Dosvid Batkiv Arguments from Literature. Arguments for the trip

Two different arguments on the topic "Vihovannya people" to DI:

1) The hero of Astaf'ev's report "Kin with a horny mane" at the importance of the pre-war rock of the Siberian village was formed as a specialty due to the infusion of the kindness of a grandmother and a child.

2) For a long time already talked about the so-called "pіramіdі zdіbnosti". An early visitor may not have many non-talented children, in schools they are already much less, and even less in universities, I want to go through a competition there; in a grown-up person, there’s an insignificant amount of talented people. Pidrakhovano, zokrema, scho really collapsed science ahead only three hundred times occupied by a scientific robot. In the social and biological plan of the loss of talent in general, it will be explained that the maximum power of people is needed during the development of life and self-confidence in new, tobto in early rock; then in misery and lead me to repair some new tips, stereotypes, earned, mintly appeared in the brain of knowledge, etc. In the general plan of geniy - "grown-ups who have lost a little child," , to people, zagali - to the world.

butt vikoristannya

For example, on ADI you will receive D. Granin's text on the theme of honor. Having scorned our servant "Prepare arguments for the work on ADI", you will reject the next two arguments *:

1) Yak vіdomo, A.S. Pushkin, having turned on duel, fought for the honor of their squad. M. Lermontov at his own virshi calling the poet "nevilnyk of honor". Welding, the reason for which the honor of A. Pushkin was defended, led to the bend of a prominent writer. However, Oleksandr Sergiyovich took his honor and goodness in the memory of people.

2) A hero with high moral qualities є Petrusha Grinov is a character in the story of A. Pushkin, "Kapitanska daughter". Petro did not blaze his honor in quiet vipadkas, if he could pay with his head for it. Tse buv gіdniy povagi and pride is a highly moral lyudin. Vin didn’t think that Shvabrin’s riveted without a carriage on Masha, who wondered about a duel.
Shvabrin is Grinov’s main antiquity: a human being, for someone who understands honor and nobility, he’s not a soul. Win ishov over the heads of the others, stepping over himself for the time being to his mittuvim bazhannyam. Narodnya voices to say: "Take care of paying for the new, and honor for the young." Having once flamed honor, you are unlikely to know if you can renew your goodness.

As a result, a great part is already written in your creation: 150 words (arguments) from 200 (a renewed obsyag of the information required for ADI).

* Vibration of arguments according to the given topics is carried out automatically, with a new skin at once you will neglect a new couple of arguments.

One of the most important problems of the psychic process is the development of the moral formation of the skin specialness. The suspension struck a chord with the effort of its rich history. In order to achieve the goal of setting the goal, a special form of regulation in the behavior of people was used. And the proof can be given by the given arguments. The problem of vikhovanosti was determined by the support of morality, the values ​​and norms adopted by the population. All the factors and in the given hour are the primary ones in the process of the people’s activity and their interaction with the people.

The meaning of the term "vikhovanist"

The pedagogical practice of the teacher is interpreted ambiguously. As soon as we look at the process of forming a moral specialness, then it is possible to promote the development of the singing level of the social, intellectual and spiritual development of the people. However, the term can be considered in a larger sense. The level of vikhovanosti in such a kind of fall begins as the reason for the behavior and behavior of people in the suspension of moral principles and norms. At the same time, one can judge about an individual by his culture and behavior. In other words, behind the inviting forms of interaction with people.

The true level of wickedness can only be realized if the specifics of morality as an official of the normative regulation of the behavior of people are learned more and more. The first stage of pedagogical science.

The main rice of the vikhovanoi people

Why is moral specialness? Yak rice and lure? tse:

  1. property... There is a lot of tidying up and hatred, outstrip welding, streaming and becoming a dash of love and power.
  2. tact... There is a good moral sense for the skinned lyudin, as he is in charge of telling him the correct response in the given situation and allowing the delicacy of the behavior during the winter.
  3. punctuality... The presence is indicative of the manifestation of good manners.
  4. modesty... Mayuchi її, Lyudin Nicholas will not be pragmatic to show themselves smarter, more beautiful and better than others. However, it is not a matter of swindling modesty with dirtiness and fearfulness, since they do not allow people to firmly adhere to their principles.
  5. service... Tse garlic, ale only until that moment, when you won’t become obtrusive. Lyudin was wicked, she nada servants only in that vipadku, if you ask about it.
  6. Garni manners.
  7. self-mastery... It’s present in that sense, if the will of the people is worthy of their instincts and culturally intelligent tools of behavior.
  8. Communicability, how to get along with good-naturedness and efficiency. The quality allows you to easily escape into the union with other people.
  9. The effectiveness of the target culture, with respect to and special tips. We see the vibrancy of the presence of creative people, as they are not only in robots, but in the need for additional help, we will feel better.
  10. The availability of the standard education and culture for people from other cultures.

Efficiency of robotics and teachers

Vikhovannya of specialness is a process that is even more important and even super-articulate. At the zv'yazy z tsim vrahuvati yogo result and finish smoothly. To fix the whole process of the earliest wіk. We'll be able to win it at the entrance to the school. On the third moment, Lyudin begins to engage in self-motivated people.

Zrozumіlo, teachers need nobility, who can reach the process of formulating a special feature (or an okremiy of this stage) of the required value. In order to be able to make a difference in the development of children, it is necessary to carry out the introduction of the projected with the recognized results. Without a lot of ill-humored control over the process of formulating specialness.

Establish the steps of evidence of good and bad results to allow the diagnosis of moral disturbance. Vona is a singing assessment procedure. Її vikonannya allow viyaviti vyaviti rіvenіy vikhovanostі. Riznitsya and mіzh kіntsevym і cob result є is an important criterion of the pedagogical process.

To reject the necessary tribute, a test for vikhavost should be carried out. However, it is not theoretical. For the practical behavior of children in quiet situations and the performance of their singing activities, there is the beginning of the development of scientists. Methods of diagnostics of transmission and development of detection of children about the rules and norms of behavior. Often in practice, the teacher gives the children direct power. Among them:

What kind of honesty?

Will we be kind to people?

What can you not report to? etc.

Yak prove the power of the righteousness of the vikhovanets is guilty to lead the arguments. The problem of wickedness, like this є, becomes immediately obvious.

For the diagnosis of the effectiveness of pedagogical robotics, it is not easy to stop writing works on a singing theme. Skin of them - a simple questionnaire. The level of vikhovanosti begins at the opening of the food that characterizes the inner light of the child. At the same time, it is possible to describe the powerful problem of such a problem, such as "Vichlivist i me", "I like my reason for discipline" and so on. When writing such creatures, scholars are also guilty of giving their own arguments. The problem of childish behavior can be identified by the most effective methods of behavioral diagnostics. For the whole, the teacher is guilty of a piece of the situation, when you appear

Viznachiti rivn formvannya osostosti vypusknikiv dopomagaє tvir. The problem of wickedness (ADI is often promoted to abortions by those), is revealed by young people on the basis of literary creations and the realities of everyday life.

Analysis of the last

Indicators of wickedness, rejected as a result of the assessment procedure, are distributed on a six-point scale. They have three positive and negative assessments. First of them are imagined, as a kind of specialness, and others are supposed to reflect on the level of non-habits. About how to make positive assessments? From the same:

  • +3 to talk about the morale of being ready to get a morale;
  • +2 to inform about the pregnancy to a positive action in this particular situation;
  • +1 confirmation of the child's need for a good health.

