy to perekonat. That one has a certainty. It is impossible for a psychiatrist patient to change his mind, that his image (auditory chi zorovy - nasty) is unreal.

In order to determine the presence of the problem, the doctor respectfully listens to the person and watches over her. Sound emotions and show that change in mimicry is inconsistent with the real situation. For example, on aphids of absolute calm (sleepy day, blue sky, sleeping birds toshcho), a person can be shy, afraid to get angry.

Also, the most pronounced symptom is that people should shut up their ears (with auditory hallucinations), flatten their eyes and get covered with a carpet (with healthy ones), wanting to sharpen their minds until they die.

People need to be respected one to one. Too many people, getting into such a situation, are afraid of appearing unreasonable, they are afraid of virushat to a psychiatrist. The stench prihovuyut lighthouse camp, dissimulate yogo to extraordinary life. Ale tse can be nasty skint.

For the shortest time, a person “comrades” with his own images. At the top of the stench, the floorings are slick, that you can simply rush in with a rapt, where you can marvel at and drink a car, you can’t get out of the window, etc. Unfortunately, hallucinations often lead to something.

Hallucination - tse priynyattya chogos for the presence of a real stimulus, which may have the power of a real spriynyattya. Hallucinations can be so powerful, like brilliance, speechiness, and they are accepted like objects (smells, apparently thinly), roamed by the ethereal objective space. The stench wakes up from the appearance of the apparitions: sleep, which does not include sleeplessness; Ilyuziya, kak includes created or incorrectly vitlumachene real spriynyattya; yava, yaka not imitu really priynyattya and perebuvaє under the control of people; that pseudo-hallucination, which does not imitate real sensations, but does not rest under the control of a person. Hallucinations are also considered as a “lighthouse spray”, when we correctly perceive and interpret the stimuli (so that the real spray) is given a deuce additional (and, as a rule, absurd) meaning. Hallucinations can be experienced in any sensory modality - visual, auditory, scent, smack, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive. A mild form of hallucination appears to be a disorder of mental equanimity and may be suspected in most sensory modalities. For example, a person can perceive hallucinations about a handful of objects at the peripheral dawn, or a person can make a little weak noise and / or voice. Auditory hallucinations are even more extensive in schizophrenia. The stench can be kind (the patient can smell good speeches) or malicious, curse the person, etc. Hearing hallucinations of a malicious type are often felt, for example, like the voices of people, like talking about people behind their backs. As with auditory hallucinations, it is also possible for visual hallucinations to be behind the back of the sick. Їхнім visual analogue є vіdchutya that scho on the sick hto marvel, as a rule, zі zlim namirom. Often, auditory hallucinations and their visual counterpart are experienced at the same time. Hypnogogic hallucinations and hypnopompic hallucinations are considered normal manifestations. Hypnogogic hallucinations can occur when a person falls asleep, the same as hypnopompic hallucinations occur when a person slips. Hallucinations can be associated with the use of drugs (anticholinergic hallucinogens), sleep aids, psychosis, neurological disorders, and white fever. The very word "hallucination" was introduced by English language in the 17th century by the doctor Sir Thomas Browne in 1646 roci, similar to the Latin word alucinari, which means "to fool in the mind."


hallucinations may appear in different forms. Different forms of hallucinations infuse different organs sensitively, and sometimes they appear at the same time, creating impersonal sensory hallucinations in patients, like they feel.

visual hallucinations

Visual hallucination - tse "receiving a real visual stimulus, which really is not." From the other side, the visual illusion is the creation of a real real imitation. Zorovі hallucinations podіlyayutsya on simple and folding. Simple visual hallucinations (PVG) are also thought of as unformed dawn hallucinations and elementary dawn hallucinations. The number of terms can be seen up to light, color, geometric shapes and homogeneous objects. They can be divided into phosphenes, PVG without structure, photopsia, PVG with geometric structures. Folding eyesight hallucinations (CHAs) are also called folded eyesight hallucinations. SZG - clear, realistic images or scenes, such as people, creatures, objects, etc. For example, a patient may hallucinate a giraffe. A simple visual hallucination is an amorphous figure, such as a shape or a color, similar to a color or a shape of a giraffe (looks like a giraffe), while a visual hallucination is a folding, discrete, realistic image of a giraffe.

Auditory hallucinations

Hearing hallucinations (also known as parakusiya) - spriynyattya sound without a sound stimulus. Auditory hallucinations are the most widespread type of hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations can be divided into two categories: elementary and complex. Elementary hallucinations - these are the sounds of sounds, such as hissing, whistling, lingering tone and richly different. In rich voices, the noise in the ears is an elementary auditory hallucination. Tim is not less, deakі people, yakі vіdchuvayut sing type noise at vuha, especially pulsating noise at vuha, really smell the rush of blood through the vessel bіla vuha. Shards in this situation are a sound imitation, this vibration does not qualify as a hallucination. Complex hallucinations - hallucinations to the voice, musics of other sounds, which can be clearly perceived by others, can be known and known to others unknown, friendly and aggressive. The hallucination of one sane person, one or two voices, so to speak, is especially associated with psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, and may be especially significant in the diagnosis of these minds. As a group of people experiencing an auditory hallucination, one person can be called a psychotic or a schizophrenic. For other typical illnesses, in which there is a widening of hearing and hallucinations, there is a dissociative disorder of specialness. In schizophrenia, voices are heard that people are calling, but in dissociative discord, stench is received like that in the middle of people, commenting under their heads, and not behind them. Differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and dissociative disorders is aggravated by the absence of symptoms that overlap. Tim is not less, there are a lot of people who do not suffer from mental illnesses that are diagnosed, sometimes they can also voice a little. One of the most important applications, which should be taken care of when forming a differential diagnosis for a patient with paracusia, is lateral skroneval epilepsy. Irrespective of the trend of spitting out the voices of either other hallucinations with psychosis and schizophrenia or other mental illnesses, it’s important to take it to heart, that, like a person, it’s showing a psychotic picture, it’s not about a psychotic disorder. Disorders, such as Wilson's disease, various endocrine diseases, numerical metabolic disorders, rosacea sclerosis, systemic vermicompost, porphyria, sarcoidosis, and many others may be associated with psychosis. Muzichni Galyucinatsії Tozhevno Vіntno Sewing Z Saying Folding Hearing Hanging Gallucinatsiy, I Make Bati Results of a wide range of reasons, Postinaychi random Hearing (Fine, with Music Hearing Syndrome, Human Version Syndrome Bonn), Bickly Skronivo Epirelepsії, Artisenozoa Malformazi, Insultu,, Abscess Chi plumpness. The Hearing Voices Movement is a dedicated advocacy group for people who can smell hallucinations of voices, but do not show other signs of mental illness or damage. A high reduction in caffeine led to an increase in the severity of auditory hallucinations. A study conducted at the School of Psychological Sciences at La Trobe University found that as little as five cups of kawi a day (approximately 500 mg of caffeine) can cause an outbreak.

