The tablet battery does not charge completely. Not charging the tablet - what is the reason and what to do? The failure of the tablet

Your favorite tablet does not charge? What to do? In fact, it is a fairly common problem of mobile devices, especially tablets. But everything, as always, is solved - we will help you find the reasons and understand ways to eliminate these problems. With some problems you can cope on your own, and some will definitely need to refer to the specialists.

Immediately, we want to draw your attention to the fact that in the service center it is necessary to handle exclusively before the expiration of the warranty period (information is in the documents for your tablet).

In any other cases, it is better not to handle there, because it is terribly tightened with repair, they do not answer for quality, and sellers (receivers) are trained to advise you to buy something unnecessary. If the warranty period has not yet passed, then another way out, as soon as you refer to the service center. There must be installed, whether the problem did not occur because of external influences and if there are no mechanical damage on the tablet, then it will be repaired for free. In the case when the warranty period has already expired, experience shows that the service center contact "is more expensive". This I speak already from personal experience. What I wanted to take 1500 rubles there, (but, by the way, could not do it) in an ordinary workshop (the Street Pavilion "Express Repair") was made quickly and only 500 rubles.

Let's go back to the topic of mechanical damage ... with the tablets these the most mechanical damage happens just very often, since people buy them to constantly have with them, and having with them, can drop, leave in places, from where they fall, pour and so on. Therefore, be careful, try to store the tablet in the cover, and insert the charger into the socket neatly, as it can be separated. But we will not get ahead. We list the reasons why the tablet may not take charge.

The main reasons for the lack of charging and the ways to eliminate them are:

Let's start with charging devices. CHARGING DEVICE there are different tablets. One whole, and others are arranged on the principle of cable + adapter. Here are a photo of both options. Like whole charging and cable + adapter, the breakdown can be the same, the difference is only that the solid charging cannot be replaced separately, it is necessary to change the entire device. The system cable + adapter can be replaced or something else. So, from more common problems to less ...

CABLE out of order. This, perhaps, one of the most frequent causes of the lack of charging. Some have often twist the cable to put it in the bag or remove it. Because of frequent twists and beggars, the wire inside the cable breaks, the contacts are lost and the cable is thus getting into disrepair.

Second problem - ADAPTER . I happened to me. Assuming that the charge does not go because of bad contact with the nest, this nest stirred. In the end, the nest of the tablet stirred and spoiled too. And it was necessary to replace the adapter, because, despite all of his charms - he was a worker, native, everything is wonderful, but - the adapter plug weakly contacted with the wires in our Russian outlets, tees and extension cords. The charge is thus constantly lost - the tablet is something charged, then no. When the charging is turned off, the screen lights up, in turn absorbing charge. It often happened that because of frequently, such discs, instead of charging there was a discharge. It was not possible to notice this far away ... Therefore, check how well the fork of your charger is in contact with the socket.

It was a problem with a working adapter, which can "hang out" in the outlet. The adapter itself can also fail due to a sharp voltage jump, overheating, or its low quality. Both described problems are solved by one way - the acquisition of a new adapter. It is good that there are now their large range in the stores. Buying an adapter, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the current in it. To find out what adapter you need, look at the old adapter of your tablet, 1,5a or 2a should be written in small numbers. Buy the adapter with current power not lower than yours. A little higher can be, it is not desirable below - it will work for a short time and it will be bad (if at all).


Among other reasons may be the failure of the battery. If the tablet, and respectively, the battery, new, then the reason for the failure of the battery is most likely a production marriage.

Over time, the battery may also fail due to weight loss due to the natural exhaustion of the charge cycles limit. If the warranty service life of your tablet has already ended, and problems have arisen with the battery, then you will have to buy a new one, although it is very undesirable, since after repairing its reliability decreases.

PORT (connector / socket charging)

The connector for the charger can also cause the lack of supply in the tablet. Problems can be different, it mostly happens due to mechanical damage. You can not remember when you hooked your mobile computer so that the nest turned out to be damaged.

If you have already determined that your charger is in perfect order and can be powered by other phones and tablets; That contact with the socket is normal, but the charge does not go, then you should pay attention to the state of the port. For this, it may be enough just to move the charger in the nest and see if the charge of the charge arrival icons do not appear. But maybe it will be not enough if it is not in contact with the charger, but in the breakdown of the nest. In this case it will be necessary to replace it, and for this you will need to help professionals. As mentioned above, it is not necessary for assistance to a service center at all (it is not even desirable if you want quickly, efficiently and inexpensive). Replacing the port in private workshops on the repair of computer equipment costs about 500 rubles (along with the cost of the nest itself).

