True love helps to endure everything. Electronic textbooks in Russian

Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: "Faithful love helps to bear all the hardships"

What is true love? For me, this is the kind of love for which people sacrifice themselves, change, compromise, to be together as long as possible. And, of course, true love implies constant support and support both in joy and in grief. Thus, I fully support the words of F. Schiller that true love helps to bear all the hardships. The correctness of this point of view can be proved by examples from the literature.

Finally, we would like to ask Mary Mother to accompany her intercession with the efforts of both communities of Sri Lanka, Tamils \u200b\u200band Sinhalese in order to restore the lost unity. As soon as his image returned to his sanctuary Madhu after the war, we ask the Lord that all his sons and daughters of Sri Lanka can now return to the house of God with a renewed spirit of reconciliation and communion.

First of all, let us ask that this sanctuary is always the house of prayer and the refuge of the world. May, through the means of Our Lady of Madhu, all people find courage and power here in order to build a future of reconciliation, justice and peace for all children of this beloved land. Canonization of Jose Vaz, Colombo.

Let us turn to the novel by Nicholas Sparks, "The Diary of Memory." This novel tells the story of faithful and true love. The main characters Noah and Ellie fall in love with each other at first sight, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of her parents, continues to meet with Noah. Ellie forced to leave for hometown. Young people promise each other that their love will be eternal. After fourteen years of separation, they meet and are again intoxicated by intimacy. Ellie completely changes her plans for life. They get married, give birth to five children and live for each other. By old age, Ellie had a terrible diagnosis - Alzheimer's disease. Noah did not give up and to the end tried to regain the memory of his beloved by reading his memory diary, where the days spent together were so well described. The author shows that true love helps heroes live wonderful life   and overcome adversity.

"The end of the earth will see the salvation of our God." This is an extraordinary prophecy that we heard in today's first reading. Isaiah announces the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all ends of the earth. This prophecy is of particular importance to us, as we celebrate the canonization of the great Gospel missionary, St. Joseph Waz. In his own words, but even more, by the example of his life, he led the people of this country to a faith that forces us to share the “legacy of the saints”.

In St. Joseph Vaz we see a magnificent sign of God's kindness and love for the people of Sri Lanka. But we also see him encouraged to continue the path of the gospel, grow in holiness and testify of the gospel's message of reconciliation to which he dedicated his life.

Another work confirming the words of Schiller is the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment." Sonya Marmeladova is a vicious girl, and at first glance you might think that she is the same criminal as Raskolnikov. But it is she who puts Rodion on the path of remorse. This defenseless, weak and fragile girl falls in love with Raskolnikov, follows him to hard labor and suffers his indifference. Over time, Raskolnikov realizes that he has no one closer to Sonya. He rethinks everything that he has done, and is resurrected to live on. If not for Sonya’s true love, it’s scary to imagine the fate of this hero.

The priest of Oratorio in his native Goa, Saint Joseph Vaz, came to this country, animated by missionary zeal and great love for his people. Due to religious persecution, he was dressed as a beggar and performed his priestly functions in secret meetings of believers, often at night. His efforts brought spiritual and moral strength to the troubled Catholic population. He especially devoted himself to serving the sick and suffering. His attention to patients during the smallpox epidemic in Kandy was so appreciated by the king that he was given great freedom of action.

Love, which is based on self-sacrifice, the desire to be with a person and in all situations to support him, can be the strongest. Stronger than poverty, misery, hard labor, and even illness. And just such love will help to bear all the hardships of life. I hope I'm lucky and find that kind of love.