Imperative hallucinations

Imperative hallucinations - tse hallucinations as commands; the stench can be auditory, or it is in the middle of the mind of that / or the knowledge of the people. Instead of hallucinations, you can change in the presence of several teams until you are ordered to kill your own people. Imperative hallucinations are often associated with schizophrenia. People who may have such hallucinations, may or may not be able to succumb to hallucinations, fallow in the environment. Ordering is often followed by different non-violent teams. Imperative hallucinations sometimes vicorate like a zahist in various mischiefs, often inflicted. In essence, a voice that you can feel, and you can speak with hearing, so rob. Sometimes you command a whole bunch of “good-natured” messages, like “get up” or “fix the doors”. It doesn't matter which team it is, it's simple, or it's a threat, it will, like before, be respected by an "imperative hallucination." Deyakі korisnі nutrition, yakі can help z'yasuvat, chі vіdchuvaє people this kind of hallucinations, include: "Who would you say to tell you to work?" ? Skoda sobi (inshim)?”, “In your opinion, what can you do to support that, to rob those who vote to show you to rob?”. Incoli patients call imperative hallucinations instructions. Sound the cob of these commands in patients to bring about a change in the way of life, for example, they can throw a stench at the robot, as if the voice would tell them to robit. A lot of patients vvazhayut tsі commands with a supernatural being, oskolki tsі teams are given to comprehend them. If imperative hallucinations are associated with schizophrenia, a person can have a little too many unacceptable speeches. Instructions or commands when you can, for example, tie them up, to yell at someone or say something specific to someone. The patient, who suffers from imperative hallucinations, does not have a choice, moreover, like a fad. Somehow, if they are given instructions, they stink, that their shoulders are clenched, and the stench can not choose another, like children behind the team. The voice can punish, for example, hit one of the members of this patient. Imperative hallucinations are a phenomenon that repeats itself. In addition, the voice can speak to patients about the need to support communications with specific people, for example, overpowering them email or call them on the phone, without singing.

Scent hallucinations

Fantosmiya (smelling hallucinations) - ce priynyattya smell, which is not really known. Parosmіya - tse inhalation of a right smell, but spriynyattya yoga like a different aroma, creating a smell (scent system), like, as a rule, not viklikana chimos serious, and, as a rule, pass by itself with an hour. It can be the result of a whole range of minds, such as nasal infections, nasal polyps, dental problems, migraines, craniocerebral injuries, convulsions, stroke, or swelling of the brain. Some of the reasons for such hallucinations are environmental infusions, as well as, for example, smoking, infusion of certain types of chemical speeches (for example, insecticides or retailers) or promenev lust for cancer of the head or shi. Noxious hallucinations can also be a symptom of some mental disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, intoxication, or withdrawal syndrome after drug use and alcohol, or psychotic disorders (for example, schizophrenia). The odors are usually unacceptable and are often described as the smell of garou, smite or rotten.

Tactile hallucinations

Tactile hallucinations are the illusion of tactile sensory input that imitates different types on the skin of other organs. One of the subtypes of tactile hallucinations, goosebumps - ce apparently coma, which is called under the skin, is often associated with trivial cocaine injections. Tim not less, goosebumps can be the result of normal hormonal changes, such as menopause, or maladies, such as peripheral neuropathy, high fever, Lyme disease, skin cancer, and many others.

Smakov hallucinations

This type of hallucinations є spriynyattya relish for the presence of the stimulus. Cі hallucinations, yakі zvjachay є marvelous chi unacceptable, є dosit by a broader manifestation of the middle osіb, yakі may sing types of focal epilepsії, especially skronevu epilepsіyu. Areas of the brain that are most likely to develop hallucinations in razor are Reil's island and Sylvian furrow.

Global somatic insights

Zagalnі somatichnі vіdchutya hallucinogenic nature vіdchuvayutsya, if a person vіdchuvaє, shcho yоgo body ponіvecheno, then. twisted, torn or vipatrali. Other indications of invading creatures in the internal organs of a human being, for example, a snake in the stool or a toad in the rectum. Zagalnoe vіdchutya raspravleniya flesh so klassifіkuєtsya at vіglyadі hallucinations.


Hallucinations can be caused by a number of low factors.

Hypnotic hallucinations

Numbers of hallucinations come without a hitch before the hoarseness and pour into the high sky of the population. In one survey, 37% of the respondents indicated that they would recognize such hallucinations for a day. Hallucinations can take a few seconds for a sprat of wheezing; For the whole hour, a person, as a rule, is immersed in the course of the true nature of images. The stench can be associated with narcolepsy. Hypnogogic hallucinations and other manifestations of stovbur anomalies in the brain, but rarely.

Peduncular hallucinosis

Peduncular means "which is visible to the lower brain", as a neural tract, which goes from the bridge of the stovbur to the brain and into the new one. These hallucinations, as a rule, occur at the evening hour, but not before the hour of drowsiness, like in different hypnotic hallucinations. The patient calls out to the witness. Like in the case of hypnotic hallucinations, the nature of the images is filled with neushkogenim. Hibni images can be a posteriori at any part of the field dawn, and rarely polymodal.

Alcoholic delirium

One of the most mysterious forms of visual hallucinations is polymodal delirium. Individuals, as if suffering from a white fever, may look awakened and lost their mothers, especially at the late stages of this illness. The quality of penetrating the essence of speeches gradually decreases in the world of the progress of this disease. Sleep breaks down and wakes up for a longer short period of time with sleep with swept eyes.

