Chi Varto turn around the squad if you don’t want to talk with me? With the cholovik not live at once: scho robiti

Psychologist's nutrition:

Good afternoon.

Be a weasel to help.

I got to know with my squad, since it was 15 rocky, all the way to preserve and supplement it. Having become a first person, she won’t know in principle that it is possible to live according to the one, with the other people.

In the rest of the life of my social life, I effectively stopped coming up with respect, working on two robots, becoming less to spend an hour with her. I have problems with alcohol, I want it or not seriously, Alevon was in love, what a boule. Then she just said that she had fallen in love and won’t be curious, but if a person could be a happy child.

We were three months old with the rosie squad for the initiative. She has not yet submitted a feast for separation, it’s all the time that I’ve been thinking about it, because there’s no power. And if once I said їy went tomorrow at once, I’ve said to the wound, there’s no need to go, having already filed it herself. And then I didn’t know, I didn’t serve, I fooled. I don’t ever go to the bell, I’ll fix the bell myself with the help of different drives. We have two children who live with us for three days. Not long ago, the stench got sick, because of the licks. And about another year, sms will come - I have a temperature of 39. I call a powered one, maybe additional help is needed. Not even, but most of all I was writing to nourish, just knowing it.

There are a lot of such quiet twists. If I spoke on the cob after talking, I want to live alone, I don’t need anything, I need to be alone, and so on.

It’s just that I’m building up if a person wants to get up, then there’s a gift for separation and don’t write any other sms or don’t come for an hour to have a smoke, or drink some tea (there’s a good time). It’s just that I wanted to get up, but I didn’t write or call bi unnecessarily. Pidkazhit, be a weasel, whatever you want, and why should it be so.

I still want to save my family and bachu, but you may not be invincible in my decision. But I can’t say more directly about it, I’m imposing more on it, but I’m going to do it more and more. It’s nice to get along with me, then I’ll skarzhit me for what the problem is. Then rapt to be rude, wickedly razmovlyaє, to magnetize navmisno to grasp me, to grow sore. Do not mind what you want to home and what you want.

Psychologist Lyudmila Yuriyivna Hnatyuk told me about the nutrition.

Privit Sergiy!

It is good, but the behavior of your squad is ambiguous and super-verbose. I think it just takes an hour for that to respect for and against, turn in your own, your senses and overwhelms.

I would like to say, “What do you want?”

I do not mind, if you don’t know (don’t understand), if you don’t agree about those who are very important, you will be left with your friends ... sіm'ї, de cholovik pratsyuє for the good. Tobto, for the price of the party, Vi was radically negatively behaving towards her, for at all times she saw changes, about which you may not be nobility.

I’m looking at the version, “I just fell in love” - so, it’s fine (wonder if you’re smart for love), but I don’t mindlessly, why are there other people, “as it is not possible for you to kill you, whoever is happy,” because dont know ? And even theoretically, having gone to see you and "having fallen in love", it is logical to let go, the woman will be in a joke of that One. Given the situation, I don’t think about the possibility of a deyakomed drowning by the other man, in that period, if we stopped coming to respect. Ale mabut and win didn’t justify the hopes, but also the publicity and confusion about all the cholovikov are very intelligent. Moreover, since they were so enchanting with the little ones, I loved you so dearly, because of the separation it wouldn’t be so long for the senses. And then, how to rob you at once, confirms the fact that you will be respected for the separation even more easily without great reasons for those reasons (like I fell in love with, spratsovuyut іnshі women іnstinctіs). It’s uncomfortable to live in the same place, but it’s absolutely right, you won’t have stopped writing for a long time and started talking to you unnecessarily. Lived so and happily with their own self-reliance around the world from all the choloviks!

Oskіlki tse all the deprivation of, and I have less opportunity to supply you with more precise food, let's see the version, how you just fell in love and went to someone, but see you. Todi Vi, according to the ideas of steel, do not want to get overwhelmed, but a little bit of a sound, take care of yours, and you will periodically revise yourself, for your sake: for example, write to you at night, feel good, rejoice, come to sleep, etc. With this rank, I will reject your respect and sposter for your reactions, bach, treasure, bach, bash and see. And at that moment, if I’ll take away the approval, it’s still necessary to love and demand (not a basic need, be it a people, and a woman in the first place), you start to be rude to you and fight. Tse awesome gras, yak pidzhivlyuє її, rozpalyu addiction in you and not vimagaє any goiters'yazan. Until then, so "grati" for you is infinite, Vi is perverted lyudin. Ale Vi is guilty of rosumit, as you won’t allow so-so to behave with you, that is not worth it, zabula, as much as Vi are significant in your life. Well, pinch it, you need to try some good things for yourself and not be cunning. Behind the principle of something else, something else. Also, I will demean you as a person, and those who know how to call you on the skin, signaling about those that you can do this, and forgive, etc.

