Vishcha osvita for direct preparation of specialty. Specialties of higher education. Vzaimozv'yazok fgos and specialties

    Dodatok N 1. Perelіk napryamіv pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti - bakalavrat Dodatok N 2. Perelіk napryamіv pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti - magіstraturi Dodatok N 3. Perelіk spetsіalnostey vischoї osvіti - spetsіalіsta Dodatok N 4. Perelіk napryamіv pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti - pіdgotovki kadrіv vischoї kvalіfіkatsії for programe pіdgotovki NAUKOVO -pedagogіchnih kadrіv in aspіranturі Dodatok N 5. Perelіk napryamіv pіdgotovki vischoї osvіti - pіdgotovki kadrіv vischoї kvalіfіkatsії for programe pіdgotovki NAUKOVO-pedagogіchnih kadrіv in ad'yunkturі Dodatok N 6. Perelіk spetsіalnostey vischoї osvіti - pіdgotovki kadrіv vischoї kvalіfіkatsії for program's residency Dodatok N 7. Transition of specialties of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for assistantship-internship programs

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12 September 2013 N 1061
"About the confirmation of the transition of specialties and direct training higher enlightenment"

With changes and additions like:

September 29, September 20, August 13, 2014, February 25, August 1, 2015, March 1, 2016, April 10, 11, 2017, March 23, 2018

transfer directly to the preparation of higher education - magistracy (supplement No. 2);

transfer of specialties of higher education - to the specialty (addition No. 3);

redirection of direct training of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for the programs of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (supplement No. 4);

redirection of direct training of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in post-juncture (addition No. 5);

transfer of specialties of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for residency programs (supplement No. 6);

transfer of specialties of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for assistantship-internship programs (supplement No. 7).

D.V. Livaniv

The translations have been fixed directly in the training of higher education: bachelor's degree, master's degree, training of personnel in general qualifications for the programs of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school and ad'juncture.

The list of specialties of higher education was approved: faculty, training of personnel for higher qualifications for residency programs and assistantship-training.

Translations, approved in 2009 By the order of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of Russia, it is possible to stop until the completion of the training of specialties, previously accepted for direct training (specialty), assigned to them.

These changes are directly related to the training (specialties) of all professional education, which confirms the assignment of special qualifications (level) "specialist", as well as "bachelor" and "master".

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12 September 2013 N 1061 "On the confirmation of the transfer of specialties and direct preparation of higher education"

This order is gaining rank from the first official publication

Which document was amended by the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 23, 2018 N 210

Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated April 11, 2017 N 328

Changes to gain rank in 10 days after the day of the official publication of the named order

Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine dated April 10, 2017 N 320

Changes to gain rank in 10 days after the day

Specialties of higher education - a specialist certified by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated 12 april 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 14 June 2013, registration N 30163), with amendments made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on 2014 June 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice) on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), issued on September 20, 2014 N 1033 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 3 September 2014, registration N 33947), dated 13 July 2014 N 13 November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) and dated July 1, 2015 N 108 19 July 2015, registration number N 39355).

<1>Translation of the specialties of higher education - bachelor's degree, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on 12 December 2013. N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 14 June 2013, registration N 30163), with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the Federation on 29 March 2014. N 63 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), issued on September 20, 2014 No. 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 3 September 2014), dated 13 June 2014 N 1313 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2319), dated July 1, 2015 N 1080 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 19 June 2015, registration N 39355) and date of 1 December 2016 N 1508 (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2016, registration N 44807).

Registration N 30163

Vіdpovіdno up to part 8 statti 11 federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, art. 7598; 2013, N 19, art. 2326), subparagraph 5.2.1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation dated 03 March 2013 N 466 (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, art. 2923; N 33, art. 4386), punish:

1. Solidify:

transfer of direct preparation of higher education - bachelor's degree (supplement N 1);

transfer directly to the preparation of higher education - magistracy (supplement No. 2);

transfer of specialties of higher education - to the specialty (addition No. 3);

redirection of direct training of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for the programs of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (supplement No. 4);

redirection of direct training of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in post-juncture (addition No. 5);

transfer of specialties of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for residency programs (supplement No. 6);

transfer of specialties of higher education - training of personnel for higher qualifications for assistantship-internship programs (supplement No. 7).