Power controller

There is still a microcircuit in the tablet that is responsible for the distribution and power supply in it. The reason for the failure of this spare part is also mechanical damage. If the controller burned down, the battery device will not charge. It is clear that only specialists can also be corrected such a problem. For a good wizard, this is not a difficult job.


Firmware is reinstalling the operating system of the tablet. Sometimes the firmware is unsuccessful, but since only the owner of the device can be the initiator of the firmware, then no warranty repairs are applied to the stitched tablets, and if you need to reflash, you will have to do this for your own funds. As a result of the firmware error, the machine may not be charged, since the installed operating system is responsible for all processes in the tablet.

The firmware error may occur when the tablet is disconnected independently due to the battery discharge, with the incorrect completion of the system. Try restarting the device. If there is confidence that the charge is missing for this reason, you can try to reset the settings to the factory. If it still did not help, that is, another option - reflash the tablet. Also on the Internet you can view articles on the topic "Firmware Error", there are advice, which can still be done in this situation.

All of the cases listed above can serve as the cause of the complete absence and the cause of a very slow battery charging. Or that and the other together. In general, so often happens. First, the tablet is charged everything slower, it comes to the fact that for several days it does not charge until the end. Then, after some time, the charge at all ceases to do and the tablet does not turn on at all ...

Some reasons for troubleshooting can be identified independently, for example, whether your charger (adapter and cable) work, is it a good contact with the network, there is no large output of the voltage in the network ... other problems you have already understood to identify you can only with the help of specialists.

Another small nuance ... Come to the store for a new charger before buying it (or cable / adapter), you need to check the device on your tablet. If any of the available on sale is not charged your tablet, then there is no meaning of the new charger - the problem is inside the tablet and it is worth first to seek help from specialists.

If you have questions about charging a tablet or other topics of the site, we will be happy to answer you. We also want to see comments with your advice and reviews of good workshops and service services in your cities, since this information may be useful to other site visitors.

Not for great money, you can buy a good tablet to Aliexpress. From 6000 rubles. You can buy a very good, full-fledged tablet. Of course, the Aliexpress, it is important not to get to the stores - sellers of fraudsters and unfair sellers. We acquire a variety of products for Aliexpress, now for more than 7 years. Some ask us which store on Aliexpress will recommend choose, how reliable, honest seller can be bought? We can recommend one of the best, reliable stores to Aliexpress, their experience, for more than 6 years on Ali. With this store we have not had problems yet. Here

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If suddenly your smartphone, the tablet or the phone stopped charging or turn on, you should not get upset immediately and run to the service center. We will tell you what can be done to try to solve the problem that has arisen. We do not guarantee that the following tips will help you. But trying to.

Try restarting the device. If it hovers, press the power button not 5-10 seconds. If it does not help, try the "On / Off" and "Enlargement of the Volume" or "On / Off" and "Reduction of the Volume" (you need to simultaneously clamp two buttons for a few seconds).

If the device is discharged in zero, the first signs of life from the gadget will have to wait a few minutes (either dozens of minutes if you use a charger with low current). You can even leave the smartphone on charging for several hours.

Maybe, faulty charger. Try the other, obviously good network memory. Or try to charge the phone from the computer. Note that if the current current coming from the charger is too small, some smartphones and tablets will not charge at all. Even if the memory is properly.

Try charge in off state. If the smartphone / tablet consumes more current than comes in charge, it will be discharged faster than charging. In this case, leave the gadget alone, or turn it off. In the disabled state, the device is charged faster. Do not forget about it if you need to charge the phone in a short time.

Maybe, faulty cable. This happens rarely. But still check the charging with another cable.

Sometimes arise problems with the connector. In the microUSB connector on the phone can get dirt, internal contacts can bend. Try to blow the connector, carefully clean it in her mouth. The connector may tritely break or dealt in the nest.

Moreover, microUSB connectors on cables are of different shapes. I somehow helped the replacement of one cable to another with a slightly different configuration of the connector.

Sometimes helps to activate the charging simple stitching / stitching the cable from the zoom, as well as tooling / sticking In different outlets. This does not solve the problem, but if you need to work urgently, you can try.

Finally, you can try a hard reboot. Note that all your data from the smartphone will be deleted (!) Hold the "Enlargement of the Volume" button, and then the power button. After the boot menu appears using the Volume Control buttons, go to Setting, then Format System and Reset Android. The choice is made by the power button. The tablet will reboot and the naked Android system will be restored. And it's not a fact that it will help.