Parkinson's ailment and dementia with Levi's tilts

Parkinson's ailment is associated with dementia with Levi's bodies through the similarity of hallucinatory symptoms. The symptoms begin to appear at the evening hour, whether it be a part of the field, or rarely polymodal. The transition to a hallucination can be caused by delusions, if the feeling is strongly confounded, or new sensory information is not available. The stench sings tryvayut protyazh dekіlkoh hvilin, protyazh such subjects can be known and normal or sleepy / inaccessible. Razuminnya tsikh hallucinations in a person start to sound and the phase of light sleep, as a rule, changes. Parkinson's ailment is associated with a degraded compact part of black substance, but the rest of the evidence is about those that Parkinson's ailment is pouring into a large number of trees near the brain. Deyakі dilyanki with commemorative degradation include the middle nucleus of the suture, noradrenergic parts of the blakythic patches, cholinergic neurons in the parabrachial division and the pedunculopontine nucleus of the tegmentum.

migraine coma

This type of hallucinations sounds like a warning for the hour of renewal after I become comatose. Migraine coma can last up to two days, and sometimes it accompanies depression. The hallucinations will appear every hour I will become more aware and take care of the lucid hallucinatory nature of the images. Bulo appointed that migraine coma is accompanied by ataxic lesions.

Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Charles Bonnet Syndrome is the name given to the hallucinations of the mind, which seem to be a person's often or severely diminished vision. Hallucinations can appear at any hour and can splatter on people of any age, shards of stench cannot know at a glance that they have hallucinations. Patients can fight about the state of their own mental health, through which they can not tell loved ones about their hallucinations for a long time. Hallucinations can lie and benevolent patients, stink shards cease to understand what is real and what is not, and guardians should learn how to treat ailments. Hallucinations can sometimes be "driven away" for additional damage to the eyes, or, perhaps, simply for additional logic, for example, "I am running a fire, but there is no way and there is no heat" or, perhaps, "we were attacked by squints Rozhevі Strachki Z Dzvon, prikazі і и и и и и місацій і и иміниться инись и и ина повата більшный мерш родной бачити зіна Зідіна суса, и литина замина від и и и рикіршує су рость vary in staleness in the form of basic blindness and wear of the eyes.Differential diagnosis - ophthalmopathic hallucinations.

focal epilepsy

Healthy hallucinations through a focal epileptic attack vary widely in the region of the brain, in which the sudoma occurs. For example, golden hallucinations during the epilepsy of the biliary part, as a rule, they are clearly zabarvlennymi visions, geometric figures, which can move across the field of dawn, multiply, or make concentric circles and ring out for up to a decade. The stench, as a rule, has a one-sided character and is localized in one part of the field of the gap on the adjacent side of the sudoma. Tim is not smaller, one-sided turrets that collapse horizontally across the field of the gap, start on the contralateral side and collapse on the straight ipsilateral side. Epileptic attacks, from the other side, can vibrate folded visual hallucinations of people, scenes, creatures and a lot of other things, as well as the creation of a starry shower. Folding hallucinations may be real or unreal, may or may not be created well for the world, and may be disturbing or pleasant, otherwise. One of the rare, but notable types of hallucinations is geavtoskopiya, hallucination of a mirror image of oneself. The words "imagine yourself" can be absolutely non-violent, or they can compose a complicated task, they can represent the image of a patient in a young person, or a real image, and, as a rule, are present only for a short hour. Folding hallucinations are rarely seen in patients with skeletal epilepsy. Rarely, stench can be a warning of focal attacks or seizures in the thymus part. The creation of a visual sprinyattya under the hour of a short attack can include the spoofing of the world (micropsia or macropsia), the spoofing of the rush (if the objects are collapsing, they can collapse quite rightly, or be absolutely unruly, so on top of that), and move the horizon lines, the distances collapse, similar to the Hitchcock zoom effect and other illusions. Navit that, if you are aware of it, understand that hallucination and illusion are unreal, ring out, take care.

hallucinations caused by hallucinogens

Sometimes hallucinations call to the infusion of psychoactive speeches, such as anticholinergic hallucinogens, psychedelics and deac stimulants, which, as it seems, call out to sound and auditory hallucinations. Some psychedelics, such as lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin, can cause hallucinations. Acts of these drugs can be used in psychotherapy for treatment of mental disorders, drug addiction, anxiety and suddenly stop at advanced stages of cancer.

Hallucinations caused by sensory deprivation

Hallucinations can be caused by sensory deprivation, if they last for a long period of three hours, and may still be able to take place, if there is a modality (visual hallucinations from the eyes / in the dark, deafening).

Experimentally-induced hallucinations

Abnormal experiences, such as the so-called benign hallucinations, can be blamed on a person who has been in a state of good mental and physical health, instilled by the visible presence of an initiating factor, such as that, sp'yaninnya or sensory deprivation. In this hour, it is widely recognized that hallucinatory experiences are not only the prerogative of individuals, that they suffer from mental illnesses, but normal people in anomalous states, but that stinks are blamed spontaneously in a significant part of the normal population, that they are suffering from good people voltage and do not change for other non-standard furnishings. Evidence of this firmness has accumulated over a hundred years. Follow-up of good-natured hallucinatory experiences began in 1886, pid o'clock early work The Association of Psychic Research, as it were, told about those that approximately 10% of the population recognized that they had taken one hallucinatory episode as a stretch of their life. P_zn_sh_ dosl_dzhennya confirmed q_ vysnovki; the exact frequency varies in fallowness depending on the nature of the episode, and also on the criteria for hallucinations, but the main visnovok is now kindly supported.


visual hallucinations

Some internal images can discriminate the sensory input from the outer subdivisions in case of a broken nerve pathway, otherwise, indistinct stimuli are received, leading to squinting or reconciliation, especially about the middle nerve. Tse mozhe cause to hallucinations and tsey effect іnоdі vikoristovuєtsya for shaping optical іluzіy. There are three pathophysiological mechanisms, ie, ymovirno, caused by folding visual hallucinations. Qi mechanisms include:

    Razdratuvannya cortical centers, vydpovidalnyh for the processing of visual information (for example, vessel activity). The development of primary oral measles calls out simple elementary oral hallucinations.

    Shocks that call for the deaferentation of the zore system can lead to the appearance of a Kirk wilting that causes a visual hallucination.

    The activating reticular system of the bula is associated with the genesis of oral hallucinations.

Some specific classifications include: elementary hallucinations, which may include clattering, chickweeds and beams of light (called phosphenes). Hallucinations from flattened eyes in dark people often become worse when taking psychedelic drugs (such as LSD, mescaline). Fancy or "panoramic" hallucinations, which do not overlap, but brightly replace the entire field of vision with a hallucinatory blur, similar to dreams; such feline hallucinations can be blamed for epilepsy (with such stench, as a rule, stereotyping and experimental for their character), hallucinogenic vicariousness, and, in more common episodes, with catatonic schizophrenia, mania and stov Healthy hallucinations can cause visual deprivation to Trival. In the study, in the past, 13 healthy people were taken out of eye contact for 5 days, 10 out of 13 subjects were told about visual hallucinations. Tse vіdkrittya nada strong pіdtrimku ideї, scho is simple vtrata normalї visual information є sufficiency clerk, schob klikati zorovі hallucinations.