2. Organizations that work Illuminate the activity Zevtiti's university programs, right-walled perelіk directly_vіvka (specialities) of Vizhio via vsіdti, Scho Pіddvdzhuyuzіn, Specіvіfіkatsії (Step) "Specіalіst", Hardware Development of Rosіysko Federal District Vіd 30 breasts 2009 p. No. 1136 (Collection of Legislation of Ukraine, 2010) No. 2, articles 199, No. 40, articles 5091; of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 30, 2009, registration N 15158), with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on March 9, 2010. N 168 "About the receiving zmіn to Perelіkіv Telkіv pіddyuza Vizhio professionno osteri, attendance of the NAVIKOM OF THE SCHOOL OF ROSІYSKO RUSSION NEWS NEW 17 CE HEAND 2009 R. N 337" (Distribution by Milistery Justice Rosіyskoji Federal District 26 KMіrtes 2010), dated 12 April 2010 N 856 "About the receiving zmіn to Perellіkіv directly_v Pіddyuza Vizhio professionno osteti, attendance of the NAVIMY MINSTERSKY ї ї Ukraine Русский Росьсный стойской из и задение из змерина перени р. N 337, IZ Snіnamov, Association of Militstone Smeati І Science Rosіyskoi Federation Vіd 9 Birching 2010 p. N 168" (registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 13 December 2010, registration N 18418), dated 11 March 2011 N 1352 "About the receiving zmіn to Perelіkіv Trainkiv pіddykuya Vizhio professionno ostersti, cultivores on the science of Rosіyskoi well, ід ідень і весня 2009 р. N 337, IZ Snіnamov, submission of mіnіnіstnimi osteti І science of Rosіyskoi federation ід 9 birch 2010 168 and dated April 12, 2010 N 856" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation) of the Federation on April 4, 2011, registration N 20389), issued on April 5, 2011 N 2099 "About the receiving zmіn to Perellіkіv Telkіv Pіddyuza Vizhio professionno ostersti, cultivores on the science of Rosіyskoi fedsystevo ід і і і дерины 2009 р. N 337, s-zmіnov, submission of ryami mіnіsti Світи і і и и иніской одиской и од 168 dated September 12, 2010 N 856 and dated March 11, 2011 N. 1352 direct training (specialty), assigned to translations.

Minister D. Livanov

The end of the school is marked for rich graduates by the beginning of a new stage of life - the need for a new choice lighting install There is a lot of money in what to lie down for the future child, and to that work, you need to be informed. First of all, on the basis of what you should pay attention to - not because of your reputation, but because of the reverse directive of the preparation of the profile of the mortgage.

Direct training at the university - what is it like?

It's marvelous, ale, vyznachayuchis іz mіscem zdobuttya vishchoї osvіti, importantly focus on professional programs. Profile establish the knowledge of other disciplines before First apply for entry to the other hand, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with this program in advance.

Otzhe, what does direct preparation mean? For the implementation of the main initial programs The Ministry of Education of Science of Russia has approved the standard, to that for the skin level of your own education of the current day of your FGZS. It is strictly necessary to carry out undergraduate or specialty training for the standards of magistracy or postgraduate studies is unacceptable. So, our country guarantees the functionality of the created system of professional personnel of various profiles and specializations, which the public administration and the industrial sector will require.

Interaction of GEF and specialties

Kozhen GEF transfers dozens of directly integrated training, which, at its core, includes a few specialties. For example, 11.00.00 "Electronics, communication systems and radio engineering" - basic enlargement directly with specialties:

  • 11.03.01 "Radio engineering".
  • 11.03.02 "Nanoelectronics".
  • 11.03.03 "Construction of electronic devices".
  • 11.03.04 "Communication systems and infocommunications".

Direct profiles and specializations in universities

Give the next name on the profiles for directing the lighting, transferred federal standards. At the same time, the right to create unique profiles is forfeited according to the strict order and confirmed by the Ministry.

For example, the profiles of the specialty 01.03.04 "Applied Mathematics" can be approved at the university with the following rank:

  • Security of mathematical and algorithmic systems and technologies of information.
  • Mathematical methodology of information technologies.
  • Applied informatics in chemistry.
  • Modeling and mathematical methods in economics.
  • Provision of piece-wise intelligent systems and programming.

How does the profile look like directly in that specialty?

As it has already been said, prior to the choice of direct training and specialty, it is necessary to do it perfectly. Regardless of the main blocks of fundamental disciplines, which are included in the program of profiles of a particular specialization, skincare has unique subjects that protect the specifics of the profession of a graduate in the future. To the very same, knowing from the changes directly in training, applicants are guilty of knowing that all of them can include dozens of profiles. For clarity, as an example, look at the specialty "Business", as you transfer options for professions in the spheres of everyday life, so that you don’t have anything to sleep with yourself:

  • "Business of hydrotechnical disputes".
  • "The Life of Promissory Life".
  • "The construction of hydroelectric power stations and pumping stations".
  • "Miske life and statehood".
  • "Examination of non-violence and management".
  • "The laying of automobile roads and the life of airfields."
  • "Ventilation and engineering systems".
  • "Life and computer modeling".

How to choose the right future profession?

In this manner, it is necessary to get acquainted with the educational program well in advance before submitting documents to the university. Adzhe otrimavshiy otrimavshie avtosіyniy block of disciplines nachalіnі plan, it's awkward to guess, the graduate student will become a leader of this profession.

