How to pull out data from the phone. How to extract contacts from a broken phone. Restoration of contacts through the Google Cloud Service

If your phone broke, and all important information (phonebook numbers, SMS messages, notes) was stored in the device's memory, do not be upset - it is possible to restore this data, even if the phone does not turn on. The reasons for the inoperability of the smartphone can be two: software failure or hardware malfunction of the device. Each case should be considered individually, often needed a preliminary diagnosis to say for sure whether you can pull the contacts of the address book or not. So, more about different options further in the article.

First of all, check the phone synchronization with the cloud

Modern phones when connected to the Internet, the default is synchronized with the account (I hope you use this feature!). If your phone (or tablet) stopped turning on, the first thing you need to check which data were synchronized. You may have everything stored in the cloud and contact the service center there is no need. How to do it:

If you have an Android smartphone:

Go to the browser on the laptop to your Gmail mailbox (which was login in Play Market on the phone). In the upper left corner there is a Gmail-contacts-task switch. Select "Contacts" and check if you need the desired addressees in the list.

If you have an iPhone

On the computer, open the browser and go to the website Enter your username (mail) and password from your ICLOUD account that was used on the iPhone or iPad to access the App Store. Check if your desired information is on site.

If there is no synchronization ...

It all depends on what your phone has and what happened to him. The most popular cases in which you can restore information from a smartphone or tablet:

1. Does not show the display or sensor does not work

This is the problem of all sensory phones when the device falls and appear. If the display is damaged, the picture is not visible. Blindly getting to the phone's memory is unlikely to succeed. Or another problem is when the sensor stopped working. If you fail, the phone cannot be connected to a laptop to download information or configure synchronization.

Options are two (applicable to iPhone and Android devices):

  • Make repair apparatus and change the screen. This is if you want to continue to use the phone and then. The cost will depend on the model of the smartphone and the quality of the spare parts installed. Check with the master.
  • Substitute a working display And save all important information. After that, the screen is returned to the warehouse, and the phone does not repair. This option will be appropriate if the device is old and change the screen on it is simply unprofitable. Only the phone book, photo and other info from the memory of the device is important. The cost for such a procedure will be 300-450 UAH, depending on the complexity of the disassembly of the device for substituting the working screen.

2. The phone does not turn on

There are a lot of options, because the phone may not be included for various reasons. Will it be possible to deduct information only after the diagnosis. What options may be:

Water hit the phone

The phone stopped charged

Naturally, the battery and the smartphone now does not turn on. Well, if the battery is removable and can be charged separately on the "Guard". But in case the battery is built-in, you need to refer to repair. Options, which may be here too, a few: the problem with the charging socket, with the battery itself, the power controller and the other. The easiest case is to charge the battery from the power supply and enable the phone to save the data.

Problem with firmware

Important! No not like this. Megas! Do not try to flash the phone or make a reset to factory settings! This will delete all the information from the device's memory and it will be impossible to restore it. In the case of software glitches, the output remains only one - to fall out flash memory and subtract on the programmer. About this Read more in the following paragraph:

90% of successful data recovery cases

The most expensive, but the most effective way. It is to physically feed the microcircuit flash memory. In this chip, all the information is also stored: and firmware, and your personal data. You can deduct everything: telephone book, SMS messages, notes, calendars, photos. But provided that the microcircuit is not damaged! The state of the phone itself is indifferent. Whether it is recessed in the sea, moved by a machine or even broken in half. The cost of such a procedure from 600 UAHdepends on the phone model.

In a nutshell, how it is done. We drop the microchip flash memory. We put a memory chip in the programmer. Program download memory dump and decrypt the necessary information. The process of this method of data recovery in pictures:

Note! This method works only for Android phones and tablets. If you have an iPhone or iPad, this method cannot be deducted with them, because All information on iOS is encrypted.

Memory chip transplant donor

This is the case when the memory microcircuit is not read by the programmer. It happens on new phones where information is encrypted and flash memory only works in a pair with a processor. Also, this option is applicable if the phone needs to be enabled (it is enabled) to view the data of any program, such as correspondence in telegrams or Viber. With a strong damage to the phone, for example, moved the car or arrived, after entering moisture, but it is necessary to turn on the unit - in all these cases you need to look for the same phone as a donor and overpass the memory chips on it, and if the processor and the RAM, it all depends from the phone model. In the photo example of one of the phones after a microcircuit transplant.

If you have an old push button

The phone does not turn on or, or simply does not display the phone numbers in the contact list. In such a situation, the main condition - in no case to flash the phone and not update itOtherwise, all the data will be lost irretrievably. The data extraction principle lies in reading the phone firmware file and its further decryption using special programs.

Let's summarize

In the case of a hardware malfunction of ways of ways to solve a lot, but the result depends on the cause of the inability of the phone. If the phone does not turn out to be synchronized with the computer due to the damage to the display, the non-working sensor, the damage of the loop or the synchronization connector, it is necessary to replace these elements.

In any case, it is best to pre-contact the master and discuss with it the opportunity to restore the desired information from your phone. You can ask a question in the comments to the article or on our website.