If the scale drops below zero, then you will say:

  • -1 - about readiness to negative manifestations;
  • -2 - about pragmatic to negative actions;
  • -3 - about antigromadske behavior.

Zero on the scale indicates neutral position.

Importance of diagnostics

The basis of the effectiveness of pedagogical robots lies in the rationalization of the morality of the child, and not of the external qualities. When looking at the rest, it is important to establish a link to the motivational behavior. Tse is still an important moment. And even in the quiet of the first glimpses, the humane children can be found far from short-lived.

To the head directors of the diagnostics of vikhovanosti є the establishment of social and moral qualities of scholars. At the same time, critical and critical aspects of the pedagogical process begin. The victorious test carried out allows the program to be violated and the analysis of the results obtained to determine the number of hours and to the force, as they are guilty of being a teacher to achieve the required level of singing moral values.

Feel the power of goodness and self-talk

Formation of specialness є by a folding process and a rich-faceted process. One of the main buildings є vikhovannya in a little guy feeling povagi to yourself. Tse is important for skin people. Feel the povagy before you need to find the child from the earliest age. It is guilty that it was invested in the child's identity even in the first rocky life, at the earliest stage of the formulation of specialness. An important role in the whole process belongs to the fathers, relatives and these social groups, in which there are people.

Feel the power of goodness and self-talk - a whole special moral and valuable category. It can be called non-material goods, not tied to the power of people.

Feeling the power of goodness and self-talk is not necessary and normal. You can also call it a positive soul, like in a wicked individual. At the same time, you must understand the fact that everyone is very much opposed to the importance of power.

Wife and self-talk is a moral haircut for any people. Mayuchi yogo, it's not scary to spend in a bad situation and make yourself smart for those who feel comfortable. We will apologize to Lyudin for the great pride of the house, and we will be happy for his mercy. With a lot of guilt, you will not see the inferiority of a powerful person.

Self-awareness and feeling of power must be taken care of by stretching your life. The price is not foldable. It is only necessary to have a moral specialty, who enter into with people according to their conscience and in accordance with the morality adopted in the suspension.

The reality of the life of the year

The recent period of our state is characterized by a new social and historical turn in the life of people. The entire suspension is literally obsessed with the problems of the instability of the economy and the folding of political news, as well as the development of new ones for us. There is more and more moral and social background.

Gradually, the growth of regression of humanity, people become more intolerant and cruel. The emergence of a vacuum of spirituality and the emergence of a disintegration of the internal crisis of happy Russia is a whole problem of human behavior.

Nybilsh spilled spheres

The crises of everyday life are very strong to patriotism and spirituality, culture and moral health. How can you prove the arguments given? The problem of wickedness, especially in the youthful middle-class, wriggles around in the middle of life. It is not easy to be victorious about being opposed and extremists when they reach destructive goals.

Values, which are traditional for us, on this day may have turned to a different plan. The new ones are not for me. People themselves do not readily distinguish between evil and good, good, conscience and honor. All of the understanding is meaningfully created.

problems of pedagogy

Formed on the current day, the system of illumination is not very sensitively responsive to the idea of ​​being seen in the suspension of change and satisfaction of all the needs of the spiritual sphere of the people. The framework does not allow in the general world of vitality the nutrition of legal and information culture, ecological and sanitary education, etc.

The school system of education is not easy to understand about the formulation of specialness. The term "vikhovannya" is gradually being translated into the idea of ​​"adaptation to society". The improvement and quality of lighting, which is added to the level of development of specialty. Not so long ago Russia was recognized as one of the most readable lands in the world. There are fewer people in Europe who live in publicity and literature today than people in the countries of Europe.

Seriously zaklopotnist state actors, veterans and educators in the wake of ignorance of the history of the Great Victory Day. The first blame is the lighting system. Vona lead all five years to the celebration of the majestic victory in the history of our state.

Whore on the way out of the crisis

Morality is not given to people when people are people. Formation of special features є by a folding wiggle process. The very fact that people need to build moral values, which are traditional for the suspension. Moreover, the role of the development of consolidation and solidarity of the intelligent and progressive population, as well as the intellectual resources of the suspension, is great.

All in all, it’s possible to allow this negative tendency in vikhovanstyu, like є for this day in Russia. The first nobles to go out to the spiritual and moral crisis are dumb.

Problems of wickedness in literary works

The problem is why there is a lack of quiet historical foundations and moral principles, which have become the basis of Russian life in the hours gone by. It’s not too early for the graduates of the school to understand the problem of vixeness before they see it. Arguments from the literature on tsiy themes are suggested by them in the works of ADI.

The visibility of spirituality is also a problem of spirituality. Arguments from the literature, which can be cited as evidence, are present in the novel "Mi" Є. Zamyatina. In his own creation, the author informed about the "numbers" to live in the ideal mathematical state. The living rhythm of the cichus of the head heroes is refined to perfection, however, their souls are dumb. The connection with the tsim "numbers" is not a beauty of svitu, and they have a lot of pragmatism to the highest.

With the help of spiritual specialness є the hero of A. Solzhenitsin's announcement "One day of Ivan Denisovich" is Aloshka. Tsio young people were put in jail, mamagayuchis to amuse viri. Ale tse did not make Alyoshka angry. Today, after reading the Evangelical and intending to bring their truth to those who are stuck.

For the motives of the creators of the classics, it is also unreasonable to write in the TV series. The problem of ADI wickedness grows up often. For example, Leo Tolstoy does not write about the moral qualities of the people in his works. Look at the theme and in the novel "Viyna and the world". One of the heroines is Anna Mikhailivna Drubetskaya. For the whole woman, the main living mark is the pristy of vlasny material well-being. Make Drubetskaya go away at everything. Vaughn zastosovu brute force, engage in belittling wickedness і t. D.

A. S. Pushkin

The theme of creativity, the recognition of the poet and poetry Zayama is a provincial place in Pushkin's works. Your statement about the ideal image sings A.S.P. vіliv at vіrshi " Prophet. " Sings his own interpretation of the biblical plot. Imagining a spiritual transformation, becoming a poet-prophet. Through a lot of reincarnation, one sees oneself as a poet of wisdom, of truth. Schob word bulo true, sings guilty to go through the country. virsh "I erected a monument to sob ..."- more poetic, engaging by the poet himself creativity, Will write poetically. At the top of the head, there are A.S.P.

At virshi "There is nothing to lie on the hills of Georgia ..." love, kohannya postaє yak dzherelo new experiences і natchnen. The love poop is not only a pacified night, but the noise of a rychka. virsh "I remember the miracle ..."- the autobiography is highly poetic. She helped the lyrical hero, whose image was associated with the author, again to comprehend the beauty of life and echoed the poetic nature. A.S.P. come before the decision love as the greatest value of the people, wake up the poet in the most beautiful and beautiful way.

At virshi "I know I have seen ..." to sound philosophical discussion about sense life, About the sound of the sound, about the memory. Rose sings, showing how to shrink in the harmony of nature and for an hour to collapse forward without grace. It’s to bring up the bag of his world about the sense of life, and at the same hour talk about the maybut, I’m catching up with my firm life, of the continuous circulation.

