What to do in the new year with friends. What to do on New Year's holidays. Stay a tourist in your hometown

Will you spend New Year's Eve with your children? Then see a list of 20 ideas on what to do. You can choose the appropriate option for your age, as well as for the venue - at home or on the street. Let's start?

  Children are asked to name 14 adjectives: “white”, “sad”, “pea”, “wooden”, “shrill”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter gets the text of the telegram, and inserts the missing adjectives in the list.

With the advent of the new year, we usually balance the past and try to set the direction or goals for the next, often in the form of resolutions. How, however, do we need to get really fresh and a lot of energy in the new year? Try to make an order in the things that surround you. Regardless of whether such “cleansing” refers to the environment in which you live or your mental and emotional life, it is important not to be afraid of the changes that are usually associated with movement, with new actions and goals.

Stay a tourist in your hometown

You can start in your own home. Are you looking for a beautiful apartment as a directory? You may be surprised that the key is not a large amount of jewelry or expensive design elements. Any apartment can look luxurious, if it is neat. However, this not only includes dust and dried carpet, but also the removal of unused or broken items awaiting repair.

Telegram text:
  "…………………………………………………….. Santa Claus!
  Everybody ………………………………………………… the children are eagerly awaiting your ………………………………………… arrival.
New Year  this is the .................................................... holiday of the year.
  We will sing for you …………………………………. songs, dancing …………………………………… dances, telling ………………………………………………………. poems. Finally come ............................................................. New Year!
  I do not want to talk about .................................................... learning We promise that we will receive only ……………………………… estimates.
  So, open your bag as soon as possible ………………………………………… bag and hand it to us …………………………………. presents.
  With respect to you ……………………………………………… .. boys and …………………………………………………… .. girls! "

Removing such things can be difficult, because we have memories, we were given gifts and the like. For example, make sure that you save only 2 things out of a total of 10 and select the most important ones. Apply the same procedure to the cabinet. Embroider clothes that you do not wear regularly, or you have promised to lose weight in a few months. Of course, the goal is not to get rid of the festive dresses that you wear only at weddings and balloons. This category includes torn socks, faded trinkets and "home" or "forest" sweaters, shorts that no longer match your style, or shoes that you click on, and you certainly won't miss them.

  Arrange a contest for the most original "wish in the image." On behalf of his character, the child will need to come up with an unusual greeting for each of those present.

  Prepare crackers (or hearts) with the “fortune telling" filling in advance:
   coin (to wealth),
   candy (to the sweet life),
   fruit bone (to a rich crop on a personal plot),
   the key (to the discoveries in the new year)
   shred of fabric (to new outfits),
   ticket (travel),
   vitamins (for better health),
   small pipe (to fame and success),
   bead (for new gifts and decorations), etc.
  The number of lots must match the number of participants, you can also include all adults present in the lottery.

Where to go in the New Year holidays

You do not need to immediately throw the sorted things. Getting rid of old stuff is not easy. However, you make sure that it will continue. You can sell or replace your clothes in online fashion stores or in flea markets. You can also donate charity or special containers. Unused jewelry, candles or dishes can be donated, for example, to charity auctions organized by various charitable organizations. Therefore, not only get rid of unnecessary, but also do a good deed well.

  To do this, the whole company can spend a couple of hours in the open air shortly before the chimes until the preparation for the holiday ends at home.

  Who faster and more accurately build a snow fort from white disposable cups.


Prepare molds from children's sets for a sandbox, tinsel, candy wrappers from sweets, toys, twigs, pieces of fruit (oranges and tangerines can be cut into round slices). Dissolve watercolors in a separate dish, take a place in the house for the creative process and ... run it!

Movement is also associated with cleaning and change. Do not be afraid to include it in your life. You do not need to start regularly when it is ugly. A walk is a walk from homework or home cleaning, a family trip to the zoo or a walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator. The main thing is that you change the stereotype, stretch your body, naturally release endorphins, hormones of happiness.

