Using past tense verbs in Russian

Verbs in the form of the past tense characterize the action in the past depending on the type of the verb.

1. Verbs of the perfect form can express the so-called perfect meaning, i.e. point to actions taken in the past with a result either in the past or in the present. For example: "The reasons for the appearance of the employment record were obviously serious. On the eve of 1921 there was a sharp decline in industrial production. Factories began to close. Workers rushed into the countryside in large numbers. To prevent the economy from collapsing, it was decided to introduce NEP ... And to streamline accounting of labor ... labor lists are introduced "(Mosk. Coms. 1989. July 6) - verbs of a perfect type indicate processes related to past causal relationships; "There was an opinion that there are sciences for the elect. We used to attribute theology to them as well" (Mosk. Coms. 1989. Aug. 10) - it turned out, i.e. exists in the present tense, now; "accustomed to carry", i.e. relate now.

2. In addition, with the help of perfect verbs, the speaker may indicate a sequence of actions followed by a friend in the past: "A cigarette in a bird's beak caused a fire in one of the houses of the American town of Jennet in the state of Pennsylvania. Firefighters believe that the bird picked up the outstanding debt on the ground butt and brought it to her nest under the roof of the house. From there the fire spread to the balcony and wall paneling "(Mosk. pr. 1989. 27 aug.).

Past tense verbs of the imperfect form usually indicate past actions that are not related to the present. Such verbs can mean:

1. Actions as processes, properties inherent in objects, persons in the past. Thus, imperfective verbs are widely used to describe pictures of nature, character, human behavior, etc. Here's how, for example, Anatoly Nayman tells about Anna Akhmatova: "In the conversation she always was herself, uttered the phrases in a calm tone, very clearly and concisely, she was not afraid of pauses and did not make it easier, as is customary, to make meaningful replicas he was uncomfortable. "

2. Verbs of an imperfect type may denote regularly repeated, as well as actions regularly associated with each other. For example: "Parliaments in foreign countries arose at different times and in different conditions ... What did not happen in their history! However, there was no one thing for sure: unity. Where unity arose, parliament immediately ended and fiction began, comedy , farce "(Yun. 1991. № 3).

3. Finally, imperfective verbs can be used to ascertain any actions in the past: "As already reported, on July 4 ... when performing a training flight over the territory of the Polish People's Republic due to malfunction of aviation technology ... the Soviet pilot was forced to eject from the MiG-23-M fighter aircraft ... The aircraft continued an uncontrolled flight in a westerly direction and fell on the territory of Belgium "(Mosk. Coms. 1989. July 6).

4. In addition, some past tense verbs are used as if in a figurative sense - to indicate actions that will take place in the future. Basically, these are some movement verbs in sentences like: “Well, I went!”, “Have you already gone?”, As well as verbs expressing emotional and expressive evaluation in sentences like: “We died!”, “I disappeared”. In this case, the future action is presented as already begun, this expresses the speaker's confidence that the action will certainly be realized. Such sentences are colloquial in nature and are used mainly in oral speech.

Rakhmanova L.I., Suzdaltseva V.N. Modern Russian language .- M, 1997.

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The verb tense category is a grammatical category that expresses the relation of the action expressed by the verb to the time of speech. The action may coincide with the moment of speech, may precede it or follow it.

Time, which is determined by the ratio to the time of speech, is called absolute time, and the forms expressing it are called absolute time forms. In grammar, there is the concept of relative time. Relative time is the time of one action relative to the time of another action. Forms of relative time are usually observed in complex sentences, for example: Then the Moscow-Alma-Ata train arrived, and Edigay drove on it, bypassing his own departure from Boranla-Buranny (Aytm.) - the past tense form indicates the action that preceded the action went.