S.A. Yesenin

Elegiya " I am not naughty, I am not crying, I am not crying ... "- philosophical thought about life and death, About the permanence of all that exists, farewell to youth. The image of the "horny horse" symbolizes the undeveloped world about beauty. Virsha also sounds poddyak theme to that, "instructed to prosper and die."

At virshi on love theme"Throwing around pozhezha blakitny ..." the reality and world are being opposed, the life and the power of renewal are ruined. For the love of love, the lyrical hero is not only seen from the past, but ready to navigate away from the distance, he is seen from the poetry.

The theme of the dole of Russia, the theme of batkivshchyna sound at the verses "I stayed singing the village ...", Goy ti, Russia, my native ... " that in. The dialectical words add to the creation of a special flavor and love to the father's nature. In the virshi "Rus" poets in the distance of viraziti all those to the pain of the day, radish and summe, for which for the new is tied the priest of Batkivshchina, the Russian land. At virshi "I was blasted by the guy of gold ..." the camp of nature imagines the camp of the soul of the lyrical hero. Sings the sash, barvy and barvy light of nature, Refilled by overflows of colors and vishukanikh vidtinkiv. The lyrical hero vyrsha burst into flames "with a wide moon over a blakitny stavom" I do not see myself as a part of nature.

A.A. Blok

Russia theme- Head in the trip to Blok. The image of Russia is rich-faceted. virsh "Rus" reads like the spirit of a lyrical hero, his soul metanny. Taєmnitsya Rusі to the author in the living soul of the people. Even more wisely, the staging was put up to Batkivshchyna in the cycle "On the fields to Kulikovoy" The first part of the qia is tragic. Stepova Kobilitsya rush with the symbol of її ї. It is symbolic of the unity of the life of people and the life of nature. The image of Russia is also intertwined with female images: “Oh, my Rus! My squad! »Tse vischiy step of admission of the lyrical hero from Russia. The whole cycle of narodzhu viru in the light of the maybutn batkivshchyna.

Lyubov, kohannya In the verses of the Blok, there is a great significance, for that, at the same time with her, the people of the Vinikє feel a fair unity with their light. At virshi "Dunno»The image of a beautiful dunno instills in the light an ear of life in the light, rewriting the poet, changing his thoughts and ideas. The main literary method is antithesis. In the first part, there is a brood and vulgarity of a little light, and in the other - a wonderful ignorance. A protest to the Bloc against the horror of the terrible world, which will transform all the nifty and price into the vulgar everyday life. Beautiful Lady in "Questions about the Beautiful Lady" - not only a symbol of ideal unity and harmony, in the house of the householder of the living rivnovaga, the mind of senseu buttya. sent "About valor, about exploits, about glory ..." I can make a composition for the first time: I will repeat the first row. The lyrical hero doesn’t think about valor, or about exploits, but he wants to know about it. Tsey virsh about love. The hero sees passionately bazhannya to turn love, I have already been absorbed quite richly in that.

philosophical take off life The tragic events and the comparison of the special share with the share of Batkivshchyna mean the character of the lyrical hero of the Blok's story. At virshi "Nich vulytsia lichtar pharmacy ..." light of harmonies, music, wine baiduzhiy, closure. The image of a gloomy street - tse philosophical metaphor of tragedy life. The feeling of an out-of-the-way and feeling of being able to do Kil'tsev's composition. At virshi " The girl was sleeping in the church choir ... " A. Block open light at all of the yogh super-verbalism. On one side, the holiness of prayer and great sorrow. From the beginning, people are building on the same zhorstok action, like vіyna.

A.A. Akhmatova

Patriotic theme, the theme of Batkivshchyna (singing "Requirem") the sound of A.A. lyricia, as she bound her share to the share of the native land. “I’m not with them, who have thrown the ground ...” - declare the author. The political protest against the hanger of the Russian intellectuals will end up because of the condemnations voluntarily flowed in from the Radiansk Russia and to the reception of the stalwart foal. In the rock of VV Viyni Akhmatova, I see my life like a part of the folk buttya, write virshi, how to represent the spiritual mood that Russia should fight: "... I was todi with my people, There, de my people, it's a pity, boo ..."

A.A. haunted before themes of poetry craft... Cycle "Taumnitsi Crafts" lyrical heroine declares: "If only you knew, from what kind of smitty Grow up, not see the trash ..." The whole and the spirituality of the poetry, and the independence of the process of creativity from the will of the creator. First and foremost unsuccessful, and at the same hour, the correctness of the answer: “ Yak zhovty kulbaba at the fence, yak burdock and loboda. " The head of the poetry, on the thought of the author, is to grant people the joy of a dotik with the creations of a high art.

B.L. Pasternak

Poet and poetry theme ruined at the top "Hamlet", de author imagines himself in the image of Hamlet. Hamlet in the creature stands with Jesus Christ: his share is seen right from his will, behind the idea of ​​God. It can sound like this the topic of self-reliance, unreasonableness for people who are comfortable and of common sense of specialness with suspension.

M. Yu. Lermontov

Comprehension of folding social and philosophical problems is characteristic of Lermontov's journey. The main idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvirsha "Thought» - think about the share of generations... The author does not recognize himself from the fellows who have taken on vices and losses for their own sake. Tse to inform about the high visibility of the poet before the present and the future of his father.

F.I. Tyutchev

The main theme in the poet's poetry is nature. Tse landscape-philosophical lyrics. Nature in Tyutchev's lyricism is spiritualized, it is in Russia, often in a transitional country: if it’s done in an hour, it’s time of rock. At virshi "The land is still a sight ..." sings the show led by the Vlovimy cordon in winter and in spring, every day and at night. Bagata sound writing (alitherats_ya on siplyachі) opening the vidchuttya vіtrya, light wіtertsyu.

N.A.Nekrasov virsh "Zaliznytsya"

The theme of the nature of the native land is clearly intertwined with the theme of the fatherland and the important life of the people.

There is no disgrace in nature! І kochi,

І moss swamps, і пні -

All the best for the young ones,

Everywhere, I know Russia ...

4. "Bank" of arguments from artistic and public literature
(Author - G.T. Egoraeva, as well as special information)