After cleaning the apartment, there is also a good time to clean. own life. If you have had problems for some time, right now you have the best opportunity to solve it. Think about what makes you sad, what caused it, and what you can do for yourself. Try not to blame yourself or others for your situation, instead focusing on finding effective solutions. If you do not feel great in yourself, do not be afraid to seek professional help. Psychotherapists and personal trainers can help you deal with your problems from a different angle and encourage you to find the best solution.

Let the children lay New Year's attributes in each form, pour in colored water, lay a noose and bring the future ice souvenirs to the frost. After everything hardens, remove the figured ice toys and, if desired, repeat the procedure. In the meantime, the second batch of toys is frozen, send the children to hang the first one. Stretch a rope in the yard - let the children tie their jewelry to it. Get a beautiful ice garland.

  Children put their gloves, mittens (you can also hats and scarves) in the basket. Then the participants of the competition move a few steps away from the basket and, at the command of the leader, start the merry New Year's music. The task is to find and put on your winter clothes as quickly as possible.

  Make blanks of masks according to the number of children, so that everyone chooses who he will be for this evening.

  It is possible, in anticipation of the chiming clock, to hold the Festival of Theatrical Mastery, for example, stage a children's fairy tale with the children, but in a new way.

A small gift (notebook, pen) is wrapped in paper, onto which a sheet with a riddle is glued. Once again, wrapped in paper - and again stick a piece of the riddle. Such layers can be any number, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, silently reads the riddle and speaks out loud. Then it unwraps the next layer, reads the riddle again to itself and tells the answer. If he does not know the answer, he reads the riddle aloud. The first who guesses this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. Wins the one who, having solved the last riddle, will get to the gift.

  For this game, you will need notes for notes with an adhesive strip.
  All players sit at the table, there should be no mirrors. All participants write the word on the sticker (you can limit the topic to a new year or cartoon characters). Then each of his sticker is stuck on the neighbor's forehead, the neighbor, naturally, does not know which character he got. This character at the table is seen by everyone except its owner. The rules are simple, the player asks questions that need to be answered YES or NO. The course lasts until the first NO.
  For example, I got the hero Shapoklyak, I ask the participants a question:

"Am I from a cartoon?"
  They say: "YES!".
  I ask the second question: "Soviet cartoon?"
  They: "YES!".
  "I am human?"
  They: "YES!"
  "I am a man?"
  They: "NO!"
  The move proceeds to the next player, and so on in a circle, until everyone guesses his word. The loser is the one who guessed his word last.

  Task: quietly stick a paper snowman (use double-sided tape) on the back of someone from the guests. As soon as this person realizes that the snowman has settled on him, he should stick him secretly to someone else. Kids are crazy about making this joke with adults. Most likely, during the night the snowman will be on the backs of all the guests.

  Divide into teams. Each team is given a roll of toilet paper, 3 black cardboard circles, tape, scarves, hats, handkerchiefs, and other accessories. The task is to create a unique snowman and help him to reach the podium, “not melted”. Idea, team cohesion, costume presentation, etc. are evaluated.

This competition is very simple. Both adults and children play. It is only necessary to think of a continuation of the line, of course, so that it would be ridiculous and rhyme. For example, "A fluffy beauty is standing in a corner ..." - "... look at it, now it will fill up." The presenter distributes guests sheets with written lines and 10 minutes of time. Guests (or you can divide into teams) come up with a sequel. After all read the text one by one, so that you can compare. Whoever made it more fun gets the prize.

1. After the New Year's Eve ... (the morning was very heavy)
  2. Grandfather Frost came to us ... (took away all the sandwiches)
  3. We were waiting for gifts ... (we had a fight with the Snow Maiden)
  4. Chimes beat 12 times ...
  5. We dressed up a Christmas tree ...
  6. From the snow all white, white ...