You are absolutely right about not speaking to her at once. Just figure out how to behave like this, as if for the right to breeding. I came for tea - izvіnі- occupations. Write an SMS, she has a temperature, good, take it to the house. Aje won’t ask for anything at all, just a statement of fact. I know, doslidzhuyuchi, how dear you won’t be, "will you throw away all her troubles about 2 years?" just ignore, don't guess, don't call back. Consider and see only those who are happy with your children. All that is ashamed of it - prokhan - ignore. Aje vona wanted buti herself - hey herself and virishu. You will be a little bit hungry for her, but you won’t love you for the price. The paradox is that the very coldness and hardness in relation to it (without rudeness, albeit with the help) is worthy of being brought up to you. Vaughn to beat, you are a strong cholovik, overpowering, value yourself. And if you yourself will value yourself, then you will value you.

Pick up an hour for yourself, to find those whom you have long wanted for a long time, but not in an hour. Give time to your hobbies, sports, your development. Invest in yourself, develop, remind your life with the same meanings, the whole family. And if the moment comes to clear it up, if you see the offense, and then everything will be so, as it is guilty.

Rating 5.00 (6 Votes)

Help. The squad, it seems, doesn’t want me to live, but we have two children, 10 rock and 3 rock. Like: "Come to the children, but don't call me, don't write, I don't love you." I don’t know how robiti. Me is even more rotten. I think it’s okay to show up. Pidkazhit, how robiti? I send 300 SMS per day. I really want to go to the grandmother. I can't live without her. I don't need any more.

Russia, 32 rocky

Thoughts of our experts

  • Alyona

    Dmytro, I proponate the pripiniti isterії. Tse in pershu chergu. “I don’t need it anymore” in response to “I can’t do without her” і 300 sms for a message - a reference to the Hysterica, who is a young boy of the age of 18, but not a 32-year-old boy. You are absolutely correct when you see your squad. And it is not important, how serious it is "htos" by the name of it. It is important that you have already violated it for yourself: you won’t love and you don’t want to live with you. Tsey "htos", it is possible, do not know about її іsnuvannya. It might just be the ideal of the one who is guilty but the cholovik, which is a sack in the middle of her. The fact is to lose sight of the fact: you don’t want to entrust yourself with Bachiti. Ty vvazhaєsh, who love її? Todi try this intelligence and let it go. Your try to turn it, utrimate, "bewitch" for the help of the attendants, only to bury your vidnosini. With their essemes and the ease of tying up the squad, they have done everything to themselves, only to everything. Tse yak namagatisya nagoduvati people, you don't want to, - if you put a spoonful in your mouth, you have more chances, what a harmless virve. Try to translate your creativity in a constructive way. You do not want to get in touch with children - great. Come, join, come in this hour, show me, what a good and loving dad. And with the retinue, trim, as with the old know-how, without thinking about anything and without looking in your eyes in the hope, so you “come to your senses”. Maybe, і think again zgodom, how to kick you from your side. Ale leave your behavior wiklikє lishe negative, povir. You can’t love yourself if you say “I don’t like it, I don’t need it”. Tse is actually a manifestation of violence. So, leave a squad in calm and take care of the children. And pennies, whichever are ready to vitratity for "babok", is more beautiful by the way for more adequate consumers - for children, for example. І mend the same life for our own life. Those who do not at once "are not needed" does not mean that life is over. Do you need it yourself? Axis і take care of yourself, nareshti, as long as you do not re-create to sum up.