The problem of mutual relations between people and nature Romance I. S. Turgenova "Fathers and Children" Mykola Petrovich, Batko Arkadia, the song of Pavel Petrovich's super-stream from Bazarov is overwhelmed by the minds of the mind and not mind, as you may not be overwhelmed by nature. The author of the lecture describes the summer evening, both my bachimo and the vision of nature as it is, as I see N.P. The remainder of the novel is a description of the Silskoye treasury, Bazarov's fathers and the grave of the protagonist. In the whole inventory there is a resistance to nature and the frequency of social theories, which can pretend to be.
In the notification of A.P. Chekhov "Step" Yuras, feuds with the beauty of the steppe, everybody and transformed into his own door: you should be built, there is a steppe space for welcoming and suffering, and for joy, and for sumuvati. Yogo experiences and thoughts become not childish, serious, philosophical.
The problem of taking in human nature. The problem is pouring nature into lyudin At the novel by Leo Tolstoy "Viyna and the World" Natasha Rostova, looking forward to the beauty of the night in Vidradnoye, is ready to fly, yak ptah: її okrylyu poachene. At the scene of Natasha's nightmare with Sonya, Natasha's happy, poetic light will open up, and the beauty of the world will open up for herself. Andriy Bolkonsky is an hour of travel to Vidradna, having shaken an old oak, and wines, which, for a year, gripped in the soul of a hero, tied with the beauty and majesty of a mighty tree.
The problem of dumbing down to nature V. Rasputin at the party "Forgiveness from the Zapekloi" discussed the theme of love before the little father. Chinyachi support the power station business in rural areas, the inhabitants of the village stand up for the destruction of their fatherland, village, history. Imagining the transformation of people who were kidnapped from Zapekloi (і islands, і village), іх bіl and countrymen, the author thinks about such transformations in life, as if people would not be impoverished in people. The main heroine of Darin Pinigin spasters the pain of Mother's life. Oh, deeply tied to the native land, seeing to ourselves we are united with nature, it is important to experience the farewell to Matera. It is important to navigate nature to repair the opir with the help of trying to drive it in: in the whole rik, bows and fields bring bright crops, stinks of living sounds, spits of birds.
Problems of the family The problem of the role of childhood in the life of people In the novel by Leo Tolstoy, "Victory and Peace," Petya Rostov, in the first place of his tragic bends, among his comrades, show all the smallest rice of the "Rostov breed" slime. Win anxiously talking about a young French full-length drummer.
The problem of the role of the family in the formulation of particularity In the Rostov family in Leo Tolstoy's romance-epic "Viyna and the world", everything was on the breadth and kindness, that and the children - Natasha, Mikol and Petya - became just good people (Natasha vmovlyaє daddy see me the homeland of the acquired mine; Mykola and Petya take part in the war, Petya guine in the partisan corral), and in the Kuragin family, de Car'ra and a penny, everyone, Elena, and Anatole - were immoral of his life, who won over to people.
The problem of intercourse between fathers and children The problem of "fathers and children" At the provinces N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" the protagonist Bulba vikhovuv in his blue Ostap and Andriy as spravzhnykh zhisnikov Batkivshchyna, as valiant warriors. Father didn’t want to try Andriya, having fallen in love with a Pole, he’d drive in. Taras Bulba is written by Ostap, as a husband to fight in battle and take punishment. For Taras, the partnership appeared to be the source of all blood ties.
At the work of A.S. Pushkina "Kapitanska's daughter" nastanov and daddy "take care of the honor of the youth" helped Peter Grinov to see at the most common moments of life, to become honest, spirited, and to the Borg: the hour of the Pugachev riot, and the court is going to be arrested.
Dotrimuyuchis zavitu dad "take a copy", Chichikov, the hero poemin N.V. Gogol "Dead souls", having appropriated all his life accumulated, having transformed himself into people without a litter and conscience, who by a deceitful way get through the service, while stingy about the dead souls of the villagers.
The problem of debt in family Romance I.S. Turgenova "Fathers and Children" are not easy images of mine in the homeland of the Kirsanovs and Bazarovs. The fathers of E. Bazarov drank their blue with such overworldly love and turbot, which is important for the beauty of life and pratsyuvati in the mother of the Kirsanovs, I want to love their fathers. Arkady Kirsanov, inheriting his friend Bazarov, will see the old man from time to time, and not only spiritually grow closer to his homeland, but repeat the father’s lot: make friends, take care of himself.
The role of the reader in the life of the people Uchitelnitsa Lydia Mikhailivna, the heroine of the rozpovil. Rasputin "Lessons of French" gave the hero not only lessons of French language, ale of kindness, spirituality, in the mind of seeing someone else's bile. Dodatkovo, you were busy with the boy, my French teacher, the teacher was also magical to help you in life
At the pritche A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" The Old Fox instilled in the Little Prince the wisdom of people’s verses. To see a person, if you need to be impressed, to forgive other little ones. Even if it’s the first time, it’s all over the place, and it’s not right there.
Bayduzhosti svitu grown up The heroes of A. Pristavkin's story "The night was a chuckle of gold" - Kuzmionyshi - they spent a lot of time in a childish booth, became victims of zhorstokost and baiduzhost.
Khlopchik, the hero of F.M. Worthy "Little boy at Christ on yalintsi", having arrived with mother in St. Petersburg, ale the message of death, in advance Rizdva, who appeared to no one was needed. Yomu nіhto nіhto without giving a shmatka khlіba. Ditina froze, hungry and cynutia.
The problem of development and protection of the Russian language In the book “Leaves about good and more beautiful”, D. S. Likhachov writes about those who read well, calm, intelligent promises and respectfully, listen, remember, help, read and live. Our mova is not just a part of our behavior, but our specialties, our souls, our minds, our buildings do not come under the influx of the middle class, as if it will "tighten".
We sing M.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" by the author, representing different types of friends, showing their lack of knowledge, lack of morality, lack of guidance. Yaksho Manilov caught up with beautiful phrases that add to the senses, then in the promises of Nozdryov, navpaki, the vocabulary of the rose style is undermined. As a privilege, a ruling class, those who are guilty are people who are educated, cultured, allegorical helpers for the nearness and lack of culture, and ignorance, and to the people.
In the comedy of A.S. Gribodov "Dashing out of roses", the mova of all the heroes is the main characteristic of the characters. mov: French with Nizhny Novgorod "), which is a narrative for antinational vikhovannya, the distinction from Russian soil.
The problem of the social life of the people and their inner day At the comedy D.I. Fonvizina "Minor" of many heroes may "speak" of the name: Vralman, colish coachman, zbrekhav, who is a foreign teacher; іm'ya Mitrofan means "kind of his mother", as in the comedy depicted as a bad neviglas. Skotinin Taras - uncle of Mitrofan; To love pigs even more, and because of their rudeness, they feel a little thinner, and because of their rudeness.
Problems associated with negative aspects of the peculiarity. The problem of heartlessness, mental callousness In the notification of K.G. Paustov's "Telegram" Nastya is alive and well, we will remind the lives of far away from the self-made, old mother. All daughters can be built on important and non-detachable surfaces, as long as they are forgetting to write the sheets to home, not seeing their mothers. If a telegram arrived about the mother's ailment, Nastya did not immediately go, and the latter did not find Katerina Ivanivna alive. Mati didn’t get to her daughter, she loved yaku.
The problem of losing spiritual values ​​The problem of the lost soul We sing M.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", the author of an image gallery of types, showing the steps of degradation, moral degradation in mind, how to sell dead souls to cryptic and baiduzhe or to be put up alive before the living. Plyushkin - "dirka for people".
In the notification of A.P. Chekhov's "Aurus" is the leading hero, mryuchi about sadiba with agrus, learning sob from everything, making friends for rozrahunk, picking up a penny. Vіn practically starving his squad, ale mriu zdіysniv.
The problem of health, without warning In the case of L. Andrєєv, "Iuda Iskarіot" Yuda, zrajuyuchi Christ, would like to reconsider the evidence of his scholars and the correctness of the humanistic vision of Iusus. However, the stench all appeared as timid dwellers, like the people, who might not have risen to the zaist of their Teacher.
The problem of dishonesty, dishonor At the work of A.S. Pushkina "Kapitanska's daughter" is a mop-nobleman, ale vin is dishonest: having wooed Masha Mironova and having obliterated Vidmov, take revenge, disgustingly see about her; for an hour duel s Grinovim starts a blow in the back. On the other hand, the announcement about the honor of the sound and social joy is lost: just like the Bilogirsk fortress goes to Pugachov, Shvabrin goes over to the side of the rebels.