Tips for the operation of modern gadgets
Previously, we were taught that the phones should be desirable to discharge to zero, and after buying a new device, produce two or three cycles "full discharge-full charge." These tips were relevant for nickel-metal-hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries. Modern lithium polymer batteries do not need these procedures. They are more harm than pain. Modern smartphones and tablets are not recommended to discharge before shutdown. - Put the device for charging if the charge level decreases less than 50%.

I will answer to another popular question: what charger is best to charge gadgets. The optimal option: use the memory that came in the kit.
At the same time, you can charge phones and tablets by any other chargers. If the current is less than necessary, the gadget will be charged slower than usual. If the current is larger, the charge-built into the smartphone will limit the current strength to the required level.

Any modern electronics can also be charged from USB connectors on PCs, monitors, etc. In this case, you will receive a current strength of 500 mA (USB 2.0).

Our usual tablets and smartphones work at the expense embedded in them batteries. Unfortunately, classic lithium-ion batteries are far from the safest and durable. Like any battery, the battery in the tablet may fail. In this case, it will not be possible to charge it. This fact is not too pleasant and requires intervention from the user. However, there may be other reasons due to which the battery behaves inadequately. The causes of the mass and all of them are completely solved. In this article we will try to deal with why your tablet does not charge and what to do in such a situation. And at the end you will find a small allowance for the right "care" behind the battery.

What if the tablet does not charge and does not turn on

If you seek statistics, then the most popular access to services after broken displays will be out of order, battery. In the same category, you can attribute problems with the power controller and cables. All of them somehow affect the speed of charging and its work as a whole. It often happens that the tablet does not charge at all. Faced with such a nuisance, you need to consider all possible reasons and already on the basis of them to make further solutions.

Check charger

Problems with the charger - the very first and common reason why the tablet does not charge - this is a faulty charger. In most cases, one or more capacitors are out of order in the power supply housing. You can check this theory using another charger or using a multimeter. To solve the problem, you can replace the power supply or repair it if you have appropriate skills. Lovers wrap a soldering iron or those who in childhood visited the radio circle will probably cope with this task.

Cable malfunction

Damaged cable - the second prevalence is the cause of the lack of charging. Almost always enough visual inspection to make sure this is probably. Rales, bends, open insulation: These factors may indicate "lethal" damage. Try to do without sharp movements, do not pull the cord, do not drive it and do not throw where it fell. Often, users save and acquire informal cables, which can also be a problem when charging the device. It is not worth solving the problem, it is better to replace the cable, especially cost they are not so expensive.

Bad contact in connectors

Problems with the connector are another hardware problem that often torments the owners of modern devices and due to which the tablet does not charge. There are two options. Either water or dirt fell into the connector, and then to restore functionality you only need to clean it well. Or burnt one of the contacts and you need to contact the service center, where the charging port will be replaced with a new one.

Software failure

Software error - naturally, the brains of the mobile device can also fail and prevent charging the gadget. Sometimes the tablet shows charging, but not charging. Sometimes he charges too slowly. There are many problems, but all of them are solved by reinstalling the firmware. This is the first thing to do if you are the owner of the device on Android.

Apple gadgets can stop charging also for the reason that you use a cable that does not have an Apple certificate. In this situation, before charging, the device must be completely turned off.

Battery malfunction

A faulty battery is a problem that overtakes everyone who uses the tablet for a long time. The battery installed in your tablet is not eternal. Its container gradually decreases and soon the battery fails. This is one of the most common problems on the iPad. If it does not turn on or not charging, it may be "died" exactly the battery. Even more often the battery fails in physically damage to the gadget or using it in abnormal temperature conditions. The solution is always one - the replacement of the battery in the service center. Do it very quickly and quite inexpensive.

The failure of the tablet

Fault of the device itself is another vice, which pursues all fans of cheap power supplies and cables. If the tablet is charging for a long time and its rear panel is overheated, then the power controller came out. Another harbinger of this trouble is to turn off the tablet when a 20-30% charge is achieved. To restore the normal operation of the device, it takes a very difficult repair, so think twice that it is better to change the device or give it to the service.

How to charge the tablet and extend the life of the battery

The problems described above may occur both as a result of the normal use of the tablet and in the event of a negligent handling of the gadget. Lithium-ion battery depends on constant circulation of energy in it. Any deviation from normal use may remove the battery. At first glance, it sounds difficult, but in fact you only need to develop several correct habits and follow them when using mobile devices. The life of the battery, and with it and the life of the gadget can be extended if you follow a number of tips and recommendations.