Psychodynamic thought

Bulo vysunuto different theories to explain the appearance of hallucinations. If there were popular psychodynamic (Freudian) theories in psychology, hallucinations were respected by projections of unfamiliar bazhan and thoughts. Oskіlki biological theories have become zagalnopriynyatiy, hallucinations often become vvazhat (appointed by psychologists) causing a functional deficit in the brain. As for mental illnesses, the function (or dysfunction) of neurotransmitters glutamate and dopamine is especially important. Freydistska іnterpretatsіya Mauger machi іstini aspect, oskіlki bіologіchna gіpoteza poyasnyuє fіzichnі vzaєmodії mozk in the head, in one hour yak freydistska іnterpretatsіya vstanovlyuє psihologіchnі complexes pov'yazanі Zi zmіstom galyutsinatsіy, yak takі galyutsinatsіya golosіv scho pereslіduyut Lyudin through pochuttya fault. Due to psychological consequences, hallucinations can be blamed on systematic pardons for the so-called metacognitive health.

The prospect of processing information

These zdіbnosti, yakі allow to control the work of the visnovka from our own inner psychological states (for example, namiriv, spogadіv, viruvan that thoughts). The difference between internal (self-generating) and evocative (subsidiaries) dzherel information is important for important metacognitive minds, but it can be wrong for that vicious hallucinatory experience. The design of the internal state (or the human reaction to the state of another person) can appear in visual hallucinations, especially auditory hallucinations. Not long ago a hypothesis, as soon as we take away recognition, the role of hyperactive processing of the beast downwards, or else it is clear that they are strongly perceived, as they can generate fleeting acceptance of the mind (tobto a hallucination).

Stages of hallucinations

Biological perspective

Auditory hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations are the most widespread type of hallucinations. The stinks turn on the sound of voices and music. In rich moods, individuals, who suffer from auditory hallucinations, have a sensitive voice, or voice, that they vibrate your thoughts in a voice, comment on all individuals, or punish people who work. Qi voices, as a rule, are negative and critical in terms of promotion to particularity. People, who suffer from schizophrenia and may have auditory hallucinations, often speak with this voice, but stink with another person.

visual hallucinations

The most extended modality, if people talk about hallucinations, including an apparition, is connected with a bunch of speeches, which are not real, but visually stunned, as if related to physical reality. Ignorance of various causes, which are classified as psychophysiological (damage to the structure of the brain), psychobiochemical (destruction of neurotransmitters), psychodynamic (penetration of the unknown in the mind), and psychological (for example, significant evidence of witness); tse also may be the case with Alzheimer's disease. Numerical impairments can include visual hallucinations, reversing psychotic disorders and ending dementia and migraine, but by themselves hallucinations do not mean obov'yazykovoї obvious discord. Healthy hallucinations are associated with organic damage to the brain and ailments, associated with drugs and alcohol, and, as a rule, are not considered the result of a mental disorder.

Schizoid hallucinations

Hallucinations may be associated with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental discord, which, out of nezdatnistyu, brings together real and unrealistic experiences, thinks logically, mothers contextually appropriate emotions, and functions in social situations.

Neuroanatomical correlates

The most common procedures, for example, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), were asked to learn more about rumors and verbal hallucinations. "Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which are repeated, have been used to investigate the pathophysiology of auditory/verbal hallucinations (SHS)." Based on the MRI of the patients, "lower levels of activation associated with hallucinations in Broca's area conveyed a large response to the left side of rTMS." We can reach a short understanding of what hallucinations are in the brain, understanding emotions and recognition, and those, as stench can spur physical reactions, which can lead to hallucinations. It has been established that hallucinations in schizophrenia are associated with symptoms in the morphology of parasingular disease.

Hallucinations blame afterward the forgiveness of chi zboїv in robots and quiet chi іnshih organіv sensitively. They are characterized by the reactions of unknown objects, manifested by the reactions, and navit yogo by bluffs. Tse means that a person can bachiti, consider a little bit those that you really don’t know.

In light of the fact that knowledge about the functioning of the brain among the people is still not so rich. Hallucinations can be seen up to the gallery of unknown phenomena, among which there are still richly invisible and mysterious. The brain is shown to us by those that we really don’t know, we’re slightly stunned, there aren’t any. Zavdyaks to this hallucination are in the old hours. It came to mind, everything was accepted otherwise: among the rich peoples, the priests and shamans navmisno planted various mushrooms and growths, so that they could fall into a trance and, for example, posplkuvatisya with dead relatives of the same tribe or shanovannym deities. Setting up such hallucinogenic preparations has become evident: ornaments and statues of mushrooms are often seen at rich temples, which speaks of a broader thought of the ancients about their divine exaltation. The Indians of the Maya used such preparations widely, as in religious ones, and in medical purposes, as an anesthetic drug.

History also knows the incidence of hallucinations in science, culture and science. Great number the all-worldly familiar talented people called them in a different way at home (alcohol, periodic psychosis and opiate treatment). It’s not surprising, it’s also effective: masterpieces by Edgar Allan Poe, Gogol, Yesenin, Vincent van Gogh, Vrubel, Chopin, as well as the laureate’s description Nobel Prize John Forbes Nash speak for themselves. Truly, we can name the result of the creativity of geniuses, as if we recognized the infusion of a psychopathic process, as a result of which the world of sprinyattiv, real and spiritual, are intertwined together. Too few are those who accompany step-by-step degradation and as a result - completely empty.

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv hallucinations, povyazanih z different organs pochuttіv: zorovі, m'yazovі, smakovі, visceral and yuhovі.

Causes of hallucinations, symptoms.

Hallucinations, tied with the organs of the dawn, are characterized by ailments of various scenes that are inconsistent with reality, in which you can take your fate.

May be caused by alcohol abuse (one of the symptoms of mild fever), with the introduction of drugs or psychostimulant speeches (for example, LSD, hashish, opium, cocaine and a number of others), M-cholinergic blocking diseases (scopalamine, phenorpheazine, phenothiazine roslin and mushrooms), as well as singing organic structures of tin. Zorovі, a series of auditory hallucinations, tamanni deakim ailments. Before them enter, for example, peduncular hallucinosis.