  • Sergiy

    Dmytro, go to the grandmothers, madly, maybe, however, it’s hardly any help. Your squad doesn’t want to live with you, і, shvidshe for everything, for her є for a serious serious reason, she’s ready to be left alone with two children - it’s not just that. Gadati, why she’s got a cholovik, or she’s just girder than a hot radish, is not very busy. However, at my glance, there are no good people. To this, in the meantime, you will have to pay 300 later, think about the time you lived, and try to change to the side. Well, if you feel ashamed of those who have come, then try to calm down і, as the lot is already like that, accept її yak є. Yak bi there is not boo, but you may be guilty of bootie pride. The first time you run around the house, then it’s disgraceful to get up and down and skiglity in the hope of fumbling and letting go back. He is also a grown-up man, independent, with his head and hands. And to that one hundred, having moved, “I can't live without her” - it’s not like a cholovich one. Bring your heart to bleeding, belittling - the rest of the right. Tim is more involved with children so that they do not fence. Priyzhdzhay, be alert, merge, try to show yourself from your side. Don't be so lucky as to change the situation all at once. You can also try in the doorway to talk with the squad and z'yasuvati, what is the reason for this behavior. If you want, I think you know everything perfectly. Just like that, all at once, the women of the choloviks do not vistavlyayut for the time being. Especially in seven two children. So I’ll repeat again - accept the situation, like є, try to break the patterns, change to the side and don’t repeat any other pardons.

Good day!
Vibachte, for a lot of letters, I will be very good for the pleasure of the tactics of behavior, so for the nobility I will stress myself, more for me the psychosomatics will already go off scale. The sun died out earlier.

Otzhe ...
We learned 2 fate from the squad. They made friends with Pivrok, she gave birth to a girl. Є Still the elder sin is from the first civilian whore, I am dear, like a native, and in me I still love. The mother-in-law was napolyagla, left in the apartment robimo renovation, lived in her, for greater comfort. Everything was good, they were never cooked for 1, 5 rock, they lived in perfect harmony, but literally in 3 months there was a breakdown, they started to cook.

- I was less robotic and I was already 3 months without a robot; Through the whole renovation in the apartment, it took a long time and brought the mother-in-law's life.
- the mother-in-law felt psychuvati and bring the squad to tears, moving, in the booth hlib is dumb, and you sit unruly.
- the squad zaagitnіla dvіynyatami, ale trap wicked day of one fruit, a friend of the child was born premature ...
- I had a chance to give my nerves, I want to trim to the last: 1) through the robot and the grip of the mother-in-law from the drive, 2) working as a freelancer and tenaciously in one room - it’s unrealistic to get into a robot: there are few strikers, I want to be grateful, apathy, mayzhe malim didn’t grasp, but it’s necessary to be busy, more active little one, albeit it’s possible to be aware of it - to survive such intense stress.

At the bag, if I had a friend because of the chargova's welding, if they said one guide to one guy in the hot, I didn’t waste a little customer on a good bag, as we still need it. I don’t call the squad for unstrimming, but I don’t call the squad for myself. I took a laptop, and I didn’t want to go through the process (and I’m a lyudin’s emotion, an igniter), and when I went to the apartment, I’ll try it. Well, I’m not like three days at home, everything will rest, but I’ll come back with a penny and quotes to please the kohan.

Through a few days the client has seen a spyvpratsyuvati. Ale me and the squad made up, and they sent me to the hospital to lie in the hospital in the middle of the day. At the end of the period, I was even more nervous through the child, through the camp of the squad, and because of the robots, for that I would like a robot for my family. Surely, I would have liked to be a clerk, if I wanted to know more, it took an hour. We came through the phone calls. During the whole period, I didn’t have anything through the teeth, my friends helped me. I had less symptoms of a wondrous depression, which would be supervised by some sleepers. I spent some time drinking alcohol and smoking weed a couple of times. Without fanaticism, just for peace of mind. Then I didn’t mind, but I didn’t go to a well-known psychologist, I was less than amused. Alle yak for evil, the squad burned me, so my stan buv "pid doping", scho її badly looted.

Literally through the k_lka of days the squad vipisuyut. Nachebto everything is smooth. Through a couple of days, it’s not like I want to live with me, but I’m picking up speeches and living for an apartment. She said that she hadn’t thought about it yet. But I’m even afraid of this ... It’s okay, you won’t be angry with me, and according to її I’m zradnik. I understand the world of my guilt, but I screwed up at the most unacceptable moment, and I bach, as now I’m not on the sidelines, I want to allow children to bachelors and, in principle, I’m not friendly enough ...