  • Do not let the gadget go into a deep discharge. The tablet battery should always receive energy. The device needs to be fully charged and discharge at least once a month, otherwise the battery will quickly spend its resource and simply "die". If you do not use a gadget regularly, then do not forget to give him to charge so that it continues to function normally.
  • Do not abuse charge. No need to constantly feed the device from the mains. The tablet is not a computer, therefore it cannot take energy immediately from the network, but constantly recharges the battery than significantly harms him. Experts recommend keeping the level of charge between 20% and 80%. This is the perfect option for lithium-ion battery.
  • Do not use the tablet computer while it is connected to the outlet. This, of course, is very difficult, but it is better to do that. Let the gadget quietly charge, and then start working with it.

If the charge did not reach the maximum mark, and you urgently need to be accepted for work or write someone, it is better to disconnect it from the network. This is important and if the tablet is charged by 100%, before starting work with the gadget, pull out the cable from it.


So we came to an end. Now you know because of which the tablet stopped charging, what to do in this difficult situation and how to use the device to avoid similar problems in the future. The main thing is not to neglect the advice of our experts, and then the device will serve you much longer.

With all the functionality and reliability, modern gadgets are not devoid of disadvantages - they periodically fail and need to be fixed. If the tablet is not charging, it turns off after switching on, it hangs or slowly works, it is worth showing the master. The causes of problems can be the most different - to determine them, without having the necessary diagnostic equipment at hand, it is often impossible. To answer the question why the tablet is quickly discharged or not charged, only a professional, having many years of experience of servicing devices. Nevertheless, each user of the tablet computer is desirable to have basic knowledge of the principles of its work, so as not to beat the alarm in the event of a breakdown and avoid problems.

If you have stopped charging the tablet - how to find out the cause?

Many users of modern gadgets are unhappy with the fact that their "helpers" are discharged in a few hours, it is absolutely impossible to work with them from them. However, the rapid discharge of the battery is the problem of most devices, and you can cope with it by setting the appropriate settings or using a portable battery. Much worse, if not charged when connected to the network - in this case, the device requires comprehensive diagnostics and competent

The failover may cause the following items of the tablet computer:

  • cable (wire may be damaged both during operation and when stored - being screamed);
  • charger adapter (breaks due to overheating or voltage jump in the network);
  • rechargeable battery (it may lose capacity as a result of natural wear or under the influence of external factors);
  • connectors (loosened and deformed);
  • power controller.

If the culprit of the problem is the wire, it must be replaced. It is convenient and profitable to use a USB cable. If the tablet has stopped turning on and charged due to the fact that the charge limit of the charge cycles is exhausted, it is necessary to purchase a new battery, it is advisable to be repaired in rare cases.

How to solve the problem with a long charging tablet

For those who prefer to use touch devices, buying a tablet computer is an urgent need. With it, you can go online, create graphic and text files, process large amounts of information. The only disadvantage of modern tablets is that after a certain period, they slowly charge and quickly discharged. However, it is possible to deal with this problem - the main thing is to determine which factors led to its occurrence. If the tablet battery is charged for a long time, such problems have occurred:

  • worn battery;
  • connectors for connecting a USB cable deformed;
  • the voltage in the network has decreased significantly;
  • faulty charger;
  • manifested the factory marriage.

In some cases, it is possible to conclude that the device has failed through the fault of the user itself. The battery charge is often disturbed due to the negligent handling of the gadget - its pollution, wetting, infection with viruses. If charging a tablet computer lasts too long, it is worth making the following measures - to change the outlet, replace the worn cable, install a new battery. If it is not possible to solve the problem independently, and the tablet is still charging slowly, you should contact the master. It will diagnose the device and will establish why it fails to charge the battery for the last time.

How much should the tablet be charged

Charging speed and battery life are important criteria for choosing a gadget. The duration of the device without recharging is determined by the volume of the built-in battery, it depends on it, and how quickly the tablet is charging. The devices of well-known brands can work offline about 10 hours, devices that do not reach this indicator are also presented on the market. Before purchasing a tablet PC, it is worthwhile to ask its technical characteristics and read user feedback. In most cases, the tablet is charging for 2-6 hours - the newer the battery, the process flows faster. Battery life is significantly less than the service life of the device, so it will have to change it every 2-4 years.

The tablet is not charging in the on state, how to fix the problem?