The meaning of time can be expressed in the language not only by the system of the verb form, but also by other linguistic means / Thus, in Russian, time can be expressed lexically, using circumstances like today, tomorrow, long ago, in ancient times, once in the near future and others; which specify the time for the implementation of the action / Time can be expressed in the syntactic structure of the sentence / In sentences with a zero bundle, for a nominal predicate, the present time value is presented, for example: Moscow is the capital of the USSR. Temporary signs are both forms of imperative and subjunctive moods; Forms of the imperative in the literal meaning convey future time, which is explained by the very meaning of the impulse. For example: Teach yourself to be restrained and patient. Learn how to do hard work in science (Pav.) /

Subjunctive forms may contain the meaning of different time plans depending on the context, for example: future time: If you allow me, would I sit down? (Kupr.); past tense: I, in my youth, walked with a little girl unsophisticated, ruddy and funny. And I remember - no matter what she told her, She immediately became happy (yours.).

The semantic category of time, expressed by various linguistic means, is called temporality (from the Latin tempus-oris, which means "time"). But the main spokesman of tense in Russian is the grammatical category of tense, represented by a system of morphologically expressed verb forms, therefore tense, expressed morphologically, is called the center or core of temporality.

The grammatical category of time is closely related to the category of the species. Only imperfective verbs have forms of all three tenses: the present (I work, work, ... work), past (worked, worked, ... worked), the future is difficult (I will work, ... will work). Verbs of the perfect form have only two tense forms: past (read,

read, ... read) and a simple future (read, read, ... read).

Methodical note. The concept of the time of the verb as relating action to the moment of speech is realized by children of primary school age with difficulty. Thus, in the sentence today we will read Pushkin's fairy tales, students sometimes define time as the present, since there is a word today. Therefore, in the first stages of the formation of the concept of tense of the verb, the teacher must carefully select the material for analysis. Care should be taken that the tense form of the verb does not "contradict" the lexical environment. For example: Today we read ... ", Tomorrow we will do ...

Forms of the present tense, their meaning, education and use. "The present tense means that the action coincides with the moment of speech. This categorical meaning of the present tense form is realized in contexts such as Hear, shout somewhere] What is this noise? However, more often than the present tense form They are used in an extended time value, not limited by coincidence with the moment of speech. This is the real descriptive: I see the large steppes of blue skies see green, And along their edges, above the dark clouds The chains of the mountains stand a giant ami (N.); One transparent forest turns black, And the spruce grows green through the frost, And the river glitters under the ice (P.).

Forms of the present tense may have a timeless meaning - this is the so-called present typical or permanent: ... A person who speaks a good language ... thinks richer than a person who speaks a bad language (A.N.T.).

The present tense is expressed in Russian verb morphologically: by a system of personal endings, which are also spokesmen for the categories of indicative mood, faces and numbers (id-y, id-eh, id-et, id-em, id-ete, id-ut). These endings are added to the present tense verb.

Forms of the present tense are used in speech and figuratively:

a) in the sense of past tense (the present is historical): He used to be still in bed, little notes were brought to him (P.); I remember when mom was still healthy, she worked on a bashtan, and I ... lay on my back and look high into the sky ... (Fad.) In artistic speech, the present historical serves to create a "presence effect": past events like would approach, thus becoming more visible, tangible;

b) in the meaning of the future tense: “Aunt,” said Vera quickly, “I marry as Doctor Neshchapov” (Ch.); such use of the present tense form emphasizes the binding nature of the future action, the confidence that it will occur.

Forms of past tense, their meaning, education and use. Elapsed time means that the action precedes the moment of speech. This is its categorical meaning. However, past tense forms have more particular meanings. These meanings are dependent on the type of verb.

Forms of the past tense of the perfect form have two basic meanings:

1) the value of the sequence of actions, replacing each other, for example: Came, saw, won; Soon the fire flared up, the teapot rattled, the potatoes boiled ... and everything went smoothly and quickly (Guide); The cat arched his back even more, hissed and hit Kashtanka on the head (Ch.). It is in this sense that they are used in narration;

2) the value of perfection of action, the result of which exists in the present: Three years ago, during a strong storm, a tall old pine tree was uprooted with roots, which is why this pit was formed (P.). In this sense, they are widely used in various descriptions-characteristics: We have not seen each other for twenty-four years. Just do not tell me that I have not changed, have not aged; Cold, emptiness, uninhabited spirit meets the house.