At this stage, it is important not to have mercy on the direct preparation of that profile. Most often unrecognized applicants are often beaten by those who specialize in practically identical names, without respect for cardinal competence in blocks of professional disciplines. As a result, students gain knowledge that they don’t give in to their common practice and plans, and also, at the end of the day, stink off the nerves for a successful career growth.

Where can I find information about the profiles and specialties of the first mortgage?

You can find a direct translation of training and specialties on the official website of any university, it’s hard to know the profiles of those who study programs. On the right, in the fact that statutory documents establish the need to publish data on budgetary quotas and contract areas for those other specialties. VNZ may not detail professional programs that deal with skin directly. With the greater number of initial mortgages, as if they were gaining a reputation for visibility, they should not acquire profiles of enlightenment and order them at the “Priymalna komisiya” branch.

This information can be placed in another distribution site. Often, information about the profile is present in the description of the university itself, its structure. However, as a direct translation of the training and specialties of your professional education to the site, the information about the profiles is often found in the applicants. The reason for this may be the unpopularity and undemanding of the song lighting program, which is equal to the specialty, so that it sounds more prestigious and more comfortable for the participants. Such an ill-advised krok, without a doubt, is a viable university.

The main competences of the specialty in the field of profile directing

Before the speech, in the context of the foregoing varto, indicate that the majority of applicants do not bachel the principles of their understanding of the concepts “directly” and “specialty”. Really, the sleep of these two terms is not so rich already. The main vіdminnіst polagає at rіznіtі periods of training. Vіdpovіdno up to knowledge for direct otrimuyut bachelor's and master's degree chotirioh and two rokіv vіdpovіdno. Here we can see more about the form of training, which meets European standards and provides students with the widest range of possibilities for developing a personal training plan. In this rank, at the time of completion of the bachelor's degree, students become the holders of diplomas about the higher education, which allows them to officially practice.

Ale for those graduates, if they would like to continue their education for the advancement of their qualifications, or change their professional direction, є magistracy. After graduating, a graduate can become a volunteer of two professions and two diplomas about higher education.

How can I not have mercy on an hour I will enter a specific specialty?

When choosing a specialization and profile, only respect and protection protect the intercessor from pardon. Insufficient initial deposits with a method of increasing income can sometimes be included before the transfer of professional profile programs, as they do not represent their higher professional specialization.

The widest and most profitable from the point of view of the commercial system of nadannya lighting servicesє profiles "Design", "Economics", "Management", "Jurisprudence", and for that, when entering the university, for which given specialty is not є profile, the next thing is not to get drunk and be on the alert - as a whole, it is given the initial organization to put before I’ll fix the financial camp with myself.

As a rule, universities that teach technologists or biologists, life scientists and engineers do not recruit students for radically different basic training courses.

The main signs of the fact that it does not directly correspond to the profile of the university

Obviously, the blame is due to the current rules, but in order not to waste on deceit, it is advisable to conduct a serious analysis of the mortgage before submitting the documents. I would like to pay special attention to following these moments:

  • on the selected profile during the day of the budgetary month;
  • the number of contract areas significantly outweighs other specializations;
  • absolutely unique name for the profile, as it is not used in other universities specialized university, or you can carry another meta - under the name of the unimaginable splendid light, so that it can be seen from the background).

For this reason, lay the foundation for the balance of contractual and cost-free jobs for that other specialty. Requests may be more budgetary places for students, and paid ones. The overriding of contracts for programs over bezkoshtovnymi - privіd datkovoj zbora Іnformatsії z prіvіd nadіnіh svіtnіh sluzhа y іy organіzatsії.

How important is the right choice of professional directly and specialty?

Having become aware of the mix of specialties and direct training of your higher education, remember that the university is no less a place for training students. Kozhen VNZ can be called the place of accumulation of knowledge, the development of a scientific school and the formation of new phenomena about scientific and technological progress, culture and mysticism. Prote zoredit forces at all directly is impossible at once.

The activities of institutes, academies and universities, overtaken by decades, are based on their cutting profile. Taking a decision about joining a non-core initial mortgage, a potential student is seriously risking getting an insufficiently high level. Correct choice professional programs and specialties - a chance to make your dreams come true, and by the way, who wanted to do it for hours of high school labour.

At the distribution point complete list specialties of your professional education, as well as report descriptions direct training and initial programs at the universities of Russia. In the skin care department, you can choose from the list the very specialty that you would like to know and read the reports and look around.

Rating of specialties
to the reader's mind portal

All specialties of higher education


VNZ and specialties grouped according to profile directives - to make it easier to select a profession and a lighting organization, in which you can take it. The list includes creative and technical, applied and academic, expanded and non-primary specialties. A standard set of subjects, for which you need signs for entry, supplementary experiences and job prospects after graduating from a university, will help you to look at the diversity of professions and make the right choice.