chinoshanuvannya problem In the notification of A.P. Chekhov “Death of an official” Worms in the neymovir stage of infection with the spirit of chinoshanuvannya: chucking and sprinkling a fox in front of a seated general, the official was angry, so that the humiliating ones were going to die out of fear.
Hero of A.P. Chekhov "Tovstiy and thin", official Porphyry, sent a school friend to the railway station and knew that he was a secret bearer, so that he had poked his way through the service. In one mile, "thin" will transform into a work of being, ready to belittle and pidlabuznyuvatisya.
Molchalin, a negative character in the comedy of A.S. Griboedov "Dashing with the rosum", in the words that the next step is not just "all people without a thief", but "the dog is a dvirnik, schob caress bully." I do not need a guiltless romance with Sophia, the daughter of Famusov. Maksim Petrovich, about the misdirected development of science to Chatsky, in order to deserve the imperativeness of the Empress, having redecorated into the delusional delusion of deaf people.
The problem of intercourse with people D. Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" by Pani Prostakov has his own boorish behavior of being worn out to those who feel like it is the norm: there is a gentleman in the house, which I cannot reread. Tom, her Trishka has "thinness", "bovdur" and "villainous harya".
In the notification of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" police visitor Ochumelov plazuє in front of them, who stand vishche at service gatherings and see themselves as a formidable chief of business, whoever is lower. Winning a change in the skin situation of his thoughts on the other side in the fallowness because of the fact that a person is a sign of chi ni -It is a general's dog chi ni.
The problem of moral failure At the provinces N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", for the love of a beautiful Polish woman, Andriy comes to see the fatherland, relatives, comrades, voluntarily go over to the side of the enemy. Tsia zrada did her best to help me, so I went to fight against my dad, brother, friends. Negidna, ganebna death - the axis of the bag of your moral failure.
The problem of habarnitstva, embezzlement The comedy N.V. Gogol "Revizor" mayor, habarnik and embezzler, who fool three governors on his own, overpowering, so if there are any problems, it is possible to see for an extra penny, and let him drink in his eyes. Judging Lyapkin-Tyapkin bearded by khabari khortenyats.
The problem of running into pennies In the notification of A.P. Chekhov's "Ionic" Doctor Startsev, in his youth he was a talented drug, with nobility and loyalty to be treated to his robots, step-by-step bagacy, becoming important and rude, he had only a penny in his life.
We sing N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" is the image of Stepan Plyushkin, a miserly supporter, who exposes the death of a human soul beyond the death of a human soul, the decay of a strong specialness, a withering addiction of avarice. Qia addiction became the reason for the ruin of all native and friendly ties, and Plyushkin himself simply lost the human likeness.
problem for him In the novel by Leo Tolstoy "Viyna and the world" Anatol Kuragin invades the life of Natasha Rostov for the pleasure of the powerful ambitions, ruinous for the special life, I plan to flow with her, I want friendship.
In the announcement of A, P. Chekhov, "Ganna on the Shi", Anyuta, who became the squad of a possible official behind the rozrahunka, saw herself as a queen, and those who were slaves. Vona started talking about her dad and brothers, who would be tempted to sell them very well, so they wouldn't starve to death.
The problem of kar'єrism, pseudo-clergy The light of the vicarious physicists in D. Granin's novel “I’m going to the storm” is a battlefield, on which one there is a fight between the honorable ones (Krilov, Dan), and the kar'arists. They are not eager to be creative, by hook or by crook they are encouraged to admit administrative care in science, and the priest-suvants didn’t deny the scientific joke of Tulin, Krilov, who shukayut an effective method of ruining a threat.
The problem of people's attitudes towards themselves and the support for the implementation of their health Oblomov, the protagonist of the novel by I. Goncharova "Oblomov", with all the positive inclinations and goodness, so I didn’t go through the line to realize myself, re-making on a living corpse. Kar'ara did not go in, the books were not read, the list of the elder was not written.
The problem of self-reliance (baiduzhost, baiduzh staging to the share of the desperate) Visitor Ioni Potapov, hero of A.P. Chekhov's "Tuga", died Sin. To podolati tugu and gosdre feeling self-conscious, who would like to tell you about your bida, however, it’s not a lot of rumors, not a lot of dilemma. And then I’m all her history of developing horses: you should be built, but you won’t listened to you and kept up with grief.
The problem of true and everyday values ​​in life In the notification of A.P. Chekhova's "Stribukha" Olga Ivanivna all life joked about famous people, got mad for any price to deserve them roztashuvannya, no matter what, cholovik, Dr. Only after this tragic death, the heroine learned her light-heartedness.
the problem of patriotism The theme of Batkivshchyna and Zahistu is one of the most important and ancient ones in Russian literature. Vona sounded like a tune in "Words about the regiment of Igor". The feeling of Batkivshchyna, as one among his people, as the author is important, is mainly in people. The roar of the Ivory Vijska and the Yogi Kayattya, the troublesome thoughts of Svyatoslav and the mountain of Yaroslavl - all the author has crossed over in need to be found in order to seize the native land.
The poetry of B. Vasil'ev “Not listed in the lists” is promoted to the very ear of the Great Victory Day in the Brest fortresses lined with nimetsky zagarbniki. The protagonist is Lieutenant Mykola Pluzhnikov eating at the fort in front of the ear of wine. Win seizing Brest Fortress nine months. Vyyshov up to the one who got rid of the patrons, to the one who knows: nimtsy go to Moscow. My husband, style, Mykola zmusiv zhoplyuvatisya to see the enemies. Pluzhnikov became a symbol of all quietly unattended soldiers, who fought until the end and died, not rorakhoyuchi on glory.
The problem of husbandhood, heroism, morality In B. Vasil'ev's novel "And the dawns here are quiet", the zenitnitsy girls have lost their minds, they have lost their saboteurs. Їх the numerical ambiguity of the gate was not angered. The light images of the girls, the worlds and help about the love, create a bright contrast with the unhuman excuses of the devil, as she did not spare the young, who love, the lower ones. Rita Ovsyanina will remain alive, and only the foreman Vaskov will be alive.
Lotchik Oleksiy Mares'ev, a hero to the work of B. Polovoy "A story about a man's help", only those who knew their will and husbands saw that they were amputated frostbite legs, if they were driven to ours by the way of a thief. The hero once again turned into his squadron, having finished everything that he could have over his share.
The problem of moral choice V. Kondratyev, the author in the story "Sashka", will show us an honest, chuinu, human soldier. They are buzzing in folding situations, getting up nervously in front of a super-heavy vibe, and becoming more human.
At V. Bikov's life "Obelisk" the teacher Oles Moroz voluntarily went to the strata with his scholars. Він міг bi lost life. Ale to throw the lads alone in the last years, the hilin of their strati is not wrong, even tse would mean for the new one the joy of their vihovants, the joy of their moral principles.
At the life of V. Bikov, "Sotnikov", go to the hour of death, visit the church of the commander of the partisan corral, Sotnikov honorably pass through the important viprobuvannya and receive death, not seeing from his perekonan, but Ribak is a guardian, a guardian. Before the exposure of the death of a human being, one should be deprived of such a thing as guilt for good. Here you will have to change the depth of your change, the huge amount of style.
The problem of toughness for the fatherland, love for the fatherland From N. Teffi's book "Spogadi" the writing transferred the share of the whole generation of emigrants, who left Russia before the hour of the revolution and the huge victory. Tsi people, who are struggling for Batkivshchyna, are accustomed to the tragic spirit of self-reliance in foreign lands.
To the unsettling sound of Batkivshchyna, the native land In the announcement of A. Solzhenitsin "Matrenin Dvir" for Motronya Vasylivnya, the houses, dvir, the village of Mayut nabagato is more significant, not just, you live. For the heroine tse sense, buttya, part of life, memory of the past, of loved ones.
Virility to the given word At the village A.S. Pushkina "Dubrovsky" Masha Troyekurova, wedded to an unloving people - old Vereysky, seeks to break the vow of the same vitality, given to him in the church, since Dubrovsky, in which the spring of the zakokhan, churches.
In romance, in virshah O.S. Pushkina "Evgeniy Onagin" Tetyana Larina, faithful to her friend Borg and the given word, saw Ongin, who was so beloved by her. Vona became a detachment of strength and moral strength.