If the device is turned off, it is impossible to charge, first of all you need to enable it and it is in this state that to connect to the charger. If the tablet is charged only off, you should not panic - it is not a breakdown, but a feature of the device. In most cases, the situation can be corrected. The main thing is to understand what it is called. The tablet computer is charging only off if: an unofficial operating system is installed, the power supply is faulty, the contacts have clogged, the cable is damaged. To get the ability to charge the device on, you should perform flashing, test charging and a USB cable, wipe contacts from dust alcohol. Experts are recommended to charge the gadget exclusively "native" device, otherwise the battery capacity can significantly decrease. Original components can be purchased at the corporate store or service center.

Where to repair the charter for the tablet

Only real professionals can and qualitatively, only real professionals can - independently interfere with the work of the device often leads to new breakdowns. Repair of the plate charging and replacing its battery can be entrusted to the service center specialists. They will diagnose the gadget and will answer in detail the question that it was the cause of the problem. At the disposal of the workshop staff should only be the original components. It is desirable that the quality of the work of specialists is confirmed documented. Reliable SCs offer a continuous guarantee for all types of services.

Your favorite tablet does not charge? What to do? In fact, it is a fairly common problem of mobile devices, especially tablets. But everything, as always, is solved - we will help you find the reasons and understand ways to eliminate these problems. With some problems you can cope on your own, and some will definitely need to refer to the specialists.

Immediately, we want to draw your attention to the fact that in the service center it is necessary to handle exclusively before the expiration of the warranty period (information is in the documents for your tablet).

In any other cases, it is better not to handle there, because it is terribly tightened with repair, they do not answer for quality, and sellers (receivers) are trained to advise you to buy something unnecessary. If the warranty period has not yet passed, then another way out, as soon as you refer to the service center. There must be installed, whether the problem did not occur because of external influences and if there are no mechanical damage on the tablet, then it will be repaired for free. In the case when the warranty period has already expired, experience shows that the service center contact "is more expensive". This I speak already from personal experience. What I wanted to take 1500 rubles there, (but, by the way, could not do it) in an ordinary workshop (the Street Pavilion "Express Repair") was made quickly and only 500 rubles.

Let's go back to the topic of mechanical damage ... with the tablets these the most mechanical damage happens just very often, since people buy them to constantly have with them, and having with them, can drop, leave in places, from where they fall, pour and so on. Therefore, be careful, try to store the tablet in the cover, and insert the charger into the socket neatly, as it can be separated. But we will not get ahead. We list the reasons why the tablet may not take charge.

The main reasons for the lack of charging and the ways to eliminate them are:

Let's start with charging devices. CHARGING DEVICE there are different tablets. One whole, and others are arranged on the principle of cable + adapter. Here are a photo of both options. Like whole charging and cable + adapter, the breakdown can be the same, the difference is only that the solid charging cannot be replaced separately, it is necessary to change the entire device. The system cable + adapter can be replaced or something else. So, from more common problems to less ...

CABLE out of order. This, perhaps, one of the most frequent causes of the lack of charging. Some have often twist the cable to put it in the bag or remove it. Because of frequent twists and beggars, the wire inside the cable breaks, the contacts are lost and the cable is thus getting into disrepair.

Second problem - ADAPTER . I happened to me. Assuming that the charge does not go because of bad contact with the nest, this nest stirred. In the end, the nest of the tablet stirred and spoiled too. And it was necessary to replace the adapter, because, despite all of his charms - he was a worker, native, everything is wonderful, but - the adapter plug weakly contacted with the wires in our Russian outlets, tees and extension cords. The charge is thus constantly lost - the tablet is something charged, then no. When the charging is turned off, the screen lights up, in turn absorbing charge. It often happened that because of frequently, such discs, instead of charging there was a discharge. It was not possible to notice this far away ... Therefore, check how well the fork of your charger is in contact with the socket.

It was a problem with a working adapter, which can "hang out" in the outlet. The adapter itself can also fail due to a sharp voltage jump, overheating, or its low quality. Both described problems are solved by one way - the acquisition of a new adapter. It is good that there are now their large range in the stores. Buying an adapter, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the current in it. To find out what adapter you need, look at the old adapter of your tablet, 1,5a or 2a should be written in small numbers. Buy the adapter with current power not lower than yours. A little higher can be, it is not desirable below - it will work for a short time and it will be bad (if at all).


Among other reasons may be the failure of the battery. If the tablet, and respectively, the battery, new, then the reason for the failure of the battery is most likely a production marriage.