The air in the rooms stagnated, damp, sticky dust settled on everything (Sol.). "

The past tense forms of the imperfect species do not express a connection with the present. "They denote long-term or repetitive actions: A terrible wind blew every day, and during the night a hard, icy layer of frost was formed on the snow, along which the hare ran without leaving any traces. " Here, actions coexist in the same time plane, painting events, therefore these forms are used in the descriptions:

She [the grandmother] used to say something especially singing the words, and they were easily strengthened in my memory ... When she smiled, her pupils were as dark as cherries expanded (MG).

The past tense forms are derived from the basis of the infinitive with the help of the suffix -l- and generic (in units of.) And numerical flexions (-a-flexion of the rail stream, unit of hour; -ѳ-flexion m. . h .; -o - inflection, compare r., units; —and - inflection, pl.

Among the Russian verbs there are those that form the form of the past tense husband. kind without the suffix -l-. These are verbs with the infinitive into -x: take care-shore, burn-burn; verbs with a full-combination in the infinitive: lock - lock, wipe - wipe; verbs with the suffix -on-, lost in the past tense: soak up - soak, get stronger - get stronger; verbs with stem to -z, -s: carry-carried, carry-carry.

The verb to go forms past tense forms in a pleading way: walking, walking, walking, walking.

The past tense forms can also be used figuratively, most often in the meaning of the future tense: “Go through these one hundred steps and, for certain, is saved; to stand for two more minutes, and probably died, ”everyone thought (L. T.).

In addition to the regular forms of the past tense, in modern Russian there is another form that was widely used in the Russian literary language of the XIX century, but losing productivity in the modern language. This is a form formed from an imperfect verb with suffixes -a-, -va-, -byv-u like, hated, seated, bival, knew: Beaumarchais used to say to me: “Listen, brother Salieri, How black thoughts will come to you a bottle of Il Rech, "The Marriage of Figaro" (P.); Pesselnikov kept himself sang and danced masterfully (I. T.). These forms have the meaning of irregular repeatability of action. They adjoin on the value of the form with the particle happened: I used to, I captivated you in madness, I used to admire the cunning beauty (P.).

It is used in modern Russian and the past form combined with the particle was: I was gone; I was seated. This form indicates an action interrupted by another action. For example: Rejoicing at the upcoming run, the Emerald rushed forward, but, restrained with strong hands, rose only slightly on its hind legs (Cupr.).

In this form, a special modal connotation of the indicative mood is noted, bringing it closer to the subjunctive mood. "

Forms of the future tense, their meaning, education and consumption. "Future tense means that the action will occur after the moment of speech. In Russian there are two forms of the future tense: the future is simple and the future is complex. This is due to the presence in the Russian language of the category of the species.

Forms of the future simple indicate an action that should lead to a result after the moment of speech, and are expressed by personal forms of the verb of the perfect form: come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come.

Forms of the future complex denote the action of a long or repeated after the moment of speech. The future is difficult - analytic time: it is expressed by a combination of the personal form of the auxiliary verb and be the infinitive of the main verb in the form of an imperfect form (I will read, read, read, etc.): Unhappy faithful sister, Hope in a gloomy dungeon Wake vigor and fun, Will come the desired time (P.); If in the mornings, every day, you sit quietly, without sudden movements anywhere in the garden or in the garden, the starlings will soon get used to you and come close ... you will achieve that after a while the starling will take from you food from your hands and sit on your shoulder (Cupr.).

Future forms can be used figuratively:

a) in the meaning of the present tense: in this case, the future simple more often appears in the environment of the present tense forms and has the added value of joint or alternating actions: And suddenly a jump, and suddenly flies, Flies, like fluff from the mouth of Eola; That camp soviet, it will develop And beats a fast leg with a (P.). In the meaning of the present tense, the forms of the future are also used in cases where it is necessary to express the impossibility of taking any action: we do not hurt us, we don’t go to the institute, we can’t take a barrier (cf. we can't eat, we can’t take a barrier);

b) in the sense of past tense, expressing unexpectedness of action or recurrence in the past: The dog suddenly began to drink with greed, snorting and choking, Gerasim looked, looked and laughed suddenly ... (I. T.); You come home from work tired, and sometimes angry, like hell. No, she does not be rude to you in a rude word (Shol.).

