Technical characteristics of the charger for the phone. How to choose a portable phone charger? CANYON CNE-CPB130DG one of the best portable charging

Small bat autonomous work of the smartphone is the current problem of a modern man who is always important to stay in touch. Because of this, the lack of gadgets users are forced to regularly carry additional costs - for the purchase, for paid charging services in store salons, even on the purchase of "second" phones capable of "to inspect" the main device in the event that it "will".

However, the gadget is quickly discharged, as a rule, the user itself is to blame much more than the manufacturer. Following some rules for charging the smartphone, it is possible to significantly increase the duration of its autonomous work.

Why does the phone get a charge on the phone?

The user should not surprise the fact that the simple "dialer" is capable of working without a socket of 1-2 weeks, while the smartphone sits down after the day after the last recharging. The functionality is usually so primitive that it is a battery. just nothing. At the same time, smartphones have a whole arsenal of additional options, thanks to which they can successfully replace navigators, cameras, gaming consoles and other highly specialized devices. All these options are rapidly "eaten" amps.

Here are the main enemies of batteries of smartphones:

  • Wi-Fi. If the Wi-Fi module is turned on, the battery consumption occurs much faster. If the distribution of the wireless Internet is activated on the smartphone, you can see how the counting counting of the battery charging goes right in the eyes. An important point is that the Wi-Fi enabled discharges a battery to a greater extent during network search periods than during a permanent connection. That is why coming out of the reception zone is not just switching to LTE, but also turn off Wi-Fi.
  • Geolocation. Thanks to the geolocation enabled, the user of the mobile device is able to track on the map of its location and find out if the destination is far from the destination. Many people do not have such a necessity, and therefore their smartphones have a gap, devouring precious milliamepers.
  • Long conversations. In specifications, an approximate service life of gadgets is always indicated in 2 versions: in standby and in conversation mode. The term of work in the conversation is significantly shorter. It is possible to replace the live communication in and messenger to replace the user if he wants his device to be held without recharging longer.

Contrary to the common opinion of the application opened on the smartphone in the background, the flow rate of the battery is almost not provided. Running the program "from scratch" - a much more energy cost procedure, so if you use any application constantly, Whether to close it meaninglessly.

The reason for the rapid battery consumption is not always on program level. Perhaps the whole thing in a technical malfunction, low quality accumulator or in its wear. Any battery has its own service life, which is measured in the number of charging cycles. Upon reaching the threshold, the smartphone with each new charging starts to sit faster.

The approximate battery life is 500 cycles - it is from one and a half to two years of use. From the 501th cycle, the battery of the apple gadget is taken to lose efficiency. Upon reaching the 1000th cycle of the battery capacity, as a rule, is only 50% of the initial one. You can find out the number of charging cycles on the iPhone using the program Battery Life..

Slow charging: What is the reason?

The reason for the smartphone is charging slow, hardly is the malfunction of the gadget and its components. Most likely, the problem lies in the elements of the charger or in the power source.

If the smartphone is not recharged not from the outlet, but from the port of the laptop or PC, you should not expect that the battery will be filled "to the edge" for the usual time. USB port format 2.0 Provides power total in 2.5 W., whereas to recharging the battery capacity in 3000 MAP required approximately 5 W.. Better with the task of charging gadgets Cool ports of format 3.0 giving 4.5 W.

However, if the laptop is equipped, then the connection of the smartphone to the outlet can be forgotten forever. New USB type is able to charge devices with power up to 100 W.So it means quickly fill the battery of a mobile phone and even a tablet through this output will not be difficult.

Low quality USB cable and insufficient adapter characteristics can also be the causes of slow charge. When choosing an adapter, pay attention to current power - An indicator expressed in amperes (a). Previously, it was necessary to take this time to take into account - if the power of the current was low, the device was charged slowly or "unauthorized" container. At the same time, it was impossible to "be engaging" a stick, too much current could harm the battery. In 2019, such a problem does not exist.

Think about the fact that too powerful the "Safety" smartphone is not necessary - in all gadgets have special charge controllers installed, which do not miss a larger current than the device is able to withstand. In addition, the qualitative GI has similar controllers.

How to charge the phone: major rules

Mobile technician users still remember the rule from 2000s: discharge phone up to 0%, then charge completely. Rule is relevant only for nickel Batteries, which now you will not find the "day with fire." Most smartphones are completed lithium-ionic Batteries that can not be discharged to zero - it makes them irreparable harm!

