How to change avu in contact. We change the annoying avatar in Twitter for a few actions

Small pictures or photos - avatars - decided to upload to your account on the Internet. It is the avatar represents us to each other in the virtual world. Any contact with a user of the world wide web becomes more alive and complete with a visual image. However, the avatar is not a face. It can and should be changed from time to time. Depending on the season, your mood or different situations you can choose and put a new avatar.

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On the profile page there is a section "Manage Avatar". Here it is possible to put or change the avatar to a new one. Moreover, you can upload a file with an avatar not only from your own computer, but also from the gallery of avatars or by specifying the URL address to the image on the Internet.

Click on the “Browse” button in this section to select a new avatar from your computer. Specify the path and file name in the dialog that opens. The file name appears in the avatars field.

When placing the avatar you want on another site, enter the corresponding Internet address of the picture in the field “Upload avatar from URL”. The avatar will be copied to the current site.

If you want to select an avatar from the gallery, click on the "Show gallery" button in the avatar's management section. You will see a window with a base of free images for avatars. Choose from any one you like for your profile.

   How simple

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There are several ways to get a spectacular image that can be uploaded as an avatar to the social network VKontakte. If you are not a confident user of the graphic editor, you can create a similar image from graffiti or by editing your own image using

When registering on social networks or forums, one of the first steps the user is asked to upload an avatar. Not everyone knows the meaning of this word and its role. Avatar or ava is a graphic embodiment of the user, displaying its essence. In addition to social networks, avatar can be used in blogs, chat games. For these purposes, images, animated screensavers are used, and text variants are also found.

How to change avatar

The choice of avatar often reflects the inner world of the user, some of its features. It is worth remembering that the more likeable and positive attitude the selected image carries, the more actively other participants of one or another portal will pay attention to it. It often happens that over time the avatar loses its relevance. This is not a big deal, as detailed instructions on how to change the avatar are provided below.

For a start, it is worth considering a typical list of operations for changing the image in the network.

  • Log in and log in with your username and password.
  • Go to the profile settings menu (most often it is “My Account”).
  • Upload an image by selecting “Edit avatar”.

There are a huge number of pictures on the Internet and any of them can become a new user avatar. For this you need:

  • Copy the image you like with the right mouse button.
  • Go to your personal account.
  • Select download avatar from URL.
  • Paste the copied data into the appropriate line.

In the case when the desired image is on the computer:

  • Go to the avatar change menu.
  • Click "Browse".
  • Find a picture.
  • Save the image and it will be displayed in the profile.

You can not ignore the most famous network services. In each of them there are small features.

How to change avatar in Skype

Avatar in Counter-Strike

  • Enter the settings menu
  • Select "Friends"
  • Under your avatar choose "Change"
  • Find "Change avatar in CSS."
  • Upload image.

Youtube avatar (on your channel)

  • On your channel go to "Channel Settings".
  • If the image is already worth it to remove it.
  • Select the desired image and upload it.
  • Wait until the download is complete.
  • Click "Finish" (upper right corner).

Change avatar Vkontakte

  • Go to your account.
  • Under the current avatar click "Change Photo".
  • Select “Upload new photo”.
  • Click "Browse".
  • Select a photo from the computer.
  • Click "Open" ..

There is also an option to change the ava while viewing your photos. To do this, click on the "Place on my page" option in the menu to the right of the image.

As you can guess, changing the avatar is not at all difficult if you follow simple operations from the list provided. But changing it from time to time, you can thus express your emotions, attract new people to chat and meet new people, open the door to your inner world and just have fun.

You have Skype installed, but your account lacks your personal data and you need to add a photo? How to remove avatar in Skype? Read on and you'll find out.

Installation ava

To install an avatar in Skype, do the following simple steps:

1. Log in to the program under your login.

2. Click on the "Skype" menu.

3. In the drop-down list, select the "Personal data" line.

By the way, at this stage you can choose another “Take a Picture” button - in this case, you will switch to the photo mode in order to take a photo of yourself and immediately place the photo taken on the ava.