I'm still very worried through the tse. Nastilka strongly, scho earning a cardio neurosis. The friends are afraid to say so, but I didn’t think I’m getting a lot of money and pity. I didn’t wipe out the hysterics, I don’t want to do it, she’s burning milk, and she’s also not wet on her hands. I don’t know, as I’m reabilitating in front of her, so the threads and the forgiveness are marno - she’s got a bad temper, I want even a kind heart, and in my heart I’m living, I don’t want to love less. A couple of times I zirvavsya on the nozzles (in the interiors of a sensible), asking for vibration, ale von even - well, I do not see anything before you, while I’m not healthy, for me now, I’m very smart ... it is a failure, demanding to take hands with itself, and it is necessary to rob it in chinks. Do not quit-tsukerki-forgive-turn around, but on your right, you won’t bachila, as it’s not a baiduzh for me, but children are for me less important, as I’m ready to change. You may also be aware of: her stress is due to folding vaginosti + my izteriki + izteriki mother-in-law. Tobto wondered if I just scored on her in the whole period and swelled, I want it to be too much. So, I got angry, freaked out a couple of times, got drunk a couple of times in the freedom of a robot for an hour, do not try to trim in my hands, our іsterії and vikoristovuvati be like a guide. First and foremost, there is another great pardon.

I am scared to show not owls, but delom, that I am a good person, for simply having mercy and not being able to control emotions. My daughter’s folklore seemed to me to be so overwhelmed, especially at that moment, as I took it in my hands for the first time. My yak shook with a blisk. Otchovskiy instinct, melodiously, a little more beautifully. At that moment I learned, like a fool. Infectious I actively poke the robot, there are already a few good options, I will throw up drinking and smoking. Ale physically, it’s even more disgusting, my heart is sick, attack - it’s hard to move, stupid beat in livіy shovels, motor arrhythmia. I am still very worried, for the reason I’m mindful that I’ve formed a kind of cholovichka, my dove, and I repent very much and I want to fix everything. I am dumb, I see a lot and a love, and I don’t need to make a mistake.

I don’t know if I should vibrate tactics and vzagal, as I will reabilituate. I want to take a decision, I want it to be painful. I do not whine with the blessedness to turn around, but I write, but I strongly repent. I am an orphan, and I am a squad and children for me. She probably has a lot of things: it’s impossible to spare the peasants, as the givnyuki bully - they beat them, belittled them, in reality they were 2-3 years old ... but I don’t know, how can I turn it to myself. By itself, grains. But I'm still worried that my mother doesn't want it anymore ... I really have grief in my soul. I don’t know how robiti. We discussed the situation with her, Aleksandr didn’t want to get involved, but on the whole topic - і zvsіm. Yak to reach her?

Psychologist's advice:

Privit, Oleksiy.

Who has your power supply? The psychologist was not aware of the idea, do you want me to suck yogo?
Lyudin to come to the doctor, make a trip, create an analysis. The doctor on the basis of the diagnosis is made. Diagnosis of the patient is not appropriate, in the first place before the diagnosis. Diagnosis is possible, as long as the problem does not last. As soon as Lyudin is informed, he has a chance to get some help, having started a course of treatment. The list of symptoms of ailments, ailments are not vilikovuє and not a burden. To understand the criteria of health and not health, for ailments.
Hvorobi, as you see, it’s not only physiological, but psychological. Analyzing the text of your sheet, it is absolutely obvious that your homeland is ill.
Yak vidomo, riba pisses from the head. The head of the family is the cholovik. Let's, on the sly, try to get back (it’s worthwhile for a copy within one sheet).
"... Buv himself is disrespectful, not showing his love, being rude, like the devil has moved in, so naughty in the new rik, that he doesn’t bother the road, but I love our two daughters 9 and 4 rockies ...” - quote from your sheet. Such behavior is called ambivalent, that is, love and hate overnight. Wait a minute, as a man loves a woman, he must get all the way to deliver the joy, see, foster and so on. Your behavior is to talk about those who are not very strong in your teammates. It hurts you and you take revenge (you can, do not give you a call). Guess what it was like in your family life, what was it for you? Obov'yazkovo є the reason for your dissatisfaction and rudeness, like inheritance. It is possible, the root of the problem is not your squad (you won’t have a feminine image), but, for example, the mother, either the boss, or the teacher, or even more women (in psychology, the name is transferred).
Tse can be a painful point, pushing on a yak, in singing situations, you see the oppression and behave aggressively, or you will pursue misfortunes (take a revenge). It’s a demand for pratsyuvati, so that if you don’t solve the problem, you won’t be given the good fortune of the woman.
Dal, the water resembles a bowl of speckling after a speck, ale, if it falls, the rest of the speck, only one small speck, the water from the thickened water wags in a stream.
Shvidshe for all the events, as a result of which your squad has taken the decision to go to see you and there will be a lot of rest. Accumulated.
On the right, it is important for you to accept this solution. I think V was allowed to go, but “there’s no way out.” It’s a pity, some people think that women are fallen out of them materially, they don’t grow up to be ridiculous (so, it’s a lot to endure). Your squad is smiliva zhinka.
Oleksiy, how robiti?
Cast off the shit. If you really value your homeland and your squad, then if you are bazhanna you can do everything. Yak? To see, what is your friend, you are sick, pidvіv, not realizing your hopes, how do you win? Are you enjoying yourself with a lot of people? If so, how can you turn your dovira?
Write your own words to the arkushi, that the person is guilty for you, because they did not misjudge your congratulations, but you were forgiven and made contact with him. The axis of the list and go. To bring your squad, how you can be true !! You can get out and change your mind. Women are ready for great deeds.
You should know, now you need to be more bossy, respectful, responsive, tactful, responsive, generous, etc. It will be very important. Ale meta vipravdovuє zasobi. If your meta is great for you (turn the squad and update it), then you will see it.
Some of the greats having said: "Kostya is not important, if it’s meta." Go for it!