In recent years, manufacturers of mobile equipment began to receive information that it should be kept at a level of from 20 to 80% to "maintain" life. Of course, it is possible to go beyond these frames, but ideally should adhere to the recommendations. In some modern gadgets, the automatic power supply function is already implemented at the hardware level when the tank set is up to 80% or in the settings of the power parameters there is an appropriate option. Representatives of the company told about this mode. If there is no special function, then nothing prevents the appropriate software from the PlayMarket or AppStore, which will perform a similar task.

  • Do not leave a fully charged smartphone connected to the outlet - Especially for the whole night. This leads to overheating of the battery and, as a result, to reduce its time. To avoid destructive consequences, the user should pay attention to the impulse memory - what they differ from the usual, we will tell later.
  • Monitor the temperature. During the recharge, the smartphone is so heated - if it is also left in the sun, it can easily fail. Of course, the device is not worth covering something or go somewhere. All this is additional heating and as a result, a possible breakdown. Do not forget that low temperatures are no less detrimental for the battery. The reference ambient temperature for charging is 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Regularly feed the smartphone- At least in a little bit. Short-term charging is not a destructive measure for modern lithium-ion batteries - It is proved by the organization called University of Research and Battery Production (CADEX). To have the opportunity to feed the gadget in any conditions, it is worth purchasing the so-called -. Our site has already talked about
  • Once every three months (but not more often) completely discharge the smartphone and charge up to 100%.This measure will refuel the electronics that is responsible for the correct display of the charge percentage. The user who neglects such a measure is not to be surprised that his gadget "suddenly" turns off at 5-10%.
  • To not allowdeep discharge . Under this concept implies a long stay of the smartphone in the discharged state. Gadget discharged and does not turn on- One of the most common complaints of users applying for warranty service.

Important moment - if the phone is planned to be "canvate", that is, they will not use it in the near future, the battery should be charged to 50%. In this state, the device must be turned off. Fully discharged or charge your smartphone before sending to temporary peace.

Recommendation Use for recharging only the original accessories is very dubious. Of course, to feed the gadget better the one that was included. However, if it fails, the user will be before a serious dilemma due to the explanatory desire to save - because the original accessory is twice as much more expensive than universal.

Actually big difference between universal and original zoom. If a universal charging for the smartphone is made by a well-known company, and not the Chinese "know-neu", she will definitely not destroy the gadget.

How to charge a new battery?

To follow the advice three times, to discharge and charge a new smartphone - the right way to "tuggle" the battery in the first days of use. So it was necessary to come again with nickel batteries - as for lithium, each complete discharge significantly reduces their life.

Modern gadgets do not impose special requirements for the first charge. Users do not need to believe in "noodles", which they "hang on the ears" consultants and "pseudo-experts" of thematic sites.

The owner of the smartphone is best to take instructions, find that it says about the length of charging, and leave the gadget connected to the outlet to the time specified in the manual. After this time, you should disable the device with a 100% power charge and continue to adhere to the rules that were listed above.

How to choose a smartphone charger?

Many of the parameters for which you want to pay attention when selecting a charger for the phone has already been mentioned in this article. In fact, for modern gadgets, the DZH is selected according to the principle - the higher the indicators of the strength of the current, power and voltage, the better. The fact is that a few years ago, a powerful charging could really burn the battery. In 2019, power supplies have controllers and modes that determine that it is connected to them and on the basis of this they serve a current with secure parameters.

Other parameters for which you should watch when buying are as follows:

  • A type. All memory is conditionally classified for 2 types: transformer and pulse. Pulse features that are equipped with timers that are able to automatically stop charging. The pulse zoom mode lasts about 4 hours - this time is usually enough that the battery manage to gain the main share of its container. Then the energy begins to be filled with small portions - "impulses" - in order for the smartphone did not lose charge.
  • Design and design. Whole memory, not allowing the user to disconnect the wire from the power supply, go to the past. Acquisition of such charging disadvantageousBecause the Gadget owner has to buy "in the appendage" to it the USB cable - if he intends to download data from the PC to the smartphone.

It is more expedient to acquire a cable and an adapter equipped with several ports.

Thanks to this adapter, the user gets the ability to charge two or more mobile devices. at the same time - For this you only need to buy the second cable, which is much cheaper than additional charging.

Ordering an adapter for charging on the Chinese site, the user must also pay attention to type fork. For Russian sockets need foril Eurostandard - An example in the figure is higher in the upper left corner. However, there is no particular sense to order a ZIZ today in China today, Russian online stores offer more than a worthy choice of high-quality devices with adequate prices. With the best options, you can get acquainted in our ranking of network charging devices proposed below.