6. After selecting the image, click "Open."

Pay attention to those file formats that can be downloaded in Skype: ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".skype".

7.After the image is loaded, you can make some adjustments, that is, increase or decrease its scale by pulling the slider below, right or left.

8. Click on “Use this image” after finishing work on it (finishing editing).

There is one more way to enter the change window (add): click on the “Tools” menu item, then “Settings”, then “General Settings” and select the link (at the bottom of the window) “Change avatar”.

Ava replacement

How to change ava? Easy peasy! To change the avatar, you need to do the same steps in order, as described in the previous instructions.

Do I need to remove the old avatar? No, just install a new one. It turns out that the processes of the first statement of the avatar and its replacement are identical to each other. The only difference: when you perform the sixth item in the window that opens, at the bottom left you will see the previous versions of your images. How to change the avatar in Skype to the old (remote), that is, the one that you have already used? Just click on it and Skype will change the current display!

Ava removal

How to remove the ava? There is one answer to this question: “No, it is impossible. You can only change the avatar in Skype to another. ” But if you still do not need any avatar at all, try to take a picture and install a simple white or black background on the ava. Another option is to open any drawing program and save a clean sheet. Then follow all the steps from the first instruction.

But if you use Skype for Mac, you have the option to remove avu. For this:

  1. Go to Skype.
  2. Click on "Profile".
  3. Click on the installed avatar.
  4. Click "Delete."

Working with Ava on iphone and ipad

To load / install / change ava on devices such as iPhone and iPad:

  1. Go to Skype.
  2. Touch your login (it is located in the upper corner on the left).
  3. Click on the "My Data" tab.
  4. Tap the avatar link.
  5. Take a new photo or use the image previously saved on the device.

Work with an individual photo of the messenger on Android

To change the avatar on a device that works on the Android operating system, go to the instant messenger, click on the menu sign (three horizontal stripes on a blue background) and select the Avatar command.

Now you know how to put an avatar in Skype, how to remove or change it.

Avatar not only on Twitter, but also in other social networks plays a rather important role. Avatar is a small image or photo, which, so to speak, presents to other users your personality and your personality. Immediately after registering with Twitter, you can see the usual dark silhouette in the place reserved for the avatar. Until recently, an egg was depicted instead. Some users do not know how you can change your avatar on Twitter. And now we will tell you how to do it. You will even learn about how to put an animated image on an avatar.

Change the avatar from the computer

You can change the avatar from your computer (using any browser)  and from the phone (in the mobile version).

Twitter settings location

Useful information: The requirements for the avatar on Twitter are as follows: the photo should weigh at least 48 kilobytes and not more than 700 kilobytes. Valid file permissions are jpg, gif and png.

The default settings window on Twitter. At the top - the field of changing the profile image

From the phone

And now let's find out how you can change the ava on Twitter from any mobile device.  This is quite easy to do - just like on a computer.

Now you know how to change the avatar on Twitter through a website on a computer or from a mobile application. The whole process takes you a maximum of one minute. And changing the avatar only once - you remember the whole simple sequence of actions and can do it yourself at any time.

Set animation

Sometimes users are interested in another interesting question - is it possible to choose a gif as an ava (i.e., animation) on Twitter? And if so, how to do it.

This is interesting: You can put an animation on the profile picture in Twitter, and it can be done easily.

To upload a gif, first prepare a suitable animation for upload. You can either download already prepared animation from special sites, or make it yourself. Keep in mind that the resolution of GIF should be 73? 73 pixels, and the file size should not exceed 700 kilobytes. Now that the GIF animation is already on your computer or mobile phone, all that remains is to upload it to Twitter. This process is no different from downloading any other image. Just go to Settings, and in the Photo field, change your photo to a gif.