Expressive forms in terms of. In the modern Russian language, in lively conversational and artistic language, special forms are found that are characterized by great expressiveness. As a rule, these forms are relative to past tense.

1. The form of instant-arbitrary action, which is represented by truncated bases: thunder, knock, plop, shvark, clap, smack, shmyg, yurk. This form is correlated with the past tense forms of one-time verbs with the suffix -uh-: bang, knock, slam, dash, etc. They are called verbose-interjection forms of sudden-instant action (V / V. "Vinogradov): I quickly hlop the door And she hid behind the foam (P.); “Ah,” and Tatiana leveled more easily into the other canopy (P.); A friend here is a quiet companion to her friend, And everyone whispers to each other ... (Cr.)

2 / The form of instant-involuntary action, which is homonymous with the imperative form, but is devoid of imperative intonation. These expressive forms have the meaning of surprise: After all, Baba Matrona recognized me, she recognized the old one, and give us a message about it (IT); But all of a sudden she is slipping, yes, backwards, and break your leg (I. T.).

3. The expressive form represented by the combination of “infinitive + particle well” underlines the significance of the beginning of the action: Seeing an elephant, well, rushing at it, And barking, and seeing, and tearing (Kr.).

The above forms of the verb do not have morphological forms of the face, number, gender.

  • § 1487. In the verb system there are forms that coincide with the forms of 2 liters. Will command Nakl., But not meaningful prompting and acting only as part of certain syntactic structures.
  • Subjunctive mood
  • Category and Time System Time Forms
  • Categorical values ​​of time forms
  • § 1505. The following types of figurative use of the crust forms are distinguished. Vr .: present historical and present in the designation of future actions.
  • Using past tense forms
  • § 1507. Two types of direct use of the past tense form of the verb Sov. Kind: perfect and aoristic.
  • § 1509. Forms of the past tense of verbs of owls. Species can act in portable use. The main types of such use are described below.
  • § 1514. The form of the future complex, as a rule, realizes its categorical value in direct use. However, it is possible and portable use of this form.
  • Personal forms
  • Category number
  • Category
  • Interconnected morphological categories of the verb
  • Inflection of the verb
  • Conjugation
  • Word class
  • First inflectional class
  • § 1554. Class indicator is the relation “zero consonant - | j |”: play-play (game-play | j |), turn white-whiten (bele-bele | j |), rot-rot (rot-rot | j | ), blow-blow (du -du | j |).
  • Second inflectional class
  • The third inflectional class
  • The fourth inflectional class
  • Fifth class
  • The sixth inflectional class
  • Seventh class
  • Eighth inflectional class
  • Ninth inflectional class
  • Tenth class
  • Isolated Verbs
  • Want, run, honor
  • Eat give
  • Be, go, go
  • The ratio of the formative basis of the verb: the basics prosh. Time And the basics of Nast. Time
  • Attribute attribute verbs: participles and participles
  • Communion General characteristics
  • Communion Education
  • Verbal adverb
  • § 1595. The basis of the infinitive in most verbs coincides with the basis of the past. Time The following groups of verbs attach the infinitive inflection to a stem that is different from the stem of the past. Time
  • Alternation orders in verbs forms alternation series of consonant phonemes
  • § 1596. In the verbal inflection are alternate series of phonemes, constituting four groups.
  • § 1597. Depending on how alternate members are distributed in verb word forms. Rows of phonemes, there are four types of correlation of verbal stems.
  • The first group of alterna. Rows of consonant phonemes
  • § 1598. The first group consists of seven alternants. Rows of consonant phonemes (or their combinations): | y - x |, | k - h |, | x - sh |, | y - w - r '|, | k - h - k' |, | s2g - 〇 ' |, | s2k -〙 '|.
  • The second group of alterna. Rows of consonant phonemes
  • The third group of alterna. Rows of consonant phonemes
  • The fourth group of alterna. Rows of consonant phonemes
  • § 1601. The fourth group consists of ten alterna. Rows of consonant phonemes: | d - d '|, | t - t' |, | s - s '|, | s - s' |, | v - v '|, | k - k' |, | n - n '|, | l - l' |, | p - p '|, | m - m' |.
  • Alternation rows of vowel phonemes
  • § 1604. The first group includes three alternations. Rows: "| o | - zero "," | and | - zero - | e | "," | a | - zero.
  • § 1605. In the second group enter three alternates. Rows of phonemes: “zero - | e |”, “zero - | o |”, “zero - | α |”.
  • 1606. In the third group seven alternates are included. Rows of phonemes: | and - e |, | and - o |, | a - and |, | e - o |, | e - a |, | o - e |, | o - a |.
  • Emphasis of verbs stress in conjugated forms and infinitive
  • § 1608. The stress in the infinitive is defined as follows.
  • Acceptance type
  • Accent type in
  • Accent type with
  • Accent Type D
  • Irregular accent characteristics
  • § 1613. Verbs with irregular accent characteristics include the following.
  • Special phenomena in the stress of conjugated forms
  • The emphasis of participles
  • The emphasis of participles
  • Emphasis of sacrament pasch and shy
  • Emphasis on participles
  • The emphasis of participles
  • § 1635. Participle verbs with hesitant stress.
  • Sacrament emphasis on anna
  • Using past tense forms