Top Network Chargers

QUMO 23714.

Price: from 1,299 rubles.

A fairly budget model with 3 outputs. The top has support for quick charging Quick Charge (3.0, 2.0, 1.0). The maximum strength of the current is 4.2 A, the power is 18 W. The DIU automatically selects the necessary parameters to charge the connected gadget, and also has protection against voltage jumps, overload and short circuit. An option for those who need to quickly and safely charge several gadgets and at the same time not to pay for this huge money.

Aukey PA-Y9

Price: from 1,490 rubles.

Aukey's stylish charging was equipped with a reversing USB-C 5 V / 3 A connector and a classic USB-A 5 V / 2.1 A. Total power - 25.5 W. This will ensure safely charge any gadget from the latest model iPhone to any tablet. The DZU body is made of high-quality plastic with a Soft Touch coating. The plug, if necessary, is removed into a special niche on the case, which simplifies the process of storing the block or wearing it.


Price: from 1,690 rubles.

Model with an interesting design and access to three connector. This is a great option for charging Apple's techniques and any other expensive devices. Upper USB-C 5 V / 5.4 A port is designed to charge or laptops with type-C powered, two USB-A 5 V / 2.4 C / 2.4 A ports are suitable for powering any mobile gadget. Total power - 28 W.

The DIU received support for Automax technology capable of understanding which device is connected to it and give the appropriate current parameters for safe charging. In addition, it provides protection against overheating, closure, high voltage. The power supply has a silicone case in the kit (a red or blue option is available to choose from which there are slots for fastening the power cable.

Rivacase Rivapower VA4125 + Lightning

Price: from 1,890 rubles.

Not the most interesting scene from the point of execution, but quite convenient and functional. The model is equipped with two USB-a C 5 V / 3.4 A connectors with a total output power of 17 W. This is enough to simultaneously charge two smartphones or tablets. Included there is a removable cable with a 1.2 meter length Lightning plug for charging the iPhone. Charging is available in white or black. An excellent option for those who need a power supply with a cable bundled for reasonable money and with good quality.

Belkin F7U011VFSLV.

Price: from 1 990 rubles.

Belkin accessories are most like Apple owners. This is not surprising, since this company does not only qualitatively, but also very stylish. The model received two outputs - USB-C and USB-A. The first has a strength of 3 A, the second is 2.4 A, the total power is 27 W. The DISU is made of high-quality plastic with high wear resistance, as well as fire-fighting properties. The case is compact enough, which makes it convenient to carry it with you. Color: Silver. There is MFI certification.

Anker Powerport Speed \u200b\u200b5 Ports 63W

Price: from 2 990 rubles.

The model calculated at once on 5 devices. Suitable to those who have a lot of gadgets or in the office. All USB-A outputs, two ports support Quick Charge, the remaining three - PowerIQ (automatic selection of current supply parameters depending on the connected device). The device has a LED indicator of the blue color - on it, the user can understand that the DZH is connected to the network. Accessory of small size, all internal elements are hidden in the housing of high-quality plastic. The total capacity is 63 W, the maximum strength of the current - 12 A. is MFI certification, that is, Apple officially recognizes this device safe for its technology.


Unfortunately, domestic users continue to persevere to believe common myths about charging mobile devices. They do not suspect that, striving, for example, to discharge the batteries of smartphones to the end, have a bad service to their devices. Recommendations deposited in the memory of users in 2000s are relevant for nickel batteries. In modern smartphones stand lithium-ion batteries, Care requirements are completely different.

Probably, the bustle of almost all is their battery capacity. The capacity of the batteries, which are equipped with modern phones, allow you to hope for the best. Thus, the phone has excellent characteristics (several cores, a large amount of RAM, the latest processor, high processor frequency) is most often equipped with a battery, the capacity of which barely exceeds 2500 mAh. If the smartphone has high characteristics, then such a container is hardly enough for 12 hours.

Of course, you can pay attention to the phones that have accumulators with a large capacity. But if you already have a telephone with an average battery, you can go to another way. Agree that if your phone is quickly discharged, I would like it at least quickly charged. And for this you need to have a correct charger. And, by the way, the chargers have a property very quickly breaking, so if you have breakdown, this article will be useful to you.

So it is best to buy an original charger that is intended for your phone model. But not always such a charging will be able to quickly charge your phone. If you want the device to be charged relatively quickly, pay attention to the charger label. There are various inscriptions, but we need to find the inscription: Output (current input value).