"Voice on fire", punishment and praise from invisible friends, hails - everything goes up to auditory hallucinations, which often come together with alcoholic hallucinosis, poisoning and simple partial attacks.

Seeing indistinct smells is characteristic of scent hallucinations, which are common in schizophrenia, which often irritates ailments on unacceptable odors - rottenness, rancidity, and so on. It is also possible to eliminate damage to the brain, and to the skeletal part itself. Herpetic, as well as partial attacks, can add to the smell of savory hallucinations, at the hour of such ailments, one can feel the reception or good relish in the mouth. Zvichayno, the savory teaser is unreal.

Hallucinations of a tactile character appear at the sight of objects, which are really none. The reason for the vindication is alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It is also accompanied by auditory and visual visions.

Under the hour of the body's hallucinations of ailments, you can see different incomprehensibility, for example, passing through the body of an electric stream. Also, you can buti dotiki to the body, grab for kintsivki, look at the bulbs that burst in the intestines. They are afraid of such illnesses, like schizophrenia.

The cream of differentiation behind the dzherel viniknennya, hallucinations are subdivided into right and wrong. With the right hallucinations of a person, you can see from the side, figure out what to see, based on the exact projection of the real reality. Particularly pardoning hallucinations are those who do not stink between the heads of the ailing and are projected exclusively into it. Tse means that the organs are not affected by such hallucinations.

Hallucinations can be both simple and folding. With simple hallucinations, less than one of the robot's organs is broken, while at least two are destroyed for folding. This means that as soon as a little devil has come to visit you, and not only shake up this visual image, but you still see the cold that binds m'yazi, and you can indulge him to the soul. Folding hallucinations can only vindicate in case of equal self-guided, mental state and complexes of a person. Also, the meaning of special features may be important.

Illness, with some hallucinations

The reason for the guilt of hallucinations may be an impersonal illness, for example schizophrenia, which was already guessed. So is alcohol psychosis, or swelling of the brain, narcotic poisoning, hypothermia, and so on.

With a hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome, a person perceives the reality of speech, which gives him an hour of hallucinations. The character of the sight sounds stupidity and joylessness - driving in, zhorstokіst, threatening that violence. Causes of development: brain, schizophrenia, alcohol psychosis.

Steady and good manifestations of hallucinations are blamed for hallucinosis, which most often accompanies syphilis and alcoholism.

Hallucinations - red elephants.

Right hallucinations of a healthy nature, maddening and rukhove of restlessness are blamed for one of alcoholic psychosis - alcoholic delirium. Є nasl_dkom homilya chi v_dmovitysa in priyomu alcohol. Everything starts from notably nefarious illusions and progressively overgrows in seeing the ailing on devils, different clods and creatures, as well as manifest people. Here, as a rule, the right hallucinations do not end with the right hallucinations, and rumors, tactile and scents reach them. As a result - the wreckage of the sick and maddening, which we are moving, in order to see.

Characteristic rice of alcoholic hallucinosis auditory hallucinations, sleeplessness, raptova anxiety and uncontrollable fear. Threat of ailments vіdchuvaє vіd izmenennogo spryynyattyam madder real light. Sound the voices, bark and scatter one by one, on the heels of which, as if by fear, step by step, they swell and frighten the ailing ryatuvatisya in the flow. It is most common to produce hallucinosis trivaliy zapіy. In other forms, it may take two days before delivery.

In case of chronic tactile hallucinosis, ailments often give goosebumps that call on the surface of the body, as well as worms in various organic lesions of the brain, or in psychoses that cause old organisms.

Sometimes when poisoned with tetraethyl lead, which is avenged in ethylated gasoline, it can lead to a psychotic character. Accompany yoga, ring out hallucinatory experiences and discord svіdomosti.

Syphilis of the brain are accompanied by hallucinations, which appear in the sight of sounds, shouts, unacceptable visual images.

Hallucinations, viklikanі trevaliyom narcotic speeches, є sumishshu z terrible unreal visions, auditory deceptions, paranoia and jealousy.

Decompensation of heart-sudine illnesses changes the mood of the sick person, calls out a little fear, unprimed anxiety, as well as sleeplessness and hallucinations. With the return to the normal physical state and the process of blood circulation, all the symptoms described above will pass.

When ill with a rheumatic character, ailments suffer from intolerance, drativity, sleep disturbance, and sometimes hallucinations.

Evil fluff can also be the cause of auditory and auditory hallucinations. On their development, the degree of toxicity of illness is added, the ribcage of the diseased and the camp of the brain, as well as the stagnation of narcotic speeches during the treatment.

A lot of infectious diseases in the list of their symptoms may be seen in various hallucinations. For example, chervish and visceral typhus, malaria and others. Before lowering the temperature, madness and illusory nature of sharpening can be observed.

Nareshti, varto say about amentia - an important form. Її characteristic features- Disturbances in the synthesis of thoughts, thoughts, language, inability to orientate in space, strong hallucinations. Often the result of endogenous psychosis, viklikanyh, his call, traumas, infections and disorders. For the ailing one, death may end, with whom the amentia was transferred, practically, you will suffer for a long time after losing your memory.

A list of mushrooms, building hallucinations and hallucinations, there are more than twenty different species that grow in different places of nature. Through the neurotoxic poison that is avenged in them, the introduction into the hedgehog of such mushrooms is accompanied by various effects: in the form of hallucinations, to a fatal result. Mayzhe zavzhdi vzhivannya vyklikkaє narcotic staleness.

Faces that call out hallucinations

Part of the medical benefits of health care in case of implanted hallucinations. They include analgesics of a narcotic nature, sulfanamides, anti-tuberculosis and anti-seizure drugs, as well as psychostimulants and tranquilizers.

Exhausted patient with hallucinations

When the patients are obese, as if they suffer from hallucinations, they need to heal, that some of them see the unreality of their visions, and some of them believe in them sacredly. More believable scenes that reflect reality. Let's say, intercourse with relatives. In case of any deyakі ailment, it’s more like a signal that they’ll tell you about the blame for the unfortunate bachelor. Contacting with the patient can be attributed to the yoga camp for a wonderful behavior - movements, gestures, roses with invisible spirits or with oneself. If a person is inadequate and cannot independently evaluate the state of power, then he will worry about the delivery to the nearest likuvalny mortgage for the laying.

A smut in the pre-Karian stage is to take care of the safety of both sick and sick people, so as to prevent possible injuries.