    § 1507. Two types of direct use of the past tense form of the verb Sov. Kind: perfect and aoristic.

    Note. The terms based on the names of the forms of the perfect and aorist are used: in the Old Russian language these forms had the meanings with which the corresponding types of use of past forms are compared. vr. in modern Russian.

    Perfect use has already been described above in terms of the category of the species (see § 1442): the action relates to the past (this shows the categorical meaning of the form of the past. Time), and its result is to the present: Alesha,you ozb,youatthe snowwas,want totea? (Hon.) A special kind of perfect use is presented in cases where the result of the previous action is not related to the present, but to the past - to the time of the realization of those events that are referred to in the narration: Onlyandlivedpoorby memoryaboutsweetheart... Istayalaall(M.Pech.). This type of perfect use is combined with its main type by a common feature: the relevance of the result of the action for a later time plan is expressed. § 1508. Forms of the past tense of verbs of owls. a species in aoristic usage indicates a past fact without indicating the cash result of the past action: InVladivostoki had arrivedatthe beginningjuly1943 of the year(zhurn.). Aoristic use is usually in the narration of successive facts: Paramon restedby footatwattle fence, yanked ofwattlethini get down, stuckatwindowand threw(D. Kalinovskaya).

    § 1509. Forms of the past tense of verbs of owls. Species can act in portable use. The main types of such use are described below.

    Note. The distinction between perfect and aoristic usage in a number of cases is also revealed with the portable use of forms, however, this distinction is not specifically mentioned later.

    1) Prosh. vr. verbs of owls species in the designation of future actions. Context indicates the future, the form of the same past. vr. retains its categorical value. As a result, objectively, the future action appears as if it had already been realized. Especially often in this usage are the forms of the past. vr. verbs perish,the abyss:If ahenotwill be back,we perished(...we goneand). Other verbs are less commonly used: To run,to run!Otherwisei died(Fed.) In such cases, the modal connotation of the speaker’s confidence that the action will be realized is expressed.

    Emotionally expressive sentences of the type are adjacent to such use. Soiand believel!;howsame, got scaredi! The denial of a fact in the future is emotionally expressed as an ironic admission of it already realized. Spoken character has the use of the type Ihas gone;weran.

    2) Prosh. vr. verbs of owls kind in the context of the abstract present. Forms of past vr. verbs of owls species are used to visualize the usual action (there is a clear example of the use of the Sov. type, see. § 1446). A single fact is demonstrated, which is presented as if it had already been realized, but the context indicates that such facts are ordinary, and their usualness is related to the broad plan of the present: Suchlittle bird...understands,whatpersonherloves.If a attackedonherkite,thatshe iswhere,you think,rushes?Oratseeder,orstraightbehindsinus,underquilted jacket(Troepol.); - Ofaliensnuffis alwayssuchtwist:in the morning lit a cigarette-toin the evening took out(Ant.); it happensafter allso: leftperson,whomfeared,healreadynotatauthorities,andhere­ thatbegins,oneyelet: « Youyou know... "(Ovechk.).