Here you can see different output values. So, on some devices OUTPUT \u003d 0.65 A, and on some Output \u003d 1 A. But many will say that they do not need to know the value of the output current of their charger. And in vain. After all, the more value, the faster the phone is charging.

If you are going to the store to buy a charger, then pay attention to this value. For a smartphone, the best option will be purchased a charger that has a current output current of 2 amps. It is not worth noting anymore, as the phone when charging will be heated, and this affects its operation.

By the way, when choosing a charger, you should pay attention to the cable that is not the latest participant in the charging process. Here it is not necessary to save and give preference to thin cables. It is better to spend a little and take a cable with a normal wire diameter. As you can see to choose a good charger, it is not necessary to know a bunch of varying information. It is enough to remember the two rules: the size of the output current and the quality of the USB cable, according to which the current will flow.

Articles and Lifehaki



Unfortunately, the charging devices for smartphones today do not have a single standard. And how it would be convenient!

But, alas, when buying users of gadgets, it is necessary to delve into completely uninteresting technical subtleties on the principle of "how would not happen." Is it really scary in fact?

Classic Charges for Phones

First Association for the words "Charger" - a block with a power plug and a wire with a smartphone plug.

It is still remembered that the plug from one model may not approach the other, and in the case of production it will happen practically for sure.

In fact, to the joy of users of mobile devices, today you have to choose from among a variety of bad exoticity much less often, the connectors in most models are reduced to a small number of standards:

  • MicroUSB. - The most popular type, often found in modern devices.
  • USB Type-C - Progressive standard with a bunnye: the ability to include a connecting cable by any end, a high power of the transmitted energy, as well as a high data exchange rate.
  • Lighting. - A special standard used in its gadgets.
Each of them has their own varieties, seriously complicating the life of the owners not too "fresh" models, because often "charging" lives much less than the smartphone himself.

For example, if you still exploit the iPhone 5, then you will need a type of Lighting 8-Pin MFI. Therefore, when purchasing it is important to explain to the seller, for which gadget you need a charger.

The most vulnerable part of the memory is the cable, the prone "overwhelming" and fail with not too neat operation. On this basis, you can allocate two type of devices:

  • with non-removable cable;
  • with a removable cable.
In the first case, the wire is a single integer with the case, and when it is damaged, the block can be bolder to throw away. In the second, a cable with two plugs is used, one of which is included in the smartphone, and the second to the connector on the housing.

Such models are more "Luggage", in addition, several very often connectors, thanks to which you can simultaneously charge several different devices. And here we go to the need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of "charging".

They can be easily detected on the housing. In most cases, the three main parameters indicate:

  • Adomant input voltage interval:
  • Working frequency.
  • Release characteristics.
The first two of us are not too interested, in the overwhelming case they are typical: 100 - 270V and 50-60Hz. The times when differences in the standards of the electric grid poisoned the lives of users were rushed into the fly.

But the third is much more important. It may look something like this: 5VDC - 850 MA. This means that the charging is performed by direct current (DC) 850 milliamper with a voltage of 5 volts. And it is this value that interests us.

For most modern smartphones, the strength of the memory current must be at least 1 A. But it is best to clarify information on a specific smartphone model for which a charger is purchased via the Internet.

After all, if the current of the current is too large, the device will not burn, but will heat up in the process of charging, as well as the block itself. And if it is too small, the charging is distinguished in time.

This is related to the problem when when using the "non-" charger, the process lasts much longer than with the original device.

This is due to the fact that due to incompatibility, the built-in protective system of the smartphone switches the process into safe mode at low current (0.5 A).

Charge without wires

Fashion trend in models of mobile industry leaders is the use of wireless charging.

The lack of wires is always a bold plus: less unnecessary items on the table, as well as the absence of cables and connectors that are able to fail.

To recharge the gadget, it is enough to put it on a special stand, after which the process is activated automatically, as well as when connecting the "normal" cable.

Currently, this possibility is provided only in, such as, for example, Samsung Galaxy S8, but also from "state employees" there is an opportunity to use this technology.

To do this, you need to purchase a special adapter connected via the appropriate connector, for example, Lighting, if you need to charge the iPhone, or MicroUSB, if we are talking about any Android model.

Function fast charging

Very often, you can find mention of the so-called fast charging technology Quick Charge developed by Qualcomm, a well-known manufacturer of mobile chipsets.

It would seem what relation to charging? The most immediate one.

After all, it is in the chipset that a system is built, which allows you to adjust the current strength, due to which the process at the first stage is accelerated literally at times.

Therefore, to look for charger with Quick Charge, how they are trying to do some inexperienced users, it makes no sense.