To some kind of doctors, it’s possible to blame them for hallucinations

In case of guilty hallucinations, you should sign up for an appointment, first for everything, to a psychiatrist. Let's see a narcologist and an oncologist.

The exultation of hallucinations

Recovering from illness, one of the symptoms of such a hallucination, is carried out on an individual basis. Hospitalization is needed only for an hour of hospitalization. The manifestations of hallucinations rejoice at the help of neuroleptics, tranquilizers and tranquilizers. Detoxification therapy is also carried out.

Doctor's consultation on hallucinations

Nutrition: if a person is completely healthy, what can you do to hallucinate?

Insight: For healthy people, illusions are characteristic, with which there are manifestations of objects that are true. For example, the sound of water flowing, may be taken by us for Rozmov, whether there is a silhouette in the darkness - for a person and so on. Illusions can be provoked by poisoning, infection, which has been ingested into the body, or else it has been discarded.

A hallucination is an image that the witness has of people, without an evocative imitation. The camp develops with a strong volume, alcoholic sleep, injecting narcotic/psychotropic speeches Also, hallucinations can be a symptom of some mental and neurological ailments. What follows from the knowledge, for some principle hallucinations develop, and in some cases it is necessary to turn to the doctor?

I will become a charismatic characteristic

A hallucination is a kind of image, a kind of blame in a person's knowledge without a strange stimulus, but it can be like a real object, or a person. In simple words– the same smell/sound/image/tactile sense, which is not really known. Hallucinations can develop in all equal senses, but most of the time, patients zishtovyutsya with auditory images.

The greater number of manifestations of hallucinations associated with psychiatric ailments and disorders, but such a connection does not always appear. In some cases, our freedom is independently formed through marriage to sleep, the introduction of hallucinogens or stimulant drugs. It has been experimentally proven that sensory deprivation can be the cause of hallucinations.

Sensory deprivation is a part of the outside attachment of the sound to the organs of the senses. Mill to reduce the flow of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. Sensory deprivation is blamed on a closed space - an empty dark room, on an underwater chute, near a lack of space.

In the 60s, experiments were carried out, for an hour some people flickered in dark rooms without access to the sound of those other sensory stimuli, creating a mind for sensory deprivation. After an hour, people began to sound a little, batchiti indistinct images and impossibly tactile contact. So science has brought, that hallucinations of the building are blamed on mentally ill, and absolutely healthy people. It should be noted that our time is similar to the experiment, including the inclusion of ethical microscopy.

The remaining thirty years of my life are actively developing the mechanism of hallucinations vindication through neuroimaging and various types of tomography. Tse allows you to beware of activating a specific brain for an unknown sub-assembly. What gives that kind of results already in the vastness?

Image vindication mechanism

Let's find out the unknown mechanism for the development of hallucinations. The science of science will be guessing, sorting through the methods of diagnostics and trying to know the advantages / shortcomings of this theory. Let's take a look at the mechanism of vindication of auditory hallucinations, shards of wine and the most widespread ones.

The information given below is a theory, as there may be opponents, so there are successors. Irrespective of those who prove that the theory is weak, it will be filled with one of the most important for the remaining 20 years.

Sometimes the patient feels someone else's voice, near the brain there is a strengthening of Broca's zone. It is spread out in the lower frontal part of the organ and is activated at the moment of promo. Under the moment, let's move on to the language, not only an explanation for additional sounds, but also an internal language. This is the voice that voices all our thoughts and never stops at the witness. If a person puts the food “What is the weather like on the street?”, Then it generates an internal language and activates Broca's zone. Some brains do not accept internal language and attribute to indistinct objects like people. This is called an auditory hallucination.

How do you explain the rumors? The process of thinking and internal movement takes a fraction of a second. The community of people continuously generates new words, thoughts, etc, and our life is formed in that number. Just as the brain connects to the process of internal movement, Broca's area sends signals to the auditory cortex (Wernicke's area). The very signal tells the organism that we accept language and it was born by us.

As if the language was born by the person herself, the sensory cortex muffles the nerve activity. As if the language was born by a spe- cialist , nerve activity is strengthened to support the dialogue.

Podsumok: "foreign" sound can spread through broken Broca's robotic area and incorrectly deciphered signals in the auditory sensory cortex. The true sound, which is given to the patient by a “stranger”, is internally mine, which was generated by the mind. Hallucinations, which stun other organs, are blamed for a similar principle, activating differently in the brain.

Various hallucinations

Uncertainty objects of sprinyattya are subdivided into two main groups - right and pseudohallucinations. Tse two principles of difference become, for the sake of such fakhivets you can decipher the problem of the sick and make a diagnosis. Why do they stink?

The right images infuse our organs into the senses. People give up, that they smell someone else's voice, zadiyayuchi hearing, saturate an unreal object, zadiyayuchi organizer, watch dots, zadiyayuchi tactile contact. Pseudohalucinations are received not by the sensory system, but by the brain, soul, and internal organs and empty spaces. For example, a person can smell the auri, pouring in the underground radio waves on vlasny brain, reflecting the thoughts of another person or observing the movement of objects in the middle walls of the skull.

Trying out the right hallucinations, the person is convinced that you feel the same way, you can feel it yourself. Vіn naturally reacts to hallucinations, including protection mechanisms. For example, you frighten yourself with invisible clods, ticking in the sight of motorized Zoro’s illusions, closing your mouth, so that it’s not a little unselfish cry. Trying a pseudo-hallucination, the person is convinced that she can be a unique force, she feels like she is, or, on the contrary, doomed to torment. Die people with pseudohallucinations cannot be transferred.

Sequels of hallucinations

Most psychiatric patients suffer from hallucinations. Sometimes images, voices, tactile perceptions respond to therapy, sometimes. In any case, hallucinations are negatively signified on a wild self-perception that psychological camp patient. Often the most unrealistic images become the cause of suicide. The stench calls out to the person to be the owner of their own shkodi, pidkoritis, stop contacting with close otchennyam and otherwise. It is impossible to change the character, behavior and behavior, as a person or relatives do not turn to fakhivtsya.

Keep in mind that hallucinations do not always indicate illness and require correction. For example, some people regularly smell "alien" voices, but live happily ever after. It is necessary to say “The comradeship is quiet, who hears voices,” as if to talk about the positive aspects of hallucinations and call people to better understand nutrition. Some vcheni vvazhayut tse vіdhilennyam, іnshі, for example, professor from the Netherlands Aires Sommer, a variant of the norm. Vaughn revealed a group of absolutely healthy people who regularly smell voices. People themselves describe them in a more positive way, more importantly, and add self-confidence.