    1510. Depending on the type of use of the verb nes. kind of past vr. in direct use it can transmit the past action a) in the process of its occurrence, b) in its unlimited repeatability, c) in its constant existence, d) action as a generalized fact. As a rule, the action is expressed, closed in the sphere of the past, not connected with the present: a) Sergei speakl,butVsevolodAndreevich occupiednotonlyhimthe words,butandface(L. Karelin); b) TOmidnightroom hesilentlyopened upironthe doorovens, piled upbonfirewitheveningscookedfirewoodandwood chipsand,sittingonsquatting, set fire totheir(G. Baklanov); at) The woods,whatcoversandyThe Volga region,beforesolidget ridbetweenriversUnzheeandVyatka stretched long awayonnorth(M.Pech.); d) Onthe tookathera cowonwinterfeed. Sconcel? (D. Kalinovskaya). A rare exception to this rule are cases of perfect use of the type is hemuch the forml,formed by(see § 1452).

    Prosh vr. verbs species unlike prosh. vr. verbs of owls species, as a rule, does not appear in a figurative use. Exceptions are extremely rare. The following type of portable use of this form can be highlighted: in combination with denial, it expresses the actual result of the previous action (in this case, the absence of action), and the context relates this meaning to the plan of the present abstract: [Mitrich:] Millionhow muchwomenyouyesgirls,buteverything,asthe beastsforest.howgrew,soandwill die.Nothing not have seenbut,nothingnot i heard(L. Fat.); Here isanddidwouldnarrow-rowseeders,butnotchasedtractorsalongandacross.BUTthat,you hangyou, -turnedhetoson, -atoneplace not was startingsow, -losinghalfharvest, -butata friend-backwards­ forward,along­ across(Troepol.).

    § 1511. Significant features of use are characterized by the forms of the past. vr. verbs kind of multiple mode of action (see § 1424). These verbs are used, as a rule, only in the forms of the past. time: snuffed,used to say,was eating,lived,sang,i was sitting,used to,cried. The main function of these forms is to express the repeatability, the usual action in the past, distant from the present: Soandbreaks,soandpushes uponhimAksinyaZakharovna...BUTwhen­ thatsolovinglyshe iswas carriedwithMikeshenka,when­ that sanghislullabiessongs(M.Pech.). In modern language, such education is not very common. In fiction, they can be used to stylize popular speech.

    Use forms of the future of time

    § 1512. Forms of the future simple usually denote a specific single action of the future (specifically the actual type of use of the Soviet species, see § 1438): Nowmaster comet,supperwill be(Panova). Form 2 l. units and many others h. can express an additional modal shade of duty: Younowsame,immediately will callbyphonefather(Fed.) (See § 1473).

    Much less often in the expression of the future tense, the repetitive ordinary action is transmitted (a visual example of the use of the Sov. Type, see § 1446): the main thinga business,stand stillto myselfhardonits...Set,eachdayyou have to listen tofather'sormotherhoursthree(Crumpled.).

    An inherent form of the future simple peripheral function of expressing the present irrelevant (see § 1501) is most often implemented as a real abstract (clear-cut type of use of the Soviet type, see § 1446): If afate will collapse timeonwhomtrouble,thatblowsherandthe endnotit happens(Hon.) The usual condition for the use of simple forms of the future in terms of the present abstract is the presence of two or more related actions. This manifests the syntactic limitations of this use. The plan of this abstract can be characterized by additional modal shades, such as shades of possibility or impossibility, of confidence: Right, envysometimesofficials(S. sh.); whatonlynot will rememberperson,livedhalf a century! (Troepol.). Such use is not associated with the above syntactic restrictions.

    In combination with denial, the form of the future simple can be used to express the impossibility of taking action at the moment of speech: - Come outas soon as possible... -Now...Lionfishno way not will find(Czech.); Inownotcanrecall,asworriedolepinresidentsmostthe firstseenby themfilm,as not rememberyu,aboutthanwasthisfilm(Solouh.). Such use does not constitute a real actual one: by the time of speech only the impossibility of the implementation of the action, and not its course, applies. At the same time, the context in one way or another assumes that this modal hue applies not only to the moment of speech, but also to other moments of a broader and indefinite plan for the present. Thus, in such cases, one of the varieties of the present irrelevant is presented (this variety, as well as the modally-colored use of this form mentioned above for the designation of repetitive actions, is called a real potential).