Over time, the battery may also fail due to weight loss due to the natural exhaustion of the charge cycles limit. If the warranty service life of your tablet has already ended, and problems have arisen with the battery, then you will have to buy a new one, although it is very undesirable, since after repairing its reliability decreases.

PORT (connector / socket charging)

The connector for the charger can also cause the lack of supply in the tablet. Problems can be different, it mostly happens due to mechanical damage. You can not remember when you hooked your mobile computer so that the nest turned out to be damaged.

If you have already determined that your charger is in perfect order and can be powered by other phones and tablets; That contact with the socket is normal, but the charge does not go, then you should pay attention to the state of the port. For this, it may be enough just to move the charger in the nest and see if the charge of the charge arrival icons do not appear. But maybe it will be not enough if it is not in contact with the charger, but in the breakdown of the nest. In this case it will be necessary to replace it, and for this you will need to help professionals. As mentioned above, it is not necessary for assistance to a service center at all (it is not even desirable if you want quickly, efficiently and inexpensive). Replacing the port in private workshops on the repair of computer equipment costs about 500 rubles (along with the cost of the nest itself).

Power controller

There is still a microcircuit in the tablet that is responsible for the distribution and power supply in it. The reason for the failure of this spare part is also mechanical damage. If the controller burned down, the battery device will not charge. It is clear that only specialists can also be corrected such a problem. For a good wizard, this is not a difficult job.


Firmware is reinstalling the operating system of the tablet. Sometimes the firmware is unsuccessful, but since only the owner of the device can be the initiator of the firmware, then no warranty repairs are applied to the stitched tablets, and if you need to reflash, you will have to do this for your own funds. As a result of the firmware error, the machine may not be charged, since the installed operating system is responsible for all processes in the tablet.

The firmware error may occur when the tablet is disconnected independently due to the battery discharge, with the incorrect completion of the system. Try restarting the device. If there is confidence that the charge is missing for this reason, you can try to reset the settings to the factory. If it still did not help, that is, another option - reflash the tablet. Also on the Internet you can view articles on the topic "Firmware Error", there are advice, which can still be done in this situation.

All of the cases listed above can serve as the cause of the complete absence and the cause of a very slow battery charging. Or that and the other together. In general, so often happens. First, the tablet is charged everything slower, it comes to the fact that for several days it does not charge until the end. Then, after some time, the charge at all ceases to do and the tablet does not turn on at all ...

Some reasons for troubleshooting can be identified independently, for example, whether your charger (adapter and cable) work, is it a good contact with the network, there is no large output of the voltage in the network ... other problems you have already understood to identify you can only with the help of specialists.

Another small nuance ... Come to the store for a new charger before buying it (or cable / adapter), you need to check the device on your tablet. If any of the available on sale is not charged your tablet, then there is no meaning of the new charger - the problem is inside the tablet and it is worth first to seek help from specialists.

If you have questions about charging a tablet or other topics of the site, we will be happy to answer you. We also want to see comments with your advice and reviews of good workshops and service services in your cities, since this information may be useful to other site visitors.

Where to buy a good tablet?!

Not for great money, you can buy a good tablet to Aliexpress. From 5000 rubles. You can buy a very good, full-fledged tablet. Of course, the Aliexpress, it is important not to get to the stores - sellers of fraudsters and unfair sellers. We acquire a variety of products for Aliexpress, now for more than 7 years. Some ask us which store on Aliexpress will recommend choose, how reliable, honest seller can be bought? We can recommend one of the best, reliable stores to Aliexpress, their experience, for more than 6 years on Ali. With this store we have not had problems yet. Here (the link will return to the site's main page)

If for some reason your comment is not sent through the comment string, you can send your advice, questions, comments on the email address [Email Protected]

Recently faced an unpleasant problem - the old Samsung tablet, which served as faithfully for the truth for several years stopped charging. I stick a charge, he seems to be reacting to her, but the charging does not go - the pictogram with a crossed battery witnesses. In fact, the battery is still charging, but very slowly - you need to wait a few hours to charge the battery at least half.

As an in-depth study of the problem, several ways to solve it were revealed, which gave some result.

1. Charge the tablet in the disconnected state. In this case, power consumption is almost equal to zero and the entire current from the charger gets the battery, which is charging at pretty quickly. Minus - it is impossible to work on the tablet.

2. Just wait longer.When the charger is connected on the tablet, you can work, the level of charging does not fall from this, but does not grow. If you need to run any resource-intensive task, for example, GPS navigation with an Internet connection, then the battery is discharged quite quickly.