The only thing that is worth paying attention to when buying a memory for a smartphone that supports this technology will be the same current strength: if it is not enough, then it will be just nowhere to take her chipset.

It may also seem that such "abuse" above may be harmful. In fact, the first generation Quick Charge gave a lot of reason for complaints.

However, starting from the second generation, the process became absolutely safe, and in Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0, moreover, the time was significantly reduced during which the gadget charges up to 50%.

Mobile chargers

You can recharge your smartphone not only from the network. Absolute mobility involves the use of gadgets even in conditions when it is unavailable for a long time.

The most common device for such a case is a portable charger, or Power Bank. Depending on the tank, it can have a variety of sizes and weight: from a small box a little more than a flash drive to a huge "brick".

The main problem of such devices is self-discharge during the storage. With the advent of lithium-ion batteries, its sharpness decreased, but still not to the end. The exit was the use of the memory on solar panels.

To charge with their help Power Bank ... No, it will be possible, of course, if you use enough overall and expensive models. But usually similar pieces are used precisely to compensate for the self-discharge.

A convenient body allows you to hang such charging, for example, on a backpack and recharge the external battery from the sun right in the walk or cycling.

And it is also worth mentioning that some models of smartphones are initially designed for operation in Power Bank mode for other devices. To do this, they provide a very large battery and the corresponding interface.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when buying a charger, it is advisable to consult with the manager, explaining to him for which gadget it is purchased. Most large online stores implies a similar opportunity when choosing goods.

Probably, each at least once came across a problem when the charger, which was complete with a smartphone or tablet, ordered a long time to live. And so you have to go to the store to find him a replacement. But, having bought a new charging, suddenly it becomes noticeable that with her your multi-core favorite charges much longer than with the original one. And then it is charged at all, but just only works from the network. In fact, such a problem is enough to avoid. How? Tell me below.

If you believe the stories of former official retail employees, then such products can be purchased even in Euroset or other well-known networks. And if you buy a charger on a "cluster" or "Savorylovsky", and even more so on AliExpress, then you should be especially vigilant. Unfortunately, Aliexpress does not check here. But the charging you plan to purchase in your hometown can be tested. And you need, because it is no secret that the lion's share of charging devices that are sold in stores, just ordered with Aliexpress and sold you with an extra charge.

The most frequent problem with them when the charger gives an insufficient current to charge your smartphone, the device consumes more than it has time to receive from the network.

How to choose a high-quality charging for a smartphone?

  1. Buy original products. For example, if you have a Xiaomi or Samsung smartphone, then it is better to go to the company's branded salon and purchase a charger there. Thus, get the original charging, which, by the way, will be correct and safely maintained and different chips like Quick Charge.
  2. Test the goods before buying. Ask to insert the charger into the socket and check it with a special software. For example, using the AMPERE application
  3. .
  4. In some cases, you can even determine in weight, which of the two power blocks of the charger is better. If it weighs too little, most likely will produce a minimum current and charge your gadgets extremely slow.
  5. Pay attention to logos and inscriptions. They should be applied smoothly and neatly, all the inscriptions should be easily read, and the fonts should not be smeared. These are obvious signs of counterfeit.
  6. A high-quality charger today can not be cheap. We could not find a high-quality copy with a price of up to 500 rubles. From 500 and higher, yes even if you stretch, there is chances.

By the way, do not forget that the charging speed will also depend on the wire. It must at least be without defects to get normal results.

Comparison of Noname and original charger

We bought and tested some not the most expensive (up to 500 rubles) and frequently found cartridges for mobiles. Nothing exploded and did not burn out that it was not bad. But the results of the battery charge process are upset.

Charging that on the title photo to the article, turned out to be one of the slowest. When connecting to the network, the smartphone is simply not discharged, but it is almost impossible to charge it, if at least the screen is enabled. With such a charger, the machine should be left alone to reduce energy consumption. Ideally charge it off or in the aircraft mode.

The second type of charging is similar to the one in the picture above. By the way, often "samsung" is written on them, but in fact it is not. If you put such charging next to the original, then you can easily notice the difference in the fonts, as we wrote above.

Testing was performed on the tablet.

So, several noname chargers and fake near Samsung, gave the following results:

The last result still went out.

And now the result of the usual branded charging from HTC, without QUICK CHARGE support.

And also numbers that give Xiaomi's branded Charger with QUICK CHARGE support.

It is not worth tied to these results to be 100%, since there are many factors that can give error in measurements. Including the device model installed, the number of running processes, etc. However, now, choosing a charger in the store, you can navigate these numbers at least about.