    § 1513. If the context limits the timeframe of the past time plan, then using the future simple form is transferable: Of moneyevengave,whenunderdrunka hand will come   (M.Sib.). The basis of this use is the function of the present irrelevant, implemented in a context with the meaning of the past tense.

    A special kind of portable use of the form of the future simple is its functioning in combination with the particle asin terms of the past tense or the present historical when expressing single (non-repeating) actions. This combination, characteristic of colloquial speech, expresses a sudden onset of action, characterized by a special intensity: Standing,listening-andsuddenlywhat­ that as will flarethrougheverythingsky.I look-meteor(Paust.)

    The form of the future simple verb becan act in portable use in the context of the present. There are two varieties of such use. One of them is the colloquial use of ch. bein the composition of the predicate in the interrogative sentences of the type: - Youwhowill bee? (Y. Kazak.); - She isherself­ thatwho boodet?-Janitor(Fed.) The context establishes a plan for the present permanent, while the form of the future simple adds a hint of an unrecognized fact. The second type is the use of the form. will bewith the designation of the approximate number: [Fonk:] how manyto misterMoshkinyears old? [Vilitsky:] Years oldfifty,ii think,will be(Turg); - Aha,female,angora.Have a look,which oneshe isfat,polpuda will be (V. Belyaev). In such cases, when the exact amount is not established, its definition is shifted to the future. At the same time, the context-related relation of the whole situation to the present time is not eliminated. There is a semantic connection between the two varieties: and in the expression of approximation, there is a figurative connotation of “recognition”.

    Use verbs NSV andCIn past tense

    Verbs NSV designate the action in its flow, in its process without indicating completeness; SV verbs indicate the completeness of the action in its integrity (beginning + continuation + end).

    In the context, the meaning of the process in the verbs NSV can be manifested in combination with words indicatingduration of action (six months long   etc.); meaning of completeness of the verb SV - with words such asfinally an hour later   etc.

    Note. Attention should be paid to the fact that: 1) there are verbs in Russian that do not allow an idea of ​​the process of action, for example, forget, forgive, find   and others, which in NSV denote the recurrence of action (In childhood, during the game, I is always forgot   about the lessons .) 2) some verbs with the prefix do not indicate the result of the action, but rather the limitation of its duration. (Wed: i was reading   book hour I read   book and went to the library. I'm a little read tired and went to bed .)

    Exercise 1.

    1. Anna read  book four days. Anna read  book and returned it to the library. 2. The task was difficult for Victor, and he decided  her whole hour. Finally he i decided  her. 3. Anton taughtpoem 30 minutes. After 30 minutes he learnedpoem and now can read it at the student party. 4. This building built  a very long time. Finally built  him. 5. Faith cleanedroom 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, Vera cleanedroom and started cooking dinner. 6. Students wrote  composition 2 hours. After 2 hours, students have written  essay and surrendered their work to the teacher.

    Exercise 2. Read the sentences. Choose from brackets verbs of the desired type and use them in past tense.

    1. - Have you been studying for a long time? - Yes, I (write - write) an essay 2 hours and finally after 2 hours I (write - write) it. 2. The doctor came to the patient on call. He (examine - inspect) it for 20 minutes. When the doctor (to inspect - inspect) the patient, he prescribed the medicine for him and went to the polyclinic. 3. The audience is clean: a cleaning woman (clean - remove) her in the morning before class. She (remove - remove) the audience 15 minutes. 4. Director (speak - speak) to students 40 minutes. When he (speak - to speak), he began to answer questions. 5. - Do you know a lesson? - Yes, I (learn - learn) him. 6. - Have you been long (to teach - to learn) him? - No, not long. 7. All day she (cook - cook) for the guests a festive dinner. She (cook - cook) 5 national dishes. 8 Tourists (rest - rest), now they can go further. 9. In the summer of Victor 2 weeks (rest - rest) on the Black Sea. 10. Anna (to have breakfast - to have breakfast), (to dress - to get dressed) and went to classes at the institute. Anna (breakfast - breakfast) in just 10 minutes.