Mon-Fri: 11: 00-19: 00
Sat-Sun: weekend

If the phone in your hands is not new and there is already a Google account already available on it, then you will first have to go to the "Settings" and click on the "Add Account" button. On the old versions of Android, it can be in the "Accounts and Synchronization" section, but from version 4.4 Kitkat it is on the main page of the settings. After adding an account, click on it (it will be in the "Google" menu in the "Accounts" section) and select what exactly you want to synchronize with this device.

If you do not want your account to be subsequently tied to the phone you do this, you can delete account bindings after copying contacts to your phone (or even just in a notebook). To do this, enter the "Settings", enter the "Google" menu, select Account, click on the "Menu" button (three vertical points or physical button on your smartphone) and click on "Delete Account".

Regardless of which of the two methods you used, wait a few minutes and enter the contacts "Contacts" - most likely contacts will be downloaded to the phone. What to do with them next - to solve you.

Broke the screen on the phone, how to pull the contacts now, which remained on it? Thank you

Answers (3)

    If you want to do it quickly, use Viber. Install the Viber program to your computer.

    If the Android screen is completely broken and there is no image, then you will have to do this:

    • Charge Android smartphone and enable.
    • To bring Android to the monitor with the back side (to you the screen, the camera to the PC) to enter the account (it scans the QR code).
    • In the Contacts tab, you will have all your contacts.
  1. This Comment is edited.

    To pull contacts from the broken device, you will need: a computer with the ADB program installed, drivers to it and a USB cord. Before manipulations, the smartphone must be charged as much as possible. This method has a feature - it will work if the user first turned on the debug mode on the device, and then broke the screen.

    How to pull contacts will tell after the instructions for installing ADB:

    • phone connect to PC via USB cord;
    • we find a smartphone - in the search for programs write "Task Manager" and click "Enter";
    • a list in which the Android device will be with the name of the company or another name;
    • click on it right-click, select "Update Drivers";
    • a window will appear where you click "Update Automatically", an installation will occur, after which we click "Finish";
    • further go to the ADB folder, clamp "shift" and press the right mouse button on a scratch;
    • a menu appears in which you select "Open command string";
    • the window should be displayed, we write "ADB Pull Data / Data / / databases / Contacts.db" in it - this command copies contacts to the ADB folder;

    • press "ENTER";
    • the resulting file is a database with the DB extension, you can open it with a program for reading tables, click on it right-click and "Open through Excel";
    • a table with phone numbers from which it can be copied.

    Further I will tell you how to pull out the contacts from the broken phone android, if its display does not perceive the touch, but the information is displayed and the custom recovery is installed. The essence of the method is to create a backup of the entire system, from which the contacts then pull out. It is realized like this:

    Using ADB and Recovery, you can get other information from the phone.

Classical situation with smartphones. Often observes the following, many people, the smartphone is a laptop and a camera and a multimedia device and a player and e-books and a password keeper - everything in one. One conceptual device for all occasions, which is placed in a pocket or handbag. However, people do not even think about the preservation of all their information. Well, truth, if you store everything on one device, you just need to back out anywhere. Usually, the roles of backups are used: cloud storage, an additional memory card, FTP hosting, a home computer or laptop, and anything, just to save important information. It must be understood that in the event of a loss of a mobile phone, or in the case of its breakdown, all your information will be unavailable. What will you do, start life again? And how old are your little children who have already grew up by the time of breakdowns of your smartphone, but what about all that, for which you bought a smartphone, and not the usual dialer? In other words, you are in trouble ...

Let's try to figure out what to do if your smartphone does not turn on, and information (in our example is a photo) from it the road.

First you need to figure out where exactly the photos from your smartphone are preserved. Many users when buying a smartphone, immediately buy a memory card to it and the sales assistant, or just a friend, or the user itself, configures the saving of all data to the memory card. This is a very correct step, because in case of a breakdown of the phone, for information, you only need to pull the memory card from it and insert it into the card reader of your laptop or personal computer. Yes, you broke the phone, but all your information is still available to you.

But what to do if you did not use the memory card to save photos on it. It is necessary to deal with what kind of kind you have breakdown phone. Perhaps your smartphone can be easily enabled simply by changing the battery. One of the most frequent breakdowns of the smartphone when it is stupidly not turned on - this is the failure of the battery. Any battery has its own charge resources, discharges and when this resource is reached, you risk no longer enable your smartphone. Try to change the battery, bothering a cheap Chinese or taking such a check with the seller.

There are cases when the smartphone does not turn on, however, when connecting to a computer, it is loaded in the drive mode and is visible in the system as an ordinary flash drive. Try to connect you a smartphone to a computer and check, suddenly you are lucky.

Alas, but there are no more ways to copy information from a dead smartphone. You need to just give the phone to repair and try at least somehow enable it in order to make a backup of available information.

For the future, we advise you to use cloud storage to save copies of your important information. When installing any cloud storage application, you will be provided with a list of different kinds of settings, for flexible setting up your smartphone. You can set the settings that, while in the Wi-Fi Wi-Fi network, the smartphone will automatically back up your information, and exactly what you choose. For example, you need to copy only photos and videos, but do not copy music and books, or otherwise, everything is individually, based on your wishes ...

Thus, we have reviewed the options today how to pull out photos from the phone if it does not turn on.