  Children show movements of any actions. Adult guests guess. We reward everyone)))

1. We sculpt a snowman
  2. Dressing for a walk
  3. ice skating
  4. Skiing
  5. Playing snowballs
  6. We decorate the Christmas tree
  7. Slap the Clapper
  8. Santa Claus gives gifts
  9. The bear sleeps in a den.
  10. Spill champagne

  A game that always improves your mood. You need to take the number of pieces of paper (it is better to cut them narrow and long) according to the number of people. Each answers these questions in turn:

  2.With whom?
  3. When?
  5.What did you do?
  6. What happened or how did it end?

The bottom line is that after answering each question a piece of paper written is wrapped down and passed on to the next one, that is, you don’t know what you wrote before you. When all the answers are written, you need to deploy and read what happened in the column.

  The essence of the game is to blindly stick a snowman's nose.

  The game "Prizes on a string" like all children without exception. The prizes are tied up with a rope, the children are taken up blindfolded and given scissors, and they cut off the prize.

  Each team gets a word from the New Year theme. Using the props you have prepared (paper, scissors, glue, glitter, clay, cotton, etc.), they need to create a picture.

20. SNOW
  Take cottonballs, 2-3 participants blow each one to their own little ball and the one who has kept the ball longer in the air wins.

We hope that at least one game from this collection will be useful to you!

Many of us promise to start a new life in the new year. So why not keep this promise? It doesn’t matter whether your diary is paper or electronic. One thing is important: do not throw a diary and regularly fill it with entries.

And if you already have a personal diary, then try something new:, or.

2. Read some books

We all say that we want and we will read more, but our permanent excuse, "I do not have enough time to read," negates everything. AT new Year's holidays  we finally have time, and the long winter evenings are simply created in order to get into the chair with a blanket and tea and immerse ourselves in reading.

Surely you have your own list of must read, but if not, take a look.

3. Gather a fun company and play snowballs.

   Grekov’s / Shutterstock.com

Of course, if you have children, then you will not escape this fun. And if not, then this is not a reason to abandon his favorite childhood activity from childhood. Gather a group of friends and go play snowballs.

It is not necessary to even plan this entertainment in advance, just throw a snowball at one of your friends, and then a chain reaction will go on, and in 5 minutes you and all your friends will participate in snow battles.

And if the fierce winter weather is raging outside the window, because of which you don’t want to go out, then arrange your snow fun at home - cook with your family.

4. Embark on a journey that you have long dreamed of.

Almost every person has or dreams, where he has long wanted to go. Stay yourself by Grandfather Frost and fulfill your dream - give yourself a trip.

The advice is relevant not only for those who have been saving money for holidays all year, because today it is very simple for someone, and this, in turn, will help to significantly reduce travel expenses.

5. Help those in need

One of best ways  to give yourself a holiday is to arrange a holiday for someone else.

Yes, few of us are able to donate large sums. But to collect books and things that you no longer use, buy a bag of candy and go to the nearest orphanage - this is something that almost every one of us can do. And if you are a volunteer or an active student who has a company of like-minded people, then you can arrange a New Year's concert or performance for the kids.

6. Spend New Year's holidays at the camp site

What to do at the camp site in the summer, everyone understands: swim, sunbathe, walk, gather mushrooms and berries - in a word, to rest actively. But not everyone knows that in the winter time can be spent at the camp site just as agile and interesting: skiing, sledding, ice skating, relaxing in the bath and walking not less, or even more than in summer.

7. Every morning, arrange a jogging in the New Year's style.

Let the feeling of celebration be with you always. During jogging, creating a New Year's mood is very simple: run in a New Year's cap or in a cool scarf with deer, upload your favorite New Year's tracks to the player or choose a route that allows you to reach at least a few Christmas trees that are abundant on New Year's holidays in any city.

8. Stay a tourist in your hometown.

Surely there are hundreds of places that you did not visit in your hometown: museums, galleries, and maybe even theaters and cinemas. Make a list of such places and catch up on New Year's holidays.

9. Treat yourself and loved ones with New Year's delicacies