Pragnennya people to goodness and happiness At the comedy A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" by Ani Ranevskoy є Yuna Vira in Happiness, in her strength. There’s a lot of people coming from the old sadibi, so we have to obey a new life.
The problem of unquestioning service In the village of N.S. Luskov's "Enchanting mandrіvnik" Ivan Flyagin, the hero of the story of the important soldier's service of a young peasant, to serve in the army for the first time.
Morality of people In the work of V. Bikov, "Sotnikov" Sotnikov, physically weak and ailment, is morally stronger than Ribak, his partner, who has gone into development. Ribak became a zradnik, and Sotnikov vvvazhav for the beautiful death of a gangbang.
The problem of faults in your reconciliation In M. Sholokhov's narration "The Share of People", the share of Andriy Sokolov's narration hero is even more tragic; Not every lyudin has been blamed for those who have experienced the hero: full, a sound about the death of the squad and daughters, but in the end it’s blue. However, Andriy was able to resist and take on Vanyushka, who may have been orphaned by Viyna.
In A. Solzhenitsin's announcement "One day of Ivan Denisovich", Ivan Shukhov has taken great pride, the zooms in the minds of the Stalinist camps have become overwhelmed by people, not malignant. The life of Shukhov is not surrounded by a camp, he has zgadu the village, his homeland, vіynu and tse daє yo sili life.
The problem of friendship, camaraderie At the provinces N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba" Taras Bulba, the central character of the story, vvzhavvshuh, fellowship of the family, the vision of dispute by blood, the vision of all earthly.
Internationalism (international news) In the novel by Y. Bondarev "The Shore" Love of the Russian lieutenant Nikitin and nimken Emmy, and his people - the same kind of praise for national and ideological barriers.
Children of Kolka and Chechen Alkhuzur have become brothers in honor of A. Pristavkin's "Night of the Chmarinka of Gold" children - they became just brothers in spite of madness, as they worked in the Caucasus. The little Chechen saw that it was so important for Kolka that his brother died terribly, because of his spirits. Tilka's brother helped Kolka turn to life. Alkhuzur came from a vile name, a faint friend: he called himself Sashko. Yogo wisdom vchinok zrobiv ochіkuvane miracle: Kolka pіdnyavsya, altogether no way to bite yo poachiti in the Chechens voroga. At the child's receptionist, the bully took the children of different nationalities. For them, the understanding of national hostility was not lost: the children were friends, they protected one one. Vikhovatelka Regina Petrivna sverdzhuvala: “Nasty people are not buvay. People who are out of wickedness are outraged. "
The problem of love and mercy In M. Bulgakov's novel "Meister and Margarita", Margarita is great for a glimpse, viddan, self-admitted love, and because she's morally indifferent. Likewise, before that, as ІShua, he wants to become a human being in the midst of a murderer, and one of them helps and assists, so Margarita, in the role of the queen of the Satan's ball, is to become a human: helping Frida.
problem for humanism At the work of A. Adamovich "Nimiy", for an hour, one of the Bilorussian forces of punitive mali burned, Ale Nimets Franz cannot beat Polina and mother, Gentlemen of the house, in which wine is alive. Win drives in his mentor - a fascist and at the same time with Polina and її mater to live in lioh. If you come to see me, Polina is a nimtsya by my brother;
The problem is in lyudin In p'us M. Gorky "At the bottom" Luke, the character of p'usi, vvazhak, who is dermal ludin is a tamnitsa; you can do it. ..maybe it’s because of our happiness ... for our great corysty? .. "Luke pragne help the forces of the people to be prized, and they will be clear from those in the background. Yogo vera in people in the main type of internal feasibility and opportunities (Actor, Popil).
Good (love) yak resurrect M. Bulgakov's novel "Meister and Margarita" has the power of goodness, human strength, like I’ve got into the mind of the oushua, in that, in that, it is necessary to back the soul of the one who is, the mind of that, and to be able to help him. The same tsim nasam before the enemy of Pilate the arehtant. Ishua has broken the greatest miracle: having given a place in his soul to a human being, as it will block his life, he can become a cat, "- having fallen in love with him! First, he turned in Pilate's soul.
The problem is strong love In O. Kuprin's announcement "Pomegranate Bracelet" For the little official Zheltkov, love to Princess Vira Shiinoi became the sense of life, and the woman loved her, in yak "all the beauty of the earth". Tse seemed to help you from the moral point of view of Bulat-Tuganovsky, brother of Viri, who is virish, so you can love the fence behind the help of the power.
Talent, natural gifts In the case of N.S. Luskov "Livsha" with a scythe and disgusting Volodya with his right hand, the Tula zbroyar Livsha fed a flea, but I won't wipe it with my eye.
Problems related to the roll of mystery in the life of people In V. Korolenko's announcement "Sleepy musician" it is described how Petrus was born, and music helped him to see and, as a matter of fact, he was a talented pianist.
In Leo Tolstoy's novel "Viyna and the World", Natasha Rostova is very good at being beautiful in people. Itself so vryatuvala see my brother Mikoli for that, as I have played a great bag of pennies.
The Problem of the Role of Artistic Literature in the Establishment of a Specialty Alosha, the hero of M. Gorky's story "My University", after reading the books helped him to show the importance of life in viprobuvannya, by the way people ..
The problem of saving culture From the work of R. Bradberi, "Smile" lad Tom, an hour of Chergov's "cultural revolution", rizikuyuchi life, picking up and hooking canvas, in which the image of the Mona Lisa is depicted. If you want to save it, you should turn it to people: Tom, you can help it, please, please, ennoble it to the wild NATO.
Vzaєmovіdnosin vlady and specialties, vlady and artist The maister in M. A. Bulgakov’s novel is not a fad for this hard struggle, but it’s suspension and not reason, but, having become a writer, it was not for the demagogues to transform themselves into a competitor, as they didn’t drown “livirata”. Stink of mediocre people and hate talented people; they, who are pristosuvants, are afraid of the viciousness of the viclik, the lyudin is internally vilna, who speak only those who think. І the stench will get mired by the damage.
The problem of specialness and power In M. Zamyatin's novel "Mi", one state under the totalitarian rule was dominated by a specialness in the skin: there are no people in the country, but "numbers" are similar to the programmed people. The protagonist of D503, the buddy of the Integral, would like to know the soul for an hour, going through the gliboki almost to the woman.
The problem of inadmissibility of being involved in the natural flow of speeches The main character of M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" is Professor Preobrazhensky. Yogo experiment is fantastic: open a new ludin by the path of transplanting a dog part of a human brain. The result of a foldable operation is indulgent, primitive, simple and not safe. It was the responsibility of being responsible for his experiment, backing up the inheritance of his projects, of growth between the times of revolution and revolution in life.
The problem of lack of humanity and lack of lack of communication According to M. Sholokhov's announcement, "Rodimka" the enormous v_yna became the reason why the Otaman, the seven rockies in Batkivshchyna, drove one sine, Mikolka, who didn’t recognize him in a red kom_sar.
The problem of historical memory (parity before the course of history ) At the visit of V. Rasputin "Forgiveness from the Zapekloi" hot children of people who are asleep to end up with Matera, go to the village people who have been put by the inhabitants of the village until the very last, until quietly, who live before them on the whole earth. “The truth is in memory. The one who has no memory, the one who has no life, ”- seemingly Rasputin. The main heroine of Darin Pinigin is the involvement of conscience, national morality. For Darina, the value of the past is important and necessary: ​​she must be seen to move from the flooded zone, inhabited by the city, from the native village, until she can bear the grave. Can't let the soulless people come out of the blues. For her, memory is holy.
Rzpovіd at the verse "I was killed by Rzhev" A. Tvardovsky is carried out as the name of the beaten in the nameless soldier, which is lost in the swamps by Rzhev. Nicholas is not overpowered, only he will tell us, the sites: “I will command your life,” he will tell you to be happy, to serve Vitchizna with honor in the memory of “war-brother, who’s going to be on your way”.
НТР і maybutnє At knigeR. Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" images are two symbols of the "mechanization" of people. The first - "mechanical dog" - cyber, signs for the elbow grease "zlochintsyv". The other is the modernized TV tower, a symbol of human baiduzhost, atrophy of the soul and the intellect of the people of life. People in the whole technical world started to think about it. The first step is to lead to mental discomfort, suicide, splashing aggression.