Greet, dear readers to the Ezy-Life blog! Mothers are smart enough for an hour, and the axis of the choloviks often does not keep pace with the transition to a new level of vidnosin. Yaksho you in chergovy rose with a friend didn’t come to the height of your cohann’s, in which today's article can help you.

As a result, the new one є has its own living creature, the food price is easier to see. However, the young people sound to their own devices, mozhlno, they have recently begun to cope with their lives independently: to take care of their lives, use them in some speeches. I don't want to sound anew before I do something new.

Renting an apartment is not less than a vidpovidalny croc, such as an additional investment. It is possible, at this stage of the cholovik with great satisfaction, to start up the budget for a long time, to buy something that has long been bazhany, or as a matter of course. Loki is not ready to take a look at his life and ministry in now.

Chi varto talk on qiu topic with cholovik

How is it that I’m mindful of your own man and why doesn’t want to live with you at once? Obviously, the most obvious solutions to the problem are to be built.

On one side, the girl does not want it, but according to his idea, he is guilty himself. It didn’t just start out because of the proposition of the hand and heart! On the other side, it’s just not a matter of prodding the rock of life along the small cocks.

For a cob I can please you with a solid assessment of the situation. How long have you been creating a kokhanim? If the period is trivial, then it is possible and necessary to be patient, as long as the young man himself is not ready for an important decision. Find out about the whole problem and start feeling one by one. Do not give more cinnamon, less be-like experiences and thoughts from the drive of the life.

If the process is too long, і, try some nearby. Do not think that people are bad. For the girls to build a bag, the stench is not reasonable, I would like to just curb the stench for the sake of justice, but do not suppose the obvious speeches. Try yak bi inadvertently to power up those yak bint to be put up to a living life to a whore. You can come up with a lonely history of being able to eat with a friend, in yaky vin mig bi, you know yourself.

Win obov'yazkovo zzumіє, to what do you heal, or you can zrobiti viglyad, but you do not get it. It’s good for you. Rozmova pass, ale thoughts on the whole topic, get lost, your bazhanya will become an intelligent partner. Do not be afraid to be obvious, catch your thought as "like the one who is in the situation with a friend." Do not worry about ringing you in the back-to-back surface strains.

Vee inform the dumka, yak I’m sick of youє. Razmovlya zі with your other half is necessary, but not re-transforming on a global scale, until the end. Foldable for both partners for an hour. Overwhelming can lead to a scandal, in the minds of misunderstandings or misunderstandings in the mind. Don't go for specials.

If you support all the signs that a person does not want to talk about this topic, it’s out of the question - to talk about іnshe, go outside. It is not necessary to reconcile, tell about your own and say how to correct the wrong. We have conceived the seed in full enough for a given moment. You will turn to the center of growth and triumph, but you can still be more in the doorway. Not obov'yazkovo buda pull.

Well, and the chasing has not passed marno, leave the Rajah to read the book of a seeming psychologist Natalia Tolstoy "Cholovichi secrets, such as demand for knowledge, persh life at once, all at once and happily".

That's all for me. Until quick sights and good luck. Do not forget to write to the outlet. All to the scene.

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