    In the context, the verbs NSV in the meaning of the process can be used in combination with the words that answer the question what time is it , because they emphasize the duration of the action, its development, and the verbs SV - in combination with the structurehow much time ?, indicating the time spent on achieving the result of the action.

    Note. With constructionhow much time   NSV verbs can also be used, but only if they denote a repeating action.How long do you usually do you reach   to university?

    Exercise 1.Answer these questions.

    1. How long have you been preparing for the history exam?

    2. How much time did you prepare for the physics exam?

    3. How long did the new library build?

    4. How long did the exhibition building build?

    5. How many years did this artist play at the Central Children's Theater?

    6. How many roles has this artist played in his entire life?

    7. How long did a journalist write an article?

    8. How long does a journalist write an article?

    Exercise 2. Put questions to the highlighted words.

    1. My brother studied English five years. 2. Stadium built eight months. 3. Maria learned to swim. all summer. 4. Boris learned to swim in several days.  5. The teacher checked the test papers of students. in an hour. 6. Juan translated the new text in 15 minutes.  7. The guide told about the life and work of composer P. I. Tchaikovsky hour and a half. 8. Students visited the House - Museum of P. I. Tchaikovsky in an hour and a half.

    Exercise 3. Insert the points together with the necessary verbs. Watch out for species usage.

    1. I ... this novel is a week. 2. My friend ... this novel in five days. 3. During the summer holidays, students spend a whole month ... at sea. 4. My brother ... homework in two hours. 5. Schoolchildren ... tasks for an hour and a half. 6. Maria ... this song in half an hour. 7. On the radio ... news 10 minutes. 8. Lecturer ... new material in 30 minutes. 9. Students ... for teacher questions 20 minutes.

    Exercise 4. Using the verbs given in brackets, complete the dialogues with missing questions or answers on the model. Watch out for species usage. Specify the possible options.

    Tests were difficult? - Tests were difficult?

    For me, no, I ... - For me, no, I did all the tests without errors.

    - ...? - How long have you been doing them?

    30 minutes. - 30 minutes.

    (do - do)

    1. - Yesterday I taught a poem for two hours.

    Yes. Now I know him well.

    (learn - learn)

    2. - Yesterday I read an interesting article about Russian artists.

    Great article?

    Yes very.

    3. - What is your homework today?

    Translation of new text.

    Yes, I can rest now.

    In 20 minutes. The text is not difficult.

    (translate - translate)

    Yes. Why?

    I do not understand this task. Explain me please.

    With pleasure.

    (decide - decide)

    5. - My friend speaks Russian very well.

    (study - study)

    6. - Have you already had final exams?

    Perfectly well.

    (pass - pass)

    NSV verbs in the role of homogeneous predicates or in complex sentences of time with the unionwhen   may indicate simultaneity of actions, and verbs SV - on their sequence.

    Exercise 1.Read the sentences. Determine the type of selected verbs and explain their use.

    1. Anna left  to university classes and repeated  lesson. 2. Anton was reading  story and wrote out  new words in the notebook. 3. Nikita rested  and listened to  music 4. He rested  and has become  to do homework. 5. Faith   repeated  lesson and went  to classes. 6. When Oleg read  the book he returned  her to the library. 7. Kids have fun laughedwhen were playingin the garden. 8. When Ivan played  with a friend a game of chess he said goodbye  and has gone  home.

    Exercise 2. Complete these sentences by sample. Watch out for species usage.


    When I was preparing, I ...

    When I was preparing for the exams, I went to bed late.

    1. Students rested and .... 2. Victor is tired and ... 3. Anton was waiting for a friend and ... 4. Anna listened to music and ... 5. I watched the movie and ... 6. I watched the movie and ... 7. When he received the letter, .... 8. When he got up, .... 9. When we had dinner, ... 10. When we had lunch, ... 11. When I flew by plane, .... 12. When I flew to Moscow, ....