What is listed above are semi-dimensions. They, of course, work, but limit the scope of the tablet.

"You can't understand without half a liter!"

The solution to the problem was found, after several attempts to stick the charger connector into the port of the tablet. And - Oh, Miracle! When the fifth charging has gone in normal mode. That is, the problem was in a bad contact of the connector, which prevented a normal charging. For several years, dust and dirt fell into the connector, which, apparently and blocked some kind of contact.

After a short brainstorming and bringing Google to help, a simple recipe was found, how to restore contact in the power connector. What will required?

  • Vodka (and better alcohol)
  • Toothbrush

Procedure Next:

  • Turn off the tablet
  • Welcome a toothbrush in vodka and carefully clean her power connector - at the tablet and the charger.
  • Let's leave for 30 minutes so that everything is dried. You can speed up the process if you send the air stream into the connector - sit and blow, or put under the fan
  • Turn on the tablet
  • Connect the charger
  • Enjoy quick charging!

Does not work!

I am confident that the method described above is applicable in 90% of cases. However, the remaining 10% may have other reasons for which the tablet does not want to charge.

  • Bad contact in the outlet. There are such sockets that work on the principle - "stick and do not breathe!" In addition to the fact that such sockets work once, they still love to spawn and melt, so they should be held away from them.
  • There is no contact between the cable and the charger. In this case, the USB power supply connector can be wiped with vodka.
  • Faulty cable. Perhaps it was once too much frightened or sharply jerked, as a result, it was damaged inside and now it works after or not working at all
  • The charger itself failed. If the cable connects to the USB port, you can try to charge from the computer's USB port.
  • The charger lacks the power to charge the tablet. It happens with non-original charges that are calculated to charge only the phone, a camera or an MP3 player. The tablet requires a charger with a current of at least 2000 MA / H.
  • It really happened something serious with the tablet, for example, failure of the power controller or firmware glitch. In this case, it is better to contact the service center.

Or there are other problems with charging the battery of this device - there are several reasons for this. It may be out of order: charger, cable, port, power controller, battery or firmware. More information about the reasons for the absence of a tablet charging, as well as on ways to solve the problem - read below.

Below we will look at:

The reasons

So, subject to the presence of a sufficient level of voltage in the network, it is worth considering the following reasons why the tablet is not charged.


If you do not charge a tablet computer, then the first thing you need to sin is a charger wire. As a result of the frequent winding of the wire after charging, contacts inside it are bend, especially in the locations of the cable connection with a plug or charger, which is lost contact, and the cable comes into disrepair.

The problem is solved by replacing the microusb-USB cable. Repair the cable does not make sense, as it will buy a new cheaper. If you have a solid charger (adapter + cable), then you need to buy a new one.

Charger adapter

Another reason why the tablet is often not charged is the failure of the charger adapter. There can be a lot of reasons for this: voltage jump, overheating, low quality device, etc.

As in the previous case, the problem is solved by buying a new adapter. Repairing the broken charger is inappropriate, as few people will take for it, and the price of a new one is not so high, especially for produced in China.


For reasons, you can also count the failure of the device's battery. If the battery is relatively new, most likely, the cause of its failure was the production marriage. Batteries aged failure due to weight loss due to the natural exhaustion of the charge cycles limit.

In this case, if there is no warranty, then the problem is solved either by purchasing a new battery, or the repair of the available, which is not very preferably, since after repairing its reliability decreases.

Port (connector)

The failure of the port (connectivity) can also be one of the reasons for the violation of the mobile computer charging process.

If your tablet has broken a port, only a service center specialist will help in repair. The repair of the port is quite solved.

Power controller

The power controller is a block that is responsible for the entire power supply system in the tablet if it is faulty, but the battery device can stop charging.

Repair of the power controller is made by a specialist in the service center. Repair him will not be great difficulties to a professional master.

Firmware (operating system)

As you know, the firmware is responsible for all processes in the tablet. As a result of the firmware error, the device may not be charged. Quite often, this situation is common in cases where the tablet is disabled independently due to the discharge of the battery, with the incorrect completion of the system.

You can solve the task using the restart of the device. When you are sure that the problem is in the firmware, you can reset the settings to the factory. If it does not help it, then you need to try to reflash the tablet.

If the device is charged long enough, then this can serve all the above reasons: the charger adapter, cable, port, power controller, firmware, or battery breakdown. The battery charging duration depends on the correct power of the charger, as well as on the degree of battery discharge.