Don't forget about the hallucinations that develop in people on a physiological basis. Regular physical activity, employment, daily regimen and the need for eating obov'yazkovo appear on the body. Like the thoughts of a person, I am inspired by my experiences, the brain can independently generate an image, connected with this object. Learn to change the borders and work, take a day off and think about rozpodіl navantazhen. If you can’t go through the tasks on your own - sign up for an appointment before fakhivtsya.

Hallucinations cannot spontaneously come out. Їm forward like a disease, podіya chi schilnіst. If you suffer from the sight of sound, tactile and auditory images - turn to the doctor. Golovnya - to reveal the first cause of hallucinations, to prevent them from appearing in the future.

Therapeutic come in

Therapeutic come to lie down in the diagnosis made to the patient. Sered possible reasons see:

  • mental disorders (special disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic syndrome, psychotic depression);
  • physiology (injuries of the central nervous system, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, swelling of the brain);
  • signs of infectious pathology (infection of legenia, sich mikhura, other internal organs);
  • implantation of narcotic speech in high doses (nicotine, ethyl alcohol, harvested narcotic preparations)

As soon as the reason is determined, the drug becomes a therapeutic course. The most common way to fight with unknown images is to use antipsychotic drugs and antipsychotics. The stench blocks a number of dopamine receptors in specific areas of the brain, which can help alleviate hallucinations. But antipsychotics can't always cope with problems. Nearly 30% of patients continue to feel a little, more or less.

Іsnuє impersonal options for non-drug intervention. This efficiency is limited by nutrition, but doctors still cannot know a better alternative. One of the types of non-drug intervention is cognitive behavioral therapy. It includes the regular supervision of a psychotherapist, which changes the patient's attitude to the problem. The doctor is trying to overcome the unacceptable / painful information and learn the patient to get along with the voices that are seen in the head of the authorities. As soon as you understand that it is impossible to get better at CBT, you should try to achieve less relief of symptoms.

Do not try to hallucinate on your own. Obov'yazkovo go to the doctor, go to group employment to people with a similar diagnosis, regularly see a psychotherapist and remember that you can only care for your body and life.

What do you need to know about hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are a class of psychoactive speeches, which call for hallucinations and inject into the character of the mind, the mood, the mood of the person. According to the statistics, the most common hallucinogens are LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. Psychoactive speech of the fenced in the greater part of the world.

What is the principle behind the hallucinogen? Vin literally turns on the filter, which processes the signals in different segments of the brain. In such a manner, the speech is poured into the senses, emotions, guess what, incomprehensible and pudding. The butt of classic psychedelics is LSD and mescaline. Legally, the stench is vvazhayutsya by drugs, but the physical and mental staleness calls out rarely. I do not forbid the pathogenic spectrum of hallucinogens. The stench can be expressed hundreds of times as positive and negative thoughts, experiences, emotions, depersonalization, disorientation and other psychotic manifestations.

Psychedelic speech calls out illusions, corrects and pseudo-hallucinations, feels fear, peace, depression, disrupts coordination. Vіdmovtesya vіd vyvannya halyutsinogenіv on kornost vlasnogo zdorov'ya and rational spriynyattya activity.

Hallucinations, caused by hallucinogens, are awakened in silence, which are formed through psychological ailments. First, the stink of the temporal character is weak and the world has seen a psychedelic. In a different way, most of the time, people call out images and put themselves before them otherwise - without fear, zhahu that unreasonable thing that comes up. Have a vipadku, rizikuvati vlasnym zdorov'yam for a couple of years posture svіdomіstyu - vaguely and in the region unsafely busy. Do not attack the body on the additional risk, be respectful and take up the jokes of alternative sources of contentment.

thank you

The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya є obov'yazkovaya!

Hallucinations they are pathological symptoms that are blamed for disorders of mental activity, for some people who are aware (suck, feel, etc.) those that are not really present in the present expanse. Hallucinations - an obvious pathological manifestation mental disorder, oskіlki are normal with the same mental stench in people of different age of both articles.

This pathological symptom is brought up to the point of discordance with the necessary activity. Fallow in the first place, in which analyzers blame the discord with the extraneous action, hallucinations are substantiated by hearing, smelling, smelling, tactile, smoky, visceral, moving and ruhov.

Hallucinations, whatever the nature, can be caused by mental illnesses, as well as brain damage (craniocerebral trauma, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.) or important pathologies of internal organs. Hallucinations in case of severe somatic illnesses (internal organs) or brain damage are not a sign of a person's mental illness. So a person who suffers, for example, suffered a heart failure, or suffered a traumatic brain injury, hallucinations may appear, but with whom she is absolutely mentally healthy, and the damage to the spriynyattya nakolishnoi activity became through a heavy ailment.

In addition, hallucinations can also appear in healthy people under the influx of speeches that are injected into the central nervous system, such as alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs. medicinal preparations, toxic substances, etc.

Brief description of the essence of the symptom

The essence of the day and the science of the appointment of hallucinations was broken up in the course of research on the problem in the framework of the global development of psychiatry. Thus, the translation of the Latin word "allucinacio" means "unseen dreams", "empty balakanina" or "without a head", which is far from the current sense of the term "hallucinations". And the current sense of the term "hallucinations" was found only in the 17th century by the robotic Swiss doctor Plater. But the rest of the formulation of the concept of "hallucination", which is still relevant in our days, was given only in the 19th century by Jean Esquirol.

So, Esquirol gave such a meaning to hallucinations: "a person is profoundly confused in the presence in a new at the given moment, like a sensitive spy, but be like objects in the range of the reach of the day." This designation is relevant to this day, shards reflect the main essence of this psychiatric symptom- Destruction of the sphere of spriynyattya navkolishnoї dіysnostі, in the case of which the person is aware of the reality of the object and in the case of which there is absolutely a change in one's rightness.

In short, hallucinations - tse priynyattya chogos, really, nіdsutny nіnі. So if a person perceives smells, which are not found in reality, smells sounds, which are not known in reality, to wander around in the usual expanse of objects, etc., then hallucinations.

In this world it is not possible to hallucinate, the shards of this manifestation are the result of the destruction of mental activity, and the natural phenomenon, the basis for the development of which lie the laws of physics.

Hallucinations need to be refreshed in the form of pseudo-hallucinations and illusions, as they can also be seen to destroy the sphere of acceptance of the superfluous world, which is blamed for severe mental disorders.