The theme of the poet and poetry was taken over by the many creators.

However, not in part, the significance of the poet in the light of the art of Bula is the same. For example, in Ancient Russia, the won was even smaller: a person who entered into a small, humble before God (the true Creator!), And the author's name in the majority of vypadkiv not zbergalisya.

In the era of Enlightenment, the singers thought they knew they were being deceived, the Creators, the thought about the immortality of the master's creation and his own master was all more meaningful for them.

The theme of the poet and his creativity is motically entrenched in the open space of the Russian classical literature. Vona is rich and is presented with different aspects. This is the problem of the recognition of creativity, the problem of mutual relations between the poet and NATO, the poet and power, the problem of immortality and the greatness of the Word.

So chi inakshe, richly singing hoch times, ale tied with those in their creativity; hunt її in the general public is ill-advised, zupinimya deprived of the most significant names.

The theme of the poet and poetry knew its image in the works of A.S. Pushkin. Вірш "Prophet" is called so for a reason, even in the new Pushkin writes about the singer yak about the prophet, who is the Lord himself, who won the will of the Creator, the whole sign. Poetovi, the power is given "by the words of the heart of the people", it seems, boldly tell people the truth. Oleksandr Sergiyovich sings a little thought about the insignificance of the poet's life from the hour of the day (“There are some insignificant children, but maybe all of them are not worthless ...”) be heard over NATO, over the mob. In the verse “Sings and NATO,” Pushkin, according to his introduction to the inhabitants, admits such a fuss, like “rabble stupid”, “a dull people” and “hrobak of the earth”, and the image of the poet-creator is even more exalted. The creator is like bi to see the people, guilt through his own images.

The first poet, which may have gone to the length of those poet and poetry, bouv M.Yu. Lermontov. Yogo "Prophet" є nіbito advances from Pushkіnsky "Prophet". However, as the prophet-prophet sings of self-determination through the greatness of his wisdom and vibration, then the self-determination of the Lermontov prophet is explained by his pride and contempt to the point of decisiveness. He sings not being defrauded, but izgoєm in suspense ("Wonder, as the naked and the living, as angered all that!"). In Pushkin, the prophet "stretching out in the wilderness", and knowing the gift of doing the will of God, in Lermontov’s the prophet is going back "through the hailstorm" into the clearing of the inner light - the light of the image and contempt.

N.A. Nekrasov, in the verse "Elegya" (1876), also looked at the problem of the poet's responsibility to the people, albeit, as in Pushkin and Lermontov, the creator was opposed to NATO, then Mikola Oleksiyovich writes about those, that the poet has one method to serve lira appropriating his own people ... "). If the people won’t be happy, they will sing if they’re peresliduvati tsyu meta. Nekrasov stverdzhu of the values ​​of the community’s poezia, write about the union of the people and the poet, about the theme of the civil service of the master (“You may not be a poet, but a giant, but a goat” (“Sings and a giant”)).

In another song, the theme of the poet and poetry, buv A.A. Fet, emerges in the verses of the poet. At my own creation, "I live by one piece of zignati ..." However, in Fet's verse there is no opposition from the poet Yurbi, like from Pushkin, no more about the poet's communication to the people, like from Nekrasov, and I am not proud, I am not self-conscious through my own identity, as with Lermon. Fet write just about the journey yak about a gift, Daniy is ponad, I picture the moment of convergence of a gift to a poet and I will describe those who see at the same moment the creator himself - not a lot of words that pour into the soul of people:

Whisper about those before whom Mova Nimin,
Strengthen the beat of fearless hearts -
Axis chomu sp_vak deprived of volodin,
The axis in which it is and is marked and vinets.

At the creation, Feta sings to the joy of being able to see the life of the whole world because of her gift.

Vorokhobko Varvara, 11th class, 2013

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C4, C5. The theme of the poet and poetry in the works of A. A. Blok and M. I. Tsvєtaєvoї (ees)

He comprehends his own meaning, sings about himself and his share, about the power and meaning of the word in the context not only of a vile life, but yak minimum - literary process of the hour, or to bring culture as a whole.

"She sings far to start the MOV ..."

If you want to remind yourself of the testimony, and richly singing for yourself, as soon as you become a head theme, you will become magical about your development, woeful creative evolution.

"Sings - far to start the MOV ..."

Positions converge - and diverge, literary criticism is developed at once from the very literature, and the problematics are taken up by the poet and the NATO, the poet and criticism become stunned.

The twentieth century in a new way, obviously in the minds of the poetry: the Nekrasov's postulate "You may not be a poet, but a huge fellow of crop knitting" appears to be a lot of tendencies of the XIX century. “Sings at the vignania and sumnіv at the razdorіzhі two dorіg", - write Blok. The share of the new prophet is not home - "who bazhati, where is it?" Rhetorical nutrition and lexical repetition ("at the beggar and in the summons") fosters the tension of the joke about the singer's habits, such as the next: ale - "far away to see him." Yak? To create is to enchant the word itself, so it becomes a symbol і, і, і, і, іtzhe, sense, create, unite yourself with svіt gіrskiy, the light of the great Creator and the laws - the axis is new, and for the time being the old idea, that is the tradition in culture.