You can find the reason for which the tablet is not charged without an exception method, simply by performing stress measurements at different points. The fact is that now most tablet models have a charger in the form of an adapter and a cable connected to it, which makes it possible to check each of these elements separately. For this you need to arm a multimeter, and make several measurements:

  • Voltage in the network. The first thing you need to measure the voltage in the network using a voltmeter, it must be within 220V ± 5V. If this indicator is significantly lower, then the charger is not enough for the energy of the tablet, if the voltage is higher than the permissible norm (which happens in isolated cases), the charger could simply burn.

  • Output voltage from the adapter. The next check the adapter of the charger. In this case, the voltage and current strength must be measured, whose indicators must match the labeling on the adapter itself. If the indicators below - the adapter failed.

  • Cable output voltage. Connect the cable to the charger adapter and measure the voltage and current indicator at its output if they are lower than that the adapter gives the problem in the cable. Also, using the multimeter, you can ring the cable if it is nicknamed - everything is in order. Another option to check the cable - connect the tablet to if the connection is installed, then the cable is in order.
When your tablet's charger is a single system in the form of an adapter and cable, then the voltage can be measured directly at the cable output: if there are no voltages, it is to blame or cable or an adapter, if it is - sin it is necessary for problems in the tablet itself.

You made all the measurements and it turned out that the charger and cable are working - then you should look for reasons in the tablet. If the reboot or reset of the settings did not help - it needs to be included in the service center.


If the electronic meters are not due to the source of the problem, you can try to try and the so-called domestic way, the exclusion and sample method.

  • Cable. To identify the problem, you can try to "twist" the wire and if the charging goes - then the problem is exactly in it, but if it broke it completely, you can detect the problem by connecting the DATA cable from another device, or connecting it to a computer, and not to charging . If the charger for your tablet model is a single integer (adapter and cable), then you need to try another charger.

  • Charger adapter. If there is no similar to the power of the charger, then try to connect the tablet to the computer - if there is a connection, the charging failed.

  • Firmware. When the firmware was the reason for the lack of charging, the firmware was already said, you need to try to restart the device, reset the settings or reflash the gadget (if you know how to ourselves, if not, contact the masters).

  • Battery, port, power controller. In this case, independently identify the cause of the fault without special means and disassembly of the device is not possible, so you need to contact the service center.

The tablet computer, by virtue of the design features and compact dimensions, does not have a powerful supply of autonomous power supply. Active surfing on the Internet or passing a favorite game can discharge the battery less than in one day.

It is difficult to tear away from the usual lesson, and therefore many tablet owners continue to use the device, simply by connecting it to the outlet. Some gadget models can replenish energy reserves in parallel with the work, the other plates are capable of charged only in the off state.

Of course, not all device owners are satisfied. Hurry to calm those who planned to demand a warranty replacement or contact the service center. It is not a marriage or serious breakdown. Rather, the fact that the tablet is charged only turned off, this is a feature of a particular model or current firmware version.

Sometimes, the tablet is charging only off. There is so due to a number of reasons:

1. Installed unofficial (custom) OS firmware
OS firmware, which are not created by an official developer, and third-party programmers - amateurs are called custom or unofficial. In some cases, such a firmware of the tablet may become (and most often) the cause of the conflict with the charger and the tablet begins to charge only off. Try to change it yourself to official or contact any service center.

2. Power supply fault
Calculate this breakdown is not difficult. Try charging a gadget via USB -Cabel from a PC or laptop without turning it off. If charging went - it means that the problem is in the power supply. If the charging did not start, do not rush to get upset. Perhaps the USB port is not enough to charge other devices. Or generally broken. It happens that the recharge function via USB -Cabel is disabled on the tablet itself.
When the network is weak voltage (less than 220 V), the tablet in the on state is also not charging.

3. Charger of another manufacturer
Some so-called "universal" chargers may be weaker than you need to recharging the battery and to ensure the work of the tablet simultaneously. This is especially sinning by the model of Chinese manufacturers designed for mass use. If possible, charge the tablet "native" device. If the problem appears only when using third-party charging - it's not about the tablet, but in them.

4. Contacts clogged
If the previous methods did not help, the tablet is still charged only in the off state, try to wipe with alcohol contacts on the tablet and the charger. Perhaps the case is in them. This method helps and then when the tablet has ceased to charge at all.

5. Other malfunctions
There are breakdowns, calculated that are extremely difficult. For example, malfunction is possible in the power scheme. Or micro-sized cable.

If you can not determine the cause yourself - it's time to contact the specialists.