So, the main perception of hallucinations in the form of pseudo-hallucinations and є їkhnya is manifested by the directness of calls and connections with objects that are really relevant in the realm of space. For example, hallucinations are those that a person makes a flame, as if to sit on a really іsnuyuchemu stiltsi, or you feel sounds through real doors, or you smell a smell, that you go out of ventilation that is obvious in reality, etc. , on the sprynyattya of various unknown objects in the middle of the human body. Tse means that in case of pseudohallucinations, a person sees indistinct objects in his body, for example, voices in his head, targan in his brain, wash the radiation in the liver, the smell of blood in the vessels, etc., and it is not enough to lie in the minds of the person himself.

Іluzії, on the vіdmіnu hallucinations, є spokvorenе priynyattya really іsnuyuchih objects and objects. Illusions are characteristic of all people, no matter how old they are, and mindful of the stink of the peculiarities of robotic organs, sensitivity and the laws of physics. The butt of a typical illusion is a coat that hangs, like in the minds of a filthy lighting, it is given the figure of a person who has taken a bath. So, until the illusion, one can hear the slightly voice of a well-known person in the rustle of leaves, etc.

Tobto, pіdsumovayuchi, we can briefly say that:

  • hallucination- Tse "bachennya" of an unknown object on a really important object in a familiar space.
  • pseudohallucination- Tse "bearing" of an indefinite object in the middle of the upper body.
  • Illusion- tse "bearing" of really significant objects created, with real characteristics in them (coats are adopted, like a person who has taken a bath, a stilts is flaunted with shibenitsa, etc.).
The line between the usual psychiatric terms is thin, but even more so, at a glance of the mechanisms of their development, that stage of destruction of the mental sphere, as if it were a skin variant of the disorder of the world.

How do you hallucinate?

At the present time, there is a small classification of hallucinations, so that they can be substantiated by their appearance depending on the different characteristics of the symptoms. Let's take a look at the most important understanding of the characteristics of hallucinations classification.

Also, depending on the nature of the analyser, the hallucinations are divided into 4 steps:

1. Associated hallucinations. They are characterized by the appearance of images with a logical sequence, for example, a flame on the steel transmits the appearance of flies from a water faucet, as if a person will try water.
2. Imperative hallucinations. They are characterized by the appearance of a commanding tone, which is to go out into the presence of any necessary objects. Sound such a punishing tone punishing people to work like a diy.
3. Reflex hallucinations. They are characterized by the appearance of hallucinations in the other analyzer, in the case of a real sub-raznik, whether it is an analyzer (auditory, zorovian skinny. bud.). For example, the inclusion of a light (a podraznik for a zor analyzer) calls out auditory hallucinations as voices, orders, the noise of the installation and the aiming of laser exchanges.
4. Extracampine hallucinations.Їх is characteristic of the appearance of the interfields of this analyzer. For example, a person to dream of a starry image, like hallucinations, behind the wall is thin.

In addition, it is historically formed and most often victorious classification of hallucinations from organs is sensitive, in the sphere of activity such stinks are blamed. So, zgіdno with the analyzers of sensations that are obvious in humans, hallucinations are subdivided into come see:

Cream of that hallucinations are similar to the following:

Right hallucinations - video

Pseudohalucinations - video

hallucinations - causes

Causes of hallucinations can also be that illness:

1. Mental illness:

  • Hallucinosis (alcoholic, prison toscho);
  • Hallucinatory-lighthouse syndromes (paranoid, paraphrenic, paranoid, Kandinsky-Clerambault).
2. Somatic illness:
  • Swelling and trauma to the brain;
  • Infectious diseases that affect the brain (meningitis, encephalitis, scrotum arteritis thoracic);
  • Illness that occurs with severe febrile fever (for example, typhoid fever, malaria, pneumonia);
  • Syphilis of the brain;
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain);
  • Cardio-vascular disease at the stage of decompensation (decompensated heart failure, decompensated heart, etc.);
  • Rheumatic disease of the heart and swollen;
  • Puhlini, localized near the brain;
  • Metastases of puffiness in the brain;
  • Destroyed by various speeches (for example, tetraethyl lead - a component of ethylated gasoline).
3. Implantation of speeches, which should be injected into the central nervous system:
  • Alcohol (especially pronounced hallucinations in alcoholic psychosis, which is called "white fever");
  • Drugs (all kinds of opium, mescaline, crack, LSD, PCP, psilocycin, cocaine, methamphetamine);
  • Drugs (Atropine, drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, anti-seizure drugs, antibiotics and anti-rus drugs, sulfonamides, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antidepressants, histamine blockers, antihypertensives, psychostimulants, tranquilizers);
  • Roslini, to avenge toxic speech, to attack the central nervous system (belladonna, dope, toadstool, fly agaric toscho).
4. stress.

5. Chronic trival nedosypannya.

Hallucinations: causes, see the nature of the symptom, a description of the symptoms of hallucinations, links with schizophrenia, psychosis, madness and depression, similarity to dreams - video


The exhilaration of hallucinations is based on the usunenn_ causal factor that provoked my appearance. In addition, cream therapy, directed at the use of a causative factor, is carried out medically with the use of hallucinations with psychotropic drugs. The most effective for the use of antipsychotic hallucinations (for example, Olanzapine, Amisulpride, Risperidone, Quetiapine, Mazheptil, Trisedil, Haloperidol, Triftazin, Aminasin and in). The choice of a specific drug for the use of hallucinations is determined by the drug in the skin disorder individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient, in addition to hallucinations with other symptoms of mental disorder, earlier vicorist and therapy.

How to summon a hallucination?

To eliminate hallucinations, it is sufficient to implant hallucinogenic mushrooms (toadstool, fly agaric) and aborosline (belladonna, dope). It is also possible to use drugs, alcohol in great quantities or drugs, which may have a hallucinogenic effect, in great doses. All to cause hallucinations. Ale, immediately with the appearance of hallucinations, there will be a disruption to the body, which may require a term medical assistance right up to resuscitation. In case of severe turmoil, there is an immovable and fatal result.

The most safe way to overcome hallucinations and induce sleep. In this way, a person will only get stuck with traces of lack of sleep, hallucinate, and then be poisoned by toxic speeches to the body.

Zmіstovі hallucinations

The meaning of hallucinations is the name of a popular musical group. Medical terminology has no such understanding.

Before zastosuvannyam, you should consult with a faculty member.