Opposition "sings - NATO" is presented in the verse to the Blok "Poets" (1908), a de mova yde about the opposition to the artist's light, a poet to the values ​​of the obsessive. Everything is melancholy on the "summa earth", and "wine and addiction" is the reality of both lights. However - "to the extreme vypadok, є at the poet і kosi, і hmarinki, і golden meadow, so everything is inaccessible!"

The sarcastic brutality of the “miliy chitach” allows us to draw a parallel with the “newspaper reader” of Tsvєtaєvoi. "Eaters of emptiness, reading newspapers" - one more brutality before NATO.

Tsvєtaєva assigned the helpless verses to the singers of the poet and NATO. At singing "Shchurolov", based on the famous legends, there is a conflict between the poet and the priesthood. In her, the theme of the part of the poet and his image - "the darkening of the poet is not guessed by the calendar". She was put down to glory in the short "For what men?". However, the share of verses is more important, dear, more significant, and as of that in 1913 write: “My virsham, like dear wines, this is my own house”, becoming brutal to the same traditional word - immortality.

Tsvєtaєva repeatedly wrote about those who fail to be scared - terrible, moving unkind symbols. And all - "God has taken everything, especially the words of forgiveness and love, like his own powerful voice."

Natkhnennya - "breathe my soul into nimy", "not guessing the path with the calendar", spraga, "fallowness", as Brodsky wrote in the Nobel lectures. The theme of natkhnennya - a tamnichny miti, irratsionally-unburned in the process of creativity, loved the cich poets.

Kudi, in his own "vyrobnitstvі smislіv", is the institute of the mova of the present-day young poets, as to break the word - God knows ...

Oskilki - "Poet - far to get MOV ..."

Pashina Olga 11 class, 2013

Supervisor: Write a tvir from the text read.

1) Standing in the courtyard 1940 Rik. 2) At that time, they taught in the village of Karizh, Glushkiv district, Kursk region. 3) The general prosperity was spreading far away, but the first signs of zmіn began to appear in the ditbudinka. 4) Children became more trusting and kind to the giblets. 5) Little by little discipline. 6) All the same here, as the old orders were trimmed earlier.

7) Sidzhu in the teacher's. 8) Enter the manager. 9) Having interrupted the rozmova, turn to the head teacher:
(10) - Nina Petrivna, give yakus to the little girl. 11) Don't go to me before you go back to business. 12) The voice of the head of state administration is dark, pryvny. 13) No hvilyuvannya, no sumnivi in ​​new dumb. 14) Zvichayna on the right - bring the stolen zukru to the house. 15) Tilki and everything. 16) Those who are an unclean head of state should know us here. 17) Zvikli. 18) Nichto is not voiced. 19) I still marvel at Nina Petrivna. 20) Maybe bootie, I want to seize my heart for a whole time. 21) If you do not know, you will not be haunted! 22) I’m even more aware of how I stand up and I’m blatantly showing up in disguise:
23) - Rumor, Volodymyr Ivanovich, as long as you are tyagnesh, pulling bi hocha yourself. 24) Get into a fight. 25) Ale Nina Petrivna, until the head of state spokesperson passes, will be put on a regular basis. 26) It’s very important, but the rock of the people is not young, because it’s impossible to help. 27) Vaughn go into the corridor. 28) Vishuku ochima kogos i call:
29) - Lida, mabut syudi. 30) Help Volodymyr Ivanovich to bring a shot. 31) The little girl is carefully bent over to the top with a grain of salt and, bending over, drag her next to the crooked crocodile in the head of state department store.

32) I didn't have any thoughtful intentions. 33) Everything went by itself. 34) Shvidko, it’s dumb htos shtovhnuv me, I rushed forward and blocked the manager's route. 35) Hush, youmu spoke directly in reproof:
36) - Did you pull the kudi vi tsukor? 37) Come on, bring it back! 38) Call the henchmen! 39) The middle of a white day is robbed of children. 40) Just try it. 41) On my cheeks there are boules of chervonі plyami. 42) If I don’t hear it, I’ll hit it, I’ll beat it, I’ll bite, but the tsukor will not viddam. 43) For a few seconds, I wondered at me, I was dumb, I woke up to the eyes, like the fly had tasted me. 44) Give it up, rosum. 45) Movements crumple from one foot to the other, and add a little bit of blush on non-kneeling cheeks. 46) Do not say anything, take your hands from Lidin, turn back and with trembling hands audibly hangs the tsukor back. 47) I checked for swearing, tricks, huskies behind my back ... 48) I went out of my mind. 49) Literally through a few days, the head of state administration has filed an application for the lordly bazhany, having overshadowed our childish booth. 50) Nemov is vіn tіlki th check, forsake some nagadaє yoma, how to steal unkindness. 51) Yak didn’t know much, just pinch the evil! 52) No fight, no nerves, no victims. 53) Singingly, the buv bi's bag is exactly the same, lean on my mind be-yak a lyudin. 54) Why didn't the wanderers help anything? 55) Look back, I am at once smart to think, how moving is to bring evil to hell, not the villainy of our insane head of state. 56) You can, and not lost the guilt of a lyudin. 57) Wickedly, I want to see if I’m looking forward to it, if I’m condemning the word from my colleagues, there wouldn’t be anything like that. 58) Ale movchannya (pads for ice-cold souls) one was shattered by the shahram, on those who were thrown a few spiuchast. (Behind the text of F.A. Sokolova)

as follows:

The proponated text of F.A. Sokolov has solved the problem of growing up generation. Vykhovannya is the process of forming a specialness by preparing people for a successful life in the suspension. In all parts of the life, there was not an easy right and there was a lot of problems. The text of the statements is even more important than nutrition: how does one go to the point of being able to grow up?

Yak kolishniy director of a child's booth, FASololova with a lot of excitement about those, how important it is to be brought to honest, decent young people vlashtovuvat life in a funky suspension. Ї gliboko hvilyu food about those, like krobiti vikhovantsі in a fair way happy. It’s not a matter of formє food from іmenі vikhovantsіv. They are indifferent to those who didn’t think of the leaves before the childish day, but they didn’t so much, they’ve been told by Sokolovo, that they’ve more than once wondered about the power of the good people themselves. Fayina Andriyivna is grateful to her vikhovantsy for those who “didn’t drop us from them in the one who was given“ to the wrong kind ”." Vona vvazhaє, scho lived her life well, vikhoyuchi in children kindness and honesty.

In literature, there were some butts, if the daddy instilled in their children a hibny value, but it didn’t lead to anything good. Zgadaimo Gogolivsky Chichikov, who gave Nastanov a small coin to take care of his skin, as a dad, has grown into new greed and love of cynicism in the bag. Accumulation has become a mark of all life for the new. Friends are not important for anyone, but they are not worth a penny. Repeatedly zrajuyuchi, I myself will be issued and presented to the ear of the way. Alas, it’s not so easy to know the fair intelligence of the fair values.

In the announcement of R. Bredrebi, "Veld" is the main heroes of Vend and Peter, who are zhakhlivy vchinoks: they drive in vlast fathers. The first thing about vbivstvo is not vipadkovo, all the rockies of the children lived, only those who want to smell the stench, didn’t forget about the dzherelo of their blessings. Analyzing the text of F.A. Sokolova's mind of intelligence: do not often over-relish, deceit and horror, faith in goodness is not guilty of knowing; do not need to be afraid of being kind and for ordinary people to stand up to the filthy one: "Pride and purity to oppress people 's honor"

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